Who are your favorite game developers, Yea Forums?
anyone else that is missing in this, I’ll be more than happy to add to the list
Who are your favorite game developers, Yea Forums?
anyone else that is missing in this, I’ll be more than happy to add to the list
Other urls found in this thread:
Lucas Pope.
>all nips
Have sex.
What was wrong with Iwata? Didn't he have a hand in salvaging multiple major projects?
Also Kamiya is a faggot but he still makes a good game.
>asks for developers
>doesn't post developers but mostly concept designers and marketers and managers
>doesn't even know to categorize developers according to game aspect they are in charge of so we can talk some real shit
Yea Forums is as usual filled with dumbfaggots.
>everyone in the patrician tab is best known for their cinematic experiences
Yeah okay OP.
Literally the only moviefag on that pic is Kojima. The rest make actual games.
Some are shit like Bloodstained, Borderlands, Skyward Sword, Minecraft, and TES, but they're all games.
They're "games" in the same way that Uncharted or TLOU are "games". I don't have enough room in this post to put the proper amount of quotation marks around that word.