>character doesn’t flirt with men or “act gay”, doesn’t discuss sexuality at all, literally would’ve never figured out if the game didn’t explicitly tell you, lore outside the game didn’t tell you, or one of the devs didn’t tell you
>Why is he gay then? Why isn’t he straight? What purpose does him being gay serve to the game or the story? This is forced diversity, you just made him gay for brownie points

>gay character flirts with men, has a husband or love interest, struggles with discrimination, etc
>Wow stop shoving your gayness down my throat, this is forced diversity, good gay characters don’t go on and on about their sexuality

How can you break this cycle?

Attached: Soldier76_portrait.png (653x669, 406K)

Other urls found in this thread:

There are gay characters that most people agree are implemented well. Arcade from NV is one example.

why are people concerned about the sexuality of characters in a non-story driven tranny multiplayer game

You can't. /pol/niggers will bitch about muh forced diversity no matter what.

Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire was released and it's written by the same dude, Josh Sawyer, that wrote Arcade. Yet that game got shitposted relentlessly for muh faggotry. The excuse is always the same: "Well, they became pozzed now" or whatever, but the obvious truth is that it's Yea Forums that changed, not the devs.

Yea but like OP said when a character isn't defined by his penis addiction like Aracde now it's always

Easy, just exclude faggots completely. They are only 3% of the population anyway, they wont be missed.

I think the big problem with the 76 reveal was how obvious it was that it was just made to deflect criticism/get them good boy points. They were in the middle of dealing with that fake girl pro thing and then they just threw together a story in 5 minutes to release to try to get people to talk about that instead.

If NV was released today, people would bitch about it.

I haven't played PoE, but the same person can write two characters differently. Just because he wrote one character well, doesn't mean all of their character will be written well.

See I don't get people like you. If they're only 3% of the population what reason do you have to hate them? How often do you even SEE gays irl? So why would you even care the few times you DO?

>Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire
Retard, POEshit had multiple writers.

Because Western writers think that all fags honestly only think about sucking each other off and getting fucked mainly because said writers live in California. What people mean by "flirt" is that they give actual tangible hints that they have some interest in someone else, not that they are fawning over their dick/pussy like Western game devs do. Real homosexuals can do this, but writers in media don't think so.

In 76's case he should've been Bi since he doesn't seem like a full gay, it does feel completely tacked on and after the fact.

just stop being gay

nah i like him gay. gives a middle finger to self insert fangirls

>all fags honestly only think about sucking each other off and getting fucked
they do though?

By lining everyone up with a twitter checkmark, and shooting them on live television.

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That's because it is. S76 100% was not gay when they were originally designing him.

100% true and everyone with a brain knows it

Oh, and if you think that San Andreas wouldn't be relentlessly shitposted with "WE" if it came out today for the first time, you're delusional.

Soldier 76 and tracer weren't gay on release, they waited until it was safe and then revealed it when the game was a success like all these cop out devs do

>Because Western writers think that all fags honestly only think about sucking each other off and getting fucked mainly because said writers live in California.
But this was the case for S76 and anons bitched because he didn't talk about how much he loves dick so it can be obvious that he's gay

Don't mention the sexuality at all if it isn't relevant. Randomly declaring 76 as gay was fucking dumb. No one cared or wondered. Stupid way to get attention.

>don't put faggots in games
Boom no problem

When is sexuality relevant in a game? You're just gonna bitch if they come up with a way to make it relevant.

Yeah, that's obviously what /pol/niggers are trying to get to, but fortunately it's not working.

Who do we know to be Canon gay characters in vidya?

Stop making this thread, you're missing your dilation.

>If NV was released today, people would bitch about it.
why though

I'm a gay guy surveying responses to this prompt for my senior thesis.

Even if a gay character is written in a well-done and realistic way, I'm afraid that being gay is still a sin and I'd prefer to not see it at all. Nobody can tell others how to live or prevent them from marrying and all that but nobody needs to show support either.

It would be relevant in any game with romance options.

It's pretty relevant in smut novel games. You're right though. I will bitch about it because I fucking hate gay people.

This. Arcade Gannon is not defined by being gay and it's just one of many facets of his character that you can uncover by interacting and travelling with him. Meanwhile Blizzard goes "GUESS WHAT GUYS WE GOT A GAY CHARACTER STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT WHO LOVES COCK! DING DING DING SOLDIER WAS GAY ALL ALONG, BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE, SEE WHO'S GAY NEXT."

>ask for solution to a problem
>get given one
so you made this thread just to hear yourself talk. OK have fun.

i fucking hate women so much

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Not more than you typical straight

why is this thread posted everyday?

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T. Seething blizzard writers
S76 never showed any sort of interest or any hint of his backstory other than "MUH OVERWATCH" and "IM JUSTA OLD SOLDIER". S76's problem is the same as all the other overwatch characters, they have no real character beyond a backstory that they all keep on bringing up like it means anything.

One of the only gay characters done right is Kung Jin.

That isn't how it was at all, you even had to go out your way to read a comic with just a brief mention of someone he loved from a picture he had about a year before.

Because trannies from Yea Forums and Yea Forums try way to hard to branch out

There are many gays IRL you'd never know were gay unless they told you. Also plenty of reserved older gays who are still uncomfortable with expressing interests in men because of how they were raised.

Make a character openly gay from the get-go, but don't make it relevant to the story.

Just stop making characters faggots desu

I'm not OP, but what OP is talking about is all the sleazy roundabout ways of saying "I don't want fags in gays" /pol/niggers come up with to try to get them out of vidya. They're just excuses. Of course if you say "I don't want homos in vidya", no one is gonna agree with you because you're an edeglord, so you have to come up with dishonest excuses like the ones OP presented.

Honestly, to me, at least, the dishonesty is way more annoying than the actual biggotry. Then again, I'm not gay.

GTA 5 too for that matter, the culture has changed so quickly

Because of Arcade being gay, that one lesiban follower from the Brotherhood of Steel and one ending where Cassidy fucks a random NCR soldier instead of the player character which anons would say the Courier is a cuck

>character doesn’t flirt with women or “act straight”, doesn’t discuss sexuality at all, literally would’ve never figured out if the game didn’t explicitly tell you, lore outside the game didn’t tell you, or one of the devs didn’t tell you
>Why is he straight then? Why isn’t he gay? What purpose does him being straight serve to the game or the story? This is forced heteronormativity, you just made him straight for normie points

People are mad about 76 being gay because they literally used it to cover up and deflect from a scandal you dumb tourist

Here's the thing about 76, no one and I mean NO ONE cares he is gay because of all of those things you said, because it was tacked on so late into the OW lore, and because it was tossed in the comics. It might as well not even have been added. I'm pretty sure only the biggest of Blizzcucks act like it's important.

>S76 never showed any sort of interest or any hint of his backstory
But isn't that what makes him gay being alright since his entire backstory didn't revolve around loving hairy ass and dick?

>Yeah, but it's okay when it's normal :^)
>Everything is normal by default

People only cared about 76 because it was the most transparent attempt ever to bring attention back to their game.

Difference is straight people outnumber fags by like 50 times.

name one gay male western character from the last 2 years people actually like.

There were a bunch of interviews where the writers kept going "There's more gay characters we've yet to reveal are gay!" I definitely remember at least 2 interviews where they did this. Then they released a shitty comic where the only thing anyone noticed about it was "OMG SOLDIER IS GAY!" Easy publicity stunt.

I wasn't even aware of a scandal. What happened?

>NO ONE cares he is gay because of all of those things you said
Here's the thing: There are 3 posters in this thread that have admitted that they just don't want developers supporting gay people in vidya. You have been categorically proven wrong by this exact thread. People do care. Not you, maybe, but people care.

BASED soldier 76
>don't get yourselves killed out there

idk any of his other lines

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because both /pol/tards and mentally ill trannies that go through their daily dilation by shitposting don't really give a shit about context or content
they just care about what encompasses their global political ""views"" and shitpost anything that doesn't conform to their echo chambers to death for a really vapid sense of self satisfaction and to cement their stupidly extremist views even further because that's all they really are, and beyond the vague notions of sociopolitical opinions that culminate in cartoonish extremism they're empty people with no capacity for rationale or critical thinking

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>What happened?
A red demon destroyed the chink menace at blizzcon.

That is part of their character then user, they don't just immediately turn on the gayness if they find a man who is also gay like Western game devs seem to think they do, they are either clearly shy about the subject or feel that it is not important. No matter how shy or "how they were raised" someone is, they will still be able to say what their sexual preference is or at least give out hints to it that are not intrusive.

don't say they're gay or have them be obnoxiously gay but instead have their be clues to their sexuality
most faggots won't come up to you and say "HEY DUDE I'M GAY LOOOOOOOOOOOL"

Stop caring about the sexuality of characters as though it's nothing but superficial.

That includes devs.

>retconning homosexuality is natural and good for story

Yea I'm pretty sure they said it in an interview but none of the characters make you outright now they're gay which makes them a good written gay character remember that NV had 2 gays

>Then again, I'm not gay
You are a total faggot though, sorry to break it to you

>No matter how shy or "how they were raised" someone is, they will still be able to say what their sexual preference is or at least give out hints to it that are not intrusive.
You underestimate how profoundly self-hating and internally homophobic a lot of boomer fags are.

>forced heteronormativity

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>How can you break this cycle?
Easy. Stop putting people with mental illnesses, such as homosexuality, into video games.

