Reminder to gas all the kikes

Reminder to gas all the kikes

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so did it really happen or no? Make up your mind

if you think it didn't happen there's something wrong with you, it's like thinking the Earth is flat.

I've met old people in my life who still had their number tattood on their arm

We totally believe you, Mr Goldstein

>being anti-semitic nazi
being mutt is suffering right

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At least the kikes dont spam my video game board with 12yo tier edgy shitposting, I'd rather get you gassed.

It never happened but it should happen again.

Kill yourselves kikes

It's totally fake

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you gotta admit some sotries are really hard to believe, such as the really big electric chair where they would fry to dust hundreds of jews at a time

My great grandfather was gassed and was turned into a lampshade 6 times

the only reason so many ameriburgers are holocaust deniers is that they don't want to accept everyone can lose weight if they just stopped eating 2 extra large pizzas every 4 hours

you think this is funny you cunt?

my grandpa died in concentration camp

he fell from his watchtower while being piss drunk

>At least the kikes dont spam my video game board with 12yo tier edgy shitposting
you sure?

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Oy vey, dont forget about the 6 million lampshades
Or my favorite, the machine that would masturbate jews to death.

Yes I am sure

ok this is epic

My favorite was the minecart one. The one that would transport Jews along an underground train track and then do a hard stop and the Jews would fly into a room filled with fire

I bet (((you))) are.

My personal favourite is the one about the little mining cart they would shove Jews into and it would go fast down a slope and dump them directly into the oven.

The holocoaster lol

Remember teh one jew who claimed they were gonna gas him but he got away because he faked a stomach ache
Guess they didnt want him to have an upset stomach before they murdered him LOL

The majority died from Typhus. Lots died funnily enough because rations and medicine in supply line was destroyed by the "good" guys.

Also ironically the gas chambers were actually used to delouse clothes of Jews to STOP them from dying from disease. They were never used to kill them. There's letters from generals asking for repair parts for the gas chambers because they would constantly break down from over use after just a few runs and would be out of operation for weeks at a time.

But remember, they supposedly magically never stopped working and they gassed 10,000+ a day every single day somehow.

best thread on Yea Forums right now

Why would you tattoo someone you're going murder?

big if true

/pol/ needs to be destroyed

If you incels had sex, maybe you wouldn’t be so racist.

>Lots died funnily enough because rations and medicine in supply line was destroyed by the "good" guys.
is it true that on top of that mericans also gave sugar to the starved jews and most of them died of shock because their body couldnt handle it?

Don’t forget how ((they)) claim the reason there’s no mass graves is the nazis burned all the bodies despite even modern day crematoriums being unable to burn to ash as many bodies as they claim there were.

wHAT? Kikies are good at making money and movies. No.

And why would you ship them across countries to put them in a camp when you could just dig a pit and shoot them next to it?

Not after the last 5 years of libtards screaming nazi at everyone. Our numbers exploded

You guys are doing a better job at making racist nazi's then we are.
Thanks btw.