Comfy MH thread
Comfy MH thread
Oh shit, sorry.
Guess i'll go make threads that are vaguely related to videogames like Twitter screencap threads or E-celeb threads instead.
or you could not flaunt what an awful fucking OP that is, but seeing what a passive aggressive little bitch you are I fucking doubt it
>4 attack jewels in the last 2 days
>3 from Jagras and 1 from Xeno
Blessed event.
BING BING WAHOO! Anyone up for SmashU rosterfaggotry?
oh yeah he was supposed to make an OP post like this
man how can these world incels even pretend to be real mh fans
goddamn you're lucky, i can barely get any useful Decos like Handicraft or Tenderizer
Where is the best place to farm magazine jewels, tempered or Jagras?
God damn I have tried to get used to it but I am constantly trying to move my camera with the d-pad or move my camera while holding L1 and it doesn’t work. I’m so stubborn and used to mashing through with face buttons. I wish there were at least a 4th option that didn’t use the d-pad for items so I could still use it for the camera when I’m not holding L1.
Is all the Dante gear good? I’m probably gonna do the event regardless but I don’t really know if it will just sit in my equipment box for the time being.
Why is every LBG user in Kulve using empress styx and not Kjarr? I'm assuming they don't have one, but jesus there's a lot of them. Is it better?
Not great but you can also get it as layered armor if you just want it for the looks.
I'd say Jagras just for the sheer volume of jewels he drops.
Forgive me hunters for I have sinned
I went Guard SnS on a whim and it's surprisingly decent
has spare shot
Why don't more randos build for survivability in these AT fights if they're just gonna cart all the time with their big dick dps builds?
but Kjarr has crit element
Why don't you get some friends or do solo runs?
you'd have to crit for that
Can anyone recommend me an HGB tank build?
Give me a spread jewel REEEEEEEEEE
This, go outside loser
You really don't need it. The charge attack has disgustingly huge I frames.
Keep running "The Greatest Jargras" and it'll come up. I'm topped up on everything short of attack charms now.
Hey I drew that!
I've been wanting to go back to World and I'm thinking of starting a new save file. Feels weird coming back to a save with a bunch of things and not knowing how to use half of them, haha
I know that, but there's just something really funny to me about blocking tempered ED unblockables and barely taking chip damage with a tiny shield
You don't even have to complete the quest. He literally throws up feystones. Got an attack jewel on my first run.
Yeah but he can give like 4~ worn and a warped or two for clearing.
I was thinking about that. Could I just follow it around till it eats, agro it until it vomits a few times, quit the quest and do it again?
It's extremely embarrassing running it with randoms that die instantly to fucking great jargras.
It's a very tiny gain on dmg in an optimal set and it only takes two pieces for critelement vs 3 pieces for spare shot.
I've barely gotten a single charm from quest rewards but 30+ from vomit each run.
Post guild cards
How much time per run? I got like 6 stones from him after 10 minutes before he kicked my ass three times.
How did you get it so close?
can you send me a link to the build btw? Wanna see that for myself pls
Why do the female hunters have wide hips but no ass or tits
So we all know who the next teaser monster is right?
You get mostly lower rarity decos from the puke.
oh fuck off you miserable cunt
I want to FUCK Rathian's miserable cunt!
Not gonna lie that would be cool.
I would still prefer Gore and Shaggy tho
this but with gunhammer
Why do people say the weapons have been dumbed down in World?
Kushala is for bullying.
all elder dragons are for bullying
It has to be a 4U flagship, since F2 (Tigrex), FU (Nargacouga), 3U (Brachydios), and Gen (Glavenus) all had teasers. So it'll be either Gore Magala or Seregios. My money's on Gore Magala since Shagaru Magala would make it a better port investment. Unless they give Seregios a subspecies like they did with Glavenus. But Gore is more popular regardless. And if I remember right he'll be in the upcoming movie too
even Chameleos?
all of them
PLEASE do not bully Kushy.
The Super Magala Bros and Valphalk use the same skeleton, so if Valphalk makes the cut the Magalas will too.
>Penetration Charm
I just did that to get two AT Luna kills for my Sakura layered set. Both runs some LBG chad put his mines right next to the monsters head for me to smash whenever Luna got downed.
Although I was using Jho's hammer cause I'm not a slave to the meta
Because they’re different and OLD GOOD NEW BAD
>Other people are retarded, so I might as well be retarded too
I’m pretty sure that Valstrax’s skeleton is the same as Gore/Shagaru’s so he’s probably in too. If Seregios makes the cut too then World + Iceborne will have at least one monster added from every prior game except Freedom 1.
MH: Rathalos, Rathian, Diablos, Kirin
MHG: Azure Rathalos, Pink Rathian, Black Diablos
MH2: Kushala Daora, Teostra, Lunastra
MHP2: Tigrex
MHP2G: Nargacuga
MH3: Barroth, Uragaan, Barioth
MH3G: Brachydios
MH4: N/A
MHX: Glavenus
If we get Yian Garuga, Zinogre, Gore Magala, Seregios and Valstrax then Iceborne will indeed have a rep from every past game.
I'm already ready to call it the best MH game if all the monsters from the anniversary render gets in
who doesn't, my friend? she even fucks Kut Ku because of her miserable relationship!
Only one I think is unlikely would be Lagiacrus, because there’s very few places that would suit him unless Hoarfrost Reach has a huge coastal area.
they have him already in but in prototype state. They will not waste this
Just have him roam in the water areas of Wildspire so Jyura wont be the only one using that huge ass swamp area
>Record scratch
>LS gets a 55 iframe counter
>SA gets no iframe moves
Defend this.
He’ll 100% be in MH6 if not Iceborne, the work they did on him won’t be wasted just delayed.
Why not have him hang around in the coastal areas of ancient forest and its adjacent areas?
Radial wheels in any game give me a headache. I just keep my keyboard in close enough range for shortcuts instead.
>you can only catch rare glimpses of him splashing out in the middle of the ocean as he hunts prey
>coastal areas of ancient forest
They're too small. The area outside camp 1 would be okay, but he's way too big for the beach area.
Remember how shitty Greatest Jagras is in that area?
