Quite possibly the gayest boss theme I've ever heard.
Final Fantasy XIV
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well, do you think a straight king would look like this?
It's good
All boss themes in FFXIV are abysmal vocal trash.
Shiva phase 2 is complete garbage yet you see musically braindead idiots eat that shit up
t. tranny
Sorry, but the one with no taste in music is you. Now go listen to some more Katy Perry fag
>he actually likes generic jpop on an ice boss
Correct. But Shiva has the only truly bad vocal song in the game. Titania's song is good.
Let me guess, jump potion WoWtard?
How the fuck is oblivion jpop?
what are your favorite boss themes?
Innocence is so much better.
Calling it jpop is stupid but it is generic trash poprock music.
Shiva and Innocence was the only good one so far.
>having this shit taste
cringe but not unexpected considering the board im on
Sorry, dude. Needs more horns drums, I guess.
You didn't like Titan or Sophia?
The music itself is terrible and drowns out the lyrics. Keiko & Susan Calloway's version sounds amazing though.
It's almost like its for a little girl
You are literally killing a reincarnated child
Shadowbringers is dark as fuck
This is why I think Ifrit's theme is one of the best actually. So corny when they have to chant their names. Leviathan is kino otherwise.
It's not a matter of taste, it's a matter of having any comprehension or appreciation of music at all, and if you like Shiva's second phase music better than the first, you prove that you don't understand music.
sorry you can't stand the voices of other human beings you colossal autist
That doesn't really say anything. You gotta post your titles, because jump potion users don't get any titles they would have otherwise.
taste is subjective and you're a pretentious know-nothing faggot who needs to go back to >>Yea Forums
what titles would jump users not have? the quest completion ones?
>doesnt even bother to post a link to show off how possibly homosexual this song could be
Got a link to that? I can find the ones in concert, wondering if there's a non concert version
Yeah, anything tied to the MSQ.
I'm pretty sure I've studied and been involved with music longer than you've even been alive lil zoom.
.t Mad WoWfag
>can't break down why it's bad in terms of musical composition
>just "IT BAD" while feigning objectivity
There was a download being passed around for the Journeys album, not sure if it's still up though
wtf no epic trumpets, timpani or choir going "HUH HUH"
it's shit
>Quite possibly the gayest boss theme I've ever heard
You do realizes this boss theme belongs to a female right? A female FAIRY right?
so? the King Moggle theme is GOAT despite also belonging to a childish creature.
nice crop homo
Good King Moggle Mog the XIIth (pbuh) is not childish. I'll not have you commit heresy against the one true king, kupo
I'll look for the journey's album then, thanks.
What did you expect when you are fighting a fucking Fairy "King"?
>King Moggle Mog
Pompous maybe. Childish, not a god damn chance.
a good childish song
Stop being retarded.
>Kupta Kapa will clip your tuft
>Split your hairs and ruffle your fluff
>Kupdi Koop will throw you for a loop
>Brave a wall of whiskers to find his troupe
>Kupli Kipp is sly yet sweet
>He'll tickle your nose then tickle your feet
>Jolly Kogi's eye for fun is clear
>He'll put an arrow straight in your rear!
>Pukla Puki plays with fire
>Poms a-burning on her pyre
>Puksi Piko likes her buddies big
>To sing a little song and dance a little jig
>Pukna Pako shivers and shakes
>She'll stick you in the gut and give you bellyaches
>And who's behind them, standing tall?
Why, the biggest moogle of them all!
not childish at all
Make way
The joke was that "Fairy" is slang for gay.
I like both.
>>Puksi Piko likes her buddies big
bigguhr es bettahr
New player here, just unlocked labyrinth of the ancients. Can I expect to pug this and win or should I give up and keep progressing story. Been making a point not to skip any dungeon/raid/trial content
Yes you can easily pug it
Generally pugs steamroll it unless you get an exceptionally terrible raid group.
LotA is probably the easiest example of gear creep in the entire game. Kind of like Leviathan ex was, one boss in LotA is almost more difficult because of the kill speed
You'll want to have done the ARR 24 man raids by the time you get to Shadowbringers, so yes.
24 mans and any standard 8 mans from Heavensward and onward are easily pugable
5.05 predictions
>Musical brainlets getting triggered
Keep listening to pop music garbage with the rest of the lowest common denominator, unable to truly appreciate the power of melody and rhythm and needing to hear the same tired, familiar chords and guitars and listening to words to get anything out of the music.
post your favorite albums
t. sam
>are easily pugable
>are easily pugable
>are easily pugable
still have yet to explain what's compositionally wrong, huh?
I figured
people with the loudest opinions are often the least informed
It has decent damage output, that's it. Its mitigation is possibly the weakest overall.
He's baiting, stop feeding the faggot child
>Ozma reskin
He was cool, but the only reason he was remotely difficult on release is most people are fucking garbage at learning through doing and need to be force-fed the mechanics.
I'd argue that other then Dun and Ivalice they are easier then the 4-man levelling Dungeons because there is a good chance everyone except MAYBE you are sync'd down to the Max ilevel and there are so many people that there is a larger room for error for you personally, in fact you gonna get carried through the whole of CT whether you like it or not.
>garleans can sing better than mhiggers
They're not going to nerf or fuck shit. They're going to buff everyone else and someones going to get overbuffed and replace the current king of their field. Everything will still be viable and work the same. 5.2 is when the fuckening is going to happen to some classes, if at all.
