I thought Carmack only hung out with intelligent people...

I thought Carmack only hung out with intelligent people? Why on Earth would he visit Joe "dude weed dude nonsense lmao" Rogan?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who cares, Joe "Neanderthal" Rogan always makes good questions despite his monkey brain.

Joe Rogan is a big fan of Quake he's wanted Carmack on forever

Joe Rogan is the wisest man in media.

I'm a big fan of Quake too and I certainly am more intelligent than Joe Rogan*. I want to have a talk with Carmack too.

*Anyone is more intelligent than Monkey Manlet Rogan.

Joe Rogan?
The guy from Fear Factor?

he's only appearing on the show to strangle joe

another nazi for the nazi show? knock yourselves out sweeties

Joe has many eyes and ears listening, it's good when you're looking for exposure.

Have you tried DMT, bro?

>So Carmack, tell me about Quake

Carmack doesn't judge, man. He's a computer. Actually, let me rephrase that.
>Carmack doesn't judge Man


explain this please

John "the hack" Carmack is a fucking nipple.
The dude doesn't know what he's talking about, and has taken multiple credit for work that he didn't do.

>make a game about killing nazi's


Looks like you thought wrong brah

I will take any occasion to listen to Carmack talk about technical subjects for extended periods of time.

>You're not gonna believe this John... I had a T1 line installed, I'm serious, a T1 line installed to play quake.. it was crazy.. you know Quake right?

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>incomprehensible technobabble
Why does Yea Forums like this pencil neck again?

Just casually paying for a T1 in 1996 to play Quake from your home office.

The levels of butthurt from all the fags, trannies, and their sympathizers in this thread is hilarious. Keep entertaining me you freaks.

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here you go "bro"

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Right-wing of course being code for not advocating for fully automated luxury gay space communism.

You know, Carmacks can choke you out just like that.
Jamie, pull up that footage.
Jesus, that shit's brutal.

dey spreadin

>John is a legit Judoka- I rolled with him at Armadillo Aerospace back in the day... mats in the front conference room full-time- lots of good rolling there. Great guy too!

guy literally invented video games

He's the leader of the intellectual dark web.

>invented video games

That's good, user.

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Looking forward to seeing Carmack choke him out 2bh

Peter Thiel is the leader of the intellectual dork web.

Yes, but Rogan has charisma whereas a wet noodle more stage presence than you.

Is that why Facebook settled with Bethesda out of courts and paid for all of Carmack's attorney fees?

The only thing he "invented" was this hard-on in my pants.
And even then he's taking some undue credit.

Before him video games were just toys for children

When will Joe Rogan say Woman Chick? He has too because of Twitter.

What are they going to talk about?

>Him breaking into college to steal a pc
>Obligitary rogan weed

What else?


The termite packages he has installed at Zenimax's office building.

I wasn't ready for this reply.

Talk shit about former coworkers and government obstructionism in aerospace.

>Him breaking into college to steal a pc
I don't think it was a college. Weren't they just trying to score some Apple 2s?


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Yeah, it was high-school, he would have gone to actual jail if he broke into college.

Kek, fuckin based.

>implying it would ever get into space

>implying all nazis are bad and want genocide

damn, just like today!

>“The fourteen-year-old Carmack was sent for psychiatric evaluation to help determine his sentence. He came into the room with a sizable chip on his shoulder. The interview didn’t go well. Carmack was later told the contents of his evaluation: “Boy behaves like a walking brain with legs . . . no empathy for other human beings.”

I need to get around to reading Masters of doom at some point. just for the stories of how much of an Sociopath Carmack is.

>judging someone based on his actions as a teenager
He seems pretty alright in all of the footage they have of him. He must be on meds or something, right? There's no way he could have matured or anything, right?

Joe "did you see that guy accidentally hit that moose with his car" Rogan only pretends to be a meathead and is actually quite intelligent

>John Carmack had a cat, Mitsi, that he was attached to, but when the cat peed on his new leather couch, he got rid of the cat by dropping it off at the animal shelter, where it was presumably put down. He was extremely dedicated to coding and pretty much anything that disturbed him or got in his way was not something he looked kindly on. Initially, his main motivation for doing the company was so that he had the freedom to work 100% on his own games, and have "enough pizza and diet coke to live on".

Joe is based you cannot deny it

He would have faced some felony charges from extremely competent Federal prosecutor and ultimately killed himself, if he stepped foot on a college campus and touched a computer machine.

