He's almost here, bros.
Smash 4.0 Update/Hero Thread
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why can't smash just die
I really want more than 2 fucking tracks this time, Square
why can't you just die?
I just hope he's fun. I want a character with sword hitboxes that's actually fun to play.
I want another suprise bonus character like piranha plant
Either geno or porky
Ridley buffs, Kirby buffs, a Porky mii costume
Hero will probably technically be the best character in the game, but he'll be too complicated to use 100% optimally. Kirby will not be buffed.
Porky is completely deconfirmed in every way shape and form, a top tier gets buffed
how possible is they buffed the parry mechanic?
I'm at the point where I can pull it out fairly frequently but what is the point if there still shit I cant punish such as Chrom/Roy retard forward tilt.
2 or 3 less recovery frames after a parry would make thinks more even.
Corrin is fun.
she sucks though
make it so you can parry without having to shield
Stage is fun, maybe competitively viable ( But not played in Tournaments because 3rd party music )
Balance patch buffs more Low Tiers
Hero is not too unfun to play against
More content besides him, his stage & spirits
Stage's fun enough
Hero is unfun to play against & to use, but not too unbearably good
Balance Patch buffs a couple characters & nerfs some Top Tier
Home Run Contest
Hero is unfun to play against and use AND he's Top Tier
No side content
Balance Patch is practically inexistant with needless nerfs
Literally this. Even a single extra frame would be appreciated.
I hope the update includes a new game mode.
Can't wait to see how the fuck Hero is gonna work. I fear that they'll take back their statement of a Feb 2020 Fighter's Pass completion date if the 4th fighter is not announced in some sort of Banjo-Kazooie gameplay explanation vid and the character then releases in December.
We're getting a video tomorrow, and the update is slated for the 31st according to a deleted tweet from Nintendo Europe
That Sakurai doesn't spend the whole 20 minutes explaining Hero's moveset. Home Run Contest would be nice too.
The same kind of rundown we got with Joker: Moveset breakdown, stage showcase, Mii costume reveals, etc.
That Hero is too complicated that Sakurai will spend the whole show explaining how he works.
I want a Boss Rush and/or Smash Run!
Keep in mind that its the 31st for Europe, so chances are we get Hero at a regularly scheduled time (10AM JST)
That's not what you asked for, you asked for a sword character that's fun to play. If how good they are is the actual problem, you don't need a totally new character to solve that, you just need Corrin to get buffed.
Well we're getting more than two spirits this time
>tfw both your mains fly under the radar just enough to never get nerfed despite having some pretty busted stuff
Surprise Banjo & Kazooie drop.
Stupid bullshit not being tweaked. Characters who didn't need buffed getting buffed.
Ridley getting nothing, or worse, nerfs.
>Surprise Banjo & Kazooie drop
lower those hopes. i get that they're hopes, but if it took this long for Hero, we're not seeing Banjo for another month or so
ridley's n air is gonna get nerfed, the rest untouched
sakurai said he wasn't even finished, so 3 months at least. fuckin christ.
Mii Costume massacre to change up rosterfagging
Please help me sakurai
t. bowser jr enthusiast
i don't understand how rosterfagging is still going, honestly.
I meant to say few months or so
I can tolerate mii costumes if they are like skull kid or spring man. Not if they are like Rex and Knuckles (Just a mii with a costume on)
>nair nerfed
If they nerf anything about him, especially his ok tools, I will be all sorts of pissed off. You better not jinx it you asshole.
Why have you posted that cursed image?
I'm also hoping we get a surprise bonus character like Porky, I think it would make sense if the entire fighters pack were 3rd parties while the bonus characters are 1st parties
>the bonus character is a Three Houses rep
I just want more than two songs :(
No problems there as long as it's not a standard sword fighter
Holy fucking based Glover poster
I want more echo fighters.
This is the list.
Are you content with it?
ganon nerf, ike nerf, isabelle buff, rob buff, pacman buff, any new mode, higher custom stage save limit, more backgrounds for custom stages, fixing olimar's shield
hero being called broken for 2 weeks then being mid tier or 'fine', a new mode
ganon buffs, ike buff, bowser jr nerfs, the server being down for 8 hours again
Why are people treating this as a leak? It's pretty obvious it's just things he wants to happen
How would you feel about a $15 echo pass that comes with 7-10 echoes, no stages, and 2 additional tracks per echo? (EG: A sonic echo would add 2 more Sonic songs), with the echoes individually being around $3-4
i butchered my pricing because I was thinking of 2 seperate ideas
>$15 for 5 echoes
>$25 for 10 echoes
Make it $10 and I'm sold. Echoes are way less work than full characters, so they should be way cheaper too.
actually he's coming on the 31st, with the video releasing tomorrow
I'd put money for that faster than I would for the regular pass. Save for Banjo, it's saying something when I'm more excited for glorified reskins than full-fledged fighters.
Hero is fun to play as and covers my weaknesses as a solid secondary
Broken character, but people will be bad at him because complicated
He’s not that complicated and everyone plays him just because he’s good
Non-DQ fans can fuck offffffff
Break the targets mode. They could literally just add a breakable target to the stage builder and I would be happy with that.
Ridley buffs
Kirby buffs
Random character balancing that nobody saw coming
Some kind of new online feature
Hero being dog shit and not fun to play as
Ridley nerfs
Kirby nerfs
Kirby / Ridley bro. Yes.
I have bittersweet feeling about the possibility of Geno costume returning. On one hand if Geno gets his costume back, that's pretty much hard deconfirmation. If it isn't there we don't EVEN get the costume and we go back to living in this bullshit limbo where he could be couldn't be for months.
Oh also I want home run contest. Love that shit
there won't be any bonus characters except MAYBE new echoes. it's foolish to expect anything else at least before the 5th fighter pass character is released. I don't even think there will be more content after that though but if there is it probably won't be for a long time
Why would anyone ever want Geno over a better Mario RPG rep like Paper Mario or Fawful?
>Non-DQ fans can fuck offffffff
Gatekeepers can fuck offffffff
In less than 1.5 hours Sakurai will debut his 4.0 let's play.
Because Fawful is trash! He'd literally be a Bowser Jr. echo!
Steam punk wooden puppet with heavy artillery and techinicolour rainbow magic. Or mario but flat.
Fawfuls alright. A little too annoying for my taste though.
wait what the fUCK
this, SE really really really wants this to be the time when DQ finally gets popular in the west and they will do everything to let that happen. Sakurai said that SE normally wouldn't allow some of the DQ protagonists to be depicted fighting each other but made an exception for smash bros.
Nerf Pikachu. He's busted.
He's more likely to get in, so everyone just settles for him
YUP!!! Make that an hour and 20 minutes. DLC is coming tommorrow so be excited!!!
I think you're a day out, buddy
sorry bro its 16 hours from now that the presentation starts
>Sakurai decides to add a small number of Echo fighters once the Fighter Pass is totally finished for no additional charge
Who do you want? Be reasonable, these are Echoes, so they will be from franchises already represented and will have to be largely based on an existing Fighter.
"Everyone is Here" doesn't ring true to me when there's a fighter who previously had a fully established, separate identity as a fighter and was rolled back into a combination fighter and has to play completely differently. It's like if they went back to Sheik/Zelda combo.
>Mega Charizard X: to bring back Smash 4 Charizard as an independent character. Add some tweaks to make him stand out more from his P.Trainer equivalent, obviously returning Rock Smash. Final Smash is Outrage.
MGS2 Raiden
Jeanne for Bayonetta, Tails for Sonic, Ninten for Ness
I find it strange how everyone asks for Raiden even though he's better known now for his appearance in revengence which isn't really suited to him being an echo. you could equally have naked snake or venom snake as echoes for snake. MGS2 Raiden would work fine but a lot of people don't like that game as much as mgs1, 3 or 4.
mgs2 is the best mgs
-Hilda to contrast Zelda's cheery nature
-Blood Falcon using the GX design to give Falcon a rival and a new rep for F-Zero
-While I don't want this and she's very unique to have her own stuff, Dixie Kong with DK's Up-B with a slow descent and her hair being used for grabs.
-Long shot, but Paula for Ness. Chrom set the standard and I won't budge until he's patched out Robin's FS.
If the "same franchise" rule has to be enforced:
>Metal Sonic (Sonic) - Replace one of the two Spindashes with Black Shield. Just a cosmetic change, but a nice callback.
