Crash Nitro Fueled

Sup Yea Forumsros, does anyone know if this link has virus? And can I play online with it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

user the game isnt even on pc
a pc port does not exist

holy shit you´re right, I hope they make the port someday, thanks user

I would tell you to go kys but seeing how retarded you are you'll probably going to kys soon by accident anyway.

This the CTR thread?

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What is the appeal of Fake Crash? I cant put my head around it

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Hes goofier than reg Crash

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Goofy and fun, and is a living time capsule of an era where devs could turn a joke into an actual character into the canon, and the fanbase eat it up equally.

He canonically fucks dinosaurs


You now realize there are more clocktower stages than any other theme of stage

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>can't even come close to unlocking Tropys ghost on Cortex Castle

To think I finally learned how to uturn, too. It feels like it was all for nothing

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>clockwork wumpa
>maybe out of time

You must be a fucking blast at parties


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Thread theme

Thunder Struck

Did they give out the champ kart yet?

What does wumpa tastes like, Yea Forums?

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Analog for those graceful turns.

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Lovable goofball.

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Not really. Just the last upward spiral kinda

Mix of mango, apple and peach

speed class nerf when?

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I'm curious about this. Is it out yet? I see it in the Kart listing but it says I need to be in the top 5% which I am.

I used to use analog, but then I switched to d-pad

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Impregnating Liz.

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best racer(s) for relic races?

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Hes a pretty big guy

Megumi is a butterface whale and if you like her you're scum

Literally worst by far.

top crikey

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Analog because I'm not a boomer

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Either depending on the turn.

salty coins and milk

Tawna’s anus.

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Dpad of course.

He's the shitpost character, there isn't exactly a real appeal. The devs thought a Crash bootleg toy looked stupid and funny, and put it in the game

>a month after release and Sewer Speedway is STILL a shitty broken mess
fucking what

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BASED Liz poster

>Blizzard Beach
>Polar Pass
>Barin Ruins
>Meteor Gorge
>Clockwork Wumpa
That's 5 winter stages

Any Speed or Acceleration character since those classes dominate the game whole sale.

Warp orb increased speed when Beenox?
Non-juiced warp orb ignoring non-frst place racers when Beenox?
Kart profile slots when Beenox?
Fixed pipe physics when Beenox?
Dedicated servers when Beenox?
Reduced Pit stop prices/ increased Wumpa coin payout when Beenox?
Leader-boards wiped of obviously fake times when Beenox?
Original 2nd area of Hyper Spaceway added in when Beenox?

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D pad has shitty positioning on the Switch, so stock.

>cant use low poly crash reaction images anymore because of autism avatarfag user yesterday

Stick, but I also use the D-pad down arrow with it for U-turns.

Even with the pro controller?

Idk, I don't have a pro controller

Don't bring drama up. It just drags the old drama into the new thread

1:13:79 Jungle Boogie
Beat it anons if you can
Would post a screenshot but thanks to retarded Yea Forums moderation team, my ISP is completely banned for posting pics on SFW boards
Thanks mods!

Stick because since I'm a filthy pad player with fighting games I don't wanna ware out the D pad even more

>Non-juiced warp orb ignoring non-frst place racers when Beenox?
they already do, you're just getting in the way user.
Reduced Pit stop prices/ increased Wumpa coin payout when Beenox?
they're fine as they are, you can literally buy a skin a day, multiple on weekends, and they put a fair bit of effort into the skins, they even have unique animations that are included rather than sold separately for more.
other than those two, I agree with your complaints.

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and i don't even have a switch so i know even less, now my autism is going to start to kick in

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What region?

Class balance when Beenox?

On Switch

So for those of us in the 5% club, should we already have access to the Champion Kart?

No, it's coming in the next days.

I've been considering this since last night, and I think the solution would be to do speed buffs across the board (excluding speed ofc), and instead making alterations to how karts control or how they interact with universal mechanics like u-turning and jumps. That way there's actually a reason to swap classes based on your personal preferences instead of needing to pick a speed character if you want to perform optimally.

Cool. Thanks bruh

pear drops

Crash, but hot

More NECA figures of other characters fucking when?? Those shits are so lazy

Contrian fags. Nothing more

Keep going bud, I had to shave off 12 seconds untill I unlocked Tropy on Oxide station.
It is doable, just gotta keep retrying, beating your previous ghost and shaving those seconds. Maybe try a different class too. Speed isn't always the answer

Isn't it because they were all the same hub work in CNK? It's why you also have multiple jungle and future city tracks too

Analog AND a boomer, now what?
There's still a heap of shit that needs fixing. I feel like these Grand Prix's are taking up all their time. Hope there's a break so they can get to hotfixing

well it's a remake of an old game and a lot of the cartoony stuff from when the original ctr was released had an 'evil twin' motif in them(think negaduck etc)

You could always get hit by a nonjuiced warp if you are in it's path. Juiced just means you are guaranteed to get hit.
I think the issue in the remake is the hotbox is bigger for it

See, i'll peel away to the side of the track when I know an orb is coming but it hits me far FAR more than it doesn't
The hitbox should shrink and the speed should be increased so people can't USF with it for every lap and not make up any distance
>TWO warp orbs chasing at once
>still doesn't catch up to 1st
>literally only caused harm to non-first place drivers

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I know that feel.
Trying to get platinum relics in classic mode with a turning character is an eye-opener; stuck on Dingo Canyon of all places.
I thought I was hot shit when I was knocking them out left and right when I could switch between Speed and Accel characters.

