Why does Nintendo treat us gays as second class citizens?


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>Just choose to not be gay lmao it's not hard nigger

You can have a lesbian relation with Edelgard from what I heard.

Based Niptendo

I don't see any mention of male same-sex relationships. So this statement would still be true if it was only female same-sex relationships.
Seek help and get your mental illness treated, when pedophiles can get treatment, you can too!

>say your game has gay romance
>it doesn't but gays buy it thinking it does
>make money

How do you know you're gay

>say your game has gay romance
>add in gay romance to appease gays
>they complain there aren't enough options
Why bother?

>Why does Nintendo treat us gays as second class citizens?

I'm sorry who are you and why are you out of your cage?

gays are second class citzens
they don't reproduce

get owned faggots


posting in obvious bait thread

Why are gay people so entitled?

they didnt lie though

>wanting children
Gays are based as fuck

>say your game has gameplay
>it doesn't but gamers buy it thinking it does
>make money
I'm a genius

Based Nintendo dabbing on all the degenerate homo faggots

works for Sony

Guess i'll have to make a male avatar then

Japs have no plural in their language, tranny. Get a better translator.

There is gay romance. It's just that much like real life, most people aren't gay.

Gays eternally btfo.

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Who is the gay character you can romance?

So what? This is fiction.

They still allowed dykes so not that based.

Gay people have been making babies for thousands of years.

faggots btfo

had me worried I wouldn't get any lesbian action. don't care about gay male on male shite, m8

ResetEra fails at reading comprehension, I see.

The article is not wrong though

that makes them even more based as long as they aren't ugly

Gays are second class citizens, you fucking faggot.

Because they know the gays are gullible retards that loves to be used for the corporations

can I get a refund due to this?

There’s eight homo romance options, 3 males and 5 females.

Buying the game now

>people are still asshurt about Claude not being homo

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>Bait mentally ill faggots to buy your product
>Stab them in the back
How can Nintendo be so fucking based bros?

This is extremely anti-consumer. Just because it's happening to a group of people you don't personally like doesn't mean it's good.

Fucking tranny

That's quite a bit, why are they complaining then?

If this is true, that's actually hilarious.

There're 5 yuri options, that's all I care about.
Also I thought you had 3 male on male options.

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off the top of my head,
>a couple of others I'm forgetting

so when they said "characters" and "relationships" I'd argue that they weren't being dishonest since they never specified the gender of the protagonist. more importantly, who fucking cares?

t. gay

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jfc these "people"

imagine being a faggot

dotr when?

> do something for a fringe group
> fringe group still not satisfied

And that is why you don't bother.



some fags are based

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They exist to complain. They can never allow themselves to be satisfied as that would remove their reason to exist.

because they're smarter than you

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wait scooby is a fag? wtf is this nutrition plan supposed to turn me gay, wtf...

Way more than faggots deserve.

>he says as he throws an autistic tantrum over his panty quest games being censored by Sony

I think Fire Emblem should be banned from discussion until Nintendo patches in more LGBTQ+ friendly supports.

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Because RetardEra aren’t happy unless they’re bitching about something.

If they're so smart, why are they gay?

1 gay and 1 lesbian make it plural. They didn't say multiple gay relationships or multiple lesbian relationships

Why am I entertaining this retardation? Resetera should have been petroled instead of kyoani

They're literal parasites. They do nothing but leech off man+woman and spread disease.

Because you are mentally ill. They should treat you special, by putting you into cages and electrocuting the gay right out of you.

>Game still has shitty dykes for cucks and trannies
B-Based nintendo right guys?

Not all men are gay though. Being able to romance any guy would be unrealistic because not everyone is gay.

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/u/chads win again
eat shit and die faggots/fujos

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Curious, where exactly in my post did I do that?

Just like DQ

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if they'd be dumb they'd be straight, duh

It's not even semantics. The tranny is straight up wrong. Same sex relationships is not just male/male, it's also female/female.

Fujos are into yaoi and yuri.

You are a second class citizen
Also a Darwinian failure

You criticized fags, user. You are literally Hitler and everything wrong is your fault.

Looter shooters and movie games are the norm already

That doesn't answer my question.

be glad you got at least some pandering for your mental disorder.

Are people complaining about Sony's censorship also entitled?

>some pandering for your mental disorder.
Video games for the video game addict?

Still not answering my question.

Because you are 2nd class. A second class of your own invention

Honestly this is true. Just further reasons nintendo is shit.

Where does the average waifufag rate in this?

腐女子/腐男子 exclusively refers to mentally ill cucks that are into BL though
and there's no derogatory term to refer to /u/bros so there's that, too

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>and yuri

wtf I love BING BING WAHOOS now?!

>gay shit should be normalized exdee
Unironically kill yourself

>Thinking Nintendo will succumb to western SJW politics

Yeah, this is fucking hilarious

Back to your safe space, tranny

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There's a channel on youtube called Stop Skeletons From Fighting where his girlfriend had the same idea.
Like, "They have his music and hard work, they don't need him anymore. Take that, bigot XD"
I don't think anyone in Japland responded, or cares for that matter.

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There’s one male bisexual, Linhardt. There are 2 others you can S rank but one is platonic unless you squint and the other one has the MC marry a village girl in his ending

I misworded my post, but I can guarantee our response would be different if people were complaining about other forms of censorship

you'd think with all the anal sex they have homos wouldn't get butthurt so easily


Because only a dumbass bends over backwards to please holes. Women are not equals, you will never have as deep of a connection as you would with a man. Breeders are delusional if they think their roast won't turn on them the second a better option is available to them.

