*turns on mic*
*turns on mic*
nwame still doesn't make sense, there's no L to turn into a W in "name"
>18 mean ephebophile
So every man on the fucking planet is on the pedo spectrum?
*turns on mic*
holy based...
to be more accurate, every man on the planet is a hebephile.
fuck off retard
you dont need to be closeted on an anonymous imageboard, we're all men here. We all know
>my nwame is
How are people still so retarded that they don't understand where the w's are supposed to go?
Not opening the vocaroo but let me guess it’s an anglo?
It's been confirmed every man on the planet is attracted to at least 14+ year olds
>/pol/ and /jp/fag is a pedo
who would have guessed
you're still a dumb tripfag tho lol
Fuck off cringe zoomer
I remember when I was younger I used to have stage fright even in front of 5 people until one day I was quite literally in front of an audience of 1000+ people and my survival instinct kicked in and I just acted though as if I was comfortable with it.
Nowadays I'm more comfortable talking in public but I still feel bad enough that I sometimes vomit beforehand if the odds of me fucking up are high.
Another fag filtered
I’m so glad the ultra retarded use trips so it’s easier to filter them
Stop making this thread.
Pretty sure you're just projecting (or whatever the word is) bro. Not everyone is a sick fuck like you :/
god tr*pfags are honestly just the fucking worst. lower than low
11-14 is prime
same user, I find masturbating before hand helps as well
>this thread again
Fuck off tranny
I masturbate during.
I don't usually filter tripfags, but you sure are making it easy for me.
*turns on mic*
>law = naturally good
Pedophilia is disgusting and pedos deserve death.
I sure do love these here video games
my bad
*turns on mic*
25-35 is peak maturity and most attractive. i think if you want to fuck 11 year olds you might just enjoy taking advantage of people or have self-esteem issues.