>Shadow (Sonic) - A long shot, but just give him a Teleport upB
>Hector (Ike) - Basically just Ike, but with an axe. The axe has a sweetspot at the axe head, like Marth's Falchion
If the "same franchise" rule DOESN'T have to be enforced:
>Giygas (Mewtwo) - I've seen the one idea, and I genuinely think it's great, and another villain is always good
funky kong
Watch, we’re gonna get more than two tracks but they’re all the midi versions instead of the orchestral ones
I hope ZSS doesnt get hit too hard with nerfs now that she seems to be the trendy character to complain ablut along with Joker. I stuck with her since launch and shes just too much fun, you actually need a modicum of technically ability to do well with her unlike most other characters
Just give me Shadow, all I want.
>buy the fighters pass
>first one is a tranny-looking anime boy(?) that wields a blade that has all recycled moves except for the grappling hook
>upcoming one is more anime trannies wielding a blade that seems to be all recycled moves as well except for kamikaze
>third one looks like a nick jr. or barney character
How much hope do we have for DOOMguy and King?
galacta knight, ninten and mrs. pac-man are all i care about
DLC costumes for characters other than the miis. Isabelle buffs. Teaser for Fighter Pass #4 with the full reveal coming at EVO.
Hero looks cool. Homerun Contest is added.
It's all Hero gameplay, with a look at the stage and music. No new modes or anything else. Geno Mii returns.
MGS2 Raiden.
Have him be faster and lighter but deal less danage than Snake.
Have his dash attack be a cartwheel.
I wanna say his chances are pretty high, given that he's one of the last major icons to get in, the first 3 DOOM games were re-released on switch, DOOM 16 and DOOM Eternal are on Switch, Bethesda talked to Nintendo about Smash, and Sakurai's team aren't opposed to working with western developers.
Dumping in the namco/mh stuff should be enough to kill theoryfags and the hot new leak floating around
doomguy is confirmed, no tekken characters will be in
>DLC Costumes
Should we tell him?
Doomguy got leaked by reliable sources
I just want a new Xeno rep that isn't Rex/Pyra/Mythra
Venom Snake (much better CQC, much worse projectiles)
Shadow (give his moves slighty different properties tho. maybe make like one or two moves completely different? basically make him like Chrom)
Jeanne from Bayo
>t. 360kiddie trying to be cool in school
>doomguy is confirmed
h- he is?
don't fuck with me user, he's my #1 pick
please don't be fucking with me
how do I delete downloaded maps?
>anime trannies
quantify this in words
>Either bought the fighter pass before the game was released or bought the fighter pass after seeing the first character and not liking it
You only have yourself to blame dogfucker.
>a character from the early 90s and a PS1 character
Nice of you to out yourself though, when the 360 is the first things that come to your mind, little zoomy.
Black Shadow as a Ganondorf echo with his old smashes back
Raichu as a Pikachu echo
you think a gay furfag will actually do this? Considering their track record he's probably a kid-fucker.
>SE really really really wants this to be the time when DQ finally gets popular in the west and they will do everything to let that happen
Smash can't even make people like Edgy Pit or Baracat, they should just be grateful it's being represented in Smash at all.
This shit's gone too far
>hurr gatekeeping bad
Based retard. Gatekeeping is literally what keeps a community good and not gatekeeping is what killed Yea Forums
I just want them to fix Falcon's initial dash and turn around animation. That's all I want, I don't ask for much. They've been good to him with the last buffs and they can leave him like that forever if they want, just fix the fucking dash and turn around.
As BASED as King would be, I don't think anyone from One Punch Man is going to be playable. They've got to add Goku before that becomes a thing.
you already know who it's gonna be
You're telling me I can't hope for a Big Boss alt but Mii costumes are okay?
a successful parry should be entirely lagless
people just wanna see Super Mario RPG get some love
Okay, user, I'll bite. Redpill me on why exactly gatekeeping is a good idea.
Since they haven't been mentioned in any of the replies yet, Octoling for Inkling and Gooigi for Luigi would be fun if they want to take from more recent games.
fuck, i dunno, because he got the hero exactly? like 4 out of 4?
Look at your 3 most played characters in Ultimate. The first and third get a desperately needed buff, the second gets 2 nerfs that neuter them.
How do you fair?
Down-B now reflects projectiles
It's now way easier to mash out of Cargo Carry
B-air doesn't kill until 120%
>Dr Mario
Dr. Tornado only has 10 frames of recovery.
Why the fuck would Black Shadow take Ganondorf's old moveset? He's not slow at all, his machine is just around fast as Captian Falcon's in the games. I hope you aren't suggesting this just because he's muscular and big
>mega charizard x
>not machamp
Machamp could be an incineroar echo with his neutral b and side b changed
>Neutral B: Focus Punch
More powerul than Warlock Punch but slower
>Side B: Rock Smash
Works identically to charizards rock smash in smash 4
>Final Smash: All-out Pummeling
Identical to incineroara final smash in damage and knockback but now sports a different cutscene
Nintendo won't buff Ganon yet a-fucking-gain right?
Literally just because he's muscular and big. It's not like the car stats transition into the character's stats.
>oh yes PLEASE add a normal human with a gun instead of actual gaming icons
>anything I don't like is trans
You can't be real!!
Make that final smash a cross between incineroar and DK where Machamp ora ora's you into oblivion and I am 200% in
>3, 4, 8, OR 11 Hero
Yeah, I think it’s bs.
>He does't known about the Costume UI Limit in Sm4sh and Ultimate
Oh you lucky bastard
>People don't love Icin the Win
Nah, Neutral-B could still be a lariat. Just change it to Rapid Spin. Deals less damage, but is a multi-hit move that if positioned correctly is a combo confirm.
>Galacta Knight, costume be damned. Make him a straight port of Brawl MK, befitting of his planet-busting power
>Shadow: Sonic with Mewtwo teleport and Witch Time
>Akuma: Ryu/Ken with a more rushdown-offensive focus. Fireballs go diagonal down, Tatsu cancelled early leads to true combos, fitting Demon Flip in there somehow would be nice
But Captain Falcon is literally only as fast as he is because of the nature of F-Zero bieng a fast-paced racing game.
It makes no sense if we're going by the same logic.
Also, Black Shaodw couldn't even inherent the moveset, his proportions are way too different from Ganondorf's, and ganonorf in Smash hasn't been "Captain Falcon but slow" since Melee, his proportions were too different. And if you revert him to THAT state, you'd be doing a pretty piss-poor job at reserving the playstyle because his hitboxes wouldn't match and Flame Choke wouldn't carry over
If you don't properly gatekeep, your threads will naturally go to shit.
Back when the JoJo's anime first aired, threads were filled with people already intimately familiar with the series discussing it as an adaptation, and because of the series' general unpopularity in the West at the time, they were easy on the animeonlies.
Fast forward to now, and if you enter a JoJo thread, you'll see console war shitflinging (obviously coming from here since JoJo's wound up on Netflix and Toonami), terrible memes literally from Reddit, unironic "gaiz, what would my stand power be" and so on.
In short, because there wasn't proper gatekeeping, the threads became worse as more animeonlies were accepted and now they've hit an irredeemable point.
That's not the only example though. Yakuza threads used to be discussion about the series in general, people would say all the games are great, very minimal shitflinging.
Then 0 came out and was a hit.
This didn't change much at first, and again, the anons desperately catered to newfags so we wouldn't have another Yakuza 5 situation, unfortunately though, that led to the dark ages where retards would go to the threads, say Yakuza 0 is the only good game (because it's the only one they played) and shit it up. This has stopped now, but that's probably because series hyped died down.
Gatekeeping won't help DQ threads on Yea Forums at this point though, because they're on Yea Forums. Thanks to Smash, we have console wars in those threads over framerates and 'XI S content will TOTALLY get patched in guys'. As well as Smashtards going in to shit on the series, usually mentioning Sora or Kingdom Hearts.
Only good DQ threads exist on /vr/ and /vg/ now
>Dark Samus
Bring back the original shield damage on charge shot
Shit where to start
Arsene takes longer to come out, Eiha's curse damage removed, Tetrakarn doesn't stay out for a fucking century, I expect all of these and more in 4.0.0
Tail hitbox is now reaches all across the fucking stage
>almost never encountered online
>most discussion about him online is still mostly barafags
No one likes him Masuda
Air speed increased to being in the top 10 in the game, but still slower than Puff
>Little Mac
Halved super armor frames
F-tilt doesn't kill anymore
>Bowser Jr
F-throw kills at 100% on most characters
They take an idea from Brawl-, Down Smash now places landmines (would never happen but would make him hilariously broken)
>Young Link
They remove the milk drinking taunt
>Toon Link
He gets the milk drinking taunt
Will the next character be revealed before Banjo & Kazooie release?