Being gay is just like having a deep connection with a great friend that shares your interests and values, but you can also have sex with them. I have never had a conversation with a woman that could be considered non superficial or worth my time.
>bu-but children
>but muh tiddies
>you just haven't met "the right one" hurr
Turn your ape brain off for a second and you'd realise how worthless women actually are. When is the last time a hole contributed something worthwhile to society other than plopping out a man who is?

Can you fuck your male students?
Can I relieve my grad school experience?

this. 1/12 of the male students can be romanced as a male which is like 8.5%. if there was much more than that the class would be peculiarly heavy on the gay male students

RetardEra screenshots should be an insta-ban

Still not answering my question.

The only butthurt people in this thread are the polfags.

>waaaa waaaa my animu game has gay people waaa waaa let me post a stealth thread cause I'm triggered waaaa

and Twitter and reddit, too

>waaaa waaaa my animu game has gay people
But it doesn't though.

What the fuck did I just say?

Safe spaces aren't safe from reality

When will you learn?

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if they're so smart why can't they pass on their genes

yeah im sure /pol/ is really broken up about the gays being upset

you are second class citizens. You could have been equal, but you go out of your way to be obnoxious cunts so nobody actually likes you.

I’m a flaming homosexual and i want to rub dicks with Alois.
I’m enjoying FE3H a lot, its probably my favorite FE game.
My favorite FE game before this was Radiant Dawn.
What does that make me?

as a female protagonist - yes, all of them
as a male protag - just one boy

That''s a lot of gay cope right there.

Because natural selection prioritizes survival which doesn't necessarily always mean intelligence

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>Gilbert adopts you and you become Annette's big bro

damn, wasn't expecting redpills of this level ITT

>My favorite FE game before this was Radiant Dawn.
because of Ike + Ranulf/Soren, or for some other reason?

True gays have learnt to play as the female characters to deal with this.

>tfw having to have a female warden so I could get alistars dick

scoobs literally has a gay husband but even before /fit/ outed him its been suspected for years

So shipping is what FE is all about now

I love Resetera, is like going to the circus and see all the caged freaks, it's so entertaining.

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2 of the males aren't romantic

>SJWs seething on announcement because you can fuck your presumably underage students
>Hired Kirbopher even though he got MeToo'd

Looks like Fire Emblem Based Houses is back on the menu boys

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I think it makes you gay

They're a part of everything. But they're like pigeons or seagulls. You feed them and they will never leave you alone

>gays are infertile

because of this faggotry they shouldnt add any gays at all in the next one.
pointless pandering to them. they dont even make up a significant part of anything.

>Nintendo treat us gays as second class citizens

No It just has my favorite gameplay, the way Bexp worked was great

Your bait is absolutely embarrassing.

I really hope Nintendo responds with
>Gay options were unpopular, no dev time wasted on gays anymore
Because fags won't be happy until 100% of the cast of every game they make is gay/bi. Actually not even then, because the bisexuals and the homos will start fighting each other; and then the trannies will demand representation.

Since Awakening, sadly.

More like only affluent people can afford to be openly gay, and affluent people tend to be more intelligent.


>Resetera Fags Mad

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since 2013
still get flashbacks if I read "best and most courageous"

You mean the absolute gay redpill.

>Actually not even then, because the bisexuals and the homos will start fighting each other; and then the trannies will demand representation.
Exactly, just don't fucking do it. At most just have some dudes who you could maybe conceivably ship. There's a reason why things used to be this way, it keeps everyone happy.
t. faggot

You seriously don't want to piss off resetera. They're one of the most powerful voices in the industry.

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being openly gay isn't inherently more expensive than being straight or closeted

>cries about sexual representation in a military strategy game
just go die maybe?

No, just cope.

I agree with that. I enjoyed RD I think people really exaggerate its flaws when they give it the bad rap it gets.
but boy oh boy was unit balance fucked in that game, some units are just doomed

Also not to say ike/soren or ike/ranulf was bad but my favorite ship in tellius was Caineghis/Giffca or Caineghis/Greil

as a faggot, i find this both hilarious and infuriating at the same time

>Catherine and DMC5 are both panty games now

>pandering and making a scene for like 3% of the population
Just fucking ignore them. Let them prolapse their anuses and kill themselves off with GRIDS. I don't understand why people care so much about these disease vectors.

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Replace the yuri stacey with the het chad.

I could swear I saw at least two dudes with potential S ranks on the support list.

Maybe the gameplay. Who knows, perhaps his sexual orientation doesn't define everything about him. Would be strange for a gay, I admit.

>Caineghis/Giffca or Caineghis/Greil
c'mon bro that's not even real. don't be like that

>playing nuFE
The fuck is wrong with you

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No one is talking about inherently, or theoretically. We are talking about actually, the real world, how things are. Lower class people often don't identify as homosexual and often don't come out if they do. This cuts across race, but can be easily seen in the black/latino communities.

there are three, but only one of them is romantic. The other two are platonic.

I think one is just a bromance, or he ends up finding you a village girl to marry or something.

I don't know this meme.


that doesn't have anything to do with "affording" it, it has more to do with religion being more prevalent in lower class communities

>mad faggot
The game is great.

>same sex relationships
Yes, it's true. You thought it was male only relationships, which it isn't.

How come so much gay sex happens in prison then? The evidence is clear.

Tranny suicide rate is 40%. Actually I think it reached 41% recently.

What the fuck, how will Nintendo ever recover?

>they said relationships
>and characters
It takes two to tango tranny. Technically they didnt lie. There are 2 fag partners. You being one of them hahahaha.

>cries about sexual representation in a military strategy game
It really is as ridiculous as you make it sound. What the fuck happened to the FE fandom?

it would be great if it was at all challenging, but it's a cakewalk so right now it's merely ok.