The guitars are unmelodious noise drowning out the rest of the track, not that there's much to drown out since it's just a few slowly repeating notes and chords. The vocalist is generic and the melody is basic music theory garbage for plebs. The song sounds like a garage band. It's trash.
but of course
fuck savages
Titania is king of faeries not poles.
I hate this boss because I will forever associate it with retarded PF people who can't get the add phase right even after multiple tries even if their lives depended on. It's so simple, but it baffles me how the fuck these 1 braincell retards even managed to reach this part of the game while sucking so much.
I'm not even talking about learning parties, I'm talking about "kill" and "farm" parties where only people who already cleared it can join, and it's still the same shit.
>garlemald anthem
dangerously close to some fascist shit
>the garlemald anthem
holy shit. this is my first time hearing this. what advanced memery was at work here?
I have met my fair share of retards in my years of playing this but none managed to suck so bad to not able to clear labyrinth of the ancients.
ya don't say?
The sadder thing is you're probably in a thread with some of those PF retards right now
I did it for the first time this weekend, and we had full of people who have never been there and we haven't wiped even once on that boss.
It's absolutely pugable.
better call your local antifa chapter and shut this game down
Quite possibly the gayest OP I've ever seen.
But it’s the perfect song befitting of a fairy. It’s perfect in that regard baka desu senpai.
>”She’ll stick you in the gut and give you bellyaches”
desu Cid is fun as fuck. he also has excellent quotes
Fuck these savages who make their champion do house chores all day. How do I buddy with zenos to conquer the realm under garlemald? No more wars = no need for black rose
Play Shad and you’ll learn that Black Rise is more or less our of the question now.
You keep classifying oblivion as pop music, which is wrong, and really shows just how little you know about music yet you try and pass judgement on others? Fucking retard
Zenos doesn't want to conquer the realm, he wants a true WORLD OF STRENGTH
>t. has never listened to music beyond what's on the latest now that's what I call music
I think you mean あの子もこの子も大きくな〜れ
Also have a kino boss theme for a kino boss youtube.com
Aren't they going to buff jobs after seeing how they perform in savage?
Do people actually play this game with music on? lmao just play something on youtube
funny since Oblivion would fit right in on the top 40 charts
I'm a femlala that only wears housemaid dress. What other cute glamours are there for lalas?
Be creative user, I've seen some cute stuff out there
most long tunics becomes little short dresses for us
Black bags for tossing you in the bin where you belong
Is there any definitive guide for crafting/gathering?
No doujin, but I do have twitter.com
>ok, first 30 second are not bad, maybe it was just another Yea Forums overrea-
>ooooooookay yeah this is garbage.
These are the same people who unironically defend oblivion.
As you can see, their standards are very low.
nah it wouldn't because it's not generic garbage, but I bet you all your music comes straight from spotify's staff picks :)
Oblivion(duality) > rock version
Someone post the damn journey's XIV album.
Oblivion from Journey's is still the best
>Alisaie with a separate model to Alphinaud
come again
We getting this tomorrow or no?
Always heard it as
>Pukla Puki plays with pyre
>lots of burning lots of fire
Chance you got a mp3 of it or some such? The amazon download of Journeys doesn't seem to have that song.
hopefully never
Why would Raiden be in FFXIV?
The last set was released as dungeon gear, so presumably it'll be a dungeon set rather than crafted.
I hope not. What an awful fucking design. It doesn't fit anything in the game and was just chosen for meme shit.
why would raiden be in ff14? it's not even square's property
How many were disappointed to find out that Titania EX wasn't Feo Ul letting us fight her for fun and instead was just Bizarro Wandering Minstrel retelling it
I liked This is Halloween before FFXIV did it
I wasn't until I thought about this as a possibility. Now I'm sad.
The moogle theme has been in FF since before Nightmare Before Christmas existed.
thank fuck there will be content to do tomorrow jesus christ 2 weeks of absolutely nothing
>mashing distorted power chords for the most basic bitch pop chord progression in existence
>not generic garbage
educate yourself
Imagine pulling his dick out while Alisaie squeezes it tight, denying him his finish until you've filled her to the brim as he writhes helplessly beneath the two of you.
It's the instruments in King Mog's theme that instills the thought more
>2weeks of nothing
>not doing eden
>not leveling
>not doing crafters or getherers
>not preparing for savage
>not doing EXs
Imagine taking your pornsick ERP shit back to /vg/
Then maybe you should learn to hear a song beyond the fucking instruments you brainlet
Delete this
God that looks like fucking garbage
>not doing eden
what is there to do? i got my pieces for the week and then ran out of shit to do
>not leveling
already have the 4 jobs i actually intend to play at 80
>crafters or gatherers
im rich i dont need to
>prep for savage
nigga what? i already have stacks of pots and food i bought from people
lmao. those were week 1 content
anyone know where i can buy ff14 for cheap in australia? i missed out the free dominoes deal :(
>Tfw i liked Shiva Phase 2 theme
>Brute Justice is still my favorite
>Still in stormblood
A-Am i a faggot?
>tell things you can do
>”no i don’t want to do that because I don’t have to”
Every last bit of Alphi/Ali in the sea of donut commissions should be cherised
Nah. Those are good. Ignore contrarian fags itt.
