Do you play healers/support in your games?

Do you play healers/support in your games?
Memes aside: Why, why not? What's fun, what's shit?

This is NOT a "have you thanked" or "healslut" thread, but it's not like I can control you. I just really want to motivate myself to try the role.

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Yeah, I've always felt that healing and keeping people alive is what I'm better at. In Overwatch, I main Moira and Mercy, in TF2 I usually play the Medic, etc.
What's fun? Winning because everyone's alive and well because of you, and getting those assists haha. Suppose the guns are pretty OP sometimes too.
What's shit? We're not really appreciated enough desu. It's your fault if they die, according to them like bro you're the one that ran out, just because I'm here doesn't mean you're invincible. Or, they blame you for being dead and not healing everyone. It's srsly not that hard to switch class or idk protect the healer.

It's the same as any other class, really, you just have one more thing to do - keep people alive :P

No fucking idea why I wrote desu, desu* is what I meant, unless it changes for some reason. (I don't use Yea Forums usually don't crucify me)

nothing wrong with it. its fun. easy to get into groups. i'm most familiar with wow healing and did not enjoy the fact that healers were basically the only ones with mana to manage

I suck at aiming

I am too lazy to do constant rotations and interrupts

I am too lazy to keep moving forward pulling and bringing mobs together

So i am a heal main. watch youtube on my other screen and hit 2 keys every 10 seconds and im comfy

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Forgot to add a few points

Fuck dps wait times in que

and u can let someone die if they keep fucking up and refuse to res them and watch them corps run back is always fun.

Only healer role I've enjoyed is medic in TF2 and white mage in ffxiv, I haven't touched ffxiv since heavenward though so I can't speak for its current state but it was really fun dancing between cleric stance and the heals felt powerful, nothing like the weakass shit in WoW where you have to spam like 5-6 heals on a single person to get them from 25% - 100%



If there is a DoT & HoT debuff medic, yes. If not than no.

I love playing support, as in, I like actually getting involved in the fighting and not just healing, I fucking despise healing roles.

>I play games to avoid playing games
Now this arguement almost makes the healsluts look good

I would love to play healer/buffer/support/cc character, but I prefer singleplayer games and the supporting class is never a protagonist.

I only play healer in Overwatch when its what the team needs. If you're a good healer you can make up for how shitty the rest of your team is. I play Ana or Lucio and those heroes are a ton of fun. Its a satisfying role to play, it takes a lot of skill and it might even be the most important role in general. DPS is the least important, yet they're everywhere because people assume they're the most fun for whatever reason.

watching the kill feed fill up with your assists is nice, feels like you're having an impact on the game.
Also, the feeling of saving someone at like 1 HP is just fuckin great.

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I like buffs.
Damage buffs, shield buffs, utility buffs, any kinda buff.
With the MMO genre babified and support options being completely neutered because forced grouping (via difficulty or necessity) no longer existing - everyone must be able to progress alone at a consistent pace - I'm stuck playing healer to find those buffs and as a secondary have to keep them alive too.


i'll heal most of the time, but i also will refuse to heal some party members if they piss me off or don't speak english

i never said i play games to not paly games. i simply cant be fucked spamming buttons 24 7 to get the same reward i can get by only doing shit half assed.

if you ask me your a Chump if you go full 360 no scope dps all the time when i can pretty much get the same reward and glory for doing less work.

stay salty Dps shitter

I've started to appreciate support roles in later years. You can REALLY change the tide of the game if you are a competent support, even if the rest are mediocre. If you have good offensive and a good support, you are unstoppable.

>reddit spacing
>referring to monsters as mobs
fucking summer

Fuck off newfag.

Fuck off back to r/gaming,

I play everything but I'm good at keeping people alive, tried 6v6 as Medic and I can keep up very well and the rush you get when you uber your pocket and win the match is pretty kino. Ironically, I'm a pharmacist and chemfag.

Any mmo player calls them mobs

I find myself playing support a lot more as I grew older because I acquired a sense of seeing what's happening, managing people together, being the link that helps the team to solidify.

