what the frick where they thinking?
What the frick where they thinking?
Other urls found in this thread:
Black man here. It's called reality. Step outside your house sometime
They wanted to make a joke that also accurately reflects the conditions of the world they were living in?
It was a joke, it didn't affect in game difficulty
I mean it's true.
joking about race wow so funny
This kind of commentary seems pretty in-line with what South Park does
Not accurate. The easy mode should have turned him into a loli.
>tfw you finally realize white privelege is IQ
so what's funny about it?
>They wanted to make a joke
They did, just like you just made a joke out of yourself.
You must really hate South Park if this joke bothers you.
One of the south park guys literally has a black 'my wife's son'. What did you expect?
Easiest difficulty should be a white woman
only idiots watch south park or edgy kids
Easy with the language Cartman. This is a blue board.
They go outside their mom's basement on occasion. Try it some time.
>Jew class
>they debuff you and they get stronger when they get hurt themselves
>thinks being rasict is socially acceptable, maybe leave your chair once in a while fedora man
SEETHING little white boys
Being black is harder because you have black parents which mean your mom spends her time twerking for someone to buy her clothes and phones and you don't even know who's your dad
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this pic.
It's funny because it's true
racist incels at their finest
>nigger class:
>always poor even when you're rich
>low int
>high stamina
>temporarily can't control your character due to no impulse control
>no father to teach you techniques
>High chance of dying between levels 15-21
That class kinda sucks.
dilate ;)
Jew class was actually the most OP.
I wanted to play this, as as I usually do, in the hardest difficulty
Do I really have to play as a nigger? Cuz that’s a no no for me
people still get upset at south park? that's bizarre
Its clever and funny
It did affect game difficulty, just not combat difficulty.
Imagine being this much of a retard
I'm black and it is fucking easy
"man Fuck that white priveledge men" is what you sound like
the inferior intelligence of niggers makes much of the modern world very difficult for them
Well yeah, picking low int characters tends to make life harder for you.
Remember when SJWs got mad at Season 19?
>we are NOT dudebros stop comparing us to them!!
It's a joke, Nancy, get over it. Imagine being such an incredibly stupid fuck you get offended by South Park, of all things.
>b-but they don't know my struggles as a NEET gamer!
Hahahaha, oh fuck.
You can say "nigger" here, newfriend. Nothing's going to happen to you.
>SJWs hate this joke because it makes light of racism
>/pol/cels hate this jokes because whites are the REAL oppressed
I like how this is basically admitting that being white is better but wait no thats wacist
Life is harder when your brain is awful and you constantly want to rape and steal in a developed nation that has a working police force.
I think one of them has a black wife. which is cool they got some damn good skin not like these white crusty bitches
It doesn't mean anything and it triggered everyone which was brilliant. Both games are great.
you being upset about it
>getting offended by South Park
Imagine being this much of a soccer mom.
"muh oppression"
*proceed to commit over 50% of the crimes
I wonder if the sacred cows in Poo in Loo land have it as hard as you
They made a joke, it's part of their job
Cows are treated abhorrently in India. It's the biggest load of hypocrisy on the planet. They won't eat the meat so cows are just driven off when they're useless and left to starve in streets.
life is hard when no one likes you or wants you around.
/pol/ doesnt think anyone is oppressed
they just want niggers, kikes and women to stop crying over everything.
Problem is idiots like think its crying when they point out your hypocrisy
>You cant judge an entire group by their skin color.
>All whites are racist.
But lets be honest, nogs, kikes and women know they're not oppressed, but by screaming they are gets them power. thats what it all comes down to and why they will never stop "being oppressed" no matter how much they are given.
The oppressed gets handouts and special treatment.
That's a lie. Skin color does not really change difficulty.
Cartman states it clearly when you choose it.
Try applying for a job you’re underqualified for, and be surprised when they actually hire you and prop you up. The only hard part of being black is being ugly and retarded and white women not wanting to fuck you.
