This is a SJW game according to Yea Forums

>this is a SJW game according to Yea Forums

Attached: l8YzF0l.png (465x967, 930K)

looks like a porn game 2bh

v is not that bright

she should be in a thong

retards on Yea Forums call any game sjw now

Attached: 1518842572774.jpg (2000x4000, 1.7M)

They scour your social media for problematic content and ban your battlenet account. You have to stop thinking with your dick, cumbrain.

Attached: IstillEndUpDissapointed.jpg (510x511, 66K)

I want to be Mercy and heal needy anons!

>have tons of overwatch porn
>didn't play a single match ever
feels good


can relate