Lawyer user here. If they give into tradefags and take away my new hats I am literally going to sue valve

Lawyer user here. If they give into tradefags and take away my new hats I am literally going to sue valve.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you were a real lawyer you would understand that the fairness doctrine dictates that those unusuals (obtained in a manner that isn't fair to those who obtained them prior to the glitch) should be deleted.

If they roll back the opened crates, then they must roll back the purchased keys, which in turns also means wallet funds, which could also mean steam game purchases.

Yeah, that's a headache and a half to do. The most they're probably gonna do is just make the bugged unusuals non-tradable and that's that.

I’m not OP and my law license is inactive, but what does an abandoned FCC policy have to do with this?

It has set precedent. That is the important part. Even if a law has been revoked, it can still have legal power.

Except that it would be Valve‘s obligation to prove that people are willingly using the exploit.

As soon as there‘re one person not knowing the exploit and opened one of the bugged crates during the period, Valve is still more or less obligated to honor their part of the deal. After all it‘s valve‘s fault for the fuck up, not consumers.

>steam gives everyone involved a free copy of l4d2

how mad?

>everyone in who didn't open boxes get an unusual cheater's lament

Who the fuck doesn't already own L4D2?

Valve can't legally keep the recently-unboxed Unusuals unmarketable & untradeable.

When you bought a key and crate, and opened it, and did absolutely nothing out of the ordinary, obeying all of Valve's rules, you were promised a shot at a rare item that will, eventually, have its trade and market restrictions lifted. There are years, practically a decade, of precedent demonstrating this is the outcome promised to you by Valve whenever you gamble with keys & crates. No other prizes have been specifically restricted in this way. Even leaving the hats as "uncraftable" is skirting disaster.

If Valve were to keep these items totally isolated with ANY difference from the typical rare crate prizes, it could easily be pointed out, in a court of law, that Valve didn't want you to win as others have in the past. They allowed you to gamble with real world money, but meddled in the outcome. This is illegal. It would be the equivalent of winning a mountain of chips in a casino, but rather than let you cash out they just let you keep 20 thousand otherwise-worthless plastic chips.

Valve is between a rock and a hard place with this fiasco (which is entirely their own fault.) They can offer you an alternative to your unusuals, like trading/crafting them for a new incentive by your own volition, or simply let you keep the prizes you received, but they can't alter or remove the thing after the fact because of their error or because they didn't like you winning so much.

There is so much precedent for this relating to casinos that there's simply nothing else they can do without risking a lawsuit. And considering how much money TF2 players already willingly dump into virtual hats you can bet your ass they'd try suing.

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Irrelevant. The only thing that they have to prove is that the newly obtained unusuals were obtained at a higher rate that wouldn't be fair to those who unboxed legitimately before the exploit happened. They can easily do so. Therefore they can delete all the unusuals they want without any repercussion.

>Except that it would be Valve‘s obligation to prove that people are willingly using the exploit.

He didn't mention intention at all because intention is irrelevant. Anyone who used the exploit, deliberately or not, USED THE EXPLOIT, which is unfair.
holy shit you're dumb LOL

What if they changed the hats to a new unique set of unusual effects? How do you think the community would react?

>valve goes full retarded
>someone sues them
>epic games funds the lawsuit on behalf of the plaintiff
>valve collapses

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Again, you aren't taking the fairness doctrine into account.

I saw someone in one of these threads have an interesting idea that I haven't seen since.

1) Unusuals become untradeable BUT REMAIN CRAFTABLE because...
2) Valve introduce some new crafting recipe that would involve Unusual hats to incentivize the "illegitimate" unusuals leaving the economy


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If anything that doctrine applies to the consumer. They gambled with a machine they didn't tamper with or do anything weird with and now they are being punished because of a publisher fuckup. Thats not fair to them.

Make a new recipe for unusuals that lets you make unusualifiers, so you get a random effect and can put it on any hat you want.

Is it 2012? Why do people still care about TF2 and hats

>fairness doctrine
>The FCC eliminated the policy in 1987 and removed the rule that implemented the policy from the Federal Register in August 2011.
First of all, the Fairness Doctrine only applied to holders of a broadcast license, but second of all it's not even law anymore and it hasn't been law for years. Kill yourself.

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New series of unusual effects that are exclusively available from crafting two unusual accessories together. That's the only way to incentivize anyone who hoards them for value from scarcity. Anyone who just wanted a nice hat wouldn't craft them anyway because 2 > 1.

what kind of fairness doctrine states that you need your items taken away because you spent less money on them than the others?

