For me, it's Marie
For me, it's Marie
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Pedophiles deserve to get gassed. I'm glad you recently lost your one source of pedoshit.
For me it's Marie's butt
>not real
So if you kill in videogames you're a murderer and should be executed?
The smallest ass in vidya history.
I gave up on a fuckbuddy that had a tiny body like Marie's. I thought a petite figure was gay to like.
Go back.
For me it's Marie AND her ass
What source is this moron referring? I didn't hear about any crazy FBI raids or something.
Don't post anymore of this butt, okay? I really hate it. So don't post any more Marie ass.
i think he means that hentai panda website
some hentai website hosted in the netherlands got shut down, idk which
Sadpanda ran afoul of World Standards
I think it is telling that he knew about the site going down lol. Projection is very informing.
>WAAAHHHH my fav pedo site went down and now I need to pretend to be mad because they have my IP.
I dont read loli stuff but i do get diamond on Milf incest stuff . . . is all gone
It is the tiniest rear of all time. You're gonna need to show it in different angles to make it look bigger
who knows, these "all pedos deserve to be gased" faggots are experts on what sites have pedoshit for some reason
Hello, guilty pedophile
For me, it´s Tina (and Momiji) but pedojaps don´t want her in Venus Vacation and DoA6 is a trainwreck so fuck ´em all.
Why? Because she looks like a kid?
Recommend me some milf incest stuff fellow man of culture. I don't even know why I like Marie when I usually like 2d milf more.
>tfw you lived to see all the /ss/ content gone and the upcoming racewar
>thinking an 18 year old is attractive makes you a pedophile
Imagine being this dull-witted.
>i do get diamond on Milf incest stuff . . . is all gone
t. archivist.
I don't believe more people find 10 year olds attractive vs 40 year olds.
wow, fag
go watch the study. it's a documentary
Marie Rose's buttocks
Marie Rose's thighs
Marie Rose's mouth
Marie Rose's armpits
You forgot Marie Rose's tummy.
Marie is an old hag past her prime!
what do I do with my Marie?
Japan's low crime rates is partly because they imprison innocent people for decades until they confess to crimes they never did.
There is a crazy amount of evolution of humans finding puberty aged or similar girls/boys attractive. If you didn't know, 50,000 years ago humans regularly lived 40 years max. Many started fucking at as young as possible to continue human existence.
10 Might be a stretch, but then again there are lots of studies saying puberty age has delayed by 1-2 years since the neanderthal era about 40,000 years back. So it would be possible 10 year olds were getting pregnant on the regular.
Personally I NEED for a woman to look like one to be attracted. Even if that is 14 or 15. They have to have that developed look or my brain just doesn't agree. Ironically, Marie has that body of a 15-24 year old petite chick.
Did you make this? Just wondering how you did the middle text. I spend like 10 minutes doing that type of text and I feel there has to be a faster way.
they're too scared to even litter. it's a beautiful society.
>I am delusional. My preconceived, comfortable beliefs take precedence over peer-reviewed science
Why doesn’t nyotengu get as much attention as Marie does? Nyotengu has huge tits
It just got shut down. No arrests or something.
Afaik theyre looking for a new host.
Source: Not me.
Nyotengu is more popular to normalfags than Marie. Marie is only popular on Yea Forums.
A lot of the DOA chicks are incredibly fake overall. Marie and a few others are more believable but it really is hard to be attracted to a parody of what a woman looks like.
Amazing how over and over again, the most outspoken individuals/websites against stuff like this end up being guilty of actual IRL CP/abuse.
Really makes you think. Really gets the ol' noggin joggin that despite happening over and over again it keeps happening and nobody mentions it.
too old
Post more like this
I know there is a lot
this, disgusting degenerates
Literally built for PRONE BONE
according to one of the most normie porn sites, Marie is the most popular DOA.
Cartoonishly dom types aren't popular, and even so Nyo is still better off than people like Rachel or Christie, she's actually pretty popular consider her character, though I guess it's mostly for the hairdo.
looks like she has diappers
Damn Marie is THAT popular? Shiet
idk but this is what google shows, so it's gotta be one of these
Was he right?
