When's the last time you changed your thermalpaste bros?

When's the last time you changed your thermalpaste bros?

Attached: threadripper[1].jpg (800x533, 260K)

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don't need to, i have a liquid cooling system

Never, I let the card burn then I know to build a whole new PC. So usually every 5-6 years.

Maybe a year ago.

I'm gonna go full watercooling for my next PC.

modern paste doesn't dry up

Never. It's 5 years old and my temps are still fine.

Attached: watercooling.webm (960x544, 2.7M)

>Not using thermal rubber
Never have to change it

i brush my cpu with thermalpaste every morning

>Changing thermal paste
I've had the same CPU for almost 10 years now, if it dies, I'm due for a new one anyway

>actually using thermal paste

Uh... do you need to do this? I bought a prebuilt in '04 and have used it daily for 15 years without changing anything aside from the graphics card.

>Sprays all the components

Attached: 1426262626307.jpg (640x425, 41K)

Even if the temps are fine it's still recommended to change it at least a couple of times a year.

You probably don't clean the case of dust either!

you're fucked dude

>You probably don't clean the case of dust either!
I check for dust every now and again but there's barely any buildup.

water cooling is a fucking meme
how does it feel being scammed into buying a worthless product ?

it does if you paid less than $15 for it

Literally this morning when I put my new 3700x in, user.

>take cpu out
>takes like an hour of scrubbing with a alcohol to get the old shitty thermal paste
>reapply thermal paste
>put pc back together
>check temps
>80 C on the bios screen
>open it up and see the fan isn't set right
>have to take it back out and reapply new thermal paste again
>fucking pissed so I end up getting thermal paste on the sides and bottom of the cpu because I'm trying to get it done as quick as possible
>scared as fuck it won't work now
>clean it up and reapply thermal paste
>check temps
>it's not even cooler than it was before I did all this

Attached: 200.gif (283x200, 970K)

Never. That's stupid.

I just use my cum

2 years ago, still ~41C idle.

Just before the summer heat kicked in, like every year

I don't use that shit is for ni/g/gers

Did you build an open loop or buy an AIO?

>he doesn't buy $43 thermal paste to lower his temps by an additional 1 degree

enjoy your crispy CPU, dumbass.

Attached: download (7).png (1225x657, 203K)

That's a big chip

If you're using a non-curing paste then couple of times a year is a bit excessive. It'd probably be fine for at least a couple of years, if not longer.

use graphite

I'm about to change it today as I upgrade to a 3600

I have never seen the full version of this gif before now, thank you for posting it.

faulty o ring, That little piece of rubber is the only thing stopping it from exploding under pressure

Attached: 10247e78-7129-4b87-a3d4-571332b86485.jpg (2157x1440, 325K)

How the hell

2007 when the proc was put in. How fucked am I?

Attached: aaaaaaa.jpg (800x450, 39K)

Once a decade, as you should.

>it's still recommended to change it at least a couple of times a year.

Man, toothpaste peddlers are getting crafty, tricking the gullible into buying shit they don't actually need.

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The paste has probably dried up pretty bad. There was a computer that had been running with the stock paste for seven years. When I opened it up and took off the cooler, the paste wasn't even paste anymore, it was a dry gray powder. It was a wonder the computer was still staying up with that.

Haven't done so since I built my PC back in 2013.

Attached: 1527898911947.jpg (480x360, 22K)

>using paste

Attached: 81eKoHyCiHL._SL1500_.jpg (688x1288, 983K)

its gonna be a bitch when you try to remove cooler when cpu is cold, otherwise its ok

Dunno. Only ever saw the tiny, truncated version.

does it blow it up your computer when you try to shut it down

the plate still needs thermal paste to better conduct the heat away from the cpu and towards the liquid cooling plate

help....my cpu just died

Attached: 087.gif (326x281, 170K)

CPU nice and hot

Attached: 12.png (1187x678, 725K)

>water cooling is a fucking meme
How so? Water cooling yields lower temps than air. It is expensive though

>being elitist over a reaction image

well next time make sure to do it right the first time, don't rush

also, it shouldn't take an hour of scrubbing, just use isopropyl alcohol and some paper towel

also too much thermal paste is also a thing

>being this delusional

Attached: dyat.png (130x186, 25K)

Holly crap, ive never seen the end of this gif until now.

