Why are there no games about living in rural France?

Why are there no games about living in rural France?

Attached: photo-credit-rene-matteshemis-136408227142502601-160826135157[1].jpg (648x365, 362K)

Too specific.
It is comfy though, come have a rest with us and taste some good cheese & meat. Une bonne entrecôte sauce au Bleu d'Auvergne.
Except if you're a nigger or mudslime: Stay in Paris in that case

Is Blood and Wine not good enough?

Fable series is close enough


Ah, Rheims. The only place where I've been stopped by police drunker than I am.

Blood & Wine DLC

I live in Navarre and tend to go north while routing with my motorbike and may god protect France and it´s true people.

>no mediterranean inspired fantasy set in not-Italy not-Spain, or not Greece
It hurts.

> Touissant is Tuscany
> People have a Swedish accent
> F-France!
Come on, user...

toussaint is provence you dumb nigger

Attached: 29-provence.jpg (1700x1016, 548K)

>ywn fight the turks while standing with your tercio-bros against anglos, french, dutch and swedes after reading about how your brother is fighting the incas

>no comfy game set in sicily and southern italy, with huge explorable cities and investigation quests dabbling in dark magic and ancient misteries

>> People have a Swedish accent
u wot

I read Madame Bovary and I had no idea what to imagine when it described the garments of the people during the wedding procession. It was a cool book though.

The saboteur has rural french parts

Pokemon XY was close enough.

Because France is a shit tier country

>Why are there no games about living in rural France?
But there are?

Attached: France.jpg (1920x1080, 1.23M)


Might as well play AssCreed 1 to get the rural sandnigger-infested shithole vibe