Tariffs are a good thing. There is an oversaturation of games and consoles right now, this will just bring them to normal sustainable levels.
Tariffs are a good thing. There is an oversaturation of games and consoles right now...
Other urls found in this thread:
aww, big corporation sad they cant use cheap chink labour to mass produce their consoles
Implying Ill every buy a snoy product ever again
>letting the government use coercion and force to tell hard-working businessmen what to do against their will
>the leaked $999 from the swedish mediamarkt is real
>Not understanding that Trump wants more free markets but that you can't have a free market if you have low/no tariffs and China has high tariffs.
>The USA raises tariffs slightly.
>The EU continually raises tariffs.
mass producing games should be illegal. Company should be allowed to release only one game every 2 years. That would change yearly franchises to every other year franchises and thus improving the quality of everything.
Haha you're stupid
Everything is pointing to disaster for Sony in the next gen.
This, build in america if you dont want tariffs
As a matter of fact, Nintendo in the past enforced bug-free QC and only allowed companies to release 5 games by year.
>Companies now only make games that are guaranteed to sell
>Smaller studios under them have to fight among each other for even a glimmer of hope that they'll be allowed to release a game
>If your game doesn't get chosen for release, you'll have to wait 2, 4, 6, 8, potentially 10+ years
Fucking idiot.
No they aren't, they just lead to pointless trade wars that ultimately go nowhere
*creates proxy publishers and studios*
Nothing personnel, goy.
Not worth it
Trump believes protectionism was halted in the past because of globalism sabotaging individual, independent nations. The reality is that those nations themselves abandoned protectionism because it put them at a severe disadvantage in trade and ruined their economies.
>Multi billion dollar company
The stock market was a mistake
The resell industry is gonna blow up, that’s really it
Hopefully to all consoles too.
Don't worry bros, it's actually China who pays the tariffs, not americans!
>bear the burden
Lol fucking idiot americans have to pay the tariffs so it's already going to be on the consumer. China doesnt have to pay shit for the tariffs nor does anyone else, the most that happens is the price in america gets modified to discourage its market viability.
(((Washington street journal)))
Wont someone think of the corporations?
We're literally paying for billions of dollars in subsidies for farmers who can't sell their shit to China. This is from the same party that memes over and over about how important it is to be "fiscally responsible" and reduce government spending and debt
>making shitty excuses to overprice your fucking shit console
>other corps will follow up and overprice because of this
>the community will just obey and like this because DRUMPF
tariffs just got 10 feet higher
Pffff lol
Deficits are only bad when the other party does it
>Sony will be hurt by Chinese tariffs
Good. Between losing a lot of games because of censorship, trying to destroy the Japanese market and the other shit they're pulling, maybe they'll be forced financially to change their shitty practices. Free market economy wins out in the end.
WTF bros
i thought sony were willing to sell at a loss?
i cant afford 699 US Dollar console
Federally imposed tariffs are "shitty excuses"?
Sounds like you're drinking the kool-aid desu
It is as if US is much more relevant...
You know Nintendo and Microsoft gets hurt by them too, right?
>When Sony lives in your head, rent free, 24/7
Farm subsidies started under a Democratic president in the 1930s. Most of what you idiots blame on the Republicans were policies the Democrats started years ago. Mass deportation? Clinton and Obama did it even more than Trump. Racism? Democrats literally were the Jim Crow/segregation/pro slavery party until they were forced to change in the 1960s. Warmongers? Hillary and the democrats are the ones calling for bombing Russia/Afghanistan/North Korea/everyone else. Trump and some Republicans are the ones saying no.
And a huge amount of the current deficit are policies the Democrats demanded or they wouldn't pass it. Then they turn around and use it to claim Trump is running up the deficit. This is politics 101. The Democrats literally have said they want to purposefully crash the economy just to hurt Trump. Who's the real irresponsible party right now?
No, but it sounds like your takin the shitty bait these companies are feeding you.
LOL don't wanna buy censorstation 5 anyways.
suck more chink cock
Famous last words
>$1000 console with nothing but AAA garbage on it
But Nintendo and Microsoft aren't complaining like Sony is. Also, all these companies moved production to China because of cheaper labor. If the tariffs go through, they'll just move to Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines or a dozen other countries. Many companies already have, because they're cheaper than Chinese labor now. This is how the free market works.
>Asking costumers to bear part of the burden
Why is this shit so Sony?
>$1000 phone with nothing but gacha garbage on it
>Trump provides additional subsidies to farmers because China deliberately targeted his base to force his hand
>Somehow its bad he is limiting damage from tariffs
I am glad people here are seeing tariffs as a good thing.
Is this what's going to save gamestop?
>Countries start championing free trade and dismantling protective barriers from the 80s onward
>Just coincidentally real wage growth stagnates and companies consolidate into global conglomerates
*on other companies and exempt themselves from the 5 games a year rule
The fucking vp Mike pence literally held a speech for soon to be soldiers about wars they are inevitably going to be in with actors we could just leave the fuck alone.
No, Europe has more than 2x more people
>Trump starts a trade war
>Everyone warns him that it will hurt farming
>He doesn't listen
>Government pays subsidies to farmers because it hurts farming (as everyone already said) which are paid for by us
>Wtf, Trump is actually a hero for wasting our money at a problem he created!
This post just shows how out of touch and stuck in the past Republicans are and the “whataboutism” its base has.
Its the same people who went after Clinton for using a plane a pedophile owns, but saying Trump partying WITH the pedophile is okay.
Fuck china and Snoy
>put higher taxes on corps
>they put higher prices on products
>put tariff's on china
>corps put higher prices on products
Liberals support one thing & not the other
>"We want our customers to get 2 jobs just to afford a PS3"
They take pride if they can charge more for their product, it makes them feel superior.
>its expensive to build in china
ohhhh nooooooooooo. what ever should sony do. ITS THE ONLY MANUFACTURING COUNTRY! AHHHHHHHHHHHH
American workers are lazy though. Thats why i only hire foreigners and h1b visa holders.
threat of tariffs is a wonderful thing, dont cuck trump and hold until stadia is the only option consolecucks have
Make them in taiwan or somewhere else, a lot of server manufacturers already moved to taiwan
I get jewish US corps don't care about giving more power, but you would think Japan would care
Sh-shut up! He only wants to make America Great Again, you Socialist! And the way to do that is fuck everything up and give himself a massive tax break! Why can't you see that?!
good luck when h1b1 visas have stagnated
*giving China more power
Fact: China is struggling with the trade war.
This is a necessary evil in which we must pay if we want to remain more powerful.
>Trump starts a trade war because no other president wanted to anger corporations who benefit from cheap labor
>China throws a hissy fit at actually being forced to address issues like IP theft and fair play
>wtf, why isn't the problem instantly solved, I want my complex issues instantly done
calm down boomer
It's the other way around bro, Liberals ignoring Clinton connections with Epstein while only talking about Trump
Don't do so dishonest
>farmers can't sell their food
>government is trying to preserve the overproduction in the US
>millions still starve in africa
you know the world is funny.
>This post just shows how out of touch and stuck in the past Republicans are and the “whataboutism” its base has.
Because the Democrats sure aren't doing "whataboutism"...literally every day on the floor of the Senate making wild accusations that have been proven false.
>Its the same people who went after Clinton for using a plane a pedophile owns, but saying Trump partying WITH the pedophile is okay.
This might surprise you, but not all Republicans are a hive mind. Plenty of Republicans also hate Trump and have called him out on that. But because Trump doesn't push identity politics, he doesn't get stuck with having to submit to every allegation thrown at him. Just like he admitted to grabbing girls. Yet if a Democrat ever admitted to grabbing girls, their career is completely dead. And they brought that upon themselves by focusing on virtue signaling.
Of course, because when you import more from China, your tariffs have a much larger impact. China's stock market still hasnt recovered from the impact (in contrast the the US) and their economy slowed down the most in decades
I would imagine trump lo lying directly to the american public about who is actually paying the tariffs would be the thing an honest actor would care about. Not that each side may support a policy that could raise prices a little.
>its okay if I rape your anus because you let one guy finger your butthole once.
Set up a factory in india then.
Imagine thinking this lmao, even the most powerful democrats are backing his play with china right now retard.
Nintendo was reported to start moving production to Vietnam.
>Trump created farming subsidies
God, people who listen to CNN are really this stupid?
who care if we give subsidies to farmers anyway, democrats have been doing it since FDR
This is just a talking point so Dems can win back Iowa, nothing more, it's a non issue
As if people will do that shit, people will always go for the cheapest console.
Why are you whining about farmers? they massively support trump even with the trade war going cause they know the end game is worth it.
Doesn't MS have some of their main factories for the xbone in hueland and other western countries?
They used too have factories in EU, but now they just get china to make it all
>but now they just get china to make it all
And people wonder how the chinks got so strong, literally everyone is giving their shit to them to make and still act surprised when shit like this happens
If it means paying more for quality, i will
that'll be 599.99
plus tip
It really needs to stop, giving the CCP so much power so CEO's can make an extra buck
lmao no I wont because I just wont fucking buy a $1000 marked up piece of crap worth $400. Corporations are trying to soin this into "ITS BAD FOR YOU GUYS BE MAD" Fuck video games.
It's just the whole Orange Man Bad banter
We have a president who has the globe by the bottom hairs because he knows how money works. Other countries want the USA to fail so they can succeed
The world is gonna be fine
imagine getting BTOF'd again by Nintendofags
thats actually depressing
fuck corporations and fuck snoy most of all
This. Who pays the tariffs? The company, when they raise the price of thier product many just won’t buy it. No one is going to want to pay a $800 console so Sony will have to either a)move production somewhere else to avoid tariffs b) renegotiate there deal with Chinese sweat shops ending in the Chinese company making less money or losing it all together by them failing to make a deal 3) sell thier products at high prices to maintain their profit margin but at the detriment of lower sales 4) keep prices the same and take the hit. It’s pretty simple.
It's honestly pretty disgusting how much liberals are defending china & corporate profits at the moment
Fuck Sony, switch to vietnam like nintendo did
Nintendo will just move their stuff to Vietnam, Microsoft will just take the brunt of it because they have enough money anyway.
That's a fair price to pay if you want your freedom
It's bad when the EU does it too and there's a reason why they have a notorious reputation as obnoxious faggots when it comes to trade, especially regarding food.