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All you have to do is leave the drop rate at 100% or very high for the effected items and crates and no one will give a shit about them in a few weeks

You're wrong.

It's not that fucking hard. Keep the marketable and tradable but make a new crafting recipe that requires two unusuals. Make it something really good and with a lot of possible options so everyone is incentivised.

Now you have a way to liquidate all the shitty ones people don't like or are duped or were obtained from this exploit.

The issue lies in the market as well. No clue how much crates went for before/after knowledge but it could be argued that if they went from $2 a crate to $30 a crate then you had to know something was happening. There is also precedence with gambling and 100% win rates from a nj casino and unshuffled cards. Pretty much if you take advantage of broken odds then you lose

I like the item but I'm not sure this would be enough of an incentive for people to craft their cheap unusuals.

This sounds like a good implementation to me.

Yeah but that would fuck over the prestige of unusuals even harder. Just because other effects and hats drop rates wouldn't be affected doesn't mean their value would remain unaffected.

A capitalist one.

This. Crates should age like wine, and older series should rise in chance for rare items as they are out of drop tables for longer.
From Valve's POV that would only gain them money because
>Crate prices on market would go up, earning them more than a cent per each one traded.
>People would have more reason to go and open all the crates gathering dust in their inventory for ten years
Which means either sell more keys for Valve, or get existing ones out circulation to battle the trading economy's inflation.
Win-win all the way.

The economy is player driven and player created. Valve has no obligation to it, and no obligation to player to player sales. Only that items sold directly by valve and steam be accurately received by the buyer

Great argument retard, holy shit.


>The Fairness Doctrine, as initially laid out in the report, ”In the Matter of Editorializing by Broadcast Licensees,” required that TV and radio stations holding FCC-issued broadcast licenses to (a) devote some of their programming to controversial issues of public importance and (b) allow the airing of opposing views on those issues.
>broadcast licenses
So what's a broadcast license?

>A broadcast license is a type of spectrum license granting the licensee permission to use a portion of the radio frequency spectrum in a given geographical area for broadcasting purposes.


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>solution is actually easy as fuck
>but it requires work so Valve wont do it

If this delay is because Valve is actually working on an intelligent solution I would be impressed beyond words. But the fact that they have done nothing for TF2 except add ugly tiered hats you must pay for convinces me that isnt going to happen.

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By DEFINITION they are. By using the Steam platform as a medium they broadcast their creations out to the world.

When people go to different places (not you because you stay in your room all day and post retarded shit like this on Yea Forums) different radio frequencies play different radio stations. That's because each station has a LICENSE to that radio frequency for a limited geographical area.



Not going to this any further. You're purposefully being obtuse. I'll just end this by saying you're wrong and that you need to educate yourself further.

real lawyer here
if you read the tos you can figure out they can do LITERALLY anything they want
whatever course of action they take, is legal

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You should take the money as a refund and go and buy a better game with it

What is your opinion of Phoenix Wright?

What's the easy solution you have in mind?

Crafting recipe
>unusual + unusual = unusual with craft-exclusive effect

Then give everyone who didn't exploit an exclusive item.

Can you prove Valve are a public broadcaster using actual legal sources? Of course not, because you're a fucking retard.
You are defining "broadcaster" with a layman's dictionary and NOT establishing a legal definition.

>A broadcast license is a type of spectrum license granting the licensee permission to use a portion of the radio frequency spectrum in a given geographical area for broadcasting purposes.
Valve is NOT a public broadcaster.


>The economy is player driven and player created.
Player-driven, yes. Obviously a marketplace can't exist without agents conducting trade within it.
Player-created, not quite. Players decide what trades to make, but Valve decide which items to introduce to the economy, what rate those items enter the economy (item drop rates, unboxing rates, etc), when specific crates leave the economy, the price of items in their own shop, and so on. All of those factors impact how players derive value from their items and thus the TF2 economy as a whole. It's foolish to say the players alone control the economy.

>Valve has no obligation to it, and no obligation to player to player sales.
This is shortsighted. Of course Valve have an obligation to the health of the economy. It's in their best interest for people to continue trading because it makes them money.

The easiest argument against this is the fact that the drop rate for unusuals is intentionally set very low. This is not a "natural" drop rate. This is a variable set by Valve. If Valve have no obligation to the economy, why not release high drop rate unusuals? Why maintain a relatively comparable level of scarcity for tiers of items over TF2's lifespan? Their own behaviors disagree with you.