Maybe by appearances, but the suicide rate and work culture are even worse than the west somehow.
oh its just ex hentai. Forget what I wrote, dear citizen
Japs are so keen on 'not rocking the boat' that they do this shit.
marie is not pedo material, but i do think she is the worst girl and japan is fucking retarded for not giving Christie, Lisa and Mila better treatment.
TL;DR, fuck you japan, grow some taste.
It's more like Japs are not keen on allowing their country to be Jewed.
She's the most popular DOA on, sankaku, literally everywhere except 2d oriented sites like deadpanda, the sheer amount of sfm content with her is unbeatable.
Thats pretty fucking obvious though
I'm not science denying, what I should have said was that I find this hard to believe without seeing what these men or boys were shown. If pic related were my choices, I'd go with the 40 year old every time. I 100% believe that men and boys find girls 14-20 much more sexually attractive than any other age range, but I'd like to know if the study was just based on physical appearance alone or as a long term mate as well and if there are any caveats to the questions. Like for example, you took a picture of a 14 year old and told a 20 year old man that she was 18 so he wouldn't feel like he was manipulating her because of her age and inexperience, or was it just that these men didn't care and would still fuck a 14 year old no matter the repercussions to the girl.
Just curious about the methodology really, and what is the name of the documentary?
Was her kill counts millions now?
>jake the dog
>the most boring OW girl
there is something really wrong with those numbers.
The study was based on showing men pictures of various random women in bikinis. A device on the penis measured physical arousal (more or less an electric cockring)
Hmmm, 9s is the only shots I go
Maybe I need to expand my boy folder
Seinfeld is always right.
>Like for example, you took a picture of a 14 year old and told a 20 year old man that she was 18 so he wouldn't feel like he was manipulating her because of her age and inexperience, or was it just that these men didn't care and would still fuck a 14 year old no matter the repercussions to the girl.
Well, this has been studied. Not in that study but in this one:
>Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as adults rated them highly.
>Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as teens rated them lowly and took approximately twice as long to enter their answer.
Sadpanda a.k.a exhentai was axed
idk why but that's really funny to me
Team Ninja owes me a new black woman in DOA since they decided for some reason to lighten fuck out of Lisa's skin then stop putting her in anything.
For me, it's Marie
Yes, it gets funnier when you realize the men were probably trying REALLY HARD not to get erect from the teens, which in turn probably made them more aroused anyway.
here's your japanese college graduate gf, bro
Guys will find girls above the age of 14 attractive if you don't tell them the age because most girls fully develop around that time. Tell the age guys will say no so they don't labelled as a pedo. The only true way to be safe is to go older, milfs and cougars are the patrician choice.
>fiction is real you guys!!!1!
well you should go to jail for killing in games then.
>The only true way to be safe is to go older, milfs and cougars are the patrician choice.
>That feel when you like older women but they're just women in your age group now.
>Cartoonishly dom types
Maybe toward opponents, but she's not normally like that, she's just extremely seductive. You try resisting what's essentially the Japanese version of a succubus.
Honestly, a lot of perception about the various girls are pushed by those doing erp and the sfm community, with very little regard for how the original character acts.
ESL here, what's the difference between milf and cougar? They're not same?
they showed them images of women of different ages, without informing of the age and the men decided which ones were more attractive.
>that sfm where nyotengu, Marie, honoka, and one other get bent over on a desk and ploughed next to each other
>the guy slowly taking his time and savouring nyotengu while the rest just thrust as fast as they can
Truly nyotengu is for savouring the moment and feel
MILF is an attractive mom.
Cougars are older women who pursue younger men.
good taste user
You're overthinking this shit. We're talking about desire to fuck, not desire for a life mate. All kinds of compromises get made in the search for the perfect life mate, including aesthetic in some cases. This is not about that; this is purely about what created sexual attraction.
SAUCE me the fuck up
here's your 32 years old police officer bro
For me it's spreading princesstårta all over her tummy and then licking it up.
Can you guys not give the killings a goddamn break?
Chinks look gross without makeup though.
>Marie is hot as fuck
>All of her porn sucks
It's just not right.
I like the one where she's literally pinned to a window while being ravaged.
That tummy is subpar.
Wow rude.
Marie is for me.
aged like sugar
it's literally perfect, you faggot
they got clumpy but return to their youth if you give them a light smack?
Funny thing is that men are into young teens
and young teens are into men.