It has nothing to do with sexual preference. It has to do with the fact that men are lead by their animal, primal, and savage instincts. In the absence of a female hole to fuck, why wouldn't you settle for whatever is available? This is also a form of pragmatism, which is needed to fulfill those sexual needs.

Because that user was lying and that there's literally just one male romance. I agree that they're still retarded

It will never compare to the older games. kys faggot

They often do. Typically through surrogacy/in vitro fertilization. And before the 60s all of them did it with beards.

>What the fuck happened to the FE fandom?
Same thing that happened to Persona's fandom (which barely existed): waifu bullshit. Make romance a major mechanic and everyone is going to demand their own specific fetish. Surprised Kiseki hasn't died to it.

Or gangs that will quite happily kill gays.

user, it's been a waifu game first and foremost since Awakening.

I would never fuck a man. That's disgusting.

Women are meant to be the property of men.

Gay men are fine, but lesbians need to be put in their place.

The LGBT population is closer to 40%.

Nintendo lied, resetrannies cried.


maybe in canada

Play something else then.




Moral values are completely thrown out of the window when you need to rely on your primal instincts to survive. You wouldn't hesitate to murder someone in order to save yourself, despite often claiming that "I could never murder someone!" You wouldn't hesitate to practice cannibalism if you needed to eat human meat to survive being stranded in the middle of nowhere, following a plane crash or the like. Likewise, you wouldn't hesitate to fuck a twink to suppress your sexual urges if you could.

nintendo not including as many gay romance options as you'd like != sony forcing developers to remove things from games

If I had to describe myself I guess I would choose "guy who really likes buttholes". The primary facet of my personality is my love of buttholes. I spend all day thinking about buttholes.

Who fucking cares?

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gas all fags

>Incels crying over mundane issues
Find actual purpose instead seething over same sex relationships

Is Resetera really that bad?

That's definitely all the fandom ever talked about since Awakening, but even in that game supports had the same effect they always had plus the return of the generation mechanics from FE4. The game was still mostly a war tactics game instead of a dating simulator.

"It is possible for the protagonist to have same-sex relationships with certain characters" Is not a lie. The statement doesn't specify whether it's talking about only the male or female protagonist, only "the protagonist", so if the male had one option and the female had one option both of those are "the protagonist" and there's more than one option for a same-sex relationship making the statement objectively factual.

Gays btfo.

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You have no moral values so it's no wonder you think like that. Cannibalism causes more harm than good and you fucking a man has nothing to do with survival and would possible cause an infection. The other is literally self defense.

>they don't count because they aren't TRULY gay

>You wouldn't hesitate to murder someone in order to save yourself, despite often claiming that "I could never murder someone!"
Never heard of the Titanic? Not everyone is a subhuman like you.

That's like saying I would drink piss to stave off hunger if I had too. Piss doesn't satisfy hunger, and man anus doesn't satisfy my sexual desire.

You have to eat to survive.
If someone is trying to kill you, you kill to survive.
You do not have to fuck a hole to survive. If you think that anytime there are two men in a survival situation and they are destined to blow each other then you're a fucking moron.

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>women are worthless
>which is why us fags who act like women except without any of the things that make women tolerable as so based!
So much cope in one post.

>waaaa waaaa my animu game has gay people

The exact opposite thing happened though

Threadly remainder that
>RetardEra is actively harming the gaming industry with their sheer existence
>RetardEra is aggressively pro-censorship
Thus, their right to free speech can be safely disregarded and their shitty site closing would be nothing but a good thing.

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yeah right lol

There's nothing wrong with censorship.

How do they have the power to do this anyways? Why can't they just, you know, ignore them?

Dumb monkey


Off to the gulag with you then, you clearly don't mind.

Ooh ooh, ooh ooh
Ooh ooh, ooh ooh

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>Babby discovers the lugenpresse

Resetera is what happens when you don't spank your kids.

Because at first glance they seem like normal human beings, when they're anything but

>adds romance to Fire Emblem
>it creates all this drama
Romance was a mistake

>How do they have the power to do this anyways?
Doxing gay ops.

So hang on, Nintendo said that there’s same-sex pairs and there is, but they refer to both Byleths in that context. And retardera trannies are angry despite it making sense?

I hope another pedophile scandal comes up and sinks the site for good.

w-what am i looking at user

>can't draw for shit even with ultra expensive tools and gadgets
Every time

You're a fucking idiot

I normally don't lash out, but censorship always lead to tyranny

Legit, go fuck yourself for wanting to harm the free world

>censorship is a good thing
You fucking moron

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good, death to faggots

Sony has been doing the right thing recently keeping this trash off of the PS4. Its sad that Nintendo is abandoning its family friendly image that it has cultivated over the years.

I can't imagine people actually care about romance options in an SRPG

that has to be ironic

>Cannibalism causes more harm than good
When you're starving and have nothing to eat it's the best next thing.
What is being "truly" gay? I never said such a thing. "Gay" is unironically a subjective social construct, as is sexuality and sexual orientation. It really is a spectrum, no one is 100% gay or straight.
Piss doesn't satisfy hunger because it is not food. An anus is a hole to fuck, just like a pussy. Functionally exactly the same thing when all you want to do is fuck, which is what inmates want to do. Satisfy their sexual needs, not to reproduce.
You need to suppress your sexual urges in order to maintain your mental sanity and well-being. Incels like you do this by masturbating and bitching over how you can't get laid, people in jail do so by raping other inmates.

>nintendo dabbin' on the gays

fucking based

This. Its the same 2% of the game that its been since Awakening, and yet 90% of all discussion on the internet about the games revolves around it now.

>When you're starving and have nothing to eat it's the best next thing.
It prolongs the inevitable. Cannibalism makes you go crazy and eventually kills you. A very painful death.