You can’t. LS is for babies.
to dissuade you from using that dumpster fire of a weapon
chargeblade is better in every way
my only wish is for SA's fade slashes to get at least base iframes
Make us whole.
Lagiacrus have zero water attacks.
they dont. even the new one added in iceborne has no iframes.
that's why it remains a wish, user
Honestly don’t give a shit if Lagiacrus makes it in or not, because Zinogre and Brachydios are much better 3rd Gen reps anyway. Lagiacrus was alright but got pretty forgettable after a while.
I got bored of monster hunter world about half a year ago.
Would I have fun if I rerolled my account and only used one weapon type, what should it be? I did bow and hunting horn before. I was thinking of some 2 hand weapon.
zinogre and brachydios are shit anime monsters
switchaxe. it plays the most like a MHFU weapon because it has no defensive options.
Why does LS even have an epic parry moment to begin with.
Should have given World LS Valor’s parry. More challenging to use and satisfying to land. Foresight really does trivialize a lot of otherwise dangerous situations.
Would a water-based expansion work out? What would it even be called?
water temple
>tigrex and narga weapon models are confirmed to return
my favorite switchaxe returns
God I miss the moveset changes from Iceborne
Every time I use LS I find myself wishing I could go into Iai slashes after roundslashes instead of sheathing like a nitwit, the new counter is so much more engaging than the base World playstyle of foreskin slashing everything with your full 2 seconds of invincibility
>Lagiacrus has a subspecies and a rare species
>no water subspecies
Only thing I love more than kirinsluts is being the kirinslut
>4 days in row doing Kuvle Siege
>Still can't get Taroth Claw Lance
Funny how you never see /vg/ sperges in Nintendo threads though. Mario Maker is another prime example
Dont worry. I have a 100% affinity set but lances are still shit. Claw doesnt redeem it
I am now going to do 10 Greatest Jagras in a row. If I actually obtain the jewels I want, i will gift this thread with new knowledge
I have waited to buy mhw because i bought mhgu around launch. When shouls i get into mhw? Was thinking i should just wait until the dlc comes out
I think you might be better off waiting for Iceborne, get the master edition when it comes out (Base game + Iceborne for 60 dollars)
Say all you want about Kulve runs, but atleas while youre suffering, you get mad dosh, points, and armor spheres so its not so bad in a long run, especially when Iceborne comes
Thats what i was thinking. Are they adding g rank? Was hoping i could just play through high rank and g rank like on mhgu
Iceborne is pretty much MHW Ultimate and it does have G-Rank (it was renamed to Master Rank for some reason tho)
If I want to make a Kulve armor set, which one should I make? Alpha, beta or gamma?
Tight thanks
To this day I still don't know what the G stands for
I always thought it stood for Guild
The same way "S" stands for the japanese
Nargacuga is best monster
I told y’all niggas that after all the complaints about World’s weapon models that Capcom would for sure make the final stage of each weapon line a unique model again.
Legit it’s just because they thought it sounded cool. In a podcast back in like January Ryozo Tsujimoto said that they chose ‘G’ back in 2004 because a lot of English loan words that the Japanese use that start with ‘G’ have positive connotations, like ‘good’, ‘great’ or ‘gold’, and that the ‘G’ stands for whatever you wanted it too. They changed it to Master Rank because they’re focusing on a global audience this time so they needed a word with consistent and clear counterparts across all the languages it releases in. ‘Low’ and ‘High’ are very simple words that have direct counterparts across all languages and thus there’s no confusion about what they refer too, and ‘Master’ is quite similar in that regard.
This is literally the worst subreddit
Is that MHO? Having a boat for hunting actually looks kinda fun.
Jesus, seriously? How is LS not at the top tier of the weapons list?
It could be like a more controllable version of that fish monster boss from RE4.
Been using bow since I started playing.
What should I learn instead? Dodgespam playstyle is getting really boring and I'm sick of eating shit anytime a hit lands on me.
I fucking hate all of you dual blade players
I shouldn’t have to run Flinch Free because you cunts can’t stop hitting the attack button everytime something flashes across your screen
Kill yourselves all of you
Did they nerf tempered deviljho even more? He is now complete joke compared to when first released and the streamstone drop is shit now.
Eh it’s ok with me
Been doing the event where you fight two of them today, and 3/5 of them were failed because randoms with terrible armor sets kept getting one shot and died every chance they got
When did they nerf him the first time?
so how many of you niggers are furries how many are indifferent and how many hate the furry menace
because all the art is like gay, but not gay gay
but some of the comments you faggots put along with the art isjust so toxic it just seems like you're flaming faggots
After a few months after release. He also dropped fuckton of stones sometime like 5-6.
imagine still seething about furfags in 2019
grow the fuck up
You dont need anything aside from drachen set and nerg y hands or legs
i "seethe" because i dont want to talk about how bulbous some dragons nuts are as im learning how to kill the cunt
and dont act like furries are just a little group that keep to themselves
they insert themselves into any fanbase and then say " WE'RE JUST BEING OURSELVES LEAVE US ALONE" As the whole scene starts hemorrhaging from the inside out
Then go to reddit. They have r/monsterhunter for shitters like you. No furries on there.
>no furries on there
yeah no bud
im not going to reddit faggot maybe you should talk to your father about how you ended up gobbling dick
maybe if they stop acting like fags and derail the thread with their faggotry about the size of the monster penises and shit when everyone just wants to share clownsuiting or tips how to hunt a monster we wouldn't have an issue with them. they don't contribute to anything in these threads so why not go to /trash/ and share all the porn they so wish to do instead of thinking they are so clever by posting cropped porn?
the issue is not them being furfags, is how much they want us to know that they are
Narga sluts on the menu with Nargaslut kino.
Tigrex best retard.
Barioth is the red headed step child put up for adoption so that Game Informer gave Iceborne a full month of PR.
Cute posting is officially supported by Capcom.
Make a room. Onegai!