Sounds pretty based

Shoulda got Romero instead.

Do it. It's a fucking good book.
I recently picked it back up and started re-reading a chapter every now and then.
>He strengthened his body to keep up with his mind. He began lifting weights, practicing judo, and wrestling. One day after school, a bully tried to pick on Carmack’s neighbor, only to become a victim of Carmack’s judo skills.

Yeah, as I said, actual jail. Like that guy who helped create reddit or whatever.

I'm pretty sure the only step they would achieve is the gay part.

honorary nigger

The book does make him seem like a bit of a sociopath, but he seems to have mellowed a lot since he got married and had kids. He laughs more, smiles more, etc. I think he's just naturally inclined to be a cold person, not a full on socipath.

I don't mean sociopath in a bad way, Since he was very young he was shown to not even have a rudimentary interest or understanding of other people, but not in an evil way. people meme about Zuckerberg being a robot wearing skin but Carmack is the real deal

>“John Carmack was a late talker. His parents were concerned until one day in 1971, when the fifteen-month-old boy waddled into the living room holding a sponge and uttered not just a single word but a complete sentence: “Here’s your loofah, Daddy.” It was as if he didn’t want to mince words until he had something sensible to say.”

Joe should ask him about fucking Adrian Carmack out of the value of his id shares.

He was a minor at the time, he woulda gone to juvie.

He would have done that in his 20's

>I don't mean sociopath in a bad way

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That podcast would have only been 20 minutes long. What else would they talk about except Quake?

What's wrong with Joe Rogan? He has good questions and is pretty good at articulating his ideas despite getting his skull thwapped for years in MMA or whatever

Which I should note is what happened anyway.


you don't understand, it's ok that he's evil because he makes video games

>2 hours of DUDE QUAKE LMAO
can't wait

>posts quote from book that shows Carmack is a child prodigy
>uhhh unga unga me no understand! me say he is sociopitath! he need theraphy! psychosomatic!

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Quake rules. John probably could tell a lot of stories about shit just from QuakeCons if he wanted to.

>Be teen
>Be edgy
>Dumb fucking boomers actually buy your le twisted fucking psychopath shtick, like for real

God damn this world is filled with retards

That's classic high functioning autism right there.

He's parodying twitter/tumblr people who hate Rogan for ideological reasons. Because he has a hugely popular show he uses as a platform for discussion instead indoctrination, he naturally has both legitimately controversial fringe people and normal non-twitter people on. If you spread an ideology other than what is twitter approved, or rather fail to enthusiastically only advocate those politics, you're a "Nazi."

One of these days I too will chop down a door with an axe.

What does that mean?

a nigger would've simply beaten the cat to death, he at least had the decency to drop it off at a shelter

the development of Quake is more interesting, how Romero wanted to make basically Destiny early on & the team decided on Doom in 3D

Sociopathy is always bad, the only reason it worked out in Carmack's case is because he was smart and knew to avoid risking felonies and could do productive things.
Lower his IQ some and make him athletic and you get pic.

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Instead of understanding the underlying insight or inference being communicated, a foolish person examines the surface level obvious details.

That kills me because he brought Adam Conover or whatever his name is from fucking buzzfeed and had a legit discussion about whether the alpha/beta dynamic exists, it wasn't just a montage of him "le epically owning" the guy, they actually exchanged ideas instead of calling each other nazis/soibois

>Tfw didn't talk until 3 years old
I don't know why I'm such an autist but I cant have a conversation with like literally anyone, not even my parents

>it's evil that he doesn't care about other people, feelings trump all (also fuck trump)

>a nigger would have killed the cat
>at least he had the decency to kill the cat
okay coping cracker

You're a nut. You're crazy in the coconut.

Because it's a good podcast.

>who would win, a silver back gorilla or a shambler?

>sociopathy is always bad except when it's not bad
Well put, dude

Oh. I get it.

It was humanely euthanized. How do you think shelters kill animals? Do you think they just call one of the other 17 Daquarius in your family to bludgeon them to death with a baseball bat?

>I thought Carmack only hung out with intelligent people?
Uh you do know he used to work with John Romero right?

But what does that mean?

Ur a made niger lawl

there is an alternate timeline out there where Carmack uses his big boy brain for evil

>Carmack stadia
I shudder to think of the possibilities

John Romero was an extremely talented programmer and has a photographic memory. He is by no means dumb.

We don't know if the cat died or not.

And you think Romero is dumb, why?