Just finished Hard Mode, thoughts:

>Crash Cove and Roo's Tubes are probably the 2nd and 3rd hardest levels overall
>Blizzard Bluff being the hardest due to the fact that you NEED to pull off the shortcut at least once to keep up with the cheating AI
>Bosses are basically the same, kind of disappointing

used analog at first, but realized its impossible to get good without switching to dpad so I switched

How do i TRANSition from Accelchad into speedfag?

>you NEED to pull off the shortcut at least once
Why so many people struggle with that shortcut? It´s not hard if you know when you have to jump

A friend and I constantly beat another friend in this game who refuses to swtich to d-pad despite the obvious advantage we exemplify when we beat him 100% of the time, I don't get it.

Think you're on the wrong site buddy. Here I'll help you out

Mango and an orange

Just by playing speed lots.


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great IRL lore

i've got it here

Just practice playing speed characters. Honestly it's just a case of adapting and eventually it'll become pure muscle memory.
It always feels weird at first switching class after you've been maining another one.

desu I struggled with it at first until I realised you just need to maintain SF and then it's pretty much a guaranteed jump.

i cant wait for this on PC, when do you think it will come boys ?

>Her accent is English not Australian.

Either in an hour and a half or in three days.

Activision already said 24 hours for the kart after the GP ends, just be patient

Mate, I'm intimately familiar with with Australian accents. She's British.

>taken beenox 24 hours to do a percentage sum

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Whadya mean Nope? The Grand Prixs are a month long, you think they're going to postpone it another month? The next one has gotta start over the next few days

I can manage it in time trial, it's a lot harder when you've got bowling bombs and missiles being shoved up your arse by aimbot AI


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Its latency. You already get hit by invisible potions and shit anyway, why would it be any different with the orb? You just need to compensate, I just hate how you have to keep an eye on the mini map to avoid getting fucked by the orb before jumps/usf boosts.

lads, do I need to beat every track in time trial mode to unlocked Tropy/oxide or is it just CTR tracks?

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Every track except for the bonuses (Twilight Tour, Retro Stadium)

It'll start on the 3rd

>dickhead drops a red potion on a drop so you literally can't see it until you've hit it
actually fuck you

So what does it mean when it says the store will reset in 4 days? are some things going to be locked out or some shit?

Absolute Chad move to be perfectly honest with you

All except twilight tour and maybe retro stadium

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>not driving on the left-sided half-pipe ridge


Kill all Crunchfags

t. DNF'd waifufag

*kitty noises*

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What was that, punk?

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Granted, the item balance is all over the place sometimes, but come on, do you have the reactions of a dead guy or something, hitting that beaker was on you, and it looks like you just accepted getting flattened, you probably could have gotten out of that.

Why aren't more skins available in my shop? Do I have to buy all the characters for them to show? I think I've only seen 1 skin show in the past 2 weeks or so. I want that Musketeer

Am I correct in the assumption people who are in the 5% get our kart in less than an hour?

I honestly didn't see it until it was right in front of me

They almost called him Trash Bandicoot instead of Fake Crash. Trash Bandicoot is so much better.

Is the champion kart available already?

Anyone have a link to oney's tweet where the pic I replied to is from? I cant find it.

>Holding drift button in midair lets you drift as soon as you land.

HOW THE FUCK DID I NOT KNOW THIS!? That's how people are able to hold USF for so long.

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that's karting 101, m8, even mario kart does it.

Based Post.

Try hopping while you are on a ramp so that you come back down and initiate the powerslide before actually flying off of the ramp, and building your boost in midair.

Pretty sure almost every single refined kart racer does this

This is vital for Hyper Spaceway and Polar Pass.

They're fucking casualized to hell. I hate it.

>Faster USF, unlike the original
>Perfect handling in the air, unlike the original

Remember before launch when Beenox lied and said they were making characters a bit more even with each other? Literally all they did was buff Speed.

If you don't use D-Pad you already lost. Unless you are smart like user and make L2 a down input on PS4.

august the 3rd next prix, mark my words

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I actually hate Polar Pass because of that early jump where you skip the u turn
I just do not consistently make it at all. But, when I fail it, I become adamant on trying to make it, so I'll sit there redoing the jump like 3 or 4 times in a row while everyone passes me because I'm too stubborn to take the normal route at that point.

That's very smart. How do you do it?

>Get USF on Hot Air Skyway
>Lobby leaves


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My biggest tip for the Polar Pass skip is to jump from the right of the turbo pad, don't wait until you hit the end of it, jump earlier

>That's very smart. How do you do it?
Accessibility settings. I'm a Switchfag so I wouldn't know where it is, but you can change buttons to any input you want apparently.

I feel like such a brainlet. Put this into practice and I was able to hold USF for the entire lap of Hot air Skyway. It's like something awakened in me.

Is this what it feels like to git gud?

So Relic Races have different Platinum goals depending on difficulty? I didn't knew that.
What are the times used in Classic mode?

