Does he review games fairly? He seems to have given some games some bullshit ratings.
Does he review games fairly? He seems to have given some games some bullshit ratings
Other urls found in this thread:
No. They are joke reviews. Why would you care?
you're being biased, and nitpicking
Holy fucking kek
keep saying it
he likes sandboxes and hates more structured games from what I can tell, basically has the same taste as a 6 year old and rates games according to that...
Keep saying it
Who cares? Hes a retard whoses funny. If he tries to pretend hes a retard that understands good game design and shit talks games hes shit at then just ignore those portions so many people do that.
Keep sayin it
Keep saying it
>who cares
>who cares
>who cares
Why do you limp-wristed faggots even bother replying to the thread if you have nothing substantial to say? Stop being passive aggressive sissies.
Keep saying it
Because why do you give a single shit about anybody else's opinion? It's pathetic desu
Keep saying it
Keep saying it
Keep saying it
go back to twitter, faggot lmao
Guys hes not a cuck trust me
>says dumb shit
>gets called out
>it's all a joke guys, ur just mad I said the game was shit
Fuck Dunkey and fuck his fans. Dude should stop acting like he's a proper critic if he doesn't want to be held up to scrutiny. He's just as bad as the retard at IGN that gave Godhand a 3.
KeEp SaYInG iT durpp derppp uhhh................
So was that actually him in that cuck video? I see a lot of people saying they compared moles on the bitch to Leah and they don’t match up. I wanna believe it’s him.
Why do you give a shit about someone else giving a shit about someone else's opinion? See we can go around in circles all day with who's more pathetic than who; how about just ignoring threads you don't like and not acting like a nigger?
He hates JRPGs so anyone using his "reviews" for a JPRG to shit on it are just trolling
>Does he review games
why the fuck this faggot has a thread every day now, jesus christ just stop
>Actually believing Yea Forums in the first place
Are you mentally fucking damaged
Keep saying it
Imagine crying over an e celeb.
Keep saying it.
Stop saying it
keep saying it
He thinks some games are shit and some are good.
Don't upset the FF14 tranny players and call the game a masterpiece even if it's a pile of shit and you won't get death threats. Out of all players for any fan base FF14 players are thr most mentally unstable.
Because this thread is actually a thinly veiled BLACKED / black roleplay thread.
keeb sayoin it
still waiting on that user who said jakey was a tranny to deliver sauce
Based but also keep saying it
keep saying it
keep saying it
mmph fuck say it again
Based Ampharos poster
He tried to act like a "serious reviewer" for all of five minutes.
keep saying it
I was worried...
Keep sayin it
the numbers are always a joke
numerical ratings are retarded anyway
deunkey makes those types of videos were the average joe can just nod in agreement with everything he says because of his editing style, typical youtube game strats
gay thread
That’s the thread
holy fucking based
Keep sayin it
Dunkey sucks. Jakey is superior.
unironically based
Keep saying it
he sucks
you suck
uncle dunkles
I love jakey.
I didn't like his new song as much as his other songs but I want him to keep making more
>cucks his best friend's girlfriend
>was a former meth head
Nah, bro he sucks.
Holy mother of based
Wasn't very creative as all he did was sample the Guts theme. I like it but now I have little faggots in the comments section saying "le Jake sent me here".
i came to the realization that he has a consistent tendency to lie about the things he dislikes when his most recent video covered that guy's deconstruction of dunkey's criticism, at which point dunkey just attacked him personally instead of addressing any of the points he made
At least he actually played Octopath unlike that other fag
I can't tell who is baiting who
The question is why? Why would someone who already has such a large fanbase care about shitting on games like this so hard?
The only thing I know about this guy is that he hates JRPGs, and recently got butthurt about someone criticizing him. What's "keep saying it" all about?
>keep saying it
Have his videos been flooded by this meme yet?
Keep saying it.