I hope the tariffs happen and console gaming prices skyrocket.
Microsoft would just move back to mexico for their production. Sony could just use India.
>real wage growth stagnates
This is a misinterpreted meme, employee expenditure has consistently raised since then, the money is just being spent in workplace regulations and benefits instead of wages.
Seems the opposite if the leaks are true
>Microsoft would just move back to mexico for their production
That's true, I think Sony will tick to China seeing how they made this statement.
How the fuck is it shitty bait you fucking nitwit? Tariffs are going to DIRECTLY increase the cost of their products.
I can't wait, it's time for Sony to fuck off.
Yes, everyone knows the Democrats and GOP used to be the ideological opposites of what they currently are, that idiotic argument isn't going to fly outside of a right wing hugbox. People care about what each party stands for TODAY, not their positions half a century ago.
The bulk of the current deficit can be laid squarely at the feet of Republican tax cuts for the wealthy and ridiculous military spending.
>put higher taxes on corps
>they put higher prices on products
The corporate tax cuts haven't been passed on to consumers at all, though. Stop believing trickle down bullshit.
>put tariff's on china
>corps put higher prices on products
This, however, actually IS happening already. Plus, China is imposing retaliatory tariffs to hurt American exports.
Dont whine when your jobs get shipped out to some third world shithole then
Imagine 37000 people "liking" someone lying to their face in such a blatant way. Or are they so dumb they actually believe him?
Just make them in Japan instead?
The last president was applying pressure multilaterally through international trade deals instead of wagging his dick on twitter.
It's great. You cant go against tariffs without supporting mass cheap labour.
Nah, he was busy shipping all our industrial jobs overseas
They're in California though, why would tariffs affect them?
What trade deals? The TPP hated by people from all sides of the political spectrum? What pressure? The pressure that led to no results on Chinese tariffs, competitive practices, or theft?
Thats sony HQ, the bigheads work there and dont partake in the lowly peon jobs such as mass producing shitty consoles. They leave that to the low paid chinks in china.
Next year Trump is fucked hard.
ok boomer
Did you know manufacturing output in America is technically just as high as it's ever been? The issue is that most of the work is being automated away.
And I'm pretty sure Obama didn't do anything in particular to hurt manufacturing. In fact he was responsible for a massive bailout of the US auto sector which ended up working out pretty well.
Yes, the TPP. Its primary purpose was opposing China's economic dominance in the region. It didn't work out, but at least it didn't do any serious economic damage to the US, which puts it in stark contrast to Trump's idiotic trade war.
You do know those are taxes on you, the consumer, and not China, right /pol/ppets?
>actually supporting the TPP
damn, not even democrats lower themselves to that level
yeah, just look at al frankenberry
>Has the globe by the balls
>Nothing he does will actually stop china from becoming too powerful because anything effective enough would mean war
>The middle east is still entirely fucked and a man with the globe by its balls would have no need to fuck around with that because Iran would not have nuclear tech without his say so and so would not pose a threat
The world will not be fucking fine.
>build in america
>price goes way the fuck up anyway because now you're building in america
Good plan genius
>buy a console with no games for $1k
sales will fall and then Sony gets less income one way or the other
>Yes, everyone knows the Democrats and GOP used to be the ideological opposites of what they currently are
The Democrats didn't really change. They're still racist, just using race as a campaign tool now. There's been tons of leaked e-mails of Democrats saying the most horrible things about Jews and Blacks. Some of them even got ousted because of it. Puerto Rico's governor is the most obvious example, but even some of the black caucus members have quietly "retired" because of leaked e-mails. Why do you think they're so obsessed with killing Wikileaks? Because they're the ones releasing all this stuff. And why most of the current DNC candidates running for president keep getting screwed by their own side calling them racist or sexist. The Democrats have weaponized identity. And that will only lead to destruction. Obama himself pointed this out.
The Republicans did change. The Republicans of today are basically what the Democrats were in the 1990s. Moderate progressives, despite the media trying to smear them as "dirty conservatives." Though there are a few extreme right leaning people in the party, the majority are center. And the more extreme the Democrats get, the more the Republicans get dragged left. Most of them support rights for gays and some even support abortion. And it's actually been this way since the Reagan years. You just never hear about it on the MSM.
Nothing is worse than M-MUH FOOD HERITAGE obsessed Europoos
fucking demanding LEGALLY that something not be called Chardonnay if it wasn't made in France, holy shit
We had more jobs shipped overseas during obamas reign to cheap labour shitholes like china, we had xboxs made here until then. Keep downplaying that though.
Snoy can just raise games/PSN price and take the tariff on their side instead of raising console's price
That doesn't change the fact that tariffs are a tax hike on consumers
>The bulk of the current deficit can be laid squarely at the feet of Republican tax cuts for the wealthy and ridiculous military spending.
The majority of the deficit can be attributed to wasteful pork and bloat that has added up over the last century. With both Democrats and Republicans putting forward their own bills that adds to it. But the Democrats have added far more. SSI, Madicare and the like were all Democrat started policies. And the Democrats are now pushing for universal healthcare and the green new delusion, both of which would cost more than the entire current deficit combined. Some GOP members are the ones talking about lowering the deficit. Not all of them for sure. But some. And Trump is trying to pull out of the Middle East, specifically citing the "wasted trillions in worthless wars over there." to use his own words. You know who's fighting him? A coalition of Republicans and Democrats who are pro war.
>stop all trade with China when they inevitably cross the line
>Permanent Recession
>Sanction Iran and take away the arms
I see no problem here
As a tool for putting pressure on China, it was great. It failed because it also tried to hoist America's bullshit (corporations suing countries, draconian US IP laws, etc) on other countries.
Canada revived the TPP without the shitty american bits and it's doing quite well now.
china isnt get anymore powerful, theyve stagnated and falling with these tariffs
There are actually people who think Trump is a good businessman? Fucking christ.
Plebeian detected
There is nothing wrong with that. The absolute quality of items when their name is restricted to location increases both the product that comes from that location and from similar products that are forced to change their name, but are still essentially the same product. There's still cheap garbage from both sides, bit there's far less of it because people suddenly become far more critical. It would be great if there were even more food heritage laws, because names don't actually matter, but retards think they do, and that forces a focus on quality over brand.
LAUGH at the disgusting dirty american mongrel mutt who thinks he has any claim upon the culinary traditions of the great continent he left behind
AHAHAHAHAHAHA, and tell me what has Canada got from China? China only came to the trade table with the US when tariffs which actually affected them greatly came on.
Instead of thinking their business are being harmed instead think they are supporting the american economy more than ever.
As a north american my view is we steal shit and make it better. Any time I eat the "real deal" it's usually worse. Tex mex > authentic mexican for example.
China is already past the critical threshold for intervention, they were past it the moment they became a superpower and China can find other customers in a world where America isn't all powerful and with the ability to price so aggressively no one will turn them down, they did it before they can do it again if they have to.
tariffs are the only truly good thing trump is doing. even sanders and warren agree, and they're super left. china is the long-term threat to GLOBAL stability
insectoids need to be put in their place
>A few months stagnating is a problem for a "communist" nation that built itself from being too cheap to turn down
>Tariffs are a good thing.
hells yeah UwU more taxes is dabest thank u daddy trumpy ;x
i know daddy dosent know that tariffs are paid by americans and not foreign countries but he's really trying to lern president things and he's the best daddy cuz he kills brown ppl (pee-eww)
I love daddy 4evz and he fills our cheeks with hot sticky MAGA!
k thx bai
They were going to pass the cost to the customers regardless.
This is just PR fluff.
So you got nothing then for any actual results from Obama's presidency with Chinese trade, gotcha
>produce and sell medicines in america
>still overly expensive
really makes you think, mutt
Bongs do this with cheddar as well. I was telling a british friend that I was making cheddar cheese and he started sperging out about how it's not cheddar cheese unless it's aged in the cheddar cave in somerset. Like, fuck off.
Isolating the country from foreign commerce? sounds like a brilliant idea, I'm glad we have such a visionary at the helm! When has international trade and commerce generated any revenue? We need to live in bunkers and cabins, eating prime american shit and polishing our shotguns. It's how the forefathers intended.
Gimme the maga baby
>moves their production to Vietnam or some other cheap country.
If a console was ever made in America the price would triple and nobody would buy it. People are freaking out over the $1050 PS5 leak/rumor. Imagine $1,200 or $1,500 console with nogaems.
So got any results for the TPP and its successors or are you going to hang out in the farm with your strawman?
That's because authentic mexican is just an even lower grade of mutt than the US. There is nothing in North or South America that can hold a candle to Europe's diverse, centuries-old cuisines. Everything that has been developed in the Americas since their colonisation is aimed at pleasing the infantile palates of the continent's cultureless masses - industrialised homogeneous peasants eating industrialised homogeneous slop. Even your ultra-rich simply imported European chefs to prepare high quality European food.
You're retarded. You're saying because corporations are too greedy to lower prices when they can, they're too greedy to raise prices when they want to?
Americans can't even muster the energy and care to pick their own crops and need to use illegals to do it.
North American Italian food is just fine. They specifically get all fucking uppity about it. Our Sushi is great. Honestly we just take shit and make it better.
The only thing Europe does better is architecture. And I should say "did" because it's only the old stuff that's worth a damn.
>1k console
>still charge to play online
might as well get a pc at that point jesus
if Ralph Northam was a Republican, he would have been kicked out of office months ago
Good old double standards
I said this to my uncle and he went in a incohenret rage.
The retards have dozens of conutries offering them to built their factories in the west. but they either go straight to china or moved the western factories to china. and then complain how china got so powerful so quickly. what the fuck did you retards think would happen?
it is like game companies complain about china fucking up the online scene when they purposely bent over to china
real boomers are on a new level of retardation
Cute fanfiction. But it's been republicans consistently putting their feet in their mouths with racism ("very fine people" on both sides of charlottesville, "owning slaves doesn't make you racist," telling minority congresswomen born in America to "go back" where they came from, etc). And it's also been republicans who consistently oppose policies that would help minorities (Universal ID and voting rights, public education and healthcare, anti-discrimination legislation), and promote policies that hurt them (the so-called "war on drugs," kiddie prisons on the border, kneecapping the Department of Housing and Urban Development, etc).
