Get woke go broke is a mem-

get woke go broke is a mem-

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>Get woke, go bro-

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>pc only
>quotes 50k owners
>b-but look there's only a few thousand playing at once
OP is a bigger fag than a San Francisco pride parade

They made a minigame from their last Wolfenstein game. Basically like Fallout 76. Being a shameless attempt to raise money to hire more diverse story writers.


50k is indie numbers for a well established AAA company with millions at disposal for a budget

No last name? Just Ethan?

>The /pol/chad Billy, obliterator of SJWs and savior of the white race, epic style troller of all the libs
>The virgin Ethan

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>1game (that ended up being trash anyways) vs dozens

>Look at this game on Steam
>Looks meh
>See option; buy gold
Maybe I'm misremembering, but does this game have microtransactions? I can't fucking imagine it would have.

c o p e

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it does, also a co-op game

dont need to , just look at the evo numbers

Hope it makes them go bankrupt then. Fucking microtransactions for PvE games. Fuck off.

Well, since this is a OneAngryGamer thread...

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>p-please buy it

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>hour long
Oh fuck off, I'm not wasting a hour to watch some fag bitch about a game, just give me the quick rundown.

>bad game with bad gameplay doesn't sell well

Holy fucking shit.

there was nothing woke about rdr2
It was just a crappy movie game that everyone already forgot about

Quick rundown is

Besides Jax's ending, I did not found the game to be full SJW, developers were 100% though.
Hell, they even removed the homosexual character from the previous game.

Weapon skins.

>critics will be called nazis

>Get woke, go bro-

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>don't need to ,
>proceeds to cope
Stop hitting yourself, Billy

>Ethan was born in glitches
I'm sorry what

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The game is shit though, you can't blame "SJW" politics for ruining something that was a turd to begin with.
Login to your bethesda account and pay 20 gold to reply to this post.

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>there was nothing woke about rdr2
found the SJW

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lmao fucking nigger

I'm waiting for some animated r34 of those two getting fucked by nazi dick.

the is getting mixed reviews and players hate the new direction the game took

>Israel a nation state

based billy fighting back against the sjw agendas and keeping our eyes open to all invaders


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... Christ

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Doesn't seem to be happening, but I'm sure you have a screencap of a tweet with 3 likes from a literally nobody to prove me wrong.

They can get fucked. Can't wait for the death of modern AAA games and their microtransaction bullshit.

Not him but the only one I can think of off the top of my head that talked proper was Lenny and I guess the nigger chick in camp, but Lenny was taught by his house nigger dad and the chick by Dutch and the like.

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Stop trying to come up with excuses for Rockstar's woke agenda, cuck

>Enemies respawn when you leave an immediate area.
>Enemies take either one kind of weapon or another. If you are using the wrong kind they will take little damage.
>enemies have levels. If they are a higher level than you they will take little damage.
>campy cutscenes that just come out cringey.

Thats about it. Really afew issues to pad out gameplay put a hardstop on the enjoyment of the game.

Based Billy always melting down in the comments when proved wrong by facts

This has more so to do with this game being a fucking looter-shooter of all things and Wolfenstein being boring nowadays,

no, that's just been the trend.
Battlefield 5, WW2, last Wolfenstein game. Social Justice is a guise for a crappy game to hide behind

>he actually thinks people would be dumb enough to buy a Mortal Kombat game on PC after X
Not a fucking chance

>One Angry Faggot

I'm not making excuses, the shit with the KKK and the slave owner was retarded, but I'm struggling to think of any niggers outside of the two in camp talking proper. Maybe I just don't remember the game well.

Did you not see the constant complaining about the female outfits?

which game was it again that EA responded to criticism of by telling people they're just homophobes?

Weapon skins. Del from the Pissed Pedro show identitied on the gold currency page that it can be used for skins, as well as consumables.
His theory is Bethesda removed those microtransactions at lauch to try get a better score, only to add them in later. But they forgot to remove the description from steam.

