Just beat this game
It was pretty fun.
I liked how everyone complimented you and talked about you all the time it made me feel really good inside.
Just beat this game
Other urls found in this thread:
Now go and play the rest
Are they on pc?
ace combat thread
10/10 soundtrack
Stonehenge confirmed for best Superweapon
3JP has been fan patched into English, just don't go into the codex as it will freeze.
4, 5, 0 all emulate well, 4 less so with minor graphical errors that haven't been addressed yet.
You can emulate 2 and X also.
>Osea good, Erusea bad
>Belkans are the source of all evil
>You are the best pilot ever
>War is bad, UAVs are soulless
>Don't worry we know you love tunnels
>Muh Princess
>Muh loli granddaughters
>I want to cum between Avril's abs!
Anyone came up with this scenario deserve a gas chamber
replace avril with huxian and you got yourself a deal
So, I see you've never played an Ace Combat before.
Not Megalith?
the plot was pretty lame but the actual missions were nearly all fucking amazing. except for the ones where you gotta ID targets, such an annoying, restrictive gimmick.
I liked those the most desu
The only mission I don't like is Faceless Soldier, because there's nothing fun about some Belkan casting Magic Missile at you and having to scurry under sufficient cloud cover which suddenly deletes the missile.
>woah that's three strikes, better watch out!
>wow did you see what trigger just did?!
>that guy isn't like the other pilots! what a badass!
>how awesome is trigger? he's the awesomest!
positive reinforcement incelkino at its finest
Chad Combat (particularly 7) has among the best fucking music in vidya, and anyone that disagrees about it being in the top 5 ever is a tranny.
i would’ve liked them more with better range for IDing things. 16 is like a ground attack mission where all your ground weapons are useless. also 9 was one of my favourite missions, the soundtrack was awesome and popping in and out of clouds to take out mountaintop radar stations is a great concept. definitely the hardest mission to S rank on Ace though, by a long shot.
you already posted the best track so here’s the second best
The best radio chatter in 7 is whenever someone takes a big shit on Count.
>popping in and out of clouds to take out mountaintop radar stations is a great concept
I enjoyed it a whole bunch on my first run, but replaying it the whole mission layout is really rigid and sometimes my missiles of SPWs collide with a mountain instead of reaching their target because if I fly too high, I'm not getting back under a cloud before I'm sniped.
I'm probably just a shitter and need to practice more, but once I got my S rank on it I didn't look back.
LACMs are OP for this mission. 10,000m range and they terrain dodge like a motherfucker. but i feel ya, the only reason i enjoy this mission now is because i know where i can extend myself and where i can hide, and what angles to approach the targets from. so basically this mission is enjoyable but only if you play it an autistic amount. whereas i swear 16 gets less enjoyable every time i play it.
>must’ve been straining to hear from high altitude
i dno why but i just love that random VA
My most played mission is probably Fleet Destruction. Last time I ran that, I actually had nothing to do for 8 minutes while the timer ran down.
16 is one I can replay but maybe not back to back, it's one I like mostly for the story setup. ID'ing things isn't too bad but it can get annoying after a few too many attempts or if something just refuses to ID.
fleet destruction is fucking amazing. did it last night with the YF-23 and UGBs. that plane is so much faster than i realised.
>yfw you manage to fire off two unguided standard missiles and take down a core before wiseman, which gives you new dialogue.
i just want to be able to ID 4 targets at once from a decent range using 4AGMs. that would make me like 16 a lot more.
I can't stop myself from using the Su-30SM, even if LAGMs aren't that good compared to alternatives.
F22 and F35 i like very much. Very fun.
I find them visually repulsive.
Don't friendly fire me.
Now you have to play the most kino game of all time
You're absolutely right, OP play Ace Combat 03!
we need an AC7 one of these
the bottom part would be drones and nothing else
Ace Combat 7 has the worst fucking story and characters in the entire franchise.
The fucking radio chatter is 99% jerking off the, it literally made me cringe.