>spend the whole 20 minutes
user, that was translated wrong. It's not going to have a designated amount of time. The whole 22:00 thing was suppose to be 10PM for Japan.
Captain Falcon is fast because he's based off of the first fighter designed for Smash, before it became a Nintendo crossover fighter.
>His proportions are way too different from Ganondorf's
Not really, other than having a larger hitbox on top due to being bulkier. He could still easily just be the Smash 4 "Falcon but slow" Ganondorf with a flame choke.
Hell, you could just make him a Falcon echo with flame choke instead of raptor boost, and give him Ganondorf's smashes (reduced in power).
Funky Kong.
What even could they add that would make the announcement take 20 minutes? We already got the Stage builder.
I guess a comparison for the character changes would be nice.
He is! Heres my source :)
*puts my butt to your ear and spreads my asscheecks*
>Captain Falcon is fast because he's based off of the first fighter designed for Smash, before it became a Nintendo crossover fighter.
That makes no goddamn sense. We don;t know if the first guy was fast, we don;t even know the overall pace of the game. You could just say he's based off of him moveset and model wise, but anything else is blind guessing
>Not really, other than having a larger hitbox on top due to being bulkier. He could still easily just be the Smash 4 "Falcon but slow" Ganondorf with a flame choke.
Which is why he can't be an echo, because echo skeletons have to be 1-to-1 with the fighter's Sakurai explicitly stated that Isabelle wasn't an echo because of her proportions, and given how close she is to Villager in that department, the criteria must be really damn strict. "Close enough" apparently isn't GOOD enough.
for modes left? theres still many things they can add, probably taking less than new characters and made by another team while Team A is working in balancing and the characters/stages:
>Break the targets/Board the Platforms, specially if its custom for all characters, maybe even expand the stage builder to create your own BtT/BtP stages
>Homerun contest/Target smash, with online leaderboards, it is rumored HRC is gonna be part of 4.00, probably fake, but we will know tomorrow anyway.
>Smash Run, add online and people will drool!
>Smash world maybe, its simple as shit and should not take much to port.
>Master and Crazy orders probably, but since theres not much collectable items (CDs are gone, trophies are gone, custom move parts are gone) maybe its not worth it.
And also, there can be new modes:
>Boss Rush/Vs Boss., pretty self explanatory.
>Boss Revenge, you choose a boss, and have to play as him, fending off a group of characters or your friends, kinda like the Master Hand battle, only with all the bosses and with multiplayer.
but Smash made people like Incineroar
>muh online
Well duh, he's not noob friendly.
>Boss Rush
I've wanted this since I finished WoL, but
>Boss Revenge
I would turbo nut.
I hope that Jade shows up in the DQ stage like the Phantom Thieves show up in Mementos. I’m in love with her. I also hope that maybe, just maybe, that’s FF gets more spirits/music when Hero gets released.
None of those things
Hero’s gimmick is too gimmicky for more competitive play
The magic will be specific to each Hero
>The magic will be specific to each Hero
Nope. Costumes don't even get stat changes, let alone alternate moves, otherwise they get seperate slots. That's why Dark Pit and Lucina were seperate slots as opposed to Pit and Marth costumes respectively.
I enjoy him and he turns out to be high or top tier, none of the other top or high tiers really mesh with my and its starting to hurt in tournaments
jank and crazy setups
I end up hating him or he sucks ass
>Ganon nerf
>ROB buff
This just screams "I'm a quickplay player only". How does one wish for a buff to a high tier and a nerf to a character that's one big gimmick and arguably mid-low tier. Learn the game you boner
How can they nerf Ridley? I don't even play as him but I consider it a free win as soon as I'm matched against him.
There's a post going around from December right after Joker was announced that has Doomguy, MH, Hero and Banjo. It's gaining traction hecause the Hero part mentioned the alts pretty explicitly
Ridley, K Rool, Samus buffs
Fucking nothing, Hero will be broken though
unnecessary nerfs
Balancing based off of online play is fucking stupid.
because its that fucking good, its unkillable
>Handsome immediately translates to tranny looking
Go outside
>how can they nerf Ridley?
By being retarded. And honestly, the balancing team is sort of braindead.
That is an excellent point
>Hmm, there aren't many Ridley's in Elite Smash and those that are aren't really winning much
>Better nerf him some more
I just don't know sometimes. Maybe it is true and Sakurai just doesn't like Ridley as a playable character and tells the team to keep him as low as possible.
>not an icon
There's no denying he's a human with guns, but you're going full retard
It’s just a more economic Mii situation
No, it’s because he and his team are literally fucking stupid. Remember Brawl? Remember how he thought Samus was overpowered in Sm4sh? The fact that they balance based off of online play should tell you that it’s not any resentment but rather complete fucking incompetence.
I’m sure there’ll be as much as Joker, it would be fucked if there were only like 2 tracks because the fighter pass made a big deal about The fighter, Stage, and MUSIC. Also one of the Nintendo directs really emphasized DQ11 music so if anything, I expect music from that game
>being in denial over small semantics
It's barely different from saying you can play as a or b. Both a and b are still options. Why else would he mention the colors being used to rep other protags?
DQ is already confirmed to be getting at least 12 spirits, I'm not too worried about music anymore
Square is just really fucking anal about Final Fantasy for some reason and not Dragon Quest
Are you retarded? The tweet literally says ~22 min
I’m pretty sure there’ll be no delay, it’ll be fine
>July 31st- Hero
>Mid-Late October- Banjo
-Mid-late December- Fighter 4
-Mid-Late February- Fighter 5
Sakurai said all fighters will release “before the end of February”, Eshop date even has it listed as February 31st 2020, probably just a place holder but every DLC character so far (even Plant) has released very late in the month of their release
The US tweet picture. The Japanese tweet says nothing about that. There is no time duration listed and Sakurai even says that it won't be like a standard direct because it's going to be live and unscripted. You really think they would just be like "Opps, we didn't show everything, but it's 22 minutes already, so we have to go."
No, it's more likely it's not even going to take that long. I give it 15 minutes, maybe less.
>February 31st 2020
I should hope so, since no such date exists. Sometimes I wonder about Nintendo and their competency.
Boss Rush would be so easy to implement too my god, just have it be like the Brawl, which has a waiting area, if I remember correctly. It sucks rn because not all characters can fight some of the bosses because WOL bosses (besides Galeem/Darkohn) can’t be replayed without starting all over. Plus, they can keep adding more if they really wanted to.
Oh shit my bad lmao
Same leaker that leaked when he’s coming out said this, still holding out for boss rush though
>Ms. Pac-Man: pic related
>Galacta Knight: Slap a shield (like the Links and Hero have) on Meta Knight
>Gooigi: Literally just Luigi but he shoots gooballs instead of fireballs
>Octoling: Certain attacks are slower but deal more damage and knockback (i.e. Forward Smash goes from Inkbrush to Octobrush, Neutral Special goes from Splattershot to Octoshot, etc.)
another human with a sword. So exciting, can’t wait.
>Forward Smash goes from Inkbrush to Octobrush,
okay, but hear me out.
Change Side-B from Roller to Octobrush, it moves faster, but doesn't bury. Change Fsmash from a Inkbrush swing to a ganon/ike-esque Roller slam
>Geno costume
Obvious, but still sad. Why does SE need to be greedy and make us pay for it again?
>Unga Bunga
>not noob friendly
No one likes him even after being shoved into Smash, get over it
>home run contest
fuck yeah I hope they add that mode I played maybe 30 total minutes across the entire series
Remember when HRC was required to unlock some stuff?
>Been wanting a DQ rep since Brawl
>It finally happens
>Looks like the most 200 IQ character in the game
>tfw too brainlet to ever be competent with him
still gonna play him to 200 GSP and back
We shall see how much brain power he requires tomorrow. I'm betting it won't be as much as you think. The only problem will be if spells do turn out to be random, or require certain percentages to access. I see a lot of people killing themselves trying to use Zoom, instead of going for Swoosh.
>Showcasing mii costumes
>The ssb x mario rpg screen comes up
>It's a mallow hat
>No geno costume in sight
How would you react?
Pleas make Incineroars down-B not the worst counter in the game anymore.
Home run contest and/or Boss rush, those are the 2 modes i want the most
Hero and stage thoroughly explained, Mii costumes, music
No music remixes, unnecessary nerfs to Joker and Lucina, new deconfirms with Mii costumes
Shocked and maybe a little mad. Because I wouldn't put it past Sakurai to not put Geno in still and for it to just be a ruse.
