Anticlimactic vidya

post games that was great throughout but had a shitty ending.

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Do you think this up coming DLC they're adding with the moose-man will change that?
I've been half interested in Road to Eden, but really haven't heard much about it.


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the dlc is already out, find out for yourself my dude. i honestly think its more of a side quest rather than an expansion of the mainstory.


which bioshock?

Killed all my desire to start another playthrough, what the fuck were they thinking?

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Well, if you consider the entirety of ME3 to be the ending, then yes, it was disappointing.

>play game
>achievements seem to be aligning really nicely with my progress so that I project myself to beat the game around the time I get the last achievements with minimal grinding
>get to last part of the game
>there's actually 1 hidden achievement progress line that requires you to grind inane actions to complete it

All the other ones knew the right numbers, and there's that one inane one.

ME3's intro was worse than the ending
>the kid
>Sheppard starts talking without your input
>dialouge options reduced forcing Paragon/Renegade with no neutral
>the kid
>new squadmate just appears from thin air with no introduction
>that fucking kid

games' gotta have some replay value user

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diversity over game design, thats what they were thinking

but yh, its pretty damn good minus the ending and a few of the characters. i highly recommend it

>re"play" value.

Fuck off, retard.

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which game was it user?

>fight final zone boss, wasn't hard just loads of mixed units
>*phew* that was good, end boss is going to be INSANE
>RTB, gear up, level up, fully prepped
>storm final area, warcry whilst sprinting at the final boss
mfw there was no final boss, the credits just roll

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then why give you a level up at all?