What controller do you use for pc?

What controller do you use for pc?

Attached: 1(5).jpg (500x500, 124K)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.de/CSL-Controller-Direct-Input-Turbo-Funktion-LED-Anzeige/dp/B0796ZRPQG/ref=sr_1_3?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=csl controller&qid=1564429280&s=gateway&sr=8-3

It's pretty based. I'll use a DS4 if I have to play more autistic AAA shit when needed.

Attached: 526495-8bitdo-sn30-pro.jpg (333x187, 15K)

I can't imagine playing anything that needs analog sticks with that

dpad on these is a bit shit tbqh

That's why I have the DS4. They're not the worst analog sticks ever but they're also not great for long play.
The newer models fixed that issue, no? I heard the models with the diagonal start/select had some fucked up D-Pads.

can't afford controller as a poor Eastern European male

I use a 360 controller. I even bought a chink ripoff of the 360 wireless receiver so I can play stuff in the living room

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That one. Bought it to play MGR back in 2014 and it still works fine today.

"people" like you make me sick