Gays reproduce, they just can't create new tissue from scratch. Homosexuality spreads like a virus, I.E. one faggot has to infect another with his gay little ideas, which in practice tends to take the form of fags molesting little kids before they've developed a sexual identity.

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Because gays are second class citizens. They barely function in society and bang any cum crusted asshole that gets presented to them.
Gays are animals, and they will be treated as such.

That's why snoyfags SEETHE so much about FE


>An anus is a hole to fuck, just like a pussy. Functionally exactly the same thing when all you want to do is fuck
Your sexual desires are not mine. I am not simply attracted to a hole to fuck, there's a little more than that. Even when I'm jerking off with just my hand and no porn, I'm not just imagining a disembodied pussy and nothing else. I'm sure there's porn of that somewhere though.

It really doea seem like the love sims aspect of it is the only thing we talk about now.

it's not the romance, which has been in since 4. it's the self-insert aspect. obsessed autistic netizens cannot distinguish between the playable character and their own real life self and thus turn to this (rather barebones in the romance department) game for romantic fulfillment and feel slighted if the game doesn't pander to their niche

The Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571's crash proves you wrong. 16 people survived by resorting to cannibalism.

What would happen if you went to Resetera and said you're a Trump supporter? How triggered would they be?

>n-no, don't hold them to their own standards, paradox of tolerance i-is left's thing!!
Fuck ResetTrannies.

romance combined with self-insert then.

Censorship never leads to tyranny. But right wing accelerationism does, which is why "free speech" aka hate speech needs to be curtailed at every opportunity.

Fags will fuck anything willing to fuck them. They are weirdos who can't get laid but NEED to. One option is good enough for them, and frankly more than they deserve.

It just looks so ridiculous that it seems like a parody of itself

please cry more.

Your sexual desires don't matter when you find yourself in a situation where you have no other option. At that point your instincts take control over you. You WILL fuck a boy's hole to satisfy those basic primal needs if you need to. You just don't find yourself in that situation now, so it's logical you can't picture it.

>Censorship never leads to tyranny.
Do people actually believe this?
How retarded are you?

>Censorship never leads to tyranny.
Go fuck yourself, commie.

I believe both can lead to it if we're not careful to discourage them.

>be me
>constantly flirting with Ted from accounting
>buy him gifts
>get him drunk
>he still won’t fuck me
Why does real life treat us gays as second class citizens?

but such is the way of the world, it happens more and more every day that people turn to such outlets to satisfy their drives. somehow this little SRPG franchise got sucked into the phenomenon

neither do you

>homosexuality spreads so far that the world population majorly declines in 2050

Fine by me, the earth has too many people anywho

Is this what Elon Musk foretold?

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>be a third class citizen
>get treated like second class
you should be grateful, faggots

A shit ton of devs post there too, bet you your favourite dev does. Seen a bunch and theyre pandering to these guys.

ResetEra is governed by Poe's Law first and tyrannical tranny mods second.

Why are false flagging threads not deleted? What fucking reason does anyone have for role playing as a resetera tranny?

No, I'm pretty sure I'll just fap. There are plenty of incels in the world. They don't all lose their minds the first time they see a person in months and rape them to death regardless of gender.

>Why does Nintendo treat us gays as second class citizens?
Because they are.

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>You need to suppress your sexual urges in order to maintain your mental sanity
No, apparently you need to suppress your sexual urges. I don't because I'm not a useless fucking carcass of a human being, much like the prison rapists you mentioned. Don't assume that the rest of the world is a fucking trainwreck like you apparently are.

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Yeah, blame the Right for all your problem, that's totally not what the left does and how Hitler united Germany to the power it was during WW2

You're a fucking idiot

Either side leads to complete control

Go study world history and you'll see why what President Washington said was right and how his USA was perfect

Fuck the Left
Fuck the Right

Neutral stance for peace FTW

While your at it, get the fuck out and actually learn how the world works, you brainless deviant

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polyamorous degenerates are fuckboys and nothing will change that

>An anus is a hole to fuck, just like a pussy.
>Functionally exactly the same thing when all you want to do is fuck

Is this your mind on GRIDS?

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Yeah, nah, you're just a sociopathic homosexual rapist mate.

Ahahah where is your RESETERA BAY BAY now, faggots?
Just ordered Switch and FE3H

>this is censorship

Plenty are out there unironically suggesting the idea of government mandated girlfriends, but believe what you want to believe, dear.
You're here, posting on Yea Forums. That's a far bigger indicative of being a trainwreck.
Okay, honey.

So you're saying you'd rape someone if you go long enough without fucking? My dude, you need help.

Well just don't be a faggot

What? This is accuate, in medieval times buggery was uncommon. Ofc only one person would be gay.

epic underage post.

complete lie you degenerate faggot and proof that you all need death

>le ebin centrist
You neutralshitters lack conviction

The future white boi.

>Plenty are out there unironically suggesting the idea of government mandated girlfriends, but believe what you want to believe, dear.
What the fuck does that have to do with me being able to control myself? People wanting to fuck things does not mean that every single human on earth will be reduced to lust-crazed rapists that will take whatever hole they can if they go without sex for a while. Yes, gay rape in prisons is a thing, but not everyone succumbs to the homolust as you clearly have. Ignoring the power dynamics also at play in that kind of situation, obviously.

>[opplessive raughter]

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>You're here, posting on Yea Forums. That's a far bigger indicative of being a trainwreck.
Ad hominem and irrelevant, yet interesting because here you are, arguing with people about the merits of cannibalism and rape, on Yea Forums.

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There's no satisfaction.

Is 'yurifags' derogatory?