Arcade is "implemented well" in the sense that he is completely ostracized from his family, and is absolutely miserable with his life, as any realistic homosexual would be.

here's a surprise to you
most people here rarely go outside and when they do they likely don't meet gay people
most people here don't care about gay people
in fact I was the least fag hating guy in my school when I was a kid since I literally didn't give a fuck, whereas everyone else seemed to think it was cool to hate fags or whatever

the issue is shit like the gay pride parade or forced inclusion or drag queens giving talks to children or dumb shit like that

Why would literally anyone here care about who some random person in their town likes to fuck

Things that used to be ok in the past are now offensive to retards.

I forget the name of the person but the TLDR is;
>Girl suddenly appears in the highest tier of OW ladder
>She gets signed to an esports team
>Ton of people start calling bullshit and somethings fishy
>Blizzard and tons if games journos double down about how THE PATRIARCHY IS KEEPING FEMALE GAMERS DOWN
>Fast forward like a week late
>Oops, turns out /pol/ was right again
>Turns out she was streaming while her bf or guy she knew or something was actually playing for her
>All those "nasty trolls" go into "I fucking told you so" mode
>Like a week later S76 is revealed to be gay
Youd have to be an idiot to think they didnt do it to cover their asses and deflect. Literally what Bioware tried doing with gays back in like 2012 when people called ME3 shit.

>it's retconning cause it wasn't stated when he was first revealed.

(Brother) Nier got canonically fucked in the ass for money for Yonah and Emil is a big gay. I guess you can also count Nier falling in love and kissing Kaine as gay thing as well since she has a dick.

Attached: Niers.jpg (900x835, 595K)

I was talking about 76 specifically and how generally perceptions of the character haven't changed at all. His supposed sexuality is completely irrelevant, and arbitrary, it affects nothing. It would be like tacking on what his favorite foods are.

Any old man character without kids is obviously gay. A straight man would have had many children and grand children at Soldier 76's age.

what did he mean by this

>Stop putting people with mental illnesses, such as homosexuality, into video games.
No more Psychos in Borderlands I guess

>she has a dick.
and a pussy

>i wish faggots would stop acting like sissies
>why isn't he acting like a sissy he is gay?

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wait really lol?


>It's real

>Self-hating the fact that you are homosexual
It's not the 90's anymore user, people who claim that they were just "raised to not accept who they are" in regards to homosexuality are either mentally ill, mistake acting socially feminine as 'gay', or are attention seeking liars

Either the game has elements already of relationships such as gay straight bi whatever or you dont show any of that and leave it up to interpretation. you dont have to shove politics down peoples throats if you make characters more fleshed out to begin with.

also they literally just make up the story as they go on overwatch which is why its stupid to even care about this games lore. its gameplay is average too

Who cares?

You're kidding right? If San Andreas came out today SJWs would flip shit about their "racist portrayal of POC", /pol/ would probably still find it hilarious

If you don't know what happened then don't reply


Only one or twice in these last two years. Sure they are rare irl. But they make up for 60% of people on the internet.

They already claim that GTA series is racist though. You have to remember that today's SJWs are almost exactly the same as the Puritans from the 80's.

Yup! Blizzard memory-holed that shit so fucking fast by coming and being like HEY HEY, SOLDIER 76 IS GAY, HEY, LOOK, GUYS LOOK. LOOK HOW PROGRESSIVE WE ARE. HAHA, NO DIRTY LAUNDRY HERE, JUST PROGRESSIVISM

Frankly I dont care if they want to write 76 to suck cock, but the timing is just too fucking coincidental for me to believe it was done as anything other than a PR stunt/coverup.

You literally can't.

For example, the LGBT-BBQ make up about 3-5% of the population of any given US state. This amounts to millions of people, but is ultimately still a small minority, especially once you start dividing it into different sub demographics of sex and sexuality flavors. That means the majority of writers will still be heterosexual men or women and that the choice to write a gay character will have to be a conscious one, as it's a commonly understood fact that writers will write based on their lives and what they've seen, even if it's done subconsciously. In order to justify using something that isn't "Vanilla" to them, they have to use the special qualities of the different subject they're writing about, and that creates gay characters that will typically feel gimmicky and forced regardless of their depiction, but then there isn't a solution in having gay writers because as a special demographic writer, they typically feel a subconscious need to overcompensate for the fact that they're a minority. That leads to their depictions of these characters to feel forced, as even if they strive to have a boyfriend/husband or experienced some sort of ridicule/discrimination for being gay, they will almost certainly write it in a way that's pulled off as pure, delusional wish fulfillment.

So aside from some writers just being flat out good and being able to handle writing gay people without being a complete and total fag, your only hope for widespread decently written and received lgb characters is for the majority of the population to be gay, and that's just not feasible.

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The thing is when Vice City came out people did call it racist with the Haitians. People just ignore this shit now.

This argument never made sense since being Hetero IS the norm and Homosexuality IS the abnormal, its a false equivalence. Thats just a matter a fact but people take it too personally in being othered even if its the truth.

>gay character flirts with men, has a husband or love interest, struggles with discrimination, etc
>Wow stop shoving your gayness down my throat, this is forced diversity, good gay characters don’t go on and on about their sexuality

Why give a fuck? If it's done well/ tastefully and to your liking why care that other people shit on it? Just enjoy the shit you enjoy.

What you're really asking, the actual intent behind this question is how do I convince, manipulate, or force others into approving of or celebrating gays. And you don't. there will ALWAYS be people that disapprove of things you like or enjoy or are, that's life. Learn to get comfortable with yourself and your tastes and stop seeking the permission of others to be yourself.

Based cali hating fag

Because nowadays you retards get offended at pretty much anything and everything with a tinge of rainbow in it.

>at the end of the article there's tweets of girls being angry because it makes it harder for them to go pro
>even though some literal random nobody proved it's far easier for a girl to get into a team than a guy

you do A but do it at the start you don't make the character gay for brownie points

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And you had to dig deep for such interviews and side content because nothing from the game itself actually indicates that they're gay. And you know, the game itself is what matters. Nothing was ever pushed down your throat, you actively went ahead and chose to get offended at something that doesn't affect you or the quality of the game.

Sexuality shouldn't be mentioned gay/straight if the characters aren't in relationships.

Yeah, the whole scandal's a fucking mess and it kind of pisses me off how easily Blizz got to sweep it under the rug.
Fucking hate how companies get to use shit like LGBT to totally deflect and cover their own ass, and dumbass normies dont see how awful and manipulative that is.

Resetera trannies would be mad that he doesn't outright scream he's a cocksucking homo and that you need a skillcheck to even find out about his sexuality. They also complained about Erica in Catherine even though he's another well written lgbt character.

>most flamboyant character of all time
>super catty and calls everyone "darling" like Freddie Mercury
>has whole parade full of sissy boys he takes care of
>"best friend" is big muscle friend in pink
>dresses in super gay alternate outfits
>game never comes out and says he is gay, but would really need to suspend your disbelief to believe he isn't
>pretty much everyone agrees he is the most based member of the party
to be fair he is at least bi, since he can be charmed by female enemies.

Attached: Sylvando_3.jpg (1920x1080, 1.13M)

>How can you break this cycle?
Dont mention sexuality at all unless it is somehow relevant to the story or the gameplay

There is more to the human experience than genital preference

That's mainly because in Asian cultures being flamboyant is masculine.

>Resetera trannies would be mad that he doesn't outright scream he's a cocksucking homo and that you need a skillcheck to even find out about his sexuality.
Are you seriously getting mad about what you think Resetera might complain about? Holy shit.

is it still possible to get a cute gay bf on Yea Forums or has the world changed

It is relevant in Soldier's case, it fleshes out his backstory.
>There is more to the human experience than genital preference
Yeah, such as romantic love. Soldier just so happens to love a dude, not his genitals per say.

Well since you seem to know a lot about resisters tell us about how they thought

That's subjective and only heard it happen once here in the last few years

Why should I care about whatever resetera thinks or whatever?

First post and we're already name dropping Arcade. I'm glad we've streamlined this process, but it's also pretty upsetting that people still think he's a well-implemented "gay character."

Arcade likes to fuck men, but that's not an important aspect of his character. His relationships with his family and the Enclave are more important than his gayness. He's not like Boone whose entire character is built on his relationship with his dead wife, or Cass who spends the time she's not talking about drinking talking about cock. If you kept everything about New Vegas the same but switched Arcade's character and Cass and gave them the opposite dialog and backstory, people would look far less favorably on Arcade. His status as a good gay character is predicated on don't ask don't tell where you think being blissfully ignorant of his orientation is a positive instead of just a neutral point. As if Arcade being more forward and open about his sexuality would make him a less valuable character.

As for OP, the truth is that most people are fine with gay characters. There are people like me who hate developers (chiefly Blizzard) patting themselves on the back for adding queer characters to their games as a substitute for good writing or actual content, but people who just don't like gay characters will ONLY accept the Arcades of the world. They want to pretend that a world where gay people aren't allowed to express themselves and be open and honest about their sexuality and attractions is ideal, nothing will change that.

>umad bro
nah I'm just saying how the times have changed. No sjw game journos complained about lgbt representation when NV came out, and people only just now have started calling Catherine transphobic. I didn't see people say anything about it back in the day.

venom from gg is a much better character

dont expect anything from chu, his lorebook is just a polished turd

I thought the gay guy in this game was well implemented. Meanwhile the gay Ellie trailer was not. I didn't play the gay DLC though so someone's gonna have to redpill me on it.