Conservative efforts to convince people that actually the other side are the REAL racists is about as convincing as liberals trying to convince people that the other side are the REAL triggered snowflakes. It's consistently rebutted by their words and actions.
>paying more because of trump's ego is good
I seriously fucking hate you people
Fuck the chinese and fuck sony, tariff them all day
God Trump supporters are fucking DUMB
Why are you focusing on the last 4 years? Do you have any negative results you'd like to share? Are you honestly implying that trade and commerce are detrimental for the country? Are you suggesting that Trump's destructive diplomatic tantrums haven't taken their toll?
How do simps like you manage to get so severely skullfucked by propaganda? It's like you're actively trying to spread bullshit that harms you directly. I know you really love dabbing on them libs, but you're hurting yourself in the process, you retarded fucking drone.
You're easier to program than an arduino board.
I'd rather bear a billion burdens than support that soulless insectoid nation. If you want vidya with soul people who have one have to make it and be at the center of the capital loop.
Not a lot of people could, which is why this is fucking bad for Sony.
It could also mean that PS4 stays mainline for another 3-5 years while they try to lower production costs.
So what, in particular, did he actually do?
would be based but you missed "fuck america too"
yeah, we need joe biden to take away the tariff's so china's economy can boom again
based democrats
You know higher taxes on corps will lead them to raising prices on products too? liberal retard?
Sony can fuck off, I'm not paying for anything
when did liberals get so conservative about taxes anyway? you always fight for higher taxes, but now claim you want them lower?
what a meme
>company doesnt wanna do the tariffs
>Tells china sorry but its to expensive and uses vietnam or some other chink country instead
>China misses out on contract and $$$
>Loses money and business
You are a fucking retard.
What? The purpose of the TPP was never to immediately force China to come crawling to the table to make concessions with every country involved. It was to apply steady, continuous pressure in a way that doesn't hurt the countries in the TPP, like trump's actions are doing to the US.
>kiddie prisons on the borde
So can you answer the question? What actions and more important results with regards to China have been achieved in the prior presidencies? What positive effects have come out of the TPP or any of its successors?
*dixieland blocks your path*
libs will hate anything that trumps does.
if trumps ends up finding the cure for cancer they hate it
>bear part of the burden
literally all of it*
They have always been the insectoid of the corporations. Evry form of social progress they want and have enacted ended up beeing a net positive for corporations. Cuckservatives want shit that os bad for profit like traditional gender roles or stricter immigration.
Why do you just take it lying down when corporations shift all their shit overseas and when they skip paying taxes etc?
So tax hikes are okay when YOU want them?
okay hypocrites.
You're free to find examples of a field full of white Americans harvesting crops.
>anything except a globalist tool to empower corporations
youre the type that sits under a trump tweet and screaming about entirely random shit
As a non American that's how you all seem to me. You just pick a "team" and root for them instead of using your heads.
because Yea Forums are cucks for capitalism and that's literally how capitalism is designed to work
Income tax =/= import tax you absolute fucking moron get off of this board you have to be 18 to post here
Everything that damages and harms others is okay for them because they can jerk off over stigginit.
Fuck africa and fuck you for trying to virtue signal un fucking Yea Forums faggot
Yes Slap on 25% Video game tax and raise tarifs.
Just do what Amazon does. Buy massive quantities in advance and pay up front so you can bypass the tariffs for a couple years. Then jack up the price anyway while blaming the tariff. Free money for a couple years.
No, but these tax hikes have fucked China hard & they need to be reeled in
when do conservatives stop using facts and intelligence and resort to nonstop lies, whataboutism, and attacks?
based brainlet
I disagree. It's how it works when lobbying is legal. Why is lobbying legal? It's just bribery.
>people actually defending mass cheap labour
I'm sure he'll find it from his best friends Putin and Kim or maybe he'll shit it out while rage-tweeting on the toilet.
He's right though, no matter how you slice it all the costs get dumped on consumers in order to maintain profit margins and appease shareholders, like clockwork, consoles will be less effected because Sony and Microsoft will eat the cost because they get a 20-30% cut of each sale on the platforms and that is more important.
Why are you so desperately trying to change the subject? Justify arbitrary tariffs, go.
If you're refusing to back up your claims with data, you're in no position to demand anything. Burden of proof is on you, magaboy. Please paint a scenario where tariffs are beneficial for the US. Some external sources not from FOX news would be ideal.
What you're actually doing is fruitlessly trying to justify erratic policies with make believe, because of deeply seated personal issues and a blind devotion to a hilarious fraud.
Or you're getting paid by some ivan in serbia or whatever, it's anyone's guess at this point. Either you're a shill, or you're so fucking stupid you spread propaganda for free.
Yeah fag soooo fucked
Are we in the middle of WW3, but instead of bullets, it's all money? For real, if China crashes, millions, fucking hundreds of millions could die of starvation and shit.
>Tex mex > authentic mexican
die of diabetes
Enjoy having Boris crash your economy because he believes his own lies that the EU will create a new deal that bends over backwards for the UK.
Bonus points if it triggers a global downturn that will lead to a recession in America because of how their economy has been manipulated.
Man this post made libs seethe, liberals really struggle with double think
i think that shows that countries should stop relying on just one or two central authorities for their income; relying on china or the us is fucking stupid
where are the fucking faggots who keep saying "sony is american now", stupid cucks
Money and hacking.
Look at the amount of damage Russia has done to the US.
The tariff's are hurting China's economy, so they are good for that
I'm in great shape.
>Still crying about Russia
youre obsessed
This isn't going to make China crash, numbnuts. They're just going to take their business elsewhere and leave americans with a thumb up their ass.
I can't believe someone actually believes this shit.
China has had dozens of famines over the course of its history. They're used to it by now.
and yet you stupid state cucks think this is ok
>hillary didn't campaign in the rustbelt
>so trump got lucky & won by some votes there
>reeeee russians
It's 2019, time to let the whole russian conspiracy go
>I disagree. It's how it works when lobbying is legal.
the most important invention of modern capitalism is that capital is fluid and no longer bound to any one nation, meaning that corporations have the power to shift their money around from country to country as much as they want. This is important because that not only lets them dodge taxes with tax havens but they can also hold countries hostage by threatening to pull out of a country unless they change their labor laws or deregulate. Just changing lobbying laws isn't enough, you would have to stop the free flow of capital entirely
They're hurting YOUR economy, directly and efficiently. China can buy and sell their trash elsewhere, and they have. It will just cause them to push other markets harder. This is literally hurting american economy, is by design, and it's hilarious how they sold you on how to hit yourself in the dick and think it's a good idea because you're hurting hammer manufacturers.
China won't crash but it is money WW3, China and the US are codependant and everything that happens between them gets passed off to corporations who will not suffer for it and pass it onto customers who for the most part will if theres no alternative.
I was responding to claims about the TPP and its successors as well as the trade actions of prior administration, and so far I have received no answers for how it has had any positive effect on Chinese trade. Can you provide anything without resorting to calling me your boogyman? Which doesn't make sense desu considering tariffs are heavily support by both sides of the political spectrum
How's that national budget deficit coming along?
What do you mean it more than doubled in the last 4 years?
>derp derp derp
It was a combination of both, and that shit is so evident and happening still that it's not even up for debate. Hell, it's happening right on this thread.
Yeah the key difference here is that Dems are spending money on things that actually make sense like social safety nets and healthcare, whereas republicans are spending on tax cuts for the wealthy and middle eastern wars started on false pretenses. Obama inhereted a deficit of $1.4 trillion during the largest recession in almost a century, then brought it down to $500 million as the economy recovered. Trump inherited a roaring economy and his deficit next year will be just shy of $1 trillion again. There's no excuse for that.
BTW it was Trump's budget that hugely increased the military's already absurd budget. Your rosy picture of a peace-loving trump being bullied by the big mean war-mongering congress is also hard to swallow when he tore up a functioning nuclear deal with Iran and seems to be pursuing conflict with them as aggressively as he can.
Just seize all their assets if they try to leave. EZPZ governments are strong not corporations.
four more years libbies
>"very fine people" on both sides of charlottesville
Confirmed to only listen to CNN or NBC, who took a quote out of context and ran with it.
>"owning slaves doesn't make you racist,"
Who said this? I haven't even heard this one before.
>telling minority congresswomen born in America to "go back" where they came from
Trump did fuck up, but not the way you think he did. Three of the four women were born in the USA. But outside of that, yet again this is another quote taken out of context by the MSM. Trump told them (really should have just been Omar) to go back to their country, fix it, then come back and tell us how you did it. Which is the exact same logical fallacy the Democrats have used for years. Trump literally used their own playbook against them. So they had to default to their other favorite tactic, pulling out the context and deflecting.
>Conservative efforts to convince people that actually the other side are the REAL racists is about as convincing as liberals trying to convince people that the other side are the REAL triggered snowflakes. It's consistently rebutted by their words and actions.
Clearly its not because you're specifically ignoring all the numerous examples of racism going on from your side and inventing new ones for the other side. Are their racist Republicans? Sure are. There's also racist Democrats, which you conveniently ignore.
It's been proven and Trump's been begging for their help again in 2020, it's funny how you think we're as blind or ignorant as you are.
you're embarrassing
The only begging I see is mueller impeach shit on twitter trending
>conservatives happily supporting a pedophile
Who do you think run governments? Those influenced by corporations. The elites can no longer even be considered national citizens, they are a nomadic elite who are unattached to and don't care about their own country, they can simply move as they will.
Funny how you ignore your own party when they tell you the truth because it's not sucking Trump's dick.
>build in america
>prices of console makes it unable to sell
you sure showed them cletus
Funny how everyone ignores this
remember when muellers report was supposed to impeach trump
Not true at all.
It doesn't matter, unprompted tariffs with trade partners (never with UAE or Russia, though) have absolutely no reason to happen, other than the president is so incredibly stupid, he thinks those tariffs are being paid by the foreign countries in question.
It has been a parade of bad decision after bad decision, and it's all coming from a destabilising agent. What's really harmful are dumb fucks like you trying to justify it and parroting propaganda talking points.
And no, bad decisions from previous administrations don't magically fix things. It's about looking for solutions, not shifting the blame.
China's economy is slowing down due to this actually
You got any sources to back this up?
kek I'm in the EU don't give a fuck about the United Sinking Ship they're doomed and they made the hole in the ships hull themselves.