Just hit the exact corner of the first ice at a 45 degree angle and jump. Hard right turn with no air braking. Should manage to hit it consistently enough. Only tricky thing is turning to maintain your fire (blue or otherwise). I do two perfect turns immediately after landing, the second which should normally last right up until the first wooden bump. Then I just jump for all except the last.

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Identical in most cases to the time in the original game/Hard difficulty.

This along with air braking already puts you at what I'd wager is the top 1%.

Pretty sure to hold USF on Hot Air Skyway you have to be familiar with u turning, shortcuts and a lot of the mechanics
You seriously knew all that but didn't know you could powerslide before landing?

Post your Kart setup now! No changing it!

Also: Can someone please add freckles to my wife's face here?

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I can't get that hard turn that comes after the item boxes just after the USE pad

Post 'em.
I like this one. Simple but striking. I like to imagine it's as if everyone had their own unique vehicle in Nitro Kart rather than just the team ones.

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Can you maintain your boost doing it at a 45 degree angle? It feels like you have to powerslide far off even when you make it and sometimes I just fall off

Even dumber when Speed was already good in the original CTR.

>Default Crunch
I already like you more than the majority of Crunch players

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Oh cool, so I won't have too many problems when doing 101% on Hard. Thanks.

Anyone notice that the easy AIs have trouble going over this ramp?

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If you're having trouble you can always do it on easy where you get 5 extra seconds

Yep. I can even do the U-turn skip consistently. Didn't even cross my mind there was even more depth to the drifting.

I already did them on Easy and Medium lol, I'm just doing all 4 difficulty 101% Adventure modes just because.

Can someone please explain U Turning, air braking, and air handling? Seeing webms of Speed characters literally just hopping through corners with blue fire confuses the fuck out of me.

>Get to a jump
>Crash against an invisible wall
I swear to god this bullshit has costed me some WR attempts.

Also, is there a consistent way to jump over the fence in Blizzard Buff as Accel characters? I can't seem to find a good positioning to pull it off, seems almost random.

It isn't really that hard, watch the segment a few times and you should be getting them consistently.

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no because i don't play against easy ais.

That's insane kek. I'm not sure how something so basic eluded you yet you learnt all the advanced stuff

If you press square you brake.
Brake + direction (left or right) = U turn
U turn while on the air = air brake.
Make sure to release the brake and hit the acceleration button before touching the ground or you'll lose all speed.

u turning: hold down + direction, let go of accelerate and hold break
air breaking: while in air, let go of accelerate, hold break. this will turn you much faster. press accelerate to be shot foward. make sure you let go of square before touching the ground

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>still no kart unlock

>"New Grand Prix starts in 3 Days"
Oh ffs

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>Air braking
While in the air, let go of the acceleration button, tap the brake button, and press the accel before you land.
Same as the above, but you press Down+L/R depending on the direction you're turning

I fucking told you all. I told you it would be the 3rd/2nd of august. CHOP CHOP. GET READY FOR THE GRIND.

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Interesting, thanks


Thanks for that, I play with Accel so this is quite helpful, most speedruns are speed characters.
So he doesn't jump off after the first turbo pad, right? Maybe that's where I've been going wrong this whole time, I jump off onto the platform which makes getting at it on a 45 degree angle harder

Why would they not space it out at least a few weeks?








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Autisim user. Autisim.

Used this for the longest time now, looking forward to the champ kart.

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Is she a slut?


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>yet more grinding
I might sell my copy.

Don't throw up Ami!

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I literally, literally warned you all, there IS NO WAY, they would stop and wait like two-three weeks, they need to keep the hype going. I know, it's constants, but remember, it's a kart racer, this ain't fucking fortnite levels, but they need to keep it always coming in I fucking knewas soon as I saw "four days until shop reset"

Why the fuck would it be four, randomly?



it's in 3 days time, says so on the games little news section on the menu

I expected a WEEK user, I don't think a week to grab old stuff/chill would be too crazy a idea.

>Hey you know all these characters we worked on and included base game?
>You can literally never play with them because nitro points lol

holy fuck he called it kek

The next grand prix shop reset is probably going to put ALL the nitro characters, in the shop, user.

What stats do you think the Spyro characters will have?

This is my guess:
Spyro: Balanced
Hunter: Accel
Ripto: Turning
Sorceress: Speed
Gnasty: Speed

This is my pipe dream:
Spyro: Speed
Gnasty: Speed
Ripto: Accel
Hunter: Balanced
Sorceress: Turning

>Not even a week to get more coins or play the game at your on pace
Does Beenox want me to quit my job?

What you said
>Pipe Dream
Ripto: Speed
Everyone else: Don't care

>No, please, stop giving me more free content! No more content please!

>who the fuck cares about any of these characters, they aren't adding best rabbit

>knock out all the time trials in a couple no problem
>Platinum relics kick my ass for hours on end
I'm thoroughly convinced the N Gin Labs time was a typing mistake that was left in as a joke.

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>Falling for the 'grinding for points' meme

Literally why. For skins you'll never ever use? For pointless decals you'll never ever use? The sooner you just play at your own pace and ignore the hamster wheel of pointless grinding, the sooner you'll go back to just enjoying the game.

