ITT: It's 2004

ITT: It's 2004.

Attached: Paris.jpg (332x442, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

whatever happened to this piece of shit

That bitch is going places because of its handle!

Left the public eye to start some business after she ruined a bunch of people’s lives.

he knows

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When are we getting a real zelda? Isn't this supposed to come out at some point?

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i unironically miss her, unlike the kardashians who breed like cockroaches paris was the only one famous so it was easier to ignore when needed.

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You talking about Paris Hilton or the Gamecube? Because she has a handle too if you know where to place your hands.

I can't get cool flash games to work on my computer, any tips? I'm running ME.

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I heard Nicole Richie on Howard stern a few times back then. She seemed pretty based to me.

> Constant Zelda vs Final Fantasy shitflinging
> Metal Gear Solid 3 or Metal Gear Solid 2?
> Final Fantasy faggots constantly arguing about what the best FF game is
> Metroid Prime or Metroid Prime 2?
> Who's going to be in the next Smash game?
> Half-Life 2 & World of WarCraft spam
> Sonyfags spamming threads about how amazing SOTC & God of War will be
> Nintendofags spamming threads about how amazing RE4 & Twilight Princess will be
> Rockstar fags spamming threads about how San Andreas has surpassed OOT as the GOAT
> Occasional Ratchet & Clank, Paper Mario TTYD, Rome Total War & VTMB threads
This is what every thread would boil down to

I found a offhand link to Yea Forums in 2004 and I unfortunately never left. I was borne from a world you may not understand.

Guys, I can just feel it. Yea Forums is going to become an incredible, positive place that fosters all kinds of online communties, and WON'T breed freaks with weird fetishes and become a makeshift base for white nationalism! I wonder what kinds of insightful discussions this place will cultivate in 2019...

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Is blizzard serious with this shit

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Metroid vs Halo. That always came up back then.

Why do people act like white nationalism is an actual big deal in first world countries? It's never on the news besides people calling conservatives nazis on social media

Shut up. Go to FARK if you want to discuss politics. This is a happy place.

This and that "realistic" wii u one are never coming, mate. I actually thought of buying a wii u back in the day but only when that "new" zelda would come out, but it never did lmao.

What the fuck is a wii u?


She appeared on The Grand Tour recently.

would if cloud was in the next smash lolol

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>wii u

What's that? That's sounds like a really dumb name. Imagine if that were the name for a video game console. LOL WOULD FAIL BADLY

Nothing like world class pussy.

They were never going to fucking come out, they were tech demos, there were never any plans to make them full games

The fuck? Also it's hilarious that I thought this looked too good to be real and now my phone could probably run that shit.

thatd be retarded. if anything square should put in geno from super mario rpg.

No one thought this in 2004. We were busy posting pictures of penises with blue lines drawn on it and calling it teh rei. You know nothing.

Doesn't she actually have pretty based taste in video games?

I guess, but i had the impression that it would be a zelda like that.
Also, i seem to get the pattern that zelda games keep getting released late in a certain console's life. Oracle games were released when gba got released, same for minish cap, twilight princess, skyward sword, botw.
Yeah, me too, i recall it being super graphically impressive.
It is a dumb name, wii is a dumb name as well, but wii u takes the cake.

Can you imagine if you made minecraft in 2004 before Notch did


>soul calibur 2
based cokehead broads

>you rike realistic, vibrant zeruda with dynamic righting?
>take cel shaded toddler shit again, gaijin

It was discontinued shortly after the Wii came out

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The proper reply to that post.

>Gamecube component cables
>Rare as gold dust, well over a hundred dollars
>Nintendo puts a Gamecube in the Wii
>Component cables 10 bucks

haha get fucked resellers



It's not as good as the first one

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I actually didn't get if he was talking about paris hilton or gamecube.

Take me back
I want to get home from school and just have ZDTV on in the background again.

>sacred armor


Why the fuck WERE Gamecube component cables so goddamn rare?

Did Patrick fuck Veronica?

How's WoW? I've been hearing good things about it, but I don't see it surviving for long.

They were rare because who in the fuck was using component cables in 2004.

