Witcher Hate Thread

The Witcher has become largely populat due to the works of the game series. Seeing a new Netflix series, it's clear the director is not honoring her fan base. What do you guys think about this Yea Forums? It seems rather odd that they're doing this, spitting the game base that made the series popular. What do you think?

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ResetEra wins again, bay bay

I think what they've done to Fringilla is unforgivable

fanbase are mostly edgy 14 year olds
go back to watching endgame for 20th time sojboys

I dont care

Sapowski doesn't care. Nobody cares.

I wouldn't care what race they were if they were attractive. There are plenty of attractive negroes and poos.

Witcher sucks anyway so why would anyone care that a certain series is going from shit to worse?

t. homo

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All of it is unforgiveable, but our poor poor Fringilla. She was so beautiful, then she got (((blacked))))

That;s oddly specific, faggot

Netflix is for basic bitches, just play the fucking games if you don't want to see shitskins in it.

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That's bullshit, look at the gamer fanbase.
Then we can make Rambo black if he get's a video game.
I want to get a series without the shitskins

The """gamer fanbase""" is a bunch of faggots that don't matter.

You don't matter, now back to Twitter with you.

Make me weak faggot.

forcing diversity is so fucking corny

lets remake Boyz n' The Hood and cast tom hanks to play laurence fishburne's character, we'll get russel crowe to play ice cube's character etc etc

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well, here's an undestatement.

I don't get what they're doing with Yen in the trailer? is she a mentor to that other lady? She looks like a little kid with a swollen jaw...

los angeles isn't fictional and the story of boyz n the hood relies entirely on the characters being black

What did they mean by this color correction?

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there are white people in los angeles, there are poor white people in los angeles. you fuck wit.

aslo the witcher was written by some pollack shut in obsessed with nordic culture, who created a nordic fictional world. all those pasty white degenerates and monsters in the witcher series was a perfect ensemble. it was all unique.

forcing diversity literally breaks that tangible, believable, cold world and turns it into a fucking joke. there was literally nothing wrong with that fictional world, it was perfectly created.

now im not mad, i just find it hilarious how much people with shit-taste and shit-vision force their god awful ideas onto well made products. lol it literally never fails.

>dude lets take this game set in a mythical poland and make a live action out of it
>okay but lets be diverse
>okay sure but it’s set in a mythical pola-
>i want most of the main characters to be niggers and curry chimps
if you’re anti white i hope your entire family dies in a plague

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are they all gonna get BLEACHED by Henry Cavill?

t. leftwing developer

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One can only hope

It's clearly Afrocentrisism, notice how as you get closer to the center it gets darker
White people live in the hood too

>muh video game versions!

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These faggots made the Netflix series possible, Nigger

Netflix is garbage, ignore it.

Did you already forget about WE WUZ L in the Death Note adaptation?

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You are not forced to post here, there are plenty of threads for you to engage.

the "game fanbase" is the reason witcher is popular.
use your below average IQ number to at least rationalize about this

>Still seething over gangweed

woah, a middle-aged roastie mutt... so attractive

.t person who never stepped in a poor neighbourhood and think only black people live there (a.k.a liberal elitist)

They're target audience are not the people who played the games nor read the books, but GoTfags. I hope it flops like most Netflix originals.

>still annoyed over literal reddit spam created to derail threads

I hope so too. I'm going to give it a 1 star as soon as it comes out

I'm a virgin and i actually would not fuck
Brown people are pretty nasty

>attractive wildlife
Sure thing Rakeem

lauren hissrich, the showrunner for Netflix witcher is one of those SJW lunatics that think everything in the planet should be seen under the scope of feminism, divercity and race

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I've kinda noticed these are the writers that Netflic employees. Supposedly the porno of the witcher is more accurate than the actual Kikeflix series

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Their feminism is over-the-top

holy shit it literally looks like a scrotum

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letting women be in charge

>Supposedly the porno of the witcher is more accurate than the actual Kikeflix series
Lol someone post the pic

>woman in charge
Biggest mistake one can make

this shit looks legit

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This has to be the one of the ugliest armor designs ever created

Unfortunately this trend will continue until the radical leftists have wrang the necks of every significant/relevant franchise.

We can always watch the pirated version so they don't make money

ignore the show.

play the game or read the books. they picked a fucking mutt for Triss, ffs.

It looks like they just used some black trashbags and covered it in pva glue.

I want to see the excuse for this atrocity. I bet it will be as good as "starfire is roleplaying a russian whore"

This will be great, I just want to see it all burn

Yea I should really start pirating games again as well. But honestly I dont think these people care about the money. They just want to violate these franchises with their political/social agendas. It seems as if they're main objective is to disrespect and uproot the definitive characteristics because it doenst align with their own agenda. The more popular a series the more they're going to trash it.