Isnt this pretty much self explanatory
teen boys are the ultimate cuckolds
But that wouldnt change the crime rate and only decrease the unsolved cases statistic.
probably should've used the picrelated for comparison - certain types of honey (e.g. acacia honey, collected in May) barely even crystalize, let alone spoil.
Maybe he was saying he likes anime
Yes. Age of consent makes sense, but its not all white and black. Its like he says, if an 18 year old guy sleeps with a 17 years and 364 days old girl he is by law a rapist. If he had sex with her a day later he wouldnt have been. Makes no sense.
are there any differences between DMM and steam versions?
what did she meant by this?
I want to see Marie poop
she doesnt like headpats.
Who is she marrying?
It's the same game but the Steam version is years behind, it will evantually have the same things as the DMM version.
I think some states have a Romeo & Juliet law that allows young adults to sleep with teenagers if the age difference between theme is very minimal (a year or two). Not sure if it applies everywhere.
oh cool, another designated yellow fever /pol/cel thread!
She meant that just because she has a petite body that will make people uncomfortable when you go for a heavy make-out session with her in public doesn't mean that you shouldn't go all in on that tongue.
Me. She looks like she fucks brown guys so I'm lucky
That's not Lightning though
Don’t have it on me but it’s hot as fuck they’re all looking into the camera too and it’s in a nightclub
A rich arab guy probably .
>Pedophiles deserve to get gassed
Whit little girls' farts teehee
Some user said he would make a dance video of Marie, Honk and Tamaki days ago. Where are you user?
i think i saw it on the previous thread
Link please or thread name to search?
Kill yourself
I said a short video, other anons said i should add Hitomi Nyo Koko and Nagisa as well
For science
wew that's cringy as hell
This is dissapointing. I thought that user said those 3 girls only and they are not even the focus here. WHY
i think is funny, and i like Honkers honkers bouncing all over the place
>Staged video vs. a protest.
Hmm yes, I'm sure those are all lovely women. We just have to get past their "screaming naked on the streets for no particular reason" outer shell
If we can't handle them at their worst, we don't deserve them at their best. Right?
I said no such thing. I'm pointing out that that comparison is horribly cherrypicked. Put your helmet on you fucking sped.
>Virginity ratio of unmarried Japanese women
age 18-19 74.5%
age 20-24 64.5%
age 25-29 32.6%
age 30-34 31.3%
age 35-39 33.4%
Women in Japan aren't going to sleep with you if you can't make even the women in your home country do it. Prostitution doesn't count.
>that hand
Jesus christ, I hate these 3D renders that put zero effort into the hands. I've seen so many of them. It almost looks like she has a foot for a hand.
I want to taste her tummy
posing hands is equally annoying as drawing hands
user, you're not thinking big enough. You need to go the route of those MikuMikuDance videos where they're dancing and doing a song routine and then a bunch of guys in sin sacks show up and it turns into a gangbang.
me too
When women say they prefer white guys they aren't talking about guys who look like this (ie: You).
>Still pedaling dating site statistics as if dating sites are still relevant or even a credible source when there's a million of them focused on hyper specific niche and thus the sampling is messed up.
DOA models in those kind of animations look terrible, trust me i tried. it only works for vocaloids.
and i haven't found a single DOA model with movable genitals.
This. Either make Lisa dark again or give us another black woman.
If people are afraid to break the law because the criminal justice system has a habit of trapping anyone even suspicious of the crime, it would change the crime rate.
Brown Hitomi
is there a name for this gesture?
I've literally cucked an entire whatsapp group full of boys to a 14 year old girl there.Another one with 16.
I was 25 at that time. Glorious days.
Forefinger in fingerhole
finger in hole
I'm not saving all the Marie butts in this thread, and I'm not gonna fap to them later. I don't like Marie's butt I don't fantasize about it all day.
Good job, user
I believe you.
how many did she kill again?
What is she doing?
Are you okay?
Is this, dare I say, peak performance?
For me, it's Honk.
way way too many.
There was an user who was posting Marie pictures while pretending to post as her talking about how they'd fuck all the anons in the thread, and drain their balls etc. Even talked about how much of a slut they are for BBC. Was fucking great, miss that person.