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S76 has no backstory other than "gruff military man loses it all and is back for revenge". You are trying to justify bad writing as 'fleshing out' when in reality if we saw a picture of S76 with a softball it would provide more insight to him than Blazzard has ever done

Don't make gay characters.

>nah I'm just saying how the times have changed.
If you say so. I'd honestly recommend that you stop giving a shit about resetera.

Is this what outing a shill looks like?

>character doesn’t flirt with men or “act gay”, doesn’t discuss sexuality at all, literally would’ve never figured out if the game didn’t explicitly tell you

This sounds like me, except for I'm not gay.

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>S76 with a softball

That would be wholesome as fuck.

He has no backstory because the moment they try to flesh out details about it, such as his romantic interests, you all chimp out and either bitch about him being a homo or say "Urgghhh but why should we care about this? Gameplay gameplay urrduuurrrr flesh out the gameplay instead!" There's literally no way to win with you, you just want people to bend at your every bend and whim.

not vidya but Omar Little from The Wire was aight

Homosexuality is a mental illness caused by childhood molestation and homosexuals literally can not feel love like normal, healthy people can.
>Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation.
>Biometric modeling revealed that, in men, genetic effects explained .34–.39 of the variance [of sexual orientation], the shared environment .00, and the individual-specific environment .61–.66 of the variance. Corresponding estimates among women were .18–.19 for genetic factors, .16–.17 for shared environmental, and .64–.66 for unique environmental factors. Although wide confidence intervals suggest cautious interpretation, the results are consistent with moderate, primarily genetic, familial effects, and moderate to large effects of the nonshared environment (social and biological) on same-sex sexual behavior.

>In instrumental variable models, history of sexual abuse predicted increased prevalence of same-sex attraction by 2.0 percentage points (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.4, 2.5), any same-sex partners by 1.4 percentage points (95% CI = 1.0, 1.9), and same-sex identity by 0.7 percentage points (95% CI = 0.4, 0.9)

Attached: homosexuals cannot love.gif (500x284, 3K)

It's not only resetera though, Almost every big vidya journo site complains about the same thing.

I'm saying you should stop caring about resetera.

Why should they be excluded?
How does the presence of a gay in a game affect (You)?

First off, fuck you faggot
Secondly, in Arcade's situation, why would he need to open about about his sexual orientation? He's a doctor, what, do you want him prancing around in technicolor scarves and hitting on his patients? Arcade is a good character that reflects the silent majority of the gay community, ones that don't let what they liked shoved in them completely define their personality.

>How does the presence of a gay in a game affect (You)?
It hurts my feelings :(

Overwatch has no sexuality. It has SENSUALITY, in that some things are very erotic, but there is no explicit sexuality between any of the characters with anyone else. All sex was in the past (Anna as a mother, or Widow as a widow.)

That's why giving any of the characters a SEXUAL preference feels unnecessary, and jump plain ol shooped.

There's no winning with you people. Would you rather have had soldier be a prancing effeminate guy?

truth is that people don't want gays in games but can't say that forthrightly else they face social terrorism from the twitter mob, media, and sometimes the state. this forces people to attack the issue obliquely, there is the true resolution to the (true) contradiction you point out

There is no cycle. The top paragraph is a legitimate complaint, the bottom is just Yea Forums sperging

Soldier 76 isn't a good example of this because he was made gay in post rather than either leaving him sexuality ambigious(as it was in game) or making him flamer. It's some JK rowling level of shit where after the product is released you make comments about canon to appeal to an audience

imagine wanting to fuck a gender made entirely of people who hate you and your brothers

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Sounds like me irl but I am gay

>truth is that people don't want gays in games
I wonder how deep in the closet these people are.

I believe you user

hang all faggots

Hetero is common and gays are uncommon. Their presence in media shouldn't affect you, just as you people say non whites don't need to feel represented in media in order to enjoy it

Most people don't know the difference in todays slut culture.

i am one of those people, gays will always exist but they shouldn't be normative in the culture, tolerated but relegated to the fringes of society. this actually would boost the sexual taboo and fun to be derived from it for them

By not needing to specify every characters fucking sexuality. Why do we need to know who these 1 dimensional character steroptypes want to fuck?

Soldier is literally just
>muh generic badass old war vet
>btw he loves dick in his ass :^)

Do we know the sexualities of the tf2 cast? No, cause its isnt fucking relevant.

Do not include gay characters at all. Bi women are allowed.

>btw he loves dick in his ass :^)
Why do you assume that he's a bottom and not a top? Sounds like projection to me.

>Defined by penis addiction
Did you even play New Vegas?

>Why do you assume that he's a bottom and not a top? Sounds like projection to me.
most buff or straight acting fags are pushover submissive bottoms during sex

>Soldier in Overwatch
>Years later devs just say "Oh yeah hes gay lol"
Wow amazing

I never used to hate you, but that's all changed.

Attached: homosexuals.png (1440x2560, 1.89M)

>>character doesn’t flirt with men or “act gay”, doesn’t discuss sexuality at all, literally would’ve never figured out if the game didn’t explicitly tell you, lore outside the game didn’t tell you, or one of the devs didn’t tell you
Yet we were told, which is the problem

>Poorly implemented gay character
>His gayness isn't his entire personality
That's a fantastic step for gay characters, you fool.

Because they weren't subtle about it. If he was gay, he didn't act flamboyantly. So if they hinted at his homosexuality instead going "Oh yeah, he smokes pole." It would've been fine. But they wanted social justice points.

My perception of him went way down. Blizzard took captain america and made him a faggot because they hate white people.

Being in the fringe, being underground and excluded is what allowed the problems in the gay community to fester. Especially when talking about STDs.

This is your brain on faggot. Is it really so hard to believe some people don't want a dick in their ass?

What if it was a rumour but never confirmed.

Or it was a playful joke like garterbelt from psg.

Wrong, open faggots are even more promiscuous than hidden ones, and now they attempt to publicly sexualize and brainwash children

this. Arcade's entire world view should be related to him sucking dicks

If you are triggered that a character is gay, and make excuses about
>muh lazy writing
>muh miniscule lore
>it affects nothing
You are just trying to hide your hate for gay people because you know your position is retarded but you cant yet accept you were wrong. Your not smarter or cool for hating gays. You are aligning yourself with retarded fundementalist religious people or just psychotic american protestants.
Game characters sexuality literally doesnt matter if you dont like it. Just turn off the game nigga. Its not like any of you play games anyway.

But why are you affected by a gay existing in a videogame though? Are you being forced by gunpoint to watch solider fucking his husband?

Cause Id like to bend 76 over and show him a good time, fag.

>regurgitated /pol talking points

>be gay
>no interest in pride
>no interest in representation
>no interest in becoming a "community" with other sexual minorities
>just want other like minded bros to love and fuck

And you know this because...?
Okay, that's hot.

Gay people are universally a blight on the world.

Go back

Its not that their presence affects me its just that its done wrong or poorly. Same thing with Diversity it feels like people have actually gotten WORSE at writing woman and diverse casts, like they're trying too hard or too little. Somehow when I watch old movies and shows with female leads and diverse casts their writing is much more better than how it is today. Don't settle for pandering and below average mediocrity because thats all I see nowadays.

id rather have tracer kiss emily in a cinematic because gays cant love they only fuck and live a sad life of hedonism and emptyness :))

lesbians have more hope though, unless she wants to kill the people of the other gender/dominate her gf to suicide

Why is the first thing that came to your mind is 76 taking it up the ass?

>And you know this because...?
I've seen it.

the only purpose of a woman is for creating children. they all must be kept at an unconscious eternal sleep inside a machine for the sole purpose of being inserted sperms for child creation. they are the plague.

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>Make a character retroactively gay because it not only fits perfectly into degenerate fanfiction, it also gives you back the points lost for daring to make Zarya a typcial untrusting, new age Russian instead of a hyper tranny charged muscle"girl'
Even the most disconnected retard in high school Literature class can see this Rowling-ian retcon is forced for literally no reason other than to pander

but at least it isn't as bad as jao shoehorning

Attached: Sakura_Part_1.png (1440x1076, 1.2M)

>be faggot
>be mentally stable
>cant relate to 99% of other faggots
Checks out

>but why are you affected by a gay existing in a videogame though?
Because it's disgusting and makes the character less likable

>How can you break this cycle?
The hunter in white orchard in TW3, who only reveals he's gay if you heavily insist on asking his backstory, and uses kind of an understatement

>How can you break this cycle?
Don’t make being gay what defines their character

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(you) are completely correct and explained that whole issue well.


Because that's ehat blizzard intended. "See this cool white guy? Well he's a faggot"

wow congrats you're normal.

>felt attraction to boys since i was little
>never molested
>have cute bf for 3 years running
>both each others first bf and virgins
Oh no user am I the 1% of the 5% or are studies done on gay men mostly bullshit? Any older gay guy has lived in fear of death of being found out or too openly gay. This is what created the 80s gay club scene, and had so many men doing only hookups. They were not allowed to have normal relationships. The gay community is still recovering from this, but these numbers are certainly off and not representative as a whole.
Even if they were, why does it matter. Inb4 muh pedophiles are all gay lie

This is rich coming from a shut in with no social life and who most probably is ostracized in his daily life. Poor dat

Yes, of course it's made to pander. Why is it bad though? Many other "fandoms" get pandered to all the time, there are entire game genres that are made to pander.

