It’s been 8 years, lads

It’s been 8 years, lads.

Is fun still just a buzzword?

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It never was, purely because of the subjective nature of entertainment itself. A word like "fun" encapsulates that. You can describe a thing, but at a certain point you simply just run out of words to explain the feeling of joy you get from said thing and have to use a word like "fun."

Yes. Some people have fun playing with turds, saying a game is fun means nothing without context. Same thing as saying the game sucks without context.

Fun shouldn't even be a real word anymore, should be removed from the dictionary.

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Yes, that user was never wrong

calling a game fun is like calling a game good, actually, in the sense that both terms are really subjective

some people like shooters, some people like puzzles, and fighting over who has the better taste or who has the "objective truth" is pretty much pointless, even if you show that certain number of people like more one thing than the other, is still pretty much subjective, so just enjoy what you like and stop making dark souls threads for fucks sake

but a game can be good without being a fun

>tfw you've been on this site longer than the age of some people browsing

What's controversial about this image?

If you can't back up why a game is fun with opinions on the gameplay or story, then you're just spewing a buzzword
>it's fun with friends!

You're kidding

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If you argue for something by just calling it fun - yes, it's a buzzword. Because fun is completely subjective and doesn't ever have the same meaning for different people.
If you want to argue that something is fun, you should be able to explain why something is fun for you. This is something others can understand and check if it fits their own definition of fun.

Back then, it was used to mock autistic nerds that wanted people to stop enjoying things without writing an essay as to why they enjoyed things. Now, those are the only kind of people left on this site.

give me an example of what game you consider good without being fun and why you consider it good

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Final Fantasy Tactics. Gameplay and job system are well designed, writing is the best I've ever seen in a FF game, but both the progression and the battles just go at too slow a pace for me to really enjoy them

Horror games. A real good slow burn horror game isn't intense fun, it's cathartic fear.

Not him, but I consider Mario Galaxy objectively good and well made, but I don't find it fun in the slightest, even compared to games that are considered much worse.

psychologically speaking, people only do things because they enjoy it, it gives them something they want (and enjoy obtaining that) or makes them avoid something they dont want (and find some relief), so either you really are enjoying those games deep inside (as in fun) or you are playing to avoid thinking about your crippling depression

those reasons sound like a type of fun for you, but since the very definition of fun is kind of subjective too, you guys can keep your autistic opinions

Or, we're not autistic and recognize that these games have some good qualities that others might find enjoyable even if they don't do anything for us personally.

do you even play those games or call them good while avoiding them?

No but Yea Forumss retardation hasn't changed a fucking bit.

that user isn't wrong. The autist is whoever made that screencap.

>I do it so you must do it too

Fighting games are great games (well, some of them), but due to my preferences I do not personally find them fun. I can also have fun with a game I don't like nor consider good, if I'm high while playing anything will be fun and it can be more about mood or who you're playing with than how good the game is or how much you like it on its own.

it was probably the guy who loves duke nuken

this thread is just proving that Yea Forums dont play games, thats why they can talk about finding some games good but not fun (cause they dont play them)

"Fun" is a conclusion, not a reason.

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How would we be able to hold both opinions at the same time without playing them you moron?

As funny as it is to be autistic about the concept of "fun", the comment does have an amount of merit when describing something to someone else. Different people find different things fun.

Some people like super hardcore challenges that have no forgiveness whatsoever for mistakes (roguelikes, super hard mario maker levels), some people like grindan games where they can turn their brain off after a hard day and just whack shit (any diablo clone, MMOs), some people like to spreadsheet stats and calculate mathematically which builds are best (again, diablo clones, MMOs, RPGs in general), some people like to just explore the world and interact with the stories that the developers have created (walkan simulators, RPGs but spending more time immersed in the experienced than the mathematical side). Describing something as "fun" to any one of these kinds of people will have a dozen different meanings.

It's more helpful to describe what a game is, how it plays, and the experience is like. It's not that "fun" is a buzzword or a meaningless concept, but it is a subjective concept that is unhelpful for critical review.

If fun is an argument, then saying it isn't fun is also an argument. Only the best discussions on Yea Forums

Fun = enjoyable to play.
Don't really get what else is there to discuss

by watching youtube all day, you neckbeard

You usually can't tell if you enjoy something until you try it for yourself

what makes it enjoyable to play. this is the same bullshit argument as 'because god made it that way'