Are you enjoying the game, user?
Kill La Kill IF
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uniroically yes so far. satsuki both bakuzan and dual wield is pretty fuckn nuts, honestly the only other character i could do as well with is mashageyama
It's actually kinda decent
It's easily the best arena fighter I've ever played, I didn't think they could be any good.
>there are multiple player lobbies up
It lives!
>4 hours of story
>shit survival mode
>10 characters plus 2 dlc
>online that will be dead in a month
Nah it's garbage
reminder that single wield Satsuki is based Satsuki
More nude models
No. I don't play licensed shovelware
Then you are missing on the Naruto games, One Piece Warriors, Batman Arkham games and the last Spider-Man game, all of them are really good.
thats probably gonna be my preference between the 2 satsuki versions, not only do i like the look of wielding bakuzan better but i do prefer the 360 effect of the break attacks (ground and jump), even though dual wield was even that much faster i was a bit disappointed to lose the 360 break
I would but Switch players still can’t play online and nobody will address it.
I don't play licensed shovelware.
I'm waiting for the first of next month until my paycheck clears, I would've bought it day one otherwise. Got spoiled already which sucks but what are you gonna do.
wait what now? explain, pretty sure you have to unlock it by play Satsuki's story
sorry to hear user, i hope for the best.
Literally none of those are good aside from Arkham Asylum.
work on playing "not being a tedious faggot"
Even of the male characters?
I have everything unlocked. You can’t play online because it always says, “waiting for opponent's response." And it hangs there forever to the point where you usually have to force quit. You can’t find anyone in player match lobbies either.
find a friend to play with, or make a lobby here
>Thread about any other game
>Suddenly: "why are you playing that piece of shit? Play Satsuki's game!"
You first
Stop stealing wifi from McDonalds
nobody has done that though, you're thinking of smashfags
I'm at Starbucks
I’d accept a Switch joke here but apparently we are all at McDonalds because it’s not working for anyone
When the fuck are the gonna patch the pc version? The texture and shader glitches are getting old and so are all the crashes.
got anything to verify
go to ArcSysWorks support
You don't like video games.
No, he's right, those are shit games.
Kill la Kill:IF isn't shit, though.
Spidey was good, or are you mad about a single pride flag?
>Nui never got stripped in the actual show.
Feels bad.
damn i was worried getting the switch version would be the wrong call but despite it also being rough around the edges i cant say its been nearly that bad, sucks user
she looks even better naked, it's a damn shame.
>fun tier
Nonon, Nui
>Great tier
Single Blade Ryuko, Gamagori
>Cool tier
>Fuck you tier
Uzu, duel blade characters.
Still waiting for my copy to arrive
I like the way nonon skips around the arena, it’s cute.
same, glad they got creative with her
if you haven't gotten an email you should contact them
Same here. They said it shipped, but I don't think it's coming any time soon. Oh well, it's the LE, and it's a game I'm really excited for, so it's worth the wait. Wish I could get it before we leave for our trip though.
i got my LE yesterday, when did you order yours? what country or state?
wait yours still isnt in? i preordered the LE too and didnt select any faster options for shipping and got it yesterday, are you in NA?
I ordered my copy on the 22nd of July, and then they said it shipped on the 26th. But to be fair, I do live up in Ontario, Canada, so it makes sense that it'll take some time before it arrives.
i live in ohio, yours should come soon my man
All of those games are shit. Get some fucking taste.
Ever heard of supply and demand? i love Kill La Kill, i want more, so i'll buy this game to show my support for more KLK content
Things are sounding pretty good. Thanks for the reassurance friend. :)
blessed Ragyo user
what platform are you?
Same, especially if it's Satsuki related
If we're somehow getting new figures that'll be fucking awesome
>this is why arcsys said they would dmca character analysis videos
Whats the most high risk high reward character?
Ragyo, strong but slow as shit, like Ganon in SSBB
She isn't in yet though right? How does she play?
>High risk
She could be bad or good
That's the high risk and high reward
Why did this game even come out? KLK hasn’t been relevant in years and its second half was shit anyways
It could also be low reward retard.
Because people still wanted it
Why are you in this thread if you don't like the game or half the series?
That's the high risk
you just have shit taste
Nonon i suppose
Why not be in this thread? Its no more a waste of time than the rest of this board
And did people really want it? Sales numbers will tell..
>its second half was shit anyways
Felt pretty consistent throughout.
>tri city schools arc
I remember now...I guess so.
Nah I just pirated it and it's unplayable without a controller I have one so I will get around playing it eventually, but it really doesnt look much right now
Maybe when it will get a dlc or two
that was one of the best parts though
What exactly is the counterplay to an unblockable? Hitting them before it? Dodging?
I've been doing that and it seems to work when the slower characters do it but Ryukos seems faster so harder to react to and will home in with her unblockable even if I straight up dodge around her.
Am I just missing a mechanic entirely here?
>tri city schools arc
>2 episodes, half of which was Takarada and the best Ryuko vs Satsuki fight
Is that all you've got?
If you love Nui you will buy it for her
ranged attacks up close seem to work for that
>dual satsuki jumping break attack
literally why so fucking fast
Yeah, the most kino part?
Should I pick up this or three houses on the switch
3 houses
Get this and then three houses later. both are good but this is the first Kill La Kill content we've had in five years, better to support that.
Fire Emblem hasn't been good since the first one
GBA games were good
Hah, she's an awesome villain, I love her. I'm on Switch desu, I love the growing collection of ArcSys and Arc-affiliated titles the console has. What about you?
I wanna say KLK IF desu, especially if you're into collecting physical. FE 16 looks spectacular, but given that it's a first-party game, it's going to stick around until the very end of the console's lifespan. As well, there will be free updates, as well as the DLC expansion pass, that will both add in content over time. Purchasing it later will allow you to experience the upcoming content and QoL improvements all at once. KLK IF on the other hand is a bit more on the niche side, so if you wish to add it to your collection, now's the time. And as the other user said, it's the first Kill la Kill content we've had in a long time, so if you're a big fan, show it some support.
I'm on switch too! my favorite is Nui since she's really charismatic and cute.
Got a discord?
>Finnish competitive FG player
Those exist?
i dont remember exact terminology here but if you're just talking about a break attack the response is just to hit first during their windup. if its something else like an unblockable from a special or something then i think you'd have to dodge, like apparently against gama you have to be like the whole stage away if you want to avoid his special release attack
how do i unlock Luluco?
>my Play-Asia PS4 LE FINALLY got accepted by the US Postal Service after I decided to download the demo
Might as well delete the demo now since the game might be delivered sooner than later
Nui is perfection, she's easily the first KLK character I fell in love with. She's adorable, and I really like her aesthetic and abilities as well. Very good tastes fellow Swtichfriend.
Oh, um, if you really want that, it's Stitch #4340 ! I think it's fair to warn you though that I'm not exactly the best conversationalist lol.
not paying $60 plus tip for this HORSESHIT GAME
>nonon is shit
Guess I'll wait for a sale.
I want to lick every inch of Nui 100000s of times over!
>Another Nuibro
and that's fine, i can talk about simple things, my fondness of the series, or Nui herself, and i'd love to play with you user!
me too
>tfw this won't be DLC
commit space crime ingame, that'll summon her and if you defeat her then chief overjustice will arrest you irl for INJUSTICE