>babu characters
>unironically going to see a rise in shit art and diaperfags
Kill me

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people are just memeing, don't be a brainlet

>he actually likes grinding the same few battle modes over and over
>he's actually excited for baby characters
I bet you play on Switch

Shit what was that GET also?

The Karts are really nice user

I was hoping to have a week cool down, and use it to tackle the time trials for the PS trophies, I delayed them because of the save corrupting and forgot about them when the GP hit.
Still excited though.
what we thinking lads?
>baby crash is a literal baby version of crash
>baby crash is an pre-evolvo-ray bandicoot (maybe with a little mohawk)

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Newbie here. On dragon mines how do I take that spiral turn? I either hit the wall or need to break.


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Well we had a good run

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Let go of accelerate. Hold down and brake at the same time while turning.

How the fuck do you do that?

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if you got the champion kart already why do it again

user that's an advanced tactic, just for now, jump around it

So you're just u turning across the ground here, right? Do you keep X held in or let go of it while doing so?

I'm a completionist and I like trying new kart setups.

Different kart or at the very least it's going to be a unique paintjob for each cup.

Anyone who gives a shit was in top 5% already. And if you weren't, it'll be even easier this time with less people grinding points.

Unless you really want the baby T legendary skin it won't matter.

Won't there be a new Kart for the next Grand Prix?

>unlocked Digi Tropy and Relice Platinum today
Fucking finally.

Been using these 3. Still waiting for Football Tiny to appear in pit stop, but I think I'll end up putting him in a Crikey Yellow Bandibuggy with the Spots decal and Team Cortex wheels.

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who would grind through all that bs again for a paintjob?

its a decal. thats ltierally it its the same kart but each gp has a different decal for that kart.


>it'll be even easier this time with less people grinding points.
Wrong desu, the more people there are, the easier it is to be in the top 5%

t. Megumi
Get cvcked by Norm, shitter.

But a lot of the people playing now will only be playing online and won't bother with the offline challenges anymore. If you're just going for the nitro leaderboard it'll be easier.

Where's Tawna Pink paint?
She has it on CTR TV, it's in promo images. Where is it??

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Oh thanks. I guess if it looks kinda shit I won't bother

>still no kart

i'm getting a little mad

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Nobody is asking you to grind every single Prix, you fools. If you want a rest, unlock the shit you want and take a rest

Nice, good shit. Your General Tiny could maybe do with a camo decal.

Dirt bike skin is too cool I'm sorry

>You can literally never play with them because nitro points
You are putting that restriction yourself

Given we know the next Grand Prix is literally 3 days from now, the data necessary to register the kart is probably batched in that update.

So nobodies gonna use their champion kart anyways as they'll be missing out on Nitro bonuses for not using one of the new ones.

I wish I had that decal but I ran out of wumps the day it showed up.

Lads I can literally feel it. How much you betting this is the worst roster of all time, but the 5% kart at the end of this baby roster is the LITERAL GOAT kart? Watch. Forced through hell. I cannot wait for the suffering.

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there is no new kart user, you will just get a new livery for the champion kart if you place top 5%

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I can't handle it when she looks at me

I can't

>missing out on content
My autism will not allow that.

Who, user?

how do you guys know the next gp starts in 3 days?
Activision and BENOOOOOOOX are silent.

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you mean the whole 4 extra points of nitro?

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At this point I'm just hoping the new tracks is nice and we get some good skins and karts.

I'm indifferent to the babies.

Forgot pic

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I'm honestly more excited for balance changes

Check the game

Scroll bar on the main menu.

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There's something so smug about winning with it. Everyone has to listen to my super loud hovercraft noises.

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she looks like she has a five o'clock shadow

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does anybody remember when this dropped for the original prix lads? I want the new one

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I'm holding Down + Right + Brake to make the turn radius extremely dramatic. You can roll your thumb between brake/acceleration as much as you like to adjust the turn so long as you don't let go of down.


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2 days before.

Can’t believe cortex was a trap this whole time

Between the GP kart and certain forbidden show I've noticed that people have become so fucking impatient over time. What happened?
Should beenox add in mutant racers to the game? Also this game was only memorable for the cutscenes lmao

What do you think the Cortex Vortex was this whole time? he was trying to convert the planet.

Is that Team Cortex Red?

post the whole image


….daily reminder that spyro comes RIGHT after this one, and that one will be the hypest, and the one you wanna go ALL in for

can´t wait for spyro, so hyped

I'll be so burned out after to consecutive GPs.

Think I'll skip the Pit Stop stuff for this one and save my coins for literally everything Spyro related.

same kart, different decal
gimme the goods, and shove off.

>Next GP already
>Sewer Speedway is still broken
>game balance is so bad it makes Mario Kart look balanced

Glad to know where their priorities are.

im a retard, thanks.


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>grand prix ends
>every online player is suddenly speedrunner tier now
it's just gonna get tougher the longer this game is out isn't it

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>no Elora
I'll stop caring as soon as I have Spyro.


Just play on the weekends and you can get both easily

As the population falls off, the people that are left over are generally higher skill.

>October GP
>Everyone is using obscure physics exploits to save 1s every now and then
>A bad corner is the difference between 1st place and 4th

where is car

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It doesn't help every online game is filled with Speed and Acceleration classes, these two classes shit on the Balanced and Turning classes by a significant margin. The balance between classes being so horrible makes the online experience worse than it should be.

