Where do I find fucking chickens on Isle of Awakening?
What are y'all building? I just built a huge ass 2-story log cabin by a river. Comfy as fuck.
Where do I find fucking chickens on Isle of Awakening?
What are y'all building? I just built a huge ass 2-story log cabin by a river. Comfy as fuck.
The animals are from the islands you unlock
They straight up tell you to go to the Explorer Islands to look for animals.
i'll get back to this game once i finish TH. promise.
How do I milk cows and feed livestock?
Fenced area with gate, haystack, pet bed and pet bowl to make an animal pen. I think you need 2 pet beds though, and I believe they just automatically feed? I haven't played around with it much, but you also need to sleep in bed for pets to breed.
>finish all the tablet targets
>buildnoculars are the most handy thing you could have gotten
I get using it as a reward but jesus fuck I would have killed for this thing. Guess you might not appreciate it as much if you didn't work for it
you don't need petbowl, they are for dogs and cats
cows, chickens, sheep eat grass, so get grass seed in explorer island
also use bottomless pot or whatever called to milk cow
Fair enough, I just threw all my pets in one area.
I want DLCs but my bag is already full
Just built a sign for the Silver Pub, Im starting to rush the main story a bit as it is slow, and most buildings are not made to last, as the floor, layout etc. is just temporary, given you don't have all the stuff you need. I don't really see a good reason to make it pretty until that chapter is done, and I'd rather just work on my main island instead.
Have there been any word on what the DLC will include?
Use chest for things you can't place or if you don't plan on using it anytime soon. When crafting it pools from the chest so there is no real reason to be lugging that stuff around
I wish there was a better origanization options I have trouble finding shit i want to build
do not put your shits in the chest, villagers open it and steal them
use drawer
Or just leave it in the toilet like a sane individual, scatfag
apparently everything's already out on switch, i can give you at least my takeaways
one new island each for fishing and hotto dlc, former has a few fishing sidequests to it, latter is like any other explorers shore but no checklist, largely used for gathering materials
few new cooking recipes including rice and fish junk
modernist pack is largely furniture and decorative recipes, and allegedly 2 extra hairstyles, although im not sure the ones labelled as such are from the pack or the old save bonus
just a few extra bits and bobs to help out in building, nothing really big
also goldirox and the three bars
I just spent an hour remodeling the interior of the Pyramid to have straight walls. How can I be expected to build inside when there are ornate pillars fucking everywhere? One thing I discovered is that there's an empty space about four blocks wide and four blocks high behind the pyramid walls that you can make use of for attached rooms. The first thing I built was the the copper bar, but I lengthened it to include a stage. Behind the red curtains is Bab's bedroom and living room/mini kitchen. Play around with red curtains, they're listed under wall hangings, but they function like the drapery door. To set them up you have to lay some blocks behind them, but once they're standing you can demolish those blocks.
Can Malroth just pls kill Lulu
I wish.
>destroyed pyramid
feels good
What's the most efficient way to destroy the pyramid, golem, or bombs?
>destroy the pyramid
Because fuck Egyptian architecture
The Golem is unironically the best companion.
>As fast as the sabrecat
>Can give you more vertical height than the sabrecat if you jump off and glide.
>Can break blocks in 11x11 chunks with each punch
>Rapid fire punch spam that deals 150 damage to enemies.
It's not even a contest, the only monster companion that can offer something worthwhile is chimera for aerial mobility.
Is it true that jump is on B in the switch version? That'd be the equivalent of jump being on X for the PS4. Sony's autistic control scheme changing ruined Kingdom Hearts for me, and it's souring my enjoyment of this game.
do all the monster companions deal crap damage? With humans you can give them a stronger weapon to deal more damage, is there a damage boosting monster treat for monsters?
It is B.
Fuck Sony
>God of Destruction cannot build
>creates a baby with MC
Is there any chance this will get a PC port? Should I just bite the bullet and get it on the Switch?