Maybe because you're focusing on the wrong things.
When having a conversation, your internal monologue and what you say must be one of the same.

beta males are worse than women now trying to cut other dudes down with passive aggressive bitch moves.
what happened to male camaraderie?

stop lying john romero

Why do Americans fellate celebrities so much?

Commander Keen? Doom? Quake? Daikatana? Ion Storm/Deus Ex/Thief? Programming? Being a legend?

Romero is a very smart guy despite his appearance. He is responsible for a pretty hefty part of the Doom source code.

Go to bed John.

Joe is a good listener.
I am looking forward to this podcast.

If you're posting herre, then odds are your intelligence isn't any higher than Rogan's. In fact it's probably lower.

celebrities make a lot of money by collecting a little money from a lot of people, and from money comes worth

>your internal monologue and what you say must be one of the same
Fuck, not him but just realized that’s not the case for me, no wonder

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He could also take about those days he became a gas station attendant before he decided to get back into gaming.

Carmack says in the book that Romero was the best programmer he had ever met when they initially started id. Read the fuckin book.
Romero only has this reputation as an incompetent because he cannot manage a company to save his life. That said, it's solely because of his lackadaisical management that we have Deus Ex, he gave Spector a blank check to make what he wanted.

You mean Romero's passion for 60's-70's gas station memorabilia? Retard.

>Joe is a good listener
Is that because he has no hair?
And thus the words vibrate off his naked head?


I wasn't being obvious enough? That was the joke you dense retard.

>intelligence matters for a talkshow host
All he needs is charisma.

It's a pretty good read.
Also, I think Carmack has a high chance of being a high-functioning autist.

But that's what this board does 24/7, yet we're all intellectuals here.

carmack finally ready for the redpill?

>wolfenstein/doom/quake/deus ex/half life
>when you realize that john romero is indirectly responsible for all the GOAT pc games

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I have a weird man crush on Rogan. I like the sound of his voice and like seeing him smile, in a way that I can't describe, like a kid admiring his dad. Anyway looks cool, can't wait to watch.

Asking if Carmack ever took DMT


juding by other podcasts
Gobleki Tepe
stoned ape theory
gun violence is baaaad mkay

I fucken love Yea Forums the musical

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Where do I even begin with Joe Rogan? Latest episode and go backward or start from beginning

Working for Facebook isn't evil?

is Carmack even interested in video games in terms of things like gameplay? I thought he was just a turboautist who only cared about programming engines and nothing more.

I'd like to see John Romero on though.

>didn't watch elon podcast
>didn't watch neil podcast
>didn't watch alex jones podcast

If you don't watch joe rogan and only meme on it based on other memes then you're retarded desu

You think Joe Rogan or most of his fans care about vidya that much? Carmack has done more than just video games, he's by far the more interesting person to interview.

Just watch any episode with a guest that's someone you know or like

The two Alex Jones episodes are 8 of the greatest hours of entertainment I've ever witnessed

>libertarians are nazis

Destroyed through decades of subversion.

Anything with comedians: stoner talk about nothing
Anything with known celebs: short shilling for some bullshit
Anything with Prof/Dr.: interesting discussion about topics of study
Anything with eCelebs: off the rails discussion of fringe topics

why should it be considered evil?

is the secretary of an arms manufacturer evil?

Carmack's Judo/BJJ background, definitely.

start with the sargon one

>hating on Rogan

He's our guy and it makes sense why Carmack is coming to the show since Joe likes Quake
Fuck off and dilate discord tranny.

Underrated post


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Look up a list of good episodes, personally I recommend or anything with Joey Diaz
Say what you want about this junkie fuck, he's lived an interesting life and can spin a good yarn.

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oh shit that's cool. can't wait for 3 hours of carmack autism LIVE

>Carmack's role was the equivalent of a secretary
are you the type of retard to call Rogan an alt-right nazi sympathizer unironically as well?

Is it just going to be epic alt-right politics? What’s the point? Either I agree with what they say and it’s a circle jerk or I don’t and get aggravated
Fuck politics

He used to be more into the actual gameplay side of things but that was a long time ago. I remember seeing him post about TIS-100 on twitter though so I guess he still plays some games. He tweets about playing shit with his son now and then too, I remember him saying something about Mario Sunshine.

more like the gun manufacturer of an arms dealer

and I dunno. maybe.


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There's plenty of apolitical episodes. My favorites are any he has with Bas Rutten, because Bas is a fucking strange man who has some entertaining articulation about strangling people.