And now they're gonna blame the sea, birds, wind and everyone ever.
Accept 10 million Indianans and Muslims.
Blame the polaks.
Suicide out the EU.
Find examples of fields full of illegals that aren't being paid slave wages.
No, I'm arguing for what they're ACTUALLY doing in practice, right now. In reality, they HAVE NOT passed the corporate tax cuts on to consumers. In reality, they HAVE passed the cost of tariffs on to consumers (though some of them have eaten the cost).
They always do this.
Deflect from the facts. Try to construct an imaginary story portraying you as the victor.
Anyone posting uncomfortable truth? Just ignore it.
The same thing over and over.
The same thing every time.
Not even remotely.
Source your own comments.
our culinary inventions rule the world, cope forever eurobitch
You probably won't have kids but if you did they would probably praise Allah or get suicide bombed
fuck your cuck continent
jeff epstein was a democrat
Nothing. Glad you admit that conservatives are abusers.
And a jew!
It's meant to discourage working with China you fucking retard, that's why nintendo left and probably also ms, only piece of shit companies stay and charge they're costumers extra
and Trump still rode the lolita express with him.
Now THAT'S bipartisanship.
Key word, "was". Conservatives also happily support a man who divorced twice and cheated on the third wife with a porn star while also lusting over his own daughter. What was that about Republicans being Christians and holding traditional values?
>Yeah the key difference here is that Dems are spending money on things that actually make sense like social safety nets and healthcare, whereas republicans are spending on tax cuts for the wealthy and middle eastern wars started on false pretenses.
Trump is the one trying to cut military spending and remove our dependency on foreign oil (which he did). And the Democrats are stalling all bills in the house just to keep Trump from passing anything. Including voting down their own bills tied to medicare expansions and the 9/11 fund. And on state and local levels, not voting on major bills to help inner city minorities. Especially in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. Which is why there's big scandals going on there right now.
Of course, you don't hear any of these things if you get all your news from Google or CNN.
>Obama inhereted a deficit of $1.4 trillion during the largest recession in almost a century, then brought it down to $500 million as the economy recovered.
>b-but when he left it was only $500 billion!
So we're just going to ignore that in his first two years, he quadrupled the deficit and broke the record for the highest rate in history. But of course, with Democrats, the ends justify the means.
>BTW it was Trump's budget that hugely increased the military's already absurd budget.
So, just like Clinton and Obama did?
> Your rosy picture of a peace-loving trump being bullied by the big mean war-mongering congress is also hard to swallow when he tore up a functioning nuclear deal with Iran and seems to be pursuing conflict with them as aggressively as he can.
You seriously think that was a functioning deal? Where we give them tons of money and they "promise" not to build nukes? A promise they already broke before Trump even got into office.
Americans can’t possibly fuck up their election twice in a row, right?
>But muh big picture
Trump just fucked damn near everyone in the US buying from companies that just accept the tariff and the ones that have to move production will mostly also pass those costs onto consumers fucking everyone else.
theyre not defending it, they're just not acknowledging it
>still being partisan retards
>not realizing that politics are scripted theatre to trick peasants into thinking they're in control
>actually thinking it makes any difference if you vote for puppet A or puppet B
>Not reading the muller report or the reports produced by the republican controlled senate where everyone agrees Russia did attack the US and are still continuing to do it.
>Still trying to equate that Trump being able to successfully conspire with the Russians to all Russian activity.
>Ignoring that Trump admitted he'd conspire with the Russians in 2020.
That was for unaccompanied minors with nobody in the US who could take them in. Trump's policy is splitting up children who arrive WITH their parents (and often losing track of them) and throwing them into internment camps, even if they have people in the US who WANT to take care of them. The Trump admin then argues in court that the kids don't need toothbrushes, beds, or showers, which they legally do. There's no comparison to be made here.
you really need help
That´s false. Happens the same in every 1st world nation. Crops werent rotting before 3rdworlders came in. Back then they had to pay decent salaries to get worthy people into labor. Now a shitskin does it for 5$/hour, and locals, with life standars, won´t work for that.
Socialists are just capitalists puppets.
But drumpf bad don't you get it?!!!111!!
Fight the fash sistah
I wouldn’t work in the fields for minimum wage either.
>roaring economy
you mean the economy where Obama said we'd never get any of the jobs we lost to China back, and Krugman said that we would never see 3% GDP growth again? Yeah that economy was shreddin lmao
That was my first post in the thread. If you were paying attention you would know that there's no way the US could lose a trade war where they're being sent most of the goods to.
Suppose that for every box of onions the US used to send, China sends 10 computers, clothes, tables, chairs, beds, you name it to the US. And now the US imposed tariffs on those products, and in a counter, China does it too to the boxes of onions. And in fact they did the best thing they could think of next, buy from South America instead.
So now there are a bunch of unhappy millionaire onions farmers, but a helluva lot more unhappy manufacturers in China. Somehow the US is bleeding more here if we were to believe the fearmongering.
All they have to do is leave, instead of shill. And its not even for cheaper labor anymore, because in the past 10 years, the value of the Yuan has skyrocketed. But lets let this clown show continue. Oh no, the current era slavers are earning 90 million instead of 100 million what ever shall we do to protect them.
When faced with the facts, the /pol/ppet result to petty insults.
Haven't the Russians given you new memes to force?
This shit is why we don't have any good jobs anymore. All the boomers and Gen-X factory workers that didn't have their jobs shipped overseas are still sitting on them, preventing young people from getting lucrative factory work. It's much better working 50 hours a week in a factory (the average) and getting $45k yearly take home pay than working 2 part time service jobs for 60 hours a week total for $30k takehome pay.
NAFTA is gay. Fuck the rest of the world, I want to work less and get paid more. We need a 30% tariff on ALL imports. I'd gladly pay $100 for my Nintendo games if it meant earning $10k more than I do now.
>bill clinton was a republican
More like the cuck report lmao
>Trump is the one trying to cut military spending
>And the Democrats are stalling all bills in the house just to keep Trump from passing anything.
you're going to be on your deathbed screaming about the russians lmao
>Not reading the muller report or the reports
I guarantee you didn't either.
>Ignoring that Trump admitted he'd conspire with the Russians in 2020.
Oh god, it's hilarious. Trump really can control you guys like a puppet. He makes a joke and full on says right afterwards "the media will spin this as if I'm being serious." And then the media does. And you fall for it! Like a fucking fiddle.
Can you answer the question or are you forever going to pussyfoot around it and namecall?
Trump is not the only one doing these Tariffs you know.
AHAHAHAHAHA. Talk about a faggot who doesn't understand shit. The prices are so low in China that even with a 100% tariff China would still be cheaper on most everything.
That's what happens when you want premium wages and benefits regardless of whether you are actually worth those numbers but extremely low prices on everything you buy you dipshit. Something has to give and it did. All the jobs went somewhere else and even if you fuck China, they'll just move to the Phillipines, Korea, or India.
>you republicans must not support trump because he cheated on his wife
>why yes i voted for bill clinton, twice in fact
The new TPP only went into effect half a year ago, and only among half the ratifying countries. Trump's trade war with China has been going on longer than that and he's still got fuck all to show for it, besides damaging his own economy.
Reminder that the Trump economy is only helping the rich and the creation of wage slave jobs.
Key Findings:
The economic trajectory of politically important “flipped” counties, which generally experienced a weak recovery prior to the 2016 election, did not meaningfully change during the first two years of the Trump administration.
Flipped counties continued to lag far behind on employment and business establishment growth through the end of 2018. The employment growth gap between flipped counties and the rest of the country grew wider over the past two years.
53 percent of flipped counties lost population from 2016 to 2018, and a staggering 94 percent have lost prime working age population over the past decade.
Flipped counties added jobs at less than half the rate of both the comparison groups and the nation as a whole between December 2016 and December 2018.
Flipped counties have seen their share of the national totals of jobs, businesses, and population diminish over the past two years, as they added jobs, business establishments, and residents in far lower volumes than would have been proportional.
Growth rates have converged across consistently Democratic and consistently Republican counties due to somewhat decelerating growth in Democratic areas and modestly accelerating growth in Republican areas over the first two years of the Trump administration.
Why? Everything he said is true. The only thing not mentioned is that the consumer will have to pay those prices in the end.
>pol/ppet fear intensifies.
Puerto Rico =/= America
Also, the pharmaceutical companies are only capable of paying for R&D by price gouging us. They barely break even selling to countries with socialized medicine. If America got universal healthcare, R&D would screech to a halt.
We could just force countries with universal healthcare to pay for their own defense and refuse to tariff Russia for attacking weaker, unprotected nations
I hate boomers and everyone under 25.
Just like Obama, so whats the issue?
>they'll just move to the Phillipines, Korea, or India.
This is fine, China is too dangerous to keep getting more powerful
Almost like Americans never had a good leader.
Makes me think
>Reminder that the Trump economy is only helping the rich and the creation of wage slave jobs.
So, just like when Obama bailed out the major companies and increase tax write offs for the top 1%?
Phones serve other purposes other than just playing games, game consoles serve basically just one purpose
Can we go back to Obama?
So to answer the question then, no, the new TPP had no effect on Chinese trade and so far the only time China was brought to the table was during the trade war,
>B-b-b-but Obama!
This is all recent with the moron millenials. I'm part of that group technically but never fit in for obvious reasons.
Ever since Obama/Bush, the political divide here went off the rails. Bush started it and Obama made it worse. Trump just sealed the deal. His election was a big fuck you to the established regime and to the crazy ass liberals who wouldn't listen to anyone else's point of view and now it's gotten way out of hand on both sides.
In today's Democrat party, Bill Clinton would be considered a Republican. Probably even worse. But the Democrat party is basically, when you're no longer of any use, they throw you to the wolves. Which they're doing to both Bill and Hillary now.
If you can afford a better job fine, but some people did (and still do) cause they preffer it over a factory and don´t want nanny state behind´em.
Thing is back in the day most people could chose, now that option is gone. Cheap labour inmigrants were used to live poorly and they accepted those bad conditions when in "their" new country, so 5$ wasn´t so bad for´em. If you replicate it in mass you go to hell.
reminder that if you're not in a union and are a regular worker then you're just a cuck.
>unique posters isnt even budging
>same comments over and over
uh huh
Good, fuck Sony.