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They’re just going to flood the market with affected items and let players get over the whole situation themselves. Writing super rare on an item doesn’t make it super rare. Items can only have rarity if there is a finite amount available and a close approximation of quantity is know. One off and seasonal items that will never be in production again are the only things that will be rare; this “prestige” over unusual items just because they say unusual is stupid

>Players decide what trades to make, but Valve decide which items to introduce to the economy, what rate those items enter the economy (item drop rates, unboxing rates, etc), when specific crates leave the economy, the price of items in their own shop, and so on. All of those factors impact how players derive value from their items and thus the TF2 economy as a whole. It's foolish to say the players alone control the economy.

That shit is completely irrelevant to the item economy itself.

Take the item economy out of the equation, it's useless. Valve does not condone or support formal hat-trading economies like in any way beyond offering a platform to sell in game items. It doesn't force you to sell hats for a minimum price to safe guard value. It is not a regulated used car market.

You gave Valve money for a key and crate, used these 2 items to gamble for a chance at an item, received the rarest possible prize and you were then punished for winning. You did nothing wrong yet Valve profited like always. That is predatory like the OP said.

Valve's legal team would have to prove you either caused this bug or acted maliciously which they simply cannot do in court. No terms of service will protect from such an obvious open and close case, and like another user said there's a legal firm who will happily pursue this case on account of how easy it would be to win.

Interest isn’t obligation. They can always create a new unique set of items, players will eat it up, and this situation will mostly be lost to time

Make the old Cheater's Laments vintage and let people craft the bugged unusuals for a unique one.

Valve has already proven they're willing to fuck with the economy when they discontinued certain hats.

make everyon who wears a bugged unusual move 20% slower and take 20% more damage


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Imagine vilifying critical thought and trying to fight for your rights

that's not what that cartoon means

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Maybe then my pal can finally fucking play with the rest of us.

Have you ever even been on Facebook? That definitely isnt what happens. A few years ago they thought by copypastaing an I'll sue you shitpost they could legally prevent facebook from selling their information to the chinese.

This reply completely changes the scope of what the original discussion was about. We were originally discussing the TF2 economy overall, and now the topic has seemingly changed to specifically the Unusual trading economy off-platform. I'm less interested in replying if the topic is going to keep changing.

>You gave Valve money for a key and crate, used these 2 items to gamble for a chance at an item, received the rarest possible prize and you were then punished for winning. You did nothing wrong yet Valve profited like always. That is predatory like the OP said.
First off all, this is a disingenuous representation of what happened.
>gamble for a chance at an item, received the rarest possible prize
The drop rate for unusuals in some crates was at 100%. There was no gamble and the prize was not rare.

Secondly, I don't understand how you can characterize this as "predatory" when Valve haven't even decided what they're going to do yet. People willingly spent money buying keys and crates. Valve didn't lie to anyone. To me the connotation of the word "predatory" implies malicious intent, but I don't see any malicious intent in any of this.

>Interest isn’t obligation
What's your point? People do things that are in their interest but aren't strictly their obligation all the time. Who cares if it's "not their obligation"

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What happened exactly and is it too late to get a sick ass hat? I tried to google it but all the explanations were all way too much shit to find out what happened outside of "everyone gets an unusual hat"

was it the summer box specifically or what exactly happened?

shut the fuck up retard

This thread is filled with some of the dumbest stuff I have read in my life. Please tell me you're all taking the piss here lads.

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i find it hilarious but not surprising they valve is waiting as long as they possibly fucking can to respond after making us wait whole weekend

here's a pity (you) for the underage voice

Some of the early crates had a 100% unusual rate after they added the new summer crate, word got out real quick and people unboxed fuckload of unusuals/sold them and the bugged crates. Market sank even deeper and faster and tradefags got buttblasted into oblivion.
Now those unusuals are untradeable and you cant sell them but that was a just a quick solution: the real question is what they are going to do now since everything they can try will fuck Valve sideways.

Im just enjoying the chaos like most people here

>Sitting back chilling with all the vidya I bought with crate money
>Got a few neat unusuals
>Tradecucks will seethe for eternity

I know what they should do. They should give everyone a golden frying pan as compensation. Problem solved. World peace achieved.