Kys furfag
Society degenerating and “tolerating” your existence is slowly hitting a boiling point and you’re going to be hanging from a lamp post within a decade
1 extra bullet is worth more than 25% extra damage
if you keep pushing it you will push too far, look at the attitudes of gays after getting all their rights n shit
still getting naked and running around in "parades" celebrating their faggotry
people will get sick of the airhorn in the face type celebrating and go back to pounding faggots faces into the concrete
because what are you gonna do about it, hit me with your handbag?
>Its okay to post fan art for video game series as long as its anime titties and not furfaggotry
literally kill yourself
also get gud and learn the game yourself its not super hard at all
i rather have an extra bullet than playing the odds for extra damage
Imagine using the word degenerate unironically
People like you are the ones who gonna be hanging from lamp posts when the mayocide begins.
What is free element?
i can guarantee as a 6'2 100kg man you wouldnt be able to lift me to string me up let alone overpower me with your aids riddled physique
theres a reason you became gay and its because you dont have the grit to be a real man
>b-but nintendo...
Every single time
The only noose you’ll be tying is your own after you cut your dick off you mentally ill tranny.
anime titties > furfaggotry
The point of contention here is that one of those things is banned and the other isn't.
draw more
I imagine your 30 thousand year long ancestry would be proud of your inability to reproduce with another human being. I guess fucking monkeys and other animals ran in the family.
I cant even tell if you are serious or not. Literally who gives shit how much you weight.
why starting again?
Have sex incel
>he hasn’t gotten 3+ spareshot procs on dragon ammo
>this retard is now aware that they separate boxers and wrestlers into weight classes, so Manlets like him aren’t outclassed by bigger men who will flatten them in seconds
if you can deal with base iframes, bow does more damage
you would if you ever had a physical controntation with someone
Dilate faggot
But i have. it was rhetorical question.
It was a request. I'm not too creative with these, haha.
Dunno. When you stop playing a game for too long, it's hard to get back on it out of nowhere, so I prefer starting over. Not a good reason, I know.
Your crit chance is still 40 because pierce and elemental go past the weakspot of monsters
Why would I need to have a physical confrontation with anyone? Im not a fucking third worlder who needs to literally fight for his life or food or whatever.
Kill yourself, retard.
>I’m not a third worlder
>he says as the first world becomes increasingly more third world by the day thanks to the voting patterns of faggots like him
Oh boy you’re in for a rough time
Anyone know when they start to release review copies? Godddd I want some leaks baddd at the very least a total roster number
Acid Glav
Tobi sub
Rat sub
Best boi Puki sub
Fulgar Anjanath
Ebony Odo
We got 14 confirmed so far
Zignore is a given just not revealed
Steve, gore twins, jet boi, and lagi as possibilities
Possible new hoarfrost apex, and whatever that bat thing gameinformer saw
Metal raths are a given, and we could through in savage jho, bazel variant, and a new sub for the other flagships mayyyybe
With all that we’re looking at 30 but I’m not naive and thing all that shit would be in I think more realisticly we’ll be at 25 maybe? Though hopefully they do in fact add lagi = gay fox and new leviathan and the rest of the retarded 4 and fatalis bringing it to 35, but that’s about what we have currently
And probably not realistic in the slightest, but fuck I hope they do it though
>Dunno. When you stop playing a game for too long, it's hard to get back on it out of nowhere, so I prefer starting over. Not a good reason, I know.
you could do the low ranks first again until you can get back on your feet
imaging being this retarded that you care about physical sports at all
when did this website became normalfag central?
i cant wait for muslims to start beheading furfags
You should probably go to a wonderful place with traditional values such as russia. You will love it there, retard.
the moment furfags were left alone
Physical activity is important user
no wonder you furfags are composed of obese freaks
Is using meta builds a requirement for the higher ranked quests like AT elders? I feel like it'd be boring if I just copy some build off the internet instead of making my own.
Keep importing “refugees”, Russia will be pretty comfy in comparison in the future
>moving the goalposts this hard
Imagine being so removed from reality he thinks weight doesn’t have a factor in a fight
Imagine thinking that physical exercise has much to do with being overweight. Get educated on nutrition and metabolism.
This is specifically for Kulve, which is weakspots all over the body genius. Why else would it have heavy artillery
you can do a variety of builds as long as you have Health Boost 3. Otherwise, you'd get one shotted tons of times
I managed to beat a few AT solo just with my full high rank bazel set with jho HH with like 3 attack jewels, but AT xeno I cant solo because motherfucker has too much health
It depends. It's much better to have your own custom set built around your own strengths/weaknesses, than to have a meta set geared 100% towards attack power that has you cart every other minute.
Meta sets are fine if you know what you are doing, though less satisfying.
He's retarded. You can hit 75(81 with right decos) in a set with Styx, having spare shot and crit element plus the 3 lighting and free element/ other crap. People are retarded anyway and don't just get a team full of affinity booster, so meh.
russia is going to shut off external internent in a few years. You should go there so we will never hear your retarded political takes on this website again.
So its just a problem of not getting hit? Is Health boost more useful than anti-stun or anti-par?
I don't know what you are talking about because the moves that one shot are pretty telegraphed in general. I did everything in the game and never touched hb3.
it depends on the monster. Like some would get tremor res for Xeno or fire res for Luna. Me? I just bring HB3 and just build my shit around it.
Tell that to AT Nerg
Why would I do that? Unlike you, I don’t hate the west and attempt to degenerate it’s morals on a daily basis fetishizing animals
vg monhun threads are fucking awful with surprisingly more shitposters than v ones
t. skellymode cum guzzler
>my face after experiencing AT Zorah
they actually thought this was worth announcing/releasing?
holy shit I hate this game
t. Brainlet
This is one of the meta sets, its mathematically superior to whatever anal leakage youre going on about.
It works perfectly on kulve and i end up getting 12+part breaks and top dps so begone
No fucking joke, if any of you thought the furfaggotry was bad in this thread, go ahead and sneak a peek at /vg/
I didn’t think it was even possible to be any worse
Mix in the parts from either in to your set
Only Health boost 3 is needed for AT elders
All three sets have their uses depending on the build you're going for due to various pieces having the right mix of skills depending on what you're going for. Katie should drop enough parts that after a few runs you can make all three sets.
Come at me brothers.