If you have a PS4, get it there. The first one hasn't come to PC yet. It's possible, but you might be stuck waiting a long time.
The river area is a nicer environment but the tablet area is flatter which will make building easier.
I don't know what to do
>climb as high as I can to make the room on tall terrain
>find an egg
these fucking chickens are running around the entire island I stg
what do they do?
You'll be able to level the river area when you upgrade your hammer during island 2.
But I don't want to level it. I hate fucking with natural environments in games like this.
annoying the player with her stupid words.
Okay so, what was the Hargon room under the Isle of Awakening for? I knew about it in the demo, but it never came up. Whats the deal with the room? Was it a cutscene room or something?
Game is comfy and I keep getting distracted and evaporating my time.
You're just jelly because you ain't lit.
I just spent probably too much time making a fully decked out 5-star restaurant complete with a fully furnished deluxe kitchen and public restrooms. My citizens truly don't know how good they've got it.
Nigga you cray
watching when she poops
I'm dying here. I just got to Moonbrooke. I've done a few quests and now have to "gather a forge, anvil, table and bonfire." Well, I got those things and put them in a recognized room, but nothing happens. Meanwhile, the fucking skeletons are endless, and I'm told to just go gather those same items. Please God, I can't take this, what the fuck am I missing
This was planning on blowing it all up when done, was an eyesore next to my perfect desert Oasis resort. Instead I'm now on fucking skelkatraz. Hope this goes quick I'm starting to dislike both the story and combat more and more.
Put them in the throne room
Imagine being too fucking stupid to read what the NPCs straight up tell you to do.
Put them all in the throne room you utter retard.
no Chimaera is
jesus christ
dude they told you to put them in the throne room, not make a new room with them
Buckle in faggot. Skelkatraz is the most boring segment of the game and lasts a while.
Look man if you're not mashing through text by the time you get too Moonbrooke just to get off the rails for a few blessed seconds then you're made of sterner stuff than me and I commend you
In a game where people tell you to do specific things I at least make sure I'm getting the instructions right, I am speedreading, though, this game is endless.
I played the demo of 1st game and loved it but ended up not getting it yet, should I play it before 2 or just jump straight into 2 now? Will I be missing out?
>most boring segment of the game
>lasts a while
2 is just better 1 there's no continuing story at all
Play them both, order doesn't matter but you'll appreciate all the qol in 2 if you play them in order.
Pro advice: Put the 6 beds also in the throne room. I failed there as well. Fucking long texts.
There are connecting elements, though, just nothing like "remember this guy from the first game? He's back and evil" or anything quite like that.
>five star restaurant
>no foyer to greet guests and act as a buffer between diners and the rabble that may peek inside
You just had to cram in more tables, didn't you Dabid? The menorahs gave it away.
I spent the last hour making a cute room for Anessa. It has a slime lamp, a king slime lamp, a bunch of plushies, a princess bed, a tea set with chic chairs and the pixel art of the DQ2 heroes. A room fit for my warrior-princess.
Now I just have to fix all the other bullshit the Moonbrooke refugees built.
That's comfy as fuck.
>that babs stage
Got this downloading for after work tonight, what am I in for?
Minecraft with Dragon Quest aesthetics
I've never played DQ in my entire life and yet I spent about 6 hours today playing the demo of Builders 2. Fuck I'm getting this game.
fuck that stupid pyramid
Comfy times, DQ2 references, a meaty story campaign and feeling inadequate about your own building skills after you visit other people's online creations.
How can I make those npcs wearing other clothes?
I finished the game a while ago.
N04H is my favorite character
Surprised you had that much fun from the demo. While I wouldn't call it bad, it does feel lacking compared to the demo of the first, which was pretty damn meaty with the quests you could do before it cut you off.
I know some rooms get them to switch clothes but I've no idea how to get them these fancy clothes. IIRC you can get them to wear the shameless swimsuits if you make a paradise pool.