Pseudo Big Boss is the worst(boring) fucking antagonist in the entire franchise.
Every single boss fight is boring and a chore
Every single character is boring and cringe
Mind you that I am huge fucking AC nerd who played virtually every single entry with the exception of AirCombat, AC22 and the one on the GBA aswell as AH
I fucking loved the franchise to death, but it has been in a stuka nose dive since AC6.
I literally refunded AC7 because of how disgusted I was. The story is written like a bad fanfic written by an 16 yo anime incel
>Umpire calling strike three
>hyperbole, incel, cringe
I find it difficult to believe anything you have to say, much less take it seriously.
you don't have to.
go and enjoy Ass Combat 7 - Shit Unknown
and fuck back off to r/games while you're at it faggot
Anonymity has never been a free pass to act like an arrogant little pissant, despite what you manchildren might believe.
hello again autist-kun, here to shit up another ace combat thread instead of taking your meds?
I've never played an Ace Combat game other than 7 and I want more.
Any suggestions with an Emulator I can play?
04, 5, then 0
If you want more, emulate the fan patched version of 3 with RetroArch.
If you still want more, PPSSPP and Ace Combat X.
7 is filled with references to 5 and 3 especially.
is there a good rom site that won't shill their faggy antivirus or do i just have to live with it
Look at that duuuuddeeee
Just get them from emuparadise
If you're not a brainlet, then yes.
*Daredevil intensifies*
Go to the emulation wiki and use the torrent dumps
Bandog did nothing wrong
>That breifing where your squadron is looking for a new base and the pointer waves over Megalith for a split second
Only 2 problems I have with AC7 is that the story is all over the place and the interior mission (an AC tradition at this point) is underwhelming
Ace combat in a nutshell is you getting sucked off by everyone for being a godlike being
Retro's the suggested method of emulating 3, I have no idea how it holds up with alternatives.
The fellatio does nothing for me. I want to hear the enemy radio chatter as they see my wings break through the clouds.
>You're not gonna believe this Jean-Louis, all of them have Ribbon insignias!
>Help us! It's the Razgriz!
>It's the Demon Lord, he's really here!
>Morale is down, they shouldn't have mentioned Three Strikes in the briefing
its a shame they made drones unbelievably unfun to fight against with their utterly retarded agility
This falseflag is so big I have to wonder who it's actually falseflagging for.
>shoots rocket
>drone does a 90 degree turn instantly
The terror that slowly builds in 4 as Mobius 1 becomes stronger is pure kino
I think my favorite radio chatter is mission 10 in 0. You roll in and your side is barely holding on and they get upset that there's only 2 planes reinforcing until they realize your'e Galm. Then you start wrecking so much shit the enemy finally give you the Demon Lord name.
zero is one of the best games ever made
>Started with AC5 on PS4
playing AC7
Should I play chronological?
Who's the most bigdick pilot in Strangereal?
I put forth Blaze for consideration
The answer is always in production order.
I noticed the Osean ground forces in AC7 were, like, 30 tanks and a few APCs.
I haven't played AC6 in a while, but I remember ground combat between Emmeria and Estovakia being basically Dynasty warriors but with jets.
Mobius 1 because he's been featured and playable in 3 different games.
>All player pilots are grounded or give up after their respective wars are over
>Except Mobius 1, who participates in various operations for at least the next 10 years
>Nicknamed the Grim Reaper
>Lives to down planes, not to impress female pilots
Tough call, chief
Why no other studio makes games like AC?
Is it because the genre is too niche?
There's an AC fan who's making Project Wingman, which basically AC but more PC-friendly and with roguelite elements
PW feels really fucking good to play. Can't wait for ground targets in conquest.
>I liked playing as an overpowered mary-sue character that doesn't even talk
lol shit combat fans
I'm excited for it after playing the demo, I just hope they make the radar a bit better than a giant black box. I can't wait to play it in VR and I hope they get it working well.
>IP count didn't go up
You're pathetic, my man. You've been shitting up the few AC threads we have and to what end?