Also he is contrarian as fuck for views
He legit sent people to doxx and attack him under the guise of "it's all in good fun". I tweeted "keep saying it" on one of my dummy accounts on twitter and it almost got banned instantly. Jason is not a critic and he is an absolute shithead. How the fuck do people like this guy?
keep sayin it
He praises moviegames like Uncharted, he's just another brainlet casual who thinks he's hot shit but can't actually work out any game that isn't extremely simplistic
So wait, did he actually lie in his Octopath review or something?
lmao people who spam keep saying it can't even do enough research to find out the video was faked, you can find the original video on pornhub and dunkey's nowhere to be seen
Keep saying it
not actually him, the original video is fairly old, and the dunkey voice was added in, but it's still funny
octopath traveler was and still is garbage
Keep saying it
Not as far as I can see. He just said beating up on snails 20 times to level up sucks, which is an objective fact.
>did he actually lie
He did, then apologized on reddit.
keep saying it
Good work, son
Keep saying it
>one of my dummy accounts
This is why you will never leave the basement
I'm not a fan of his style of video but through proxy have seen maybe about 10-15 of them. He is consistent with his skill and taste. He straight up has said he gets bored by JRPGs and thus avoids them. I don't know if I would trust him when making a buying purchase, but I haven't seen him be a hypocrite. He does seem like a total cunt to play multiplayer with. His only great video is his Matrix one, but that game did all of the work for him.
What does the "Keep Saying It" thing mean? I've searched it but nothing comes up
Keep saying it
He's an unfunny faggot, but you're legit retarded if you take his """reviews""" seriously
dunkey made a cuck porn video where a nigger fucks his squirrel-voiced gf, and he tells her to "keep saying it". Leah keeps saying "thanks you", relived to fuck something else than a disgusting and nitpicking manchild hambeast
someone found cuck porn with a girl that has a passing resemblance to leah and they edited in dunkey saying keep saying it when she said she loved black dick or something
Who's the guy that dunkey couldn't handle? I'll sub to him.
Dunkey is just bias and nitpicking. Bye bye
>waaah stop criticizing me, plz take me seriously
what a fucking crybaby
go on then link that shit
Keep saying it
You can not honestly be this mad about a memey YouTuber. It's just jokes user.
and redpilled.
>a child likes playing in the sandbox
Keep saying it.
Wow. That's just uncanny.
Give it a few years and he'll be Leafy 2.0
Fairly meaning what? He has his own personal biases and wears them on his sleeve. That's the best you can expect from any reviewer.
keep saying it
Personally his most bullshit review was ranking KH3 a 1/5, when he even admits that the combat is pretty fun. And I can't believe that someone who didn't care about the story would shit on it that hard for it. It's the only game so far where I was sure he made up his mind far ahead of time.
All you have to do with that many subs is put out videos on a regular basis, he doesn't have to put any effort or thought into videos when they just print money
Keep saying it
Keep Saying It
He's just the cinemasins of video games
he's never given a serious rating in his life
if you go by some number value you're a retard
This. It's largely the problem I have with a lot of Dunkey's videos. Also an issue with people like JonTron, where they know they don't have to try at all for views
Except when they are not, especially since his screed against pro journos gives the impression he's at least somewhat serious.
I think his problem is the ambiguity of what he's serious about and what's a joke,
Dunkey has gotten to the point where it's just pathetically petty.
Keep saying it.
Dunkey is a cuck and Leah is blacked. I win bye-bye.
>omg banjo kazooie is like my most favorite game of all time
>wtf why this yooka laylee plays like banjo, i hate this game
If you're public about hating a entire genre then I think it's pretty fair of somebody who likes it to totally disregard you're opinion. Dunkey can't seem to make up his mind becasue he wants to be a comedy reviewer but also wants people to think his opinions are right.
Keep saying it
>It's just jokes user.
keep saying it
This is kinda the issue I have with dunkey in a nutshell. The guy acts in some of these videos like he wants to be taken super seriously, but then he turns around and makes these reviews where he essentially mocks their fanbases.
>I think his problem is the ambiguity of what he's serious about and what's a joke,
This is a good way to summarize the issue, and honestly at time I don't think even dunkey knows
*hates thing*
*plays thing he hates*
*thing I hate bad*
Sounds like projection
keep saying it
Yeah, I'm thinking it's fake.