Don't wake her up
stop I already fapped 5 times today it's too much
Post or link to the full image please
Then don't?
how the fuck are you still asking for source in 2019. these images come from the same fucking site ffs
keep going user, I believe in you
It's a torture when you're at work.
>dick swaab
where did the hair shadow go?
For me, it's Mila!
That's not important
got more of her on that lingerie?
>One article is about free speech, another about child porn
>same thing
You retardo?
Last week I had a dream Mila was my girlfriend and we went shopping for groceries together and it was the happiest I've ever felt
is it too hard to click Yandex? is the third result
I need to breed the Swede.
Relax. She's 18.
If theres anything that makes me fap on this shit site. Its fucking marie petite rose
My wife on the left.
i can't believe i didn't had this one
yes, i want that pair of cheeks
How deep is Marie's butt?
there's only one way to find out
i had a dream when Mila and i were practicing mma stuff and she beat the crap out of me(not in a serious way), but at the end she hinted sexual things for showing progress and enduring that beating.
Butt is the patrician's choice.
Patrician, I say.
Long toys it is!
I want to pump her full of children so badly.
Now, how tight is it?
Quadrillions of lives lost to this angelic cutie.
these figures are rigged kinda fucky and I can't even subdivide it without the geometry shitting itself, I guess it's the best we can expect from deviantart degenerates
Arguably impressive if you think about the sheer numbers.
And she's not even that old of a character
Arguably the ideal wife.
Holy fuck
Petite girls in lingerie look hot as fuck
yes, i want those cheeks too
My wife Marie with her hair down is hot as fuck.
Just imagine if you will, for a moment, the softness. Picture the softness. Feel the softness.
For me it's Kasumi!
I love her sister Ayane!
That's actually the hotest thing I've seen in a fucking while
I want the fucking mega of her right now, all the fucking videos, SFM, JOI's,and the dancing she's done
My dick demands it, this is the hardest I've ever been
What is so perfect about soft perfect bottom's that aren't too big nor small, the perfect frame of thin while being thicc in the right places?
What is so perfect about Marie? Her being blonde is the best point I think
My dick is diamonds
Pretty deep
>mfw I have a Marie Rose fetish, prefer ass over any other body part and see this thread
She looks bearly legal
Does she have any tight biker shorts/spats or short shorts?
Thats the best kind of legal
She cute
Read this already. It's on Hiatus now. MOAR LIKE THIS?
Ew the art is ugly for this one.
i want a wife just like her
Alright faggot
He got a big head
Closest I could find.
BASED. Why can't they make it into a long series like this one
Why are the majority of Yea Forums users pedofags?
Why do they lust over some annoying immature "18" yo womanlet with zero personality, literally created for jailbait purposes? (by none other than the Japs of course)
Cute and funny.
Did you find this shit from one of those anime streaming site ads or what? Calling samefagging before telling you that nobody wants your cringe.
Hotdogging those cheeks with my brown cock
there aren't many shorts in DOA
Lurk more
These kind of girls are my fetish usually but Marie is an exception to this rule. I don't get it. What about Marie make her so special to my dick. I don't even like loli doujin.
Curves of a woman but the attitude of a youthful girl maybe.
>Jake the Dog at #1
Oh look, it's the schizo incel with yellow fever.
If that's the case then honker, that alien girl, that devil horn girl should be up my alley right? Except I have 0 interest on them, only Marie. My No.2 DoA girl is Tamaki which suit my milf fetish. Marie is special.
I've masturbated God knows how many times to those doggystyle PoV webms.
The dick likes what the dick likes man.
i get what you mean, i generally like the nice bodied women, but there's an exception to the rule and marie is one
despite nico and kanna sharing the same body type, there's no interest, because otherwise my interest in doa is misaki and tina
I love Marie and her threads.
same here
Well now I have to masturbate to making her a mother again.
Make sure to imaginate everything.
I love my wife!
How is Marie's tongue game?
For Marie, it's immigrants.
one job
Pass the chips, Marie
She looks like she ____ _____ ___.
Fucks smart guys?
Wouldn't that mean the crime rate is actually lower than reported?
that's dangerous territory user, too lewd for a blue board.
Ask Tyrone.
For Marie, it's Tyrone.
Does Marie and Honkers girl have any canon affection?
>from under the bed sheets
this but with black people