Finally got a job again

>Finally got a job again.
>Able to resub to all my favorite twitch channels.

Feels amazing.

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>just cracked my neck really hard
>blew a pretty loud fart shortly before that
feels good man

>favorite twitch channels.
they're small channels that need the money right?

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But did you buy your gamer girl bathwater yet?

Why don’t you take that money and start your own twitch channel?

>Faps to twitch thots
Why do kids do this

>finally ate some food again
>ate too much
Feels like shit, bros

>guaranteed replies

You can't really say this after people have replied. That's like saying "inb4" when it's already been done.

family approved porn.
if kids are insecure and dont want to watch porn but are still horny, they might feel better just watching twitch thots

Everyone hates twitch thots tho

A wageslave is understood incorrectly.
It's not about going to work.
It's about going to a shit job and wasting all the little scraps that you get because you are retardo

That's an unfair comparison and you're a retard. I'm half-expecting you to make food analogies if that's your thought process.

What kinda freak kids don't watch porn?

inb4 is an action
guaranteed replies is a description

and I hate vore but that don't mean I don't get an erection

>finally got my monthly free neetbux
>able to donate $1000 to my twichfu just to hear her say my name

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No idea, chaturbate is the same thing. But you actually get to see titties and girls fucking themselves

yang here
im rescinding your neetbux

for me it's the golden pineapple

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