Fire emblem three houses

How are my golden bros holding up? All my units are awesome except for ignatz and Lorenz, benched ignatz for Bernie but Lorenz stays because he's a Chad, lionbros are welcome, edelcucks stay out of this thread please
Fire emblem three houses thread

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Ignatz is claude stat but with res swaped with def. Nice support with Marianne
Lorenz looks like a jack of all trade, don't excelle in any stat.still a chad

Hilda is an anime girl with the growth stat of a berserker

Golden deer are comfy as fuck

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I don't own a switch and I don't plan on buying one just for fire emblem

I only joined the best house for the beat waifu in this game.

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cool story

I love the Lions and the Deers man, they have some of the best supports in the game, shame about Ingrid being shafted so hard.

Someone explain me classes
Which do I go for?
What do they change?

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>Don't cry Dimitri, this is a happy time
>These are happy tears, my friend
Are others routes have so much soul too?

There are 3 tiers of classes. One basic, one advanced and one master class. Your lord's master class should always be their unique ones because they're optimal for them.

gib clinically depressed church wife

they have different skill and attribute growths, and they have different inherent abilities and mastery abilities

Lorenz is literally one of my best units.
Dude doubles almost everything and can tank mages like its nothing.
Lysithea's level ups are almost always garbage though.

Anyone know some advices about reclassing?

I should've played Black Eagles first because I don't know if anything can top Blue Lions kino

as long as Lysi is getting Magic (which she should on most levels, 70% growth by level 10 holy shit), literally nothing else matters

Someone as cute as Edelgard can’t be evil

I really liked Ignatz as a "black mage" type in the early game, he actually turned out decent with a couple of lucky level ups.
Late game I'm planning on turning him into that Sword/Reason class.
My Lorenz just got shitty level ups, like 13 str, at lv. 20. I'm still using him tho, I like his personality.

Lysithea is just a glass cannon, mine has like 30 mag/20 speed/3 def at level 20, she's fun to use tho.

She's not inherently evil, just retarded

Don't be too hard on her, she's a woman.

What do you need for completionists? Is it an exercise in insanity, like PoR and Radiant Dawn?

I have the problem that I almost have an all-female group. It's hard to decide who pair up any of them this way.

Just finished the Eagle-Lion battle.
Leonie is strong as fuck, mvp for sure.
Hilda and Raph are also beefy as fuck.
Poached all of Lion's qt girls.

Nooooooo, why did Kronya have to die? She would make a marvelous sex slave, a stress relief for students and their teachers.

Poor Miklan lol

so i was gonna make flayn a holy knight because her starting lance stats but i just got dancer for her, would that be better?

>Lion's qt girls

>not keeping her only for your personal use

>actually go to Reddit since I got curious from user's post on /feg/
>They're portraying Dimitri as if he's actually the bad guy he is in the E3 trailer
>Furthermore they actually are white knighting Edelgard
LMAO this is the funniest shit I've seen in a while.

>Make Ingrid this punching Hajime no Ippo punching girl
>intermediate class has no gloves dedicated class
>forced to make her Pegasus Knight

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Does anyone have a picture of all the character portraits + their timeskip versions?

Annette and Mercedes

of course she's the reddit option

>thinking Reddit actually plays games
Yea Forums is casual as fuck but at least they have a basis for their shittalk sometimes

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My lorenz is, without a doubt one of my top 3 unit. ONLY competition is Raphael and Byleth. Claude is a distant 4th.

Then again, Gloucester Knights + 6 Atk Magic Def and Res is pretty ridiculous

She looked greasy and gross

Poor dude. He's the most Classic lord in three houses and undoubtedly the one that got fucked over the most yet they hate him

I poached four students but I'm starting to think it wasn't worth getting so many, I'm gonna have to perma bench some people.


That's where you messed up, he's a chad mage

But why?

Only males can be punchy because a women actually doing damage with naked fist is unrealistic.

Will Claude need to have Flying Rank in order to be Wyvern Master, or does he gets his unique classes automatically?

their taste isn't even close to as shit as GameFAQs

Isn't he the justicefag who got fucked over by the Empire? Why would they think he's evil while Edelgard isn't?

Those tits don't lie. I am all for tits.

Anyway, why are big titty girls always first one to bite the dust in vidya?

Annette and Ingrid

Automaticly I'm fairly sure. He also gets a upgraded one like 5 chapters later before you even had a hope of mastering uh master.

Because they want to fuck Edelgard
Bros before hoes

I'm not far into the game but I'm wondering with this month system does the game propel you forward with the story no matter what? Cuz it seems like they give you a lot to fuck around with and I hate having time limitations.

They haven't played his route.
>Not a single vote for Dimitri
It just goes to show Yea Forums is the only place where the Blue Lions are more well liked and played.

Dimitri moments do
>his execution in BEagles
>the vision in GD
Dimitri is kino in any route.

Her tits aren't even that big. They're just more exposed than other characters in the cast and she isn't wearing a bra or anything.

you can always count on normalfags to have the most basic fucking taste

Lorenz so far has been top tier my playthrough but keep in mind I’m only at the Eagle Lion fight about to do his paralogue though.
I saw how Ignatz did nothing special so I just made him my designated thief for now.
Hilda was very meh for awhile but has been growing STR basically every level now for the last 6 or something so I’ll keep her.
The two mages are doing great. I’m showing large favoritism to Marianne although it’s befoming quite apparent how god tier Lysithea is.
Leione is slowly starting to disappoint me despite being a Peg, she might just be a fast cavalier and not a peg because she lacks just enough power and has plenty of speed. Decent rank though. I think I just expected more from her.
I’m ignoring the trainee currently but I’m so torn because I want to recruit others but it’s gonna be hard to really beach anyone currently now that I have Flayn.
It’s a good problem to have too many units you want to use.

>Dimitri, 0
>Hedgy the edgy Felix 7
what the fuck

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I really can't see how any sane people could ally themselves with that madqueen of edelgard

I just hope japan doesn't have this awful shit taste for the boys.
And if they do, just fuck them we're getting retards as lords for the end of time.

Lorenz is somehow both chad and obnoxiously irritating
ignatz is meh but his supports make up for it
Raphael is painfully one dimensional but an absolute bro and a beast of a brawler just he-manning through enemies.
Hilda's voice lines being so innocent while she destroys with a weighty axe as a beserker is the funniest thing.
Marianne needs to be protected, loved and cherished. Honestly my only regret in playing fembyleth is that i cant s-rank her.
Leone is a great tomboy if a bitchy one
Lysithea's bitching is always worth it for her fear of ghosts and karmic tsun shenanigans.

>buy a Switch just for FE
>beat Blue Lions
>start Black Eagles cause I wanna see what happens in Part 2 when you join Edelgard
>find out that you practically keep weapon ranks, professor level and batallions from NG
Welp this is gonna be even easier now. Too bad I have to sit through Part 1 again. Golden Deer players, how relevant is Dimitri? Cause Claude was literally as irrelrvant as one can be in Blue Lions.

