What does Yea Forums think about Jim Sterling?

What does Yea Forums think about Jim Sterling?

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fat commie cuck

Literally /our guy/

Communist faggot

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I Like him.
Inhale my dong.

A fat ugly unfunny British blob.

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Literally a faggot.

Ugliest fucker I've ever seen.

I wince each time a picture of him is posted here. 100% serious.

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A cuck

>make a valid point 5 minutes into a video
>repeat the same point
>reiterate the point he already made
>bring up the point he made before but say it differently
>and then he repeats what he said
>this goes on for 15 minutes

I can't watch him anymore.

based and redpilled

he is literally a SJW cuck

Has bias but pretends he doesn't and also accuses other of having bias. That alone makes me not believe anything he says.

I still watch his stuff for fun though.

haven't thought about him in 4 years, thanks for the reminder OP

even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then

His criticism of the industry is valid. But he's still a cuck.

dont forget
>says the opposite opinion but in a silly voice to make it seem like its dumb

physically, he's disgusting to even look at
mentally, he's entitled, whiny, dumb, and also a hypocrite
sometimes he says stuff that isn't retarded, but only sometimes

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I dont really think he pretends he doesn't have bias. I think he is pretty clear about what he likes and what he doesen't. What made you think he tries to hide he is a raging faggot who hates the AAA industry.

>Make condemning videos about Kickstarter scams and fraudulent game developers.
>Be quiet and defensive about LW's Kickstarter project being delayed for 3 years and running, because she happens to be your friend in the SJW circles he frequents.

The guy is a hypocrite. "Asset flip games and Kickstarters bad", until one of his friends scam you out of your money, then its ok.

Based and truthpilled

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Fat retard who doesn't understand video games

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His criticism of the industry is valid, his opinions on actual video games are fucking retarded

He's disgusting to say the least, though his criticism is on point imo.
I can't really take him seriously under all that cinism, he's not fun to watch, at all

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Spoiler that shit next time

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He's a communist.

He's next.

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has like 3 decent opinions but otherwise is a shit disturber with little understanding of why people enjoy video games. also i fucking detest his whole personality/schtick

Big oof, but probably true

I usually agree with his positions but I think he’s kind of awkward and not very entertaining. I’m happy that there’s someone who is vehement and REEEEs hard at anything to do with monetizing chunks of games though.
So my thoughts on him are kind of like my thoughts on Richard stallman: glad that somebody like him does the work he does because it does good, but I personally really don’t like him or his personality

only listen to him when he dumps shit on developers.Not because he has something some new or good info.But because that constant shitting on them has effect.

Wish more shitters like him are active for bigger effect.Otherwise he produces dogshit content when it comes to his taste or anything else.

I try not to.

Why is there a fleshlight in that slimer? Does he want to fuck one?

That's a boglin and yes

literal cuckold, literal communist, arch-sjw, broken clock about some issues but all flowing from his mindless marxist dogma rather than any actual understanding.

He acts like he's big and bad but only goes after extremely small targets like Mr. Metokur.


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If I look at him and TB, the wrong one died.

His journalism is fine and he often provides some good arguments.
His push against shit like corporate greed, microtransactions, lootboxes and such is also good.
That's about it.

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Are you sure thats his wife and not just him on HRT?
If you told me it was him I'd've believed you.

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an example of everything wrong with the gaming community

Literally who. This guy looks like nazi scum.

You heard of "Cat in the Hat," now there's "FAT CUNT!!!."

When has he ever gone after metokur?

His "wife" is definitely just him in a wig.

>could not be done in previous titles, like ceiling-running
I remember there was ceiling running in Sonic 3 though

More like 'NAZI' salad.

I meant he was like Mr. Metokur.



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Sometimes he's boring, sometimes he's pretentious, sometimes he's stating the obvious. He's never entertaining though, and boy does he try.

found it

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Yea Forums keeps calling him fat (real original,) but fails to bring up any concrete examples of why he's wrong.
They alway just generalise without actual examples.

I like him and agree with most of his points.
Sometimes the SJW's come trough a bit too much.

anti-gamergate , I will never like him

He thinks he's funny. He's not.

Lookup wart in the dictionary.