You start with the "high crime numbers" perk?
Or with a "victim card" item?
Shut the fuck up lmao. Imagine being this upset over an online comment
are you blind?
>Oprah Winfrey is a multimillionaire media empress and one of the most influential people in the US
>but she’s black so her life is harder than my broke ass because straight white male
Liberalism is a mental disorder
The internet is serious business these days kiddo
>>All whites are racist
He didn't say that
>comedy series makes joke
who would've thought
Can confirm
t. Loner
low iq makes things harder
Yet another Kali Yuga prophecy fulfilled
>didn’t get the job he interviewed for because of an affirmative action hire
>hometown now looks like a third world country, the billboards there aren’t even in english
>sister ran over and killed in DUI by illegal alien
>fiance raped by Somali immigrant
lefty hypocrisy i meant. Not the poster himself
Im not mad. I feel sorry for those people. Crying until something is given to them is a sad way to live.
Do you think calling me mad means you win an internet argument or something?
Kek get a load of this simp, anons. He doesn’t understand the difference between class and race
Stop being delusional. Ethnics have it FAR easier than Caucasians now-a-days
Apparently neither does the left
After all, white men can never know what being poor is like. isnt that some retarded shit bernie sanders said?
i'm black and i think it's funny as fuck
matt and trey probably do too
dilate tranny
Post that webm in europe with black dudes with white girls
God I wish the combat was better. That tile shit really turned me off to it.
But its true that black people suffer.
Real talk
Yea Forums caused 9/11
Nah that sounds like something fox said to scare simps like you
Black women are humanity's refuse, and so are you.
I thought one of them had a Japanese wife and is fluent in Japanese. Also I feel bad for what their kids look like. Imagine a mulatto Jew or a Japanese hapaJew. Matt and Trey are Jewish if anybody is still somehow surprised by this.
White women are humanity's tissue. They try to clean up everyone's messes, in the process leaving them soiled and used up.
damn you're dumb, dude
>upset about racism on Yea Forums
white privilege doesn't exist
tfw blonde hair blue eyes pure bred aryan living in an all white gated community in upper middle class suburbia. feels good man. i can go outside in the middle of the night and just walk around my neighborhood without a care in the world and without worrying about being raped by unsavory minorities.
Just because I suck mega thick black dick and have them pound my asshole doesn't mean I love and respect them. Do you genuinely think men love the woman they fuck or are in a relationship with? Dumb stupid faggot.
I can tell you failed basic algebra. user, tell me, what is the larger number?
3X or 4X
>Step outside your house
I can't, it's full of niggers.
you just get raped by your abusive stepdad instead
my parents have been married for about 30 years and i have never been raped tyvm. you got some weird fantasies user
show asshole
But I guess he is honary white or something?
(((Matt Stone)))
>gets into nice uni with no effort because they need more blacks on campus
>get preference for job hires so the company and virtue signal about how diverse it is
I mean... at least you know you're privileged. Not in denial like every other white.
spread your ass but like leave the underwear on since this is a blue board
you first
feels good to be white and not living in a rat infested shithole desu.
you first
I'm white and I lived in Seoul for 3 years. Never had to deal with racism.
it was a different time
It's funny because it's true. Can you imagine trying to live your life as a black man, or, God forbid, a black woman? Just resisting the urge to commit suicide would be like Nightmare mode.
I wouldn't expect anyone here to understand, but blacks genuinely have a harder time than whites. Higher crime rates, higher unemployment and disproportionate amount grow up without fathers. Is it any surprise when we realise they have it worse?
>we have it hard with all these things completely in our control that we do nothing about
This is due to theie low IQ and unwillingness to change.
I implore you to educate yourself on these matters before you embarrass yourself further.
White man here, can confirm it's easy mode
Exactly. Class is more impactful on your life circumstances than race. Thanks for proving my point libtards! :]
No one's going to comment on this? ok. FAGGOT.