I literally refuse to believe Leah's ass is this nice.
What's up with his ageplay gf?
Your Yea Forums comment is nitpicky and biased I win bye bye
Shit's fake as fuck. As much as I'd love for it to be true
Other way around. The pornhub one was added AFTER the original one was uploaded. No one is falling for it, Jason. But my all means KEEP SAYING IT.
Keep sayin it
Keep saying it.
Why do you care? His review on octopath was fair? i remember him saying that he very much dislikes turnbased combat. So its not hard to imagine him disliking octopath traveler.
Yea Forums did the research before. The "full" cpio is missing the parts where dunkey sound alike speaks so the voices were edited out, not in.
However the girl was identified from a cuck forum and includes profile shots which show her face and that it's clearly not Leah.
No, but the nigger say he's biased.
Clip* not cpio what the fuck phone
post it to his twitter
its funny how the way dunkeyfags react to "Keep saying it" proves they're sub 14 years old
keep sayin it
Keep saying it
if you're too dumb to understand comedy you shouldn't be posting here
Nope, this thread is nitpicking and biased, I win, bye bye.
Dunkey is still so damn buthurt about being called out on his JRPG bullshit, that it's started to become a tragic comedy.
You could literally just look at the comments of the video he sent them to raid to see that, user.
>Says that it’s wrong to call people dumb and biased
>Does the exact same thing
>Encourages his fans to do the exact same thing
Course he’s a fag
Keep saying it.
keep saying it
Thank God Ampharos was here to save the thread.
Keep saying it
I look for all four of these things on women
Keep saying it
they scramble to disprove it, not even understanding why it keeps getting posted
Went out of his way to set up his party and use attacks in such a way that the combat looked way slower and less engaging than it actually is, as I understand
Yeah, that video legitimately confused the shit out of me. Literally "hypocricy: the rant"
Keep sayin it
Keep saying it
Keep saying it
Keep sayin it
keep saying it
keep saying it
Keep saying what?
explain to me keep saying it
i have spoon on table
He's a """comedian""", not a critic.
you mean the points that lose a lot of critical relevance because the critic being mocked never played the game Dunkey is critiquing?
The same cuck who, despite not having personal experience with the title, feels it justified to spend ALMOST AN HOUR defending it?
I don’t have one, can another user post it for us?
Wasn't it a 2/5? I loved KH3, and felt he blew up the criticism way out of proportion (and went at it again in this video), but he's entitled to his opinion. Tossing his army of retards after the guy that dared criticize him was a dick move though.
Just make a burner
explain Ampharos posting to me now or the mutt gets it!
Keep Saying It
He reviews things based on his opinion. It's subjective. So is he fair? Maybe sometimes he is and other times he isn't.
I was under the impression that Dunkey was a joke reviewer. As in, you aren't meant to take his videos seriously.
It’s simple
It was on his Reddit. He did a whole music video admitting what happened. Both those people he talked about died btw.
A video of some couple fucking recently surfaced and idiots think that the girl in the video was Leah, Dunkey's girlfriend, which was already proven false since there were significant differences between the her and the girl in the video. As for the keep saying it phrase, the audio suggests there's a third person in the room who just says "keep saying it" all throughout the video. Everyone thinks it has to be Dunkey despite having no proof to support this claim.
Did you take his review of The Shining seriously? No? There's your answer retard
keepo sayan ito
...keep saying it
>However the girl was identified from a cuck forum and includes profile shots
Whoa, Yea Forums has profiles now?
literally who
So now dumbasses like this guy here are trying to force the meme as hard as they can to not look like they've been btfo'd
Pretty sure you have to be legitimately retarded to find this shit funny.
You are just biased and nitpicking I win bye bye
Why didnt he address any of the actual criticisms of his Octopath review people had in the last video? It's super cheap to just find a single retard and strawman all criticism to be from the same idea
This argument makes no sense. If you can prove that someone was lying, and they were, does it mater your qualification?
>You lied about a mechanic in a video game and I have video proof, pictures, and testimony from people who have played the game to prove it.
Keep sayin it
Keep saying it
Why is Dunkey looking at him like that?