Burden of proof is on you my zoomer friend. Care to share instants where he is right? Or some of the casual critism Yea Forums has?

Impossible to listen to, stupid as shit, and disgusting to look at.

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Well he is fat

His videos / views seem alright but hes too fat and ugly for me eyes to tolerate

Delet this

He's not wrong, but he's not saying anything that hasn't already been said either. He just picks whatever the most popular opinion on reddit is, and joins in with the circlejerk without adding anything new to the discussion. All while claiming these are his own amazing revelations and everyone else is a corporate shill.

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He has an over reliance on argumentation tactics commonly employed by 14 year olds: frame opposing points in a "funny" voice. Its appropriate for the average mental age of his audience.

I stopped paying attention to the fat cunt when I realized his entire shtick is alternating between spouting the safest platitudes possible that his braindead following wants to hear and chronical blatant trolling followed by acting like a victim and doubling down with "u mad??"

"Wow mates, lootboxes amirite guv'nor?? Haha Final Fantasy fans like to bugger their sister! why so angry tho??? toxic gamers I swear on me mum" rinse and repeat

also I don't buy the whole "persona" thing, this isn't a James Rolfe/AVGN situation, I think Sterling is a genuinely repugnant individual and he'd be identified as the archetype of the fat resentful gamer if not for his "new born feminist" get out of jail free card

basically sterling is a spiteful, disingenuous waste of adipose tissue and I'd rather pretend he didn't exist

Fat annoying cunt, but he's right.

Fat body virtue signalling race traitor. But I agree with his opinions on the video game industry for the most part, and he's made me laugh at times.

The burden of proof is on those fags that spout shit.
You can't just call someone something and then say: "prove that you are not the thing I said you are."
They have to provide the evidence.

Yes, that is a valid point.

Physically repulsive and unfunny.

Right about pretty much everything as far as the industry goes though.

Don't worry, I'm sure he's going to put out a video any week now about the abusive working conditions at MidBoss for the adventure game he provided voice lines for. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Or the extremely low quality work from any of his friends. It's time for some QUALITY CONTROL.

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But those fags explain why they don't like him
>Sterling is a fat cunt who I don't like because his opinions parrot whatever popular discord is on reddit.

>Drumpf eats this

He a lousy cuck.

And there's nothing else to say about him really.

fat and disgusting, with bad opinions about politics. Yet he manages to be extremely based and /ourguy/

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it's a mystery

A disgusting ""human"" being. Everything about him is repulsive and obnoxious.

I don't see a problem with this.

I miss him.

Not the latest or twilight him, but the him before he went full social justice.
The framerate police was near that time.
What a shame he died twice.

fuck off back to resetera

He is a hypocrite faggot, still waiting him to talk shit after the mess with the new game that was on kickstart from zoe quinn

Instantly knew he was going to talk shit about the casino update as if it was r* trying to con more money from players. It has literally been the most asked for update since heists update. If players didn't bitch and whine about it so much it would've never happened. I agree with a lot of his shit, but ultimately this i do not. R* use online for a cash grab and that sucks, it took away from SP content. Casino update on the other hand is R* finally listening to players just like RDR2 online with his gambling update.

If it's a good steak, you shouldn't put sauce on it.

There are plenty of other foods you could use as a vehicle for ketchup.

You also forgot
>repeat this process with the same topic for three straight fucking years

I enjoyed his written reviews, didn't always agree with him. His Final Fantasy XIII review is still gold.

This, he's also the kommandant but you didn't hear that from me.

Metokur just watches retards doing retarded things and laughs at them.

>they sky is blue
>looking at the sun will hurt your eyes
>they just want your money
>dont buy shovelware
>youtube commenters are smart, decent, likeable people worthy of trust
On top of never saying anything that isnt obvious as fuck he is an opportunist before gamergate he was known as a shitlord

Hey, man, no matter what: steak... is never a mis-steak.


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Hypocritical sack of shit that uses microtransactions as a way to make money for himself.

>talking shit about progressive sacred cows
You should know better by now

Even a morbidly obese clock is right about how shit lootboxes are twice a day.

fencesitting jabba the hut looking turd

You don't understand, his supporters voluntarily send him a little money every month for additional content. Unlike the evil corporations that make you pay for horse armor.