Soldier being gay was never the problem. the problem was that they hamfisted it after the fact for diversity points. They didn't go into development with him being gay in mind. They didn't go into development with anyone's sexual orientation, aside from Widowmaker in mind, because it was irrelevant to every other character, and being married to her husband, an overwatch agent was central to hers

Yeah, probably a firsthand experience. I'm just wondering if you were the one doing the fucking, the one getting fucked, or just a cuck watching.
At least you're honest about it lmao

It normalizes degeneracy.

Accept that the vast majority of people don't like gay shit.

They only said he's gay. You're the one imagining him having sweaty, gay sex

>This is what created the 80s gay club scene, and had so many men doing only hookups.

I see - anything negative about you and your mental illness, it was caused by straight people? Tell me more.

Agreed, no if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go jerk off to rape hentai with the new pocket pussy I bought.

Reminder that non straights in the US are a larger group than asians. If your argument is "muh fring group so they dont matter stay out of muh vidya" you should be whining even more for asians.

Who's this dude and why should we care that his feefees were hurt?
What "degeneracy"? Stuff that hurts your feelings?

>muh degeneracy
>posts on Yea Forums

You do know that as soon as there is global conflict, you will be hunted down and killed, right? Homosexuals will be burned in big pyres to kill the HIV.

Attached: faggots.jpg (1095x1545, 649K)

Because on top of the story canonically being a fucking travesty to begin with, they didn't make the original character a certain way, and formed him to be a soldier's redemption tale
Except you can basically see the sticky not slapped at the end of "Soldier 76"'s title with "BY THE WAY HE IS A HOMOSEXUAL TOO OKAY?"

Thats not what I said retard. I see your argument is so weak you can only resort to pathetic baiting.

You don't understand my point, but you still replied anyway. Arcade is held up as a positive portrayal of gays on this board solely because he isn't open about his orientation. Not because of what his orientation means for his story. Not because he has meaningful romantic relationships that humanize him. The only thing Yea Forums praises the writers for, time and again, is the fact that Arcade's sexuality is buried under dialog options they can comfortably ignore. It's the implication that a character cannot possibly be loud and proud and well-written at the same time, because Arcade is the Gold Standard Yea Forums constantly brings into these conversations.
>in Arcade's situation, why would he need to open about about his sexual orientation?
There are precious few people who "need" to be open about their orientation, but why would it be worse if he was even if the rest of his character remained the same?
I invite you retards to also read my reply.

>Stop putting people with mental illnesses...... into video games.
what a terrible idea.

>what degeneracy?
Homosexuality. It spreads disease, it undermines the sanctity of traditional marriage, it's a leading cause of the decline of western civilization as a whole

>muh degeneracy

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By not having gay characters, kill all fags

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There is a problem with gay characters in videogames. Also in television and film, but not quite as bad.

People will often claim to have absolutely no problem whatsoever with gay people. They say this to make sure that they cannot be called a homophobe or be criticised in any way when they make their next point.
Then they basically say they don't want gay characters in their games.
Then the excuses come out.
>it's not important
So why does it bother you?
>I don't care about any of the relationships in my games, I just want games!
A little autistic, but okay. I can agree with that, games should be games. However, if a story-driven game like an RPG has a gay character in it, why does that irk you?
>it's just pandering to the LGBT crowd
This isn't fair. You can always just call it pandering and keep gay characters out of fiction forever that way. You can't tell me you don't have a problem with homosexuals if you want to pretend they don't exist.
>I'm okay with gay characters as long as it never gets mentioned
Well then you're not REALLY okay with gay characters, are you?
>the gay characters are always written really badly!
That's the secret, user. All videogame characters are written badly.

If your cocky male teammate jokes about having slept with 5 women the night before, you wouldn't think twice. If your cocky male teammate jokes about having slept with 5 men the night before, you're irked by that. Why?

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homos get the rope

The stigma has only gotten worse because AAA studios can’t write gays in an endearing way, they always come off as preachy or sounding like they’re pushing an agenda. Instead of writing good characters that happen to be gay, they write gay characters that just aren’t good

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It is a problem. Faggotry should only be applied to weird or evil characters. That's how it is IRL.

You cant even stand up to your mom. Why should we fear you

Two wrongs don't make a right

I think he's referring to the degeneracy of homosexuals contributing nothing to the upkeep of our species thru procreatins. If everyone was gay we'd go extinct fairly quickly.

>I'm not like the other girls!

sure, because gay people just were hated when they began to doing parades and things like that right?

I can cherrypick studies too

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>If your cocky male teammate jokes about having slept with 5 women the night before
This rarely happens, and when it does happen that character is portrayed as a fucking loser.

It's not a paradox if one of the elements happening is due to bias.

Soldier 76 is a bland character before being a gay character

>It's the implication that a character cannot possibly be loud and proud and well-written at the same time,

Just like real life!

You/others hate gays because there are poorly written gay characters and this causes you to stigmatize real people?
Talk about mental illness

Lmao, how will they even be able to tell that I'm homosexual? The only ones that will get clocked are the overly flamboyant ones. I'll just pretend to be straight. Or what, do you believe that the gaydar is a thing?
>It spreads disease
Straight people spread disease, McDonalds spreads obesity, mosquitoes spread disease, posting on Yea Forums all day long spreads disease, mindless consumerism spreads disease, pesticides spread disease, the oil industry spreads disease, almost everything is diseased. Who cares at this point?
>it undermines the sanctity of traditional marriage
How so? Straight people are still able to marry just like they have done all these years. Not like faggots took that away from you. Also, appeal to feefees, great.
>it's a leading cause of the decline of western civilization as a whole
[Citation needed]
As if incels like you are playing their part in continuing the species.

Straight people create poetry about each other, about how they can get lost in their beloved's eyes, how they want to nourish and protect their lover forever.

Homosexual are literally obsessed with sex. Specifically the physical pleasure generated by it. Even sex itself, the most intimate thing two people can do, has no intimacy for the homosexual, because they are incapable of intimacy. It is reduced to mutual masturbation.

Attached: 2-Bondage-Pride_LG.jpg (637x424, 98K)

>dude straight people don't talk about wanting to fuck girls
Take a look at the catalog right now and half the treads are wanking over anime tiddies

This would legitimately fix the problem. No fucking joke.

>"...these results are not consistent"

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Yea Forums isn't a video game

>You/others hate gays because there are poorly written gay characters
>and this causes you to stigmatize real people?
Loaded question and no
>Talk about mental illness
You read my mind

i only like gay characters when they cartoonishly faggoty
dont give a shit about your accurate respectful gay character, its pretty dull might as well just be straight if you aren't gonna be flaming.

Attached: MrGold&MrSilver.png (450x550, 222K)

>The only thing Yea Forums praises the writers for, time and again, is the fact that Arcade's sexuality is buried under dialog options they can comfortably ignore.
this is not the only thing Yea Forums praises Arcade for. it's certainly not the only thing I like about him.

I'll admit that the fact that Arcade is pretty low-key about his orientation probably makes him more palatable to the board at large, but it isn't the sole reason why people praise him. if it were so, then 76 would qualify, and he clearly doesn't. Arcade is an interesting guy on the whole. as for whether or not it's theoretically possible for a video game character to be loud and proud, and also well-written -- well, maybe it is possible, but can you give me an example of such a character? if you ask me, Arcade's constant time in the spotlight speaks to how few "well-written" gay characters there are in video games.

am gay, btw

>medical """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""studies""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Where's the control group
What's the placebo
Where's the statistical evidence

Cherry picked and seething

The reason why people don't like this change in particular is because lots and lots of straight dudes who played CoD way back when liked to play as soldier76 in overwatch, so when the character they identified with was given a sexual orientation that they aren't, upset was the natural result.

>>how do you break this cycle
By not making characters that straight dudes identify with into homosexuals. This may well mean not having homosexuals in your game, and that is perfectly fine.

if obsessed virgins could have sex all day they would do it too

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>If your cocky male teammate jokes about having slept with 5 women the night before, you wouldn't think twice.
that sounds pretty annoying, actually

34% of stats are made up on the spot

Oh look trannycunts not knowing shit about context again

normal people seriously need to beat faggots back into the closet

Keep accepting the idea you should hide your sexuality. Fear holding hands in public. Fear what they have done to others. Hide it for it is sinful. Subject yourself to their laws.
Or you know, accept yourself and dont be a retard.

>/pol/ would probably still find it hilarious
/pol/ hasn't found anything hilarious for over five years now. They're all so serious all the time, unless someone posts a meme they agree with, at which point the reaction images all come out. Fuck, why do I still visit that board.

Could always make every single character gay

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nice pre-packaged canned meme response, user. you totally invalidated that guy's entire existence. I'm sure he'll show up to pride now that you've yawned at him.

Where is the gay poetry about men's eyes?

Where is the gay Romeo & Juliet?

Do you have any evidence that homosexuality is anything besides a mental illness caused by childhood molestation, which subsequently causes lifelong obsession with gay sex?

>Where is the gay Romeo & Juliet?
It’s the one written with only emojis

>28% of homosexual had more than 1000 partners
very bad bait

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>How can you break this cycle?
have characters whose gayness only comes up if you try to hit on them, like Arcade Gannon and Veronica in New Vegas

assume I'm closeted because I think Arcade is an interesting character, lol. butthurt? don't feel like offering an example of a loud and proud vidya character that you like?

>be bi
>fucking thankful people nowadays don't shit on people for being bi
>would like that to continue
I unironically care a fucktonne more about lefty representation than bisexual representation, though. Literally NO characters are ever lefties, even though we're a decent minority of the population.