Except that I don't care about flaunting my moral superiority and sanctity like you are.

>please consider punching yourself in the groin
>tranny trying to convince more people to damage their genitals

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Relationship doesn't always mean sex.

>Gay Child Molesters Caught on Tape! Hidden Cam. Explicit Content!
That's a title that makes me very much not want to click it.

>That's a far bigger indicative of being a trainwreck.
If we're at the point in the argument where the fact we're on a Tibetan basket-weaving forum is apparently a good point to bring up, then I guess we can get to the grammar and spelling corrections as well.

Calling someone a xfag just means they are fans of something

Its literally a discussion about prison rape user

Its a little more interesting to talk about than SICK BUILDS

like my warmaster Hilda I like to call Critda

Oh trust me, I have more conviction than you ever will

I bet you side with a political party claiming you're the best

I'm gonna be real, I was originally a Democrat, then Republican, but when I looked at our history, I said fuck it and abandoned this tribe mentality that divides the world

Lacking conviction my ass

First off, you can't flaunt something you don't have so of course you aren't, you can't.
Secondly, flaunting superiority is not the same thing as disagreeing with the insane assertion that everyone is a cannibalistic rapist when push comes to shove. It's not because I think I'm better that you, it's because what you're saying is fucking retarded.

Wow you fucking sperg loser, I seriously hope you kill yourself before you shoot up a school or murder kids at the playground or something. The reason we keep treating you like dirt-class citizens is exactly because of unhinged nutters like you.

>then I guess we can get to the grammar and spelling corrections as well.
Absolutely, and I acknowledge my typo. Thank you for correcting it.

No fucking cares you retarded tranny.

It's simply a dude that goes to gay bars and asks fags what their youngest partner ever was and how did they realize they were gay. That's all he does.

That's because the characters in the game aren't gay, why would you force them to romance you? fucking gays are so damn creepy.

Do you mean "-ies" nigga?

Okay? There's probably a lot of dominance and revenge related reasons for prison rape outside of pure faggotry, but all I really have to say is that not 100% of prison inmates rape for your argument to fall apart, as you say it's a guarantee. Some of them can clearly control themselves, even with the fact that being in prison suggests poor impulse control.

>Say that there are multiple same-sex relationships
>There are indeed multiple same-sex relationships

I never claimed it's a "guarantee", if I did feel free to point out where that was exactly said. Obviously some people are able to control their instincts better than others, while the reverse is also true. The fact of the matter, though, is that we all have inherent biological and natural instincts, regardless of how well we can suppress them or not.

>Its a little more interesting to talk about than SICK BUILDS
No it isn't. I'd rather people were still talking about their RNG blessed Megs or shit like that.

Nothing's ever good enough for these people.

That's not what the normies think, though.

Goalposts being shifted, got anything else in that bag if tricks?
Your initial assertion was that if a man's asshole was available and a person was without sex for a given amount of time, that they couldn't control their urges and that it was natural to fuck the guy's butt.
>Likewise, you wouldn't hesitate to fuck a twink to suppress your sexual urges if you could.

>I never claimed it's a "guarantee", if I did feel free to point out where that was exactly said.
here >At that point your instincts take control over you. You WILL fuck a boy's hole
here >Likewise, you wouldn't hesitate to fuck a twink to suppress your sexual urges if you could.
And then all I have to say is "no I wouldn't" or point to the many many examples of people that don't instantly become homosexual rapists when they're denied sex for a period of time. This is why some people are saying you sound a bit like a psycho rapist.

>Obviously some people are able to control their instincts better than others
Oh cool, so you've reversed your position, good to know you agree with me.

>RNG blessed Megs
still has 6 move and 32 speed cap, no amount of RNG blessing can make Meg good in a game where every other character is capable of capping all stats thanks to BEXP

Yes I know, but that doesn't change the fact that someone posting about trying to take Meg into endgame is more fun for me than most of the waifuposting that goes on now.

What about the opposite, like I had a lvl 11 Edward who only got one strength level up

well yes, yes it is. I don't know why I even use this website any more it's just a nonstop blackpill dispenser

>things that make women tolerable
Such as?
Also if you think all gays are flamboyant trannies you're an idiot. Actual gays act like fucking men, not sissies pretending to be women. If you listen to a vocal minority and think it represents the majority, then you're the exact kind of person the media wants you to be.

You cope posters are hilarious with your mental gymnastics too.
>h-he can't be happy if he's not straight! It's impossible! C-cope! Dilate! Have sex! Listen to my buzzwords!
Have (gay) sex, breedtard.

So who is bitching about this, fujos or teh gays?

I've never had a bad Edward. Mia usually ended up good as well so I'd have two Swordmasters at the end. My current Byleth has leveled strength every single level and defense hasn't moved once. 6 def, but retard strength, there's no Berserker class in 3H is there?

3H is a big win for yurishitters and otomefags, with a minor victory for cakefags

There's a bunch of blatant yurishitting supports, most of FByleth's male supports are from josei and otome manga and all of the cake teachers are really good supports for MByleth

Biggest losers are faggots, who only get Linhardt but they're not the biggest losers

The biggest losers are pedofags since there are no lolis to romance in the game and Sothis is your tulpa and isn't a playable unit

THis is my first, unfortunately it's also on HM which meant I dumped far too much exp on him, so 3-12 and 3-13 are going to be fun

Is she even a loli? I'm looking at her model floating in Byleth's room and she seems fairly well developed.

imagine buying fire emblem because of potential gay text and a cg

just fuxking

Wait, so there is only one gay male romance?
It is kinda weird that they had a shitload of yuri options but only one homo option.

the dyke shit literally ruined edelgard's S rank thanks to sex parity so fuck faggots and fuck niggers

When are they going to remaster tellius games?