>kiwifarms memes
This place is lost.
He wants him to keep saying it, duh.
dial 8
thank you
thank you
thank you
>getting upset over dunkey
This board is honestly full of cry babies
Because he's a moron with a garbage opinion and doesn't wanna deal with being wrong or deal with the opposing opinion
keep sayin it
The problem is he randomly says that he isn't joking about specific topics, before acting like a fag and retracting the statement with deflections. It isn't even ironic pretending to be retarded by this point. Dunkey is legit a moron and people are catching onto that when he cant contain his autism for specific things very consistently.
The issue is, people say it's old, and it may be, but I haven't seen anyone find the dunkey audio clip. I'd assume the autists at kiwifarms, here, or even reddit would have found it by now
why is Yea Forums so upset over a fat neckbeard getting an ugly autist? you guys must be the thirstiest people on the planet if you get angry over that cancer patient.
I legit understand why people are telling you guys to have sex now. count me in.
I'm sure crying like a bitch on Yea Forums will stop mean old dunkey from hurting your faggot feelings. Get a fuckimg grip, you dont even have to watch his videos.
keep sayin it
Imagine making a 40 minute analysis about some retard who makes videos for fun. Regardless of how shot Dunkeys content is, that guy spent 40 minutes delving into some wannabe comedians content. That's autism.
>kiwifarms memes
This place is lost
keep saying it
Because Yea Forums is full of fuckikg /r9k/ losers, I'm not even joking. Yea Forums has been taken over by pathetic zoomer incels.
Ok but the Octopath Review was still unfunny
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with cuck shit?
keep saying it
Keep saying it
they are joke reviews but the retard actually thinks he is a real critic.
it is either le funny scream fat guy or the straight man, can't have it both ways.
I'm stating the obvious because apparently you still have to for the blind. It isn't even about hurt feelings here. Dunkey is an idiot and people need to let him fall into irrelevancy unless he wisens the fuck up or gets new material already.
Is this Yea Forums's sneed?
keep saying it
he also only played the first chapter.
Keep saying it
He still didn't explain why he lied about the snail
Formerly Yea Forumss
ok. get your dick wet little guy. even that ugly soibeard fuck can do it. lmao
Dunky is reality's sneed
>it is either le funny scream fat guy or the straight man, can't have it both ways.
that's the issue with comedy reviewers, the same shit happened to spoony that always happens, the persona and the person merge over time.
On top of all that, he also waited an entire year to make sure the backlash from his shitty Octopath review is no longer there. What a faggot.
keep saying it
It's probably an unpopular opinion but I just hate the kind of 180 he did on LoL.
I get that you can get tired of a game to a point where you can't get any enjoyment out of it anymore especially if it's a competitive multiplayer game.
I also can't blame anyone for just not enjoying that kind of game or that particular game in the first place.
But it just feels so incredibly petty and disingenuous to retroactively deny any merit something you were clearly invested in has because you got frustrated with trying to climb in ranked.
I don't know. I imagine it probably has to do with some sort of deep seeded insecurities. Cuckposting is beyond degenerate. Cucking is also fucking retarded as well but to constantly post about cucks niggers and cuckshit just exposes you as having some sort of mental issues.
because he is a "comedian" not a critic!
Unless people dismiss him for being a comedian, then he is an ultra serious critic!
That's why I fucking hate that group of youtubers, him and yahtzee are fucking retards that people will defend endlessly.
He discovered the snail's weakness, which can't be done with Olberic (meaning he has other party members), went to Alfyn's starter zone, then used a character who doesn't use daggers intentionally while using basic attacks to make the game look slower than it actually does
It's the same problem with Cinemasins, it's not always clear if he's just making a joke or if he's doing a legitimate criticism, because if it's the latter then he's being deceptive.
Does he *have* to review games fairly?
He's some random guy on youtube who says funny stuff sometimes.