Oh but there is plenty of that. You are obviously not aware of it because you're repulsed by anything and everything gay, so why would you actively look for that? At any rate, any subtle depiction of homosexuality would be described as "THAT'S JUST PLATONIC LOVE" because you can't stand the idea of homosexuality being depicted. Anything more elaborate would get labeled as degenerate, so really there's no way to please you.

this was probably true for the demographic of degenerates in the 70s that the study in question was actually performed on. that shit was pretty crazy

bro who fucking cares lmao

Erica is a fucking alien you stupid idiot
Jesus fucking christ

>Oh but there is plenty of that.

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>because there is no mention that the character is gay in game revealing the character to be gay is well written
you're an idiot, this is the equivalent of jk Rowling going onto Twitter to say that Dumbledore is gay. If there's 0 evidence within the original source of a character being gay and a developer just comes out of nowhere saying "lol this character is gay now", they're doing it purely for the sake of diversity brownie points.

wrong character, dumbass

Any barely legal zoomers in this thread? I have a question, how did your teenage peers throughout the 2010's reacted towards gay stuff and how would they react if somebody accused them of being gay? "Are you gay, dude?"

I'm 30 and during my time kids would display repulsion towards gay stuff and either frantically deny accusations of being gay or would react as if it were a personal attack against them. I think it had a lot to do with the times. Gay stuff was taboo and in media it really was treated like being gay was a bad thing so impressionable kids were conditioned to react that way. I'm just wondering if things have really changed or not.

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It's true though.

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>any subtle depiction of homosexuality would be described as "THAT'S JUST PLATONIC LOVE"
On the other side of the aisle, men can’t show any sort of affection to each other without being called gay. So you really can’t win

Easy: just stop talking about the sexuality of video game characters. It's not relevant. Nobody should ever care.

People will whine no matter what. Best just to ignore then and respect the artist's creative decision.

There are actually many classical works and poems about same sex relationships Sappho just on the top of my head and the Roman emperor who deified and made temples for his lover

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Maybe 30 years ago in san fransisco which is where all of those statistics come from.

>There are people that will read this thread, glance through most of it and still say at the end of the day that gamers totally don't care if there are gays in their games as long as they're "well executed"
Just how dumb and/or dishonest would you have to be?

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if you try to spread false information at least make it believable

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The important thing is that they're likable. If they're unlikable or bland, sexuality (including promiscuity) just feels like a hackneyed failure at giving them depth or pandering to an audience. Like anything else, any "level" of gay can be well written.

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>Can't refute
>resorts to muh pol oogey boogey man
Dilate, have sex, stop taking hormones etc

how do you know it, are you one of those people and can confirm it?

>the Roman emperor who deified and made temples for his lover

bro are you aware of what that culture was like? all I'm saying is that it definitely is NOT true now but was probably closer to the truth or may have actually been true at that time limited to that specific demographic

> Both of these things cannot simultaneously be based in truth and therefore valid points of criticism said OP, the inhaler of dicks and gargler of semen.
If you make a character gay there needs to be a reason, and you need to not know about it without a damn good reason. Do people on the street walk up to you and tell you they're gay? Not unless you live in California. So why the fuck would some faggot in a video game do it? He absolutely wouldn't. You don't need to know about other peoples sexuality unless your own sexuality becomes part of the equation. People wanna bitch and moan like the only reason Obsidian got away with Arcade Gannon and Veronica is because it's an old game when in reality they got away with it because you had to interest yourself in the character in order to find out details about them. The reason you knew they were gay is because you fucking asked if they were. Which is a damn good reason for someone to know.
Did I ask about who and where 76 stuck his cock? No. I didn't. And with any other game I'd bet the playerbase didn't either. Of course we're talking about actiblizz here so probably their audience did ask what 76 does with his dick all the fucking time because actiblizz audience at this point has just as many /pol/faggots as people who actually play video games, but still.

Shitty shoehorned garbage is shitty shoehorned garbage and the only people who like that shit are Baizou, who should be unceremoniously killed for the good of all mankind.

Attached: donewiththisshit.png (371x285, 163K)

The only people complaining are a bunch of retards who come from here. Developers don't need to fix the problem because this place is irrelevant.

you people would find any excuse to dislike any gay inclusion, no matter how well written is it

No I dont assume you are closseted just repressed. Im nor saying be a parade fag.
The reason people try to have extreme flamboyant stuff though is a way of forcing normality. We either fight actively or we allow society to outcast, mistreat us, and dehumanize. People like you are still internallt homophobic and think that they need to be closer to the conservative views they were raised in even if it means they can be removed from rentals, fired, beaten, arrested, etc
It takes time to respect yourself, you will learn it eventually. Its not your fault either.

Or, you know, just not have any homosexual men in your game that is being primarily played by straight guys. Or at the very least, don't make the character that most straight male CoD fans liked and picked into a homosexual. A FPS game where the entire cast is some sort of homo would be amusing, but probably wouldn't sell all that well with the typical FPS fan.

Did You Know?

There are ZERO instances of homosexual animals. There are animals which have opportunistic gay sex (as aided masturbation among species lacking thumbs) but there are ***ZERO*** cases of exclusively homosexual animals recorded in nature. Only humans get this mental illness.

no argument lmao

Everyone was ridiculously okay with homosexuality. People came out as gay from 14-16 without a problem. I've never come out because I'm awkward as fuck, but that's the only reason.
Things change very, very quickly, though. I know a couple of years before us, students were mostly against the idea of homosexual marriage.

It is your fucking fault. Stop having sex with men. It's not that fucking hard.

where the fuck do you get off implying I have any problem with pride, or repressed homophobia? all I did was say that I think Arcade Gannon is an interesting character, that the fact that he's closeted probably contributes to his popularity with Yea Forums which obviously has some background level homophobia, and that I'm not aware of any well-written loud and proud characters in video games.

Eh, I just offered a suggestion that might help.

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Stop getting triggered so easily

>Homosexual are literally obsessed with sex
Nigger look at this fucking website. Practically every board is full of straights desperate for what they can't have.

The cartoons and comics board is uggghhhh I wish I could fuck all the animals in this cartoon uuuugghggh
Even the videogame board is mostly waifu desperation
How many times have you fapped already today? Or are you celibate?

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he didn´t mention straight people but now that you said it....

This better be bait.

Homosexuals, I hope you know that everyone still hates you. Nothing has changed. We are at the apex of the left-side pendulum swing. When the pendulum comes the other way, you're going to suffer for what you've done.

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>>character doesn’t flirt with men or “act gay”, doesn’t discuss sexuality at all, literally would’ve never figured out if the game didn’t explicitly tell you, lore outside the game didn’t tell you, or one of the devs didn’t tell you

There is literally nothing wrong with this.
Straight people don't boast about their straightness, so gay people shouldn't boast about their gayness


penguins and other mostly flightless birds species sometimes adopt an egg and raise it together.
you should watch animal planet sometimes.

What? Why can't straight guys have gay men in their games? How does that impact anything?

wow its not like straight men are obsessed with sex too

>where is gay romeo and juliet?

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I think gays don't realize how fragile the situation is right now. As soon as there is war or famine or plague etc., any real problem, the real feelings will come back out.

Worse, he’s incelibate

Faggots shouldn't be in games at all. Having a stealth faggot just makes it disgusting when the truth is revealed, just like in real life

>I hope you know that everyone still hates you
>caring what others think
>on Yea Forums

>Can't refute
>resorts to muh trannies
rent free

>begging the question
Okay fag

Attached: ray.jpg (225x225, 9K)

Everyone is obsessed with sex. Are you ignoring all the media and ads that use sex to sell?

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user, you are currently LIVING in the mother of all pendulum swings. We were powerful in the age of the Greeks and the age of Rome, and we were hated in the age of Christ. But now the pendulum has swung back once more, and your time is up.

this post is causing peak faggot asspain because it's 100% true. they only care about having orgasms

If you have to create an imaginary scenario for it to be a problem, it isn't a problem.

Because it's gross

I love how Yea Forums will rally together and fight for devs to be free to make WHATEVER THEY WANT and not have to kowtow to outrage or offended faggots... but also fume over a character being gay even when it has literally, LITERALLY NO effect on the game whatsoever.

forget all the gender politics shit, people would shit on it because its a bad game that gets a pass because its old

Read Symposium you doublenigger poseur.

there are no poltards
there are only falseflaggers

that's what he said you illiterate retard

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The only thing that's degenerate is people who try to make that argument to simplify an otherwise complex situation. As if there's ever going to be a time when men like dicks more than pussy.

Making the character worse is making the game worse

>Homosexual are literally obsessed with sex
Sounds like Yea Forums everyday

You really didn't address his point. Heterosexuality is intrinsic to the survival, it's the driving force behind our entire existence, and thus has endless dimensions to it. Homosexuality is literally just about sexual pleasure.

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Its about as hard as it is for you to have sex
Idk user it seemed like you wrote how great is to be subtle instead of in your face or whatever. Then you added
>Im gay btw
Implying that you felt the same way. If im wrong I assumed as much because so many people who are newly accepting they are gay take this view.

This is the "Cowboy Bebop is the only good anime dub" of video games. A 50IQ take if there ever was one.

You're more of a faggot than me
Reread my post and give me another anime girl when you've realised your mistake

dicks >>>>> vaginas

Pretty much this, thread should've ended here.

>full of straights
Yeah that's why there's so many trap and tranny threads all over the porn boards. Fuck off, faggot.

Despite being only 1.1% of the population, homosexual men commit 76% of all child molestations.

How about just not making characters retroactively gay in order to score cheap PR points on pride month? S76 was perfectly fine as is with the grumpy father figure persona that the community organically developed for him.