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No, you're not because you don't have $100,000 for all the fees associated with suing a multi billion dollar corporation. Go away. You just took up board space with your shitty thread.

name some dumb stuff in this thread then genius let's learn from you

it is too late, they fixed it. they accidently changed the drop rate on certain crates really high, and so people started unboxing like crazy. they have locked down trading and unboxing for now, and have fixed the drop rates. all that's left is to watch the chaos unfold

Imagine being upset about virtual hats

Nice argument.

Actual lawfag here (not shitty OP) and there isn’t a single post in this thread that is even slightly informative. Nobody is even citing an actual law.

Got a question, why dont someone in another country than usa with a strong law and power for those kind of situations make the lawsuit?
If so wich country makes the best opportunities of winning?

the fairness doctrine

I heard that belgium is pretty based in those situations


They banned gambling

I already won by not losing

>The fairness doctrine of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, was a policy that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was—in the FCC's view—honest, equitable, and balanced.
If this is what you think is going to help you, you are doomed.

>90% of proposed solutions in this thread involve introducing an even more finite/rare item class to the market

Mannconomy was a fucking mistake.

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wow a game worth like 80 cents thank you based valve

GUYS GUYS GUYS STOP FIGHTING, Make you brains work for a sec.

If usa dont have the legal foundation for a lawsuit, start searching in other countries like Canada or European countries. I'm sure there is somewhere a place where we can start something big.

Good luck sewing a billion dollar company

please dude


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>winning and losing
Brainlet mentality. I don't make logical arguments to "win," I do it to learn. I give my reasoning and if it turns out there are things I overlooked or didn't consider or one of my reasons is bad, then I get to learn and be smarter when thinking through related things in the future.
People who are worried about losing arguments, especially on Yea Forums, just don't get it.

Yeah maybe why not let check what they got

I would do something highly illegal if this happened. It would make my original Lament completely useless.

I was talking about the hats


If the TF2 economy crashes like this, so will the CSGO and DOTA markets because those systems are the same as TF2, it makes them faithless systems. They have to think hard about the actions they're about to take.

china plays dota not TF2

You can't fucking sue you LARPing retard. it is in their ToS that they have the right the change or undo any glitches that occur, just like you can't sue an online retailer for accidentally setting the wrong price and then cancelling your order.

There is no solution but the solution of inaction.
Valve just made a fortune in a few hours from an 11 year old game. There's no telling (maybe) how much Valve alone made off this fiasco. They don't care about the rarity of items. Yeah they're going to make them untradeable/unmarketable but that's just to appease people who already have one. But the value of that item is going to plummet because it is no longer unique.
TF2 is already on its last legs however. This massive boost in sales only helped bolster Valve and they don't give a fuck if a few thousand people quit playing since, again, the game is 11 years old.

there was already a debacle in DOTA 2 where the "escalating odds" weren't working properly and people opened hundreds of treasures without getting the exceedingly rare item
they actually had to adjust the drop chances of it

We can start searching.

>mfw i didn't realize this was reversed until something he poured went back into the cup.


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it's not like valve is pumping out any new games to replace the old
i'd say they place more worth on these titles than you'd expect, just not in development

Why? The market for hats was never supposed to be a replacement for the heavily regulated stock market. Governments are still grappling with how to regulate bitcoin, do you honestly think they care about TF2 hats?

You're not going to do anything. You're going to sit on Yea Forums and bitch and cry and then play more TF2.

I sincerely hope the TF2 economy crashes and burns so investors of Valve get antsy and Valve can no longer depend on lootboxes to make easy cash and thus might influence them on making actual products again.

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>Valve just made a fortune in a few hours from an 11 year old game.
>They don't care about the rarity of items.
Of course Valve care about the rarity of items. Scarcity and prestige affect value which affects the economy which affects Valve's revenue longterm.

Are you seriously suggesting they're willing to sacrifice long-term revenue over years just because a couple of autists made them some money one single morning?

>just like you can't sue an online retailer for accidentally setting the wrong price and then cancelling your order

Im pretty sure you can do this in france

Valve is a private company.
They don't have that much investors and we don't know who they are.

>Even if a law has been revoked, it can still have legal power.
Wow just when I thought America could not get any more stupider

Here's what I would do. Any unusual that was sold remains as is. Any unusual that has NOT been sold, acts as a token at a chance to earn the unusual at it's normal rate. Buy doing it this way, it will give everyone a fair chance at actually earning the unusual. Those who lose out will of course be angry. But this system is fair.