He's allowed to have an opinion, and that opinion doesn't have to coincide or influence yours
Keep sayin it
Keep sayin it
Keep saying it.
keep sayin it
>Instead of addressing his criticism he just insults the people complaining and said the game in general is bad with no explanation
Wait seriously? He has no credibility to review the game then and any braindead fan letting Dunkey make up their mind for them is next level retarded
Then I will: Octopath Traveler is a game about killing enemies by hitting their weakness and stunning them. Hitting it with an attack that isn't the weakness over and over tends to be ineffectual. Battles go significantly faster than how Dunkey portrayed it because players generally are searching for the weaknesses.
Kek keep saying it
keep saying it
>doesn't like rpgs
>reviews rpgs
>says it's shit because it has rpg elements
>people point out that
>just screams memes as a response
Yes I am very funny I know, no need to suck my veiny cock guys ;3
He's literally Yea Forums. He can't express his opinion without nitpicking.
At least with cinemasins it's a given that they're going to be nitpick assholes for the sake of entertainment. Dunkey just flip flops to whatever suits him best at any given moment. He's a comedy act that decided he wanted to be taken seriously while still being able to hid behind muh irony.
keep saying it
Also the problem people take with Dunkey shitting on JRPGs is that he has completely admitted to hating the genre as a whole, so we now wonder why he keeps playing them. (Then again, he barely played Octopath in the first place, so)
keep sayin it
I dunno what it means but it makes people mad so
Keep saying it
was that tough to type while you were contemplating how pathetic you have to be for women to find a spic landwhale more attractive than you?
You just know
Have we started the no ecelebs here fire?
Nice reddit game reviewer
calm down dunks
Keep Saying It
Dunkey is a literal cuckold and a vid of a black guy fucking his wife got leaked
Yahtzee syndrome is pretty fucking annoying.
Yes. The fire rises. But they expect one of us in the wreckage
He just fucking hates JRPGs as a genre. Hell he seems to hate almost anything that's turn based. It makes me wonder why he bothers reviewing them.
I mean I get not liking a genre, not everything is for everyone, but I don't go out of my way to fucking purchase and review games I know I'll hate. I absolutely despise Point N Clicks so I just avoid playing them altogether.
I think people take his videos a little too seriously. Most of his shtick is him being mostly en entertainer in his videos.
You just know he keeps saying it
Heh keep sayin it
She has a nice ass thooooo
his best reviews are the videos that aren't even reviews, like The Last Guardian
And that phrase "keep saying it" has anything to do with the video in question?
Keep sayin it
Someone once said Dunkey's fans are the kpop fans of video gaming and yeah I agree. This thread is just further proof.
What happens if i dont keep saying it?
Keep saying it
Can we stop with the cuckspamming so we can talk about the actual topic in question
He tells her to "keep saying it" multiple times while she gets fucked. By "it" he means "THANK YOU~".
Keep saying it
keep sayin it
>The dunkeydrone has a name now
What's the lore here?
Btw keep saying it
keep saying it
Exactly. What's sad is that there's probably a fair amount of people who might have genuinely enjoyed it but had their mind made up for them by someone who went into it with a disdain for from the start. And again mind the fact that he only did the first chapter too.
>literally telling his autistic fanbase to attack anyone he doesn't like
Keep saying it
Not going to give this faggot views.
Is this him deflecting all criticism like a faggot again?
lol at the one guy absolutely losing it over all the "keep saying it"s
Man he just keeps saying it!
>he hasent seen the vid where hes watching his gf get slammed by a black guy
Dunkey is behind the camera and hes saying "keep sayin it"
Where did the "Biased and nitpicking bye bye" phrase originate from?
Keep sayin it
Continue Vocalizing it
Where did "keep saying it" come from? I am out of the loop
>some retard who makes videos for fun
It's what he does for a living you dumbass, he's not some bro making videos for the passion of it
So I skipped through it and he literally ignores any criticism of him and says "LOL, doesn't count!"