I mean, he's making VR headsets for Facebook. He's not exactly on the side of good right now.

Once in human history*

Yes, Joe said this about her. And began to cry.

David Gogins (ep. 1080 and 1212)

His primary focus and interest is the engines, but he also doesn't want to make shit games.



If DMT elves controlling the government through aztec rituals and CIA strong-arming is alt-right

Those episodes are a blessing purely for the reaction images

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Weee make da babies cumfuhtabulll

I imagine there will be a pretty decent chunk about the why and how of Carmack getting into martial arts, rocketry and his thoughts on other companies, along with a bunch of Joe being unable to comprehend Carmack's work ethic.

Jesus christ you insufferable faggot, shut the fuck up and either watch it or don't. Do you really need people here to tell you how to think?

joe should ask him how to securly delete evidence from his hdd

awesome they can talk about drugs and magic space frogs

>Show my friend the tweet
>He's super leftie and will never watch it
What's a good leftie podcast with famous interesting guests?

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>I thought Carmack only hung out with intelligent people?

Correct, so he's gonna be on Joe Rogan.

>Yea Forums hates stoners and anyone who even mentions weed
>Yea Forums loves joe rogan, who is the biggest DUDE WEED LMAO guy on the planet
what did you all mean by this?
>Yea Forums isn't a hivemind!!!
have sex

Joe Rogan. If your friend thinks Joe is right-wing he doesn't know what he's talking about.

gonna be fun. he has to explain all that crazy shit he usually talks about in a way everyone can understand it


Most kino episode reporting in. It's kinda funny seeing intellectuals get mad at each other while debating. Also the skeptic got fucking smashed in it.

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Yea Forums isn't a hivemind
okay i will

Pineapple Express was the most unfunny thing I’ve ever seen holy fuck shit balls ass

>Joe Rogan
>Not right-wing
Aren't all his guests right-wing though? He does come across like he's giving all these right-wing stars some spotlight.

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joe rogan has the same politics as whatever guest he currently has on. if he interviewed slavoj zizek he'd become a communist until he brings on The Diaperfur Skeptic or whoever from youtube and denounces all forms of socialism

that boy needs therapy

Don't bother, it's common knowledge that John "SHITPOSTER PRIME" Carmack starts threads here and on /g/ and badmouths himself as well as defends himself. Most of the memes about him being a sperg par excellence are his own creation.

Attached: john_carmack_2013.gif (700x426, 811K)

>open video
>here is a skeptic
>here are also 2 fantastic human beings

Drives views and money. Rogan is no intellectual, but he isn't stupid. He made his career by latching onto trends at the right time.

>people on the right want their ideas heard
>lefties don't want their ideas questioned
wonder why theres half as many guests from the left? big mystery

Lie down on the couch

which guests has joe rogan had on that were monarchists

I never got the impression he cared about politics at all. He just likes to ask people questions and seems very reluctant to agree with anyone on anything except weed.

well no because
>*brings the mic closer*
every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.
i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go
>*looks over at the screen*
look at that ...
yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jesus these things will just tear your to shreds

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He has said multiple times that he will ask questions and let the guest speak if it's on a subject he isn't an expert in. That's why he pushes back against people when they talk about certain drugs, working out, sports, martial arts.

It's why idiot leftoids call him alt-right because he isn't yelling at guests and smashing them with bikelocks when they say certain things.


This was just a few days ago.

and after him they weren't? how exactly?

the appeal of joe rogan isn't that he's smart it's that he's a manchild in his 50's who has spent decades frying his brain with drugs and convincing himself it gives him special brain powers and somehow he has friends that are even dumber than he is
it's like the podcast equivalent of trailer park boys

>it's like the podcast equivalent of trailer park boys


chimps are dangerous because they have more arm strength than humans not because they have more overall mass than humans
humans probably lost selection for arm muscle as we developed tools

>Podcast equivalent of trailer park boys
I mean I'm already a fan, but if anything that's a glowing endorsement

Post podcast/radio kino.



Wow, so after all these years I'll finally listen to an episode of this shit.

>your internal monologue and what you say must be one of the same.
In my case it isn't.

>t. never listened to joe rogan before in his life

>replying to terrible obvious bait posts



I still have zero clue who this Joe Rogan is.