>same as his gay paste
nice graph retard

fucking zoomers get out!

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I think that was the jist of the gag user.

3 weeks ago because this piece of shit was overheating.

2012 but de.pcpartpicker.com/list/g3D46s is already sitting in the guest room waiting for a 2080S

When I built my pc
So like 5 years ago

>1 degree higher

About a week ago when I change cases to one with usb 3.1 ports on the front.

Not since I put in my Evo 212 years ago.
Temps are fine and I plan on replacing my CPU soon anyway. Going from an i54690k to a Ryzen 3600.
Not looking forward to reformatting though, I just know I'll forget to back up something.

How often should you be changing thermal paste? I only just built my pc a few months ago, so I'm sure I don't have to worry about it yet, but I'd like to have a good rule of thumb to go by.

And this is why I don't water cool

10 years

Literally sunday. Also gave a de_dust a week before hand


Holy fucking shit I literally had a similar idea but couldnt find them. Thanks user

>build PC 10 years ago
>slowly upgrade over the years
>use old parts to make second PC
>give it to wife's son 2 years ago
>"Mom's bf, my pc feels really hot
>check temps, GPU at 95c
>change paste runs at 72c

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More points of failure, harder to maintain, generally pointless unless you want to maintain higher overclocks. It's okay if you feel like you need it, but for most people it's a meme since you can get a high tier air cooler for less than $90. They like to push big AIO coolers on zoomers that aren't gonna use their computers for anything other than Fortnite, which is pretty retarded.

About 3-4 years max I'd say

Never said I need it. But the fact is it is better for cooling than an AIO or a regular heatsink. Its whether you want to deal with the hassle of watercooling or not at the end of the day. I personally can't be arsed but the idea has crossed my mind just for a little project to do

>he genuinely fell for Ryzen

Attached: the military shanty town of ryzen.jpg (1920x1987, 2.22M)

I get it, it's like the Challenger disaster

>faulty o ring
suddenly i'm reminded of that one NASA incident

All paste dries out. Most of them do so nearly instantly, on purpose.

The real reason paste gets worse over time is "pump-out" - it gets squeezed out of the coldplate-TIM interface by pressure. Dry pastes do this less, while wet pastes (like Kryonaut) do it more.


Then you're a paranoid retard, because I've been watercooling for fifteen years with zero leaks.

Everything comes with warranties against leaking anyway, and you get your stuff replaced/paid for if it's destroyed by a leak.

>mfw used the pre-applied paste on the stock cooler when I installed the cpu back in 2012

Attached: 1492384358272.jpg (640x640, 75K)

How is that an issue dude, 1.45v is nothing, theres 220volts in the wall, now that would be a cause for concern.

If you're going to use a meme build, use a mineral oil tank.

These are lame because there is no good way to cool the mineral oil.

>Open /g/
>One of the very first threads I see seems to claim this has already been fixed
I like how that image also conveniently pretends Intel hasn't had serious problems with CPUs get FUCKED by numerous exploits and mitigations.
I'm still fucking mad that happened.

I have done it numerous times on many different devices. Last one was a reapplication on my GPU. I'm an expert so to speak.

Ask me anything.

>Having to use thermal anything at all
Feels good to be laptop master race

Is thermalpasting a meme? I have been running an third gen i7, and the only thing I have ever needed to change was the graphic card. I mean at this point, you might as well just get a new CPU instead of trying to prolong your old one, which seems to be working just fine anyway.

>>One of the very first threads I see seems to claim this has already been fixed
They're lying, lol.