But do you personally press acceleration during that webm? Or does the SF carry you throught he turn anyway?

>tfw I don't play online unless it's against my bro
I pity those who don't know the joys that I do.

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its crash but with an uka uka mask and a funny voice also the cowboy outfit

It's at least satisfying when they get what they wanted, only to quit.

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No, when you have SF and reserves or any forward momentum for that matter you don't need to press acceleration at all to continue going forward. The original was like this as well, so long as you had a turbo up or some momentum and were powersliding you could let go of acceleration entirely.

I don't play online

I literally can't believe we've entered the timeline where I'm about to see Crash and Spyro kicking it, canonically. You know they released those little interview cutscenes for the first prix?

If there isn't a cute cutscene of Spyro and Crash doing SOMETHING together, anything, high five, rough housing, anything, BOTCH. DELETE IT. SHUT IT DOWN. PLease god give me my wholesome mohawk boys being lads, PLEASE BEENOX. You're the only ones who can do it

Attached: d4379861f91a567f5a6968f5aae190eb.jpg (1535x1404, 240K)

>Beat everyone in Twilight Tour by a mile
>Return to Lobby
>Twilight Tour gets picked again
Do people just not learn their lessons or what

It's even funnier when it's during wumpa time
The retards are missing out the coins just because they're super butthurt that you beat them

>Beenox still have done nothing for offline coin rates
Shit tier devs

No, they really don't
They will run that track back to back to back until the host quits

right, thanks. I know how to u turn across the ground, but so often I find I lose speed and shortly after my SF/USF just runs out. I guess it's just a reserves thing

I think they wanted that challenge done. Either that or they messed up their USF in one of the laps and want a second shot

>That fucker beat
>I'll play TT again and this time will be different
I mean, this is a very healthy way to act. I've had pretty good battles for 1st on Twilight Tour with a guy that went on for like 4 lobbies.

No one's impressed by your class crutch Speedfag.

>no kart
>another GP in 3 days

Attached: 1499738572648.png (621x483, 284K)

Because all you need to win on Twilight Tour is one lucky break on the USF pad on lap one and to lay a beaker or nitro on the ramp up. Twilight Tour is so shit.

>"Oh cool. this guy is going so fast that he's saving us wumpa time so we can get more coins!"

why are people still picking twilight tour now that the thing is done

That's fine
What's the rest of the lobby's excuse?

>just trying to fix my autism and buy everything in the shop


Attached: 1563092288781.png (425x626, 523K)

>notification that grand prix has ended popped up while in lobby waiting for people to join
>still no kart available in customization
I already know game, stop telling me.

Hand me over your Wumpa coins right fucking now or I unload until we both hear the click sound

Attached: 1563372475034.png (290x290, 146K)

I hate that they make a crunch sound when characters bite them

>tfw finished 5.2%

Attached: 56A72630-4DA6-43B7-93D7-6406BD1E8748.jpg (1024x666, 53K)

That implies that I'm gonna survive

Maybe they want in on the action too?
There was also a "win 3 times on Twilight Tour" challenge so probably that's the main reason.

don't worry user there's always next month

Is this game as slow as it looks or does it feel more fast paced when playing?

Just take a break before then. It's not like the babies are important at all, especially since they will all eventually be in the pitstop

Dumb meathead. How am I supposed to hear fucking anything if I'm not alive?

Attached: 24.png (211x280, 107K)

Does this look slow to you?

>Post yfw no one but you will be able to play as N Trance for the next month

Attached: cinder.png (159x106, 24K)

you have no idea, user

Got the egg lad right on the day before the GP

Attached: 1539378138392.jpg (640x635, 99K)

any BR lobbies

requesting art of her stood in this pose nude on the pedestal and confetti raining down with one in front of her cooter like this please

its not smut it's t a s t e f u l l

Once you get down USF, there's no turning back user.

Attached: Hyper Spaceway Lobby Lapped.webm (720x404, 2.85M)


Attached: 777.jpg (550x550, 42K)

Is the USF pad on this map different than the rest? I swear I feel USF to be twice as fast.

Can we get a TRIPLE WUMPA XP WEEKEEND beenox? with 1 HOUR DAILY.

Gameplay videos never do CTR justice, especially since a lot of gameplay videos you'll see around here are of high level play that make it look easy.

A better comparison would be looking at DSP's travesty then looking at some WR's to see how dramatic the skill floor/ceiling is.

There's 2 tiers of blue fire.
N. Gin Labs is full of tier 1 but tracks like Tiny Temple and Twilight Tour have tier 2 pads.
Some tracks like Deep Sea Driving and Hyper Spaceway feature both tiers on different pads.
Tier 2 blue fire consumes your reserves way faster so you gotta be real careful with it.

This is why there needs to be some kind of tier system in place. What could you possibly get out of racing people who just can't compete? it's like playing against easy AI.

>daily raised to x8
>weekend remains the same to boost it to x10
>both are applied to offline as well
I just fixed your game Beenox.

There doesn't need to be
They should just go faster

>Grand Prix dailies come back
Uh guys?

It's not their skill level that's the problem, it's the items and infighting.

Ah, you're one of those types. We're done here.