This mean of course most of the time I'm with a team that needs someone to do this job. I have literaly 1 (one) friend where the synergy is there, and we backup eachother, playing our own self.

Support in my vision catters to 2 main archetypes:

- You're seeking attention that you rarely get because you don't take responsibility for your own load (girlgamers, people who grew without a dad and needs approval...)


- You're accepting that the role goes beyond its appearance, and you are willing to ditch recognition for the greater good (victory and sportmanship). Wich ironicaly is the way to get sincere praise, by willing to lose these things, being able to act without them. Of course it requires other mature teamplayers on the equation to create a good relation in the end.

I only play battle healers and I prioritize healing myself. I'm not going to healbot someone around and let them have all the fun at the expense of mine.

I hate playing heal/buff bots but I usually go for support in games where it is secondary to playing the game, like the Hunting Horn. Shit like TF2/OW 'im helping too!' healers don't count

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Healers in tf2 can do a huge difference
What are you talking about

I've never understood this. It just causes problems for the whloe group

Healer Tank Dps is fucking rubbish and the only people who like that system are the same ones who are autistic enough to enjoy the point and click combat of most MMOs (which is simplistic on purpose to accommodate the varying internet speeds of its users).

I maintain that a game where healing can't be done at will or on the fly by any class could make for far more interesting classes, roleplaying, combat and environments.

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I play all the roles
tanks have the most control over how the group does, healers next and dps come last
that also means playing a tank can be most stressful, while being a dps is pretty chill
I like healing because its a balance between the two, you get chill moments when your group does small pulls or overgear the content (you can help with dps if you get bored) and very intense moments where each of the abilities you use save someones life

I play high damage sups in MOBAs like Nami or Sona in LoL, tanks in mmo and hard hitting dd in coop games, like Switchaxe in MHW. In League I sup cause all the 5 years I'm playing with my boys I was too lazy to learn laning so it's jng or sup for me. Shame the new e-girl in out stack stole my place but she's learning to adc and supping her makes my peepee hard
Hunting Horn is for Chads actually.

I play a tank because I'm a heterosexual male

utility supports > dps supports > cc/playmaking supports > buff/debuff supports >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> healing supports

I play whatever I want or whatever needed because I don't fall for the memes.

DOTA is one of the few games where supports are badass and powerful in their own right. Mars is an excellent example of this.

The best parts about healing are
>shitting out all the heals you possibly can whenever there's lots of damage incoming and making it out alive, knowing that it was your efforts that made you kill the boss or whatever
>letting retards in in dungeons who constantly stant in the fire die by just not healing them when they are being dumb or ignore shit because muh dee pee ess
Also I really enjoy mana management and therefore playing efficiently but that's just the autist in me.

Man I was going to say fpbp, but then I saw you out yourself as a redditor in your next post . So, maybe consider going back please?

>but I prefer singleplayer games and the supporting class is never a protagonist
Mother series would like a word with you

Only time i have healed was as monk in wow because you healed by dealing dps

I crave for the chad tank cock

>medic with a syringe gun out instead of heal gun
>huge difference
Yeah you're wasting your team's medic slot is the difference

>I am too lazy to keep moving forward pulling and bringing mobs together
Literally this. People get mad when DPS are lagging behind the group and not pulling their weight, but nobody cares about a lazy healer as long as nobody dies.

Against retards it can work. Also if my teammate(s) suck and they need a little more damage to deal with a threat I'll whip that shit out instead of sitting on the backline.

>Why play a Healer?
Healfag here and personally, I play a healer in mmos because I just don't care about dealing damage and would rather just heal someone while they fight for me and also I just like being able to bring someone back from the dead or heal them while they are suffering. It also gives me the sense of being the deity in the party since if I stop healing or stop reviving any of you then it'll usually be a complete wipe. Plus most healing classes are rather simple to play since all you have to do is just stand back and press like 1 or 2 buttons, it's so easy that I sometimes play 1 handed with no issues. So, while everyone is all stressed out about the boss and what not. I'm just back here relaxing while eating my breakfast. I will admit though that I feel sorry for tanks sometimes as from what i've seen, they have to deal with alot of things usually. The dps though I just seem them as rats, nasty buggers.