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Japan is major Fujo town, of course they’ll like Dimitri I hope

Felix is based, his supports don't play up the edge at all, he seems pretty friendly, if not a bit serious

I'm surprised by how much I like Lorenz, there are times where he does give off the dickhead noble vibe, but there are other times where he shows his noble side with how he feels it's his duty as a noble to watch over those less privileged. I'm a fan of him

Is Marianne one of those rare waifus that almost everyone in the fanbase can agree is good?

I just can't understand why
Why wouldn't you start on nightmare ng+?


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Just met Catherine please tell me you can marry that Amazonian woman.

I've recently started and I choose the Leicester Alliance.

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Her, Lysi and Petra

I honestly am impressed that they have Bernadetta and Marianne in the same game and it feel like Marianne just pulls off her character a lot better

I get Dimitiri losing to Claude but to Felix and Sylvain? Really?
I'm liking my Golden Deer playthrough so far but I can't wait for my Blue Lions - mommy Byleth will treat Dimitiri right.

There's an unlockable difficulty after I beat the game?

Thank fuck.

Yes, two
And lunatic soon as dlc

Nice, all three are girls I had my eye on before getting the game.

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They're different appeals, Bernadetta hits the nervous spaghetti spiller niche, while Marianne hits the shy, depressed, must protect niche

You can in fact marry Catherine.

Bernadetta seems like she was just thrown in to placate the people who wished they could waifu Morgan, doesn't feel like a legitimate member of the cast

Felix is fairly easy to recruit and is a absolute monster of a unit whilst Dimitri is only BL.

Lorenz is a nu-FE character done right.

I want to buy this game but I can't since the brown boy (leader of golden deers) is too hot for me so being unable to romance him is a dealbreaker

There aren't bigger than hers are, i could tell.

I hear EVERYONE say that Hilda is a monster but mine has consistently gotten bad stats from level ups.
What the fuck do people normally use her for?

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Low key both Morgans are some of the better Awakening characters.

you can romance him as a girl

>Leonie and Hilda are for tomboyfags and brat lovers respectively, but they also get some general appeal post-timeskip
How can anyone pick a house other than Golden Deer?

>There aren't bigger than hers are, i could tell.

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Yeah my Hilda sucks too, I'm considering benching her for one of the units I steal. Ignatz and possibly Leonie too

Felix is so damn autistic lmao

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>marrying a golddigger

I’m going to post BE anyway because fuck you and I wanted to do the shortest route first. My best unit is Edgelord herself because I made her an Armored Knight and she has over 40 HP and 25 Str at level 14. My worst unit is Ferdinand, who is a Cavalier but only has like 13 Str and can’t double hit anything.

Because as great as those girls are Petra is a qt too but she's stuck in a different house

I can see why some would hate her constant self defeating. It makes her seem like a rei clone until you find a moment or two where she actually opens up.
They feel very different because in mariannes case it is far more than just shyness that makes her introverted.
Bernadetta is much happier and extrovert when she is in her comfort zone she just gets anxious very quickly and then spills spaghetti faster than lysithea whenever anyone mentions anything haunted. Marianne however still self doubts even when shes praised and is doing activities with you. She is damaged and makes you want to find her adoptive father and beat the shit out of him.

I would never marry Dorothea, I've despised her since I first saw her wearing that ridiculous hat. But having said that, there are plenty of people who waifu Anna in past titles.

I might replay and S support Claude as a girl eventually

Thanks, she doesn't appear to be a student so I doubted.

im not a girl though

>leaning over
Amateur swine, get out of here. Go rewatch the cutscene with Kronya lying on back, and then come back.

Has he surpassed Marisa's autism?

>When he doesn't even try to act edgy after first few seconds of Annette C support
BL are truly best

I used her as an armor knight personally.

neither am i but i'll play as one if it lets me get Claude's dick

So Bernadetta is a typical shy nerd and Marianne is a suicidal depressive?

The hat is her best feature fuck you

half the school already fucked her anyhow

I just started the game, how many characters can you realistically recruit from other houses? I went with blue lions if that is of any significance.

dang how hard is it to give more than one gay option? Linhardt is so unappealing, the straights and lesbians get all the hot girls meanwhile

She has good all around stats like Leonie. While you can't do cheeky class change bullshit (like Lysithea getting +7 Def from certing into Armor Knight) she doesn't need as much micromanagement. Only issue is that she sort of falls off later, being a melee combatant with bad defenses.

Same, and I don't wanna kill them in the battlefield, all of them were amazing.

They're just not that impressive my guy.

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>Partner? What's that?

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>eh? nandatte?

Is this game even remotely difficult? Or is it just have Ike wander around and one shot everything

No-one can surpass Marisa's autism

Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, same with "cool wine aunt" Manuela, how the fuck do you look like that and guys still don't want to stay with you

Still not enough compared to Kronya's.

You know I thought it was dumb how much of a fuss other places were making such a fuss about gay options but when your only option is fucking Linhardt I think I’m starting to see

Yay or nay?

three or four, if you're playing normally. Probably more if you abuse supports.

>lionbros are welcome, edelcucks stay out of this thread please
Extremely based

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isn't she trying to find a husband? If that's the case then fucking literally everyone wouldn't help that goal at all

She's another Manuela in the making, going to find herself on the verge of hitting the wall and still alone

It's really weird, like I get that Japan is behind in gay representation and probably mostly includes Yuri for the straight male audience, but didnt nobody go in the team: Wtf its just Linhardt?

Hes stupid hoe, unimportant, unattractive, unemployed

You can recruit a few but bare in mind that entirely depends on what you build Byleth to be.
Because in order to recruit them you need the right stats. Of course, inviting them to dinner and such makes it easier, but then that takes away free bonuses to your members.
3-4 at best.

I wanna FUCK Manuela

that wouldve been 100% better and I would've been fine with that. just make it at least 2 somewhat important characters and i dont care about the rest

link it, I want to laugh as something.

guess I'd better save her one of these routes

Okay, thanks. Started acquiring Lysithea, Bernadetta and Ferdinand since I quite like their characters. Hope they are of any value gameplay wise.

>marrying what every other guy already got for free
Yikes. No hymen, no diamond.

I want to play this because of the milf I saw posted and someone posting a god tier track from the ost but there aren't enough games on switch I'm interested in to justify buying a switch, what do?

Lysithea is THE CUTE NUKE
Bernadetta is probably the best archer in the game
Ferdinand is fine.

Is it true that our route has the worst story?

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Deerfag here, lysith is a really good mage
Marieanne is a really good white mage.

This guy... He's laughably autistic that it has grown on me

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Don’t do it. Never buy a console for one game.

never buy a console unless there are five games you're interested in

Otherwise wait for the emulator

Thanks for the info mate.

Meteor seems incredibly useful, does anyone other than Hanneman and Dorothea learn it?