Im sorry user....i was just expecting or hoping too much

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He keeps the AAA corporate bitting the nails. They want to silence him.

This. Not forgetting
>goaded the digital homicide dev into a meltdown for Internet backpats

There aren't actually people who put ketchup on their steaks, r-right?

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His split personality was pretty based tbqh.

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Fat faggot manchild who caters to a fat faggot manchild audience. Pathetic.

isn't ketchup like beer?

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what do you put on steak
we'll find out how similar to ketchup it is

Eh, not the worst thing you could put on a steak. I can let it slide since this is how Brian Wilson likes to eat his.

Yea Forums doesn't really tend to think

I dunno man, I really like his kind of non-sequitur gross-out humor, and he's got that oddly soothing yet also really grating kind of voice that makes you want to cuddle a goblin or something. His personal politics are a complete joke and his love life is a sham, and he's a fat cunt with massive insecurities, but I can't help but love the guy all the same. I think he's kind of cool for saying redundant stuff because honestly his crusade has and will always be the same. His stance on gambling and lootboxes is mostly unfounded and a lot of his claims seems to come from an emotional standpoint, but again, that's his political ideology and who am I to disagree with them when he does put forth valid arguments? I watch him because he's funny, has nice commentary, and is one of the few Yea Forums-approved youtubers that is completely insufferable, yet also very endearing.

Hey, at least he's not breadtube, right?

Jim is based as fuck. Keeps it real. And doesnt sell out to Suits.

Literally doesnt hide his Patreon money like others do. Pro consumer. Exposing Triple A industry. Moralfag.

I honestly dont understand why ppl hate Jim

Hes a bloody ponce

How sheltered are you?

Nice industry rants/good at refuting shit like publishers have to turbo jew us because games cost so much, terrible taste in games though.

Not fond of him. I made the mistake of thinking, like , that he was /ourguy/ when he made 73 videos bitching about lootboxes in one month. I though "Fuck yeah! I hate lootboxes too! Clearly this obese weirdo sees the world like I do!".

Alas, it soon became clear that while he's right in some individual issues like the abovementioned and how Fallout 76 is unfinished garbage, he's way too married to the SJW mindset of "ban everything that's inappropriate, except me, don't ban my channel but ban everybody else who says a bad thing or looks at a booby or something".

He talks about videogames, which makes it on topic. So go lick a front door you geek

I squeeze limes on my steak

user Jim Sterling has always acted like this even back when he was working at Destructoid. Which was right before the SJW meme shit started spreading.

In another life time Jim is would have been a crossdressing wrestler like he usually post in his videos for 10 secs.

I don't why the fuck would I?

He is a fat white man with leftist leanings. What do you think?


I really, really miss him.
Would have loved to hear him shit on Fallout 76 and everything else Bethesda is fucking up lately

lime juice contains citric acid and citric acid is an ingredient of ketchup
i'm rating you 2/100 ketchup steak eater

I liked him until I followed him on twitter and found out what far-left leaning homo he is

But thats communism retard

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>It's an acquired taste.

this is might be true but why would you acquire it

Fucking weirdo but he's a smart guy who talks about interesting things. As a casual, I think he's great. I came across him after watching Pretty Good Gaming and his insight compared to theirs is night and day.

what's a smart idea that he's had

It just kinda grows on you, plus there are some beers that I genuinely think taste good. IPA's are all universally shit IMO though, no clue how the fuck people can drink those. Every single one I've ever tried has tasted like some nasty liquid potpourri.

>he's a smart guy
What has he said that is smart?

>What does Yea Forums think about Jim Sterling?

He's a semen demon.

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I absolutely despise him, I dont think there's a single online personality I like less, and it's annoying because he's just a fat version of me, silly voice and all, wish I was fucking dead mates.

Lol he is a fat anti gamergate sjw, and a literal cuck. Look at his twitter and that should be obvious.plus look at this:

For me it’s the Lightbringer

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Fuck off back to reset era, lefty

He supports censorship of games and is anti gamergate plus a huge sjw

irritating faggot with horrible voice and on stage presence.
Literally sounds and acts like a shit human bean and snippets of personal life confirm him as peak onions

That's right, Yea Forums, you don't.

jim should've died instead of him.

