Is there a reason to play link to the past if i already played Link between worlds?

I've tried link to the past many times and never finished it, mostly on emulators cause i never had snes. Dungeons look very similar and so does the overworld

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U avin' a giggle m8?

similar but different is all i can really say.

I mean if you have played 1 top down zelda you are going to be looking at more of the same puzzles in any following games.


As i said, i've never had snes, dumbass. And i lived in Russia, where 80s, 90s were all part of 00s.
Not really, i'm just setting up priorities for zelda games. Don't see a reason to play new links awakening, for instance cause i had the gameboy color version back in the day

Ive played oracle games, links awakening, minish cap back in the day and link between worlds. Also tried to play ds zeldas but hated touch controls


Same OP
I could never get into a link to the past
Beginning is kinda slow and the game is just so fucking ugly

>Also tried to play ds zeldas but hated touch controls

There are patches that give them normal controls.

Yeah basically that's the only difference. Harder dungeons that all look the same and ugly sprites.

is this "ALBW is LttP remastered!" meme an elaborate troll? I can't believe this bullshit is still flying around

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It did start development as a remake.

ALBW doesn't have a Randomizer

ok, and?

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Yes. In fact, I beat ALBW recently and am playing through ALttP for the first time right now.

Both are great games for different reasons.

That there is a basis for that argument. I'm playing Demise's advocate.

If you don't like a game, stop playing it. How hard is that to figure out?

>it started development as a remake
>therefore, the game is a remake
Is this the """""""""""argument""""""""""""""? That's ridiculous.
Also, I bet that people don't even know this information you provided to begin with, to get to this stupid conclusion.

I'm just saying it's understandable that some people think it's a remake. Chill out, dude.

But I enjoy being angry! Otherwise I'd have left Yea Forums a long time ago.

The dungeons are very different, alttp gives you many more tools and spells to play with. The magic cape and Bombos medallion are fun to use

Being angry costs so much energy, man. You gotta learn to relax. Stop and smell the Silent Princesses.

>Being angry costs so much energy, man.
On the contrary, and I need to commute back home soon, too.

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unironically best zelda game

They're very different games. If you've tried ALTTP multiple times and can't get into it that's just not gonna change. I've never completed ALTTP myself, but I fucking live ALBW. It's my second favorite top down Zelda after Minish Cap. You don't have to like every game from a franchise you like user. It took me a long time to learn that.

OOT>BOTW>MM>MC>ALBW>TP>Zelda>Zelda II> ALTTP>>>>>>>Shit>>>>>>>SS=The rest of the toon Link trash.

Think of your blood pressure. You don't wanna have a heart attack before BotW2 comes out, do ya?

Plus the Cane of Somalia.

Not the cane of Paki?

>no links awakening or oracle games
They are much better than MC

Again, quite on the contrary. I need to prepare my body for the rage overflow I'll feel when playing BotW2 with all the wasted potential I'll see everywhere. Fuck you, Nuntendo, and fuck half of your Zelda development choices.

Rushed that post at work. I knew I was forgetting something.

I did like the game though just somehow never finished it and had enough of trying to get into dark world for 10th time.
I think it looks good but there’s something that puts me off. I really like how links awakening or minish cap look for instance but link to the past makes me go kinda bored? It’s kinda dark or something.

The best Zelda games are the direct sequels, man. They get the whole "get sword kill Ganon save Zelda" shtick done, then they get to go crazy and experiment with the formula.

Good one, wrong game though.

How about the Book of Fedora?

>*turns page* mulady

Dunno mate, I only enjoyed the 3D Zelda games (minus SS) and Minish Cap.

If you have to force yourself to try and enjoy a game, it's not for you dude

Oracle ones were my first zelda games but i prefer links awakening and minish cap, op here.
Tbqh, skyward sword is the only 3d zelda that i have not yet played, i just prefer handheld zeldas i guess, but is skyward sword that bad? Can’t be worse than ds zeldas and controls and ship/train mechanic are the only things that i dislike. Skyeard sword seems fun dialogue and character wise.

I’ve never said that I didn’t like link to the past but it would just feel like a chore replaying the same first half of the game over and over again. Also the game kinda feels old to me for some reason (maybe cause its old), yet I don’t have that issue with links awakening. Maybe cause it was my childhood game or maybe cause it’s just more fun and has a less serious tone to it.

On ds as well? How do they compare to other handheld zeldas?

please please please pleasepleasplease

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Yes, it is. The presentation in the game deserved a better narrative. Characters are fine I suupose, but the story itself is still barebones. More importantly that psuedo-open world thing they did with all the tedious back tracking is a slog to get through. I can suspend my disbelief easily enough, but when you're right at the end and these ugly as dragon things tell you that you're not worthy after beating their temple until you collect a bunch of stupid musical notes I just can't excuse it. There's a lot stupid padding and questionable design decisions throughout the game.