That just shows me how little they care about the romance shit in general. Couldn't be bothered to write a variation based on Byleth's gender, yet you'd think all their devtime went into writing the S rank supports when you hear the fags go on about it.

Ys is 40% off?

They can. Through their siblings. The main theories of why Faggotry has persisted despite leading to no reproduction rely on it being very advantageous to the offspring of their siblings.

No. He was clearly using an abbreviation, based retard

That's just the modern FE fanbase, you only notice because this time it's gay.

I'd say it would be fun to see these fags bitching about how Ike/Soren still aren't overtly gay in a remake, but none of them played 9 or 10 so they probably wouldn't notice.

I have sex with men, i don't need gay video game characters to validate my existence. gay incels are worse than regular incels

all faggots do is think about gay sex 24/7. they need it in their everything. video games. cars. sandwiches. please just fuck off and die already. jesus would want you to love yourself and not another faggot.

Faggots get the rope

insane virtue signallers of various assorted orientations

You can cry ResetEra all you want, but the concept of "platonic S ranks" is retarded as fuck, and I wasn't even gonna go for those old dudes.

Isn't it usually even cheaper during sales?

how can you even be gay incel man

You say that when waifufags obsession with 2D girls killed FE by turning into a dating sim.

How can you say this when there's shit like that trap discord scandal?

Well for one thing lgbt relationships don’t last long.
Secondly gay people are a very small minority.

they didn't say that the male mc could have relationships

You can have an extremely close bond with someone and not want to fuck them you know.

Aren't you only allowed to have one S rank?
Why spend on it on someone you aren't gonna fuck?

I knew this shit game would end up spawning these cancer threads.

Kill yourselves, give us more space for actually interesting shit to read.

first of all, all I ever saw of that was stitched together out of context Discord screencaps and people saying "BRO this really happened"
second, assuming it really happened, I don't understand why you brought it up

Because those were incels who turned to homosexuality because women wouldn't fuck them.

They count.

user... We haven't had good content in Yea Forums for years

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I'm saying, how can you be incel after going gay. you can just hop on any app and get fucked / suck someone off, it's basically like being a girl

Autistic NEETs are afraid to leave their own house.

outrageous! let's get all the blue checkmark friends on this STAT!!

Try building one of the foil volcanoes, add the baking powder first then pour the vinegar on it. If you're sucking cock by the time the vinegar reacts, you're gay

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by wanting to have sex with men that won't have sex with you. some loser will never get laid and they need to get over it. getting gay romance in a game isn't going to change their delusional state of loneliness.

Honestly it's time we got rid of homosexuals and other LGBT freaks, and also feminists

Just kys if you're gay t b h

We can start with your mom

We got a butthurt queer over here

Patch in Ashe homo route pls Nintendo

Attached: FETH_Ashe.png (683x984, 629K)

>BG 2 only had one romance option for women
>it was a fucking arrogant paladin fuckboy who sniffs his own farts
>"When asked about his past, ANOMEN is quick to state that he has been serving the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart for years, and after his Test, he will be a full and true knight. Anomen is reluctant, however, to speak of his noble upbringing, saying only that he entered the Order without the support of his father, Lord Cor Delryn. Since he could not be sponsored as a squire, Anomen chose the route of the warrior and priest of Helm, the god of guardians, and has fought many battles over the years against forces of evil. Anomen often says that he is confident that he will prove worthy of his knighthood, but sometimes seems to be trying to convince himself of that fact more than anyone."
>Minsic, Edwin, and Korgan are off limits

Really drove young me up a wall back then.

Jesus, I never knew. I'm genuinely so sorry.

>one post
Step it up, senpai.

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Thanks user, will be using this one from now on.

You are so fucking stupid.


>Likewise, you wouldn't hesitate to fuck a twink to suppress your sexual urges if you could.
Bro, you know that there's a thing called masturbation, right?

Didn't they get blown the fuck out by Todd pointing out most developers avoid era because they're nutcases?

You need to get help.

bro it's just maturating with your bro's butt it isn't gay

Of course someone gay would complain about that. You can only have ONE relationship? You want not one but a hundred dick up your ass? You don't understand the appreciation of your partner in a relationship? Tssch, degenerates try to stay in one realationship without cheating.

Most of the people whining about this shit don't even play these games. They just demand it cater to them anyways.

>these fuckers are trying to get Square to fire a venerated composer just because he appeared on screen with an anti gay japanese politican
>the replies are filled with mad trannies wishing for his early death
Fuck that site.
Hope it gets another pedo drama disaster and it sinks the site and its shithead users


>neither of them are gay when fujos and faggots wanted them to be

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But it's not a lie, the paragraph says same sex realtionships (plural), the commenter felt the need to limit it to just male. Meaning that if you include female same sex relationships then it's plural. The op is a lie.

You don't understand how bad that option is, he looks like a damn tranny.

Somebody explain gay coded to me, I hear this a lot

If yurishitters get 5, fujos should get 5 too, it's only fair.

Now I need this when smashfags get BTFO if the new DLCshill is a FE Character

He looks and acts like a fucking faggot, basically.

the game has T rating, this game has no room for faggot romance

literally who cares? COPE some more gayboi

>playing as male Byleth
>can literally see the S rank options for Linhardt and Alois
How did they lie?

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Kirb got dropped by ninty when he admitted to the shit he got metoo'd for

Fucker's already banned from the animation industry for eating a bagel
Now his voice acting career is gone
Where the fuck does this aggressive faggot's life go now?

>No shota option male or female

This is the real issue here.

Why does that mean he should be a faggot? Isn't that just flamboyant?