Fuck off NPC

daily reminder to get your asshole checked.

He larps as The Kommandant in secret, right?

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Fuck off, man.
I bet my dick is better than yours.


That's mutually exclusive

t. Brit who realised British people were ugly when I was young

He's a coward hiding behind safe opinions and a factual cuck who fucks landwhales.

Overall he fits here perfectly.

He's my favorite wrestler

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funnily enough he still manages to look better than you

Yes fellow NPC, I shall fuck off now.

His opinions I usually agree with but I think he is a cuck fatass behind the scenes

He states the extreme obvious in terms of broad subjects, like most YouTube game celebrities.


No shit sherlock. Maybe if he had something to say other than the extreme obvious I'd care more about what he said.

He is a massive (literally) SJW that occationally makes good points, i still watch him but when it comes to certain topics he is just retarded.

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i don't. I had to stop listening to him after him and the transie "laura" on that podcast wouldn't shut the fuck up bitching about senran kagara and tits.
>i'm fine with tits if it's just for tits! but Quiet has such a shit excuse!
>oh yeah Senran Kagara is naughty naughty
they are faggots, through and through

All these people who hate him but still watched a bunch of his videos and read all his twitter posts.

>g2a is bad because all they keys are bought with fake credit cards
>what do you mean that i need to post proof?
>also it is not like ebay or any reseller site has scammers or anything

When he sticks to games, games development and the predatory business practices surrounding games he is top notch in my book. When the politics seeps in its hard to listen to him. Not that I give a shit what his politics are or are not, its just that shit is everywhere these days and all I care about are games. Its why I really take to Matthew Mattosis. It's all about the games.

>mutually exclusive
You're also a fucking retard too, apparently, you prick.

>t. butthurt brit

Welcome to Yea Forums.

>Welcome to my podcast
>Says n-word
>Says n-word
>Says n-word
>Says saying the n-word "is funny"
>Somehow still has a patreon account
Podtoid 189: Sip The Coffee Of Racism 4m30s

I suppose that's one way to cope, uggo.

tattle tale

my dude we had cool nigger posters get real careers in the media
if your politics are the right flavor they ignore things you have done and you can just be like, "i grew up"

>dating your generbend version
why, is not like he is that attractive

His gimmick of acting like a fedora while actually being woke went out of fashion when fedoras did, but his video game videos aren't bad. He's a step above Moviebob, but only because he actually accepts being an overweight cuckold and doesn't advocate genocide for the sake of "intellectuals" who'd only agree with him.

>journalist are an oppressed class

Moviebob is unironically completely insane. I've actually never seen a person more emotionally destroyed than Bob Chipman, he must've been bullied to the point of literal insanity as a kid given how much he talks about it. It's the only way to explain his behavior. He was probably a loser in high school and his peers saw him as an easy target. It's actually really sad because bob had legitimate potential and chances are the bullying was entirely his own fault. Chipman is fucking 6'4 and could've been a fucking powerhouse of a man. I can't imagine him being picked on by kids half his size but that's probably exactly what happened. Something happened to that dude to make him as broken and bitter as he is now.

The term you're thinking of is "redundant", you retard

not many people can approach film robert levels of "fascism but with anti-mayonnaise ghoul characteristics, so we just pretend he's a partisan democrat and not actually incredibly fucked up"

His base has eroded beyond repair too. Bob's videos used to average several hundred thousand. Now none of his videos manage to get past 30k or so. He has a very small base of dedicated fans who are probably all as broken mentally as himself. Hes borderline totally irrelevant at this point. Which just makes his constant shitflinging at people like pewdiepie that much more sad. Hes an old man who never even HAD a peak, which is even more tragic than the kids who bullied him who peaked in middle school. At least they know what it is to be top dog at SOMETHING.

wtf is this real?

mutually INclusive
If it were mutually exclusive then it'd be impossible to be both ugly and a Brit at the same time.

Massive tool, but not as massive as the people unironically watching him

Makes zero difference, stop wasting limes for that.

is that the guy who said Chechenia was christian?

He says things that only a genuinely insane man would say on a daily if not hourly basis. Hes literally a crazy man, his rants about how other people are holding him down from some kind of potential greatness are the most delusional things you'll ever read. He went on a mad rant about how whites are keeping him from a cyberpunk future where he can go to Mars or something not too long ago. I used to laugh but kind if like chris chan I just sort of starting feeling like he was just too pathetic to laugh at anymore.