>I poopsocked the game and now I have nothing to do >:(
every time
How do you think Emet felt when he saw the Allagans wipe themselves out with Dalamud and the Crystal Tower?
>tfw waiting for that Oblivion Remix for Eden Part 2/3
The Ascians organized that Calamity so I'd say he was probably happy that a Rejoining was successful. Allag went to shit thousands of years before that so it was already a lost cause to him.
wow welcome to literally every patch of FFXIV
>Here's things to do
>ok I did them now I have nothing to do wahh :C
>people actually defending the lack of content at endgame
christ. even wowfags dont do this.
You're a cool person and should feel cool
Oblivion is ceritifed dogshit, kys.
There is a lot to do besides PvE, people just don't want to do it and demand more PvE.
WoWfags complain because their entire endgame is multilayered RNG grinding which gates top end content.
there's nothing to defend. it's literally impossible to shit out content faster than players (particularly neckbeard neets like you) can consume it.
I laugh at plebs who use Spotify or whatever the other thing you're talking about is. Most of my music cannot be found anywhere other than obscure old warez sites, and it's all individually procured, more than 25000 tracks. You may be allowed to call me a hipster, but you'd be retarded to call me anything synonymous with normie or unknowledgeable.
>not being a facist in 2019
That's a yikes from me
>that Vagrant Story final boss music
>those dark as shit Cid lines of dialogue
If Ultima wasn't a big fireworks display i'd have wanted this to be the final battle of the Monastery.
>finish Shadowbringers in about a week
>"What the fuck, there's no content?"
>ignores the beast tribe quests, new gathering quests, and doesn't even bother to level new classes to play with their new toys
>tfw not lift up Eden ravana since he could represent fire
>tfw ravana is now a joke to fight
It's either that or this.
Is that Mili?
>WoL alongside several hyper powerful magical beasts don't fight Koryu and instead seal him alongside another powerful soul.
Does that make Koryu the most powerful thing we've ever encountered? I mean we fought and killed Omega, but we didn't even TRY to duke it out with Koryu.
tell me what level 80 beast tribes are there right now?
Honestly I will end YoshiP and Co. if King Moogle becomes part of the Eden raid.
>Role in need: Tank.
>Have a tank at 80.
>Still queue as BLM because it's fun to explode things.
whoever her seiyuu is really gets that balance between alluring and downright psychopathic
ur mum faget
perfect I can't wait to be a steampunk Nazi
Better to keep it sealed than to risk collateral damage fighting it outside.
If we don't get at least one Amaurotine style set before Shad is over I'll fucking riot.
user, grinding FATEs in each area and role quests aren't beast tribes.
why is everyone so buttmad about fflogs? it seems to be only ecelebs that are anally devastated or raid trannies
Looks great for a MCH set
contextually we have no reason to summon King Mog, just the 6 main elemental ones (Ifrit, Garuda, Titan, Leviathan, Ramuh and Shiva)
>Amaurotine style set
A one piece hooden black robe with a white mask, that's not very styling. It'll come out and you'll just whinge that it's uncreative garbage and clips with everything.
what's funny is I thought that sidequest for an aether current would give us one but even after all we went through it ended up not happening because the guy is like "ok just imagine it you idiot you absolute buffoon even a literal fetus could do this"
I’d rather some drawn stuff desu
I'm out of the loop cuz I don't worry about parses, what's to be mad about?
Now that rdps is the default metric, people no longer look at raid buffs like they used to back on SB.
For example back on SB everyone looked at BLM like "it doesn't help on my orange parse so it's shit" now everyone looks at BLM as the strongest dps in the game.
I said influenced.
he gave you everything you need to make it
Yeah but it seems like it would just be simpler to take it out instead of putting a lid on the stink and letting it sit for another few thousands of years.
BLM is fun as hell. Leveling it now. AFter 72 it just rain nuke from the heavens. Love it.
Turns out I said influenced in my head but ended up not typing it.
What I meant was something like the Ascian's robes that have more flair to them.
>SAM makes a party finder requesting an AST, a DNC, a NIN and the other two DPS slots are free except they disclude BLM
King Mog was just the Gridanian moogles overdosing on wine, it doesn't represent any element or anything at all except hint that primals could be made from literally any stray thought
>"neat boss, his P1 is kinda okay, I'm fighting a warrior yeah it's okay"
>"uhoh, big aoe, phase 2 starts
probably my favorite fight in the game
user, the point of Amaurotine robes is for everybody to be equal. Someone walking around in their flamboyant custom concept is distracting to everybody else.
>leveling MIN
>reach lvl 55
collectable system is fucking ass. i shouldnt have to wait on nodes to spawn every 12 god damn hours.
no i dont care if its 12 ingame hours and not irl hours its still a gay system.
I forgot I can't do math and it's just one free DPS slot
Logs now show your actual DPS without buffs. Which means your purple is now but a green which triggers tranny's.
Doesn't matter.
The dps AST increases now counts towards the AST, same for dancer and NIN.
Only the dps SAM does is the one that will show on FFlogs
Same, but artists don't make money by drawing characters from the game, they make money by drawing horsecock futas of peoples' avatars.
Fuck off. It's the best system simply because I can fucking chill and finish leveling up DoLs in a span of a few hours of idling around you little bitch.