>Ferdinand is fine.
How. Speed is his only good stat. Have him as Cavalier and he just can’t kill anything no matter how much xp I feed him


remember it's a Jap game, unless stated implicitly, all women are virgins

I mean, I'd likely pick up mario maker as well, maybe bayo but that's about it really. They re-released some older zeldas right? I'd be tempted to pick them up, not interested in botw.

No. That's Beagles. Golden Deers have pretty great scenes like that bitch who kills Jeralt dying.
I agree

>chopping up my enemies

>three houses
>Bayo 2/3
>astral chain
>Mario Odyssey even though you can emulate it already
>XB2 I guess?

I guess that qualifies as 5 games
fuck why is the switch so shit

How do I git gud at tea times?

fine as in the game is so easy that it doesn't really matter

Learn what the characters actually like. No, I'm not kidding, it's easy if you actually understand them.

>Edelcucks stay out
>Went to the effort of recruiting our worst member.

I'm sure other people would struggle to justify other consoles just as much

How am I supposed to find out what people outside my house like? Can't find them in the roster.

Dorothea has definitely been dicked many times before, same with Manuela

the whole joke with Manuela is that she goes on a bunch of first dates but they leave as soon as they see her pigsty of a room

>No BotW
Unless you had a Wii U of course

Smash bros / luigis mansion / pokemon if you like first party shit.

She wants to fuck everyone though, not just you.

Pokemon is a real bad choice even if you like first party games

It's pretty hilarious - Support with Seteth

She is scolded for bringing a man back to her room and being drunk.

He had to carry her back and ran as soon as he saw her room LEL.

>that game when the routes with background and plot are worse than the one focused on a personal conflict
Should happen more for japs, they get too tangled in retarded lore shit.

Reminder boars > gorillas

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Forgetting someone?

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>edelcucks stay out of this thread please
you cant stop us from cleansing the world

Edelgard can cleanse the world by offing herself

BL/BE first(both sides of the same conflict) then church and lastly Golden Bois. Golden route is mostly fleshing out the lore.
Its not shit at all but just not that "main story" as the others

TFW learned that the main theme is literally just about Edelgard and what she does during the story
Other anons probably have known for a while, but listening to it after playing makes me feel sad.

Goddamn holy shit, look at the size of that Dimitri

It makes her seem like an unwilling villain though when she does everything unprovoked.

She's definitely already hit the phase of her life where she fucks guys in the hopes of winning them over easy, she's at least sucked a bunch off

Just started the game, really enjoying it! I keep worrying about how long I have to recruit other people though; do you have plenty of time?
Also what's the most effective way of recruiting? I've mostly been taking them with me on battles to try and get support up with Blyeth. Is that right?
Sorry for the questions, just excited.

Lysithea is possibly the best magic user in the entire game
>fuckhuge magic
>very high speed
Just give her Thyrsus and she won't be touched ever.

It isn't
Listen lyrics, it's about being forced to do mean things and be part of conflict
Edelgard never forced to do anything, she's spoiled bitch who upset that people don't agree with her and starts all conflicts

I’ll take it.

Give them gifts, invite them to eat with you, Choir, Tea Time when you unlock it, etc. I managed to recruit Felix and Dorothea by Chapter 6.


I'm starting Chapter 6 and my most leveled dude is lvl 19
Is it ok or i'm fucked and I should reset ?

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no possibly about it, she laughs in every other mage's face

I had all of my units at level 20 and promoted to advanced classes by Chapter 9, and I probably battled a little too much there. You're good.

I’m curious which classes can use magic?
I noticed Edel has a budding talent in reason but her unique class doesn’t seem to let her use magic.

You could make her a Dark Knight if you want her to use magic, but honestly just shove a Bolt Axe onto her to make use of her Magic stat.

Not to mention her fucking spell list insane and trivializes the Death Knight in chapter 6.
She can get Warp the earliest in the cast too

Who do I need to pair Sylvan with to solve the Crest problem

When you start ng+ can you repick your difficulty or is it locked to what you picked to begin with

>gets a budding talent in reason
>can’t use it in her special snowflake class
I admit it, I’m pretty disappointed as fuck

This is why I haven’t recruited anyone. Is it even possible to have enough adjutants that no one is permabenched?

Once I mastered a class, should I spec into another class to not waste exp?
My lvl 15 lys gains levels like crazy and has already mastered her beginner and intermediate class.

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B supports are the magic ticket to recruiting characters

Cool then

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Her personal makes her really good at mastering classes, but class mastery isn’t always worth it

You can pick difficulty and Byleth's sex, it's a new file

I switch Lysi to the healer class until she hit 20/30, but I think I may have just gimped her growths slightly since she didn't master them anyway

What's this Lysithea cancer thing i am hearing about? I know she has 2 crests, is she overbred or something?

Wait wtf? Classes mess with growth?

just keep playing

Thanks for the invite, deer bro. I'm having a lot of fun with this game - just got the art book in the mail today.

Both Edelgard and Lysithea were experimented on to give them Crests, which is why their hair is white. Lysithea is suffering from a side effect of the experiments which is basically Crest AIDS that will eventually kill her.

it's not the end of the world, since oh she just had a 65% Mag growth in Priest instead of 70% in Mage, but still.

Good, thanks

Fuck that then. She's staying mage the whole way.

literally me but with Bernadetta, had to make her a cav. she at least uses her horse to quickly charge down an enemy and punch them after dismounting

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>that chapter with the red head rebellion
>Gilbert joins as an ally unit
>guard him the entire way through the long spiraling map, managing ambushes & him attacking bandits in every direction backwards and forwards
>beat boss, everyone lives
>suddenly phase 2
>Gilbert immediately throws himself into the monster & kills himself

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Each class has unique abilities and stat growths. Most characters are great with 1 or 2 classes at each tier

Based Glibert

there's no reward for keeping Gilbert alive

>Dimitri gets a whopping 70% str growth with Great Lord
Fucking hell

I had enough high move units at that point where I could rush in and lock it down before he hurt himself.

I think it’s supposed to reflect how strong the monster is.
God I didn’t understand it at first and had to use all three divine pulses to win. Also Lysithea being able to fucking take down an entire health bar helped

Why did they pick an effeminate fruitcake to voice someone meant to seem imposing?

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it's so fucking bad, part of me wants to believe it's a joke

>The Flame Emperor is 5'2"
lol what a fucking manlet

You know at first I thought lorenz looked like some lame almond man and I avoided interaction but as the game went on I realized he was a chad and that he would be one of my A ranks on my golden run.
Only person that surpasses him is Dedue on the Blue Chads. Absolute unit.


>playing the dub
but gee I wonder

>online statistics
>top 8 deployed
>all Eagle
Deer bros, Lion friends, did we lose? Majority of people went for red fucks. What happened? The only possible explanation i can think of is normies going red or neets going for Bernadette.