Someone should make a fat cuck simulator where you play as Jim Sterling performing errands for his wife while she's at Tyrone's house


am i allowed to juice my limes and dilute it with ice water

is this the kid that talked to steam about some shit and they laughed at him when he left?

I thought all the Helghast got blown up

>e-celeb thread
kill yourself nigger faggot trannies

That one seems to have blown up quite a bit.

ranchers in south dakota are why i can't chat with androids on my venusian colony
it's always funny when robert sounds like a bizarro world nrx guy

>He went on a mad rant about how whites are keeping him from a cyberpunk future where he can go to Mars or something not too long ago
i mean the dude also said the SNES vs Genesis console war was his "9/11" so....

I mean mutually exclusive in the sense that a quality can be exclusive (in the sense of pertaining to rather than to exclude) between mutual proprietors.

How are you so bad at the language your country spawned?

this reads like how these Britbong fedora types talk

Is he moviebobs cousin?

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

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just going to pile on because reading your posts is painful

Obese people generally look pretty similar. Unique feature of a persons face are smothered and smoothed over by fat.

Anyone who pisses off manchildren to the point of a ddos attack because of what was essentially a positive review is to be revered.

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exclusive means something is solely attributed to something.

mutual means sharing something between multiples or having a comparable quality. ("The feeling is mutual. They shared it mutually. Those buildings have a mutual chimney.")

thus one quality, let's say "having wings" can have a mutual exclusive quality between, for instance, different species.

Just because I didn't use the codified meaning of the two words doesn't mean what I said is wrong.

Admittedly I could have dropped "mutual" and just said that British people are exclusively ugly.

So the meaning of your original post is that British people are the only people in the world that are ugly, and also the only people in the world that are British?

You're even more retarded than has already been pointed out.

>So the meaning of your original post is that British people are the only people in the world that are ugly

yes, in jest

Your autism is showing.

fucking nonce and an actual cuckold

>in jest

Imagine telling a joke and nobody laughs, they all just stare at you.

Your autism has shown.

you can't hear people laugh on the internet you fucking retard, and this guy thought it was funny

Anyone remember when this guy admitted to eating "garlic sandwiches" for like an entire year?

This e-celebrity is 4channel janitor approved.
Please continue to make threads about him and make sure to report non approved e-celebrities.
Thank you for continuing to make Yea Forums a better board with a little bit of something for everybody.

maybe if he stopped eating a loaf a bread a day he wouldn't weigh 400lbs


Over the line. I get that we all want to shit on Jim here, and he deserves it. But no one deserves to be compared to Movie Blob.

I'm conflicted cause I really liked Sterdust, but I also like the new persona

I dont know how anyone can tolerate his ''persona'' is fucking bad

Go away jim

Him shitting on moviebob was the only thing of note he did

I cant respect anyone that just stays fat, if boogie can lose weight why cant this fat fuck

My name's actually Anonymous, dickhead.

>Jim Sterling
Pick one

I do, eat shit
"""""""""""""""""foodie"""""""""""""""" nigger

have you seen his production quality change at all for years? thats why, he puts no effort into his stuff of course hes going to stay fat.

>I do eat shit
Thanks for clearing that up.

he has no impulse control

He's an unsufferable asshole.

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I think Yea Forums knows by now not to purchase an EA game
They're not his target audience
Still watch him for the sake of watching him
His wrestling stuff is kinda dope too

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yeah, I bet drinking all that onions has made you blind, too, see the commas, faggot?

Shit, Anonymous #764632 doesn't approve of posting e-celebs.


>I bet drinking all that onions has made you blind
How do you drink an onion?

/incel/ - internet celebrities when

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ehehe, epic meme, have some reddit gold

It's milk, or that's at least what he says.

going to drink the hell out of some onion soup in the winter

I think he's fascinating. Probably the most fascinating game pundit currently relevant.