Shulk's vision is the worst counter in the game tho, hell. Witch Time is probably even worse
A Bowser echo being Midbus would never happen but it would be fucking cool. He could even replace Bowser's flamethrower with an "icethrower"
This, please. I'm not into online so I need some reason to come back and play.
That's not Lucario's bullshit. At high percents, if you use it in the air, you are likely to just kill yourself. At least with those two, you will likely still recover easily
It's not really meant to be a normal counter though. Just stack uses of it to get a super powered move
Homerun contest with spirits allowed
more FF7 music
pichu nerfs and ridley and k rool buffs
showing off hero and nothing else
Geno Mii costume
>Looks like the most 200 IQ character in the game
Not really, if anything you can train with Shulk to change his Monado arts because Hero's gimmick will be "almost" similar for the spells.
>no Estark Legendary Spirit Battle where Giant Ganondorf has super armor and beefed up stats, but he's asleep for most of the time until you dip his HP below 50%
Doesn't Shulks counter have the longest amount of actual counter-stance frames in the game? Sure, it misses a lot, but its easiest to at least get off.
>trevor belmont with the dagger for his side b
>raichu as a heavier pikachu
>big boss
>arcade donkey kong or dk jr
>dixie kong
>glass joe or mike tyson
>classic or metal sonic
>mrs pac man
Every echo that i personally would be okay with
I never said anything about Doomguy, he IS an icon and has multiple weapons. It's the literal humans with one (1) pistol that I'm talking shit about.
Clutch 100
Honestly though, just give me a way to play that Master Hand thing from the end of WoL again, hate that you need to spend hours getting through it just to be able to play it once
I wouldnt say he's an icon. You show a picture of him to most people and they'll either have no idea or they'll say master chief. Marios Iconic. Pikachu is iconic. Link is iconic. Even when he's called zelda. You can't be an icon without a real name or a recognizable design.
A new character is shown tommorow, I really am hopeful for someone like Gordon Freeman, Porky Minch, Sans, legit anyone in my top 10 to make it into Smash.
It'll probably just be what most people expect where it's just home run, hero info and release date on 31st, nothing new.
A new Fire Emblem character gets in Smash.
The bosses in general should get something like a side mode.
Do a Boss Rush Mode as well as the option to fight individual bosses, ideally with some new difficulties that make them do more damage/have more health.
I'd love to just be able to fight Rathalos whenever I want without the entire end-game process, even better if I can make the fight longer by giving him more health.
Why the fuck do people think we're getting another announcement tommorow? He's going over the hero. That's it. No more to take away from it. We might get lucky at EVO but I don't think it's happening so soon.
Holy fuck this please, I was so mad once I found out there was no way to replay that section easily, what the hell were they thinking? Also does anyone else remember when the master hand section got leaked, and later people were saying that you could unlock him for stamina mode? Felt like a brawl rumor
These aren't echo fighters, but alterate costumes I'd like to see
>Classic Sonic
>Void Soul skin for Kirby
>Hyrule Warriors alts for the Zelda characters
>Mr. L
>Dry Bowser
>Omega Ridley
>Ash Greninja (why the fuck isn't this in the game)
>A male and female rep for each generation of Pokemon trainer As well as the Orre protagonists, bit of a tall order but it'd probably be easier to do than the Koopalings
>Outset Island Toon Link
>Ms. Pacman
I mean he might mention some other stuff patch 4.0 will have
>10 minutes of Sakurai playing Homerun Contest with Hero
It's 22 minutes. The Joker video was 15 minutes and was pretty thorough and was about both him AND the content of the update he was in.
Not saying it's absolute that we'll see anything beyond The Hero, but it's certainly within reason. Speculation is reasonable.
>smaller master hand as a fighter
would be cool
Amy as an Echo of Sonic
its 22 minutes of sakurai fucking around with 4.0
The 22 minutes was probably a translation error since the Japanese tweet mentioned nothing about length, just that it would be at 22 o' clock, or 10 PM.
Tha fuck you talking about? Theyre OBVIOUSLY gonna reveal the 2 other fighters, another fighters pass, and an echo for everyone on the roster.
>N-no theyre not!
Fuck you bitch
He already has an entire moveset, he could just be allowed on omega stages
unironically, people like you keep it alive. if you just shut the fuck up about it, maybe it'd fade into the obscurity you wanted for it. but you won't, because sonyfags literally don't know how to shut the fuck up
Literally same, but Marx instead
why is SE so unfair?
>Banjo drop
I wish. I’m expecting November.
>people thinking he's releasing on the 31st, not the same day as the Dragon Quest movie in Japan
Screencap this post
Speaking of Bosses, I feel like there should be more, At the very least the Subspace bosses should've all made it in (well except maybe Ridley because, you know).
it's literally been confirmed to be the 31st by NoE
Didn't Nintendo accidentally leak the release date on Twitter though? But if they didn't I'd actually probably go along with you on your theory.
Sakurai gushing over DQ for 30 minutes
Only Hero shown
10 minutes, Hero coming in August.
3 years of faggots spamming this retard and I still have no fucking clue what the fuck he is, what he's from, and why anyone thinks he's EVER going to get in
Shadow, Protoman, and Louie. Thats all I want, and have wanted, damn it
You’re retarded. Raichu is taller and fatter than Pikachu. That’s not how echoes work.
Have they said WHERE the video will be yet? How do I watch it?
user... it's been 20 years of wanting him.
Your reality could not be further from reality
Hero's already confirmed coming on the 31st, and the stream is going to be ~22 minutes long
>Buy Fighters Pass
>Still have to buy Mii costumes separately
That just seems Jewish to me.
nowhere does that says hero will be released on the 31st
This. I'd be more pissed if I gave a single fuck about mii costumes
Geno is a spirit. You’ll get him playable the same game I get Ashley playable. Never.
You’re retarded too. Dixie cannot be a Diddy echo. Raichu cannot be a Pikachu echo. The bodies are too different.
I thought Ash Greninja was his Final Smash.
Can you read?
>4.0.0, which releases 31/07
Hero is coming out with 4.0.0
>Replays which aren't compatible can't be used with 4.0.0, WHICH COMES OUT ON THE 31ST
Are you a fucking retard
Can vouch that it did in fact say 31/7 on Nintendo of Europe's account before they hastily changed it to "within the next 7 days"
I do wonder how you're supposed to use moves that are supposed to catch the opponent off guard like Kamikaze and Snooze when the opponent can see you slowly go through a menu and choose them.
Edgy Palutena, better than pitoo
diddy with a couple of dk moves like the cargo throw (with the hair) and spinning recovery.
Inkling echo, trade speed for power
>black shadow
Because someone has to love f-zero, closer to old ganondorf
>tom nook
Mix of villager and Isabelle, faster but hits softer.
5 and only 1st party because 3d party doesnt give shit FOR FREE.
Mac's is pretty shitty considering he is supposed to be a counter puncher.
i think Medusa should use the other Palu custom moves in smash 4 like the rocket jump and explosive firework and super speed, maybe make the heavenly light evil looking and give it to medusa.
Homerun contest comes with 4.0
Hero and his stage are the only thing shown, no extra modes
Sakurai announces a delay in the fighters pass as every character so far has taken 4 months to release and will continue to do so
Nobody leaked when he's coming out except Nintendo themselves
No reason for a delay. Only reason Joker and Hero took so long is the additional stuff, plus Joker being pushed to be worked on ahead of the others. Banjo seemed as done as Hero in his trailer, so he'll probably be October, then 4 in December and 5 in February
SE isn't being unfair. It's the fact that Geno is nowhere near as popular as his fans trick themselves into thinking he is, and the developers have way bigger fish to fry.
sakurai said banjo was a bit over halfway done only, so i dunno.
As obvious as changing Specials'd be, I have another Idea for Octoling as an Echo/Semiclone; make their Down Smash the Explosher.
When using the move, it combos back into itself like Cloud/Ganondorf's. However, after the second hit comes out, a large blast of ink is shot out from the Explosher.
Here's the thing: both the first and second hit of the Explosher making contact has set knockback; the first to link into the second, and the second having barely any to link into the ink blast. Then the ink itself is what deals the heavy knockback (as well as basically fully inks the opponent).
Of course, like in Splatoon, Down Smash would use a fuckton of your ink, and if you don't have any/enough left, you'll just have a Smash attack that sends you fucking nowhere and deals the damage of an aerial.
I've had this move on the brain for damn near six months now.
>No Banjo shown
>No new character trailer
What would they have to do to redeem these?
nothing, they aren't showing either of those till at least 3 months.
As someone who doesn't care for DQ and cares mostly about Banjo, I'm expecting nothing. He isn't slated until Fall, I'm okay with the wait.