Keep saying it
Keep saying what?
just imagine her riding those globs of fat with strech marks but you cant even get a girl to look at you. He probably cant even see his dick but more people have seen his than yours LMAO
Wait, so this guy who was literally cucked? Why people would want to listen and take anything that this guy says seriously?
why did he lie about the snail though
Zoomers think he's relevant because he's big in his small sphere of influence
keep saying it
Keep saying "it"
I honestly feel like he gives fair reviews and shitty jap games are shit
Kys weebfags
keep saying it
His game critics part 2 video in which he also pulls a "don't harass this kid *wink*"
keep sayin it
Keep sayin it
Keep saying it
You only feel that way because you share similar taste to him. That doesn't excuse his reviews that are actually unfair and just biased. Kys stupid nigger
Lel keep saying it
>I honestly feel like he gives fair reviews and shitty jap games are shit
Maybe you shouldn't trust the opinion on a game deliberately made and advertised as throwback to a genre that the reviewer has self-admitted to hate
Snap into a slim jim?
So I know Dunkey personally only through Discord. Since I saw a thread about this yesterday I asked about the, "keep saying it" meme. He actually told me it's fucking stupid and annoying. Seriously you guys should really stop this.
Still fun because all he needs to do to make money is "KNAG 2 BABYEEEEEEE" and boom, that's 2k in the bank.
Halfway through making that """critique""" video, I would have asked what the fuck I'm doing with my life and just stop.
Keep saying it
The mods are going to ban this word.
keep saying it
No, obviously not
keep saying it
Keep saying it
Keep saying it
>Still fun because all he needs to do to make money is "KNAG 2 BABYEEEEEEE" and boom, that's 2k in the bank.
He isn't your friend, stop falling into a parasocial relationship dumb zoomer
>Dunkey is an idiot and people need to let him fall into irrelevancy
>*Makes another thread about how he hurt my feefees*
Keep saying it
That’s not true because I liked RDR2 and he doesn’t, it’s called having a fucking opinion and you fucking jews are trying to silence others because they don’t like something you do
Get the fuck over it
You gotta keep saying it
Keep sayin it
What happens if I keep saying it?
my dude looks awful with a beard, and no shirt. I thought this dude was handsome in that Red Dead video wtf
this whole board is cancer, e-celebs are hardly the worst of it
in fact they're better because at least they talk about video games
I wish they'd do their job and ban eceleb posters, yet here we are.
Keep saying it
spic mcstrechmarks found affection from a woman while you still cuddle your pillow at night like a cuck. hahahaha
>ctrl f keep saying it
>91 results
>It's called having a fucking opinion
Something you proved you don't understand yourself. It's all fun and games until you take it personally. You're a fucking loser LOL
>horrible at games, based on the gameplay in his reviews and his gameplay on twitch
> doesn’t go in depth. Literally get less critical opinions and information from reading box art and summaries.
> isn’t funny
> annoying voice
Why is this guy so popular? Why is he popular on Yea Forums? Honest questions.
____ ______ __
Keep saying it
Yes, obviously. Don't believe him, he's also a cuckold. Keep saying it you faggot.
Don't get mad I'm stating the obvious, bitch nigger.
Go and make a 40 minute video on him if that will make you feel better.
Keep saying it
keep saying it
Dunkey's wife gets more BBC
Keep saying it
keep saying it
>dunkey thread
>~500 replies
>mostly consist of keep saying it
>stays up for hours
>pic related gets a thread
>about 100 replies and no spam get deleted within 20min
>any other eceleb usually gets less than that
The Jannies must really love Dunkey huh?
keep saying it
Keep sayin it
Keep saying it.
he sounds so mad here
why is he mad at one guy in particular who criticised him as well?
>He's probably 15 heh
what a tool
>The Jannies must really love Dunkey huh?
Well yeah, he is a Nintendofaggot.
It's the opposite, they let these threads hit limits because it's full of people shitting on him
He's losing it, the cuck life has really gotten to him.
Fuck you Dunkey. I have sex with your wife because I am black
Keep sayin it
Keep saying it
Keep saying it
>Dunkey personally only through Discord
Dunkey confirmed faggot tranny
>like a cuck
>get deleted within 20min
Bullshit. Most Vinesauce threads are usually archived and hit bump limit.
I am fully anticipating some kind of meltdown from him and I hope it comes soon
He doesn't know him personally, the idiot probably exchanged one (1) message with him openly in chat and thinks he's bffs now
yeeeaaahh i'm gonna need you to keep saying it
What's the word that people need to ban user? Why do they keep saying it?