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Why the fuck would I want to deal with this shit?Just let me play the game already.

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Was Paris also discontinued shortly after the Wii?

Did gaycube also suck cock just like Paris?

Having a 480p TV before 2005 was fucking nuts at the time. I bought a 1080 30" Panasonic Tau in 2004. I spent $80 for component cables via some Hawaiian site. lol RIP Toys N' Joys to get it ship to CA. When the 360 came out, the gamestore I was working for was selling third party RF-Adaptors!

Anyway. to be in >2004
Who else went to Cube Club in Hollywood. THEY HAD FUCKING METROID!!! I drank so many Snapple Apples! My brother drove me there and was able to participate in a Mario Party contest (because he was over 18). but the fucker failed. I would have won!

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>my 9600 pro pissing itself trying to run doom 3

take me back

woodsman, the sulking super janitor, sweeps the streets of thots at night

After all these years and I still think she's one of the ugliest women I've ever seen.

It wouldn't be the right time and place. Game fades into obscurity and you go broke.

She was at my sister in law's wedding, it was weird. Surprisingly nice for a whore.

>lowrise pants
GOD i miss this so much
it was so amazing seeing whale tails everywhere

Based taste in books as well

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you have piqued my interest

That's the firsst thing i think of wheni see those pcis with paris hilton, christina aguilera or whatever. So hot. i used to like high waist jeans but girls in my cunt now all wear jeans/pants like that, it's ridiculous.

i suddenly remember the whistle

is there anything more disgusting than early 00's fashion

You can tell she's smart because she's wearing nerdy glasses and holding a book.

90s fashion

dont get triggered

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>but girls in my cunt now all wear jeans/pants like that
which country is this? i need to go there and take pictures all day

My fucking sides.

oh thank god. i can go to college right out of high school now.

Fuck off retard. Girls wearing those tight ass jean skirts with white crop tops was tippy-top tier. You have shit taste, I'd guess you were probably born too late to enjoy the good stuff.

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I miss cute emo twinks

Googoo gaga

>tight ass jean skirts with white crop tops
yeah thanks for remind me. i'm gonna have to go dig out all of my yearbooks and have a fap session of my life.

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Found a link to Yea Forums in forums and now I’m still here in this shithole.


did you lose all your gains along the way?

>soulcalibur 2
Patrician taste!

Nah, it was fucking cringe and that's a FACT. That user is right about early 2000s fashion and then you got y2k '''aesthetic''' with this shit

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>implying people who browse bodybuilding forums are have gains, or are even in shape

Oh heck yes, I went both years they did it, in Hollywood too! The first time I think it was at some vacant space at Hollywood & Vine, second time around it was across from Ripley's at Hollywood & Highland. The first Cube Club in 2001 was fucking godly--it was still 2 months until the GameCube officially launched in the US, and you could play Pikmin, Rogue Leader, Eternal Darkness, Luigi's Mansion, and fucking Melee!!

The second year was pretty rad too, and although they certainly had Metroid playable, I was way more stoked about Wind Waker. Played the demo a couple times, as well as some GBA stuff, and I actually participated in that Mario Party 4 contest thing and WON! My prize choices were a tiny portable motorized fan, or a GCN disc holder pouch thing. I took the disc holder--the pouch sleeves ended up being wayyyy too snug for my liking, I had trouble sliding the games in and out. I ended up turning it into a coin pouch lol.

You like high waisten jeans? I think girls everywhere just wear only those right now. R*ssia is my shithole of country.

GB used some retarded as proprietary standard for it's component cables so only nintendo branded ones actually did what they were supposed to do.

Meanwhile you can plug a fucking HDMI into a dreamcast just fine.

Attached: dreamcast stand.gif (502x377, 34K)

I did

Im now fat and I smell bad. I don’t even browse /fit/ ffs


gamecube, fuck

>not liking trashy slutwear
are you gay

Have you guys downloaded the trailer for Son of the Mask? It looks good

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he just has class unlike you scrub

You and I both know that day was the first and last time she saw that book. And she probably said "Who's Sun tee zoo"?