We are more relevant, technically, because the whole of Europe has like $3 trillion more GDP than America, but you have to deal with shit like tariffs and protectionist policies when trying to sell in the EU. It's only because of Euros that Steam adopted a refund policy.
And that's the reason companies are also catering to China. If it came down to it, China is more valuable to do business in than Europe, so companies would kowtow to them before bowing to the European Comission. That's a bad thing, considering China is against:
>Visible blood
>Visible tiddies
>Visible thighs
>Visible buttocks
>Anti-communist messaging
>Religion in general
>Abolition of slavery
So you can't have any of that in video games there.
Expensive phones are status symbols
Consoles are not
>bring up literally any scandal the Democrats are having
>they deflect to Trump
Imagine thinking that bad things don't matter because the retard that was running things before also did it
When did politics become "My team is better than your team" instead of looking to improve things regardless of the person doing it.
This mindset of "We may be bad but at least we're not X" or "X did that too" is only fucking everyone over
Don't kid yourself. All those countries would be just as big of a cunt as China is now if they had that kind of economic power. India most of all.
>we steal shit and make it better
that dellusion
Why? he's even worse then Trump, I will say Satoru Iwata but he's been dead for years now.
Take Shuntaro Furukawa and like it.
How is deep frying in oil "making it better" ?
See Tribalism is an important part of the trick they play on people.
NPCs will accept continually worsening conditions and think they're "winning" because "their side" wanted the change.
Deflecting to Trump is literally all the Democrats have been doing for three years. Turn on any media station and mention anything and they somehow make it about Trump.
Pundit A:"I think the Plastic Straw controversy is really dumb."
Pundit B: "I don't know anything about that, but Trump is evil because..." [5 minute talking points rant that has nothing to do with the plastic straws]
That's the thing, they're all bad. Supporting any political party means you're either an ignorant moron or a psychopath.
We're doomed aren't we
Yeah I dunno man. I'm a leaf and I've voted for 3 different parties over the years. Picking a team just seems retarded to me.
Yeah look at all those worldwide american culinary inventions!
>fast food
b... bros?
Please, when people are telling you you're retarded for deflecting, don't argue that it's okay because others deflect too.
It really makes you look like a complete retard.
They had a lot problems this quarter and they asking to consumers to paid more??
WTF they're smoke
Just face the facts. Anyone worth a damn from your countries moved to the land of opportunity and continued refining their craft.
All of this shit was being dealt with in the TPP, a deal that Trump the master dealmaker called it bad without explaining why, walked away from it and couldn't even be bothered to renegotiate. Now China basically has complete control over the South China Sea and Trump is trying to compensate with BIG DUM TRADE WAR that costs more and more money the longer it drags on.
>when you want to "beat" China but literally give them free shit
And that's a good thing. Sonyfags gonna buy the ps5 anyway, trust me.
Because electionfags didn’t exist back then.
But Europe is kind of a shithole now?
>20 something incel Yea Forums user
>thinking giving americans uneducated $10/hour jobs is more important than making products affordable and forcing people to become educated and make $80,000+ in annual salary+bonuses/benefits
>b-but corporations!!! billion dollar companies!!!!!!!!
spend some time outside the house retards
Have you seen how obsessed Trump is with Obama still?
When asked if he was going to waste more taxpayer money by going to one of his estates, Trump deflected by attack Obama over the air conditioning in the White House.
As if. i remember watching a video about a french breadmaker visiting america and commenting about how shitty their baguettes were, and moved in just to easily dominate the market with actual french made baguettes
Yeah because like I said all the worthwhile folks left for NA.
>s-shut up I claimed you deflected first so I win!
I was pointing out how the "right" learned this tactic of deflection because it's all the "left" does. And it goes back way farther than the last three years. Go watch some early interviews with Hillary Clinton in the mid 90s. She literally deflects every question she is given. She turned it into an art and set the standard that most politicians are doing now.
>log onto Yea Forums
>/pol/ threads everywhere
It is retarded. I'm not saying it isn't. I'm only saying the retardation is pretty recent and hopefully it won't last. The newer generations are seeing all this retardation and we're all hoping they learn not to be as dumb although I'm not sure how well that will go over with them voting retards like Cortez in and she is actually a literal retard.
But America is even worse?
At least I can go to the euro garlic festival and not get killed by an angry incel.
Look how that story ends retard. You just proved my point. Now he's American and his work is American. Brain drain baby.
I think it's kinda cultural with the 2 party system as well. I know a lot of people whose parents voted the same party for 40 years.
>N-no those quotes are out of context, p-pls
There's a reason the charelottesville gaffe caused such massive blowback even within his own party. Like, maybe if it had been a one-off incident I could understand trump misspeaking a few times. But these aren't isolated occurrences. Trump has a long history of racism.
>Dad arrested at KKK rally
>explicitly discriminated against black applicants at his appartments
>black employees at his casinos told to leave whenever he showed up
>took out a full-page ad calling for the execution of the central park 5, who were exonerated by DNA evidence
>his friend and owner of the apprentice copyrights threatened to sue into the ground anyone who leaked the tapes of trump saying nigger. Not denying the tapes existed, just saying he'd destroy anyone who leaked them.
>started his political career by spouting birther nonsense about Obama for years
BTW I like how you didn't rebut any of my points about the actual policy differences between Ds and Rs.
Maybe he learned that from Obama and literally every other Democrat who deflects everything to be about Trump? But in reality, it's the most basic move in politics. Both sides have been doing it since fucking 300 BC.
If you can't realize the stupidity of deflecting to others deflecting when your own deflecting is pointed out then there is nothing i can do for you.
Iwata was still a much better president then Obama ever was.
Because all of our spending on farm subsidies is nothing compared to
1. Social Security
2. Medicare/Medicaid
3. Military
If we cut the socialist shit for even just 10 years, we'd be back at 0 debt.
>If America got universal healthcare, R&D would screech to a halt.
Or it would just return to the universities and research hospitals, significantly reducing the price for the consumer. As it stands anytime non-profit researchers come upon something promising, it's pretty quickly scooped up by pharmaceutical jews.
He was better than any American president to be honest
No, Trump was already obsessed with Obama, remember Trump was the Grand Wizard of the racist birther moment.
So can you explain why the TPP was good? Why was it so long, complex, and included many additional provisions? Why were negotiations conducted in secrecy and with industry influence? Why did it have no just Trump but libertarians like Rand Paul, liberals like Warren, and people like Sanders and Chomsky all against it
>big fuck you to the establishment
Yes that's why 80-90% of the GOP love him and he appointed Goldman Sachs and Exxonmobil as part of his cabinet and why he did nothing to Hillary and why he followed through with all the generic conservative policies
>increase military spending by 700 billion
>remove 83 environmental regulations
>passing Paul Ryan's tax bill that gives permanent tax cuts to corporations and only temporary cuts to everyone else
>appointed conservative SCOTUS judges
Can we end this retarded meme now? Trump had his chance to be "anti-establishment" and ended up just pandering to them. The only thing he hasn't done yet is declare war on Iran
>We can blame Trump for what his Dad did, but can't blame Hillary for what her Husband repeatedly did
uh huh
>consumers will bear all the burden so the company can retain and increaise profit increases
what a great system capitalism is
Unless you count someone like FDR or Truman.
And we could make social security solvent forever if we removed the $250k cap.
And cut down on health care costs by completely dismantling the private insurance market. Remember, it's insurance companies, not bureaucrats that block people from getting service.
SCOTUS judges are good, Liberal majority on the court will be a death sentence for USA
True as it may be, pharmaceutical research is costly and doesn't pay in dividends like it used to. Researching cures for anything that isn't yet curable is difficult and doesn't guarantee returns.
You have a point, but you honestly sound so insufferable I don't want to agree. Don't do this.
Imagine if FDR came back, he'd man handle people like Trump and corporate America while calling out the traitors like McConnell
go back to your sub, chapo
> we smorr rittre business we cant affold dis, customel prease plotest dlumpf!!!
>The only thing he hasn't done yet is declare war on Iran
and if he does that on eve of his 2020 Campaign Run he will fucking lose.
Trump is shooting himself in the foot if he declares war with Iran.
Personally, I don't have hope for any real anti-establishment candidate, but I will give Trump credit for the trade war against your more establishment globalism, which surprised me considering the main opposition to tariffs from corporations.
Customers are not forced to support Snoy retard. I for one won't be supporting Snoy.
Either SNOY eat the costs or they can fuckoff
Historical illiterates please go and stay go
Trump's own party hates him. Anyone who's actually paying attention knows this. From Republicans like McCain killing their own bills just to deny Trump a legislative victory to the fact that Republicans started the OP research against him and gave it to the Democrats.
I also never said Trump is free of guilt. In fact, in earlier posts I pointed out how he full on admitted to grabbing girls. Which would have tanked any Democrats career, but because he just passed it off as a joke, most people didn't care. Trump has learned something most Democrats can't seem to figure out. If you admit to doing something, it's 10x better than it being dragged out into a scandal. Even fucking Thomas Jefferson knew this back in the 1800s.
Could Trump be a racist? Maybe. But so could a lot of Democrats, who have said lots of shitty things themselves. Some of which got kicked out of office because of it.
>BTW I like how you didn't rebut any of my points about the actual policy differences between Ds and Rs.
You didn't address all my points either. Jut cherry picked half of one sentence. Probably because you couldn't come up with ways to make the other ones sound bad/wrong.
SNOY can't eat the costs because pretty much everything they do that isn't video games is a burden on them financially. If the PS4 wasn't a success, they probably would've collapsed like SEGA.
We used to be smart. I blame reddit.
That's because Obama got a free pass all the time. Like when he started the caging of people at the border. Or the time he let Crimea go. Or the time when US hegemony was about to implode worldwide while at the same time he wanted to keep the US as world police. Or the time he imprisoned a reporter for some reason I don't remember.
>nobody wanted to challenge that guy out of fear
>he must be the better leader than the current guy
A lot of things didn't make sense but he got a free pass over and over. Trump is the guy after Obama. He doesn't get a free pass at anything. Even the faults of Obama are his fault. Namely the cages at the border and the failure of the TPP.
>Tier chart
Japan wouldn't be as big as it is, if anything everything Japan hijacked and Japan itself would of been a US State if FDR was alive to see the war end and the Cold War would of been avoided.
Also no Mao.