He has one of the best relics in the entire game, 4 range magic is no joke

I am playing hard, classic and i had absolutely no problem. In fact, every mission is easy as fuck. Are you new into FE?

honestly the lisp should have given it away but so many females have a lisp in this game that it wasnt so obvious to begin with

>giving it to Lorenz instead of Cute Nuke
Lorenz's "intended" relic is a fucking axe for some godforsaken reason

Who has the most suckable tits in three houses

You only have yourself to blame.

Fuck the Reddit scourge. Dimitri is /our guy/.


>tfw finally managed to order an LE
Sorry for being late Golden Bros, but I'll join up with the rest of you eventually. Looking forward to spending time with Lionfriends as well. Later on I'm going to rob Edelgard of all her classmates and destroy her with Rhea and the Church.

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Who is the best thief and why is it Byleth

Depends on how you like your womyn user.

I like annette's perky virgin tiddies

Ignatz for having the lowest opportunity cost

Why is Claude so brown? He's more of a spaniard than an african american

Source or proof for this? Otherwise i have to say Dorothea. Her's are probably that type with somewhat big, yet beatiful areolas.

Ashe can unlock anything as an archer - therefor he is the best thief (not as an actual thief class tho)

Westerners really like to play up tanned Japanese characters as being outright shitskins for muh diversity

No, hell no, that's too brown.

Why can't Dimitri and Claude be good friends.

>Class change Byleth to Thief
>19% critical chance with a fucking Steel Sword

Gonna be fun to find a Killing Edge.

My source/proof is that I really wanna suck on Petra's exotic titties

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amerimutts have never seen a true MED BVLL before so they just assume they're some breed of nog

She's probably the type with disgusting mexican/indian shit colored nipples. Pass.

They can, for the most part, Dimitri is a tad too revenge crazy and Claude is betray happy.

When does byleth get a class better than that ugly as fuck enlightened one

They can be in the Blue Lions route

>anime girl
>not even that dark
>having shitskin nipples
Get a load of this retard, even anime negresses have pink nipples

>not wanting to be literal jesus

Dimitris route is the best because its the only one where they both survive and are on good terms

She's Latina

I got her killed on the first real mission and didn't care enough about her to waste a rewind

Ignatz is fine, he's a pretty reliable assassin for not getting hit, boy just can't get those crits though.
Lorenz is probably my worst right now, but that's because I switched him from horse boy to magic boy so he can be my dark knight, he's in a rough place stat wise.
Leonie is just a fucking monster, every enemy should be grateful she's a paladin right now, once she levels up she's going airborne again and then nobody is safe.
Lysthiea is such a good dancer I love her. Back to back crits, nukes people from across the field with magic, clutch heals, and she can catapult Raph big metal ass to suckerpunch melee virgins.


Is there anyway to level up Horse, Pegasus and Heavy Amor besides Seminars and Faculty training? I want to recruit a number of other students, but these requirements are forcing me to grind weapon skills to compensate my “Jack of all trades” character I’m reluctantly making. It’s pretty annoying to wast a Sunday that I could be used for other things.

Fuck you
Rhea likes it

The class ranks are weird... There's no wyvern class in the intermediate ranks but there's pegasus knight, but no pegasus rider in the advanced rank but there's falcon knight in the master classes. And if you want a male mage to achieve master rank your only option is dark knight, the only non-mounted master rank caster is female only.

>Dimitri livesa
>Claude lives
>Edelgard justly dead
>kingdom rebuild
>everyone happy
>can fuck your archbishopwife every afternoon
Literally best end.

Where do you get gifts?
Haven't unlocked Tea Time yet.

>those watermarks on every panel
jesus man, get over yourself

Give me a spoiler free tl;dr on what choosing a house does besides having its units in the army and other houses as enemy.
All houses have characters I like and characters I hate, so I'm undecided.

for yourself? No. You only need a D in the skill recruits want if you have B support, though

They should have gotten the voice actress for Petra to actually have a foreign accent. She just sounds stupid speaking plain English in her chopped up way.

Is there a Revelation route or is it coming as a DLC?

>those levels
ok i think im playing this shit wrong, i am barely level 14 as byleth during chapter 6 with a bunch of levels 11 and 10, i still managed to defeat the dark vader thoe

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you find them randomly and you can buy them from based Eastern Merchant and his less-based Western counterpart

>expecting dubs to be good

What units did my fellow Golden bros steal, I got Felix and Bernie. I limited myself to only 1 per rival house.

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It's a completely different storyline, hard to do without spoiling.
Edelgard's is about conquest.
Dimitri is about justified revenge.
Claude about lore related to the main background.

If you assign and adjutant to yourself do you get support points with them?

each house has a completely different story.

Your like Mages? Pick BE
You like Lancers and Riders? Pick BL
You like Archers? Pick GD


Oh fuck off with this stupid shitpost, dubs can be good just like subs can be bad.

I don't connect online because I'm not a nerd

It totally changes the plot and it decides what units you have on your team.

I would recommend just picking whatever lord you like best:

1. Edelgard - Anti-Hero / Edgelord
2. Dimitri - Get even or die trying
3. Claude - Be a slick latino doing whatever you like

which house because Lysithea can outright delete him at that point

It completely changes the story and some house's stories are longer than others
You need to play through every one to get the full experience anyway

Caspar, hat girl and Felix

>dubs can be good
not really

talk shit all you want about Divine pulses but that shit fucking was a godsend to experiment agaisnt the fucking boss, i wasnt going to fucking do that horrible map twice

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I'm guessing those merchants arent the ones on the main entrance?
Should I just keep playing the game? Lol

Like I said, I probably battled too much. Remember that people routinely beat Fire Emblem games doing shit like reverse growths where they lose stats each level up, if you can kill stuff you'll be fine, although you might have trouble doing the extra objectives during Paralogues since I struggled with those even a bit overlevelled.

She's literally Christ-Chan in video game form. I can't believe you faggots fall for it.

Wait a minute, each route has different maps? So if i replay after Deers, i am playing a different game?

Snatching up Ingrid currently and I might try to grab Felix soon because if this thread

you get a quest at some point to open up trade routes, they show up after that

Hell, Edelgard only has 6 timeskip maps while Dimitri has 10.

My guess is that they want to romance edelgard or just like her character design.

Free exp, i don't complain. But damn, the places people died at, geez.

it has different maps after the timeskip, yes

A side quests map allows you to unlock them. Hilarious enough, you unlock Anna when you are almost nearing the last chapters.

Edelgard was the most heavily advertised character, makes sense most chose her for their first playthrough

>shit like reverse growths where they lose stats each level up
Excuse me what the fuck

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Thanks user.
Currently trying to get Lindhardt because he's a good sleepy boy and I could do with another good healer/mage aside from Mercedes.