>thread ripper
more like
>volt nicker
amirite guys

Every month

>bitches at ryzen for volts being to high
Guess somebody forgot about ivy bridge

>Sensitive electronic processor
You try putting 2v into your cpu right now if you dont think a small looking increment matters, the overclocking headroom you'll get if it works is insane.
that being said 1.45v is probably nothing because AMD does weird shit sometimes and it could be something as simple as the chip reporting the max boost voltage as idle or drawing less current while sitting at the same voltage or some dumb shit.

Don't so that it creates mustard gas

I used to do it pretty often but I changed my cooler like 2 years ago and haven't done it since. It's just too much of a pain in the ass to remove the whole cooler. It's and hyper evo 212

Why would you? Isn't it just material that fills in the tiny gaps between the cooler and CPU? It isn't like it is going to evaporate.

>tfw my 6 year hard-drive was at 14% health and is still only at 24% after repairing it.
Gonna have to replace her soon, bros.

>A decade and a half
>No paste reapplying
>Still works just fine
>Temp have gone from usual 30-50 to 40-60 only
Damn, you dumb fuck are really buying into this niche scame.

I'd take most any other board or site word over Yea Forums's any day.

I use a long-term paste that is designed to be more efficient once it dries and cures.
It's a mild adhesive, and it's best if you don't remove it.

>meme cooling

Attached: 1530836653563.jpg (921x1200, 152K)

you didn't see graphite

I buy AIO's because it makes the computers I build look nicer, that extra 100 makes the motherboard look clean as hell, the liquid cleans it a bit too :)

Water cooling is excellent, you don't know what you're talking about. Thermal shock (rapid heating/cooling) of components is mostly what kills them, and water cooling eliminates this, because water has huge thermal capacity (compared to an air-cooler heatsink)

6 years ago when i bought this CPU. i dont give a SHIT

>attach 2 processors together making a huge fucking die
>"woah bros look at all these CORES!"
Amd more like cheatingfaggotsmd.

that liquid is non conducting idiot

That's not true, watercooling uses:

1) Distilled water
2) Biocide of some type, to keep algae/etc. from growing
3) Sometimes a colorant

This is conductive. It just never leaks except extremely rare scenarios that are covered by warranty

>he fell for the meme
I haven't changed my CPUs' thermal paste like ever in my life. And I remove the fan at least once a year to clean the whole pc. Guess what, none of my processors have died or went above reasonable limits.
Needing to reapply thermal paste is a myth propagated by thermal paste companies.

>the only coolant that exists is water
ok retard

>Caring about the how and not the results
AMD made it work well enough to sell so whats the problem?
Also Intel will be doing the same thing soon enough and you'll call it revolutionary without a hint of irony

Sure maybe 5 years ago.

Its used mainly for delidded cpus and drop temps by near 10°

You literally don't know what you're talking about. Please tell me what non-conductive liquid you believe is used in watercooling loops.

RAM crash whenstve?

Isn't conductonaut just gallium? I could buy gallium myself for much less money

30 mins ago

>deionized water
>benzene, acetone with additives that raise their boiling point
Get with the times gramps.

Wouldn't acetone fuck with the pipes since most are plastic?
t. retard

A few months ago in December when I was moving my parts into a new case.

"deionized" water becomes re-ionized just by touching plastic, let alone biocide. It is conductive. Try putting distilled water on your PSU *right now*, and make sure you're touching it while it happens, you retarded ape.

>benzene, acetone
Both eat through o-rings, have less than half the thermal efficiency of water, and are NOT used in water cooling loops.

You are mentally ill if you will persist in this after you have been thoroughly called on your LARPing.

Fittings are made of acrylic, gl using anything besides water in them.

>what are metal pipes

Any objective reasons why one should either go for intel or amd?

5 years and I'm too terrified to pull the heatsink out since I could pull out the cpu too and I can't put it back without bending the pins.

I haven't for three years. I didn't before for five years on my last CPU. Unless my temps get high and I know it's to blame why bother?