>rotating camera
they may build better, but at least I know how to play the game properly.
I should have bought ps4 version but switch ver not so bad after all
I finally built enough meadow for the fucking tablet objective holy fuck that forever
People complained about co-op so I thought I couldn't play with friends or something. I played with a friend yesterday for hours, built a huge farm and flattened a whole lot of land and did some of the random island checklists. It was a total breeze to connect and play together.
The only issue is not being able to do the story together from what I can gather.
I'm I play on Switch and I was very disappointed that the only instances where the FPS peaked was when I was literally in front of a mountain stocking cubes under my feet in order to climb. Otherwise, there are a lot of DPS drops, though not as much that it is unplayable. I don't know if this is fixed in the full release.
It's a little better, but still not that good.
>the dog was a princess
Of fucking course.
>put a resident's register and a couple chests on the boat in Isle of Awakening for convenience.
>They stay in place when the boat sails away
I guess I'll build cuck shed on the docks, then.
You can build and use your tools on any block within a generous distance of your character. So you can build a room or a house without having to jump to a vantage point. Makes breaking and placing easier too
>wake up a villager
>steal their bed
it's better in handheld than docked for sure.
How is DQB3 going to work?
Will you make a custom 4 person team? Do you get to go back to the DQB1 & 2 maps?
I wonder if they are going to port it to PC before we get it working on a Switch emulator
Based Killing machines steal their job
Hopefully they assign the hammer it's own button separate from tools. Also It'd be great if they tweaked the building trowel so that you can manually select the number of blocks it swaps and sets down.
I speed read but I do read because about 5 min into the game it was obvious that it was going to require stupid shit from you.
Yea well it felt like forever. I spent at least an hour or two with that bullshit. Could have been longer but I'm being gentle with my estimate for your sake.
What an absolute dumpster fire part of the game.
Can you change NPC clothing? I want to make Britney a sword wielding gyaru bunnygirl.
Try building forest. Acorns are a bitch to get.
Does anyone know how to get people to buy shit from your store? I built the store, got a merchant, placed some things on pedastals in the store and attached price tags on them and I haven't sold shit for hours.
>Robots have a green thumb
Is this a reference?
My cows are breeding like mad.
Also, any ideas for this castle lads? I can't figure anything that looks good. I'm satisfied with my super bar/swimming pool complex inside the pyramid and with my farm spanning a good chunk of the valley but even my throne room looks like garbage.
you need 1 tile behind store shelf
merchant will goes there
i only just started and have got so stuck into building the furrowfield farm town, i cant believe how much there is to do in the game.
Look up some classic DQ castles and copy the architecture.
now I'm building a castle like this
Unlock the closet, place clothes in closet in a room. Probably work individually if you put it in a named room.
If you want to change them back put a light source next to the closet and a switch to turn the light off, turn it off before you go to sleep in a bed and they change back.
If you talk to npcs they have some pretty useful stuff to say.
Is the first game worth playing or does the second make it terriblely out-dated feeling?
I played the demo a long time ago
In terms of a creation sandbox? Outdated.
In terms of an rpg? Well worth playing, you'll spend hours upon hours on the main story.
if you just want to play the game and build a moderate comfy town get it on switch, if you want to build really crazy huge stuff then dont buy the game since even on ps4 pro this game tanks.
Thank you. I will try this.
I'll end up taking some cues from the Heliodor castle in DQ XI.
>even on ps4 pro this game tanks
what did he mean by this
when it comes to building big towns yeah you can expect it to dip down to 15-20 fps.
When do I get the builders pencil
Better start on those tablets bro
>tfw she wants a really big room but barely any fanciness so can't give her the fancy room she deserves
why did they do this to me
Build a room quickly then demolish and build it how you want to.
is there a way to find out room recipes without googling? Do you just fill rooms with 3 of everything until you get a match? Some of the requirements are so obscure.