It's a pretty accruate and funny and slightly socially conscious joke fitting for the preachy tone of South Park
This. Having an IQ of 85 makes life really challenging.
Being black is actually easier because there are items given to you that are OP at the time given by the taco guy and at tokens house
literally all of those problems are caused by black. blacks leave their kids, blacks beat their kids, blacks murder eachother en masse, they rob and steal from eachother, they ruin their own cities, etc etc etc.
Is it me or did everyone become more racist in real life thanks to Internet growing bigger? Weird as hell.
Race isn't an issue, until it is. That's the problem. We've implemented all these rules to make sure everyone has an equal opportunity. But then suddenly you can get stonewalled by just some random racist schmuck who decides he won't hire such-and-such race, no matter how qualified. Or you have people who would rather pursue the Mark application over the Demarcus application. You can stop speaking about race, but that's only putting your head in the sand.
Nice bait bro you'll be full on fish for months
That they were going to make joke that would be insanely controversial but fly over the head of anyone stupid enough to get offended over it.
Slit your wrist tranny freak with recessive genes
How is it not true? Literally nobody likes niggers, not even niggers.
>The only difference is literally pennies at the start
>It changes nothing else save flavor dialogue
>It can later be changed at will for no penalty
you right you right
Don't behave like a nigger and you won't get treated like one.
Why is this so difficult for you to understand.
The whole game was so WOKE, it disgust me, such a disappointment comparing to the first one
I don't know any trannies with hair as good as mine but nice try faggot
>But then suddenly you can get stonewalled by just some random racist schmuck who decides he won't hire such-and-such race
What is the problem here? His money, he can decide who the fuck he hires no?
I work at a chink restaurant. And my boss don´t hire sandniggers, but he does hire white people. And everyone is okay with that, cause sandniggers, 90 out of 100 are bad apples. And the other 10? Get job somewhere else. Is not like you want to work for someone that don´t want to hire you cause of your skin colour, but is up to him.
>see it as a joke
>play black anyways for game2
>literally nothing different from game1
>then realize that fucking Freeman and other misc black characters give you super fucking powerful relics just for being black
>load up game1 with white kid
>go to mackey to change race
>get shittalked from Freeman for not being a natural black
you can control the actions of everyone around you
I think the only time I got offended by South Park was Cartman being Brad pit with Black protestors as Zombies in WWZ episode.
And even then it was less
“I’m going to write an article about this!” Offended but more
“Man fuck you” offended
unironically based picrelated
Why black folk gotto be like that? Go and work for a black boss instead? I mean plenty of rappers got clothe chain stores, they are black, they surely will hire you black folks right?
>High stamina
Uh, no, higher str, low stam. They have high quick twitch fibers, not high slow twitch like europeans.
>Don’t worry this doesn’t affect combat just every other aspect of your whole life
/pol/ hardly believe oppression exist, at least with the current model that claims victimhood is a superpower.
I'm going to make a game where starting as a woman gives you stat penalties across the board except that in return you get an army of beta male orbiters and white knights who give you gifts and fight enemies for you based on your attractiveness level, which declines over time. If you can manage to get Chad to commit and marry you, he will complete the main quest for you while you raise children and do side quests. If you complete the main quest all by yourself with no help from anyone, you will win a merit badge of respect. Chad will have married Stacy.
There were thinking it would be controversial and generate buzz for the game, which it did
Based user
The world needs more people like you
Unironically me
I don't care about anything anymore
Sausga, Ainz-sama.