When did he say this
Sheik, Zelda, Dedede, Falco, Dr. Mario, Little Mac, Cloud, Wii Fit Trainer and Bowser Jr. Buffs.
Wolf, Joker, Captain Falcon and Inkling nerfs.
Nothing but small frame data tweaks.
Nerfs to undeserving characters.
Nintendo still neglecting lower tier characters.
The game is fairly balanced, and it has one of the healthiest top tiers in Smash history, but Nintendo keeps forgetting other characters exists is keeping slow characters as is while buffing or slightly tweaking fast characters. Dr. Mario is completely outclassed by Mario, just because Mario is so fast and his recovery doesn't suck. That alone illustrates how slower characters with bad recoveries are at a huge disadvantage in this game.
They have been fair though, FF and DQ are the leading series, it would have been weird for any other one to be picked. They will also be fair when they add Tomb Raider, Chrono Trigger, Kingdom Hearts and Space Invader in the next Smash games but never Geno.
Some kids acting entitled on the internet and bandwagoning a minor character from an old game because they watched some Newgrounds Flash Animation should not be entitled to having a character, it encourages terrible behaviour from terrible people who don't even truly care about the character or the game they came from, they just like the community, the wagon.
>wii fit trainer buff
>buffing a top of mid tier character
interesting how you didn't mention they should buff kirby, k rool, pirahna plant, or the rest of low tier except bowser jr.
So I have to get up at 9:00am est to watch this? fuck
6 fucking AM for west coast fags.
>nerfing captain falcon
>buffing little mac and WFT
what happened with FE was on Square’s part, SE may be a merger but both companies act differently
Enix is a lot more forgiving and it’s already been confirmed that there are multiple DQ spirits so no doubt we’ll get more tracks
which tracks aside from the ones revealed in the trailer would everyone want to see? I’m hoping for orchestrated DQ3 battle theme
Come on user, it isn't that hard. Set an alarm, go to bed early. I'm doing it and it's 8 am for me, not even that much later then my usual time getting up and I still stay up until 3am most nights.
I know we have a pretty big indication because of Europe's fuck up, but let's not jump to conclusions. It is entirely possible it was their assumption, or 4.0 might indeed be coming out then, but Hero isn't coming with it. Let's celebrate in about 12 hours.
Im really happy about the heroes being in smash but i really hope the smash fandom doesn't start leaking into the dragon quest fandom
Like for obvious reasons we are kinda mixed with the dragon ball fandom most dragon quest anons are big toriyama fans that can also talk about things like sandland and kajika and all his other stuff, so there is not much power level shitposting in DQ threads
But smashfags have absolutely no autism filter, hell they are known for being smelly, im worried about dragon quest threads being invaded and everyone making bad dragon ball jokes and calling the hero Goku, steve posting is one of the most horrifying things i've seen
>Sonic's up-b refreshes after being hit
>Little Mac's doesn't
Sakurai why do you do these things
>west coast neets have to stay up all night or wake up really early
3's battle theme is good, but I like it's boss theme better. youtube.com
Because Little Mac is a ground fighter :^)
He's in.
Where should I watch this? NoA's youtube?
I'm actually shocked that there was no Legendary Spirit for Jin. A Marth with a Killing Edge battle, where he's stupid fast and there is an icy floor. Would have been fun.
To be fair the pass literally says character + stage + music.
Yes, that would be the best place, their feed is pretty good. I can imagine the smash site would have a redirect to the video, but why bother with all of the shit on the site?
Him and Malos are missing as spirits
It would be pretty nice if there was a feature added that allows us to fight assist trophies on our own more easier. Its a pain to have a 1v1 with them since you need a second controller/cpu and they leave too quickly.
Why do people insist Medusa being Palu's echo? She doesn't have anything resembling Palutena at all.
They don't have the attention spam to cause damage.
The final boss just screams multiplayer, yet you can't.
Fawful's a literal meme character.
I'm surprised dogposting hasn't made its way to DQ threads.
DB threads over on Yea Forums have their own fucking language
>B-Bejita-sama kiss my wife
Chadforce reporting in by the way.
ALLIES: Cutegang, Pedohanfag, Panfag, Torunkusuposter
this, the games themselves are turn off those autists because they’re just plain and simple games without boobs and ass shoved down your throat every minute, they’ll pretend to want to get into the series but will get filtered out eventually
I left those shitty threads a little bit after DBS ended, they got so fucking bad.
>Another Mario or a memelord
I feel like if they did it just like how Spirit Board Co-op ended up, it would make some of those fights way harder then they need to be. Even on Normal I'm having trouble on a few choice fights and Legendary Spirits are no joke. I would hate to see this shit on Hard and trying to keep your partner safe from bullshit. Or just falling into the void, like if they put you on 75m.
my guess is that they are coming in late november
Threadly reminder to everyone: NEVER give up on your character making it in...Ever! If they aren't in THIS smash, then look to NEXT smash!
We have two slots left. Now's not the time to worry. Now is the time BELIEVE, Anons! Be more passionate than ever and let Nintendo know there IS demand for who you want. You'll get there, even if its not this time!
They hit their peak when the manga reached the end of the Universal Survival arc. UI Roshi, the Cuteforce union and the death of Chadforce and Cutegang, SCHOLARen, etc.
The funniest moment in those threads was Goku Hakai. Will never be topped, Toeifags were so fucking mad.
Also, I think that means you missed out on dogposter, the person who changed DB threads forever.
Ms. Pac-Man
Why the fuck would you nerf Falcon? Literally the most honest character plus he still has tons of weaknesses.
Smash run offline and online please
All I can imagine for Malos is a Ganondorf that has a super powerful side B, that he likes to spam side B and it's a stamina match. So don't get caught, or he might two shot you.
DB has one of the absolute worst fanbases with all the spics
At this point I only go there every so often to see the manga links and the shitflinging over it
Boss Rush mode with the return of Master Core, as well as SSBB bosses like Rayquaza and Tabuu
Home Run contest and nothing else
Literally just The Hero
Shut your fucking mewling canid muzzle and KNEEL, you pathetic, drooling dog! KNEEL BEFORE YOUR SUPERIOR MASTER! AT ONCE!
This was simply unacceptable not to have. Having it be a spirit and just fighting Bayo was terrible. Why couldn't they bring that back for a suprise "OH SHIT" moment in WoL?
It's "Kneel before your most superior master. Back to the kennel at once, dog.
It's time for everyones most anticipated mode fan fan requested:
Break the Targets, zoomie
Are you sleeping early or pulling an all nighter to catch the stream?
Or are you just going to watch the VoD like a normal person?
Moro arc so far is pretty good. Kind of a letdown that his third wish was to free his prison buddies, but his reasoning was adequet
I had an idea about a Boss Rush that would involve the bosses' forms changing depending on which difficulty you fight them at, potentially gaining more HP and new moves as a result
Things like
>Giga Bowser -> Dry Giga Bowser
>Rathalos -> Azure Rathalos
>Marx -> Marx Soul
>Dracula -> Final Boss Form from SotN
>target blast
>not break the targets
Post music from all four Heroes games that you hope makes it in.
>mother has a colonoscopy that same day
Two birds with one stone. Get to kill time AND watch the stream. Since it's just Sakurai discussing Hero and maybe 4.0.0, checking reactions won't be as important.
I usually wake up at around the time it's going on anyway, so I might as well watch it live. Should be fun chatting while Sakurai fucks around in real time.
>muh Newgrounds flash animation
You know most of those kids who watched it actually played mario RPG right? they're all adults now.
And why is liking something while not actually participating an argument to antifags? Can i not like basketball or Shaq because i dont play basketball? People can want what characters they want regardless of how they were introduced to them, you don't have to play the game to like the character. People we're saying "oh zoomers only know Banjo from GG or Jontron" but how does that negate their opinion? it's still wanting the character in the end.
>Since it's just Sakurai discussing Hero
He's demoing him. Which means we get to watch Sakurai fail as he tries to do things.
I'm just going to watch the vod, if this was Banjo or a normal Smash Direct I'd probably get up early for it but I don't really care much for Dragon Quest so I'll just watch it whenever I wake up then come to Yea Forums to talk about it and laugh at Genofags when his Mii costume comes back
I got the toriyama illustrations book that contains all the art from DQ1 to DQ10 in it it looks great on the shelf with my dq games, the manga, and my dragon ball stuff, i really wanna just dedicate that part to all of toriyama's work
what are the chances we get 4 different amiibo for hero?