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Don't listen to faggots.


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so straight people dont have sex for pleasure?

>that's why there's so many trap and tranny threads all over the porn boards.
>He doesn’t know

Wrong. Some straight people do boast about their straightness, and some gay people do boast about their gayness. Characters should act like real humans, and that includes boasting about dumb shit.

>we are all mindless biological beings who seek femals for the sole purpose of procreation
How autistic do you have to be to say shit like this? You know humans have emotional connections with other things right?

Sexuality in humans is quite different from the biological imperative of animals

No. That would be gay.

>Gays can reproduce with each other
Okay kiddo. Whatever you say.

Yeah that's great user, but that's never going to be the majority. And pretending like we don't have technological ways of still letting people have babies IE: what are sperm doners and insemination is even more degenerate.

You have to understand, homosexuality was never a big thing until retards started making it such.

based and truthpilled

Make a gay character who is gay from the beginning but isn't a stereotypical faggot about it.
Overwatch would have been a prime example if it wasn't obvious they retroactively made these characters gay for headline appeal.

If it was like
>Soldier 76 is a genetically enhanced super soldier on the run from a government that has forsaken him. Forced to leave his friends, his husband, and his team behind, he'll blah blah blah whatever
No one would care. It'd actially be pretty progressive since it would be treating being gay like the innocuous tertiary detail it is, rather than building his entire identity around it.

But instead it's like
>Soldier 76 is a guy who blah blah blah
>months pass
>Hey um so did you know he enjoys cock and always has??

>23 year old NJ resident here
We had numerous gay students in my grade alone, plus plenty ahead of us and before us. We all still called each other gay and acted gay towards each other to be like "lol you're gay", but no one was homophobic.

Is sex using birth control bad too?
Since when gays can't have children?

>Homosexuality is literally just about sexual pleasure
Sounds like what every 2dfag thinks about every time they try to make an excuse about being virgins and hating women.

What's with helmet and masks that make them so hot

Normal people hate faggots these days BECAUSE of how you act though.

>No one would care
This is pure bullshit and you know it. Look at the reaction to the LoU2 trailer

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people love mysteries

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Because it does exactly what the second half of his post says you dink

Whenever it becomes a gay vs straight argument the anti gay retards always hold up straights to be some pure perfect little christian group. But whenever its about chads and staceys, all straights are turbo slut degenerates with 14 kids from 10 different parents and 5000 abortions, 180000 different sex partners etc.
What I am saying is, dont waste your time arguing with literal retards.

Like I said in my original post, the 76 thing is honestly just a matter of timing. This board hasn't been the same since 2015. But you also didn't have Bethesda or Obsidian fellating themselves on Twitter for how progressive they were for having not one, but two whole gay characters in their game. I'm also not saying that Arcade is ONLY liked because his sexuality is hidden, I'm just talking about in the context of these gay character discussions Yea Forums likes to have.

>if you ask me, Arcade's constant time in the spotlight speaks to how few "well-written" gay characters there are in video games.
This is a good point. I find that too many gay characters in video games tend to fall into two extreme categories. Either the "eastern style" gay character who is as flamboyant as possible for entertainment value and may or may not have a personality behind it, or the "western style" where the writers avoid as many faux pas as possible and ignore the many obvious cultural differences between gay people and straight people in an attempt to seem non-stereotypical. Then you have the Bioware flavor of gay character where they're a rogueish cockslut but have token hidden depths.

The absolute best example of an out AND well-written gay character in video games is, actually, from GTAIV. Florian/Bernie represents a strong foil for Niko. He's essentially what Niko wanted to be in America. He actually left the war and a life of bloodshed behind him, he was able to reinvent himself. He was a closeted homosexual back in Slavland and coming to America finally gave him a chance and the freedom to act in the way he wanted, and doing a good job of it. Florian's sexuality is a key part of his story, but it's not all of it. It touches on real-world issues of gay people being forced into the closet by their environment, while still having fun with his flamboyant mannerisms. That's a way better example of what gay characters can be than a character where none of that shit matters.

It's only a paradox if you're being disingenuous.

The first option isn't "why isn't he straight" but rather "Why do we care about his sexuality?".
A good example is Gibraltar in Apex Legends, I played him for a couple hours then one of my friends told me he's gay. A fact you had to literally look up if you wanted to know, there was no press about it or anything, and I didn't give a fuck.

Soldier is kinda similar in that it's not an in your face thing, but it certainly wasn't introduced normally either.

this is why adoption agencies, even though they are supposed to not discriminate against homosexuals, they quietly do. you will especially never see a gay couple get a male child

I just fucking said that it's multidimensional. Are all fags this retarded?

Emotional connection with other men is not inherently sexual. The homosexual aspect is only about pleasure.

You're underselling the many philosophical complexities of procreation.

probably 1% of the sex people have is actually for reproduction

>psychotic seething religious nuts

>Wrong. Some straight people do boast about their straightness

Faggots are literally void of comprehending reality

>he thinks only religious nuts hate fags
The level of cope and lack of self-awareness here is unbelievable.

it was a joke dumbass

It sure didnt fucking help their case. Pretty much validated everyone who irrationally hated them.

Do you not understand the concept that someone who spent their whole lives pretending they're straight might have trouble living their life as out of the closet?
Hell there's still lots of people in the closet, either because of their family or the place they live in.

thanks for speaking on behalf of all adoption centers brimming with millions of kids that will never get a home. They totally do discriminate, but on just about everyone and anything. Its easier to do a surrogate child just more expensive.

>Chad fucks a lot of girls
>gay guy fucks a lot of guys
Degenerate :(

low IQ detected

Who fucking said it's "bad" you hysterical retard? Is all that cum rotting your brain? The point is that it's more shallow, especially in a narrative.

Keys cannot unlock keys my dude

that was the point, people hated them even if they didn´t boast about their sexuality. they just simply didn´t ignore them

i find it weird and creepy that you prioritize your feelings over the safety of innocent children. you are a worthless person, not because you're gay, but because you are selfish and inhuman. i genuinely hope AIDS takes you.

>Ellie's sexuality isn't focused on at all in the first one
>"Hmmmm what can we do to make this DLC and our upcoming sequel stand out?"
>"Hey Ellen Page is gay in real life, let's make her gay now"
>cue Blue is the Warmest Color set in the zombie apocalypse

>Because it's disgusting and makes the character less likable
Finally someone says it. Fuck fags

No, I'm talking about normies who aren't even particularly religious. Every single fucking time I've seen a tranny walk around there's usually someone else that gives me a knowing disgusted look or even fucking says something when they get out of an earshot.

Sorry, even though it isn't reflected to you in propaganda anymore you'll always be a fucking sideshow freak to normal folks and nothing you will ever do will ever change that.

>only retards hate gays
>haha stupid user there are more retards than you thought! In fact I am one of such!
Sure got him.

>Emotional connection with other men is not inherently sexual. The homosexual aspect is only about pleasure.
I dont think you understand sexuality at all, not a surprise considering you are a mega autistic turbo virgin. There is a difference between sexual attraction with love and love without sexual attraction. You wouldnt know unless you ever dated someone.
Whats your reason then? It will be about muh moral degeneracy destroying society right? Your morals which are based on judeo christian values. You are the same.


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you really understimate how a lot of parents would hate their child migh be gay

>but the trannies

Fags also don't get that straight people think that other straight people who won't shut the fuck up about sex are just as annoying.

My concrete opinion about all this is that I don't care. All of Overwatch characters are bland, uninispired, barely distinguishable, and I can't remember them.
TF2 characters have more soul and personality in their voice lines alone.
Faggots never needed a dev to proclaim that this and that character was gay to fantasise about them anyways.

You're sounding like a radfem that believes that since heterosexual sex (and male homosex) involves penetration, it's always rape and only lesbians are ever capable of love

If you had said marriage, or even "love" as a concept, I would have agreed, but there's nothing philosophical about procreation. Even I could do it if I was forced to.

Do you mean to imply that heterosexuals never brutalise their adopted children

They should. If you have homosexual inclinations, the correct thing to do is not act on them.

>gays don't create poetry
>what is sonnet 20?
try harder, user.

I dont get it user, whats dangerous about gays? Come up with some reason other than verifiably false statistics or random headlines. Straights adopt and mollest too

>revising his post for damage control
Guess you fags have to stick together

Videogames are not intrinsic to the survival of our species. Please justify your time spent playing videogames.

Because it's popular and so I get a lot of attention by making drama out of it

they are verifiably true statistics. homosexuals molest children at absolutely abhorrent rates. you are delusional

Homosexuals are not capable of love, that's why they are incapable of fidelity and have over ten times as many lifetime sexual partners are straight people.

>gay can't create ar-

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Gays arent trannies.
Your story makes no sense. So you saw a tranny and someone gave you a look and you expect me to believe an autist on Yea Forums can properly read peoples expressions? Assuming you are right, how does that prove the normie wasnt religious?

suddenly when this topic goes on all straight people are saints


Oh they act on them, they just won't ever admit it to anyone. It's fine as long as no one's involved, but there's plenty of closeted gay men pushed to marry women and have kids that end up cheating on or divorcing their wives.

men in general are incapable of love

>I will make a strawman, that'll prove I'm not a retard
Sure got him.