You want to move to a place with traditional values? Russia is one of the few places left aside from outright muslim theocracies in ME and genocidal regimes such as north korea or china.
You are the one who hates the west so you should move there, you would fit right in.
It's getting nerfed in Iceborne anyways so don't get used to it
Lol they buffed it even more
Based and tacklepilled
>hating fags and degenerates means you hate the west
Your mental illness is new for the west. The people who truly hate the west are those who corrupt it with your mindset
Kill your self in Minecraft and in real life
>PC version of Iceborne will be released 3-5 months after the console version
I still don't get it, why can Capcom do a simultaneous release for both DMC 5 and REmake 2 but can't do the same for MH?
I'm picturing the scenario from the looks of this card
>SnS: holy shit that's tiny as fuck. I need a real knife
>LS: Well this is a knife, but
>GS: now a knife
Ryozo hates PC
I never mix sets, though I don't really have a problem with it as long as they're alpha/beta/gamma variants.
Fair enough, but which one should I go for first?
Probably easier to port RE engine than a modified MT Framework?
Hating fags and degenerates is exactly what is socially acceptable in third world shitholes such as russia and middle east. The traditional values and all that shit.
Neck yourself, now unironically, the world would be a much better place without retarded conservative boomers like you.
Snoy money.
i got kicked by 3 japanese lbg players during a kulve raid. why cant japs have fun?
Stop using shit non-meta gear?
how are people online so bad at AT nerg
>muh boomers
Imagine thinking the only people that hate you are middle aged idiots that allowed you people to have rights to begin with
Yet again, YOUR mental illness is very new for the west. For most of Earths history, your mental illness has been looked down upon as the disgusting, immoral filth it is, and its “toleration” has been a very recent affair that is very quickly wearing out its welcome on the civilized world. How long do you think sane normies are going to tolerate fags prancing around mostly nude with dildos around your necks? How long do you think they’re going to tolerate your disgusting sexualization of children and animals for your perverse fetishes?
>Bothering with meta shit for a braindead easy game
Just play solo, its a lot easier.
>not legend eater
Is it just me that likes utility builds?
>caring about meta in an HR game where you can get sub 10 times doing a naked run
keep sayin it
I walk around with a full set of Dober Armor for the attack bonus
The only time I change armor sets is if I’m fighting Vaal Hazaak but that’s only because I don’t like wasting inventory space on Nullberries
>it's just a Nerg
Iceborne is shit.
They're really proud of Nerg, aren't they? It's not even that good.
walking around with shit armor because youre too much of a onions to actually clear ATs and use their armor?
Im so impressed worldsperm
lmao filtered
I’m HR 58
I haven’t even met any AT yet
I just started running into tempered monsters
Oh man first day on Yea Forums?
Know what would have been cool? If this new nerg gained a element/aura or move from the monster it turf wars with to mix it up and make it a bit interesting. Would make the elder eater concept have more meaning as to why it feeds on them.
Lurking for years doesnt translate well into actually being able to shitpost unfortunately.
Who hammer bros here
>Help low rank hunters 10 times as a master rank hunter
>return of golden crow rng shit fest
>ruiner nerg will most likely be 4 man hunt
>no ps plus
I want to die
You can get in prison for lgbt propaganda in russia. This is what retards like you want in europe and the us.
Kill yourself.
Why the FUCK do people say Switch Axe is bad in World? It deals so much damage and with Evade Extender lvl 2 you only get hit if you're retarded.
Capcom's dive into book already told us that Nerg needs massive amounts of bioenergy to do its asexual reproduction.
>hammer bros
>posts HH
Savage deviljho confirmed?
I've done it plenty of times solo, I want to have fun
What's the most forgotten weapon?
>one map
How extensive does the Hoarfrost go
Medium weight bowguns
I don't see why they wouldn't include him. Personally, I'm hoping for Raging Brachy.
>Fatty isn't the final boss
Well shit.
what kind of background is this?
its pointless when longsword exists
Best hammer
Accel Axe, probably. Meanwhile Magnet Spike is only going to be like 15 months old.
>30 variants
Its gonna be the FU + XX endgame isn't it
So it eats elders for bioenergy so it can lay eggs? Why can't it gain some powers along with it? Not kidding, only having bleed for your flagship elder is fucking lame. Bonesquid was more interesting ffs.
Foresight Slash doesn't have iframes unless you spend your bar on it
Iai slash is good but requires setup
I'm playing MHF1
These small monsters are insane
MH devs insist on doing the port work themselves on top of everything else they do
If anything he'd be the secret high HR unlock
It's literally the most used weapon type in the game.
I wish I could use it, but it always bores me to tears.
how am i suppose to help level up my friend fast, he will miss all the good shit during month festival because he's on HR 14
Aisha best girl
Nergigante doesn't lay eggs I think. I read that the spikes that fall of its body, if it has enough bio energy, literally grow into a new nergigante.
how good is the sword and shield at blocking?
lance main, I love the invulnerability, you can keep constant nonstop aggression but it can be braindead as fuck
LS is boring tho
I want whoever designed gold rathian and decided to make a hyper silver rathalos to get ass cancer and die from shitting themselves to death.
>there's enough new regions that it's important to max out their levels
Definitely giving me a positive thought here. The way the icon is shown reminds me of the pinnacle map too
Thats straight up wrong though? You can always foresight and counter regardless of your bar status.
The most effective things are often the most boring.
This festival's pretty long, he can probably make it, and if he can get to HR 30 he can start doing the bonus HR event quests. Just play the game and get him geared up so he can actually enjoy the events. Depending on how good he is you might want to let him play alone for the most part, if it's just going to be the 2 of you playing that will inflate the monsters' HP and possibly make quests take longer.
I don't know, I don't have this problem with my favourite weapon GS, which is as simplistic as it gets.
Well first, he has to finish the story. Then just hunt shit until HR30, when you get access to the quests designed to boost HR faster.
>reproduces by fragmentation
That's kinda neat I guess. Too bad about the rest of the monster
I think in IB you don't get iframes if you use foresight with an empty meter
>crystal nerg
>new tower
craft gear, i was a complete noob and i made a shit ton of the low-tier crap armor and my HR exploded
it might be coincidental though
Fatalis are usually either hidden final bosses or DLC final bosses, specially White Fatalis which I hope is in.
