What's wrong with you, Yea Forums

What's wrong with you, Yea Forums.

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There are people that fap to these threads

Lots of things, unfortunately.

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I wouldn‘t bat an eye on wojaks and pepes since they‘re dare I say it, based and redpilled! xD



anti-sjw sperg levels are hitting new highs, how do you squeeze this much outrage out of such a thing

Agreed, where is the cunny

Threads such as those have proven good bait. Some people come to fap to the images, most come to argue about shit they dont actually believe in

Left is obsessed with sex.
They want you being a hedonistic retard.

Cute Anime girls are a threat to that

The people who hate it are more obsessed than than target audience. Imagine that.

and people wonder why videogames today are shit
obnoxious non-gaming immigrants that's all, like the resetera type of devs that never played a game before but are tasked with designing it.

>hundreds of porn boards
>Has to shitpost his unappealing garbage on Yea Forums instead
You're on the wrong side of history user.

honest question

we have /h/,/e/,/ac/ and /d/

why the fuck we need all these porn thread on Yea Forums?

None of those threads are actually good is what's wrong.

>unappealing garbage
shut the hell up homo.

Its worse then usual, did something happen to get the rats running?

they're like pushy faggots
>no i don't like it
>spam the living shit out of it
>see everyone loves anime here
like the pride marches and pride friendly ads to give you the impression that it's "cool and okay"


Refer to Hamburger Helper as seeing the beginning of the end.

Posting waifushit is the only way to get replies. Excluding Twitter screencap/pol shit, of course.

>Uses wrong side of history unironically

Go back, you have to go back.

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You forgot furries as well. Dedicated autists flood those

and as soon as you tell them no really just fuck off they take it personally like a wounded basic bitch and make hell around you

Ampharos conducting a train!!!!!!

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It's just some samefag posting the same thing so he can later post his forced cumbrains meme

what forced cumbrain meme?

Yea Forums is just shitty bait and dumb template threads now including loads of eceleb cancer.
there's not even any discussion going on anymore, it's just 1 word replies and that's it
thanks to mods and gookmoot

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No idea. Most of the material they post can easily be found on the other boards or on other image gallery sites. Maybe it's like a game to see who can post the most lewd art on a blue board without getting banned?

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Yes user?

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>thanks to mods and gookmoot
they should ban more and enforce it better

Sadpanda refugees

>pick 3 game related threads
>completely ignored mountains of off topic gabare like /incel/
>create yet another oftopic thread

After all that
>What's wrong with you, Yea Forums.
Are you retarded or something?

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