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Yeah you should stop using Yea Forums.

>tumblr haircut, glasses and a nose ring

Damn she was cute tho

it's a lot easier to get into groups as a healer in MMORPGs than as dps
>dps queue: 50 minutes
>healer queue: 5 seconds

Yeah okay thanks for the blogpost retard but I'm telling you I like to play normal classes with buffs, not 'babysit healbars unless the game is so easy I can play a toned down version of a fun class' mode

Medic in Squad sometimes. There's something satisfying about holding a team together. It's actually pretty dicey sometimes, because you can't be a retard and get killed and have to think a lot about how and when to get this guy back alive without getting killed yourself. But at the same time, being a medic is about protecting your team by shooting. So I guess I like the protecc part of being a healer.

Also used to play Lucio, jump around on objs as if I was a dps, and again, protecting team members by bouncing enemies back or heal boosting and harassing enemies.

Is it kinda gay? Yeah kinda but protecting teammates can be a very high adrenaline and aggressive role, not just passive and supportive.

>Do you play healers/support in your games?
I don't
>why not
because I'm not female

Healer/support is a role marketed at women who can capitalise on the low skill cap gameplay to behave like sloots and get carried.

>who can capitalise on the low skill cap gameplay to get carried
Can confirm, if I can tell someone knows what they are doing, I'll switch to TF2 medic because I know I'm shit at the game but better than your average knuckledragger.

>play healers that do healing by damaging enemies
>out-damage DPS player
>"dude you got outdamaged by a healer never play damage again ffs"

>okay guys this is a healer thread but not an ERP thread okay those are against the rules and jannies delete them
>HOWEVER I cannot control you so if you decide to turn it into an ERP thread that will suck but there's nothing I can do about it *wink wink nudge nudge*
kill yourself

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I played a white mage in ffxiv because they have fast queues, and because the dungeons are more than straight lines and in rare cases require the tank to know the mechanic.
While all the healer needs is to follow the tank and spend maybe 20% of the time healing and spend the rest on DPSing.

I've tried playing a healer in WoW and it was awful. I played the TF2 medic sometimes, but to be effective I'd have to use a mic and I'm too shy for that.
I miss the times in WoW when blood dks barely even needed healers. Good times.

die die die die

>I played the TF2 medic sometimes, but to be effective I'd have to use a mic and I'm too shy for that.
Just set receiving volume to 0 so you don't have to hear mouthbreathers responding to you, and disable chat. It's not like anyone has anything intelligent to say to each other in TF2 matchmaking anyway

Depends. In Overshit I juggled between maining Lucio, Zenyatta, and Ana for the longest time before I quit along with my friends. In WoW I mained shammy (mainly enh but resto when I wanted groups or to raid) since BC. In DnD I tend towards playing a more utility role (usually a wizard or rogue with tools and shit). If the game is just being a mindless healbot with no depth or utility I'll give healing a hard pass. So the more engaging it is and the more utility it has, the more I'll want to play that role.

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I play the turbo low-skill heroes in Overwatch like Mercy and Moira. Despite pumping hundreds of hours into the game, my aim, situational awareness, and reflexes are still trash so those are the only characters I can be helpful with. That aside, it is a nice feeling when you and up saving your team at a critical moment and they thank you afterwards

no no no no

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I usually go healer if that's an option. It's not like I can aim worth a damn or anything so being able to help out my team even if it's just a little bit is nice. As for what's nice about it, that small sense of pride of knowing that your team won because you've kept their dumb asses up feels great.

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i like to play support, i think it's cause i'm an INFP which is kinda like a irl support

I think it's better to heal people instead of waiting in line for the healthpack.

>not playing Tank

Do you hate leading the group or something? Too dumb to memorize a dungeon layout?

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Because unlike dps everyone expects you to know the dungeon perfectly and already done it a hundred times. Also retarded dps aggroing half the dungeon while i am waiting for the healer to regain mana.