>Nergigante one-ups Frontier by reproducing with spikes
I'm afraid it's a terrible mystery.
BASED GS bro hope you have some good hunts
where the actual fuck can i nab myself an elementless jewel?
Isn't MHW's PC port team tiny? On the other hand, they got the base game to the point where it was only a month behind PS4 by the time AT Nerg was a thing, and the foundation is already there.
It's mostly used as a last ditch to save your life, evading is generally better since the shield is rather weak.
It's way of reproduction is a real thing, albeit mostly found in plants. Adding area engulfing AoE shit and cyan to a monster is way more over the top. Bioenergy is fucking gay though
greatest jagras
Greatest jagras.
You can go pussy mode, have him spit out decos, let him eat again, repeat, quit quest. Or just hunt him normally
Do you remember 3U charm tables? It's probably like that.
I like how you can plant mines with LBG and then lure the monsters to blow themselves up, shit feels like the gunner equivalent of "gotcha bitch".
Paid exclusivity. It's a real thing.
>he still believes this even though Xbox gets it at the same time
>and the PC release was garbage at launch
wait. Ruiner Nerg isnt the end boss. He only unlocks the cap to MR. Which means there is shit like ATs or Hypers like it was after Xeno
It's Variants now
Para activating on a monster mid flight is up there too.
>still only HR 14
>Greatest Jagras event ends August 9
I'll never make it fellas
>also on xbone
What did he mean by this?
It gets replace by AT Lavasioth right after
Fuck this actually look interesting, but I dont fucking want to double dip
by the time your hunter rank is high enough to fight him, the autumn festival will probably have rolled around and you'll get to take your crack at it. There might even be better deco quests than jagras/lavasioth or the skills may be rebalanced to adjust what's worth aiming for.
End boss is always new. It's that other trophy before the nerg variant. That nerg variant is like the double bazels and tempered kirin. He's a rank lock for post game.
If it helps at all, I don't even own a PS4. I'm stuck waiting until the PC release drops.
Nigga you haven't even beaten the final boss yet, why are you getting autistic about decos?
>30 different variants
Assuming the existing 3 from base game are included, and counting the ones that have been confirmed, that leaves 20 more variants?
No. It's just slay 30 of them. You can slay 30 of the same exact one. Or did world secretly have 50 elders?
I didn't got any. Only useful i got is Expert Eye and Constitution.
It's like the
>hunt 50 elder dragons
in base world.
Right, should have noticed that.
whats that monster on the monster master trophy?
The fuck is the Guiding Lands? 2nd Map or just a boss zone?
Angrier pickle incoming.
Most probably El Dorado 2.0
Dunno. Might be some generic monster, might be something new.
But MT Framework is ridiculously PC-friendly.
>The Elusive Elder Dragon
Better be Chameleos.
What is an everwyrm
xeno's dad
That you're wrong? Legend Eater doesn't even use the same Japanese name as the JP trophies. Also the icon is different.
Looks like a Nerg who gained Velkhana's shtick of growing ice spikes on its body
The picture for the area shows a tower. I guarantee you it has nothing to do with ice.
>Old Everwyrm
>Nergigante pulls a magala
He better have a smug intro like Shagaru.
She's here
That's just a lesser form of Black/White/Crimson "if you wear my armor I will haunt you from hell and take over your soul until a new me is born" Fatalis.
>Old Everwyrm
>that one fag that said the final boss of iceborne is an ancient fatalis older than white fatalis
>white fatalis is called old fatalis in Japan
Its just Velkhana considering you get that trophy early on.
So is the guiding lands a boss map like Xeno's or part of Hoarfrost? That's the only part I cant wrap around. It sounds like a fully explorable region
>tfw finally got the hang of Lucent Narga's attacks
Kino i-frames here I cum.
>sunken tower in the ice
>old fatalis
Except the Japanese name for this isn't "old" anything. It's Great Existence.
Translations are all over the place in every language except the Asian ones. Arabs make it sound like we're going to fight Sephiroth.
Look's cool. Too bad I don't know shit about her beyond doujins.
>kind of wanna run KT to get a good sleep HH before iceborne even if it requires free element
>have to jump blindly into AT KT
I do not like this
Neither do i.
or you can look up a guide you know...
swallow your pride, we are all heading to the same destination in the endgame
That's basically how it went. This being my first MH game in a long time,I forgot how much i hated most weapons' movesets
It's G rank, not really "early". Chameleos was a G3 monster in 4U.
Thank you brother, I wish you the same
AT KT isn't any different from the regular one besides some minor things unless your group is good enough to get the fury state. The real concern should be why you want to get a specific Kulve weapon before Iceborne comes out if it's going to be instantly outclassed and why you want to unlock the element on that horn. Even ignoring the loss of NEB and deco slots, sleep melee weapons are gimmicks at best, detrimental at worst
The question is whether they're going to give unique models to ALL the weapon trees or just the new ones in IB
I don't want jagras, kulu, tzi tzi, jyura, girros, radobaan, paolumu, lavasioth, dodogama, and fucking xeno to continue not having a single unique weapon design
i'm going to bully kushala's cloaca!
You'll most likely get the trophy after completing the last 2-star story mission which should be a perfect time to have you meet Velkhana in game.
wow AT lunastra is fucking terrible
At least there's a retarded challenge element to it, I'd rather fight that than Kush
>hurr wind pressure don't touch me
>Obtain your first miniature crown for capturing endemic life in master rank.
>Obtain your first gold crown for capturing endemic life in master rank.
AT Kush and Kirin are the only ones I havent done yet.
So far the ATs were pretty damn awful. I cant imagine just how shit Kush is.
Let me guess, any monster that makes its way to the Guiding Lands gets an awakening (from some other magic dragon boss) and becomes a powerful variant. Legiana was one of the first to gain new powers and serves as an introduction to them. And now Nerg gets one too. I'm guessing this is the endgame, traveling to this Tower-like zone and farming various variants.
Post yfw it's just 4U relic quests complete with randomized floors/zones
Kirin is literally the same as his not AT version, just hits harder.