It's better way but is also dumb since you're suppose to align burst windows by delaying cooldowns and shit. Knowing how far idiots go to pad DPS, nobody is going to optimise their group comp and just press shit on CD for maximum pdps.
his ultimate could use a bit more flair though, he does like 4 realistic swings at you and you're expected to believe it's like a flurry of slices or something lol
Jump potions of any kind award titles. Job potions award lv 60 and 70 titles while story boost gives all non-optional titles up to that point
New player, quick question.
To use transmog do I need to have the item I want to transmog to or am I safe selling cool looking stuff?
Holy shit that first week was a nightmare, really reminded me of Wiping City
Most of them shouldn't even make money from it because it looks like trash.
>few hours of idling
yeah no
collectable xp isnt THAT high even with optimal x4 collect
You need the appearance you want to be in your inventory, as well as a glamour prism.
>bothering with DoL classes
honestly things aren't that bad on the mb and gil is practically useless otherwise, I just buy shit and not waste time on DoL. Better things to do than play collect-a-thon
Unlike wow, you must keep the item to glamour with it. You can throw it in the glamour dresser in town, but then again, that means you can only use it in a major city. Otherwise you will have to store it either in your or your retainer's inventory
You need to have it on your person, yes. You could also stick it in the glamour dresser to save space and set up a glamour plate with the item in question on it for use in any sanctuary.
You originally need to keep the thing on hand you want to glamour with but now you have a dresser (in your Inn room) which you dump things you want to use for looks into and make clothing sets you can swap to on the fly without using more resources
Katanas were a mistake, whoever thought up the concept should be sundered.
You need to have the item. This isn't like WoW where once you got it you have unlocked the glam. To glam something you need to have the actual item with you. It isn't not lost, but you will have to keep it stored in some retainer if you want to use it later.
It is shit, yes.
i unironically like gathering though and i HATE being dependent on the market
even though i know i could powerlevel DoH jobs and get fuck-rich by shitting out high quality leveling gear
trigger warning
>"This is Halloween" rework
Imagine being such a fag that you see a military-styled cap and immediate think of Nazis.
Agreed. Let's see who's laughing when samurai gets nerfed tomorrow.
Gordias has some of the best weapons.
>tiny hands
>clearly female character
kill yourself tranny
youll never be a woman and playing a female character aint gonna change that
I was able to level my BTN/MIN classes within a total of 8-10 hours in HW and SB including the weekly deliveries ex;. 6-7 hours in ShB because of Facets and Weekly Deliveries exp.
I don't know what you are doing for you to take so long leveling them.
Titania Katana looks better
Now that's some rent free bullshit right there my dude.
>he actually was triggered
WHM bros I'm nervous. Between AST rightfully asking to be fixed and SCH arguing in bad faith for buffs this balance patch isn't going to be kind to us.
I'm max size giraffe mode male Elezen you triple nigger.
The blade does looks neat and cool, but as usual the sheath ruins everything.
And they even worked in a Skyrim reference too.
Based and schizopilled
>people farmed for that shit before SHB because they thought GNB and DNC were going to get gordias weapons
Thanks, is it difficult to get low level items again?
I don't think about Punchbois much, but how are Monks this expac?
say that to his face, not online Elidibus, see what happens
>any Titania weapon
>looking better
>grind regular nodes until collectable unspoiled spawns
>get x4 from unspoiled
>turn in x4 for maybe 1/5th a level if im lucky
>go back to grinding regular nodes until next collectable unspoiled spawns
>do all this with commercial manuals active too
feel free to tell me what im doing wrong
Is the enmity meter a good way to tell how much DPS you're doing?
If it's a unique item like a quest reward or a job armor set, you can easily get those again via calamity salvager. Otherwise, most stuff is in vendors or some such.
Dancer main here. I will only partner and lock my pf to samurai or blackmage so they can get more out of my rdps thus padding my rdps
They can buff ast potencies but it will still be shit to play. SCHs are just fags that whine for eternity but still play their job no matter what. Real WHM mains don't care either way.
post rest of character then liar
i know the reason you cropped that shit was to try and disguise your trannyhood
Similar to wow you can solo some old content. Not all of it though. Or run it at max level by unsyncing the content with a group. Also, the calamity salvager offers old quest gear you may have thrown out.
You can run shit unsynced, so generally not that difficult. Some items might require you to collect seals/tomestones instead.
>That Anthem
You should level BTN and MIN at the same time so you're constantly getting collectable nodes. You shouldn't really be waiting for the next one to come.
It plays during the MSQ
Maybe you would have heard it if you stopped pressing escape.
>not MNK
Dumb DNCslut.
trigger warning for ascians and backseat mods, you have been warned
my BTN is like level 27 rip
i guess the commercial manuals can powerlevel that shit fairly quickly though
is it more effective to just straight grind with the manuals or actually do leves, because i can tell you right now that without the +150% manual, leves are the way to go
go back
SHB had some decent songs, however, if you unironically listen to and apreciate video game music outside of the context of the video games you are a disgusting faggot who should be gassed immediately. There is so much music out there, so many genres, so many different artists, but you faggots just all sit around listening to the same boring shit that wouldnt even be ACKNOWLEDGED if it wasnt shoehorned into a game because it cant stand on its own.
Listen to some real fucking music please.
Sounds like stockholm syndrome.
when will they change the glamour system to not be shit ?
