>Fire Emblem: The Three Houses is now the most yuri best selling game of this generation
Is yuri growing in video games now.
>Fire Emblem: The Three Houses is now the most yuri best selling game of this generation
Is yuri growing in video games now.
Yes, what a great time to be alive
why byleth such a spunk monk
I wonder what went through their heads to add so much lesbianism in a series that barely had it in previous entries
Is there any difference in the romance scenes by choosing the male or female characters?
Cause right now I'm playing as male Byleth but it hadnt even crossed my mind.
There's some difference in the supports, like Dorothea telling you it'd be nice to settle down with a girl in her C support which the localization scrapped in favor of making the supports the same, I think they do end the same way though, also the hands in 2 CG's
>Dorothea is gay
that actually makes a lot of sense
Maybe she leans more that way
I just wish female Byleth had male Byleth's eyes. She looks 10000x better with them.
It's an absolute blessing for this game.
Also dykes is a game.
A reminder lesbians love this game.
It has cuck shit in it as well, does that mean cuck shit is growing in games?
Friendly reminder that yurifags are either cuckolds or trannies. In either way they are subhuman and their opinions should be discarded.
Yeah, but its been like that for years.
lesbians are the new staceys of vidya
This scares and angers the cuckrager
>popular series has thing in it so thing must be getting popular
This is the most retarded reasoning I've heard. /u/fags really are troglodtyes.
>Dorothea almost got Ingrid with the big gay
>She "no way fag"'s here
I think it's great, at least she acts like a bisexual instead of it only counting for the MC.
Dorothea still got Ingrid in the ending.
She didn't, she gets Manuela and Petra though.
and still Ingrid wished she was Dorothea girl. It's her fault for being a slut to the three houses.
But this is the otomiest fire emblem yet
>She's using the V
What a fucking dyke.
Yes but Yuri have the higher ground now.
Are you ok user?
>Is yuri growing in video games now.
>all the bisexual characters have shitty endings because of yurifags
Literally nobody is playing fem-Bylat tho, except for the one dozen or so women playing FE
I play Fem Blyat and I intend to romance every girl possible.
And Hanneman after my Yuri world because he's cool.
The nintendo poll said 60% of people played FCorrin, I don't see why it would be different here.
I restarted as a male once I found out all my desired supports were straight girls.
>be a yurifag
>finally get a game that has a bunch of yuri paths
>don't like any of the paths
Good choice.
Most of the girls I like are doable by Fem as well so it's good.
I might do at least one M to romance the nuke.
That's real nice of you keeping my wife company like that. Now come Edelgard, the Empire needs a successor
They finally give you the main girl as a yuri option and you say she's not to your liking?
But she's worst girl.
Fuck off he's the first to die in my ironman run
I wanna do a run in BE and recruit all the girls into my class and then beat the game with only the girls.
Gotta finish my Golden Deer run first though. I only managed to recruit Dorothea, Bernadetta, and Shamir. I miss Prof Hanneman.
Everyone has their own preferences.
But Honestly we have a pretty good cast for Fem Blyat Yuri.
Mercedes, Dorothea, Sothis, Edelgard and Rhea.
Okay bros how the fuck do you exit to main screen without resetting
>ironman run
>implying this game is difficult enough to even lose units
Unless you're waiting for Lunatic to do that run, you're probably tough out of luck
>Everyone was saying this would be Fujo Emblem
>All the malexmale options suck ass and the femalexfemale options are all best girls
Yea Forums was wrong again
You faggots do this everyday, give a fucking break.
Reminder she did everything wrong save dying.
>not using war and battle as a convenient way to remove your competitors who happen to serve under you
Don't give them (you)s just ignore them.
I wish I could pair that Twin tail demon with Lucina.
Het and yuri should be friends and continue to laugh at disgusting faglovers
No one should fight no one.
If I have my Yuri, that's all that matters.
I couldn't care less if it also had Faggots and all.
I'd rather everyone be friends
I haven't played this game but I intend to. Isn't MC, being a teacher, much older than the Albino girl?
I really like the albino girl but I'd feel weird if my character was a lot older and romanced her anyway.
Ironically, the teacher is supposed to be not that far in age.
If you join the Black eagles, some even comment on it. Other Houses might do the same though.
I don't know if you really care about spoilers but there's a 5 year timeskip
>not being both a het and a yurifag
>mfw I like both otome shit and yuri shit done right and Three Houses has both
>mfw even though 3H doesn't have a lot of gay options Niles was one of the best boys in Fates so I don't mind
Guess lesbians have good taste
My major issue is that there's no standard twink anime boy to fuck.
Linhardt borders on being a trap, and the other two are bara, there's no in between.
I understand it's following the whole yaoi thing for fujos, where one guy plays the role of the woman, but it's still annoying.
>the other two
>yurishit is still a fraction of waifufag or otomeshit content of the game
>all bisexual options have gutted s-ranks to make them playersexual
Sure you won
I barely interact with them at the point I'm at, so It's hard for me to remember their names.
I just remembered Gilbert as I'm posting this.
Have I upset you in some way?
They make you marry a random village girl in Alois ending
Wait, what?
anymore ingrid pics? gotta get more, she's a definite marry on my playthrough.
I think someone at the IS production team thought it would be a funny prank
I don't know if you're bullshitting, but that's pretty wild.
He's already married and has children
to be fair, it is pretty funny
I already knew about that, but I just assumed she dies or something during the timeskip.
>imaginary loli tells me to go to canyon
>ambushed by like 15 beasts
fucking cunt
>Linhardt borders on being a trap
he does not
Have you seen his timeskip design?