>Polk in SS tier
My man. Seriously one of the most underrated presidents.
>it's okay when I deflect
>but it's invalid when you do it
Trump's own party outwardly like him and see him as a useful idiot. This is why he has such a high approval among GOP Republicans. He's done most of the generic conservative policies, with the sole exception of declaring another war
t. Chapo-nigger
Explain what's wrong with what either of them said.
>Trump is the one trying to cut military spending
Tell that to his budgets, then. That $80b annual increase to military spending is on him.
>Democrats not cooperating a bloobloo
Remind who it was who threw a temper tantrum over his stupid wall and caused the longest government shutdown in US history?
>quadrupled the deficit
The deficit tripled to $1.4t in 2009, in the height of, again, the largest recession in a century, and that year was still under Bush's budget. Not that Bush did anything particularly wrong there, because deficits are obviously going to increase during recessions. There's no excuse for Trump to have a trillion-dollar deficit when the economy is strong.
>just like Clinton and Obama did?
At least they didn't get America mired in ridiculously costly foreign wars on totally bogus pretenses like Bush did.
>You seriously think that was a functioning deal?
It was. Iran was complying with their end of the bargain. Then the US stabbed them in the back. And now they're resuming work on their nuclear program. Wow jeez who could have seen that coming.
The only reason he's not my favorite is because I have nostalgia for learning about Eisenhower in gradeschool. Learning about Ike was my first foray into politics, and even though I disagree with him slightly, I still have a greater fondness for his accomplishments. I praise him every time I use an interstate highway.
That's their problem not mine. SNOY is making profits and they can eat the costs.
>hey china, im gonna tax you x percent on your goods
>sure, i will just raise the end price to the consumer x percent
>wtf, you can't do that china
>Trump's own party hates him.
the republican base fucking loves him and the party elites have been trying to appease him at every corner.
The idea that republicans would ever turn on Trump is ridiculous. He's the president which means that he holds the keys to power right now. The GOP is trying to use him to enact their own neocon agenda but Trump's brain is so riddled with alzheimers he can't even start a properly.
> JFK can't crack B Tier
oh wait, Yea Forums hates Civil Rights
>Obama started caging
Nice meme, but it's Trump who is running concentration camps for asylum seekers, which is not illegal.
>Anything with Russia
Obama did step up economic sanctions, which is how you actually hurt the Russians and Putins. Trump has been dragging his feet or lifting them while he bends to Russia's will every possible step of the way. Why did he hide every meeting he had with Putin and seize and destroy his translators notes?
good goy defending china
>let's tax everything I don't like, that will fix everything!
leftist/rightist authoritarians brains must be smaller than peanuts
They can't, as I'm trying to tell you. They're running a pretty tight budget and not making much revenue. Their games are literally keeping the rest of the company afloat. The overall trend towards digital saved Sony, since they make a lot more selling non-physical games at the same price as physical retail copies.
>Or the time he imprisoned a reporter for some reason I don't remember.
should have just lead with this, then everyone could quit reading because you don't know what youre talking about
That's the perfect image to represent my reaction to you.
dont build your shit in china
Damn right I do.
>tier chart
Make a better one, I dare you.
>shitty hotel for rich assholes rightfully neglected
Based Africans.
To be fair, there are some African nations such as Rwanda which are thriving now, although ironically due to rejecting western aid and often putting in authoritarian strongmen. Rwanda is stronger because Paul Kagame is a powerful leader and they rejected aid such as cloths to build up their own industry would never otherwise compete with free.
>What, you filed a lawsuit against that guy TWO whole days ago and nothing's even happened yet?
>I took a shit on his lawn and started screaming incoherently while hitting myself in the balls with a hammer and look, he's already reacting! I mean he hasn't given me anything yet but he's reacting! I won!
They'll be building it in Vietnam instead lmao. Or Ethiopia later.
Consoles manufactured in the US would cost 800$ instead of 400
Image on the right looks like it's been altered digitally. Or some Myspace tier post process on the images. It's abandoned and overgrown is the take away. No need to make it look artificially worse.
>Trump who is running concentration camps for asylum seekers, which is not illegal
You're not an asylum seeker just because you claim to be an asylum seeker. You expect them to just let anyone through because they "claim asylum" (despite passing by multiple other countries they could get asylum in to get here)?
>technically just as high
Just put almost all of them in shit tier where they rightfully belong.
The key is ranking the few who actually cared about people accordingly.
> Lincoln
> Yankee fuck wages war on fine Southern Gentlemen resulting in 620k deaths
> Gets bodied by some idiot in a opera house
> Ugly wife
> Freed slaves but didn't send them back
> A Tier
Sherman, get the gasoline.
Actually yeah China did concede to lower tariffs. Its just that the trade war had a greater scope and China reneged on provisions for IP protection and currency manipulation. Meanwhile nothing occurred from all the free trade agreements and policies.
Agree. Should have exterminated the Southerners instead of pussy footing around like a bitch.
>Trump's own party outwardly like him and see him as a useful idiot.
Over half the Republicans in office dislike him. They even have a movement for it called "Never Trump." You do see some of them supporting him. But it's only whenever it suits their interests. Usually to get a certain bill passed or playing good cop/bad cop to rile up the Democrats. Those same people who seemingly support him on something like passing a bill on defense spending will publicly come out and condemn him over the wall or not attacking Iran.
>This is why he has such a high approval among GOP Republicans.
But that's voters. I'm talking about elected officials.
>He's done most of the generic conservative policies, with the sole exception of declaring another war
Are you implying war is a conservative policy? My god, our schools really are shit.
>the republican base fucking loves him
About half of them do. Not all of them. Most people are in the "well, Trump is a blowhard, but he's better than Hillary or Bernie." Trump is "winning" by virtue of everyone else being so repulsive and scary to the voters.
>and the party elites have been trying to appease him at every corner.
No they haven't. They fought him quite a lot. Have people already forgotten how the Republican run majority couldn't get anything passed because Republicans kept shooting down almost anything Trump had a connection to? Trump started to have to use executive orders to get stuff done, like Obama did.
>The idea that republicans would ever turn on Trump is ridiculous. He's the president which means that he holds the keys to power right now. The GOP is trying to use him to enact their own neocon agenda but Trump's brain is so riddled with alzheimers he can't even start a properly.
Wow, it's like I'm really listening to Morning Joe go on one of his rants.
>japanese company needs to give a fuck about mutts
God, I hope Chinks will nuke you faggots.
Actually you are if you go to boarder crosser and claim it. Where you then would be given a chance to prove it. The problem is Trump has shut down the crossing and is trying to send everyone back, hence why he has created his Concentration Camps and is destroying families. Not to mention we find out that the Trump's people are molesting children at his concentration camps.
>>started his political career by spouting birther nonsense about Obama for years
You know who else was a birther? OBAMA! Either Obama was lying about being born in Kenya during college or he's lying about being born in America now.
chinks would have invaded china if it wasn't for american protection
But also they went through a genocide. Rwanda is just nigger-Singapore.
My bad. They were spied upon by his swamp monsters because they were about to disrupt's ZOG's plan for Greater Israel. Maybe China SHOULD win. So you boomers can finally get what you deserve.
Ahahah slavs, suicide bombings ahahahahah.
wtf guys i thought he was doing this for us
Ok then fine whatever, not my problem.
Leftists used to be concerned with the outsourcing of manufacturing and multinational corporations gaining too much power.
It's hilarious how far that ship has sailed and gone.
He didn't start the war, yet. We don't know if the other candidates won't start it either.
Just a reminder that mutts are brainwashing EU politicians and youths into accepting sandniggers into their countries.
If he was actually born in Kenya he would have been based and buttfucked America into an actual good country.
Instead he was the typical smiling psycho democrat that can only be born and raised in America.
They'll make it your problem by continuing to purchase exclusivity rights to good games and put it on their consoles, which you'll have to eat the price for, since no one makes Playstation emulators.
Thank God I'm voting for Yang. Fuck Trump
The high cost of living in America is due to government interference in the housing and higher education markets. They even pay farmers not to make food to keep prices high. Increasing taxes on PlayStations isn't going to make America great again.
Show me a source that he's shut down all asylum crossings or throwing all asylum seekers into detention. And the "concentration camps" as you call them existed back during Obama's presidency.
>chinks would have invaded china
user people on v are to dumb to handle economics
To be fair, there are a fair amount of democrats who support Trump's tariffs and trade war. But there are quite a few who care more about getting their gay pride parade sponsored by Mastercard and spiteing Trump in any way they can, as evidenced by this thread.
Trump gave permanent tax cuts to corporations through Paul Ryan's tax bill and also cut 83 environmental regulations because the Republicans told him to
Well, I'm interested in games not movies so again, not my problem.
>The CCP would have invaded Taiwan if it wasn't for american protection
They don't want to acknowledge that part.
>be liberal
>have 0 understanding of the law or even basic high school economics
And that is supposed to be somehow a bad thing?
Like clock work who to say he did not do it purposely. Fuck polticians we need to burn them at the stake.
>too stupid to realize that government and businessmen have been working together since America's foundation to buttfuck normal people
Meanwhile no one gets to play the actual good Sony exclusive, like Spiderman, Bloodborne, or Persona 5 because they're Playstation exclusive.
I'm not a Snoyboy. But because of that, I can't play actually good games because there's never a good Playstation emulator other than Mednafen.
> We're gonna enter an age of commies openly protecting the interests of big mega corporations.
this may be the stupidest thing I ever heard if you think someone who wouldn't have had a job will no longer try because some inessential electronics went up a few buck than you're a fucking retard
Not to me. Fuck mutts and fuck Taiwan.
I have sincerely never met a Trump supporter with even a basic grasp on economics. I'm talking "why didn't Obama just print more feckin' money if there's a recession"-tier retarded.
>food is shit
>get mad when it's called shit
If the Snoystation is too expensive nobody's gonna buy it and Snoy is not gonna profit and they won't be able to buy Snoysclusives.
>americucks in charge of not ruining everything for everyone
He should of left those fucking compaines to die
I love armchair economics.