Kush, Kush is absolute cancer and falt out the most unenjoyable fight ever, I'd rather cart in 5 minutes to lunastra than finish a fight against kush.
Kush is barely different. You just can't flash it out of the air. More tedious, but not much harder.
>IG: what the fuck is this shit?
I honestly expected him to be awful but I did him for the first time the other day and it was a joke. Farmed my tickets up and carted only once, he only ever made it to tornado valley one time because he was easy to bully and kill before he ran home, and although I expected ten times the wind fuckery the only major difference I perceived was that he doesn’t fall out of the sky when you flash him. Him, Vaal, and Kirin were all especially underwhelming compared to what I heard/expected from them.
AT Kush is probably the easiest if you already understand how to headlock him, but he can also be the most boring and time consuming if you let him get his auras up. Basically the same thing as regular kush except less flash abuse.
how do i avoid retards in the siege?
Niggas triple cartine @pursuit 6 and not giving a shit about the tail and the "do everything in one run" bonus
i'm fucking angry, all i want is a fun Kjárr HH
This better not mean what I think it means
It means exactly what you think it means. Who hyped for GOLD CROWN CRAKES BABY
I hope that they're actually visibly HUGE
>miniature crown great fish
Monsters are scaled dynamically based on their size so I’m sure endemic life will be too. They’ll have to since they’re already so small, the size difference will have to be noticeable. I hope endemic life that appears in packs aren’t all the same size and get individual sizes, imagine a pack of Downy Crakes on an Apronoth’s back, with five of slightly different sizes and one HUGE one in the middle, or a group of Wigglers of varying lengths.
How do I get blossom tickets? Sorry I just bought this game yesterday and I'm in over my head.
Do the daily bounties.
You get one a day as a login bonus until thursday, in addition to what the other user said. It'll work the same way for the summer, autumn, winter, and appreciation tickets in the following weeks.
>tfw I already spent hours trying to catch all the Endemic Life and only now are they adding crown sizes
Fuck me dead.
>endemic life will be tied to the level of the map meaning that we'll have to artificially raise and lower the map levels in order to get some to spawn
>plus crowns
Damage numbers turned everybody into DPSfags
Because the HR cap quests are not solo gated. Any shitter can be carried through.
Seriously they need to start solo gating such quests so you can instantly tell that any at HR 29 or 49 is a worthless piece of shit.
My zookeeper autism is tingling with excitement
But at the same time scared of how far they'll go
Are they adding in a way to do them more consistently? I stopped trying to get the rare bird spawns after they didn't show up for 2 hours.
>gold crown regular fish
However far they'll go I'll still do it because the hoarding calls and I must listen. Being on PC keeps me safe a little while longer at least, I guess. Small comforts.
>Arabs make it sound like we're going to fight Sephiroth.
What do they have?
They probably don't count things like Confluence of Fates or other boss arenas when they talk about maps.
The icon on the Master Slayer trophy kind of looks like him
He's in
don't fucking toy with me user
>Japs are so bad that it had to get nerfed
>deliver 4000 wycademy points
>low key egg delivery quests
Fuck off with this shit
Translates to one winged dragon
>GU has perfect pacing on the level of the rest of the series.
>delivery quests are better than killing monsters in world
>Fate's Conclusion
>Xeno'Jiiva fought in Confluence of Fates
I don't think the theory about Nerg eating Xeno's corpse is that far off.
It's complete bullshit because eggs or whatever carry account item is what will net you the most points. The only place that it isn't worth it is in misty peaks where you can just gather 20 super sprouts and some balmstone pieces
>Helpful Hunter
>Aid a low rank or high rank hunter on 10 quests as a master rank hunter.
sounds like 100% is gonna be impossible in a few years
Why is 2 player coop so fucking unfair? hos idea was it to give 2 players the sme scalin then 4 players? It makes no sense for me and my bro to do AT hunts together because its saver and faster to do them just solo.
no one really said that. everyone was praising 4U and shitting on X for the stupidly long early game back then. XX's wyrmcademy questline was an improvement tho
>ywn do some stupid egg carrying quests and is greeted by a fucking Crimson Fatalis quest again
Easily boosted with a friend, though.
>no one really said that
Listfag/GUtard a couple of days ago
>delivery quests are better than killing world's shit monsters
That’s actually something they’re fixing with Iceborne, there’s now going to be 1 player HP, 2 player HP and 3-4 player HP settings instead of just 1 player HP and 2-4 player HP settings.
Yes, yes. Leaked trophy list. Very interesting.
Now show me the monsters.
I'm a little sad about it. 2 people was just right for me.
Same. Thankfully it's getting fixed since it can be hard as fuck getting four friends sometimes.
Going off trophy names, maybe we'll get Chameleos.
and you would be better off ignoring to those fags. they just want to shit things up
even the most adamant GU fans know the glaring flaw that is early game
Great Maccao was great tho, even better than GJaggi as the "welcome to monhan, you suck" monster
Tfw by that point 2 other friends that just started playing will be able to form a 4man group with us anyways.
I just dont get how this was their design choice for a year.
O-or helpful internet strangers like your fellow hunting anons.
I want to see no spike Nergigante variant.
His embarrassing lack of spikes making him an absolute mad lad because he has to overcompensate.
Scenes like this are why Tri and 3U are the apex of MH.
>Make a male character
>Regret it immensely
>Can't stop regretting it dozens of hours later
>Can't beat a metal rath
>Has trouble with hyper
Redditor confirmed for disgusting causal.
4 players on a multiplayer hunt is actually an overkill. Multiplayer hunts are tuned for 2 player groups. That's the reason why you get to have your cats with you on 2 ppl hunts for full experience.
That would be Ichinose. Truly the black sheep of MH devs.
It's an Fire Emblem character. They have literally a single characer trait each. If you've read a doujin you are probably up to speed.
I think I still have the free gender swap thing they gave out a while ago.
weak bait
That'll be one character edit ticket, boyo.
Use the free character edit and become the girl with a boy's name.
Surprised we didn't get a barbed variant that can cause bleeding.
I wonder why they don't go all the way and scale HP differently for 3 and 4 players.