This reminds me of the time that Dunkey's wife and Sky Williams smashed
>Most Vinesauce threads
Because they are happening during late night american/ early morning europe time.
>whines about how everyone is being mean to him for being a faggot
>his videos are full of circlejerk comments and have almost no dislikes
>calls his personal army on some random channel
what is his problem?
Keep saying it
Vinesauce threads have their own more elaborate version of "keep saying it" in the form of Joelposting.
>things that never happened
This. Mods hate dunkey because he dabs on niggers and jannies.
The beautiful part of these threads is I can keep relentlessly shitting on virgins and they cant say anything back but the same thing or they'll look mad when you know they're absolutely assblasted at the frustration of being one. I know it's fucked up but god it feels so good putting them down.
Keep saying it
He regrets letting another man shoot cum in his wife's pussy
Dunkey actually has a really sensitive fucking ego and can't handle any criticism. It's like as people get older their skin gets thinner
>what is his problem?
Ecelebs are like Christmas cake, after like a decade no one wants to fuck with that and they get bitter
Keep saying it
keep saying it
>literally no matter what anyone says you can just replay keep saying it and stand on top
>someone made a large amount of people for validation to hate an e-celeb
Keep saying it
he and his fans can't handle a hint of criticism.
Dunkey is the definition of a comedy reviewer flipflopping between "I'm just joking!" and "Take me and my reviews seriously!"
>Oneyplays thread
Mods babysit and delete 'favorite meme' pasta
>Dunkey thread
Everyone is allowed to keep saying it
Where is this “keep saying it” thing from?
Heh keep saying it
Keep saying it
>what is his problem?
Have you even seen him live?
He was once on the TB podcast and in those 3h he managed to say 2 full sentences.
This guy has 0 personality at all, of course he's fucking insecure when people start calling him on shit and he can't defend himself because he can't rely on a script this time.
What, and spamming some NPC line like keep saying it is any better? Lmao
Keep sayin' it kid
Literally the biggest losers on the Internet are unironically people who're saying, "keep saying it". They're unoriginally NPC-riddled brain manchildren who have nothing better to do with their lives and have no future and no girlfriend. Seriously, if anyone is seriously bothered by this don't even worry. They have no life. They're a bunch of fucking loser incels who bitch and moan and make child-like jokes. They're probably jealuos that Dunkey even has a successful YouTube career and girlfriend. Something "success" is unreachable for these fucking losers. Please kill yourselves you pathetic virgins. :)
Keep sayin it
You’re the loser for getting upset over someone else’s opinion
Who cares just play the games you like
Like seriously tell me why it matters what dunkey thinks? There’s countless other shitty video game critics out there, why does this one matter? Because it’s trendy?
No but he is pretty open about his biases he loves Nintendo in case you couldn’t tell. He gets a pass from me because I love the things he likes. Funny guy.
dunkey filmed a video of his gf fucking a black dude, kept telling her to keep saying it, "it" being thank you
Yea Forums is basically 2008 Yea Forums since 2014
there is a reason every other boards bans Yea Forumsposter on sight
keep saying it :)
You're absolutely right and it pisses me off
also one look at his channel and he's gone fully down the road of shilling merch it's a bit sad
>inb4 he makes a video complaining about these threads that he almost certainly lurks
keep sayin it
Link it baby!
TB podcast?
keep saying it
Kills me to see this stupid cuck meme spread around
Exactly how is that supposed to be Leah and Dunkey in that video?
Even though I'm not his biggest fan, I can still tell it's not them
People really need to use their fucking brains
So it kind of sounds like them, big deal
As if that's enough to prove it's them
You can't even see their faces
It's not even up for debate, that vid is fake as fuck
Nobody with half a brain would think otherwise
I really don't understand it desu
The fucking lengths people will go to ruin a guy's reputation
No, he gave it a 1/5.
>felt he blew up the criticism way out of proportion (and went at it again in this video), but he's entitled to his opinion
The guy's entitled to his opinion, sure, but I'm also entitled to believe that his mind was made up before he even began to play it.