How does the matchmaking even work anyway? Is it based on leaderboards? Game progress? The skill disparity in lobbies is pretty damn blatant sometimes.

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Literally not possible if some cunt knocks you out of USF after a turbo pad. That being said as someone who frequently DNF's entire lobbies being 1st is super safe comparatively to every other position.

it's a little of column A and a little of column B


>How does the matchmaking even work
It doesn't

Location based and that's about it.

>All these "Good" boosts
>Still keeps USF

Poor little bandicoot girl.

>People are actually surprised they fucked up the Champion Kart unlock
When have time-based scripts for unlocks ever worked properly

Attached: L1y.png (339x502, 368K)

>Finally manage to hit the Sewer Speedway shortcut all three times
>Go retarded and scrape up against the wall on the last turn, letting Oxide's ghost win by .02 seconds.

Attached: 1433319743285.gif (320x180, 2.09M)

I hope the new track is good because I’m sure we’ll be seeing it a lot.

Built up enough reserves in the previous two laps I'd say.

On the Switch version I suddenly have dailies and weeklies I can do again

It's gonna be Twilight Tour with a Dragon Mines spiral

>USF speed spiral forces players to ascend to a plane of good that they never realize existed
bring it on

probably be based on the prehistoric levels from warped

The short clip that's been floating around looks really cool. More interesting than Twilight Tour from the looks of things.

If i do a time trial for the first time and my result is already better than N. Tropy, do i still have to beat the ghost or just having the better time is enough?

Attached: 1560599709325.jpg (399x399, 19K)

you have to do it again against tropy and oxide
the real test is proving you can do it consistently :^)

Bring back the Summer Dingo!
Bring back the egg!
Bring back the summer Egg!
Fuck Baby Coco!
Fuck Back Crash!
FUCK Baby T!

Attached: 1563238057121.png (422x429, 286K)

>do i still have to beat the ghost
Yes, same as the original unfortunately.

Yyes, this also goes for beating n.tropy and you beating oxides time in that one

You still have to beat the ghosts

Jesus Christ why has the quality of discussion just plummeted?

all I ask

all I ask is this beenox

Give me this mercy

don't put the baby characters in diapers

please don't do it. just trust me on this, don't

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>still not Champ kart

Attached: 1563496798445.jpg (313x235, 100K)

You sure will

Attached: current crash fanbase on v.png (1881x242, 80K)

Blame vg and discord

>Fuck Baby Coco!
>Fuck Back Crash!
>FUCK Baby T!
please watch your language user. Don't invite (((them)))

Grand Prix fatigue.

no news, no new content, a lot of people are burnt out after the GP

and Ninteny-earolds

Adding baby characters to an already furry as fuck game means it's already too late. Even if they didn't have diapers, that can of worms is open already.

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Advice for shaving down my time on Tiny Arena?

It's a kart racer. There's only so many things you can discuss.

>tfw phone posting at work and realizing that when I get home in a few hours it's likely my Champion kart will still not be waiting for me

Feels bad Bandibros

fight the urge to jump on every bump, boost perfect over them

Attached: 95345C32-4658-4D0E-84F7-843D95CDC884.png (581x503, 93K)

>play as any non-speed character
>skill immediately drops 300%

Attached: 0bc.jpg (210x235, 10K)

yeah how about we move ctr threads to vg for good

>le Sacred Fire le Ultimate Sacred Fire xd

Attached: 1555147291985.gif (224x224, 3.8M)

I do better with accel because they don't feel like you're drifting on ice

I thought N. Gin Labs had a tier 2 on the first USF pad, at least it has in the PSOne version.

*reverses, coming to a screeching halt*

Attached: 1562572235358.png (1455x1450, 1.87M)

yes, and he doesn't automatically appear on the next retry. you have to close out of the race, select his ghost, and then wait for the level to load again

Ah shit, thank Bandi/v/ros, that is going to be a lot of racing...

Attached: 065778768.gif (480x361, 414K)

>Another GP of "Random Speedfag/Accelfag manages to get away from the pack and not get item raped at the beginning of the race so they have a free victory and DNF the entire lobby" episode

This game is a fucking joke online lmao. Half your victory is achieved by picking Speed/Accel classes.

the best discussion of a game is always in the speculation phase before it actually comes out. just look at smash threads. best or most autistic, depending on your frame of reference

Mad that "blue fire" never caught on?

blame speedrunner autism
I have no problem saying blue flame instead of USF but I can't think of a decent shorthand for the other boost tiers.

they said the day the next GP starts

do not jump on hills, just boost as often as you can. that applies for EVERY stage


unless naughtydog or beenox come out and give them an actual name, we're stuck with names that some frenchies coined before you were even born.
not like it'd stop people from calling it the acronyms anyway, similar to how fighting games have unique names for supers/snapbacks/tags but they'll be called supers/snapbacks/tags because fuck mixing the language from game to game

Got something to say, round eye?

large flame

Making an honest woman out of Liz

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I just want the Summer Bundle with N Trance back...

Attached: 1561799510821.png (629x581, 24K)

So is Nitro GP stuff still in the shop? I got everything but a set of wheels and I'm considering grinding that entire part category to get it before BABIES drop.