Decent chance. Cloud got two for his costumes, same with Bayo. So they seem to put in a lot of effort for DLC amiibo. Most other characters with multiple costumes got their different amiibo, with the exception of Male and Female Robin.
Knowing Japan's love for Amiibos and DQ I'd say pretty good. Not sure if they'd produce all 4 worldwide if they made them.
>gotta wake up at 6am
Well, at least I have work.
He really does deserve better
im just suprised they didn't bring back all the bosses from brawl, it's not like there's a consistency error anyway since you can still fight ganon as ganondorf and giga bowser as bowser, so even the two ridleys could have worked, just swap the old models with the ultimate model.
Given it's used in both Builders, IV's battle theme seems pretty likely.
Same thing happened to Persona, but at least Switch babbies can't play it so their faggotry is a bit limited. Sucks for DQ tho.
It's not over yet, Genobros. I've wanted him in since Brawl. Perhaps the stars will align for us tomorrow.
yea they’ve been using 4’s battle often lately, I just hope they don’t add 2’s battle theme seeing as though been using it aswell. really my least favorite
>implying personas fanbase wasn’t already autistic
I get why they didn't bring the Ridley boss back because unlike Ganon and Giga Bowser being a different form, Ridley is just the same. I don't get why they didn't bring back Rayquaza though, and we'll just wait and see what happens with Porky because something related to him is definitely going to happen (either costume, boss, or character).
Yeah but we don't need Smash fags on top of it
fair enough
i love you
based kermit ;_;7
Both Mario and Square Enix have gotten DLC reps, it's not happening.
Here’s some from the top of my head
>Sonic - Mighty
>Fox - Miyu
>Falco - Fay
>Luigi - Gooigi
>Bowser - Dark Bowser
>Captain Falcon - Phoenix
>I don't get why they didn't bring back Rayquaza though
Yeah that one is really weird, all that would be needed would be to update the texture and he'd be fine in Ultimate.
They could probably even just use the model from Kalos Pokemon League since he's a hazard there.
Yet here you are, in a smash thread, saying how happy you are about smash.
It doesn't matter if they leak in because then you can enlighten them to the good things about DQ. That's what all newcomer fans do. You'll be okay.
Anyone think they could announce a new character tomorrow?
Mighty would be based as fuck, but I don't see sega letting it happen given they're trying to distance mighty and ray from modern sonic.
We don't even know when Banjo is coming out
Pretty unlikely since Banjo's still in the pipeline. We'll probably get a new reveal around the time the bear is released, but not now.
Here's a smash stage i made
GXL4RBMX sad panda
So just 22 minutes of Hero then
not him but i have another
Yup! Good luck, Geno-fan! Hang in there, and no matter what happens, just know that I believe in you! :)
It still needs to be said. NoA fucked up their translation. The picture on the Japanese twitter makes no mention of time. The 22:00 is what time it will be in Japan for the presentation, now how long it will be. Some idiot didn't look at it closely enough and assumed. It might be shorter, it might be longer. It's all unscripted, so there is no telling, but it's going to be at 10pm for Japan, so I would assume they would want to make it as short as they possibly could.
Isn’t that a good thing on one hand.
too bad DQ is the most bland rpg series besides pokemon
Its a good intro series for the genre and the games are pretty comfy DESU.
>>tom nook
>Mix of villager and Isabelle, faster but hits softer.
Since New Leaf Tom Nool has been fat, he'd likely be slower but stronger
>Classic Sonic
So you just want Sonic with black eyes?
They're more visually distinct than that
>he thinks motherfucking Smash Bros would fade into obscurity just because Sonyfags stopped talking about it
We're reaching levels of delusion that shouldn't even be possible
When's the direct?
It's not really a direct, more like a live demo. But it's 6 am pst.
Which is why they don’t work as an alternative costume, classic has different proportions to fit onto Moderns skeleton for animations.
Is there a link to where it will be yet?
Nintendo's youtube should have it. I wish they would have the video already setup though, but it should be up at least an hour before the stream begins.
Thanks user
>Worse counter
it wont be live tho, anything he would wanted to showcase have already been recorded.
What's that in tokyo time?
I hope they don’t westify Dragon quest like they did Monster Hunter.
World was fine, but it’s different. DQ’s whole schtick is that it is more or less unchanging where FF is constantly changing
10 pm.
Sakurai's pretty decent at games. He's live demo'd before with no mistakes.
Gooigi, just like Luigi but throws slime balls that roll along the ground instead of fireballs, reducing traction on ground as they go. Also Luigi Tornado has some goo splattering effects that do the same thing.
Tetra, like Toon Link with a couple of changes. First, piercing attacks are replaced with slashing attacks. Second, her arrows fly perfectly straight. Third, bombs are shot from her hand cannon and cannot be held or caught. Fourth, she has Zelda's FS.
Dixie Kong. She's a Diddy echo with the following changes. First, her recovering is similar to DK's but gives more height than distance, and she has slow fall afterwards. Second, she carries heavy items with her hair, and does not have reduced speed. Third, her FS is similar to Barbara the Bat's AT from Brawl.
Dry Bowser (Bowser echo), Mrs Pac-Man (Pac-Man echo), Blaziken (Capt. Falcon echo), Shadow (Echo fusion of Sonic's and Mewtwo's moves), Medusa (Palutaina echo) or Hades (Ganondorf echo) Segata Sinshiro (Ryu/Ken echo)
Jesus fuck imagine if DQ falls down the same path fire emblem did
They should get rid of the gsp and just have a ranked online mode. Gsp forces you to play with campy tier whores one you get to elite.
git gud
>why wouldn’t anyone want the character they like instead of the character I like
>DQ's gonna get remixes and lots of tracks bros!
>Banjo music was put up on the site
>His page isn't even live yet
it's not happening is it
They won't upload music to the site because of Sugiyama. He will be fine with people listening to it in game, but fuck putting it up online.
Beneath the Mask and Aria of the Soul weren't posted yet are new remixes.
looking back, joker had a fucking snoozefest of a launch compared to plant or hero
The music will probably be no new arrangements and the arrangements being from various other games.
Kinda like the Builders and Builders 2 osts which were Frankensteined together going as far to use stuff from the Fortune Street games at times.
Literally not a snowball's chance in hell there will be new remixes because of Sugiyama, at best you'll get shit like the DQIV battle theme from Fortune Street.
Yeah, he won't let anyone touch his music. He would make a new mix himself, but that won't be happening because Orchestral only, unless people would prefer to have some fucking midi.
I'm gonna be surprised if isn't present given both Builders used it.
i just want his return as an assist, bros
That’s probably why they didn’t bring the boss fight back though. I’m not saying he can’t be both a stage hazard and a boss, but that was probably Sakurai’s way of looking at it.
These are the kinds of cuts that don't make any sense.
S&P always needs love and attention.
The only one of the 4 I finished so far was IV, so I guess I'll just go with it. Ideally I'd go with a mashup of the party member themes like Sugiyama has done before:
If not that then Homeland or Gypsy Dance are probably the best choices for IV representation.
I do wish we get around 11 or so tracks so that every game gets a bit of representation though.
I really want a new remix of Heaven's Prayer.
Can't say I'd be surprised if this actually happens.
i cant believe she's in
Yes man fuck adding more much needed content to the game
People like you are fucking retarded.
>has a spike
>shitty recovery makes edge guarding pointless
Sakurai why
down-b turns into pic related
extended up-b's hitbox
shortened up-b range
lowered arsene's buff
faster side-b explosion
down-b lasts as long as joker's tetrakahn/makarakahn, maybe even longer
Welp, I think I'm getting some early sleep. Who here is going to try to stay up all night though? If I was west coast, I might have considered it, but trying for 8 am is killer.
I'm hoping it's not all sword shit. I would love to see a bonus character/echo fighters if possible
The return of break the targets with custom stage maker so they don't have to make 80 unique levels for each character.
The return of board the platforms.
an HD remake of Melee's Adventure Mode. Please. That shit is so short and would take less than 20 minutes to complete. Make it happen, Sakurai.
Add new shit to stage builder.
A shit ton of Dragon Quest music since that's the best thing about the franchise.
and maybe a surprise or two.
>Get hype for the update
>Go to play some online
>Realize how much I suck
i know this feel
i get to like 200k gsp with some characters and i cant help but laugh the whole time during fights when its just two idiots throwing moves out
also make his up-b and down tilt move farther than simon but less damage
make is final smash Hydro Storm
and you got a much better executed richter echo
I just want to see them bring back taunting in quickplay
I'll even take the three taunt limit, hell I'll take a one taunt limit, just bring them back
Are most people just wifi warriors or something? How can they defend Nintendo's crappy P2P online when older fighting games like Killer Instinct and Third Strike have superior netcode? Buying an ethernet cable won't instantly fix the problem.