BL, and i was defating everything but the mist mage thats at the door, and i had like 2 turns left to nuke him into oblivion and my Lysithea was like half away the fucking map so i had to play smart i wasted like 4 turns getting everyone ready to raid him and position them in a way so that i could poke him until he is in the floor

what does that even mean, fell for what?

please respond

fell for her, obviously
I have no regrets

Just be yourself

>Remember that people routinely beat Fire Emblem games doing shit like reverse growths
must be hell using those fucking pegasus knight
2 levels and they hit 0 str

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What happens if he dies? Luckily I healed him up after he took his first hit, cause then he got hit again and only had 2 HP when the map ended.

Is there any reason to not advance your class? There's an exp bar under the beginner one, but how important is it to grind out before you move class?

This how I know you didn't play the game.


Just play SMT or Yokai or literally anything else,
XB2 is a better pokemon game than Pokemon at this point

You actually think Edelgard was forced to do anything? Believing in your mind you have no other choice isn't being forced to do something.


It's interesting stuff to watch, and Jagen type characters become extremely valuable thanks to their shitty growths and high bases.

>do Lorentz paralogue
>shit's easy no biggie
>random pegasus knight moves to attack
>17 x 2 to most of my units
why are those fucking pegasus knights are so strong, werent they weak as shit?

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user, literally everyone agree with her, just not her method. If it wasn't for her, nothing would be fix.

In my playthough, Ingrid fucking decimated Eagles in the trio battle. Almost lost in number of units defeated.

Should I start with Lions or Deer? Almost everyone I know is going Eagles but I'm not really interested in them.

That's about the same as me

How many hours til it gets good? Free days at the monastery are getting boring

i like using it just for QoL stuff like like i positioned a guy 1 tile off from where i wanted him

Peg Knights have always been good if you train them up user

kek right?

Pick whichever house has more waifus/husbandos that you prefer

>dumb ESL waifufag
Not even surprised.

lindhardt has been a great healer in my playthrough, i absolutely love how you can spam shit like warp for xp and not have to worry about losing your staves

it depends if you want the masteries/skills that come from mastering them, iirc the commoner one is just +5 HP if you max it

I literally just did my dude’s mission too and that same pegasus knight caught me off guard.

Almost the same here, used a gambit to lock her squad down until I could get more units attacking them

what are the must do paralogues in terms of rewards? i already did Lorentz for that sweet +2 range

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lol, i killed her with the ballistae turn 2 after using stride to get everyone to the center

>hating on the chad Ferdinand

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Monastery is always kinda boring but it gets better over time

Is it just me or is magic busted in this game? Most spells seem light enough for ez double attacks, plus it’s strong. At the very least, Annette, Mercedes, and Linhardt seem like top tier units.

Unfortunately she also sound like that in Japanese. Shit's retarded and people would get mad if they randomly gave her an accent (as Seitz put it) like with Athena

Lorenz and Sylvain are pompous nobles but they actually give a fuck about being good nobles, it's a nice change to have rich kids that only have their heads halfway up their own asses. Ferdinand went all the way though.

Their C-Support didn't disappoint either.

i love the monastery stuff, but i have no idea how it will be fun on multiple playthroughs

npcs cheat and get lancefaire as Pegasus. You need Falcon before learning it

Mastering a class gives your character a skill and/or combat art. OTOH, more advanced classes have better growths.

Mastering the starting class gives the relatively useful HP+5 skill.

just the fact you can spam shit for XP is crazy, plus in old games i hardly used my best tomes because of durability

The Seteth and Flayn one gave some pretty good weapons and batallions, I think

Ashe is by far the cutest boy. It’s just a shame about his voice.

Lysithea is just about the best unit the game, she doesn't even need to double to one shot

Questions for someone who only played awakening

Should I master a class before upgrading or upgrade immediately

Also is there a guide for what character is best or what class?
I’m playing with permadeath on and don’t wanna find myself by making someone a soldier when they should be a monk or whatever

Ferdinand you mean. Sylvain is a skirtchaser but is a good dude

>top recruited for a month is all the knights and waifus you'd expect
>except for ignatz somehow
fucking twink lovers

what female characters will i be able to recruit if i'm focusing on building my byleth into a brawler/punchman?

also gives them their relics although Seteth can't use his when you recruit him

Seeing 3 base level lords bully Uhai is one of the funniest FE things I’ve seen

i haven't made it far enough but i've seen mortal savant lysithea's in my monastery and it just looks hilarious

yes, magic and bows dominate.

Dorothea turns into an orbital cannon with Thoron and Meteor. Warp is nuts. Bishop+Physic is OP

Ignatz is ridiculously easy, he wants Dex and Authority

On future playthroughs I'll probably speed through the quests, teacher activities, gardening, etc. Not sure if I'll bother with lost items or talking to everyone because it's kind of a pain in the ass.

There are hardly any good arts from mastering the classes, except for ones like vantage. Upgrade immediately usually

I've just about narrowed it down to Lysithea and Marianne for personal best girl

Ignatz is an easy one, I recruited him for the hell of it but idk if I'll actually bother using him

yeah i'll probably just use shit like that for motivating my party

The way she speaks would be perfect for a Russian/Eastern European accent. What a missed opportunity. She doesn’t sound foreign, she just sounds like she has a mental disability.

>how relevant is Dimitri?
Not very.

Part 1 plays identical with all routes, Part 2 plays mostly the same, but the endings super different.

Dimitri appears near the end, but it's pretty much like how Clause just disappears and comes for Part 2 in Blue Lions.

deathblow from brigand
i just picked all the sluttiest dressed classes though, game's piss easy

they clearly put a lot of effort into her the way her dialogue is set up, and yet they missed that basic point...

At least he has one great scene, unlike Claude in BL a post mortem one even.

is it just me or doubling is kinda hard at first, it took me until chapter 6 to start seeing natural doubles outside of gauntlets, not even Felix was doing doubles consistently

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3h isn't worth buying a switch for anyway

I'm pretty sure he was talking about exclusives, Ryza is on every platform

Dimitri in BE is incompetent, with no Byleth he's fully manipulated by immaculate one. When he dies she steals his kingdom from him and burns it down


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no one game is worth buying a console for

Weight is a thing.

Armored Knight or Brigand for Eldtard?

>tfw keep switching back and forth between sub and dub
I really wanted to go dub but the awkward shit delivery of a lot of characters keeps making me switch to sub. I swear I can visualize them reading from a script sometimes.
Annette's dub is great though and sounds very natural, and for that I think her dub VA deserves tons of praise

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she's just tanned

whatever part 2 gives you

Weight is really really restrictive in this game, you need 5 points of Strength to cancel out 1 point of weight

Wow, just wow. You completely ignore the reason and attack me. I answer your question. Yes she was forced, she was experiment on and felt like such things need to stop. You called her a spoiled child because no one agree with her. You are idiot is just saying things just to justify your hatred for one character. Fuck off.

Lysithea is best cunny purely for how much of a absolute unit she is. After giving her the plus spell range item nobody can even counter her anymore.