>couldnt get a buff slav nigga to play geralt
baka senpai

they have some kind of morbid desire or envy and just want to meddle and ruin other people's hobbies.
the number of articles in gaming journals that blatantly attack every game is ridiculous nowdays

Why is context such a difficult concept for autists to grasp?

If you like the stuff, you should buy it and get some of the memorabilia stuff. Hard work should be rewarded, bad work should not

>The series will fail
>The suits will say it wasn't a popular enough series to market off of
>the SJW crowd will say racists refused to watch it, ignoring that they themselves never saw so much as a a 10 minute clip
>This will give netflix just enough money to limp along for another year though
Sunrise, sunset

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>he doesn't recognize homeboy playing Geralt
This guy is buff in all the right places.

They're trying so hard these days it's too obvious and the message I'm sure doesnt resonate with audiences as prominently as they expect it to. It still doesnt change the fact that these franchises are being ruined and it's a sad fact to accept. Hopefully the winds change direction but fuck man. At this rate were sailing head on into the maelstrom. Not a big witcher fan but this one is just too obvious and frustrates me a great deal.

How will the SJWs turn against it?

If you want to discuss 'The Witcher' TV series please go to
Everybody here will appreciate you keeping the board on topic

(((casting intensifies)))

RIP witch

The witcher tv series only exists because the witcher has a massive fanbase created by the game. Talking about the franchise is talking about the game too

stop being an annoyance and go away

>Another off-topic thread

Just don't watch it?

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Shits gonna flop and will be the biggest Netflix Adaptation meme for a decade.

Not enough black women.

Geralt wasn't black, not enough tranny/blacks. Homosexuality wasn't addressed
Honestly take your pick, that's what SJW's do, nothing is ever good enough and if ever a game/show ever actually dolls itself up head to toe for the left leaning crowd, they basically get dressed up and stood up.
Just look at lawbreakers and battleborn

I love that they decided to turn the chick that is literally described as
>pale with a truly deathly, morbid, utterly ghastly paleness
into a nigger.

This is a tertiary conversation about video games, which is not in any relation to actual conversation about video games. This thread does not belong here and would be more appropriate on the following board:
Here on Yea Forums we talk about video games, not tv shows. Thanks again for your cooperation.

You're right!
I've never heard of those, I'm an xbone fag

this is a direct consequence of the game, it affect everyone who loves the franchise, and the vastly majority of people who loves the franchise are gamers, therefore the thread that would caught more attention, information and conversations should be on Yea Forums
again, you are just being an annoyance. go away and thank you for your cooperation

ls it just me or is /pol/ dying? Seems like everyone has turned against them.

You were spared with mercy then user, you needn't worry about the tragedy of Cliffy B and Radical Randy's failures

>>Is it just me
Yes it is.
>>or is /pol/ dying?
No more then the rest of this website is.
>>Seems like everyone has turned against them.
Maybe it seems that way in your malformed brain, but the actual reality is very different. /pol/ is the single most popular board on here for a reason.

>The Witcher has become largely populat due to the works of the game series. Seeing a new Netflix series, it's clear the director is not honoring her fan base. What do you guys think about this Yea Forums? It seems rather odd that they're doing this, spitting the game base that made the series popular. What do you think?
tbf it's shitting on both the banbases : the book fans and the game fans

>recognizing male porn stars
gay as fuck desu

/pol/ shits on every board just like Yea Forums does with every board
Every fucking board here, with maybe jp and a, hate each other for some varying fault or another
For example, fuck every single mouth driveling retard who goes to /vg/

Someone seems like a butthurt faggot who doesn't like someone else's opinion

Think they'll get the Game of Thrones retards?


>And pale with a truly deathly, morbid, utterly ghastly paleness.
>And pale with a paleness
great writing

Top tier writing

probably something that was lost in translation

>implying anyone but alt-incels gives a shit about who is or isn't black
die mad.
the quality of the series is questionable, but not because of the actors' skin color

god how do people keep making such cringe comics


the right can't meme

A lack of attention to details indicates a bad series. If you can't get the basic stuff right you're not going to get the series right
The Slavs are going to hate itg, they're ethnocentric af, it's going to go bad there

This will be great lol

Just ignore the Netflix shit. They also did a Death Note adaptation with black L.

It's clown world.

>probably something that was lost in translation
checked it out and it seems to be there in Polish, too
>I Fringilla Vigo. Przygnębiona. Smutna. I blada iście śmiertelną, chorą, upiorną wręcz bladością.

then the writer is just a hack. Hopefully he doesn't describe food every other page though?

That's gross

Wow so attractive *o*

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I hate this clown world

Netflix is just a small part of it.

protip: use kodi and addons like exodus to get all their content (and more) for free.

Much appreciated, user! I'll look into it, this is the best of both worlds, thank you :)