>son of the mask
>looks good
ITT it's 2004, not opposite world

Because white nationalism is what (((they))) fear the most. It could undo decades of work to undermine the West, virtually overnight. It's the only way out, otherwise globohomo will rule forever. That's why even the slightest flicker of hope must be extinguished. They have already started destroying countries outside the West because the globohomo was so successful. They even allow women drivers in Saudi. The world is fucked unless we act right NOW.

I swear to god, a saw an user post a picture the other day of some blonde girl and she had on pants like this. early '90s style is in fashion right now for some ungodly reason. If you put on an Arsenio Hall episode from 1992, whatever the girl guest is wearing is probably hanging in a mall somewhere right now.

You're delusional and I say that knowing everything you do. Natsoc is a mental illness as is warmongering.

R*ssian girls are cute though. I'll trade you an American for one of yours and we both win.

holy shit turn on SNL

Ashlee Simpson just ended her fucking career lolol

Attached: a-person-standing-in-front-of-a-television-ashlee-simpson__97899_.jpg (616x408, 128K)

>It's never on the news
u wut m8? pretty much all MSM nowadays is outrage about made up """nazism""" and homophobic problems

Please say sike and tell me that wasn't 2004 that happened...

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this is some weird paranoid delusion

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No. You are a government aligned parasite who knows nothing of the world. You will go straight from school, to university to the halls of government to feast at the expense of better men your whole life like the worthless fucking parasite you are. Die.

add me on MSN

I wish Paris was discontinued shortly after WWII.

2005 was a better year than 2004 in terms of vidya, if not pop culture overall.

No I'm not. You're literally brainwashed by /pol/ shitposters to the point it's making your already low IQ lower.

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>u wut m8?
Comment discarded

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Probably an unemployed Jew then.

It indeed was that fateful night in 2004 where Ashlee Simpson awkwardly did a hoedown live on national television after getting caught in the act of lip syncing.

Did you know she still lies about it and spreads this made up story about some throat/nasal problem to this very day? She has some nerve.

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unironically love shit like this

Objectively false

Explain this meme to me.

All I remember was I was in 4th grade and playing Sonic Heroes and Paper Mario everyday after school.

Did you install Flash AND Shockwave?
Just install XP Black edition if you're poor. ME was always bad.

Wasn't 2005 the year gen 7 started and video games died?

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I'm a huge gamecube guy but goddamn that was great

Every year taxes rise. Every year government debt increases. Every year more crazies get signed off on the dole. Every year more jobless foreigners wash up wanting handouts. Every year health services decline in quality and availability for people who actually pay tax. Every year property and ground rents become more unaffordable. Every year faggot spread more AIDS and hepatitis. And every year people like (((You))) scream louder and louder that we should tolerate all of the above. Prove me wrong ( Protip: you can't)

based, also snapple apple is based. my pre-teen self was jealous of you

i have a small penis

Nationalism isn't going to stop that. The very idea of nations is the cause. Grow a brain you fucking retard.

A sect of autists on Yea Forums are spamming Son of Mask ironically in an attempt to counter Simpson's Sneed-posting

Nigga, u dum. lol

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I agreed with everything you said but women drivers in Saudi Arabia is a weird fucking hill to die on. Keep in mind Saudi Arabia is one of the countries behind the very movement you're expressing paranoia about.
Regardless, women drivers in sandland is a non-issue to shit your pants over compared to the actual shenanigans.
One day I'll actually bear witness to someone actually make note of the fact (((they))) have been destroying European ancestral religion and non monotheistic religion at every possible turn, in real life and in the media so everyone can worship the "One God" "One World" religion where "Everyones equal": under Rabbi ((((Christ)))

So many zoomers repsonding, Christ.

They were only sold online and most people didn’t have a tv with component inputs.

Oh? How do you figure that? You're talking about a load of problems that the government is to blame for. What empowers the government?

I didn't know that she still lies about it. That's more embarrassing than lip synching on SNL. I always liked her with black hair.