Cuck. She's had enough cock for 7 laps of Electron Avenue


>mfw picturing all the bandibabies/villains making the most retarded fucking noises when passing you/boosting
>there will be hundreds of them

Attached: N.Courage.png (1000x1409, 445K)

Highest sexual energy in the game

Attached: L1.png (280x268, 105K)

>gimme da trofee. with it i will take ova tha woooorld. c'mon

Yes, flags came back for me.

good thing i listen to music while i play

Abandon ship, user.

Attached: CortexBaby.png (210x240, 69K)

Attached: 180px-Wave_of_Babies.png (180x278, 60K)


the lower case n is legit funny

I can't hear the game so I'll be fine

The cutest month is almost upon us fellas.

git gud

Just be glad it's not baby zem shitting himself on purpose

And im one of them. Ill still make her a wife

Being skilled and avoiding shit item RNG are by far the bigger factors in winning online races compared to character stats.

actually true and smart post

Whos rdy for all the porn


FUCK, I'M ON 43K WUMPA.. If I just buy the rest of the characters, i'll be okay, haha.. right...

game is fucking my mental health swear to god

I thought we all agreed to renaming it "U So Fast"

Attached: bike2.png (744x637, 275K)

Does any paint job look decent when matched up with default Ami that isn't her own green one?

black nigger

how about just trance purchasable by himself

I hate the idea of baby versions of characters, but I'd main the fuck out of Baby Crash if he got the biker skin.

Tell me about your day, user

What if nobody gets the champion kart until all the GPs are done?

Post your main without actually posting him/her

Attached: B6C4D95B-5E72-4BD8-8142-9D3B367C9EFF.png (1191x1422, 1.21M)

fuck all that. I already placed in the first one, so as long as I get it anyway, I'm not grinding anymore

user, most of the expensive things will be the paints, skins, and stickers. A character only costs 1500 and there really aren't that many. with 43k, you're more than safe to scoop them all up and then ride out the GP buying the new stuff. If you're paranoid, keep track of your income and spending and use that to prepare for future GPs, you're going to eventually run out of things to buy that aren't from GPs

Well I want Dingodile's and N Trance's summer skins as well.

>Nitro grand prix leaderboard rankings and rewards coming soon

I mean if one's in there they should all be

thanks for the advice user. I've already scooped up half the wheels, just got a few more, and stickers and skins cost so god damn much. bought all the paints, however.

Stickers costing as much as they do, is so silly. 3k a fucking pack for a bunch of numbers, come on.

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190720211818.jpg (1920x1080, 397K)

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It’s not Nash it’s N.trance because egge

Attached: 31540A3F-7134-46DD-892B-30D844F30435.jpg (750x549, 73K)

Rate my egglad

Attached: 20190729_220312.jpg (3024x2747, 4M)

Is there anything more annoying than Coco and Penta mains?
Do speedrunners refuse to play as anyone else?

Attached: elmer.png (291x246, 116K)

user, you can't just post 2 characters and expect people to know which one you meant

Just checkout the time trial leaderboards

N. Trance and Ripper Roo
here's mine

Attached: 612 2Db-oWL._SL1200_.jpg (1200x1200, 85K)

That’s where you’re wrong kiddo

Chuckled heartily. If remapping L2/R2 to d-pad down becomes more widespread and more people can u-turn eaaier, I could see lobbies like this

>get unlucky


Always play with your lucky horseshoe


>The absolute state of the "balanced" class

I deserved that loss, it was on me for not rolling triple missiles when my opponent did


Attached: 1521101609026.jpg (419x480, 81K)

>shitter gets mad that nobody but him picked his babymode map
>disbands the lobby during the loading screen
honestly fuck this game

Accel vs 'juiced' All-around please?

Attached: cr1500257835647.gif (264x313, 2.73M)
Here's your balanced class bro

Fuck you wojack.

>switch updating

>New update is going to consist of people actively attacking infants for the sake of coins and nitro.

Attached: 1861974_1.jpg (630x630, 58K)

triple missiles should be removed from the game entirely desu
you can lock down any position for as long as you want with absolutely zero effort

Why is there a temple dedicated to Tiny on an alien planet?

Attached: samoos.jpg (300x324, 52K)

Who honestly thinks this is okay

Like, just from a balancing standpoint

Attached: 1558444445674.png (951x861, 630K)

Should replace them with triple potions.
It would make the track more chaotic but also make it more difficult for someone to race ahead well beyond anyone reach

CNK ending spoiler: they unironically worship him. I don't get it either.

He had Velo's staff
He was the most powerful person in the galaxy

Naughty Dog
and Beenox followed their example blindly instead of adapting the balance for online play

They worshipped him before that happened though.

god of swole

Tiny mastered time travel

Here comes Tiny

Attached: tiny.png (40x40, 2K)

Mine's been on the current version, you were behind somehow.

Everyday we stray further from Aku Aku's grace.

>be in 1st, getting targeted by a orb on lap 1
>the orb goes right passed me
>on last lap in 2nd, the orb finally hits me and the guy in 1st
>steal 1st from him on the last turn
Get Fucked Krunkfag

Attached: N Tombed Cortex.gif (500x560, 3.07M)

Joke character based on a cheap Crash toy the dev team found.

