Why are people suddenly crying about Random critical hits in competitive vidya gaems???

Why are people suddenly crying about Random critical hits in competitive vidya gaems???

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dota uses pseudorandomness, true randomness is just bs

It has been an ongoing discussion for quite some time. In terms of MOBAs I enjoyed how HoN attempted to deal with crits and other random effects.

these 2 words should almost never be in the same sentence

I'd do that but yore ugleh

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Doesn't that just make you a scrub if you can't cope and win anyway despite randomness?

>implying there isn't such thing as competitive Poker

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What is the benefit of having crits in a competitive game. All it does is introduce variance which is the crutch of the casual.

Some pseudo-RPG are there to upset the consistencies of match-ups.

Optimistically, no two matches are the same;
on a more pessimistic side, it does seem unfair that you have a chance to die to an attack which you can survive and vice versa

That's not in any way valid for MOBAs tho. There is already plenty of player derived variance which makes every game unique. Lane matchups themselves don't need that shakeup.

People are still delusional enough to think that Smash is a serious competitive game and not a game designed to be a casual party game.
They think that if they make up a bunch of house rules for it and pretend that it's a serious fighting game, it is one.

>FPS with high apm
>headshots exist

I can't bluff that I have crits

>thinking competitive poker has any merit

Right, I forgot competitive Tic-Tac-Toe is a widely played sport.

Name ONE competitive video game that doesn't have RNG. JUST ONE.

Street Fighter 4 and 5

Reads = just random guesses. SF4 50/50 wake ups.

you could've just not responded instead of pretending to be retarded

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Phantasmagoria of Flower Viewing?

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speed running