The reason to hate you has never changed nor have you ever improved.
That's not how nip logic works. At least not in MH.
In Japanese imagination bleeding is caused by cuts inflicted with a super sharp blade, like a nipponese katana. And not by torn wounds caused by barbed objects.
>be PC
>look for SOS quests because no one uses the guild hall
>not a single tempered quest
40k players right now my ass. This game is dead.
Even better when you get that perfect face only to find out you look like a mong ingame
Neat, just playing around with ele CBs since that's the closest to magic.
First of all, your SOS range is based on your location. Means you're living in some third world shithole with no players. Second, it's the festival fiesta right now, 5 weeks of Event quests. Nobody's doing some shitty tempered investigations.
I want tiny ones.
You know after the behemoth event I feel that they should model the next final fantasy similar to Monster hunter play style. each weapon in MH would translate into a class for FF.
Insect Glaive?
>clock strikes 11pm
>can't play with people anymore because of your location
I get that no one plays vidya on the east coast compared to >california, but what the hell.
>Still new at the game and way too busy this month to level up for festival
There's some tempered elder dragon quests in the events now. Any reason to do those instead of investigations with same monsters?
You mean like FF Explorers
How about one that quickly grows very sharp but very brittle crystalline spikes that can cause bleeding?
This thread lacks dodo bullying.
Unless you mean AT's, the only one I can think of is Thronetaker with Luna/Teo/Nerg. I think it has a focus on streamstones but unless you can bully them quickly enough I doubt you'd get much efficiency out of it.
Kind of but in a bigger scale i would imagine. Like the play style and physical to magical attacks would feel and play different. Like dragoon is insect glaive right? So dragoon would play as insect glaive but with special moves you use to combo. Or take a paladin make him play like either a lance or gunlance but add magic.
Seems like a downgrade from the regular Nerg.
If you want a Nerg that causes bleeding, than his spikes should be changed into thin razor sharp blades.
Gamma armor sets. ATs do count as Tempered monsters for the sake of Bounty completion too.
I'd like to see a domesticated dodo
Maybe they feed him rocks and he keeps the forge hot
Why would you post this image. What have I done to slight you, user?
What's the premise of this game? Is about people hunting monsters that are hurting people? Or is about animals that people hunt simply for resources?
Yeah, I meant normal tempereds.
Would be cool to get some gammas but my group isn't really good enough for them.
Does AT health scale differently when solo?
I like anthro porn, not fond of these paw posters, though.
AT scales the same way regular quests do but they have more by default.
Monsters are animals doing their own thing but sometimes they get too close to civilization so they need to be put down
time to bully golden pickle again
Both. The monsters they hunt are sometimes aggressive ones being put down for the safety of humans and sometimes they’re hunted for resources. The only context for most hunts is a paragraph or two in quest descriptions. If it doesn’t sit well that you kill (mostly) innocent animals, you can capture all monsters except Elder Dragons, those are basically living natural disasters which you have no choice but to kill.
Just did AT Kirin for the first time and I am honestly surprised.
The last time I fought any Kirin was the regular tempered in the HR quest and I hated it so much. Yeah, I carted once, but still was way easier than I expected it to be.
Also i got two tickets and the armor is shit.
Ice dodogama is one of the new variants, it's as disappointing as the regular one.
Try using the xbone controller or change to keyboard and mouse instead. If you are on PS4 it's your own fault.
Wait, the character edit voucher doesn't let you change your name?
dude trust me
WE doesn't proc on kulve's gold coat. Get fucked autist.
Or palico.
That sucks ass.
The monsters in Monster Hunter are effectively just animals. They’re hunted for resources and for human safety, because giant wild animals with bizarre powers and abilities don’t mix well with the continued existence of civilisation. The games have themes of conservation though, the player character is always a member of the hunter’s guild who put down problem monsters and research the ecosystem and how to better coexist with nature in the process. The story is unimportant to MH but in lore the ancient human civilisation conquered nature and slaughtered monsters for fun and vanity, and were sent to the brink of extinction by a species of Elder Dragons called Fatalis as punishment. Elder Dragons are extremely powerful monsters that possess powers that modern science in the MH world can’t explain, and most people believe their abilities to be magic. Elder Dragons are mostly just animals too with a few exceptions (like Fatalis which are at least human level of intellect), but they’re the only monsters you are forced to kill due to the appearance of one causes enough damage to the ecosystem to be considered a natural disaster. Every other monster you can just beat up then capture instead of killing.
>Every other monster you can just beat up then capture instead of killing.
And then the Guild fucking vivisects them to harvest the most valuable organs as fresh as possible.
Factually bullshit.
They put them in the arena until you finally kill the monster.
They actually just tag them and release them. It's been mentioned in second gen and in World.
How would using the Bone controller make any difference? My problem is with the way they’ve set up the controls, not the controller itself.
That's a recurring theme in japenese media.
>Kill stronk dragon
>but corpse on your body
>you dragon now
this Fairy Tail dude did it the same way
They're sent to the farm where they live out their lives in peaceful bliss induced harmony where they certainly do not get turned delicious food by the Meowscular Chef. Delicious, scrumptious food.
don't believe their lies
those reward items don't come from nowhere
It's not just Japan. Asia in general has it.
>midway through 6* hub in GU
>Clear all of low hub and village suffering all these gathering quests
>suddenly remembered there is now a high rank village
>probably tons of gathering to be had there
>g rank villager requests that will for sure be mostly gathering
Like at no fucking point did anyone look at this and think there might be too many of these? Great anniversary game guys. Gathering is surely the high point of mh.
Officially confirmed
>Shrieking Legiana
>Ebony Odogaron
>Fulgur Anjanath
>Acidic Glavenus
>Pukei-Pukei sub
>Paolumu sub
>Tobi Kadachi sub
Unofficially confirmed, or unconfirmed but extremely likely
>Gold Rathian
>Silver Rathalos
>Savage Deviljho
>Oroshi Kirin
>Raging Brachydios
>Elder Wyrm
>Ruiner Nergigante
I think that's everything. What do you make of the line up?
I see. Is it based on some kind of legend?
But, you literally see the monsters in World after the quest.