the moment you snap and just stop caring is so freeing
I work as a manager at a hotel. I'm supposed to be hiring my own staff but my GM keeps over riding me. After interviews I make my choice a white female and she immediately rejects it and forces me to hire a black female. I go with it because fuck it at least the spot is filled. She proceeds to show up late and refuses half of her duties because I quote "I did NOT just get my nails done to risk getting them fucked up lifting boxes and stocking shelves." I fired her after a week. I start the long ass hiring process again which is a huge fucking pain because the listing has to stay up for a minimum of two weeks before I can hire someone so that's two whole weeks I'm under fucking staffed. Finally get to interviewing and I pick someone this time an Asian male that bent over backward in an effort to get this job. Highly motivated and even went out of his way to learn about the hotel even though its a 10usd front desk position. GM vetos me again and forces me to hire another black girl. I try to fight it saying its my staff but my GM utterly ignores me. This one lasted 2 months before we caught her writing down guests credit card numbers and then using them. Cops got involved and it was nasty. On to another two weeks of being understaffed. Do the whole process again and I chose a white guy. He is in college and seemed perfect for the position. Guess what? GM overrides me AGAIN for another black girl. This time she is dumb as a fucking box of rocks. Literally cant use a computer and finish the online training. I don't care and just get her on the desk. She can handle everything that doesn't require the computer like maintenance requests. She some how fucks that up. Its literally just filling out a fucking form. I tried to fire her and my GM told me no and that if I did she would contact HR for "discriminatory practices." I fired her anyway because she literally could not do the job and I had proof. This shit is a pain in my ass. Yall get free passes and chances
Not that I entirely disagree with an average black person having a harder time in life, but it feels like South Park stopped being edgy and insightful and started being like everything else and too preachy. I think when they did an entire season on current politics it was proof that they ran out of ideas and the show was dead.
They want it to die so they have more time to do other projects, but money is money
More or less the same expeirence, and what trips me up and makes me angry, this people dont fucking apply themselves. A hundred of other people want the job, and will be hard workers, but they can´t get hired cause of HR, they have to be black, that is racism.
It was really just the 2016 election season that failed due to them putting ALL of their eggs and plotlines on that Hilary would win
So when trump won the whole season now makes no sense and looks retarded
As long as they never do a season wide narrative again and stick with the classic formula like they've gone back too for the current seasons they'll be fine
Black people have it hard because they're dumb af
Why do people make threads on Yea Forums to bitch about /pol/?
If more men got into HR this would'nt be a problem, but its tailored for women.
Men in HR gets bullied, men can not handle that. Women HR, no one with a sane mind wants to touch that, is like one tap on the shoulder and you are going to be fired.
To take screencaps to prove /pol/ won't say in /pol/ to post on /qa/ about deleting /pol/
You’d think blacks would get offend by this not /pol/tards
So it's falseflagging
White people get offended by it because being white doesn't mean your life isn't hard. The entire thing is meant to be a satire of the sentiments shared by society that black = difficult and white = ezmode.
But ironically it doesn't actually change anything int-game. It's meant to poke at the people who actually think this way.
It's like how white women get mad on behalf of black people.
Or they’re being bitches and getting mad at an obvious joke
Damn nigger outing himself, what an idiot.
>delete /pol/
Are they saying niggrows are stupid and can't achieve things?
Also /pol/tards get mad about it because they think the game isn't being ironic about it because most of them think all television and media is lefty trash and that South Park is part of it instead of being the thing that's covered in ten levels of irony like it's always been.
That's the joke, yes. But the actual joke is about people who really think that way unironically instead of being an endorsement to that mindset.
You whites are so insecure. This board loses it's mind when ever there's a black character in a video game. It's so fucking hilarious
Actually no, because it doesn't actually change anything in the game. It's meant to be a placebo to trick the player into thinking the game is harder than it actually is, when in reality they're getting the same experience everyone else is getting but are under the impression it's harder.
Just like real life.
Got to be afraid of the boogeyman some place.
It really doesn't. Find the complaints about Rodin or Morrison
It's really just your bias because you click on every single one of these fucking threads.
you can't trade (You)s for foodstamps
Based LV poster
>dude i was just talking about a type of cake that people typically eat with syrup+butter for breakfast
this has NOTHING to do with pancakes!
I'm mixed and the future. Ask me anything.