Fags should be happy we're not executing them in the streets

If you S rank Alois he becomes your daddy, and not in the gay way.

Why the hell does this dumb thread have almost 200 unique IPs?

Go take a dick up your ass somewhere else.

Whatever happened to just jerking off?

It's time for fujochads to rise up

Attached: gayanimeshit.jpg (600x600, 172K)

Alois and Gilbert are platonic only

>No shota option
Nah, the Church has gotchu famalam

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Feels good to win

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Unless he magically doesn't grow older in the timeskip, I won't be able to /ss/.

I agree there should be more same sex relationship options, but this is probably just a mistranslation error. Pluralization is a thing that often times left out or just non existent in Japanese language. That, or they thought just one option with each gender was enough.

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I don't mind gay relationships but holy shit, pretending like it not being in the game is something akin to being excluded is so ridiculously irritating.

Sounds like P-Tux7 needs to have sex.

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But we should exclude games

Maybe he should get a boyfriend so he'll realize how garbage videogame romance is and stop caring about it.

You act and look like a faggot, you should be a faggot. It's that simple.

I love when this happens because fags will never be satisfied



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This. He needs to be himself and leave his house for once!

Checkmate, fags

He's like 10. He's like 15 post timeskip

Plural. fucking homo.

Add another game to their hidden blacklist. Are you buying Fire Emblem? That's a ban

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Holy shit.

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Resetera is great though, it's been proven through several mod leaks that you literally have a free shitposting pass if you claim to be black enough times

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Uh sweaty, that's because male gay is icky and gross. It's all about that female gay sweetums.

>Faggots being surprised that a minority of the characters in the game are actually gay
>media made them believe that a significant population of the world agreed with them


One too many

This place is a mind-numbing echo-chamber, and I say that as an overt leftist.

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In suicide rates

>"peddling disinformation"
>mods prove his point by banning him anyway

What a joke of a website.

How does a website like that even exist?

The list of """"alt right""" behaviors is so great.

>Likes to read
>Uses facts/statistics
>stays hydrated

I've seen clickbait articles decrying all of those as typical alt right behavior. And it cracks me up.



>can’t have inappropriate student-teacher lesbian relations with Bernie
The real crime tbbqh.
It’s funny watching the fags cry & scream, I blame them for Fates in the US being as nerfed as it was, almost ruined my experience with the game the way their kind localized the game over here.

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that IS plural

ONE as male player
ONE as female character

would be two gay romance options. PLURAL.

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which fulfils the statement they made

"it is possible to have same sex relations with certain characters"

Wait, how many lesbian option are there?

>two gay romance options in a nintendo game, a company typically known to play it safe to avoid controversy
ResetEra is fucking retarded, I swear to god. If you want to date the cute girls or boys that don't have a homo option, can't you just play as the opposite gender?

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ban all phone posters

Damn son, Dimitri looks like THAT?

At least 3 I think, maybe more? More than enough to satisfy the multiple homo pairings on their own either way.

>disproportionately pander to gays
>still mad, hate a tiny aspect of an otherwise fine game
Why bother?

You sound like a redditor, trying to act all tuff and prove your case to an user., and describe yourself with purple poetry and buzzwords.

Gays reproduce through preying on children

Regardless about how you feel about gays, it’s still bad they’d lied about this stuff

So whose’s the gay?

Utterly and unironically based from Nintendo.

>I say that as an overt leftist.
Kill yourself

It's not bad though

i dont care
i dont want mental illness invading my games

>lying about having thing in game to improve sale isn’t bad

Yurifags win again

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It's not bad if it's at the expense of fags.

They didn't lie. They said it in plural form and there are 2 options: one for male and one for female. 2 is plural.
It's not their fault you assumed that meant everyone was gay.

14-15 and 20-21 actually

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What the hell are they talking about? I'm looking at the game right now and there are three male S-support options for male Byleth

>WAH, it's not the point. It's about making my degenerate life style into something 'normal' and if it's shoved off to the side, then that defeats the purpose. LET ME INDOCTRINATE CHILDREN

Oh no, you've offended me

two of those friendzone you lol

Two of those aren't romantic, one has you getting adopted and the other is just a good friend.

Based yurichads dabbing on the fujos.




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Faggots and trannies should shut up and kill themselves. Stop being a burden and nuisance for the rest of us.

By those quotes, what I get from that when they say "relationships" is that they're referring to male and female gay options

Be happy you are even treated as second class citizens, degenerate.

>That backtracking
You lose homo

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I can't wait for them to seethe over the fact that 3H will likely be the best selling FE game by a mile.

I mean one of the endings is homophobic. And not 4chans type, because this one is unintentional packs a punch.

>That ban for spreading "disinformation"
This has to be shopped, there is no way this is actually real

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It's purple prose, you fucker

You sound like a fucking idiot using words you don't know.

IS, befitting of there name, made it so when you try to be Male Dilf Hunter Byleth, makes you marry a unnamed woman, not a man, as an s support reward. It feels like they gave up on last minut.

No one cares you gay faggot. Kys you disgusting degenerate. I’m glad based japan only included a token relationship to trigger you effeminate queers.

Ah yes, bring in the hordes to fill the gaps, genius.

like pottery

>add romance
>a footnote in the overall narrative/gameplay
>fags on both sides blow it out of proportion
Even if there was no marriage, people would still post about their favorite waifus. Except now you can consummate your favoritism.