The reward items canonically come from the Guild's coffers, but that doesn't contradict the fact that they vivisect the freshly captured monsters.
So long as Zinogre gets in and they dont butcher his theme i'm happy
breddy gud
But I’ll be a sad lad if the Super Magala Bros aren’t in.
>Elder Wyrm
It's probably just a byproduct of Buddhism spreading throughout the continent. Buddhism has a fable about a man killing an Asura and then being overcome by madness and murdering as many people as possible until he became a living demon, but he was perverted by his own karma and became a serpent.
It's Everwyrm or Great Existence. We don't even know what it is.
And really I don't think that's everything. I mean, shit, look at the icons. They said there is only one map, but the Guiding Lands has the image of the tower in it.
doesn't seem like a fight tho.
remember the Kushala hide in FU? Propably something like this or the big ass sword in the farm
There's a lot of potential returning monsters but I'll take it since MHW was so bare ass on release, and the actual fights will be a bit different too.
God damn that's a really big ass
>not giggi
furfags love MH.. no clue why
>New Nergi variant/sub, Ruiner Nergigante
>new locale with different regions, the Guiding Lands, it looks like an endgame zone like the Everwood in 4U
>achievement for Master Rank 200
>6 quest tiers for Master Rank
>"Treasures" in every locale. Like in FU maybe?
>achievement for slaying 30 variants, so there are probably many of them in the game
I openly collect monster porn, but until MHW came out though it was much harder to find quality artwork, over the years the throughput got higher and more doujins have been catalogued by Yea Forumsirgins and /trash/men. However, I wouldn't think there's exactly a lot of MH furries/scalies but rather the same ones being much more persistent.
You're a bit slow there, user.
>fatalis parts are known to regenerate even when long dead
>nergigante comes to the new world explicitly to feed
>one of them finds a fatty corpse in the process of regenerating
>starts nibbling on it for the next few centuries
>old everwyrm
>ruiner nergigante
A large ass is necessary in order to accommodate BMC
I mean when you put it like that, it makes a lot of sense, it's basically an infinite food source for the Nergigante
>Post party on community page to do story quests
>Some kid hijacks party wanting to farm his own shit
>Leave my own party, set up another one, increase player limit to make sure this doesn't happen again
>Literal handicapped dude enters the party
>Decreases the player limit of his own volition
>Hijacks the chat to focus on farming his shit
Just solo it
Would he and Dodogama get along?
>Ruined Nerg
LMAO, people really thought the Nerg shilling was done.
Where my CHADS at
>Implying Fatalis wouldn't grow inside Nergigante and overtake his body and eventually shed his skin
Nothing can truly ever kill Fatalis, especially not a low tier elder like Nerg
based and GSpilled
Guys wait what got leaked I'm late what happened
Oh, great. Listfag is awake.
Well, it was a good thread.
Actually now that I think about it the pokke ancestor sealed the fatalis sword in that cave with a shitload of ice, and the sword itself could only be “mined” with a special pickaxe made of elder dragon bone
Plus the ice got broken by a tigrex’s screamer organ
that monster isn't from monster hunter
Iceborne achievements
>Low tier
Nerg is probably one of the stronger Elders though
How do we know it's real
He had trouble killing jobbers like Kushala, Teo and his gay wife, there is no way he could ever even scratch the high tier ones like Dalamadindong, Alatreon and Satan
Sure, but I’d rather fight a mutant fataligante than any of the regular fatties
Fatalis is never an outright final boss, he's hidden
They like him to be mysterious and shit
Because it's on the psn too
Hello summer
Ok then
>Midfight Nergigante's head explodes and from the bloody stump emerges Fatalis'
>a single monster is revealed at SDCC
>everybody loses their mind
>achievements hints at massive endgame, new areas and systems
>nobody cares
What's wrong with you people?
>Russia will be pretty comfy in comparison in the future
Not with all the Churkas Vlad is importing, it won’t.
Not as bombastic as seeing Glavenus jump around cutting things
Now, if you showed me a video of Ruiner Nergigante in a turf war or something you'd get my attention
Nah, I like the multiplayer experience
And fuck having to do the Zorah Magdaros stuff on your own
To be fair the handicapped dude and I got along in the end
But if it happens again I'm kicking people who don't listen
We don’t really have any idea what those are about, so it’s only slightly better than pure speculation
This is some deviantart tier fanfiction right here
This game is literally deviantart fanfiction
You have Geralt of fucking rivia running around in monster hunter while Behemoth is also there
And we had Garo in XX. Get over yourself.
I'm guessing variants will replace tempered
You can pretty comfortably split EDs into three tiers
>Low tier, relatively unthreatening monsters that just have weird powers, like Kirin and Chameleos
>Mid-tier, legitimate but generally localised threats, like Kushala Daora, Teostra, Valstrax, and Nergigante
>High tier, legitimate threats that can easily cause mass destruction, like Dire Miralis, Dalamadur, Gogmazios, and the Fatalis trio
Fatalis circlejerking is legit one of the most cringy things this general does
If the games do it
So i'm guessing the new everwood-esque area is Zorah's corpse
>master rank Zorah
Please no. Not this slugfest again.
maybe hoarfrost is just the corpse of a adult Zorah and his nanomachines enhanced life
Chameleos is on the same tier as Kush and Teo technically
Nergigante Blanco
Nice to see a Frontier collab before the game goes out!
>Ruiner Nerg is mandatory unlike AT Nerg
>But he still has the instant slam
Shit like this is why jhen will always be the best colossal monster fight. Gog is a close second but it's pretty much just a blown up slowed down gore so whatever.
Where'd you get this?
Just learned how to do the SAED with the charge blade
Can't wait to fuck up some poor monster's day
The psn site
Get out of my MH thread you fucking spinoff faggots
Esto es el fin, Velkhana
Arch Tempered Nerg should be the urgent to G-rank
It’s Dodogama you Dodogaywad
yes, what's your point?
I want Tetsucabra in World for the sole purpose of bullying rocks and rock eaters!
Dodogama is a Monster Hunter monster.
no it isn't
Yeah this a MH ps2 and MHW ps4/pc thread spinoff can fuck off