Your cute NPC buddies tell you a bunch of recipes, but far from all so yes there's a lot of experimentation involved.
Probably. The point is build until you discover something
what were they thinking
They were thinking how it's like to be based.
Bottomless pot to milk the cow. Cows, sheep and chicken eat wheat grass no regular grass so put some in their pen. Dogs and cats eat meat, beef, lamb chops, chicken and fish put in their bowls. It cannot be cooked.
You can farm acorns by building a tree from bark and leaf blocks.
Anessa a cute
Rosie superior
You mean that kid who gets molested by pastor?
No, that's Lilliam, and she's got weird fascinations
Don't worry user I got you covered
hecka frickin' based
This was my most unexpected GOTY probably ever, I really loved this game.
>when you encounter captain Skeleton from the tutorial ship
>that final high five in the Malroth boss fight
>Malroth had to build a potion and you get a giant prompt going BUILD IT
This game had no right to be this good.
Make you wonder what the plot will be for the third game, given that was a prequel that largely took place in a different dimension/world.
>DQ Builders is a what-if of DQ I
>DQ Builders 2 is a literal sequel to DQ II
I don't see much room in DQ III for either an alternate ending or a sequel but I'm sure they'll figure something in order to shove Minecraft in DQ III.
And I'm hyped as hell to see what they come up with honestly.
I think the most obvious one would be some sort of follow up of what happened in the main world of the game after the path to Alefgard was sealed.
But Builders 1 and 2 are directly connected, Builders 1 simply starts its continuity off the bad ending of DQ1, while Builders 2 lets DQ2 play out normally. So it's really just a matter of having some kind of event that probably sets up Builders 1 and effectively bookending the storyline, or just playing around in the world that isn't Alefgard like said.
Npc's can equip shields and use malroth weapons?
>don't really see a good reason to make it pretty until that chapter is done
I demolish most of the village after I'm done with the chapter.
I got those resources their for my isle of awakening where I build Grand cities.
I also flood the chapters City just to be a real cunt.
...there isn't even that much dialog in this game wtf is wrong with you people?
No, they can't use Malroth's weapons, which makes some sense given they're usually more powerful than what you gain around the level they're learned, and that would just turn the fights into complete cakewalks.
You're there for about 14ish days.
Comes to a closea few days after when you make friends with slime and hammerhood
Who is the best girl in the series? For me, it's Babs
Orange slime.
Queen Lulu of course.
But the empire of evisceration doesn't have a queen
I don't want to wait for 3 for giant power cannon/dynamite to clear huge sections of mountain.
The ones in game work ok but it still takes forever
You mean Lulutopia, right?
If you're playing as Fem Builder then Malroth.
>playing as girl
Who the fuck does this
Literally a lot of people
I think a good chunk of the player base is female. I just don't see a guy making this.
They're all great, and we can watch every one of them poop!
The absolute state of Switchcucks
>^Trying this hard
Get some fresh material, newfag
a lot of faggots
>tfw creatively bankrupt
>she slept on a straw mat on the dock waiting for you to come back from prison
She's so good.
He created an anime baby. Anime is the most destructive force on earth
Then she feeds you poison disguised as cake
Japan is one of the only countries where women are the majority playing video games
Being best girl!
Goddamn, underrated.
Is there any way to recruit someone who's as efficient as Lilian at cooking?
>most boring segment of the game
Fuck you, it was my favorite. It was a really good break from building and meaningless battles and felt closer to an adventure game.
Just have to think big
I am kind of addicted to this game. I unironically put FE:3H on hold for now since I wanted to build some more. I'm currently dismantling the Windmill since I am max autism.
>please don't tell me it gets restored when you finish the island and I'll end up with some monstrosity of random floating blocks
Visit other islands to get inspiration and ideas to springboard off of.
