When will gamers fight back this oppression?

when will gamers fight back this oppression?

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>old thing good
>new thing bad
Is there anything worse than a political cartoonist?

When someone makes Protest March Sim 2020.

They won't!
America is going to be great again

why arent you dying for israeli goyim

Is this the crummy thread?

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>hurr durr joining army bad
>fight for the jew overlord hurhurr
man everyone thinks joining the army is the easy part, then you can fuck off to afghanistan and kill sand niggers. try doing 200 pushups in a row.

Is nobody gonna mention the fact he's playing world of warcraft on a console

Why do boomers always post shit like this/have these sorts of ideologies? Fact is most boomers didnt join the military either.

>dying for ingrates, israel, and war profiteers
>hobbling yourself with disability and ptsd
>rejecting those and contenting yourself
Hard choice!

Why does the recruiter look so alarmed?

the man is dead. he was never enlisting cause he was dead... but who was paper?

I identify myself as from the water generation

You can either support the richest of the rich to make them richer and never seeing them do anything for your country or
a development team that sometimes makes good games

because he just realized the US military fights for Israel.

People who choose to fetch Pokémon creatures over a pail of water

>fighting for a country that's not mine
pretty easy choice desu

god I fucking love water

Why does the Recruiter Officer makes that face

>die for jews
>play videogames
Woah so hard.

It was pagliacci

Who is there to fight against today? Back then we had Nazis trying to take over the world and killing/enslaving anyone who stood in the way. There's no one like that today. How much you want to bet this political cartoonist has never volunteered for service himself? Maybe try to lead by example first before talking shit.

>trying to take over the world
>killing/enslaving anyone who stood in their way
good goy now fo die for israel

>Who is there to fight against today?

go on user, set an example for us by killing all the zoomers you see

the answer may suprise you

But Doctore I am phone

nazis weren't fucking trying to take over the world, life isn't a fucking cartoon you brainwashed american.

>How much you want to bet this political cartoonist has never volunteered for service himself?

I'm damn sure not a single political "cartoonist" has ever done service in his entire life, as WW2 veterans might as well be all already dead and Vietnam veterans do nothing but brag about fighting in a war they lost while collecting veteran benefits. There is a point where even satire comics try too hard.

>they lost
ah yes it was the soldiers who lost that war

fuck off I'm gonna get me some crummy water


>the greatest generation
>being good goys and fighting for the international jooish banking cabal

Retirement homes are doing a fine job already.

I was just about to.

When they stop playing WoW on consoles

With a reversed controller layout.

>Fight war for capitalist jews and cosmopolitan future
big think

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