Just pirated new collosus and it's quite entertaining. A bit too much on the SJW side with the black characters, but Blaskowizch keeps it real so it's all good.

I didnt even knew it was out for nearly one week

once again the SJWs narrative got destroyed with facts.

>shooting nazis in castles became woke lesbian bitches

I wonder why its failing!

Y-Yeah, that's /ourguy/ alright!

Haven’t seen this happen, everyone seems to just dislike both characters and the gameplay.

wait ,they made a new game ?


While that was definitely a part of it, I'm more inclined to believe and the microtransactions had a larger role in that happening then normalfags caring about politics.

fucking retarded indeed, but it is not as relevant considering the first game with revealing outfits was MK3 with Sheeva (a fucking ugly monster) and then Mileena in one of these awful sp2 games.
Sexual fanservice was never the selling point of MK games.

But removing stage fatalities, it is something I cannot forgive.

You must not have been following video games for the past 5 or so years

My friend and I have been enjoying it. I think it's worth it being priced at only $30. I can't imagine paying more. Not on par with previous Wolfenstein games but still fun.

Actual normal people care more about politics than you think.
Specifically, they care about having politics constantly shoved in their face. You have no idea how tired your average person is of the constant political bullshit being spewed at them on a daily basis.

3H is GOAT though.

Both are cringy


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doesn't help nothing has happened since TNO when the allies lose the war, it's more ragtag group doing stuff that don't seem to affect the nazis at all, and they did it again with different protagonists instead of advancing the plot

Fair enough, I can't say I enjoy how every fucking day I hear or see some shit about Trump but being a shit game is certainly not going to help matters and is more important imo.

you know the one

he is not wrong

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Mortal Kombat 11 would have flopped if this was the case. And Horizon: Zero Dawn.
You're delusional, bro.

Which is why we want r/The_Donald to fuck off from here
I'm tired of hearing about Trump and SJWs

Letting you feed feminist to crocodiles is a nice trade off.

If that's the case why are you hanging around with the degenerates nigger?

>totally not related with the decades-long base of successful games
>sjw wins!

Reminder that he posts on the Trump subreddit too

My friend bought this for us to play. I have no idea why, exactly, he thought this would be a good game. It just came out of nowhere, I'm still confused about it.

nigs should be swingin in a tree

I'm used to this.
I'd rather deal with this than start again somewhere else.

The whole point of "Get woke, go broke" is that successful franchises are supposed to go broke when they go woke, ya pinhead. That was your narrative.
Look at this coping LMFAO

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>He's not wrong about /pol/ being faggots here but i'll still hang around them anyway
I guess fags feel more at home with one another then.


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>sucessful decades long games that everyone adores
>one game
low iqs always throw themselves at the spotlight

>t-t-they'll t-t-totally g-go broke soon
>a-a-any day now

>50k is a lot

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I meant specifically with this game. But I also don’t remember when all detractors of BFV were called nazis. What was so bad about 5’s gameplay compared to 1?

Delusional. It’s almost like you’re not paying attention at all.

So how many copies did it sell? They still won't tell us.

>But I also don’t remember when all detractors of BFV were called nazis.
They actually were

>thinking netherrealm (owned by warner bros) should have died in the same year of the woke game

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Where are people saying critics of this game are nazis? Do you have some retardera screencaps for us?

When people complained about women and darkies fighting nazis, and the head dude at EA said it was so his daughter could feel represented. It's a fine game, just badly marketed, which is funny because 1 was done well

They said it surpassed KH3 on the wiki

>4 days after release
>not even in the top 100 of currently played games

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Oh haha ok then. I don’t mean some nobodies shouting into an empty audience or reset era idiots. Or even like a badly received thinkpiece on slowtaku. When were people of considerable number doing this?

made me kek

Shut up, dude, I'm trying to be victimized by muh SJWs here. How else will I convince gamers to rise up?