Reminder that he once made a video mocking the types of annoying gamer girls you find on league and included girls with a fake-ass high pitch voice and then got married to one.
He was actually just mad he wasn't getting laid.
Keep saying it
Total Biscuit's "the Cooptional" podcast.
Updated it
Keep saying it
Keep sayin it
Don't forget to do your part and report his video for harassment so he'll keep saying it
I don't get this this "keep saying it" thing. Does he just say a lot or something?
Based and keepsayingitpilled
>>calls his personal army on some random channel
Which channel did he do this to? Seems pretty shitty
keep saying it
Keep saying it
animal jayson
imagine being a guest on a show and not talking
Keep saying it
his gf is actually cute with her squeaks, i can't believe cuckold porn made me hard
someone dug up an old video that's apparently him and his girlfriend, he's actually, not trying to make buzzwords, a cuckold
After that, I don't think he was ever invited again.
Hol up, so you be sayin?
Keep saying it
unlike based jafari who was invited multiple times
You gotta keep saying it
He reviewed a nintendo jrpg game and didn't give it a 9/10, so now an autistic legion of ninteno jrpg fans mostly consisting of trannitors are trying to force a meme of him being a cuckold.
fuck you for exploiting cute shit
Never liked that one either, fucking crendor was better than that memespouting sandnigger.
Holy shit his twitter is just more complaining about specific comments on his videos he doesn't like I wish I was making this up
>unironically disregards a comment for having an anime profile picture
>merely pretending
>tfw that first butterfly feeling when you figure out they're into you
>tfw the first time you hang out and you see "that" smile
>tfw their cheeks get all red when you kiss them
>tfw the smell of their hair and feeling them press their petite body against yours when you hug them
>tfw their eyes light up every time they see you
>tfw the first time you make love and every sense is overwhelmed by pure joy and love
>tfw you cuddle in bed for hours after talking and laughing like best friends
I understand why dunkey changed.
Did he actually say asterisk, wink, asterisk ?
Because it seems like that’s kind of an impossible position. If you mention the person and your fans go off and bother him, you’re told that you’re responsible for their actions. If you try the other option and say hey chill out this guy is young or feeble minded or whatever so don’t bother him, then you are dogwhisting to incite a harassment mob. Doesn’t seem to be a proper way to handle that other than never mention anyone’s name
No. Youtubers always lie for money and he's done it numerous times.
Keep saying it
There is literally nothing wrong with Dunkey. The cuck video is a myth that people use to shit up these threads because of ravenous hatred for e-celebs. His videos are funny. His reviews are smart. If you dont like him, that's fine, but it doesn't make you better than anyone.
Keep saying it.
hes a stupid nigger that unironically enjoyed MOBAs for years and thinks autobattlers are fun and genius. I cannot FUCKING BELIEVE that anyone on Yea Forums would seriously agree with any of his opinions. but then again, Yea Forums is full of stupid fucking niggers.
You forgot
>tfw when she gets fucked by a black man while saying "THANK YOU"
Holy shit, no way? You should write an article about it on kotaku.
Am i crescent fresh?
>Doesn’t seem to be a proper way to handle that other than never mention anyone’s name
Don't include his channel name and videos in your video that's going to pass 3 million hits. Even Ethan has this figured out
Cease saying it
when are you making a video about Yea Forums dunk?
Keep posting it
Keep saying it
Keep saying it
keep saying it
keep saying it
Yahtzee is funny though.
>Weebs still mad after all this time
Keep saying it
>His reviews are smart
>his review saying autobattlers are fun is smart
kys retard
Keep saying it
I'll never forget the early threads of Yea Forums finding that video. Shit was, and still is hilarious.
He is a very funny man, but when reviewing games, he seems to not understand that a lot of the things he hates about a game are just staples of the genre, see: Octopath Traveler. I think he needs to at least do some research into what generally goes on in games like jrpgs before attempting to give an in-depth look into them.
Keep sayin it
>His videos are funny. His reviews are smart.
here come dat boi