>still kid
>still poor parents
>still no GBA
>still no Gamecube/PS2
>still playing games on NES and PSX
but most imporantly
>still very happy

Nationalism is the cause of foreigners, AIDS, and a decrease in health services?

She was dating an manlet Asian millionaire

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If IRC; Grandaddy Hilton fucking disowned her because of her shamefru dispray across the years and giving bad fame to the Hilton name. I think he is based as fuck.

I come from the future; you don't want to be here.

>Ashley Simpson
You almost make me wanna la la

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>weird fucking hill to die on.
Thin end of the wedge. Shows that countries that have enjoyed fucking us over with globohomo will soon fall themselves to the same.

BTW : This same Asian guy was fucking Miranda Kerr

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>Miranda Kerr

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The international globohomo bankers who keep lending them money. The national government couldn't afford all these batshit schemes without the funding of the You Know Whos

*Paying for

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but that pic is from 2002

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This Chinese dude was literally taking money from the Malaysian soverign fund to fuck famous White girls.

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I liked her black hair and even thought her deviated septum was cute. She was always a bitch though.

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How can it be from 2002 when Gameboy Advance SP was released in 2003? I think the pic is from 2003, earliest.

>Paris Hilton
>Miranda Kerr
>Alicia Keys
>countless Victoria Secrets models

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how far in are you guys? just got to nova prospekt but i`m barely getting 30fps so that sucks

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In the early 90's Ashlee Simpson was fucking her Asian guitar/bass player

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90's fashion is peak clothkino



IV might be in the works, but I don't see how they can top Civ III

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what vga

he was a true hero

>poor as fuck
>supermom managed to get me a GameCube bundle w/ a bunch of games off of eBay
>Pokémon Colosseum
>spend hours trying to get the qt follower stuck on objects so I can run away
>Urbz: Sims in the City
>lose memory card
>almost had the game beat so leave GameCube on for multiple days so I wouldn’t lose my progress
>moving 3 states away
>had to sell GameCube
>neighbors offer to take it and promise to send us the money later
>don’t have a choice in the matter
>money never arrives

disillusionment is a helluva drug

geforce FX 5200

Fucking stupid. Just let sneed die from time. It's not organic memeing either. But then again I remember sneed was forced beyond belief until finally one day I started laughing about it. Kind of fucked up desu.

what a fucking legend

How many "empowered" slut feminists SJW must have shamed this thot to no end? The biggest human quality is hypocrisy.

Have sodas finally peaked?

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thought this would be the first reply tbqhwy

botw actually has dynamic lighting

Damnit, this game is fun!

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She lost her inheritance and then disappeared from the public eye

they did in the mid 90s with Crystal Pepsi


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>People hate paris
>Today she's a successful business owner and self made millionaire after losing her inherritance
How will the 00s incels EVER recover?

>self made
cringe and naive and retard pilled

You can shit on her as much as you like but she still put up lot of work to be succesful.

Yes, she markedet herself, and when she went broke, she used all her prior pr work and connections, thus is self made.
Sorry poorfag, you're actually inferior and worthless next to her.

>not liking early 90s clothes
This is literally peak comfort.

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>Yea Forums users are now so young that they have nostalgia over the downfall era

Fuck you. The arcades were already dead by 2004.

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Why do white girls love Asian boys so much?

Arcades are shit old man.

>ftw you will never shitpost on ngbbs during 04-07 again, play dress up hentai games, and watch assassin
Old newgrounds was kino as fuck

I really can't wait to play World of Warcraft with my high school friends!

Well Yea Forums? Was she right 12 years later?

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They pay.

>God i can't WAIT to stand in a room full of sweaty fatasses playing arcades some piece of shit smeared his half dried cum on

What do you guys think Warcraft 4 will be like?
What new factions will be there?
Will they bring back oil and add new resources?

my brother was killed in Iraq last week. Any positive games to help me forget?

I hear there's a new epic COD coming out soon

Alot of whore-types stop being mean girls stereotypes after college. They realize that being nice helps with the whoring better in the world of adults.

>born slightly too late to experience arcades
it hurts

cod? that's a pc game? I don't think my Pentium 3 can run it.

