Main Astolfo and play their game Yea Forums!

Main Astolfo and play their game Yea Forums!
It's available on steam.

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Post pictures of his butt and thighs, and I might consider it.

doko koko?

Why don't more women braid their hair up like that? It looks great.
Then again I'm still trying to figure out why women don't embrace ponytails more too.
Truly women's hair psychology is a mystery.

astolfo is a heterosexual chad who mindbreaks girls with his massive cock

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Depends on country.

Thats not how it works
Gender and sex are a spectrum

I'm attracted to people based on their presentation, their mannerisms, dress and behaviours, I don't care whats between their legs,

Attached: rYFWTiD.jpg (800x800, 97K)

post butt pls

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You want more, faggot?

Attached: __astolfo_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_nat_the_lich__8949fd970372c63c3c6dcce0e724e096.jpg (800x1339, 82K)

Try and keep on topic.

Not video games

What is his videogame called? I want to play it

shitstolfo fags should go back 2 reddit

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gachashit isn't video games

no :)

Generals are against the rules

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I'd rather suck his dick.

stay mad roastie


Stay mad about your shit threads getting deleted

There's no way a biomale can have an ass this good
If there was, our species would go extinct from having too much gay sex with men

>There's no way a biomale can have an ass this good
I have some pics that might make you change your mind, faggot.

Attached: __astolfo_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_9a_tyotyorogi966__sample-52ae59fd8c50b41be0938e29a8b1d8b (850x1206, 210K)

>tfw you like cunny and traps

Attached: 1556292290072.jpg (486x604, 53K)

>There's no way a biomale can have an ass this good
I do.

No him but post more.
I've never fapped to a trap but i'm tempted to right now.

Attached: 024.jpg (650x349, 85K)

Not a faggot. If I was a faggot, I'd be having gay sex with men, but I'm not having sex with anyone. qed.

Surely you're not suggesting that cunny lovers don't look the exact same.

Post it.

Attached: gutsman's ass.png (400x400, 25K)