I want to use my fully blown autism to grind every single appearance of everything in the game, just give me a gallery of some sort
imperial judge job FUCKING WHEN
you lying FUCK i know thats a tranny character you can tell by the angle of the ears
Sam and blm dont have raid buffs so my rdps will be deducted less than if a drg/smn/rdm/brd/mnk were there instead. Only sam and blm chads allowed.
>Retard got utterly BTFO by this
Incredible. Nice work.
Go back normalnigger
titania manatrigger grew on me desu
t. riggered trannies
Not even him, but
>user trannyposts about that being a female character
>"my character isn't female though"
>okay post it then faggot
>posts it
As long as he doesn't spam the rest of the thread with his OC, It's fine.
>t. tranny with no taste
>playable garleans
>only job you can play is one unique to them because they can't manipulate their aether
What compels someone to care this much about what people that they will never know listen to?
Slow but high return in gil -> straight grind
Fast but using up leves better used for crafting -> leves
It's up to you. You can get a lot of gil if you grind the stuff people want.
Huh, you're actually into something. Ignore my previous post.
What are the chances that the Shiva's theme Oblivion in Eden will be exactly the same, except it is sung by a guy?
make me faggot
this is why I cropped it in the first place
0-4 MNK
5-9 BLM
It's just going to be heavy metal this time
Oh my fucking lord is the SAM avatarfag back?
>Doesn't spam the rest of the thread
You should've seen a few threads ago he wouldn't shut up about boosting SAM and whoa my SAM looks so cool in the AF gear.
You too. Why would you even know that he posts there?
All healers have this. It's part of the job.
>still no option to switch the position of some job's sheathed weapons from hip to the back and vice versa
Why should I sift through mountains upon mountains of shit musicians and singers? Because some anonymous cocksucker demands it?
because this guy posts his character here a lot
because as an audio engineer who once considered getting into game sound but settled on something else instead, I take these things very seriously. Video games would have MUCH better music if you faggots didn't let them get away with just putting garbage in.
The DMC remake ironically did it right despite being a shit game by having outside and prolific artists come in and do their music for them. The result was music that can be listened to and enjoyed without ever hearing the game and needing to rely on nostaliga. That is how music is meant to be, how any piece of art is meant to be.
They were also pretty rare in their day. I think something like 50 people on my server cleared Gordias when it was current. the gobwalker always got people to follow me.
I don't know who you're talking about, I haven't been in these threads for close to a month now because MSQ spoilers, and I also hate the AF80 SAM set.
Brute Justice is funny and accomplishes what it sets out to do, but it's a meme song. Shiva phase 2 is garbage for zero taste niggers. So you're probably a faggot.
t. mu fag in its first stages of listening to music
Samurai Chad here. Wanna polish my katana?
New SAM here.
Should I use Kaiten on everything?
>by having outside and prolific artists come in and do their music for them
So only popular "musicians" are good? Kill yourself faggot.
Only on normal, non tsubame gaeshi'd iaijutsu.
Kaiten does not work on the Kaeshi series iaijutsu.
Everything else is a waste.
I despised DmC's music, what now gaybo
Cycle nodes in the different zones after collecting them because all of them spawn within 2 in game hours of each other.
here is 2 random songs that you might like. the fact you are too lazy to expand your horizons is pretty sad user
Imagine being so much of a lazy nigger you can't take 5 seconds to just randomly look for music.
You found out the secret to being an "audiophile"
No, no you should not. You should Kaiten when:
you are applying Higanbana
you are casting Midare Setsugekka
you are casting Tenka Gokken on 3 enemies exactly
Otherwise your kenki should be for shinten or kyuten for aoe.
right now there are only two nodes accessible:
yellow copper at 4 am/pm in western coerthas highlands
and pyrite at 8 am/pm in dravanian forelands
there is a 3rd one but i cant get high enough rarity to turn that one in with x4 collects
Noisia and Combichrist aren't well known outside of their respective areas though. Are you retarded?
>this is what Yea Forumstants think is good
That reminds me. People could see Moogles on the 1st, did the have a different name there?
It takes more than 5 seconds to find music I will like. I'm not sifting through discographies for hours to find a few songs I may or may not enjoy.
>Are you retarded
>outside and prolific artists
Are you? It's time to go back to you're Yea Forums circlejerk nigger.
I bet you think the soundtrack to Metal Gear Rising is a masterpiece.
They're still moogles
Do you have one of these at home too?
>generic trance that could be in any game
>Gorillaz ripoff down to being in a cartoon video
yeah no thanks
Everyone ready to cap tomorrow?
Actual audio engineer here. You're a faggot and also a nigger.
>t. tranny who listens to vocalaids
>he doesnt know how to use youtube or spotify to find music that is similar in nature to what he likes
Imagine being this much of a literal autist
Make way for the greatest XIV boss theme and the crowning achievement of Soken's career
In the end I still wind up in video game music or Japanese music either way. It's far easier to find something decent over here than the 1 in a million diamond in the rough West-side.
loved the reaction to tomestones. yet sadly, they will always be in the game, huh?
I hope Eden Shiva is just Ysayle stuffing her fat Elezen booty into a tight leotard
I'm not getting any tome piece this week so there's no point in capping on reset day.
When should I use caster LB in feast pvp as far as burst windows go? Is it used to try to hit all of the enemy team or when the melee uses their lb?