Give me an improved version of Smash Run and boss rush and we are golden.
sonyfags give the game most of its publicity
It has one of the shortest actual-counter durations in the game, you still take damage, the flame misses sometimes, you can lose the effect, you only get a noticeable boost with only a few moves, and it's so laggy even if you time the counter right that if you use it against any projectile, they have plenty of time to just run up to you and throw you.
So how does a screenshot of file metadata prove that that guy made that post?
I still think its weird because its talking about MH, but I don't really see how this is a debunking when so much can be fabricated with a little effort.
2019 is a year where everybody cries over even a virtual taunt so unfortunately it wont come back.
>be reasonable
>mega charizard x
echoes were a mistake
oh my goodness
You and I both know we're going to get some lame ass Mishimas.
Next game will kill it cause roster cuts so no more playing multiple versions of Marth
Seven and a half hours
So if it’s 12:30 where I live, the thing happens at 8
What's unreasonable about it? The model exists, they can use the one from 4 as a base. It's visually much more distinct from regular Charizard than Y is. And as I pointed out, Smash 4 Charizard is not the same character as Pokemon Trainer Charizard. I like playing Pokemon Trainer, I'd just also like the option of playing solely Charizard without having to play around missing an entire tool.
Yeah because it invented the fucking genre
Ninten for Ness (and Klaus for Lucas)
Dry Bowser for Bowser (lighter, fire breath is replaced by a fireball that leaves a lava puddle for a bit)
Birdo for Yoshi (shoots eggs and socks instead of tongue)
Tactician/Mark for Robin (calls Lyn, Ego, and Hector for his specials instead of using magic)
Doc Louis for Mac (heavyweight and slower, but does more damage)
Mrs. Pac-Man (I don’t know)
Shadow for Sonic (more floaty, different specials using his powers)
Bass for Mega Man (can shoot diagonally and dash but doesn’t have the charge shot and uses different weapons)
Blood Falcon for Cap (more speed, less damage)
Funky Kong (hits less harder, down b is him smacking someone with his surfboard, up-b is him doing the thing from Tropical Freeze where he helicopters the board, neutral B is the boot gun from 64)
Ravio echo for Link using different items for his specials like the ice and sand rod
bodies gotta be exactly the same, so doc louis and ravio is a no go
>rock smash
>entire tool
>Smash 4 Charizard is not the same character as Pokemon Trainer Charizard.
and you know this... how?
Ravio’s body is the same he’s literally Purple Link with wisdom instead of courage
Just give him the Hyrule warriors treatment
Regarding Doomguy
On one hand
>Hines confirmed Nintendo and Bethesda talked to each other about Smash
>The Mick Gordon conspiracy theory about how he said his choir was for "a game" instead of just saying Doom Eternal (we know from a vlog from one of the singers that it is at least Doom related)
>Hines stated that more surprises are in store for Nintendo fans (though he could be referring to the ports that came for every other platform)
On the other hand
>Today's recent interview implied that Doomguy's not in because a director for Eternal said it'd be cool to see him in the game
Does it violate NDA?
No, that's not how NDA works (Cary-Hiroyu Tagawa denied reprising his role as Shang Tsung in MK 11 and a similar thing is happening with Bruce Campbell and Ash)
but I'm not gonna bolster that point while ignoring any faults with the arguments for Doomguy's inclusion.
We don't know if Hines was serious when he answered that question nor is it guaranteed that the character in question would even be Doomguy.
The Mick Gordon theory lines up well with when Grant Kirkhope was contacted but the problem is that its ultimately still a conspiracy theory, it just be for Eternal and nothing more.
I think the reason why Yea Forums is so keen on NDA shit is because this place is ultimately desperate for any sort of way to help narrow down the possible choices for characters in Smash.
based and redpilled. Doomguy is IN.
I get the times messed up, how many hours from now on for the stream?
I wouldn't guarantee that.
If we go with that logic it'd mean Travis Touchdown, Dante, Kasumi, etc are all also confirmed and in because those characters fall under the "deconfirmed via NDA" set
I do want him in don't get me wrong and please correct me if my understanding of NDAs is incorrect but I don't want to get your hypes up just yet.
After all, any argument against him is as flawed as the arguments in his favor
yeah but his body shape is 100% not the same as link's, he wears a long robe and a big hat, he'd have to be a unique character
Liquid Snake
Malos as an Shulk echo
He could still be an echo, it would just take a bit more work
>try rematching every opponent for a best of 3 set
>hover around the 4.4M GSP mark
>leave after every match
>reach Elite with no trouble
Does that mean I'm trash?
cringe and bluepilled. I knew you were a fraud by your shitty Barnyard pictures.
Rock Smash was great, can't count the number of top screen chases I punished with it.
If the latter missing an entire move that the former has is not obvious enough to make them two different characters, I have played both extensively. You can't play Pokemon Trainer Charizard the same way because he's designed to have to rely on switching out to other pokemon.
You are correct that interview wouldn't be breaking nda but depending in their position they might also not even know. Granted I don't know how high these guys are on the ladder cause I didn't read the description. However that guy did whip his head around really fast when he said smash so who knows.
oh you meant gameplay, i thought you meant lore.
>You are correct that interview wouldn't be breaking nda but depending in their position they might also not even know.
They're both the directors of Eternal
Pretty high up there and Sakurai does contact the developers for third party games to make sure any changes he makes reaches a point of a mutual agreement in order to not offend the owners of said character.
Its one of the reasons why he's hesitant on doing western characters
The language and timezone barrier is a bitch for communication
>However that guy did whip his head around really fast when he said smash so who knows.
Unless you do professional body language reading, I'd say you're reaching.
Both men were clearly tired and it could easily be interpreted that Hugo was just waiting for Marty to finish.
>both directors
Then they might know. I'm not sure who other than Phil and Grant knew that Banjo was in so I can't be sure
>you're reaching
Yeah you're probably right, I also thought I heard him hesitate before he said smash but that might be me hearing what I wanna hear.
Link and Shulk both have pretty unique playstyles.
>and the update is slated for the 31st
hahaha holy shit they're actually gonna drop a new character and a big balance patch right before EVO
I will however pull one distinction between Doomguy and those characters though
Pete Hines' comment on Nintendo and Bethesda talking together about Smash
If the man is legit and context was a serious discussion, the odds are a Bethesda is in.
Now I know what you're thinking
>Maybe it was just for the list of characters for them to consider?
Why would Nintendo go through all that trouble to make sure they can get the rights of a crap ton of characters and then not use them as Sakurai only picks 5.
It'd be a waste of time especially given the length of waiting for the feedback on each possible character they could've wanted (then again, we are assuming it was a list and not literally just five characters that Nintendo chose and Sakurai immediately said he could work with).
And we know this
>"Joker will participate in Super Smash Bros. mainly because of the invitation from Sora Ltd.'s Masahiro Sakurai," said Hiraoka. "That is what led to this collaboration. Because Mr. Sakurai likes Persona 5 very much, and I personally like Super Smash Bros. a lot, my first thought when I received the invitation was 'Great!' I was very happy to establish a relationship for this collaboration."
Judging by the word invitation, it would indicate that they reached out to Atlus for Joker, after Nintendo and Sakurai chose the character for DLC.
Keep in mind this logic doesn't narrow down to Doomguy but rather a Bethesda character in general.
But also there's that Pete Hines Nintendo Power interview where he said there could be more surprises for Nintendo fans down the road and he didn't explicitly mention it being in Quakecon though this is just wishful thinking on my part.
If Hines isn't exactly trustworthy with this sort of stuff, please inform me.
*odds are a Besthesda character is in
I just want Olimar's shield fix and Ridley buffs is that too much to ask for?
Based Barnyard poster owning rosterfags with facts and logic
How do I get good at Smash? There's just something about the way the characters control that doesn't feel as intuitive as other fighting games. Is there a good tutorial video out there that can explain basic/advanced techniques to a scrub like me?
That he isn't designed to encourage being a campy little faggot
That he is designed to encourage being a campy little faggot
That he is designed to encourage being a campy little faggot and becomes a popular pick due to ease of use jank, likely around snooze.
If it's consistent like Sing, it is only dangerous at high % and can be blocked.
ZeRo (worlds best smash 4 player) has a whole tutorial on ultimate.
I think you got everything Otis hopefully this brings us all one step closer to the truth
How many hours until the video?
I’ll still be at work while it’s airing so I’ll probably catch it live.