Literally the only thing preventing her from one shotting monsters is the game cheating in the monster's favor by giving them extra bars of health.

narrator's voice is making me so horny oh my god

Brigand if you want to dial up the gorilla
Armor Knight if you want to go full Entei

Edelgard is completely fucking shit up for me. She hits so hard with an axe

no console will have just 1 game you're interested in unless you have super picky taste and hate everything

this scene appear in every route, ot only in GD

Are there even any downsides to waifuing Lysithea?

her spammable self dance relic attack lets her solo the dragon

Part One...

White Clouds

>she was experiment on and felt like such things need to stop
So start with your own fucking country instead of attacking the church that was completely unrelated to the experiments.
Dumb ESL waifufag, there's a reason her whole house drops her like a hot potato if you go church.

Xbone and PS4 seemed to manage for me. Xbone doesn't even have one.

>Xbone doesn't even have one
i guess so if you consider the fact you can play anything on PC

no since byleth is one of those who can cure her. its just opportunity cost

>noooo you can't just attack a church, that's wrong!
fuck off christcuck

None whatsoever
>an actually well-written tsundere
>youngest girl means she hits the wall slower
>cure her crestaids with dick and she loves you forever
>you breed her immediately

The only one that I can think of is that she's voiced by Aoi Yuuki and she's too popular for my contrarian tastes.

>attack the church because crestshit
>defeat the church and creates artificial crests
>congratulations, now Edelgard is the exact same as the church
well done Edgegard

how am I supposed to focus on my schoolwork with this boner

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even then they don't really interest me

What? I know about the dlc but I didn't unlock new difficulty options after beating the game.

>Hard Classic Blue Lions
>whole game is pretty much a joke difficulty-wise through all of part 1
>not doing weekend battles unless there's a quest or rare monster
>part 2 hits
>that first mission where you need to rout that fuckhuge army full of fortress knights and falcoknights
>only win because Punished Dimitri can hide in a fortress and one-round all of them with the scythe lance

Been a while since a FE map made me mentally exhausted by the end of it. I took a look at the fucking lava map after that and just decided I needed a break for today. Good to know it's starting to show its teeth a little bit.

forza's pretty good and the halo collection's coming, that's two i guess

*hide in a forest

Dimitri is Sasuke. Seriously, he goes on how he'll get his revenge until this one special someone change his ways and goes "Yeah sorry".

What the hell is so great about Fodlan that Almyra keeps trying to invade, they have fucking wyverns.


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>attack the church
>defeat the church

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Which girls aren't total fucking trouser-chasing whores and absolutely pure and have happy, wholesome endings with Byleth?

I don't like racing games and shooters generally don't appeal to me

absolutely none

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is lorenz a good mage? i have him on lances but his str seems low or got rng fucked. meanwhile fucking nerd Ignatz is assassinating everything with ridiculous luck stat and gains

I bet she smells like booze, jizz and too much cheap perfume at all times

artificial crests anyone can have after abolishing nobility and founding a unified meritocracy not ruled by an insane genocidal dragon. Seiros wiped out an entire civilization just for not worshiping Sothis.

but he does get his revenge

>posting a literal snownigger neopagan

seethe harder and go worship your jew on a stick

whats the song?

Cyril literally explains why they do it in his paralogue with Hilda

does anyone know if the S support convo changes with Linhardt whether or not you play as f or m byleth?

>artificial crests anyone can have after abolishing nobility and founding a unified meritocracy
>get rid of nobles
>rich fuckers till have all the power
>hand out crests to rich fuckers to buy their support
>right back to where we started
hooray for meritocracy

I hope.

to be real it's surprising anyone went to the academy and survived before you show up

>founding a unified meritocracy
>still ruled by a dictator with an iron fist

How long is the timeskip compared to the school year? I'm getting worried that I wont have enough time to S rank Dimitri

If Dimitri was Sasuke he would have burned down the church in Edelgard's stead after killing her and her admitting that she cared about her all along in her dying moments.

I should listen more

Democracy is a shitty meme so what's the problem?

A supports are after the timeskip
S supports are at the end

>muh heritage

is there any downside, other than needing an ability slot for close counter, NOT to give every single unit a bow or magic? my hard+classic deer run i gave everyone bows or magic except hilda, who i used as a facetank fortress knight for cavalry/armor effective weapons and also because it's funny. i just didn't see any compelling melee weapons except maybe the levin sword for lysithea

>anyone can have after abolishing nobility
The empire now controls the crests, tell me how it's different from the church doing so and how it's not going to hell the moment Edelgard abdicates or dies.

crests have no bearing on ability to perform 99% of jobs. in the current system nobles are prioritized for no reason even in administration leading to widespread corruption

>that item that gives magic +2 range
My glass canon wife is unbeatable.

>F!Byleth talks a lot during battle maps.
>M!Byleth is a mute unless he leveled up
Why is that? Does the gender you pick imply different personalities?

it's not a meritocracy if it's ruled by a single person

Yeah, there have been a few cases where the weight difference between iron weapons and steel weapons would be the difference between me doubling an enemy or an enemy doubling me

>your heritage is meaningless goyim, don't worry about it
isn't there an episode of rick and morty you should be watching?

>Edelgard wins
>no more corruption ever
>no more abuse of crests ever
is this seriously what you think?

How the fuck is Chadinand that low??

But the gauntlets are tonfas and punch daggers and shit. Why do males also get warlocks? Annette even has Hvy Armor as a proficiency. Some of this shit doesnt make sense

You can build enough support points to unlock A ranks before the timeskip but can't actually play them until after
Once you've played the A-support, the S support is immediately unlocked for when the game's over

never said that heritage was meaningless you fucking snownigger, just that it isn't everything and basing your entire existence around dead LARP religions is fucking pathetic

Dunno if it has anything to do with it but there was some drama with the MByleth actor breaking NDA and shit
But if it's the same in Japanese then it's probably just so the male can be le badass mute guy

It's an IS/Fire Emblem story so yes, there actually is no reason we shouldn't believe this to be the case

wo dao
relic weapons
combat arts

People who don't play the game and go off purely of design and character introductions.

Spotted the brainlet that skipped through every piece of dialogue in the game.

why not just a 1-2 range weapon of the weapon type that they actually use?

Yeah i could slap a bow on dimitri but he does much better with a short spear

>listen you fucking goy, I said stop caring so much about your heritage right fucking now and get back to worshipping the foreign jew on a stick!

Edgelord did nothing wrong, the shapeshifting lizardmen have to be gassed

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I just foght the War at Grounder and man i feel like shit. Killing the students doesn't feel right. I killed Bernadetta and Lysithea. I went to Bernadetta's room and it was empty. This is legitimately one of the shittiest feelings i've ever gotten from playing a game. I suppose i could have done it differently, i could have circled around them and focused on defeating the commanders only but its too late.

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>through every piece of dialogue in the game.
>3/4 of said pieces are how Edelgard is a villain who should be put down to end the fucking war.

He started talking a lot after the timeskip which kinda surprised me.

you're befriending the wring side my fellow golden faggot.
we love edelgard because she's smart, strong, independent woman. we hate dimwittree because he's a boring, awkward, ugly loser.

