Linux gaming thread

Linux has games and no amount of "nogaems" posting can change that

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imagine being this faggot
disgusting, you can do better than that

It doesn't have the games I want to play and they still don't run on Wine forcing me to use QEMU running windows with GPU passthrough

Growing up in an open-source household would be so much easier today.

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i run win10 on my main desktop and mint on my thinkpad
i can play almost all the games i want just fine with wine, but when i try playing iji, there's no sound effects and the music doesn't loop after the track finishes
how can i fix this?

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>Still cant run Ground Zeroes
Yeah, nah.

>not compiling your own super mario 64 ROMS

do you even game on GNU + Linux?

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I wouldn't use linux anyway but what a shit take

imagine using using sudo to do stuff in your home directory

if it's a mount, then should have it set the same uid/gid through options

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Download Iji 1.6, 1.7 is broken in Wine.

penguin :D

>tfw all CODEX cracks are broken in wine starting around January 2019 (maybe late 2018 ones too)
>legitimate copies work just fine

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>Linux has games
I don't give a shit. I exclusively play emulated PS1/N64/GBA/SNES games on my shitty riced Gentoo desktop. Get fucked buyfags, get fucked (((modern gaming))) get fucked wintoddlers

You are all animals and I am the only one really living.

This. It really bums me out.

Recently starting experimenting with linux, but gaming is proving to be my achilles heel. God dammit.

I've "tried" to figure it out and maybe patch Wine myself it need be but the complete lack of actual errors/warnings that could be related makes it hard, ended up giving up and just annoyingly rebooting to windows

can't find anything about it either, others had the same issues but it's hardly looked into

Is this the new desktop thread

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install gentoo

Attached: install gentoo.webm (1920x1080, 2.91M)

I think we have the same yuri folder. I got minefrom a Yea Forums download ilnk


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