Why was he so likeable?

why was he so likeable?

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Because bbc

because he was grounded but not realistic.
the perfect balance between le funny meme and rdr2 c h a r a c t e r

he says who? what? a lot which makes sense in context of SA narrative

Ah shit...

GTA SA was pretty gud. I usually hate media about nog gangbanger.

he had no personality, just did whatever random people told him while meekly complaining about their wacky antics

>t. toreno

He plays the straight man in the joke(s), making it relatable, as you are the straight man as well. Also this

he wasn't real

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He wasn't arrogant
He was loyal
He was objectively good or at least neutral by his "gangsta background"
Didn't bitch about the situation
Only issue - naive. But perhaps people liked that too

>He was objectively good or at least neutral by his "gangsta background"

At least when the player isn't controlling him.

Then again, there's Deconstruction.

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he got pegged by catalina, then got cucked by claude speed

kinda forgettable if you ask me

But you need to look at it canonically, basically storyline only
Random acts of rampage are exclusively played related. As far as the main story goes he only killed 13 people and considering the laissez-faire and action oriented gameplay I'd say not a lot.

>he only killed 13 people
you kill many more during the missions, those are canon too

you go from a hood rat to james bond/vinewood producer/pilot/casino owner/mechanic.
Tommy and Niko were the best.

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He was likable in an average dude sort of way. He wasn’t an “anti hero who always doubts what he’s doing” kind of obnoxious character that rockstar loves afterwards

Yeah, I didn't consider the many nameless enemies you must kill in order to continue and the ones that he most likely would have killed.
I guess there is no better way to rank him as murderer. Then again almost every single character you meet is from an ethical standpoint bad

every GTA character has a bigger kill count than any serial killer

>that minigolf scene with woozie and guppy
>guppy moves the cup towards the ball
>cj tries to putt
>guppy moves the cup out of the way
I know they're gangsters and criminals, but its cheeky things like that that makes me love them.

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But you cannot use the exact same moral compass here.
Look, you see cops run over pedestrians while chasing you, people just shooting others down on the street so the nameless pedestrian is basically nothing but a shooting range dummy.
If he had been worse than a mass murderer than there would be possible way for CJ to remain free at the end of the game. None.

>Then again almost every single character you meet is from an ethical standpoint bad

It's Grand Theft Auto. The fuck did you expect? CJ and chums defeating Tenpenny with the power of love and friendship?

likeable? he looked black to me

Because the game was likeable? Also memes

Tommy was a parody meme character and niko was proto arthur morgan c h a r a c t e r

Why are they so likable?

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reminder that ryder is a fucking cunt that deserved to die

I like how despite SA being all about blacks and the hood, theres no racism to be heard ingame. Would the game be as beloved as it is if you had to hear about "white boys" constantly a la modern wolfenstein?

people in the hood aren't obsessed with ''muh evil whiteyz'' they are too concerned about not being blasted by their fellow nigs

Ryder's death was so unsatisfying

>tfw Ryder might've been loyal if MC Eiht wasn't such a busta

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fuck off leftist twitter cucks

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He was witty and genuinely cared about his friends.