Can't revisit my monster friends stuck on the Ark
I miss them, brehs
capture a golem my dude
okay, retard
I always suck at building and all of my creations are uninspiring. Sometimes I feel like Malroth playing a video game
people smarter than you
It's befriending, not capturing, Dragon Quest isn't an immoral series like Pokemon.
there are beauty even from just normal utilitarian buildings
don't have to be elaborate and fancy at first, just work on normal building that fulfill their need and keep adding on other rooms. do this while keep in mind about proper layout and interactivity between rooms and not just randomness
for example at first I build mass inn or bedroom to save time, same thing with public toilet. then eventually i move on to private room with toilet built in. and i make sure workshop and other noisy activities won't be next to the sleeping relax quarter
you can literally just lay down tracks and have a whole cart rail system to go from one part of the island to another
hadnt even realized there was a golem on the explorer islands tp befriend and Smash stuff like Gold man
This framerate is killing me at the miner town. Why is it so unoptomized on every console?
Give me a pc port please
Just wait for the next island of snow it gets way worse
Try going to an insanely built up island with lots of fire while online. frames will stay low as fuck
Switch > PS3
>being proud of beating a console with no games
why is malroth such a bitch
ps3 was great. littlebigplanet 1 and 2, infamous 1, and killzone 2 and 3 are all some of my favorite games
this tutorial never seems to end
I've been playing lbp on psp recently. It's a decent port
not a port, thats a new game. that was my first one in the series, didnt get the others until the psn got hacked and 1 was given for free
Does this game have proper co-op or not?
DQB1's co-op was utter shit and doesn't even count as a mode. Are we talking about a single chapter, or an alternate story-free exploration mode, or what? Do we have splitscreen?
people can visit your island, thats about it
interesting, I haven't played the ps3 version in awhile so I assumed it was a port
well that's fucking retarded. the trailers seemed tailor-made to make you think you could play it with three friends. it's by no means a dealbreaker since the first game was already worth full price, but fuck if i dont feel like i was duped by the marketing
I can't even find an island I can fucking visit. How the hell is this OK
Can't go back to skelcatraz to rescue people post game, even though it's on the map
So what's with the lady that says we and us? Is there some gender neutral thing or she supposed to be some colony of fungus pretending to be a person? I didn't get that.
Not him but half the time it's frustrating because the retarded AI doesn't use what you make. I made a restaurant and these farm chucklefucks would still rather just eat lettuce.
have story blueprints be used on your own island
>I made a restaurant and these farm chucklefucks would still rather just eat lettuce.
because you need someone who cook them
She just reminded me of Gollum with the way she spoke. Also since she lived in an underground cave for years.
Make sure there is enough food in the plates and bowls on the dining table. The NPCs should prioritize eating that food first, and will then raid your chests for that sweet sweet lettuce if there isn't anything left. Also only 4 people can eat from a table at one time (less if the table is against a wall or other obstruction) so make sure there are enough spots for everyone to eat since they all eat at the same time.
she speaks like a parody of Gollum
The loli wasn't doing a good job so I brought her sister. Earlier they would run all the way to the fields to take lettuce then run back to the dining room to eat it. Shit was mind boggling. They also kept using a temp pot toilet I made even though I made a big public restroom next to the restaurant. I had to destroy it so they would stop. Honestly I didn't design my town well. I didn't think I would have to put my massive fields with it.
loli and her sister already made 999*20 breads and still they are working hard in my restaurant
maybe your building sucks
Can you troll villagers by trapping them in pools? I know they wouldn't die, but can they remain stuck or do they break reality to leave after a while?
make whole island a pool
That'd be pretty hilarious. Too bad you can't get some sort of scuba gear, it'd be fun to make an underwater city.
Wow, only 3 fucking maps excluding Skeltraz. This shit is lame.
Hilarious how much art has Malroth and the female builder being shipped together.
But the male has Rosie, Babs, and Anessa. Who's the real winner here?