You guys are fucking retards. Even if it's true that daddy took her money (probably isnt) then you're still faced with the fact that she will never lose her greatest asset: her fucking name. Even if he did that he probably hooked her ass up and was like "yeah just do this and that and you have your money". She didn't work for shit, the infrastructure was already there for her, her name was already made. Someone in her family did a lot of work but not her. KYS.

based on her sex tape she'd be a super comfy GF. doesn't mind the BJ's or swallowing,

Holy shit you can tell the bitterness of this fat ugly fag wasting his youth instead of marketing himself to set his future. Must be a /biz/fag.

>VB is canceled
>its ded forever
I just want a third game. The spinoffs are shit.

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I met Paris once. She was way smarter than she seems on TV. I think it's all an act desu.

>posting a literal jew
go back

drank this with vodka for like 20 hours one summer. worst hangover of my life.

Why does this guy use ((()))? Never seen anyone use that before. Sure hope it won't become an annoying retarded way to signal to other trolls

>Admits that he doesn't know shit

Based retard

Imagine being this bitter over a self-made female millionaire

>complains about Saudi Arabia being "destroyed" when it's the country that's doing to most to export muslims to the west.
What did he mean by this?

Thanks to vaporwave and sadbois we now have this hideous aesthetic making a resurgence

Back in the day when physical copies were still a thing, I managed to get a trade of Civ 3 for Master Of Orion 3. Hahaha I still wonder if that dude realised how shit of a game it was.

Just face it loser. You will never even be 10% as cool as this kid.

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That looks fine, the picture I replied to is a sin, tho

arcades were absolutely shit. If you thought lootboxes & microtransactions are bad, you would have reeed the fuck out at at arcade games that lasted 5 minutes costing a buck.
Lan Cafes were the ultimate comfy back then, playing CS 1.x with 20 other dudes all afternoon for $5 before heading home.

There is no bitterness, it is what it is and you're just a retard for not seeing reality. If anything you're hard coping because you don't want to accept the fact that some people are just born into success and have to do little. Sorry bro it will never be so easy for you. I'm working hard to gain in my life and that's ok.

He's just your basic everyday retard.

I think that pic is more like late 80s than early 90s anyway. The audacious neons were a bit more tasteful by the 90s.

>N-no, only I understand hard work! NOBODY ELSE REEEE
kek, no awareness

>you would have reeed the fuck out at at arcade games that lasted 5 minutes costing a buck.
Git gud

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Yes, your McDonalds job is very straining, now go flip some burgers and stop embarassing yourself here with your bitter whining.

I’ve nearly completed my fourth decade on God’s Blessed Earth and I can easily say that the 00’s were fuckin dogshit.

based and robust

Loosely one of the reasons Juri Han appealed to me. Hell, while I have the ref, I'll just sketch these outfits on her.

is it true that it'll all get better once you're in your 30's?

Depends. If you're still on Yea Forums. No.

>the 00’s were fuckin dogshit.

the old world pre-internet charms of earlier decades was lost and the technology wasn't good enough yet either

terrible terrible terrible decade

It did for me. My 20’s were nothing but being a poor student coupled with crippling social anxiety and NEETdom. In my 30’s I got out and got paid n laid.

That being said I saved enough to “retire” for a coupe of years and return to blessed NEEThood which is really nice when you have money. On the other hand I am still hung up on the girl that broke up with me 3 years ago.

>technology wasn't good enough yet either
Technological advancements just made this decade a polished turd.

get back in the cuckshed Sega

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>self made
This is one of those things when someone says something "oh, he works at modern marketing" then you know he's actually spamming ads on FB/Instagram

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Downfall era isn't 2004, it started in 2010

Some guy referenced this place in a newgrounds video and I've been here ever since.

Believe it or not this guy is a wanted fugitive in my country. Everyone here can't wait to skin him alive when he gets forcefully extradited back one day.

The end of arcades triggered the downfall era

It was the technological leap.

I don't have internet at my house so I can't play it, even though I bought a physical copy of it. Thanks Valve.

Be honest faggot, the 40s was tippy-top tier.