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oh ok then you win the argument +500iq for you. Good thing your pol stats are 100% accurate
Very good argument user, a modern day einstein. Looks like you beat me too

simply Eric

it´s worse tricking a woman like that than being gay

Why do we even have to pander to the gay community? Doesn't it only account for only 3% of the population or something, out of whom most doesn't care about being represented? Can't the people making the age ratings just put an icon on the box indicating there are no gay people in the game so they can avoid buying it?
Just because some people prefer ass over chests doesn't mean every game need to include men and women with a great ass.

>judeo christian
Internet baby detected. "Judeo" christian is a meme. Moreover, morality doesn't emerge from nor rely on religion. You can't hide observable damage by scapegoating muh bibble.

>there's nothing philosophical about procreation. Might as well say there's nothing philosophical about existence.
>Even I could do it if I was forced to.
Your staggering ignorance of philosophy as a concept has got to be fake, or you're genuinely retarded.

I used to beat the shit out of this gay kid in middle school, it was fucking amazing. I can't wait till it's socially acceptable to do that again. Not long now

I think the problem is you seem to be deluded into thinking the ONLY POSSIBLY REASON someone might hate you is because they are religious.
That really isn't the case. Hell, I'm not religious and I'm already starting to hate you.

Molesting a child isn't homosexuality, they are mostly attracted to the young body and feel the urge to rape it.
While I don't deny the existence of male child predators who had relationships with the same sex, most child predators had little to no sex life besides molesting boys (and girls).

Worthy of note that heterosexual pedophillia was sometimes almost accepted, even in recent times. See Jerry Lee Lewis "marrying" his 13 yo cousin.

It's what happens when religion or society pushes gays to repress themselves and live a lie, going against your natural urges is not easy and most people can't do it.

Or that pedos would assault children of any gender, but if their victim was male its a "homosexual pedophile"
Or that because some percent of a group is bad the whole is undeserving of rights and liberty. Every group ever has bad people.

Watch him refuse to answer this one seriously because he knows the simple point blows his retarded logic the fuck out

>Might as well say there's nothing philosophical about existence.
This part wasn't supposed to be greentexted

>Do you mean to imply that heterosexuals never brutalise their adopted children
How to give leftists a mental breakdown in two words: PER CAPITA

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If their age ends in "teen" it's not pedophilia. Go open the DSM-V

Adultery is bad. Either stay celibate or marry and be faithful or your wife.

Judeo christian means christian, jew, islam you know? How goddamn dumb are you?
Ok whats your reasons? Because of pride parades that are only sex freakshows in LA and Sanfran or is their something even stupider you would like to say.

>Or that pedos would assault children of any gender
Lies by faggot apologists.

This image smells of lavender and butthole.


>>there's nothing philosophical about procreation. Might as well say there's nothing philosophical about existence.
I've never read a more freshman sentence
"existence", as in, our biological continued existence, is a not a particularly deep concept, and yes, there's nothing philosophical about it. Ethics, Metaphysics (*why* do we exist), those are philosophical topics.

Do enlighten me about what's so deeply philosophical about sticking your dick in a vagina to create a baby Mr. Radfem

Stop putting faggots in video games.

Because we're not interested in playing as homosexual men.

when the fuck is same sex biological reproduction going to leave the laboratory? they can do it with mice, why not people?

>inb4 muh ethucks

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Without man procreating with woman. We do not exist. Life does not exist without man cumming into woman. Cumming into butthole does not make life, it makes mess

>the wire
>2 years ago

Just stop giving a shit what other people think you insecure retard. It's that easy and I don't have to listen to you whine every week.

>*why* do we exist
Same philosophical ballpark as "*why* do we procreate." Feigning ignorance is not an argument.

Fair enough, don't take anything I'm saying here too harshly, this thread will be dead soon anyway.

>nuh uh you're just lying
I've been owned

I've waiting on dem stats mate

that's funny, I was just thinking of Florian last night. yeah his gayness has a point, not only in terms of the plot and how he reacts to things, but also the themes of the story.

>I'm just talking about in the context of these gay character discussions Yea Forums likes to have.
one thing Arcade has going for him that, say, Florian doesn't, is that Arcade is very likable, which is a quality that the average gamer and, dare I say average Yea Forums poster, tends to weight pretty heavily when deciding how "well-written" a character is. also Florian isn't in an RPG and has way less dialogue so maybe people remember him less


>it undermines the sanctity of traditional marriage
Fuck off lol go riot about pokemon being demons or some of that boomer shit.

I hope so. It’s been fun watching sports on both sides argue but now it’s just getting weird

why do i keep entering these threads
it's always the same few tards posting their same few """""studies"""""
makes you wonder why they care so much about homosexuals

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>"*why* do we procreate.
But that's not procreation itself you dumb fucking retard
We don't procreate anyways, we fucking make love

And again, I could fuck a woman if my life or the survival of humanity depended on it, I just don't want to naturally
Sex is emotional

Solve the problem by not giving a shit.
Good writers can get away with so much, gay shit is babby tier.

They forced themselves into a situation they didn't didn't want and they're somehow the victim? That makes no sense.

lol and I suppose women are?

Sunless skies does this pretty well with most LGBT representation.
Like there's a crew member who is nonbinary and the text just refers to them as "they" when relevant and never once calls any other attention to their gender.

>if lots of people agree with it, it is wrong

they always say these are studies that the LGBT lobby doesn´t want you to see or some shit like that

>Sex is emotional
“Hypocrite that you are”

Arcade fits the top example (gay guy who doesn't explicitly act gay) I've unironically seen people complain about him and ask why he's gay

I don't really take any issue with a gay character having their sexuality be known via a quick line like "I have/had a husband". My biggest problem about Soldier 76 wasn't that his homosexuality was forced, but that it was with a literal who that's completely irrelevant to the story and adds fucking nothing. And my issue with that, is that thats how all the love interests for Overwatch have played out so far. Give me some fucking drama if we're going to start injecting romantic subplots in to a generic hero shooter. Tie other heroes in to it

Maybe the rift between 76 and Reaper goes beyond ethics. Maybe 76's boyfriend or whatever was hit by Blackwatch friendly fire and 76 thinks it was intentional and can't let it go. Make a full on Pat Tillman thing out of it. It doesn't need to just be "This character is gay", give reason to it with a plot that demands it that doesn't work any other way.

Why not?

That's fucking gay.

yes, they only can love other women

Messing with the genome could lead us to a pretty bad road. I'm perfectly happy with what Nature chose for me.
I just want to be a good natured, trusted uncle.

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>They forced themselves into a situation they didn't didn't want
No one would willingly choose to repress themselves sexually and romantically for no reason, closet gays that do this is because they've either been pressured by family, religion, or the society where they live to be straight.

Militant faggots who think they're in good company on this website are the worst

Nobody likes gays, we arent your allies

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Gay characters stopped being well written around the same time I became extremely based and redpilled. A complete coincidence that all gay characters became obnoxious and agenda pushing garbage at the same time that my eyes were opened to the truth. All gay characters written before this time were fine, but since then, they've been terrible. What gives?

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it's not difficult to pull off properly.
>don't create a character and then announce several years later that they're gay with nothing alluding to it previously
>don't have the first sentence out of a characters mouth be how gay they are
>don't make the character a walking stereotype that only thinks and talks about dick unless it's a sex game/played for comedy.

Ideally depending on the subject matter of the game and prevalence of story driven events you'd have the characters homosexuality revealed via "show don't tell" IE not outright clumsily telling everyone about it unless it would fit dialogue wise in the context of the scene. The last thing you want to do if you're creating a story driven game is to treat your audience like idiots and have everything spelled out for them. Context clues could be used instead.

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you must be new because people DID call the courier a cuck and bitch about not being able to fuck veronica

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>Who cares at this point?
People who care about problems. In fact, conflating homosexuality with all those objective problems only proves his point. Civilization quite literally depends on monogamy as the norm, and as the primary motivator for man's labor and productiveness. If you don't care about civilization, you're free to fuck off.

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This is unironically the christcuck argument

So does that make sex with a condom evil too? What about video games, we don't need that shit to survive

Homosexuality is disgusting and immoral. People are repulsed by it on an instinctual level but will always try to find an intellectual justification for their reaction.

Soldier 76 is a good gay character. The problem is that he is a very atypically gay gay character, and they didn't reveal that he was gay until a year or two after his release. So it comes across as shoehorned pandering, like they didn't initially write him as gay and just decided he would be when it was financially lucrative. Well, all that plus the fact that his romantic life otherwise has jack shit to do with his character.

Basically, don't fuckin shoehorn pandering into your game.

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>I've unironically seen people complain about him and ask why he's gay
well then they weren't paying super close attention, it informs his attitude on several subjects in the game world. also you can recruit him by coming onto him as a male character but not as a female character so there are some gameplay implications as well

why is soldier 76 the example people keep using when his past relationship was brought up quite naturally in a short story?

Because we find it rather disgusting and gross.

Just to be clear, the problem here is Blizzard and not Soldier 76 right?
Because he himself always struck me as just fine, has a good voice etc.
Blizzard shoving sexual preferences onto a character designed by a guy who had already left the company is pretty bizarre.

Why the fuck would a minority of men not reproducing but still being productive working members of society be a bad thing for civilization you retards?

My god. The faggot's brain is actually rent free. The discussion is about writing quality you fucking moron. Homosexuality is shallower than normal sexuality.