I've lived in three northern states, two southern states and Germany. I've had more opportunities because of my skin color, and the only shit I get is from Yea Forums, which I don't care about because we're all autists, and other black people. I've been called Uncle Tom, house negro, been attacked and choked out as a child by teenagers because the shade of my skin is lighter than theirs, ect.
Niggers hate niggers. I guess the meme makes sense in that aspect
Based. Show these fragile whiteoids the real world.
>Dude I was making a pancake reference earlier in the thread, why can't you stop bitching about pancakes almost a hundred posts after I made it?
The question still stands, why do you come to a Yea Forums thread to bitch about /pol/? Are you obsessed or something? The thread is about a video game, why are you bitching about a completely different fucking board?
Probably. Makes sense since they're libertarians.
But Yea Forums loves black chicks and black dudes that wind up being cool, you cuckold.
>he gets upset watching south park
>dude i just want to go to every board but /k/ and talk about real weapons constantly, whats wrong with that?
It's a joke, Chuckles.
>Dude no one will take me seriously when I bitch and moan about /pol/ on /qa/? Where can I go to get attention?!
>I know!
Yea Forums - Video Games
But the richest kid in town is black, and he lives very happy life with stable parents. Meanwhile other kids have all kinds of fucked up shit going on.
Honestly, when living in a country with working law enforcement that's perfectly true.
If it were a third-world shithole where might makes right then the high aggressiveness and desire to kill would be making it easier.
>there is a board for cooking, but id rather talk about pancakes on Yea Forums
Nah he's right. If you were talking about cars I'd tell you to fuck off back to /o/. Fitness threads get deleted. Why is politics the exception?
Because everyone went retarded in 2015.
Its a joke for both sides. You can laugh and say "ha ha they're exaggerating racial claims by equating it to a video game difficulty" or "ha ha it's true being black is hard mode"
Being black is still easy mode if you live in a first world country.
What if you went to a Forza thread and started bitching about /o/ and /o/fags and how everyone in the thread needs to fuck off to /o/?
That's what you're doing here in every one of these threads and you honestly need to fuck off. If you can't restrain yourself from clicking a thread about things you hate just to bitch about a completely unrelated topic, then Yea Forums isn't for you.
Show us your penis.
>I clicked a thread about pancakes and people are talking about pancakes?!?!!! WHY WONT THEY FUCK OFF TO /CK/ FUCKING CK FAGS I BETTER BITCH FOR TWO HUNDRED POSTS ABOUT HOW TRIGGERED I AM
Cope then seethe.
Yeah, she's privileged in knowing you fuckers would destroy countries just by being in them, go figure.
Based Black man telling all these white incels the truth
Try being an Arab. Black people get all the oppression attention, suffocating any other race or ethnicity related issues and challenges.
Reminder that anyone who thinks this is either lying or has lived all their life in a 99.9% same race community.
No. Not the same at all. Going on a bit of a tangent is fine. Having a videogame post in the op turn into a political discussion 5 posts in is not. I've almost certainly been here longer than an election tourist like yourself.
If someone posted CJ getting fit in San Andreas and the topic was immediately shit you could find in the /fit/ sticky it would get moved or pruned. I know because I've seen it happen.
>sister ran over and killed in DUI by illegal alien
I almost got killed by getting run over by an illegal.
I happened to not be standing where they crashed because I forgot something at work, and walked back, when they crashed one ran, I'm assuming he was illegal and didn't want to get caught and the other one was too fucked up to run
>I went to a board about comics and cartoons and i want to talk about pancakes! WHY WONT YOU FUCK OFF AND LET US TALK ABOUT PANCAKES NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR COMICS AND CARTOONS!