Have fun using acetone with O-rings (used in EVERY water cooling setup with zero exceptions) you literal LARPing waste of oxygen. Kill yourself.

dont look behind you

AMD doesn't have a new exploit every 2 months that docks another 5% performance to mitigate it.

No. Intel are better for emulation overall, but even then that's at a push. Now it's back to basically price to performance.

yeah i don't care what you say, you tell me how it goes when that shit drips into your PSU

I did it recently. You only need to do it once every 2-5 years or so.

>using the same processor for seven years

Attached: 1290716362829.jpg (533x800, 66K)

Yeah they're just glueing tog... oh intel no longer finds that funny and is following suite, yikes.

>finally upgrade my PC, new motherboard, gpu, everything but the SSD
>Randomly shuts down after 10-20m of use, or immediately if I run a game
>Temps are all normal, PSU is powerful enough
>Spend weeks trying to troubleshoot
>Give up and take it to a local PC repair shop
>He calls me after a week and tells me he has no idea what the issue is

Attached: 1563082780936.jpg (501x501, 31K)

>be kraut
>buy more Thermal Grizzly goys

>using a silicon lottery chip as a comparison
the state of kiketel

>>Temps are all normal,
Did you reset the bios in case theres a faulty temperature reading

dumb faggot. remove all non essential parts then test if pc shuts down. then start adding them back one by one.

Dumb faggot, I did that shit and tested with spare parts from friends as well

Will try this when I pick it up tomorrow, thanks

Yeah, like I'm gonna open my computer open and take out its heart just to reapply some meme paste. The fuck.

>Will try this when I pick it up tomorrow, thanks
Cool, let me know how it goes

That is impossible you do realize that yes? Unless multiple parts are defective (0.0001% chance), you can isolate the defective part and replace it. Probably forgot something like the psu or mobo.

i've had my 2500k since 2011 at high vcore and it still works great. Suck it

maybe you should try upgrading the ssd, user.

This is the best shit.
Fuck thermal pastes.

okay but what games do you play/do you do anything that'll warm your cpu up?

tomorrow when I install my Dark Rock 4 OP

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>everyone everywhere goes DUDE YOU NEED WATERCOOLING LMAO
>get a regular fan
>never have any issues.

>Late last year
>Have rare random OS crashes, game crashes, browser crashes
>Sometimes copying files ends with the copied files corrupt
>Never had this happen before so no idea
>Test RAM and it's fine
>Not convinced so do it again as everything pointed to a RAM issue
>This time it fails 6/12
>Have to end up buying new DDR3 RAM while prices were still fucked (although it was cheaper than usual, I got super lucky with a new ebay listing)

And now here I am a year later planning a new build with DDR4. Was shitty to have to blow money on RAM but that random crashes ect was fucking infuriating.

i built my computer in 2013 and aside from opening it up to dust it sometimes i haven't done any maintenance or servicing, or even upgrades at all. still runs like a champ

wouldnt that be a good thing? the plates getting closer together and less paste is better

Apparently it's most like thermal expansion-contraction causing the paste to get squeezed out, and then when the plates get cold, it leaves a void

yes i play aaa games a lot. Still have my fully functional pentium 3 from early 2000s. And core 2 duo, core 2 quad, i3.

the patrician way

>get a used workstation laptop with a new SSD for free
>it's really nice apart from the fan noise, it seems to idle rather high so I'm guessing old thermal paste
>disassemble the thing according to the manual, it's all pleasantly easy except the keyboard which is total cancer
>seriously popping it out of the clips requires preposterous force and feels like the damn thing is going to snap clean in half, the fabled Intel socket lever has absolutely jack shit on this
>it does pop off just fine and without damage though, after that and the six ZIF cables in incredibly annoying positions it's repasting time
>put her back together, every button still works and it's much quieter so it's a job well done
>actually it's too quiet
>suddenly remember that I forgot to plug in the fucking fan cable that resides beneath the fucking keyboard
Time to re-disassemble I guess.