I usually play VAC Medic in TF2 because thats where most of the "desperately holding the choke/combo" situations are. Hell, i get more fun VAC pocketing a spy than play 'try to not get killed by that fucking sniper' for the 10th time

>chokes are always explosion fests
>snipers are always snipers
I might give the vacinator an honest shot next time I play. I always just thought it was scummy against actual noobs because they don't know what to do.

I main Resto Druid in WoW since Cata and before that I had always believe that "Wow a class based around hots!? I totally want to be a healer some day and slap some hots on people, AFK, and tab out and collect my praise!"
And you know what, I was totally right. Healing is probably the least mechanic intensive thing in MMO's and I don't think I would stick around in MMO's if it werent for Healers not being treated as intensive as DPS parsing and bullshit. It's an incredibly cancer meta, while with Healers, as long as everyone lived through the fight, you can say you're holding your weight, as long as youre not legitimately sandbagging.

Supports in MOBA's are a different story. To me, a support is a person who gives vision, peels, and provides a presence in and out of lane. It's a pretty unstable balance, but finding the right medium is the most important part. You HAVE to be warding, you HAVE exist in lane, and if the enemy doesn't fear you; why bother playing that champion?
You can play literally whatever the hell you want as support. "Standard" supports have a strong presence of individuality and make you say "I wouldn't want to fight the ADC with that Thresh nearby. Not even if it was a Janna." If you cant make the enemy say that while you're playing Nautilus, Brand, Morgana, or even off meta picks like Veigar or some literal shitpick like Lee Sin, you shouldn't be supporting as that champion. Hell, if you don't have Dragon warded by 6 minutes you should really re-think how you're playing support. You aren't there to collect exp and sit back, you're there to play your champion. When you go to roam mid and come back, you want the enemy to be like "Oh shit he's back, back off team.". You want to keep the enemy on their toes with Bard portals that you don't even take, and on the off-chance you take one, they're FUCKED.
tldr; Play the game like you're Morgana or Janna, not like a little bitch baby that exists to shield.

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Only ever played healers in casual pvp
The amount of blind people who wont hit you because you are 30 yards away is kinda funny
Handful of times I pve healed bored the fuck out of me playing whack a mole

I just don’t like depending on the rest of my team to win. If everyone dies except for myself, there’s nothing I can do at that point.

Little bit of I like the healing aesthetics they usually get, especially a holy priest

And a little bit of I just generally like to stick behind and let other people do the dirty work

And a whole lot of people always needing a healer/support

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>reddit spacing

This is such a fucking meme as if a big ass block of text is somehow a better alternative

Fuck off and learn how to structure text fuckboy

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lurk more, faggot

considering the staggering amount of trannies in this shithole of a board
id say yes

Its super fun to play with, I remember when i was play VAC Medic on Turbine and was holding the intel choke with a half of my team. Seeing the enemy team evolve their comp just because a team commits to something is one of the best feelings ever, especially when you're the one keeping them alive.

I started playing tanks and healers in WoW almost exclusively for fast queue times

If im playing a game with healers i heal because i wish i was a girl, any other answer is cope honestly

I used to wish I was a girl, but then I grew up and realized that no matter what I did, I'd never be a passable girl. It's time you stop deluding yourself too.

playing an off-healer tank is my go-to in Multiplayer/D&D
if we dont really need another healer you cant go wrong with a big fuck off greatsword

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I like the idea of keeping others alive and getting the team back in "optimal" condition
I really enjoy finding skilled players and pocketing them. Enabling great players to play to their fullest and wipe the floor with enemies is enjoyable

I know people complain about healers getting bitched at, but so does every role. It's not that bad, and you also tend to get a lot more thanks than most other roles. I think tanks really get the least credit as far as roles go for games that have them

I don't really prefer healing, I just like the more utility and general support roles. Problem is strict utility roles are largely nonexistent in most games since most developers tend to only design within the clear trinity of DPS, healer, and tank.

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