is it good or just a meme?
Is it good or just a meme?
garbage thread
I like to smell my own farts
overrated trash
>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didnt see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere
It's a certified meme game.
Just a meme but some zoomers and casuals actually believe it.
it's ok
>It's overrated garbag-
I almost bought this last week. Glad I didn't.
Meme but sonybros need it to validate their console choice so they pretend it's like the second coming
>someone actually thinks Hunter's Nightmare looks good
pretty. doesn't mean the game is any good, though.
>le spoopy gothic locales
if ludwig is in your top 5 bloodborne bosses and micolash is not then you have shit taste
It’s in my top 10 games of all time but you won’t get many real answers in Yea Forums because
>Playstation exclusive
I was on the fence about buying it. I'll give a shot.
Very kino me likey
it is a good meme
its fun. I really appreciated the art and atmosphere style
Sounds like you wanted to play a shooter instead you donut
I mean, I liked it but personal taste is subjective so . . .
It's good, but a little overrated. The core Dark Souls RPG elements and stamina bar don't mesh well with the limited gear and faster action gameplay but the visual aethetic and atmosphere are amazing. It also was an exlusive game when Dark Souls and Lovecraft were at the height of their popularity
You must think that FROM iterated, reengineered and counter-engineered its own design model over a period of 14 years. Bloodborne is the ultimate decanting of such system.
Fuck logic
Fuck jews
Fuck Jannies
Fuck you.
It's good as fuck
This better be bait user
>Bloodborne sold less than 4 million copies
This is embarrasing
It's good, just not nearly as good as PS4 only owners make it out to be.
Once you learn how to parry with your gun and tear the insides out of foul beasts and other horrors the combat becomes incredibly satisfying
Plus almost every weapon is viable so there's lots of ways to play
A pure Bloodtinge build is even more of a meme than a pure Faith build. The guns were truly shit.
It wasn't "just a dream". The old ones make dreams another plane of reality when they are in them meaning you can still be alive in a dream even though your physical body is dead. Also explains the Doll, Gharman, and the Hunter's Dream as well as Micolash and Mergo's Wet Nurse.
do it user. it's in my top 5. absolute pure unadulterated kino. if you even somewhat like DS/Sekiro even a little bit, you should love bloodborne.
>of those four million only half actually finished the tutorial boss
>and only a quarter managed to finish the game
Who doesn't?
400+ hours beat it like 8 times and still play around with chalice dungeons, dungeons get fucking terrifying
>trying to make sense of the plot
Shit localization, tons of revisions and cut content scrambled the plot beyond all comprehension.
Well it WAS given out as a free game. Normally I save them to my library in case I feel like ever playing it.
*blocks your path*
There are a lot of bosses before you reach Cainhurst, how do you take them out with just guns? Ash buffs won’t cut it.