What's your worst gacha roll, Yea Forums?
What's your worst gacha roll, Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it. I'm 22 and my dad is putting pressure on me to lose it. I still live at home and depend on my parents and they know I'm not bringing any girls over. He's started calling me "Virgy" in public and around my friends instead of referring to me by my real name. It's getting annoying.
My Penis
Have sex
rolled Gawain on Nero bride banner
both sabers, both 0,7% summon rate
Start watching Godzilla in the living room, that'll show his dad
My dad had a similar kind of smugness going on talking shit about all the time i spent on the computer but now all that old geezer can do with his life is sing Mothra's theme
My life. I should probably quit.
Why is this artist obsessed with Nagisa's asshole?
Get an onahole and a life size loli doll then fuck your new gf right in front of daddy, that will show him.
You aren't?
Nemu... CUTE!
Install tinder? Go to bars? Fuck dude you live on an age where the ways for you to fuck are countless.
when I didn't roll a cunny
cute? funny?
What if my fetish are meaningful mutual relationships ?
Can't be desperate and picky, it doesn't work.
take the fag pill and start sucking off strangers from grindr, those are the only people that want mutual relationships. Its impossible to have a "mutual" relationship with a women
Which gachas are popular on mobile phone?
Jesus Christ you can feel the onions radiating off this post.
I've never seen these levels before.
I believe the term you're looking for is
What's her name again?
What do you gain from making these crypto-pedo threads?
the 600 (free, thankfully) quartz and 50-something tickets I spent trying to get Tamamo.
I didn't get a single 5*, forget about getting specifically Tamamo
making normalfags like you seethe
Yes, cunny!
From this moment, i will stand for the opposite of cunny, ynnuc!
Post the full pic faggot.
absolutely based and c-pilled
Just buy a hooker. If she's an undercover cop, knock her gun out of her hands and pop one in each of her knees.
No one even tries to hide it anymore, there's usually cunny in the op pic
Cheese slut
Tell him you're a pedophile and don't want to rape kids.
I fucking feel you my friend. Just develop a good sense of humor, otherwise you're screwed.
one more ynnuc for u
Now no one will know you're looking at cunny!
Oi, you got a card for that Ashley there?
no :(, haven't reinstalled koikatsu since changing to windows 7. Ask on /h/, some user is always nice enough. Thats where I got mine
That's a shame, thanks anyways.
here's some more cunny in consolation
Thank you, fellow cunnisseur
too puffy
This. Cant even use Tinder due to fear of rejection and finding myself on some imageboar. Im not fat or too ugly either though I have no way to find out on the latter.
>just download tinder, youll get laid in a day t my tinderusing friend
no, fuck off. Dont lie
>too puffy
i thought this would be a magireco thread
magireco is not popular enough for threads
mods hate koikatsu?
saved enough for 2 sparks (2x300 draws) in granblue, lost all my motives and drive to keep playing that shitty game afterwards.
i tell myself that i won against the p2w system but in reality, nobody win anything and there is only merit in not playing that shit for the sake of keep playing.
I still fap to doujins tho
How many times do your threads need to be pruned before you realize that your """""games""""" don't belong here, you fucking retarded paypig?
It was meant to be.
What are some games with cute lesbians?
Unironically Life is Strange.
Why is she into anal? I didn't watch the film or where the fuck she is from.
I said cute lesbians
Bought the $60 thing in P&D in 2013 or something and got nothing good, was the first and last time I spent a large amount of money on a gacha.
It's one of those epic porn artist memes
i dont get whats so bad about this pic though
same reason whats her face from love live is
>Western trash
go back
ERROR in sortList(gachaRolls): array gachaRolls is size 0 (expected >= 1)
kys tranny
now we're talkin
poor little white girl
>futa on loli
this makes small peepee into big peepee
imagine sniffing those after she wore them all day
>fear of rejection
oof, your gonna have a hard time with women in general buddy
spoiler, your gonna get rejected more often than not, it happens to everyone (well, except maybe hypermegaChad)
Is Eroha a loli?
1200 quartz to get Cu Alter
Literally just DLed it. Hope it's fun. I miss the Madoka atmosphere.