Creating babies with Liz

Attached: 25047866-1383-43C8-B530-BAC4837C93BB.jpg (644x363, 16K)

I'm pretty sure that level is supposed to take place after the story, it's probably a result of the game being super rushed

actually on that note it's a miracle that most Crash games are as good as they are considering almost all of them seem to have had incredibly troubled dev cycles
fucking Universal, man
Activision may be a shit company but at least these days they don't treat the series with the sheer disdain that Universal had for it

Welcome to CBT:SM online.

Attached: 20190729_214738.jpg (2560x1440, 1.25M)

>Liz is solely responsible for the worst grand prix
Another reason why Liz is the worst

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t. rump ranger pedo who wants babies

Attached: D1A3ABC2-95E2-4F55-A00B-55573130B068.gif (480x320, 678K)

My womb time just ended. What do I buy

Attached: 20190729_225151_compress91.jpg (1577x1418, 279K)

>australian animals
>villains that live off an island off the coast of australia
ONE (1) Australian accent.

Rattlesnake just in case it disappears forever.


save your money, you get fuck all on weekdays so you need to make it count

Rattlesnake before all the GP items are gone in 3 days.

only chads use rattlesnake on their bandibuggies

that's what happens when you force them to watch non-australian media, they adopt what they were forced to learn

don't make me post it, fucker

Just got the game installed and never played the original, any tips for a first time racer?

Attached: E324CFD5-71D0-441F-B4E4-81C5A5688D07.jpg (164x206, 6K)

rattlesnake and what else

Get used to drifting 80-90% of the time.

Invent a time machine, travel 20 years in the past. Practice CTR for twenty years.

>still selling nitro squad bundles in the shop
>realise i probably won't get n. trance for months
Since he's part of the Summer bundle what happens to him in fall and winter?

Attached: I keep screaming but God doesn't answer.jpg (866x1024, 177K)

oh you'll get him in january

If you really like crash/crunch get one, but otherwise save until tomorrow's rotation.

Not him but you guys can't be serious. Why would they add items to the game and then remove them forever? wouldn't they just stay in the Pit-Stop?

Quick, what should I buy Yea Forumsros?

Attached: IMG_20190722_212621.jpg (1920x1080, 118K)

what's available to you? I'm the user you replied to so you aren't me

I wish this game was on PC.
I got to play for a lil while but i cant be arsed to buy a switch just for this.
and i hardly care for the rest of the catalog.
also where the fuck are the actual good characters? Spyro, Dr.Nefarious Brio, K.K Kong. Nina Cortex and Gorilla Roo?

You're already highlighting it bro

Save for the next GP in 3 days.

the items are tagged as "GP Limited" so they're just assuming that they'll be removed from rotation like how we haven't seen the 2 summer bundles since the GP started.

that empty is looking pretty damn good

Just like some Fortnite items? Beenox could still jew it out and make the game a Micro-transaction hell any moment.

Wow I sure am glad I bought that dumb princess and summer pack before this GP stuff happened.

Attached: 1550059347207.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

>you better buy shit while it's available or it's gone forever!
>oh but we're not going to give you enough coins to actually buy everything. lol fuck you.
This remake is turning out to be a Bethesda tier dumpster fire.

>actual good characters
>the koala
>the monkey

>Blizzard Beach
Kek someone has been to Disney World. Blizzard Bluff..

>wanting nu-Elora
shit taste

I had not considered that
Kill me

Yes, Both are fun memorable characters from the original games.

Makes me wish we had seasonal themes for all the tracks, although that is pretty unrealistic.

Making Isabella a mother.

Attached: 1562285541537.jpg (733x879, 125K)

Fuck you.
I was hoping they would come back after the GP but then the main page says "The Pit Stop items will reset in 4 days."
Cool, in 4 days I can buy that stuff I missed.
Next day the main page days "New GP in 3 days :^)"
Fuck, I just wanted that shit back in the store if even for a day.

Koala was so unmemorable he got replaced by tiny and the monkey is a meme.

Attached: 1527899415397.gif (200x150, 2.59M)

True. Kids are starting to develop vaguely American accents here in kiwiland.


I believe there's more than 2 tiers. We know N.Gin Labs' usf you get from the boost pads is slower than in Tiny Temple, but the usf from the tunnel is even slower.

All usf are the same in the ps1 version.

How in the fuck is Bash one of the original games? It was a cash grab that wasn't even made by ND.

Arguably the last good and legit fun crash game.



Attached: VATS mode.gif (500x241, 474K)

I started listening to other stuff like podcasts and music because of this grand prix

Not him but it wasn't. It was a horrible cash grab.

have a job and a gf, get fucked

Doing the Hyper Spaceway shortcut with USF is satisfying as fuck. I can never hold USF after it though

>getting this defensive over being called a neet

Attached: based medic.jpg (474x503, 32K)

t. he didnt have friends or family to play with.
It a fun as fuck game with some hilarious grunts and games.
Bandwagoners like you who probably didnt have any friends wouldnt understand.

imagine thinking shitposting doesn't exist

It was a typo. It's actually top 5.

>all this projection
lol. We played good vidya instead like THPS2 and WWF No Mercy. Crash Bash was a fart in the wind.

>lying 4 channer neet claims to have a gf and job
Its not even Tuesday

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