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her support with Raphael was far too pure to consider taking her for myself. Maybe in another route.

This post contains 100% purity

This has been mentioned a billion times but whatever. Edelgard having control of crest distribution means they would all be given to bootlicks and sycophants under Empire control meaning everyone who supports Faerghus, Leicester or anyone that thinks the Church isn't the worst thing ever would be essentially enemies of the state without any real means to defend themselves from an increasingly authoritarian regime

Yeah but grappler the class special thing is that they can go barehanded. Lysithea punching monster in the dick is retarded.

Females can't really complain, they got 2 exclusives Master classes and they both are fucking top tier.

Her solution is to set fire to all factories that makes guns, kill people with guns and develop their own guns to give to everyone.

Are there romantic endings for characters besides the one byleth claims? Ingrid and Sylvain's A-support was decidedly platonic.

I have no fucking arguments so I must base my entire existence off a dead religion that some welfare queen murderer fuck shills from his fucking shitshack

Thats unfortunate. Ferdinand is probably my favorite black eagle character-wise.

What happens if I have multiple girls A ranked the games asks me to choose?

Cringe, you get to go in the dummy pen with the rest of the edelfags

Raphael is for stinky ikkikomories

>Lysithea punching monster in the dick is retarded.
but also hee-larious

Not really, and that's unironically a good thing.

Speak for yourself.

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What route is the most conclusive? Just finished BL and while it was great none of the mysteries introduced during part one were resolved.

>develop their own guns to give to everyone.
Develop their own guns they decide who to give them to.
Edelgard is the ultimate gun grubber.

link ro I won''t believe you

seriously if you haven't at least done Raphael's C support with Flayn, you're missing out big time

faerghus and leicester no longer exist brainlet Fodlan is united as one nation the way it was before Seiros nuked everyone and started playing lizardman illuminati

cope. the epilogue is a fairytale happy ending

It's not gonna work shlomo, take it to a lefty board like /his/, we're trying to discuss Fire Emblem here

Church and Deers do a lot more with the overall lore and background of the game, while having a worse story.
Eagles does too, but runs too short.

the immaculate are literally jews, prove me wrong
you can't

Help me out, is there any reason I shouldn't use the teachers and shit? Ashe is cute with his gay little freckles, but Shamir is already a Sniper, is she going to fuck off after the time skip?

Golden Chads and Church deal more with the backstory and lore, and the mysteries

Most of the girls aren't trouser-chasing whores, just a few like Manuela and Dorothea

My Lorenz is a fucking monster. I have him as a Monk, and despite being a caster, there are times where enemies hit him for 0 damage. And when you do his Paralogue you get an item that increases his casting distance

>Fodlan is united as one nation
>retards think this is good and will last
>fairytale happy ending
Literally the only way to salvage the route was a completely unfitting happily ever after.

Yeah, plenty. Not all paired endings are romantic but quite a lot get married and stuff.

>faerghus and leicester no longer exist
their people still do

>it's ok when Edelgard genocides everyone who disagrees with her
>but fuck Seiros for doing the same
Seiros also literally founded the Empire

you can't use teachers in every battle but you can always use the students, that's about the only downside to using them

>not romantic but they get married anyway
It's shit

>When you realize you could just remove Dimitri and Claude and nothing would change
The main conflict is between Edelgarde and Rhea. Claude and Dmitri are sidestories in the Edelgarde/Church chapter (Dmitri literally gets killed offscreen in the church route) while Edelgarde and Rhea are big antagonists in the BL/GD routes

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>/his/ calls me an authoritarian fascist
>/pol/ calls me a kike-loving leftist
feels good to make both extreme rightoids and leftoid cucks seethe

retard crests are hereditary while she's giving a right to bear arms

in any case the artificial crests are an optional side character epilogue slide, not a core plot point

Yeah I don't understand why people don't use him as a mage, the moment I saw that he does a loads more damage with fireball than spear I instantly switched him over to be a caster.

Alright, thanks. Church or GD first?

why is it so fucking hard to train byleth in flying/riding/armor FUCK

Nah, it's fine. It's basically what the GBA endings did, some characters get married but others just bro it up or get really gay subtext.

>user didn't marry his bro platonically
never gonna make it

of course i did.

Raphael is 2nd in line after me as far as prime pussy goes.
Also i somehow really like Flayn and ignatz support. Somehow Ignatz is able to be less social savvy than Flayn.

My current problem is that i recruited almost only females and a bunch will die alone, undicked. And that's a shame

Faculty training friend

Supports being non-romantic but jarringly ending in marriage anyway is a big reason why Fates had such shit supports

>she's giving a right to bear arms
somehow I don't think she's just gonna be handing out crests to the plebs like Oprah

As you should. i see people making him a cavalier and wondering why he sucks so much,. As a mage he is incredibly solid, with excellent mixed defenses. Basically the perfect Dark Knight.

you have a broken donut steel class for free

He's so handsome!

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useless centrists get the bullet first, this is one thing both sides agree on

I accidentally neglected Byleth's skills since he was always like 5 levels higher then everyone else so he didn't need it. Didn't even notice until I was getting characters to advanced class with some having A or A plus in their main but wanted to do Byleth but the cunt only had C+ in swordsmanship.

because Lysithea is right fucking there and makes Lorenz cry into his pillow every night with the size of her Big Magic Cock. You are objectively doing it wrong if you give Lorenz Thrysus over Lysithea.

both sides are retarded so it makes sense they'd attack the sensible people

Where are my Manuela bros at? Mature women are top tier.

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No, because Fates tacked on S-supports which was stuff like "you make good tea, let's get married NOW and fuck and have babies to put in a timechamber right in the middle of a fucking war".
Supports not having a romantic conclusion but enough subtext and an ending that suggests they got married years down the road is miles better, and how many old FE supports worked too.

Crests are a plague on humanity, non crestsies are just as capable as crestsies. Down with this discrimination! Rise up humanity!

And so cool!

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I just send her out into enemy territory and she absolutely rakes.

enlightend one looks fucking stupid and I want him to be on a horse eventually so he can keep up with everyone and do funny shit with canto

How do I get them?

>Cyril and Manuela's C-support
>she's ranting to him about her love life, and offhand asks "what's wrong with me Cyril?"
>with no hesitation, he immediately says "you drink too much, you blame everyone else for your problems, and you don't understand that you need to love yourself before someone else can love you"
>she ignores him like he didn't say anything

there are some real diamonds in this game's writing

So what, it's better to have 2 good mages than 2 shitty lance users.

centrists are spineless fags who don't want to be on the losing side so they just sit back and wait for the stronger side to win and then adjust their views to match theirs, happens every time there's a revolution

And then she get's deleted by one pointy stick boy. I like lysithea but Lorenz i can just fire and forget. Especially with Dark Bishop mastery giving him lifetaker, so he can sustain himself alone.