>Yea Forums loves black chicks
In every black waifu thread there’s always people screeching about “B-BUT SHE’S JUST WHITE WITH BROWN PAINT”.
stop using the n word here, it's cringe
>completely unrelated topic,
>completely unrelated topic,
>completely unrelated topic,
>completely unrelated topic,
>completely unrelated topic,
I've lived in the most multicultural city in the world and thing racism generally exists in low iq individuals and I think there's science to back me up on that. Disliking a culture is different though. I dislike plenty of cultures, including a lot of rural white culture and I grew up in a white farming town.
bump in case you downvoted
I've met one cool arab. He made school shooter jokes, and I mad suicide bomber jokes. He was also sharp as a whip and put effort into what he did, be it working or education. Point being, most of the people on Yea Forums talking about racial politics interact with other humans maybe once a month or so, and don't have the computational power to realize that people can put in effort and reap the rewards no matter what shade of shit your skin is. Other races are capable of producing people that try just as much as whites. It comes down to stupid shity people making stupid shitty decisions.
>Maybe I crank out 15 kids for benefits because I don't want to work
>Maybe I get addicted to smack because I'm too much of a coward to face reality and work to change it.
>Maybe I strap a bomb to my chest and blow myself up because some dude told me it'd get me laid and I can't think for myself.
Why do you cuckholds always try to suck up to people that hate you.
>Get out is based republican movie and is making fun of liberals, the real racists
Blacks hate you, get over it and stop giving a shit.
Take my like
sadly Enough Parker and Stone are massive Fucking libtards nowadayd
Trey had a jap wife, filled his house with jap things to impress her father, they divorced, he started dating LA strippers and ended up with one with a 10 year old kid. this was 8 years ago
yeah it's so tough being a white guy in a world where a handful of crazy college liberals would get upset if you race bait them with a line like "it's okay to be white"
I've never made a custom character with anything darker than maybe an odd peach skin color.
I can't bring myself to play tanned, brown, black, or burnt.
>food comparison
fucking americans
I'm a mutt but I'm a tall mutt and I'm that way with height. Can't play a manlet, it feels wrong. So I feel you.
>there are still people who think deleting /pol/ won't trigger the nuclear option
Reddit deleted their /pol/ and nothing happened.
Yeah thanks, you fucking reddit niggers.
All those trumpkikes moved to /pol/ here
this ain't fucking reddit, dipshit
fuck off back to it considering you want to sing praise for them
I don't go on /pol/ so I don't really care. Delete that and they'll go to stormfront or some other chan.
>implying repubican
Goddamn Americans are fucking entirely retarded when it comes to politics.
I am not going anywhere though, nigger. Even if you delete /pol/. I am actually hoping you somehow convince jannies to do it.
I was here before you and I use both websites. Reddit is better for porn than Yea Forums these days.
You've already left containment so it's not accomplishing anything anyway. I wish I could ban anyone with a frog or wojack saved. We'd lose 0 valuable posters.
no you weren't you fucking faggot, because if you were you would have known what a shitstorm /pol/ harbor was when m00t nuked it
trust me, you don't want that to happen again and neither do the mods and jannies
Why do people get so upset? It's true, everyone hates black people
Racism is bad, I was raised in a military family and have seen more of the country than the majority of Americans.
Cry more.
>An user posts racist shit
>Nobody bats an eye
>A black dude makes a post
>And everyone looses their mind
I got here in 2007. Maybe my memory is bad but I feel like it wasn't as bad as an average day is these days.
Based black bro, white people have no idea how hard life can be for non-whites.
Keep wishing, keep dreaming. It ain't gonna do nothing.
I'm really not that invested. There's stupid teenagers all over the internet now. I'll never get the 90s or early 2000s back so who cares.
Why do you guys hate black people so much?
this is a joke right
it's called "social commentary." it's a very funny kind of joke used by people who aren't easily offended. Go cry about it on reddit.
don't want to, too many niggers around
>someone who has a fetish about banning everyone wants 90s and 00s back
You're the one who ruined it.
We don't hate black people (that's pol). We hate niggers.
Yes, it's fucking satire, what do you not understand? Have you not seen South Park? It's been running for years I can't believe you haven't seen even a single episode.