Attached: 1940s-skirt-history-vintagedancer1.jpg (2735x2683, 1.25M)

The biggest technological leaps were during the arcade era

The biggest one was 2007-2010. Arcades were long gone by then.

>The biggest one was 2007-2010
You're fucking kidding, right?

I want a gameboy :(

New Police Story came out, guys.

most honest post ITT

can't have foriegners unless you have borders
or are an island on the other side of a channel

Paris>kim any fucking day, at least paris knows her level and doesnt take herself too seriously, fucking dumb kim though is talking politics and shit like bitch who the fuck you think you are

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>men back then used to smack their women around like it was nothing
>as they looked like this
>most likely holding a plate of freshly baked cookies or something as their husband came home after a long shitty day of working

What the fuck were they thinking back then? You see a qt like this wearing nice clothes and their hair is all done up all nice, and they're holding a tray with a big delicious dinner on it, and the first thing you can think of doing is popping the bitch in the chops?

damn that picture sent me on a trip

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what a poor, stupid bastard

Either you're a nationalist or you're a glabalist. Would it be better for a select few to rule a nation or an entire world? And if you're an anarchist then you're a next level retard.

Have you ever heard a woman talk? I mean, have you ever really listened to the dumb shit that falls out of their fuckhole?

You're all idiots. She started a successful business and makes bank simply selling her name. She mellowed out and just gets paid to appear at events and sell the name Paris Hilton. She also gets paid millions to sell shitty makeup with her named attached and it makes bank. None of you anons will ever see the money she's used just to make that money.

ok fair point lmao

Arcades are in a better place now than 2004 though, thanks Round 1

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I wonder where that gamecube is today.

>They even allow women drivers in Saudi. The world is fucked unless we act right NOW.
Ok rabbi, you can stop with the bait

Fucking based. Great taste. Old proper women are kino

I can't wait for Sonic Adventure 4 bros

Cinemassacre mentioned Son of the Mask in their recent review of Dumb & Dumber.

a landfill I imagine

>its 2004
>grab some coins
>go to the arcade section of the mall
>lose it all on metal slug cabinets
>watch a guy play dance dance revo while waiting to get picked up

For what it's worth, I'm sorry to hear that man.

>lose it all on metal slug cabinets
i miss metal slug

Attached: metal slug.jpg (1000x1333, 610K)

>being able to browse the internet without running into something political every two minutes

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>MUH 9/11

It was just as bad in the media, but information wasn't funneled in such a way to where normalfags could bicker and be hostile about politics using surface level political knowledge.

This. The clickbait outrage twitter screencap media is the absolute worst on both sides.

>Made up
>That shit in Charlottesville, the protests, the resultant riots.

Pretty much this. Only the Aryan man can counter Der Ewige Jude. And I don't mean by talking or voting, obviously.
The other inferior races will just bow down to their Great Kike overlord as long as He feeds them with processed food, degenerate entertainment and sex.
Whites need honor, land and family values.

can you imagine there are people in this very thread missing out on the best games of the generation
if you think its bad now just wait ti'll PS3, Microsoft will just axe the Xbox for the low sales (20 million lol) and Nintendo might as well go the way of Sega

Attached: watermark.php.jpg (512x768, 65K)


Yo, guys, I think I've just played the best RTS ever!

Attached: 6110860540.jpg (220x312, 30K)

Sister became a Rothschild

>Irate Gamer
I'm leaving this thread.

People still had the notion of an online persona then. Today everyone is constantly trying to "self-advertise" online and show every single thought that goes through their heads and each aspect of their lives online.

ps2 looked like the twin towers

fuck you 2 soon never forget
see my blog on the latest developments on the conspiracy

I'm trough, it was pretty good even though I also barely got 30 fps. I hope that it will have a full sequel and not just one or two addons that you can buy in the store.

She pretty much started the celebrity for celebrity. No talents or skills just hot and popular. Also the original star to have a sex tape released completely against her will to which she fought hard against. Complete opposite of someone like Kim who always groveled at the feet of celebrities wishing one day to be one and recording a sex tape with the intention of dispersing it all across the web