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back in december of 2018

Is the cooler that comes with the 3600x enough? I hear they are good and I I could save a litte more money.

stock coolers are fine in 2019

wtf is thermal paste?

Today when i put a new cpu fan in.
It reminded me how much i hate doing it and fucking with the cpu fan in general.

Attached: 1556059111440.jpg (1125x1106, 260K)

Are the new ryzen good for gaymen, specifically the 6 core ones? Don't know shit but how much does a game need, what are 8 cores good for, is 8 core more future proof?

So which zen 2 chip is the best to get if I don't actually do work on my computer? Just the 3600?

When I built my PC, which was like 5 years ago. Temps haven't changed at all, so I don't give a shit.

Yes just buy a 4 core.

only if you want airport noise everytime you play a game

Almost 10 years ago. At this point I'll just leave it as it is because it's time to build a new one.

>not using your cpu temp as heating at winter, and having your ac being the cooling at summer

I'm sorry I thought I shared this board with civilized people

Like a week ago troubleshooting a DRAM light, btw stay away from asus MOBO's they are chinese garbage.

>thermalpaste bros

That sucks, I've been using an asus mobo bought new for almost 10 years without issue.


messed up thing is it was working fine, I just open the case to blow some dust out and clean the fans, all of the sudden Dram light on, same happen to friend with a lga 2011 mobo.

I works now, but it doesn't boot with ram in a dual channel config.

>Need a new motherboard
>Hear Gigabyte is dogshit now
>Hear b450 board are having problems
>MSI say to hand back Tomahawk if you bought one recently and get a MAX instead

I hope the fucking Tomahawk MAX DOES fix the issue as I put a pre-order in to ensure I get one sooner and I';d be fuming if it was still fucked.

i literally never did (summer 05 to early winter 16)

i agree AMD is a joke, but i'm sure they've patched it by now.
the zen 2 launch was a little rushed but whatever.

2 months ago

intel is better, pure and simple.
The problem is that it's more expensive than the less performing, but slightly cheaper, amd cpu's in gaming.
Since this is loser central, you already know most of these faggots cannot afford it so they go crazy about how awesome AMD is, but it's simply because they cannot afford intel parts, pure and simple.

AMD is have been forever the option of the people that can't afford intel, supposedly zen 2 is going to be better.

zen 2 is a solid step up for AMD as a whole, but it's still behind Intel.
They launched a little early, IMO and there are some problems.

>zen 2 cpus can't hit stock clocks
>zen 2 cores on the same cpu hit different clock walls

that different clock walls thing happens on every CPU near as I can tell, Intel motherboards offer per core overclocking or at least they did for haswell.

I came to this thread to post this. I haven't had any cooling issues, and not having to change my paste every time I've upgraded my rig has been a godsend.

You are lying.

Can I use it?

Attached: IMG_20190323_220133.png (956x1009, 189K)

Build my PC in 2011. First and last time I did this.

RAM issue maybe. Windows has a memory issue checker. I had weird fucking issues for a long time until I figured that out.

>didnt know I need thermal paste
>6 core amd processor
>I couldnt afford 8 processors
>cpu idles at 65 degrees celsius
>throughout my house is a faint REEEE from my cpu fan
>have to wear headphones constantly because the sound is so loud in my room
>plus I forgot to buy a speaker for my pc
>user says put thermal paste lad
>no thermal paste at home
>try sticky tac
>computer shuts down one day while Im torrenting mcafee
>literally blue goo oozing out of my processor
>take it to best buy to figure out what happened
>”windows version?”

>pc starts to freeze during gayming
>apply new paste
it's that simple

>takes like an hour of scrubbing with a alcohol to get the old shitty thermal paste
it normally takes like 2 or 5 min if you want it completely spotless, either you are not using proper cleaning alcohol or you hot glued it instead of using thermal paste from the start