Joe was addicted to Quake, I guess that's why

I hope he asks about the fast invert square root

i only really know him from newsradio, since i don't care about mma or stoner podcasts

Who's ready for Joe to awkwardly ask Carmack if he's involved with Quake Champions or what he thinks of it (Joe currently plays it local multiplayer with Jamie)

>I thought Carmack only hung out with intelligent people?
Have you ever heard of John Romero?

What a terrible show without a single good actor in it

except for Andy Dick ofc

I want Carmack to say something about the Doom Debacle but I know he wouldn't want to rock the boat with Bethesda that much in case he wants to go back to video games.

Andy Dick. Over Phil Hartman? Literally end your own life

Joe has a career unlike you, he also has an extremely successful podcast. Fucking dumbass. Gee for a man of intellect you sure do say a lot of retarded shit.

Carmack hasn't been intelligent since he threw his hat in with the fucking VR fad ages ago.

based carmack realizing that kids can get away with fucking anything.

Too bad you're an absolute nobody who isn't worth the time of some dead beat developer.

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Alex Jones getting high was fucking amazing.
>"Hey lemme try some of that..."
>"Alex, nnnoooooooo"

laughed actually out loud.
I didn't realize he had a tick for a long time until I saw him do talks several years back, I thought he was just nerdy and awkward.

Despite getting fired for not working and running ion storm into the ground hiring randos from the internet, his cult assure me that he is actually a genius.

Does he not even read people's Wikipedia pages?


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i can't believe you don't like jon lovitz's acting, which is automatically fantastic, because he smashed andy dick's face into a bar irl

The dude can't read words with more than 3 syllables.

He basically built the foundation that was later taken for the Oculus.
It's not really his fault that the technology didn't go anywhere.

Alright, I listened to this guy while jogging because my brother suggested him to me and he was alright, what are his best podcasts? Hows the ones with Alex Jones or Elon Musk?

Elon Musk is a must listen. He's autistic as fuck and thinks Deus Ex was a documentary

He's a centrist. He gives everyone a spotlight and only refutes the retarded points.

The Elon Musk thing is only remembered because he smoked a doob and his company sacked him for it.

The Alex Jones one is the best podcast ever created by mankind, it should be required listening in schools.

>implying it wasn't

>Joe currently plays it local multiplayer with Jamie
sauce on that?

>He's autistic as fuck and thinks Deus Ex was a documentary
He ain't wrong, tho


He only plays with Jamie though not online

>not even 30 fucking minutes into the first one and Alex starts going on about inter dimensional psychic vampires
>that bit in the 2nd one where Eddie Bravo lies to him to fuck with him and Alex goes nuclear

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you write as you inch into cyberpunk hell sans the cool technology


>Rogans fucking face when it cuts to him at 0:45

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Do you have a single fact to back that up?

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I mean to be fair they have literally started killing new born babies as "late term abortions" and fucking with him telling him he's a crazy conspiracy theorist about it he was right to get set off about it. (I know he was trolling)

It was funny though.

>the first reply

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You take that back

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>brendan eich ends up in there somehow


Man I love that podcast.

Joe might be a chimpanzee brain manlet but he knows how to make a good podcast, why don't you gp ahead and try to start one?

>let me begin - I'm telling you Joe this is the real thing
I knew I was in for a treat straight away

>quiet the genius

>That 100% serious look on his face as he says it
Jesus christ.

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Juicy furry tears

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wait until this troon learns that john carmack is a lolbertarian

Joe Rogan holds no opinions that are very crazy, so people feeling the need to say he's stupid are suspicious. Makes me imagine it must be obsessive tranny sympathizers or something.

Has John Carmack ever expressed a political opinion in his life beyond "all information should be available and usable by everyone"?

Libertarian, liberal, conservative - it don't matter.
We all poop and pee at the end of the day.

Yeah but liberals have diarrhea and dark pee

You are not smarter than Joe Rogan

I don't think you've ever listened to Joe Rogan if you just have this cringe post to say

He once said:
>"Damn, hell not. That sort of liberty shouldn't be in those dark and unpredictable hands. [in reference to: "are niggers people and deserve rights?"]

Has Joe Rogan had many "far-right" people on his show other then Alex Jones?

Damn. I guess they no choice in the matter now...

he made a tongue and cheek comment about border patrol wait times being based on rolling dice

Joe Rogan has had people on that don't absolutely believe in every single detail of my ideology.
So, yeah, there's been plenty of Nazis on.

ben shapiro
jordan peterson
roseanne barr
tim pool
jimmy dore
gaving mcinnes
milo yiannopolous
steven crowder
tulsi gabbard

should i go on..?