He's a morbidly obese, extreme left-leaning cuckhold with zero decent opinions on games, and still manages to have opinions on the industry that roughly align with the common person's simply because he doesn't treat his job as a joke and ignore companies being greedy and predatory.
Which I think is very interesting. The antithesis to everything that Yea Forums or the average "core" videogame consumer thinks of in regards to opinions, and manages to largely escape being grouped with the same group of nepotistic, corporate-enabling fuckwits who run most outlets. That he's notable enough to get a thread at all is, well, very notable.

Pic unrelated.

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Thanks for the Gold, Kind Stranger!

Hit or miss.

That's what all the fat guys are saying these days.
It's like a flabmi- ...I mean hivemind.

>wastes time using identity politics to attack him
>no actual criticism of his content
Sonic has never been good, so it's irrelevant what a sonic game does. If you like sonic games you're stuck in the mid 90's.

Now as for my actual view on him, I don't sub to him but occasionally watch his videos, most of the time you know exactly what's coming, but it's nice to have someone actually call this shit out instead of just ignoring it 8/10 IGN like mainstream media does.

you should be happy he's pushing back against those retards. instead of actually fighting the big issues (lootboxes, dlc, micro transactions, studio closures, shovelware) gamergate targetted irrelevant literal whos and did nothing but waste 5 years that could have been spent attacking companies that put lootboxes into their games. Now that shit is everywhere and it took until Disney got involved to have any kind of pushback against it.

Shut the fuck up Jim

lose weight

He tries too hard to be edgy.

A bit of a loud mouth, and he is quick to lash out over perceived slights against him, but he talks shit about many anti-consumer practices at a time when others are being apologists.

It's also impressive that despite being overwright, having the voice of a hormonally imbalanced teen girl, having a wife that fucks other men, having his entire home walled with toys and action figures, and being self-admittedly bad at games, he is somehow far less pitiful than most of the people he used to work with at Desteuctoid or The Escapist.

Hes an actual sperg, he's very selective with his outrage and straight out said he doesnt talk about censorship issues because it would ''give anti-sjws a win'' what type of retarded mindset is that?

He pretends to be smart and set in his ideals but he bends to whatever the popular opinion is. Pretending to be pro-consumer and then getting mad at Epic Games for giving people free games is just one of the many hypocritical things he's done. Communist who sucks Valve's cock.


fuck capitalism and communism

big fat faggot but I like his videos

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A fatass cuck that needs to die already

He triggers and butthurts both EAshills and /pol/shills. I don't care about his appearance or sexual/romantic life because I'm older than 14. so he's pretty based.


Attached: Ampharos.png (270x301, 102K)

Which is ironic because he's round.

fucks that?
is that a scroll?

i don't want to think jim and his wife having sex the image is horrible

Someone post the lyrics of his intro

Actually a cuck egoist. And not a meme cuck but like, actually a cuck.

Its a bundle of sticks, faggot

They probably don't, anyway.
She likely only fucks his wallet, while having something on the side.

is that for arts and crafts?

what, source im always down on hearing people shit on Movieblob

you're mom is gay

If only you were literate and/or not ESL trying to insult anyone else that is an English-speaker.

im not a mom is gay, you idiot.

you're a nipple

Who would win in a fight, Boogie2988 in his prime(very fat self) or Jim?

I could see Boogie hurting someone. He has a dark side. Definitely not a good person.

He blocked me on Twitter after I told him to stop sucking Antifa cock.

what, source im always down on hearing people shit on Movieblob

contest of who could stand the megaton explosion of two walruses colliding
entire neighborhoods wiped out
nearby children crying as their parents lie buried under rubble

All his opinions should be prefaced with the fact that he is a literal fat fuck cuckold, which means that he has poor taste in general making him an easily pleased niggerbugman bootlicker for corporate globhomo.

Still he has entertained me but I am the sort of cunt that enjoys MDE and their successor antics so If you enjoy him why do you care about our opinion frankly good for you for finding something you enjoy.
t. DOE

this, the only winners are those who could survive the mass destruction those fatlords would output

>not being a corporate bootlicker = communist
this is your brain on /pol/

>clever as buggery
What did he mean by this?

>being a corporate bootlicker = communist
this is your brain on s o y.

