Fuck Steam
Fuck Gayben
Fuck Valve
Fuck Shartifact
Praise Trees
Based and Treepiled
fuck chinks
He releases human trafficking victims into the forest, then dresses as an animal and hunts them down before killing them with his teeth
>quietly invests
>plastered all over social media
trees are based
based and I hope he uses them as dung
Apparently not quite enough, seeing as how there are people posting about it on twitter.
That's a good investment, imagine all the paper and chairs he can make in 20 years
>this kills the steam drone
Its great anyway. Far better than faggs placing female black ss soldiers in "humanitarian" cause
>Apparently not quite enough, seeing as how there are people posting about it on twitter.
>pollutes the general culture with a shit game
>"b-b-b-but he planted s-some trees!!!"
fuck off
>general culture
>gaymer culture
one tree is more worth than the entire gayming community
>female black straight shota soldiers
>NC forests
Based, it's a really pretty area and it'd be a shame if it got cut down at some point
>Invests towards extremely valuable land that will only increase in value in the next 10 years
>"OMG He is saving the trees!"
And you idiots fell for that?
Not quietly enough it seems.
>ITT Steamcells reading this 6 month old thing the first time
>it-its not quiet everybody knows it already
>Steam Drone posts were all just Murrlogic getting mad over greenery
This but he also forces his victims to dress as remote controls
Oooohhh nooo, forrests are anti-white, need more walmarts and mcdonalds parking spots.
Theres nothing wrong with this even if he did it for promotion, I wish everyone would do this for promotion instead of virtue signaling for this months newest gender.
he is doing it for almost a decade, the promotion thing is just steam drone coping
remember when zuckerberg used some shady tactics to dodge tax and media said he was giving away his entire fortune to foundation?
That's great.
His company is still shit.
Why are millionaires so averse to giving something back to their host countries? They'd rather give millions to charities across the sea than give money to the country they reside in so that it can supply services for the people that live there?
So Zuckerberg doing these tricks for 10 years now ? Wow
cool... cool...
still not buying from your store, swiney
Well time to be a pyro main again.
Seems like Timmy boy is investing in propaganda now.
The industrial revolution and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race.