Can someone explain to me how S rank supports work?
Completed my first A rank support and when I checked the supports menu, the S rank for that character is colored in as well.

wait until you see her gamebreaking personal battalion and infinite selfdancing relic weapon

I kind of wish that they would do away with romantic supports for characters not the MC and just give other characters their own canon love interests outside of it since it always makes the supports a bit too bloated and feeling like I'm managing character relations to pair people off instead of it just being the characters getting closer during the course of the game.

beat the game

If it wasn't for the way second gen units were handled in Fates most of those supports would have worked fine, it worked in Awakening because of the whole time travel thing, they didn't literally fuck right then and there


can you have multiple potential s-supports?

ALl the personnal paralogues battalion are broken tier. Once i saw the pattern with Lorenz and Raph ones i set everyone goals to autority

extremists are deranged violent idiots who always just end up centralising their beliefs because they realise that the majority of people are not deranged violent idiots

>wait for the stronger side to win
unironic considering you ultra-rightoids and ultra-leftoids have never won fuck all

Does that mean I can choose an A rank character to become S rank after I beat the game?

What do you mean, like how Harvest Moon games have canon pairings that happen if you don't romance them? The cuck memes would reach critical mass, this fanbase is too immature when it comes to that sort of thing.

Beat the game and get alternate hairstyles

No, 1 S for you.

For other character first A is considered for the pairings

That's true but if you use Lorenz then it's better to use him as a mage than a lancer.

Anyone else prefer having an actual character rather than an emotionless, silent self insert that seems like he's straight out of Persona?

user are you retarded? All of history has been an ideological tug of war between extremes, we don't think of them as extremes anymore because they simply became the norm.

everybody forgets that awakening had pseudo-canon pairings for everyone except robin and morgan. I almost never see cuck memes about that anymore, though maybe because awakening isn't discussed much anymore

Holy shit

But mages can't ride horses until level 30

or I can recruit Dorothea and have two very good mages and put Lorenz on the bench where he belongs

>I almost never see cuck memes about that anymore, though maybe because awakening isn't discussed much anymore
That's the reason, same with Fates.

I mean give characters npc's that aren't units as love interests so you don't have to pair them together yourself. Give them a waifu back home waiting for them so it doesn't muddy the waters.

Funny story, I started the game pairing up my Fem Byleth with Dimitri.
I got him to B rank, realized I was not feeling anything at all and that Dimitri was struggling to talk to a plank of wood, and started pairing him up with Marianne instead. Just did their B support and my heart is full.

Fuck the self-insert shit (you) can just masturbate with Sothis at the end, I'll have my fun shipping actual characters together and enjoying the interactions. Felix and Annette are another good pair.

But you'll only be using dorothea for dancing once she gets that option

Lysithea can't get deleted if she does the deleting first

might not be the case with all weapons, but when i was looking through them it seems like bows have less weight per might with better range than 1-2 range melees. doesn't matter as much with dmitri obviously but when building a speed tank or just a fast bow user the weight mattered imo. also bows and magic get skills that increase range more which makes you less likely to have to fight a beast in its counterattack range. just my experience and opinion, we'll see if my mind is changed after my edelgard and dmitri runs

and that tug of war always ends up in the center, because pragmatism will always win over idealism

she also gets Meteor which is great

So all those literal nazis I kill when fighting Edelgard pre-skip who babble about "just following orders", do they become my allies in lieu of the Church if I go Edelgard BEagle route or am I just SOL?

Attached: Edelgard preskip.jpg (1199x1200, 133K)

>everybody forgets that awakening had pseudo-canon pairings for everyone except robin and morgan
Yeah but not like Harvest Moon. Their supports would just grow faster with their paired unit, in Harvest Moon they'd actually get married if you didn't marry them first. Also there were some characters in Awakening that didn't have any of those support boosts if I remember right.

>French Revolution
>both ultra-monarchists and ultra-liberals get BTFO by based radical centrist Napoleon

bows are only 2 range without curved shot unless you're a bow class

Just dropped by here to say Mortal Savant Lysithia with the relic staff is just broken to such an enjoyable degree.

>and that tug of war always ends up in the center
Only because one extreme won and it became the norm for society. During the French Revolution, what was the far left of the time won, and then it just became the norm. Centrists largely adopted that far-left's viewpoints and settled into their new society.

Fates did it worse because it had far more units needing to be able to fuck each other, which led to a support bloat, vapid confessions and literally everyone being terrible parents.

napoleon was very much a pragmatist to be fair

I'm agreeing with you and using the French Revolution as an example, user. Keep up.

My House Lord cant possibly be this cute!

You lose catherine, seteth, flayn, and gilbert

Shamir, Alois and the teachers stay.

You don't get new units besides Lysithea if she hasn't already joined

New HM/RF don't have Rival pairings anymore because of that

Napoleon was not a centrist at all. That's like claiming the soviets were centrists because they were a totalitarian state.

Attached: THETRUTH.png (1200x1306, 298K)

armorslayer: only need one, gave it to hilda
wo dao: crit meme lol
relic weapons: dumb
combat arts: only good ones are the ones effective against beasts, gave those to hilda
and also the bow one that binds the target, gave those to my bow users
swordfaire: bowfaire

monarchies simply weren't pragmatic anymore for the time so they got replaced with democracies everywhere in the world, the fact that it was a very bloody process in france is just because the french are violent monkeys
funny how he instantly brought up the french revolution as something the extremists "won", ignoring everything that happened after it

I would rather them do away with the self-insert MC and romance first. Everyone shouldn't be able to marry literally everyone, but 3H did a step in the right direction of having fewer supports but overall better written conversations and endings.

I mean if i get multiple a ranks, is it possible to have multiple s rank candidates.

thing is as a mage she has 4 movement, so even with lorenz relic she get's fucked by peggies and cavs. Also, you can't use her ''offensively'' in maps where you gotta move quick she falls behind, and sending her forward is really dangerous. Again, she's very good at boss/beast deletion, but Lorenz is more rounded for me.

yes, the point was that i classed all my units into bows

get a better image, dork

Attached: fb8.jpg (1881x2048, 222K)

>monarchies simply weren't pragmatic anymore for the time so they got replaced with democracies everywhere in the world
That's not what happened at all, it took violent revolutions, lots of propaganda and coups to install democracies because most regular people were otherwise fine with the status quo.

That works too. I wouldn't mind if they just removed the romance entirely but it definitely needs to be toned down.

>the absolute best weapons in the game are dumb
I see, I see

>not a centrist
okay, let's see
>protected the rights of the Church from the uppity atheistic intellectuals
>safeguarded the plebs from the egocentric bourgeoisie
>streamlined governance so useless nobles don't get free rides to power
>took steps to create a meritocratic state free from pathological ideologies
>BTFO any extremist shit he could find

This, I'd even take Corrin over literally nothing

i think you chose, tho i'll admit i haven,t got there yet.

He was literally just a dictatorial leftist, he spent most of his time installing liberal institutions all throughout Europe.