There's nothing I love more than conservative double-think
>oh 1 trillion dollar deficit that's ok lol
>oh 700 billion dollars for military spending that's ok, 15 billion dollar subsidy for farmers because of a pointless trade war we created? that's ok lol
>oh separating children from migrants seeking asylum and putting them in concentration camps? that's ok lol
>Sony can't eat the costs
>They have done this once before with the PS3, when their other pursuits werent raking it in and the PS3 was just really expensive to make
Consoles can and will eat the costs from tariffs/relocating production, the real money is on having the largest possible install base and they all already know this, if they have to eat $200 they'll eat $150 and save the rest for consumers.
The point of exclusives is to get people to bite the bullet and just get the console. It's why no one has an XBone - it has no exclusives worth buying. The next gen Xbox could be $100 cheaper and have marginally better specs than the next gen Playstation, and people will still flock to the Playstation if it has better exclusives.
The Sony cycle: do shit until you NEED to do good shit.
But Taiwan is a much better country then mainland China.
Based ancap poster
Who are these American commies? Liberals who hate the poor? The gays?
Lmao Amerimutts
Just get the cheaper alternatives, iditos
>NOOOOOO america if you put tarriffs on them they can't make money
>oh yea but I totally don't give a fuck about america
To be fair, quantitative easing is partially, on a simplistic level, printing more money
>just trust me, goy
The only good mutt and it's bootlicker are dead ones.
>Oh denying a president his constitutionally-granted right to appoint a Supreme Court justice because he's a Democrat? That's ok lol. Oh giving the president the power to spend and redistribute money however he sees fit instead of Congress, a responsibility outlined in the Constitution? That's ok lol
Oh man, I think I had that.
And here I was saying Nintendo needed competition in the handheld space. Microsoft has some R&D.
I don't give two shits about Sony or the mutt market. Point is that you niggers are utter cancer.
Trump should let China run things so PlayStations can cost $199 or less and he could retire at Epstein island.
Ok, whatever you think. In the end it doesn't matter because I don't care about the supposed awesome exclusives Snoy has.
So.... again Sony's profitability is... not my problem.
>Oh denying a president his constitutionally-granted right to appoint a Supreme Court justice because he's a Democrat? That's ok
McConnell thanks his lucky stars a Republican won the presidency, because that was technically treason.
>Oh 1 trillion dollar deficit that's ok lol
The majority of which (>60%) is just for Social Security, Unemployment, Labor, Medicair, and Medicaid. All programs we wanted to cut in the past. The military doesn't even make up a quarter of our annual expenditure.
See: >oh separating children from migrants
See, you say it there yourself - separating children from criminals crossing the border with children that aren't theirs. In any case, we should be shooting ALL of them at the border. No exceptions. If anyone in Mexico, be they Central American, South American, African, or Mexican, comes towards our border at an unofficial point of entry, they should be immediately gibbed. And any reporter trying to take pictures of it for clickbait MUH CHILLINZ outrage should be gibbed alongside them.
I fucking wish the detention centers were concentration camps. That way the little fucks would actually die and not eat up our taxpayer money. I hate Hispanics, they eat taxdollars that should be going to our roads and bridges.
There's a reason we outsource production for markets that compete on a global scale. Yes, it is cheaper. But if we try to do it in America, production cost skyrockets while other countries not being tariff yards make bank from cheaper manufacturing cost. You could block the sale of those kind if products or put more import fees on those goods, but then you become Brazil. Take time to look up how much a Switch is in Brazil.
You will never become women, just give it up.
yea you don't give two shits is that why your still seething and posting?
>oh lol brown people don't count
>also people who are already born don't count lol
>just unborn whites
>lol :^)
You can say what you want about those other meme arrows but the 700bn for the military is actually quite small, while still being the biggest in the world.
Dilate, special little /pol/flake
This tranny shit makes no sense and I can't believe you let reddit trick you into spamming such an unfunny joke
I'm posting here to remind everyone how subhuman you faggots are.
Non-Americans don't count because our Government has a responsibility to take care of US, not THEM. We pay their salaries, we give up 20% of all of our paychecks, and it should be going back to the American people. I'm not paying tax money to take care of Pablo and his 3 kids to go to the ER for a minor cold for free while we have to pay $1200 for a stitch.
We should genocide the fuckers. I hate them so much, making my life harder for no reason.
Having an adversarial relationship with your fellow countrymen is the antithesis to a cohesive nation. The average voter has no say in these policies, and that is precisely why it is the Republic's duty to keep politicians in line to ensure they do their job in representing the best interests of the people. It's not the average conservative you should take issue with, it is the "conservative" politicians who use tax money and lobbyist donations to push their own political agendas.
also, dilate
Is there a war in Central America that we aren't aware of? A flood? A famine? No. Then you aren't a refugee. Your country's government being so incompetent that you are illiterate or starving doesn't make you the U.S.'s problem.
The Clintons will kill Epstein soon so the island is up for grabs anyway.
He should let China run things so that he'll have enough backing to beat Bill to it.
Fake Christian detected
>We should genocide the fuckers. I hate them so much, making my life harder for no reason.
This invalidates everything else you said.
Why do Napa wines curb-stomp every European wine for like the last 10 years?
Yeah only way to solve that is more advanced automation and they aint investing in automation enough, if America did it would be much more powerful.
Dude, just dilate, you're not being yourself when your hole is all gunked up
that means you care retard you could be doing literally anything else with your time
>Implying they will be themself after
good luck trying to convince the brain wash masses dude.
>Is there a war in Central America
Yes, gringo! My extended family engaged in drug trafficking, and the rival gang killed my 3rd cousin twice removed for stealing their customers, so now me and my entire family of 20 have the RIGHT to go to your country, one to which we owe no allegiance and owes us thousands in tax dollars, because Mexico doesn't have free healthcare to those who can't pay, and South America doesn't have a welfare state.
Why do you so desperately seek reddit's approval?
>U.S destroys countries for lols or to literally enslave them
>poor? starving? not our problem just work harder lmao
You amerimutts are just vile creatures
No it doesn't. Invaders should be genocided. The Balkan states genocided the Turkic invaders when they finally broke away. The Romans in North Africa were genocided when the Roman Empire fell. All invaders should die.
The go hand and hand user, why your corporatism love communism because the know the will be on top.
Conservatives don't think at all.
How does me telling people that mutts constantly pollute Europe and other countries with their cancerous politics exactly equate to caring about the US market or Sony?
Fine. Don't. There's tons of stuff to blame trump himself for.
You've said "d-democrats do it too" while citing few if any examples, hand waved away my multiple examples, and most importantly are doing your best to ignore the policy differences between the two parties, aka the one part that ACTUALLY MATTERS.
We didn't destroy their countries nor enslave them. What Chiquita did in the 1930's has literally nothing to do with me. I shouldn't have to pay for the poor in Guatemala. Fuck that. My tax dollars should be spent on making my life better. Use my tax money to make healthcare universal. Use my tax money to fix the roads around my city. Use my tax money to pay for better education. Use my tax money on homeless shelters for poor Americans. Just don't spend a fucking cent on those non-American bastards that take advantage of our welfare system because they feel they're entitled to it.
I don't think God would approve. You need to love thy neighbor more.
If you were living in a country plagued by the constant savagery, ignorance, hypocrisy, hatred and general insanity of blacks, you too would be racist at the the very least to some extant.
Automation is the future. Classic manufacturing and labor is dying. But programming and maintenance jobs are growing.
Side note, I was watch a documentary on farms who have to use bootleg or 3rd party software to hack their tractors because the manufacturer, like john deer, are forcing them to solely use John Deer to fix any programming with adding new parts to the tractor. Weird times. More a right to repair issue but it lends to the point.
And how do you tell the difference between an immigrant and an invader, considering that ICE has detained multiple legal US citizens mistakenly since their crackdowns began?
You can't argue with conservatards, they don't do the whole "facts" thing
Better to just advocate for them to be sent to camps or gassed.
Its for their own good, they just keep voting directly against their own interests and screwing not just themselves but the rest of us because muh brown people
you can about AMERICANS dipshit as per the original post I replied to. Oh by the way the tariffs only apply to chinese goods being imported into america so its not polluting europe in anyway. Of course YOU don't care about that so maybe thats why you didn't get it
Your tax dollars went to destroy countries like Guatemala though.
Abolish your military or at least stop messing with other countries for retarded reasons.
God you American's need to realise that actions have consequences.
You can bitch and whine all you want, but most of the refuge crisis is caused by your warmongering.
So basically Trump has in fact gotten nothing from China thus far and the only appreciable effect of his trade war has been harming his own country's economy. Got it.
>He doesn't know what doublethink is
>Be American
>Buy a game
>Get in massive debt
>Get shot over said game
>Go bankrupt because of the medical bills
>muh cheaper childrens toys
Not necessarily. While it is cheaper, who benefits from this? Companies, as the result of free transfer of labor and capital with a lack of trade barriers are able to take advantage of a large labor pool, which as in any market where supply increases, stagnates wages. Moreover, this isn't just a problem for factory workers and other blue collar work, since it weakens industry up the chain. There was a HBR study which examined how even research and development eventually follows suit without a strong base.
At this point, you can't make an omelette without cracking a few eggs. Crack down on immigrant communities and soon the legal ones will through the invaders out to the wolves. Then we can just pardon the legal immigrants and invite them back in.
>You've said "d-democrats do it too"
And you started this whole discussion dismissing all my points as "fanfiction" and then going on a totally bias rant about Republicans. Which I addressed all your points anyway. And then you continued to deflect away from my points while whining I wasn't addressing yours.
This is literal projection, accusing someone else of doing what you already did. Then playing the victim when they point it out.
Yeah I heard about that JD thing, very nearly wrote a faggoty dystopia novel where captured hackers were forced to live on hi tec farms surrounded by drm as forced labour because of it.
Are you retarded or just pretending? Where in this post did I claim I care about americans?
>Oh by the way the tariffs only apply to chinese goods being imported into america so its not polluting europe in anyway.
Tariffs are the least of the cancerous politics that mutts tend to do, but if you think you niggers aren't trying to tariff and sanction the EU then you're delusional. edition.cnn.com
Also, this nigger rt.com
>waaah why is the EU doing business with Russia and not us
Literal cancer.
It was done mostly by immigration. The smart folk with money would leave for the US. It was like that worldwide until very recently when they started getting their families in too. Of course the system wants the best in and the not so competitive outside.