>People are repulsed by it on an instinctual level
Straight people don't like to watch gay porn just as I as a homo dude don't like to watch straight porn

I'm fairly sure you won't see a lot of people "freak out in disgust" if you see two people holding hands

why are normal people suddenly not allowed to find faggots disgusting and not want to see them? it's like a scatfag posting literal shit in a thread and then playing the victim card when he gets told to fuck off calling everyone a scatophobe
you are an immense minority normal people find disgusting, that will never change and there is nothing wrong with it

>Puts gun to your head
>"Be straight or I'll fucking kill you"
>Gets married to a woman and has kids
>Living a lie
How about they define their own happiness and fuck what everyone else thinks?

these retards have made clear time and time again that they are disingenuous as fuck when saying they're "fine with gays in games as long as it's done right" because no matter how it's done they'll complain anyway

>implying he plays video games


as if anybody would ask to be your allies lol

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If anything I don't get the point of having 76 be gay and not make him have a thing for Reaper, requited or otherwise

He was established as a clint eastwood-esque he-man for years, and then the devs came out with a damn web comic saying he was gay after everyone stopped caring about the game. It reeks of them using it for publicity.

Once the gays die they leave nothing behind to succeed them for the upkeep of civilization

The problem is Soldier 76 is clearly meant to be a Captain America or Punisher allegory, but is also old as fuck and acts like somebody's dad. One of his skins has sandals with socks, generic beer, a grilling apron, a Hawaiian shirt and other shit your un-trendy conservative fat fuck friend's father would wear. Not one of these things invokes mental images of a gay person.

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There has been gay threads on Yea Forums since 2014 sweet summer child

gay people usually have very low self-esteem. they know deep inside that they are aberrations of nature so normal people cant say any criticism to them and their lifestyles because that would hurt them further and most likely push them to suicide.

Everyone knows Yea Forums hates everyone and everything. Most just come here to piss off other autists

You're talking as if these devs are forcing you to watch gay porn. What a retarded analogy

People will be disgusted if they see two men holding hands, because they understand that those two men are therefore sodomites.

2011 was marty posting and dragon dildo/skyrim threads

why are you talking about scat, creep

>Gay people can only be flamboyant
How does any of that prevents him from being gay?

>since 2014
what? huh?
since a long fucking time before that. since I've been here at least (2011)

>Soldier 76 is a good gay character.
Soldier 76 is a terrible character, like every Overwatch character. Every one is a shallow pastiche of cliches with zero substance. Just like the story, they're deliberately vague to give the illusion of depth where there is none.

You know that one pic about acting like idiots only to invite actual idiots who think they are in good company? Same shit happened with gays on Yea Forums.

It would be like if you & your habitual cock-smoker friends flooded into a gachimuchi video editing imageboard and tried to earnestly invoke gay rights, or fuck mens' asses, or however gays waste their lives. No shit you would get kicked out. Nobody likes gays, people just find gay shit funny to make fun of. You are literally the underage Yea Forums of sexuality. You're too autistic you aren't in on the joke, you ARE the joke.

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I don't want to see explicit gays and I don't want to hear about secret gays

Basically fuck you stop existing

There you go again picturing gay sex in your head if you see a gay couple in the street

Seeing faggots in the wild is disgusting, though. If it were legal I'd shoot them on the spot.

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have you wondered who made gay people think that???

how does him just so happening to have had a close relationship with a man years ago stop him from being a hero-type character?

Gayness is a mental disorder so it has symptoms. Soldier 76 displays none of them.


It's only bad to express your sexuality if you're gay, it's okay to express your sexuality if you're straight

I liked Arcade as a character, but I'm sure a decent chunk of the people who cite him as an example of a good gay character are "lite" homophobes who don't actually want gays to be given any equal treatment. If gay characters being gay really didn't bother you then you wouldn't give a shit if they were sexually explicit or not.

Another thing I hear is "well by making gay characters talk about dick you are stereotyping them by claiming they're promiscuous" but this is basically the Anita Sarkeesian argument of "if you include 1 woman in a game being treated like shit you hate women, even if there are other women in the game who aren't being treated like shit". The simple fact of the matter is that there are both gay people who are promiscuous and gay people who aren't, the fact that gays cannot be portrayed as the former at all without generating a controversy while straight people can already implies that they are not treated equally

That's such a retarded world view, kids aren't the only thing that you can leave behind to upkeep society. The work you do, relationships you have, people you influence, etc...all of that impact society as well.
Having kids isn't a black and white "good thing", your kid can turn out to be a piece of shit that won't contribute to society too.

It's not "Pol" boogeyman that forces diversity shit into games

This diversity shit makes games objectively worse

stop hurting me feelings :(

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>all fags die
Nothing is lost.
>all straight people die
Humanity ceases to exist.

Therefore straight > gay, objectively.
And miss me with the edgy misanthrope cope.

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growing in a overwhelming heterosexual society?

Did You Know?

There are ZERO brain cells in this poster's brain. There are mild reactions to stimuli (made possible by the mass of fecal matter in his skull performing some of the same basic brain functions) but there are ***ZERO*** neurons in this poor idiot poster's head. The same number of sources he's cited for his retarded claim.

One the hand, they tried to make him the token homo to ""subvert expectations"" (one would expect Lucio or something like that to fill this role)
On the other hand, it's still a token gay. And of a shallow character for a shit game at that.

Tchaikovsky, Alan Turing, or Angela Davis will be remembered in (respectively) concerts, CS classes and history books for centuries, their name always known and discussed by thousands of scholars and students.
Our legacy isn't just "muh spread muh DNA". If you just act like a good, fair, and strict uncle teaching your nieces and nephews what you know, you've already done your part.

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People understand that couples have sex, I don't know what point you are trying to make

>If gay characters being gay really didn't bother you then you wouldn't give a shit if they were sexually explicit or not.
that not necessarily true. to a certain portion of the audience, all sexually explicit characters are annoying regardless of orientation. from the same game, I know Cass got on a lot of people's nerves

gays existing at all is fucking disgusting, I will not accept them in entertainment that I pay for

They don't work. They also rape children and are a public health crisis

Why are you ignoring that gays can have children?

>You are literally the underage Yea Forums of sexuality

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then don't buy them lol

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Thanks for admitting you have no real arguments and are either trolling or mentally challenged.

>fucking thankful people nowadays don't shit on people for being bi
Yeah, that's not good.

>I'm just listening to those litteral gay porn soundbites ironically
I can't breathe
The idiots in good company were, are, and will always be stormfags flooding Yea Forums and /new/

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This but pretty much all the electionfags

Okay, we'll make an exception for Turing. The rest of you faggots do not make meaningful contributions, and subtract from humanity.

I'd imagine it's not that easy when you've been conditioned from birth by your family to be and act straight, or if you're religious or live in muslim country like France.

I dont care, I just wanna rub my dick on Roadhogs belly.

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>m-muh board culture
Why is it always homo's argument of choice?

>I find gays icky so they shouldn't exist :(

I would sooner accept 100 unironic neo-nazis than even one annoying faggot like you.


Could you make this thread every day in /pol/ rather than here? Then you could also talk about THE GAY PARADOX in other media.

you greentexting it doesn't make it any less true you gross faggot

suck my weiner

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the right cant read

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Why are you responding to tranny feminists?
Men are the best gender, he can't change that.

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>medical "surveys"
Quite literally gender studies tier
Where's my control group, where are my error bars, how do you control the other parameters, what is the sample size and what's the methodology to establish correlation

The only 'hard data' about gay & pedophillia is the fact that most pedos (either acting on it or willingly castrating themselves) don't identify as gay or straight, but rather feel attracted to a young body

You forgot /trash/, /y/, and /cm/

If you're talking about the clint eastwood he-man thing, an implication in that is heterosexuality, as that archetype is almost exclusively straight. They played to that archetype for what, 2 years, until the game's hype died down, then whipped out "lmao, He's GAY!!!". The timing is extremely important to my point. If him being gay was part of his character, they should have had the balls to do it when people were still aware of the game's existence.

All politic faggotry should be mocked, even gay rights faggotry

That's a lie created by jews to excuse faggot pedophilia.

Because it shows how green you moral crusaders are. I can literally smell the 2016 on you.

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The gay paradox doesn't really exist as much in other mediums, desu. In music (specifically hip hop) it's more people just rejecting homosexuality altogether and complaining about "the gay agenda" (or accepting it) (whatever that is) and in film they're generally accepted. It's only video games where you have this meme where people can't decide if a gay character flirting with other men makes him a bad gay character by default

I feel the same way about people with tits.

Do you also send waifu threads to /h/?

Heroes aren't gay.

/trash/ is dominantly straight

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And what proof to do you have of that
In most of those gruesome pedo affairs, you'll often notice that the victims are of both sexes

Stop lying through your teeth, fag.

OOF hots to close to home there

Gay threads are still allowed there and don't get deleted is all I was pointing out

Yes, and it's also the reason why both you and trannies will never be fully accepted in society.

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>511 posts, 162 posters
It's like that fucking thread on /int/ all over again

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Humans aren't keys?

Regardless, making the same thread each day on a board full of autists likely isn't going to get you far.

>I can literally smell the 2016 on you.
That's not me.
Wash your axewound properly next time.

See "you're lying" isn't scientific methodology and doesn't excuse your gender studies-tier articles and "surveys"

>where's my control group
What the fuck do you want them to do? Set up a bunch of gay families and see how many kids get molested? You people are deranged.

jews were to first to hate homosexuals
its a jewish concept to hate homosexuals

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Yea Forums is obessed with gays. Nothing new

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Anytime you start a thread mentioning anything remotely related to LGBT on here it's guarranted replies

I'm gay, not a tranny
I know you lack the IQ to notice the difference, but one of them just prefer men rather than women, the other wants to mutilate their genitals

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