Of course they (Valve) care about TF2 economy. It is a steady revenue stream. More important, the errors here affect their other revenue streams on the steam marketplace, such as dota.

all of his posts were retarded as fuck
you should've seen the shit he was saying about the fairness doctrine lmao
check the archive if you really wanna see retardation

If a store fucks up and marks an item normally costing 500 only 50, they are obligated to sell at that price until they fix their fuckup,

At least in a non-third world country they do.

So let me get this straight
>people unboxed
>people sold the hats
>people traded the hats
>people bought the hats
So valve will have to give a refund to everyone who traded for one of the hats, bought one of the hats and unboxed one of the hats.
The number of hats unboxed were in the thousands.
If the hats are deleted then thousands of players will be affected.
If they compensate then they have to compensate thousands of players.
Over 5% of all players were affected. This is an estimation with stats. They cannot fuck over those people who got a glitched hat since there is too many people to fuck over. They are forced to compensate at least or allow the hats to stay.

I bet in their terms of service it even says that those items have no real monetary value. Good luck proving you’re entitled to damages on an item you agreed had no real world value. You’re fucked, just deal with it and move on to something else.

this is a lesson on paying real money for digital items

anyone who actually does the paying for a digital item is an absolutely blithering 75 IQ retard

True BUT the gamers in these situations are usually pretty fucking stupid and forgetful, so whatever they do probably won’t hurt valve in the long term. The market will always evolve to form around something else as scammers look for the next buck

>If a store fucks up and marks an item normally costing 500 only 50, they are obligated to sell at that price until they fix their fuckup
True, but I wonder how much of that carries over to TF2.
The difference is that in TF2 you didn't pay cheaply for a good, you paid for a virtual key which let you open a virtual box.
Obviously I'm not a lawyer but maybe there could be an argument that you only paid for the key, not for the contents of the box.

They can't really use that excuse when the steam marketplace exists.

keep the exploit in place
make unusuals the new uncommon
make a new unusuals tier named unobtainables

Thats insanely stupid, I really wish you are trolling on this one.

Valve can do whatever the fuck they want. You cannot sue them if they remove the hats.

This crate drama and the seething tradefags is the funniest thing to happen in TF2

>they affected a lot of people
wow big woop. huge rollbacks have happened in mmorpg's

Thank you american for your shit opinion. If valve deletes the hats almost 10% of the steam userbase is affected negatively. Even if half of these people leave it will be a big punch on profits and likeability.

Why not? It’s in literally everyone else’s terms of service that sells lootboxes and is the main thing companies point to saying it’s not gambling.
>It can’t be gambling because there’s no real monetary value.

Valve themselves have already done it in Dota 2.

These wannabe LARPing lawyers are hilarious.

Can't they just leave them on the market and deal with the depressed values?

Agreed, this is all hilarious.

You're literally no better than the tradefags. Who gives a fuck? It's a $5 hat you literal sperg. You're already a fucking mouth breather for even buying digital cosmetics.

>nobody cares about TF2
>hat glitch goes live
>wtf I love TF2 again I have to play to show off my digital hats!

Source me on the dota 2 shit.

No matter what happens I'm just here for the CHAOS

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>Lawyer user here.
post degree or stfu

> It would be the equivalent of winning a mountain of chips in a casino, but rather than let you cash out they just let you keep 20 thousand otherwise-worthless plastic chips

No, it’d be the equivalent of a card game company banning a powerful card from competitive play even though people already whaled for copies of it, which they do all the time. You’re in their ecosystem.

No, it would mean that original Lament would be the true "unusual". New Laments would be like gibous-tier

They wont give out Laments though because it was Valves own fuck-up.

you're a lawyer, how are you the one suing, aren't you just supposed to represent the class that sues, or are you going to be your own lawyer as well

>spend money to get overpowered weapon in a videogame
>that weapon is later nerfed


>this is the kind of utterly clueless retard that shares opinions on the state of the gaming industry.

Valve please release a mythical cheaters lament.

What if someone unboxed a legitimate unusual during this time from a non-glitched crate? Are they just fucked?

How many traders do you think are online at any given time? I keep hearing them say that this update will kill the game, but why would anyone who isnt a trader be miffed by this at all? Are the "TF2 IS DEAD" posts just seething? Do they honestly think theyre the majority?