I wouldn't argue indoctrination on this, they're just fucking retarded. Two or three same-sex options is pretty mindblowing coming from Nintendo, especially if they're well-written ones, but nothing is ever good enough for these fucking people. You could give them absolute shit shovelware but with a no holds barred, explicit lesbian relationship because a lot of the people complaining about NOT ENOUGH REP don't like gay men and only care about women, and they'd eat it right up and call it GOTY, because all that matters is that they can play the video game equivalent of shoving two dolls together and yelling "NOW KISS!".
I expected jack shit from Nintendo when it came to the gays. It's not a requirement for me, but actually decent characters that happen to be gay without any of the bullshit is pretty great to see. Because of screeching faggots like this and on a bunch of other sites, I wouldn't be terribly shocked if they never bothered with it again. I fucking hate these people.

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I would be okay if they just said you have one gay male option,5 lesbians. Does it suck that we have 1 gay option compared to 5 lesbian. Eh to me no. But they really should have been upfront about it. Not this we have 3 s male supports for male mc, wink wink. It just feels half assed and it does not help that one of the endings is mind blowing bad.

t. Priest of the Dark Ages

>5 lesbians
Are there actually five? Holy fuck, what the hell are these people complaining about? How bad is the one male homo ending?

>Having options means means that only being allowed one relationship at the end of the game is a lie
What the fuck is this image even?

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>less than 10% of the population
>think they deserve more than 10% representation

Shit, just give the main character an optional cosmetic dildo hat or some eye shadow or something. Bam, theres your allotted representation.

You get married of to a women.

>/fit/ outed him
Jeff, I know it was you.

Fuck niggerfaggots haha. You stupid fucks are 1-5% the population you do not get to fuck everything that moves you degenerate fucksticks.

Just wait till this guy finds out about masturbation

Looks like a stereotypical faggot. But remember THEY'RE the tolerant and non-judgmental ones.

>pic unrelated
Fucking fake natty

I'm glad he isn't, simply BECAUSE everyone thought he was because he was a "fabulous pretty boy".
Especially when he is one of the coolest male characters and making him gay would have wound up giving him a less cool personality.

There was no lie, it's the interviewer's fault for not asking specifically for male and female numbers.

All faggots will burn in hell for eternity and I think that’s pretty based

why does this matter? Play a dating game. I'm hear for swords and cool fantasy shit.

LMAO. Just look at porn.

>options in comparison to actual rates of homosexuality vs. heterosexuality are accurate
makes sense really

In my planned playthroughs for every route, should I only marry a girl from the respective house I joined so to keep it fresh, or marry whoever whenever?


You trash should be gassed

Gay != bi. If he could ONLY be romanced by a male that would actually be interesting and require a modicum of bravery from Nintendo having to weather the storm of angry fujos.

the amount of seething reeking off the replies...

>SJW trannies try forcing their agenda on Nintendo
>nintendo bitch slaps them
Fucking basedtendo


Wait, so you can't actually fuck the dads? It's platonic?

Attached: wherethedadsat.png (500x512, 299K)

I'm suprised Dimitri isn't gay when male Byleth hold his hand and that's basically marriage

Fujos with their fujoshi switches on BTFO for all eternity.

>not reproducing by budding
you're the real gay

Go to Resetera and cry to them, faggot.

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You and I live in a liberal as fuck city

Won't happen ever again
The guys that translated Fates now have to report directly to Japan ever since the Xeno X/Fates/TMS#FE shit reached Nippon ears
If they change something without permission they get booted off the company and blacklisted


>muh non-concrete biased gay genes research finds wasting tax payer money

Why do you care so much? It’s a video game. At least you aren’t being beaten in the streets anymore. Pick your battles.

>Gays are literally slasneesh + nurgle worshippers
>You have to lower yourself to their "standard" or it's homophobic

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No u

Well, yeah, they're smart enough not to deal with women's bullshit


t. Seething pozhole

I'm honestly fucking sick and tired of this anti human rhetoric that's been going around for years now. Yes there's war, pollution, animal extinction and endangerment but these are the causes of careless and incompetent leaders and people who just didn't give a shit. It's not fair to say the many are responsible along with the few in the damage we cause nor is it fair to say the people alive today are responsible for what happened in the past. Knowing what we know today, if we lived in a world were no one was forced to abide by the decisions of the leaders, I'm willing to bet most people wouldn't go along with there bs and they would fail because they simply wouldn't have the manpower to make those decisions. Fuck your pollution, humans started recycling and cracking down on businesses in response. Fuck your animals, humans have literally brought back species on the brink of extinction. I know we're the cause of it in the first place but animals have to make room for human expansion. I'm not saying go balls deep in killing everything but human life is light years more important than animal life. Fuck your wars, refer back to what I said about living in a world without being forced to do anything. I can't wait for you anti human fucks to not reproduce and die off so your ideology dies with you. You fags need to stop ignoring all the progress we have made in EVERY way as a species. Fuck you humans are amazing.

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>ANOTHER false flag gay thread
jesus christ fuck off already


>>ANOTHER false fag gay thread

>Blatantly ignoring lesbians
Wow that's pretty sexist


humans are amazing but they are also fucking scary dude

>gay men are fine

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>Censorship never leads to tyranny.

Sounds like something a tyrant would say.

not an argument

Some people just aren't gay, it wouldn't make since if ALL characters swung that way.

>noooo I thought this was OUR garbage game!


>not an argument

Attached: images.png (231x218, 9K)

>Can I get some tomatoes in my salad?
>Sure, here you go.
>There's only 1 tomato
>Why aren't there more tomatoes in my salad?

Do you see the problem here, Het?

This. Those whiny snowflakes are annoying as fuck.

No way fag. Get married, have sex & have kids

Attached: Shinzō_Abe_Official_(cropped_2).jpg (1156x1482, 880K)

There are more than one though because the Japanese have a more blanketed term for what a "tomato" is and it also include the other type commonly associated with what you were expecting. Thus, to the Japanese there are multiple tomatoes and you are a retard for not grasping that.