Theodore Adorno? is that you? who let you out of your grave? have you written any more papers about how Jazz is fascism?
>generic trance
If you don't want to embarass yourself you should probably at least get your music genres right. Funky breaks are not even remotely similar to trance user. Do you even know what trance is? Does that sound ANYTHING like sandstorm to you? Holy fuck Yea Forums keeps confirming it knows nothing about music.
>Gorillaz ripoff
Which gorillaz song does that sound like user.
no but my dad had the first bose sound system in canada when he was growin up. Wish he never sold it.
>Actual audio engineer here
no you're not
I don't know about Spotify because I don't own a smartphone or clog my computer with garbage, but Youtube doesn't give a shit about what you "like", it only shows you what Google wants you to see.
hey audio engineer, is the distortion in this track intentional or a product of bad recording/something else?
i love the theme but it sounds like a turbo compressed jpeg file
capping in one day is the least efficient way you can play
D: how wonderful would this have been, honestly!?
This is the last album I listened to youtube.com
I just jump around the spectrum of stuff I like a lot.
If they do an Eden Shiva I hope it's based on the genderbent Shivalry from WoFF
>no you're not
Yes I am.
Intentional. Soken knows what he's doing.
wow this looks retarded.
>Yes I am.
post degree with name blacked out
>no but my dad had the first bose sound system in canada when he was growin up. Wish he never sold it.
Don't go around burning japanese animation studios now.
>omg its pop music just like my spotify playlist!!! xd!! And the lyrics omg lying naked in the snow lmao so deep lmaoooxdxdxd that's so hot I love boobies x3c
Holy shit get some taste you brainless apes
Why is it impossible for you people to be passionate about something without being pretentious aspies about it?
Nah, I don't take orders from niggerfaggots.
Don't think there is any of those in leafland.
Alexander judges your taste to be far too shit and is gonna erase you from history. Bye now and remember, Sonic Boom!
You're on Yea Forums.
Absolutely based
>not Metal
Welcome to 4channel!
Chances are it's a R*dditor here to shitpost.
>brown nosing him this hard
We both know you're not an audio engineer user, because if you were you would easily link your soundcloud or anything to prove it.
we are reaching based levels that shouldn't even be possible
If there are people that actually seriously do not like Brute Justice's theme they should be flogged.
Are the Khloe stickers still good to get?
why aren't you demanding proof from the other audio engineer nigger that started this bullshit?
5.1 probably
>soundcloud nigger thinks he's an audio engineer because he made some electronic garbage that's so FIRE dawg
Leveling MNK now and what the fuck do you mean MNK is ruined? MNK feels a whole lot fucking better now.
Nah i actually went to school and got a degree but keep telling yourself you're an engineer user. Maybe one day mommy will give you enough money to leave the basement
Tank contest winner was the first set of capped tomestones in Stormblood, first set of capped tomestones for Shadowbringers arrives tomorrow.
It'll be either melee or ranged dps contest winner.
Patch notes when?
Hearing a lot of eeking and ooking from this soundcloud nigger, you sure you don't wanna drop that fire mixtape on me dawg?
>and I also hate the AF80 SAM set.
You confound me user. How the hell do you think its bad?
5 hours
thanks yoshida
u need cheats to play it optimally
So there's the actual problem. When we do collectible nodes, we do 4 nodes all the time 2 from BTN 2 from MIN. Which means the downtime would at the very least be only around 15 mins every time.
GNB has too many fucking buttons I dont even know what half of them even do
Please make sure to unsubscribe from my game
Press them you dumb tranny
>tfw no GUN or GBK fags in sight
Get fucked
I'm no sound engineer but that 'Tomorrow' at 1:04 sounded very weird. Like they were going for this natural rhythm and then at the last second someone threw the synth dial to max and it is jarringly doesnt fit.
>Still in stormblood
There is at least one very good boss theme there
GUK chads are too busy fucking whores all day bitch faggot
Push them all when you hit your self-buff
unleash the rip and tear
SB had the best EX primal songs.
you are the reason this job is going to get gutted in 6.0
Maybe hate is too big of a word, it didn't really click with me.
I think the robe design makes no sense (why is it missing a good quarter of it? Why is it assymetric?), the hanbo looks like shit and could have been way scarier, as it it just looks like you're putting a fake clown nose on your face, the open toed sandalboots look dumb and the colors are a bit dull.
All in all I think it's not very samurai-like. It fits neither the ronin/kinagashi style, nor the oyoroi kacchuu armor style. Yes, I know, muh Auron.
The AF katana is good, though, and is in my top 3.
Sound engineer here. The idea of that autotuning, and with a good amount of the song in general, is to make it sound discordant.
you're so wrong it's not even funny, neck yourself weeb
it might work well on a keyboard but for controllers its a mess
Sometimes, you have to remember, music is made specifically to sound strange, or abrasive, or uncomfortable. It's just different ways of drawing an emotion out of you.
Is there a version of it in Japanese?
>its the retarded audio engineer fag again making a complete fool of himself again
yikes, thought you hid yourself from shame permantnly the last time you got btfo
do i resub bros?
go suck your mom's tits, they're fucking delicious.
>I play on a controller
>It feels great
I think this is a "You" problem.
