Game makes you believe in god

>game makes you believe in god

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tetris is the OG "hardcore" videogame

pong is normie casual bullshit

prove me wrong

>game gives you terrible eye strain from focusing your sight too much along with the flashing lights

>game doesn't have a proper OST when it's all about synesthesia and stuff

>game gives you extremely slow progress so that it takes ages to reach level 30 to unlock the classic skin

What a great game, I actually want DLC tracks.

Lumines x Tetris Effect when?

I haven't played it in full yet but I can't wait. Tetsuya Mizuguchi is a fucking god and one of the most underrated vidya designers. I love his aesthetic and game design philosophy so much.

>Lumines x Tetris Effect when?
Fuck, you have no idea how hype that would make me.

you need a friend to play pong
found the virgin

I want METEOS!!!

friends are for normies and casuals

I want a new one or a port to the Switch so badly.

I'd fucking kill for a Tetris x Lumines x Meteos game or something like that though.

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I feel like I'm gonna have a seizure if I play this. Is there an option to make it look less terrible?

You can tone down the effects

Do you believe in god?

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>unite the souls, no division
>we're all in this together
>take in some more refugees goy
>look at how exotic and superior these non-white cultures are
Yeah, globalist propaganda is definitely not theistic.

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where does this come from i thought it was just tetris with flashy visuals

it helps no one to be reductive. I believe that that we are here implies, to some degree, the existence of forces larger than ourselves

>doesnt have a proper OST

Also it's lvl 50 for the Gameboy stage
And no, you get used to the flashy stuff very quickly that can also be toned down. Try playing it instead of reading stuff online

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>lvl 50
AAARGHHH I fucking give up then

>Mizuguchi will never get the rights of Child Of Eden from Ubisoft
>remaster with VR ala Rez Infinite will never happen

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Try playing on expert. Got there in literally no time

How great is it in VR?

The reason why HDR was invented

Thank you for the tip! I only played in beginner and normal because after finishing Metamorphosis in beginner, I reached a point in which I thought that, at that level, the game was just sheer luck (besides your command).

marathons at 15 speed give you a shit ton of xp

The games stages are a themed based on world music so there's bunch of tribal imagery and songs, it's not all edm and pop music

>eye strain
jesus christ grandpa why don't you get a new hobby? perhaps train spotting might be more your speed

The levels are designed by some pretentious commie art students. They feature meaningless babble spoken in non-English languages, muslim heathens trekking across the desert, mudslimes and injuns praying to false gods, and blacks rapping about unity and the erasure of white culture

>mfw Pharaoh stage has rap music
I must admit that did make me laugh

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