Why do people like this uninspired cash grab garbage?
Why do people like this uninspired cash grab garbage?
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cause Yea Forums will always have shit taste
Weapon arts are the best thing that ever happened to the series, get fucked.
omg a uselss boring version of bloodbornes l2s
I don't.
>being THIS shit at the game
Because you get bored after playing the first and second games in the frachise after 2k hours. But i agree that DaS 3 doesn't even come close to DaS in terms of atmosphere, lore, story, NPCs and freedom to explore the world and fun in creating builds.
move ds2 to the middle and yes
swap DeS and BB and this is correct
ds3 is the most easy game in the series queer
No, it's not.
>DeS over BB
Not even remotely
now this is bait
It's objectively the most difficult. If you thought previous iterations were more difficult, that's pretty embarrassing. You either never played it, or have no idea how to separate the Soulsbourn formula from each game.
It might have been better if this game ACTUALLY WAS DaS3 and not Bloodborne 2
>objectively the most difficult
Millwood Greatbow is the best weapon in the franchise.
Dark Souls II deserves an even lower tier than III tbqh.
I liked it and it was my first Dark Souls game. I doubt the other ones are as good as it
Those 2 are the only actually useful arts in the game. Everything else is indeed useless and a waste of FP that would be better spent on literally any spell or buff.
yes it is
i killed almost every boss my first try
and every boss within 3 tries
and i fuck around and don't take it seriously
i decided to give it a try again and beat every dlc boss first try besides friede and mirdir first took 3 second took 2
piss easy
ds2 and bb are the hardest
it wasn't bloodborne 2 either
it had nothing good about it
>uninspired cash grab garbage
You just described the whole Dark Souls trilogy FYI
They are fun enough I guess, get over yourself kid.
Kos and Isshin took me a couple of days. Freide took me a week.
not joking
No one believes you and you are a homosexual
fucking retard
and nobody cares
ds3 is the most easy
you get infinite rolls
and high iframes
i can be
I mean any game is easy if you summon for every single fight. But I didn’t.
* i can beat the game with 1 hand while chugging liquor and still kill every boss within 3 tries
I literally never summon
and yes you did.
what an actual npc
Most balanced and fun pvp out of all the games, gank city and invasions never gets old.
>infinite rolls straight sword spam and meme anime swords is fun and balanced
fucking nigger
god you things need exterminated