Malroth, because he could potentially sire offspring builders for sequels.
Love the game but holy fuck I feel like it will never end.
How many story islands are there? I'm soon done with mining town
Malroth is an obliviously dumb destruction God who can not learn how to destroy a puss
>god of destruction
>can't destroy a pussy
its in his fuckin name
The campaign is pretty long.
Where you at now?
I dont wanna say cause I have a feeling you'll tell me it's almost over :(
Yeah you're almost done with the game. After Moonbroke you can practically say you have beaten the game, it's just 10 more hours of tutorial after Moonbroke.
There's still alot of game left after Moonbrooke, which I'm guessing you're near the end or just beat.
WHY THE FUCK IS SHE SINGLE HANDEDLY FEEDING MY TOWN? I made her sisters room directly connect to the town kitchen and her sister walks all the way from her house on the other side of town to do the cooking for her.
What's there to learn? Stick it in vagoo and blow out the googoo
I'm in Malhalla currently. Just finished the 1st part of the blueprint
Question, i know the DLC comes with new islands but are they like the story mode islands or just sandbox mode?
The main campaign's just about over then, but there's still postgame explorer's shores that are costly as fuck to unlock.
It's near impossible to connect with someone online for some reason, the only other way to see islands is through the bulliten board, but those are the offline saved ones.
It's been a fun ride, game has some definitely flaws that I wish weren't present but I see myself going on with postgame and building to my hearts content even after that. So much fucking fun.
Why are all my trophies in nippon? is there a way to change them to english?
there's an additional 4th you unlock once you hit the point of no return you can not revisit it after completion however.
You playing on PS4? I want to know if this is Switch-only issue. I'm subscribed to Nintendo Online and so far I am not impressed with the online features, but despite all the lags I have experienced on Smash, I can still connect to other people and play some games. I am really dumbfounded when I can't connect to other islands on this game, maybe this is just Philippines having a shit connection but I doubt it's only me experiencing this situation.
This image has convinced me to buy this game
Thanks, user
I had to stop playing for Fire Emblem
chimaera are better chef
they don't need to eat, pee unlike those useless humans
Hey what's with that weird temple underneath the Aisle of awakening?
they're in love!!
gib pc port pls huehuehue
What do elder, singer, bards and nuns do?
singers and bards sing in music hole
nuns cook and do priest thing in church
elders also cook and for minimedal
Sorry, she's been taken.
Villagers also cook right?
What about miners, one guy say they help with the forge but I suppose they can't mine anything on the island?
Fuck, I'm stuck in the Moonbrook chapter. I was told to find a power source for the tower, but i went to the goddess shrine and can't find anything.
Bout to start playing, wish me luck lads
they fight to monsters
I saw black skin miner help Bab cooking once tho
Because all the girls want the builder
technically? you got three more
I beat the game a few days ago, after 60 hours of playtime. I fucking loved it. Should have picked up the PS4 version though, got some real crusty framerate on Switch.
My favorite chapter was the 2nd one, building bars and mining was top comfy. Least favorite was the 3rd one, too much fighting in a game where combat is the weakest aspect.
I beat the game and never befriended a monster outside of those in the prison island and the snow-making yeti.
Where do I find monsters to befriend ?
Just got the hammer, God time to go to bed I think
Just beat up recruitable monsters on the Explorer's Shores.
everything in this game is cute
Beat the game, made a nice, gaudy neon crescent moon on the top of my pyramid, now I'm trying to breed the ultimate dog and get that platinum before getting the season pass material
>Item box is full again
Dragon Quest Builders? More like Dragon CHEST Builders.
want to breed my pets
need hundred if not thousands of meat for them to eat to raise happiness
meat isnt even easy to come by
have to go out of my way to lay spike traps everywhere or someshit
With enough spikes, just turn that valley outside of Kul into a death tunnel, that's 80 meats in 15 minutes
Jump is circle on ps4