Pretty sure its intentional since you're fighting a fucking angel and everytime you've fought one in the MSQ with dungeons you get that autotuned shit in the dungeon boss theme.
Will they revert the Gunbreaker sounds tomorrow? I can't stand playing the job anymore now that it sounds like a child's baseball bat.
>Find Jahy, it's tagged under ecchi
>All I get is a smug loli every chapter
And shinryu are the only good boss themes in the game
Everything else is genuinely boring trash. The fact that people enjoy titan and ravana or even fucking alexander and sephirot is a testament to how utterly retarded and tasteless 90% of the fanbase is
The piano in that theme is sick.
Woops, meant for
Don't you dare do it.
No, lyrics in this game are monolingual.
>no nidhogg
trash tier taste
>No generic orchestra crap
Nidhogg sucked
No, the English is the original and only version. Subfags still think the game isn't meant to be played in English LMFAO
Speak for yourself. Feels fantastic to use the cross hotbar and know your buttons
my main is a NIN which works well on a controller despite all the button pressing, it's just a pain constantly having to switch between sets, they could have streamlined the combos a bit better and I don't think it would have detracted too much.
im laffin
I'll give you the first part, but Oblivion is fucking garbage.
>no odin
>no nogg
>no sophia
>no ramuh
post your favorite albums
Just ignore him, he's an attention whore like all the rest
WoL has the english voice actor in both.
my nigga, that theme is underrate and gets me pumped
why do tomestones look like phones?
Try again.
People who insult oblivion are tasteless retards, it's one of the best songs in the game
This type of music always sounds better in Japanese.
How’s coil of bahamut in the PF? I heard T9 is nasty
They basically are at this point
Because they already made the model for the phone app emote so they just reused it.
It's shitty. The orchestral version is tolerable though.
Underrated primal fight.
Underrated primal theme.
you mean stonetomes?
You still need to do the mechanics so 99% of PF groups won't be able to complete it.
t. tasteless retard that tunes into top 10 radios for his music palette
No user, people who like Oblivion are the tastless retards. It went from beautifully orchestrated music to some half assed jpop garbage.
>Underrated primal theme
>Underrated primal fight.
Christ no
>Play DRK throughout the expansion
>Using Crystarium Armor the whole way through
>Use Shadowbringer the moment you get it
>Be Male Midlander
Is there a more kino feeling?
what are some good ways to kill 30mins?
Wrong, the song is fantastic, it flows well and the lyrics perfectly encapsulate ysayle as a character. It is a fantastic song that is held back solely by the rando vocalist they got to do it but even then it still blows all the other shit in the game out of the water
>Underrated primal fight
It's a fucking fight against adds. It's garbage.
>how's coil in PF
T9 actually requires you to do mechanics right or you fail.
Get two friends and unsync it all. though I'm not sure how that will go with Nael since you can't actually skip the meteor phase and if you kill golems too early then you're fucked.
Synced is a challenge. Unsynced is a joke. but you will still wipe in unsync if you don't know what the fuck you're doing. The walls are instant death and stacking meteors ontop of each other can kill other people.
well it does sound like the clown music you'd find in older rpgs
Major in international music culture here, you're a motherfcuking idiot and I wish you would stop
Browse 4chin
Bismarks fight is shit and boring.
fates literally print gil right now wtf lmao
ovim fleece is like 4k per NQ, easy to make like 500k an hour
They cant wrap their audio-engineer ears around a song intentionally meant to sound like a wall of sterile ice to act as a contrast to the previous tracks somber tonality so you might remember it better.
Yea Forums's music taste:
Orchestra crap is the most hackneyed overdone generic crap
People who say "I love orchestra" don't get an opinion on music. It is creatively bankrupt and sterile
Retard you don't even know what that means
Megaman Disco
Watch a full episode of Seinfeld on another display.
Ok fair, and I agree on the weak hanbo. I'm one of those muh Auron people so you aren't even wrong.
Is savage puggable? I've been decent enough to get the 10 titania ex kills for my weapon and have cleared innocence ex a few times without issue. I want to do savage but I dont have (nor want to commit to) a steady group
How far am I likely to get just pugging?
>You still need to do the mechanics
No you don't, you can ignore meteors and kill her before elemental phase unsync'd. On solo you can just sit for 12mins for the enrage and kill her while healing yourself.
>People who say "I love orchestra" don't get an opinion on music. It is creatively bankrupt and sterile
Holy fuck this is your brain on Yea Forums. You literally just base your opinion of something on how """"different"""" it is
>he's still sinking his foot into the grave w ith his shit taste
My bad, I meant jrock, still as equally garbage as your taste in music. Get fucked faggot.
Not if it's current; the level of coordination required is usually lost in pugs.
>He says as he insults oblivion because "hurr I hate rock and pop because it's popular"
You have to do it in the first two weeks.
the first two will be puggable. you might need to get a group for leviathan and titan. (hint: add people who are good in the puggable to a cwls)
>doing fates instead of farming the mobs
Not far in the first week at all. Going to have to wait til like weeks after 1st clear happens and a guide is printed out in japan.
just killed Garuga
how many ARR MSQ left?
be prepared to wipe on the last floor for months
>Is there a more kino feeling?
or just do level 80 maps. Can solo them as a Paladin. They drop Indigo Cloth which goes for over a million.
I mean, one of the greatest musicologists of all time hated practically everything BUT orchestra.