Another flaw of this strategy came about when China rose to a world power. Many of their people would come in, but only to collect information such as by acting as tourists and taking pictures, and then head back to their home country. This inverts the brain drain that countries such as those in South America experienced because the affluent would leave for the states. They've gamed the system.
dumb fucking conspiretard
Yet Canada, Mexico and half a dozen other countries all caved to the exact same tactic. So there's precedent in Trump continuing to put pressure on China, since it has worked in the past. But of course, here comes the claims that none of that counts.
>And the "concentration camps" as you call them existed back during Obama's presidency.
So we should just make all of Central America a U.S.A territory then? If you can't run your country correctly and just have your citizens run up here, lets just take your land. Then we can build how many fucking walls we want.
I'm just sick of the international community giving a pass to all the bumfuck countries in CA and pointing all the blame and bad press on the US. Nobody flees SUCCESSFUL or at least competently ran countries.
>Your tax dollars went to destroy countries like Guatemala though.
lmao its not like people voted for that
>Abolish your military or at least stop messing with other countries for retarded reasons.
ever politician promises to do this than goes back on it
God you American's need to realise that actions have consequences.
simple statement which everyone knows is true
You can bitch and whine all you want, but most of the refuge crisis is caused by your warmongering.
Now thats a pretty far stretch. Do you think American embargoes on Cuba caused their poverty too? These countries would be a mess regardless. Do you think it was it America who CAUSED the Syrian Civil War? or did they just react to the situation in their own interests
I'm guessing you're a retard and meant to apply to I'm guessing you also didn't read the first link. It's not banning "ALL" asylum seekers. It's preventing "asylum seekers" who pass by other countries they COULD have seeked asylum in to seek it in the United States. A true asylum seeker should enter wherever they can seek asylum. If you're passing through a bunch of asylum countries to get to the U.S. that typically makes you an economic migrant.
The second link is just some fag calling the camps concentration camps and even he agrees that Obama built concentration camps:
>"But by Pitzer's measure, the system at the southern border first set up by the Bill Clinton administration, built on by Barack Obama's government"
Literally the only thing that matters and you're still running scared.
>whining about muh partyshit
Your IQ score is cringe.
>invite them back in
You do realize this almost never happens, many of the illegally ousted citizens wind up never making it back in because of bureaucracy or worse death because the country they're deported to has no incentive to help them and throws them on the streets. These are people whose inalienable rights as citizens are violated, and violated OFTEN despite what Fox News would have you believe.p
You shouldn't rank a President until his term is fully over.
>It was done mostly by immigration
The crisis? That was caused by you funding death squads and backing thugs into power.
The president of Guatemala literally uses donated U.S weapons to oppress people and isn't even hiding it and your leaders love it.
I can guarantee you that the crisis would be vastly lesser if you told your leaders to fuck off, but it's much easier to stand up to dirt poor pablo living on welfare than the real problem.
>That was for unaccompanied minors with nobody in the US who could take them in. Trump's policy is splitting up children who arrive WITH their parents (and often losing track of them) and throwing them into internment camps, even if they have people in the US who WANT to take care of them.
Obama did the exact same thing. You just didn't hear about it on CNN. The conveniently started screaming about it right after Trump got elected.
>The Trump admin then argues in court that the kids don't need toothbrushes, beds, or showers, which they legally do.
Source? Because his administration has literally said the exact opposite. It was AOC and other democrats who voted against a bill to provide these kids mattresses. And earlier bills that would provide them other free stuff. While at the same time going and doing stunt photo ops acting like they are disgusted by the conditions at these holding centers. Meanwhile, the people running these holding centers have had live interviews talking about how the money to help the people is being blocked by....wait for it....the Democrats in congress.
It's almost like the Democrats are creating the crisis, then trying to blame it on Trump... Nah. They've never tried to do that before...
Joe Biden blocked a republican nom as well, that was revenge
So what concessions have others managed to extract? Did they even get them to the table? Trump's tactics did work in renegotiating NAFTA and in forming new agreements with countries such as South Korea, and he's got far farther with China than anyone else.
>Trump hasn't even finished his presidency
>already putting him on any kind of tier list
This is how I know you lack any kind of understanding about politics.
In before "I don't agree with any of those so they're not valid!"
>Where in this post did I claim I care about americans?
I'm referring to you know the original post I replied to? so are you pretending to be retarded?
>waaah why is the EU doing business with Russia and not us
never said this
>The Trump admin then argues in court that the kids don't need toothbrushes, beds, or showers, which they legally do.
Everyone always ignores that this was from a case which originated from OBAMA's presidency.
Also Trump stopped separating children from their parents a long time ago. He had to at the time due to Democrat legislation. Now he's literally ignoring the law and housing them together anyway because he knows the Dems won't call him on it. Look it up yourself if you don't believe me.
>It was the same I SWEAR even though we have factual information that 100% says it was not the same because Fox News told me so!
We need to just start gassing these fucking idiots. We can't change their minds, we can't sway them with facts and data, they will simply continue to be fucking idiots and an active threat to a healthy, educated and prosperous country by willfully ignoring reality.
There was no reason to do any of this in the first place, it ws yet another fabricated "problem" for him to create and then "solve." All his bullshit about trade deficits and getting taken advantage of is that, 100% pure bullshit.
You can just keep believing that but the end result is the same. Your smart folk leave for the states.
Its actually quite the conundrum. More people are being born daily than die from a shooting, civilian or military. If you get caught in a happening it must be luck, but your misfortune won't impact the destiny of a nation.
That's still banning all asylum seekers.
But feel free to play damage control with the concentration camps.
>it's america's fault!
sure it is
And how does that make me CAN about americans you retarded muttgoloid? Literal point in case was, user suggests a retarded proposal of a Japanese company manufacturing in the US, even though they have no interest in doing so. The only reason why they would ever consider it, is if it were cheaper. But it's not. This is the market that you subhumans created and have been pedalling on for the last century, but now that someone is fucking you jew cunts over, you try and screech like autistic faggots.
>never said this
Point in case is all my posts are just showing US hypocrisy. I don't care about you or your opinions. I just fucking hate mutts and their cancerous politics. From economics to wars. Cancer on earth.
That's why they're headquartered in California right?
>Scapegoat Obama for trump's crimes of against humanity.
This is going to be a fun defense to watch at the trial.
>That's still banning all asylum seekers.
Oh I see you're fucking retarded and can't understand basic concept even when they're slowly explained to you.
>voting for mass immigration is in the workers interest
okay then
>So we should just make all of Central America a U.S.A territory then
You already basically did that though. Destroyed Guatemala so that you could have cheap sugar to rub on your asshole, but not making it "official" so you can pretend it's not your problem.
>These countries would be a mess regardless
Maybe if you stopped giving weapons to the thugs in charge it wouldn't be "such a mess regardless" in the first place?
Maybe if you didn't help kill the democratically elected president of Guatemala in the 60s things wouldn't have been "such a mess regardless"?
The things is that you Americans, or at least your leaders want it to be a "mess".
But empirically, higher exposure to minorities makes people less racist, not more.
Why don't you liberals take in any refugees?
>liberals only notice and call them "crimes against humanity" when Trump does it
You never gave a single flying fuck for 8 years and suddenly you're crying about concentration camps and pretending it's a Holocaust. You faggots care more about finding reasons to bitch about Trump then you do about the actual kids. Couldn't even be bothered to get the facts straight.
Oh, you did? I must have missed it. Please direct me to the post where you rebutted my numerous examples of how democrats consistently support policies that help minorities and republicans consistently support policies that hurt them. Because all I saw was you deflecting and avoiding the question. :^)
Treason is John Kerry telling Iran to wait for the next election, but it's okay because hes a democrat right?
>Mincing words
Look at what Trump is trying to do. Bring it to 0. ALL
>Crimes against humanity are alright when trump does it.
Typical conservative trash. Always on the wrong side of history.
minorities is broad, wealthy liberals living around rich chinese folk is different than cletus living around jamal & tyrone
Treason is supporting Russia's attack against America.
Hang Trump and McConnell for their the traitors they are along with anyone who still defends them.
lol you're fucking retarded, holy shit
Go fuck your cousin, Cletus, she's all lubed up with Colt 45 and I hear she gives great gumjobs!
>us leftists are on the right side of history
that's why the USSR fell huh
Meanwhile you defend Joe Biden taking money from China
Yeah, the problems of wages, outsourcing, and other issues with free trade agreements are bullshit fabricated problems. The corporations told me their profit margins are too important. Do you have anything to actually say besides supporting TPP of all things, admitting it did nothing, and cry about tariffs?
>You can just keep believing that but the end result is the same. Your smart folk leave for the states.
But that is happening because you made it a complete "shithole" There was no smart folk leaving for the states before you decided to fuck it up in 1954 and continued to fuck it up literally for decades.
I hope immigrants suck up all your welfare and fuck all your women.
>destroys democracies
>funds death squads
>gladly donates weapons to thugs
You poor innocent americans wrongfully accused :(
>Everyone goes high skill trades because of star trek social science memes
>All those high skill jobs just start paying like mcdonalds because of the abundance of workers
>You'll still have to compete with all the H1B's that do tech jobs for a huge pay cut because they just send the money home anyway.
>He had to at the time due to Democrat legislation.
Ah, this old excuse. From trump's ass directly into your mouth, then regurgitated here, no thinking involved.
>Taft not SSS
Reminder it was conservatives who were the slave states and traitors during the civil war.
Political parties change, but ideology never does.
USSR were authoritarians, ergo right wingers and conservatives.
Better than handing over the country to putin like Trump is doing
>Russia's attack against America
>still can't prove any thing
Also, let's remember southfront.org
Mutts are utter hypocritical cunts.
You faggots act like being behind a fence is a crime against humanity.
>Mincing words
No you're the one claiming shit that is factually wrong and then when called out on it going "w-well it's what Trump is TRYING to do!" with nothing to back it up besides "TRUMP IS RACIST BAD MAN". It's perfectly reasonable to not allow asylum seekers who HAVE ALREADY PASSED UP THE CHANCE AT ASYLUM to get to the U.S.
Canada and Mexico? Are you talking about the USMCA which hasn't actually passed, and contains jack shit in terms of important "concessions?"
>Ignoring the Mueller and senate reports
Keep your head up your ass.
Enjoy defending concentration camps and crimes against humanity.
lmao fucking when? That's like saying Pakistan is a superpower just because they have nukes. FFS the country doesn't even have a relevant navy, and thus no means of force projection.