Those are some impressive numbers faggot.

I expected numbers like that from real niche shit like fucking pathologic 2, that's just embarrassing.


>Sjw games that bombed
Mirrors edge catalist
Wolfenstain 2
Wolfenstein youn lesbians
Mafia 3
Watchdogs 2
Revolution 60
Depression quest

>sjw games that DIDNT bomb
Wow you trully showed then senpai

>Mafia 3

guys how do we defeat the nazis?

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I'm especially interested in how badly trannytech bombed. Any relevant stats on that one?

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That doesn’t seem too bad. But yeah bad marketing I can see. Price dropped fast.
How does the mech game stack up?

>Cultural realism is lazy shit
What a dumb bitch

You have the reading comprehension skills of a toddler. Lurk moar.

>Mirrors edge catalist


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It actually has more current players right now than Youngblood with 2435.

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>rustling jimmies
Never thought I would miss 2012...

a man's creativity output is completely ruined once this happens

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He's right you know

Video game youtubers and alt-liters also like to bandwagon onto stupid shit because it's easy money to piss on identity politics and EA

>let's not appeal to the largest gaming demographic in the western world
winning strategy right here.

Im starting to side with nazi's just because im tired of seeing this shit
The left are creating the very thing that will destroy them.

Getting rid of freethinkers.

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just like orwell predicted


tl;dr please

Not really in the mood to read that faggots essay.

>Level system in what used to be a pure fun casual FPS with nazis thrown in as a joke

Why are all new games like this? Is the ADHD plague that bad already?

Ya know, at least when a game doesn't appeal to Yea Forums they just outright call it shit. When a game doesnt appeal to these guys they take it as a fucking personal attack against themselves and society. I know they aren't alright in the head, but I'm genuinely curious as to what amalgamation of metal illness leads to these kinds of people.

You just need to read the title and you already now what's coming son.
You'll prolly never going to get woke from Japanese, only what the "localization" give to you.

MC is a chick?

shill your shitty blog somewhere else you fat ginger fag

I meant wolfenstein cyberpilot, that game is doing terribly even compared to Youngblood

They remodeled the main character to make her look like an ugly Chinese instead of an attractive one as in the first game is all I can think of at present.

don't worry the game is good it's only getting bad scores because you can kill nazis

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how is she ugly retard

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When she gets older,she will one day realize how much of pussy her dad is and decide to cuck him by calling her BBC boyfriend daddy in front of him

Fag is mad he can't fuck the dudes in FE3H, and those that do have S-rank supports (whatever that means) are platonic and not romantic.

Game isn't gay enough

What the fuck? Do you not remember any tortanic or DmC threads that generated infinitely? When a game doesn’t appeal to Yea Forums it’s taken as a personal insult to their respective mothers.

Not necessarily, 8pol has gone the way of 4pol recently and is becoming worse and worse by the day. It's not much of an improvement but it tries.

>sjw games that DIDNT bomb
Also undertale and hyperlight drifter


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how did it bomb

Tortanic was mostly just fun to watch burn and DmC WAS an actual attack against the fanbase.

how mad are you billy

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>release game on Steam
>it flops

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She looks better in the first game, in the second game they went out of their way to make her ugly and uninspired when they could have made her as unique as she was presented originally. I ain't the one who first mentioned the game but back then this is what was said.

Get woke, go broke only works when you hire SJWs.
When you do on your own, it is just fine.
It's the difference between getting an actual flu and painting your nose red to fool the flu (but in this case it actually work because the flu is dumb)

>whether or not a game succeeds is a victory for [political narritive]
I fucking hate our world right now

>Release game on Epic megastore
>No one know the store even exist

Point being that Yea Forums absolutely flips their shit at a lot of games that don’t appeal to them and they go pretty overboard to make another TORtanic happen.

Now post all the seething Captain Marvel articles

How do we fix it?

Another false flag attack on US soil like Pearl Harbor or 9/11