>Yea Forums has become the triggered soccer moms complaining about South Park
>Yea Forums has unironically become Sheila
I'm convinced the 2016 election created a split timeline, and I got stuck in the batshit one
People got kicked and banned from servers all the time back then. I don't believe for a second you experienced it. Shit talk was so much funnier than meme spouting.
There was nothing to ban back then because people were cool. No one under 25 is worth a damn. The internet was ruined by memes.
/pol/ has done a very good job over the last decade
>be white/black mix applying to jobs
>can identify as either race
>"guess I'll go 'Easy Mode' for this job application by selecting 'white'"
>Jewish humour
>"its just a joke but it totally isn't and we know people will take it seriously when presented this way"
You don't know any mixed people do you?
I've known a black/white couple and their mixed kids since I was literally a baby. If you're mixed black/white you're going to select black on the diversity section.
Affirmative action is a thing, it favors blacks, and everyone knows it.
mixed Belgian/Native American here
i always go with the latter
There's a reason Elizabeth Warren (clearly white American politician) pretended to be Native American when applying to college.
never would've imagined that its actually edgelord faggots being offended by siuth park lmao
Yea Forums SJWs of 2019, wow
Damn man, all those replies. I'm jealous.
>Try applying for a job you’re underqualified for, and be surprised when they actually hire you and prop you up.
Been doing this for 2 years now and I'm not seeing this "affirmative action" you copefags love to resort to.
>Black man here. It's called reality. Step outside your house sometime
Why the fuck would I leave my house when there are black people everywhere?
That's because Yea Forums is literally obsessed.
Where do you live? Detroit?
If you do, them I'm sorry.
It's pretty easy to understand.
Being black gives you a -20% intelligence trait, which makes simple things like solving problems, reading and writing, simple grammar, arithmetic, locution, self-recognition, empathy, long term planning, or impulse control extremely difficult.
It's life on hard mode, really.
I'd feel sorry for them, but everyone tells me we have to keep acting like they're not different and just ignore it.
>Apply for jobs like street cleaning and trash pick up
>Get nothing at all
I've been forced to aim at the lowest of the low, and I still can't get a single job at the age of 32 because trying to go to college, having my co-signer die on me in the middle of my term, and the school and the loans both leaving me in debit and without credits to speak of black marked me so hard even the worse of the worse jobs don't want me.
I wish I could get hired and propped up being black, but all it's gotten me is more scorn and I'm just stuck working off of commission work to get by because the normal work force doesn't want anything to do with me.
>he still believes in free will and the bad decisions meme
the the only privilege is wealth
user, credit has literally nothing to do with minimum wage jobs. If you honestly think that's why someplace like Starbucks would reject you, then I can see why you're not getting the jobs. You're retarded.
>food analogy
ironically its the reverse, black people (and hispanics) are nobles who can do no wrong, if a white person has a dispute with a black person the black person wins by default.
Congrats, you understand satire!
Man, this board has gotten pretty white nationalist-y recently.
The left went crazy a few years back. This is the result of that.
it's homicide specifically
You probably write the typical black thing on your resume like being an "entrepreneur" or an aspiring rapper.
based and redpilled femanon.
You mean the left finally gained some balls? yes, I agree.
Arabs are considered white and some look white
>promoting men cutting their balls off to become women is now considering gaining "some balls"
These are Americans not Swedes
Your bone structure gives you away as a post-op
Hey now, remember. They aren't that intelligent you might need to explain it to them.
I hate white people. Fucking mayo-negros
Well, yeah. Who do you think was collecting all those loose balls?
That's the joke. His name is "Token" because he's the token black guy in the show full of Whites, and ironically he's the richest kid in town even though liberals want to convince everyone blacks are inherently inferior to Whites, and he doesn't get baited into political themes like when Cartman tried to tell him Black Panther sucked, Token literally didn't even watch the movie.
It's not making blacks look good or Whites look bad, it's just satire for the sake of humor.