Fact: bioware never released a good game

fact: bioware never released a good game

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fact: Stefanie Joosten is cute

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I wonder how cute is her sex with chads

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Jace Empire, checkmate zoomer.

NO NO NO this can't be happening she's a pure virgin

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incels btfo.

Fact: BioWare has never released a good game and panders to sjw/lgbt for cash.
I live in Edmonton and BioWare puts more money and effort into Animethon/pride parade.

why cute girls only like douchebags?

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its okay, its nice looking white guy, i would lose my shit if she was a with a black desu


fuck you
I hope they will be both violently killed by a muslim
she was meant to be mine

Why are people shilling this 6/10 so hard?

post someone who is 10/10 in your opinion


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fair point, it would also be weird to have her dating a dad disgusting guy

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have sex

I understand why she's technically better looking, but joosten is still more cute

looks like she exclusively fucks black guys
and that's a good thing


Jade Empire

are all good games though

Not cute at all, women like her turn into total sluts during sex.

y'all should have sex

Another fact: Kojima never made a good game.

Has any other game company ever retroactively worsened their catalog's perception before?

fuck you american pig
his games are the best, his kubrick of vido games
your jerous becase of his huuge cock, he rikes to fuck with it

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I pity her the Joost
She never had to learn being humble being this beautiful, and her relationships will never be genuine because she will only attract men due to her looks and nothing else

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I fucking love when uglies cope with being unattractive
looks are literally the only thing that matters, deal with it shithead
it's pure evolution, we are attracted to attractive women/men because they have better genes, it's as simple as that

Why are you still alive then? you're not handsome and you will never be much more than someone's 3rd choice, kys

Attractive people are generally less douchey than uggos. You're just envious

I am tho, I hear complements from women all the time and I get a bj from one on every party I'm at.
I'm sorry for you but I'm tired of lying that looks don't matter. They do the most. If not for them I would be an incel too because all I do is play video games and do drugs but women seems to be into me anyway.
That's sad truth but we should all accept it and uglies should focus on other things like science or computers.

>she is old enough to be the mother of the average Yea Forums poster

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yikes she's hitting the wall fast.

Quiet looks nothing like her

fact: you're a dumb cunt for making this thread because you already know Yea Forums hates bioware, you just made this thread with your lukewarm take so that people could agree with you

Bioware released Neverwinter Nights, though. And fuck you, I enjoyed the main campaign. The game as a whole, too, is very enjoyable. Incidentally, NWN2 sucks balls and was done by Obsidian.

Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Jade Empire
Mass Effect
Dragon Age: Origins
Mass Effect 2

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fun fact: she married a fat, ugly, and short Mexican

Those were good games, remember when BioWare had old white men with PhD's running the company and wasn't infiltrated by Social Justice yet? It was pretty good to be honest.

none of those games held my interest. not a fan

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only the best

why are there so many ridiculous pics of kojima on the web

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zoomers get OUT

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all of those games suck a nigger cock
just like your wife, hah what a coincidence