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Literally every champion released on LoL

I created a strawpoll for you guys

I’m not familiar with all the details of this situation, but if you paid valve/steam directly for something like a crate, received an item from the crate, the item was seized by the company with zero compensation then you could do something about it. Unfortunately in these situations (this isn’t the first time something like this has happened) the compensation is usually something really fucking stupid and technically worthless, but it circumvents any kind of repercussions just barely

world of tanks to a T

>pull stickers off $50 and $500 items
>switch them around
>buy $500 item for $50
I know people that do this for a living

Only certain crates were bugged, not all of them.

>investors of Valve

It's seething traders who can't handle the reality that investing in digital hats was a fucking stupid idea.

Fuck off reddit, take your shit frog with you

The “real world value” of the crate’s contents are what people are fighting over.

The unboxed ones will be kept like they are and the ones bought will be marketable

Exactly. But the idiots ITT think Valve can't remove the item and compensate them.

Hur I paid for da item I keep da item I paid for or else I sue!

Valve is a private company.

At least Hearthstone gives full refunds if your card is changed

The thinking is similar to other games' whales, in a way.

Think of it like this:
Most of the revenue for TF2 probably comes from keys.
Most of the revenue from keys comes from traders.
Therefore, if traders abandon the game, most of TF2's revenue is gone.
If most of TF2's revenue is gone, there's little incentive to work on the game.

That's sort of what I imagine the logic looks like.

>investors of Valve
Let me guess, genius, you're a lawyer too?

>the bong that got caught buying PS4s by the pound

In monopoly money

Right. But people think they can sue over speculative subjective value of an item (you can’t) and most people are going to see this is a loss to valve (it isn’t). Courts are going to see a bunch of people “beating the odds” and getting the rare item from a crate. The people got the item they wanted from the loot box. It’s dumb but it’s reality

It's not JUST TF2. All of Valve's games are clinging to life thanks to their fucking skin economy. TF2, CSGO and Dota 2.

If Valve just let this whole mess slide and fuck traders over, that will instill fear and distrust in the traders of the other games who are probably putting a lot of money into Valve's pocket. It's a tough call for them that's for sure.

Fuck traders though. Don't get me wrong.

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your giving the item value as if that's the intended purpose, which it's not. The items are presented to be used in game. The value is determined by what other players will pay you and is not fixed like chips from a casino as the item itself has no value other than what people are offering

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Most of dota 2 cosmetics are untradable and unmarketable though?

I feel like Dota makes enough money off Battlepasses/Tournies, same with CSGO, so I think this might just be a TF2 only issue since it is where Valves Crating scene began, and they've since learned. Plus CSGO will always have its "Quality" system, so even if there is a bugged 100% Knife Crate, theres still the chance of getting a dull rusty piece of shit. No doubt traders will still seethe, but still.

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>value based on community prices
i value your retarded ass digitems at 0 dollars get a fucking job you EBT having faggot.

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Who knew virtual hats in a decade old FPS would cause such a stir.

I’m with you user, I was just trying to separate “what people are mad about” from actual legal issues.

TF2's cosmetic market was a relic of its time. Valve already learned from that by making most of their shit untradeable and unmarketable.

>be me and actually own one of these "illegal" hats the TF2 community is in uproar about.
I don't play tf2 anymore but if valve takes away my hat that I received from that 'bugged' crate i'll still be pissed. These items were not "exploited" or "glitched" by the players, all they did was simply 'buy' a crate and earned a usual. They only part that's 'bugged' were the percentages of droprates for the items in that crate and that is a manufacturer/owner issue, not the users fault. People that want to punish those that earned these hats are no better then people who think using a slot machine that was accidentally set to win more often then what the owner wanted it set at.
>If they give into tradefags and take away my new hats I am literally going to sue valve.
you should start suing them now then since they'll prob be taking away the unusual.
>The value is determined by what other players will pay you and is not fixed like chips from a casino as the item itself has no value other than what people are offering
The crates have a fixed value and items value is determined buy the market price which is just a glorified auction house. The item does hold value.

Attached: Manco Crate.png (250x250, 51K)

>these crates were not exploited

Attached: 1531337445372.jpg (468x451, 21K)

>valve wins
>not only shits on the retards who sued but destroys once and for all tim *pirate away my boy its on me* sweney
Pretty based if you ask me.

Attached: 1460756099957.jpg (620x670, 93K)

>guaranteed a tradable craftable item from the description
>valve gives the big old nope fuck you
>this is literally false advertising and predatory practices
It's an open and shut case.

Actually the simplest solution is replace the unusuals with the exact item they were supposed too get in the first place, it follows every law just fine and they could legally argue it's a cosmetics glitch.