6 hours, 10 minutes.
I'm half expecting some Fire Emblem content to be shown. Be it either Mii Costumes from the new game or a free DLC character
Sing is garbage because of how easy it is to punish and the low range. We've already seen that it's essentially a fireball of sleep. It already raises the potential to dangerously cheesy levels if you can do something like ftilt -> snooze or techchase snooze. I don't trust Nintendo not to introduce retard power creep. We already have a pretty stupid track record.
>despite PP sucking ass, spiked ball is probably best projectile in the game and
>Joker has the best counter in the game and a bunch of other silly things
>Hero looking to have lots of potential for retardation along with having what will likely work like a limit system
At least Banjo looks middling so far
if you're talking about smash in general, there's always that intro in every smash game
For basic stuff this is probably the best video I can think of. Really shows you everything on how movement in this game works and even gives you a training mode regimen you can take if you want to really git gud
This is also good and focuses more on the combat side of things than movement
For advanced shit, GimR's your best bet. Goes way into depth on a lot of the mechanics of the game
You can watch all the videos you want, but they won't make you better on their own. If the controls are what's getting you caught up the best thing you can do is go into training mode a bit and really get a feel for them.
I was upset when I saw the hero cause I've never played dragon quest but fuck it I'm just happy to have another character and I hope hes a good character
I hope the stage isn't bullshit, at least with hazards off, at least one new mode, and please don't nerf dedede, he looks top tier but he gets mollywopped by anyone playing slightly above average please just leave him be
>swordie with no projectiles as a camper character
What are you smoking
I say nerf Dedede because playing Kirby characters is for faggots.
octolings and shadow are all I need
What's the stream time in New York?
>no projectiles
Have you seen the trailer?
Shulk is based
>Free DLC character
It isn't likely but if its gonna happen itll be FE yea
9 AM
yes? He doesn't have projectiles.
He has 3, and thats as far as we know
the biggest hazard for the new stage is the music, good luck posting your stuff on youtube when playing on it :)
Do any of you anons know where Sakurai will be streaming his demo? I don't wanna wake up five and a half hours from now to watch this thing live only to not even know where the fuck it is.
Iirc it's in like 6 hours
Persona 5 had no issues.
Neither did any other stage in Smash history
I know, I'm waking up a little in advance.
Oh wait fuck you said where
Uhhh, most likely it'll be on nintendo's youtube or twitch
And it'll be youtube
Are you actually braindead
That's just some spicy curry, user.
Ring a Ding
>Amy as a Sonic echo: I'm doubting us getting a female DLC pick so she would be good for that plus she has more history than Shadow
>One of the other Megamen, maybe X
>Waluigi just to shut people up. Is a joke character, just a worse and more awkward Luigi
>Impa as a Sheik echo, again for muh female representation and also so that the Zelda roster isn't limited to just 3 characters and versions of those characters
>every fucking match is a slideshow
>will only get worse once Hero and especially Banjo are released
>Nintendo will never fix their garbage online because they know we'll just keep eating up their shit anyway
>not even enjoying Smash anymore, even playing friendlies online is a grueling experience because of all the lag
>all that said, still boot it up pretty much every day
It's not fair dammit
Assuming characters who are spirits are allowed, then
> Dixie Kong
> Tails
> Ninten
> Black Shadow
> uhhhh Octoling or Medusa I guess
>Shadow as a semi clone, choas control up special, chaos spear side special, homing attack is like the one from sonic 06, down special is the only special move he shares with sonic
>Alph with only rock pikmin (which act like purple pikmin) as a more balanced olimar
>Ninten as a semi clone of ness and lucas, similar normals though his specials and final smash are all different, like his up special is 4thD slip
>Dixie Kong as a semi clone of diddy, recovery and aesthetics are different
>Medusa is a clone of palutena and uses the rest of the smash 4 custom moves: rocket jump, super speed, celestial firework by tapping down b and lightweight if holding down b, heavenly light is now a much more evil looking move but acts the same as in smash 4.
>Birdo as a clone of yoshi, main difference is the pidget up special and neutral special is shooting eggs rather than the egg lay
>leif, while sharing some sword swipes of marth and roy, is not an echo fighter, he has separate moves of his own
Oh wait, forgot Impa, yeah use her instead of Octoling or Medusa
Only if it's her classic design and not her shitty anime design.
Persona 5 composers aren't autistic. nothing in comparison to Sugiyama, your video is going down.
Except there are vids up of DQ music right now and none of it has been taken down
sorry user, she's gotta have the same body shape as palu to be an echo. also
>he doesn't like this version of medusa
what are you, gay?
please just any buff
A jab that combos into itself isnt a buff?
Ftilt working isnt a buff?
>Increase air acceleration
>Reduce landing lag
there you go, your monkey paw.
yeah, the shitty midi versions of the music.
Which western company is the most likely to get a rep in Smash?
Activision or Bethesda
"streams of the game to primarily provide or listen to the music"
So if you're streaming the game to show you actually playing the game you're good.
That warning is present in every Square enix game since FF13-2 and has meant nothing forever
yes but come on man, the dreamland express is fucking hard to pull off to its fullest potential all it takes is 1-5 frames to fuck it up. F tilt working was suppose to fucking work all along. This was the move that was suppose to be like it now the whole time. Finally fixed it sure but holy shit man theres so many buff ideas that could reward the mac player that doesn't fucking ooga booga with smash attacks yet still remain on the ground like changing the knockback/hitstun so that it can combo into itself. At the fucking least getting side b back shouldnt be that god damn hard to ask as a buff. That alone would significantly improve Mac's recovery by a shit ton and its the only one that sounds reasonable.
How far would all of his specials accelerate him in the air when they get used?
Based Glover poster
>MFW when i get the Hero video showing him off with Sakurai today for my Birthday
Feels good, hopefully Porky doesn't get deconfirmed
Poor user....
What's poor? I get the video today and we get the release tommorow and hopefully Porky will get revealed.... right?
Hero releases this saturday, gameplay and all to be shown.
No more reveals, no Banjo release date.
HUGE mac buff, Hero is good, joker nerf, surprise geno or maybe new free echoes.
Multiple rosterfag picks get butchered by mii costumes, Stage isn't tournament legal, Home Run Contest. No surprise character.
Big Belmont nerfs, nothing or nerf for Mac, Hero is either garbage or OP and immensely overused
>Hero releases this saturday
No, retard. He releases on Wednesday because that's when the update is happening.
>surprise geno
Yeah he's coming...As a mii costume. Enjoy, Genofag.
You can't post a fake leak when we already have an undeniably real one, moron.
Hoes being mad
agreed, I want to see more shulks in tournaments, he's very interesting
Echo of K Rool, except without the super armor and in exchange more powerful abilities. He'd be more of a Chrom sort of deal with lots of changes. He always carries the horn around. Side B throws his helmet, self explanatory. Gun equivalent (horn) is slower but shoots out a freezing dragon, can't be sucked back in but fucks people up by freezing them. When opponents are sucked in, it doesn't do anything different from K Rool for balance's sake. Up B is replaced with something similar to Dedede's, except when he lands, it causes a highly damaging lava splash. If you do it from the ground, then it starts with a lava splash too. Down B becomes an ice dragon shot directly downwards. Does lots of damage, spikes, and if it hits the ground, that section becomes slippery. If done while grounded, it blows Fredrik back while shooting the dragon slightly in front of where he was. Down smash would change into a shoulder tackle forward while he swings his horn backward. Up smash is somewhat similar but he doesn't fall forwards. F smash becomes a huge swing with his horn. Dash attack becomes a charge similar to his move ingame. Up air now shoots an ice ball upwards out of his horn, which obeys gravity. If it hits the ground, it becomes slippery like from his Down B. Nair is a spin multi-hit. Any clawing attacks are replaced by punches. Final Smash is similar to K Rool's, but the cutscene involves him on the Snowmad ship, growing to a larger size, and shooting a giant ice dragon to surround and freeze the affected players. Taunts are laughing, playing the horn a little bit, and pulling up his belt. Also, comes with lots of TF tracks and remixes.
Also, his up air sometimes has a little penguin inside which can be grabbed and thrown, can be good or bad for Fredrik depending on who grabs it first. If the ice ball hits somebody else, the penguin inside just dies, but if it hits the ground then you can pick it up
How many hours left
Like 5
Bump limit reached. New thread when?
Where do you watch the video?
He could release on Tuesday possibly depending on the time zone maybe
It's really the only reason most people played it I think, which sucks since by this point everything in the game has been unlocked by probably every player so it's going to be really neglected if it is included