Attached: 29543069204537.jpg (620x372, 20K)

damn thanks for reminding me how good old podtoid was. i listen to his new podcast with the tranny but it's not as good as the older shit and that ep isn't even that old

doesn't this guy support deplatforming and shit? I mean it's no surprise the way he goes off on shitty games on steam.


washed up critic turned lardass sjw

i bet you wouldn't say that to his fat, washed up face

this is one of the most retarded posts I've seen in a while

i don't know about user but i don't get to mississippi much

What happened to this guy?

he is right about how shitty publishers have become.

oh, sorry.
did i rattle your s o y beans?

little iq, little penis

Publishers can be as rotten as their hearts' desire.
Idiots keep eating that shit up, so they will keep doing it - most people would if presented with the opportunity to make great money with minimum effort.
It's hard-coded into our DNA.


>oy vey goyim its in your DNA to spend money on things. trust me, you aint poor are ya?just buy some loot boxes and the super deluxe Mega Space Spartan edition.

You idiot; you intentionally misunderstood the message.
It's human nature to maximise efficiency while simultaneously lower costs/effort.

You came with an axe to grind.
Or... retarded.

I like that he's literally in borderlands 2 despite randy pitchford pretending he doesn't exist.

>thats right, its human nature to take advantage of literal retards and kids. you aint a commie are ya? its capitalism. trust me goy. it will be fine. just give me a little money. let my good friend fuck your kid its fine. you aint poor are ya? dont worry. just hand over your kids and credit card info.

The common person is out for themself.
You need to stop romanticising human beings - we are literally just another type of animal, that would disregard our morals if the price is right and can get away with it.

Genuine good people are a rare breed, and are at a disadvantage.

people aren't all that predatory but you develop systems that promote predatory people to positions of influence and you shrug at the outcome

>you are all just pay pig sociopaths. dont fight it or shame people on it! just hand over the fucking money.

>people aren't all that predatory
That just because those people haven't had the opportunity to do so.

Your social justice is not selfless as you may think.
You're simply reacting to your tribalism, and it makes you feel pleasurable.
I doubt you'd still promote that social justice if it didn't make you feel good.

You get pleasure from appearing righteous.

>oy VEY you are SJW! look his is SJW that means he is wrong!
not quite sure where you get that from. explain how not wanting to take advantage of literal mentally retarded people and kids is SJW? have you gone so far down the hole that you are An Cap?

He shit blood for a year and didnt do anything about it

The guy who jerks off to the green m&m?

Attached: e-celebs are not videogames.png (500x500, 26K)

It’s going to be a damn shame when Sterling is gone. Then we’ll get stuck with Yongyea and the Quartering

>not wanting to take advantage of literal mentally retarded people and kids
Those categories of peoples' parents are to blame.


takes one to know one

Blue pilled and uninteresting

don't worry contrapoints can start a gaming channel and save you
or you could stop watching these people

Too fat for that.

imagine valuing your own people even if they are stupid or children
might be rather normal of you

>the Quartering
No idea how anyone can stand listening to that guy.

He shadowbanned me from his YT comment section for calling him out on some hypocritical bullshit he did. Forget what.

doesn't he rely on drama shit for views
people that do that usually get burned eventually

He is an example of a broken clock is right twice a day, he has some good ideas but its completely overshadowed by his general stupidity,

Being a narcissist is literally bullet point number one of being an SJW. Why wouldn't he want to date himself? he's got such a fucked up self image there's no one else who would be compatible.

Even when he is right he is wrong.

I know he got a boost from the drama when he was banned from MTG, and then he kicked up a fuss about child predators in the MTG judge program. But I think most of his content is fairly standard anti-SJW cultural commentary stuff.

Stalin was a fatass too.

he looks like he goes to subway and puts everything on it

Videos were removed during a jewtube purge a few months ago.

He just preachs to the choir, the man can barely read and is only known for being punched by a tranny


Not everyone knows how modern gaming works. many have not played a game since the NES. most people would never assume that the games would be full of microtransactions for random shit that makes buying an infinite thing because it would be extremely hard to get everything.

>eceleb thread 404'd
>this is still up after 9 hours

bad form Sterling.

Jannies think if they suck up to him they'll get some of his spare hotpockets.
Fuckers obviously got plenty.

jim has been head mod of Yea Forums for 3 years now
better know he keeps tabs of everyone that calls him fat in these threads