Also tips for savage pugging
Only do one lockout then take a break or make a new party with the added progression. If people wipe 3x to before the point you specified, disband and try again later. This will save you some sanity.
Sorry, I guess I don't have the refined taste to find the words "forward and back" being said 50 times exciting and enriching like you
I love my king
It’s a generic 4 chord my first rock song
Even the instrumentalists sound like its the first time they picked up a guitar
>song about a time loop
>wtf why are the lyrics so repetitive???
What the fucking are they going to do to Titan to put him on par with a Twintania level encounter?
I can't even solo my weekly b rank on my 440 DNC. its dps is so shit.
donuts with his boomer cart
>Healer dps doesn't matter.
>The WHM being competent compensated for the retarded SMN and DNC that couldn't damage themselves out of a wet paper bag.
I have no idea what that gif is representing, but I love it.
I've done it and so can you
Protip wait for enrage and cheese it
It is literally the worst song in the game
It's no surprise you tasteless morons hate oblivion, you hate substance
It is on PLD/WAR/GNB. DRK is the only one that can't do it because Living Dead is that garbage of a skill.
All jumps knock you back so you have to plan where you get knocked back or you'll just all die to landslides
Titan gets a new form in savage: jet
Get ready for dive bombs and missile barrages
Garuda and Titan's themes are pure kino you cuck
Who was in the wrong?
It's funny because the bitchy healer turned into a Viera and is now in a feelgood FC. Yikes.
God I fucking hate mentally deficient people like you for ruining the game.
They increase the enrage damage. Now it deals around 70k per hit.
I used a brown dyed scalemail with the cloak around the shoulders, with crystarium arms & legs. Got a few /tells about my look which was weird, but it was nice that people liked my attempt.
>there are people who actually dislike Titania's theme
That shit is one of the most thematically appropriate boss fight songs I've ever heard, how fucking dense do you have to be to not understand this?
In 3 hours Rowena refreshes, can I just craft collectables then and turn in after the maintenance. You will need 9600 scrips for the books anyways.
Stop defending that shitty song, no jrock bitch is gonna suck your dick
>People unironically calling for WHM nerfs to make their autistic peepee bigger
>Not just asking for their FotM to be buffed in potency instead to make up the difference in manys case
Barrel of crabs I swear
>wtf why does lakshmi have bollywood music?
but I main a NIN and SCH. i think GNB is clunky as it is. it's not as fluid as it could be.
Not on savage. Also, you can survive it on NM now as a healer.
I've solo'd last week.
>you tasteless morons hate oblivion, you hate substance
>play with a drk, get fae light
>save heals for LD, they never popped it and instead popped all their cds
>drops heals at the start, they instead used LD
I hate this fucking class
I'm going to be sad when the ShB dungeon boss theme goes away. Easily my favorite standard boss music in the game
>Garleans call us Savages
>We are all quite literally Halfmen
>Hydaelyn denies Garleans, who are sundered and divided anyway like us, the ability to use magic
Hydaelyn truly hates the Ascian born race.
you're just bad
how did you get to titania without doing shiva?
i mean, GaruDa
Shiva's theme is actually ok.
Seething retards, rock will always be better than your trash new age orchestra shit and pretentious wannabe techno
Ravana and Titan
>How far am I likely to get just pugging?
You can clear the tier, but that might you make suicidal. People are fucking garbage.
Be honest with yourselves, Yea Forums.
Could you clear this?
my bro
Shiva's theme is the only half decent one in the game besides hades
Brb 11 mins
His Landslides won't be telegraphed, so you'll have to actually read whether he's doing Leftmost Landslide or Rightmost Landslide.
>Ascian born
False. Emet whipped them into shape and founded their Empire but he didn't hand mold them on a genetic level.
Bismarck is the worst Primal in the entire game
Good music can't stop an add focused trial with environmental mechanics being shit.
I mean it's puggable so...yeah
because they literally are.
>Can I buy this armor please
>for 410 iPhones of course
My prog group has gotten about half way. The fight is fucking stupid, but at the same time it makes every other fight in the game feel like baby shit
It's kind of made me jaded and bitter and seeing people screw up basic shit in Ex Primals just kills me
The first part yes. Oblivion is easily one of the worst primal themes next to Ifrit.
Kinda close to the climax, then it’ll be boring shit until Heavensward
you still have another dozen or so but then you have 100 filler quests before you can get to heavensward, good luck user
It’s fine to enjoy plebeian pop-rock for what it is, but don’t pretend it’s anything more than that
>but he didn't hand mold them on a genetic level
He may have. We haven't seen a single Garlean on the First.
Not with that fucking vocal track it's not
Hydaelyn still fucked them over
It's the first tier so Id say so. People really forget the first tier is always a joke outside of the last fight.
>You are now remembering O1s and 03s. 02s was just annoying.
It is, but gets harder as tiers progress
No it's not, people just say that here because it's a meme, if you step outside the board the 2 most popular primal themes by far are wayward daughter and oblivion
why did he mold them without magic? as a joke?
To sow seeds of chaos, his fucking job
you'd have to do it before she resets again. and we don't even know if it will work the same way. recommend stockpiling mats rather than precrafting shit
Yes, that's generally how it works. The popular doesn't mean good meme is cope by idiots with shit taste
Garleans were probably bullied out of existence.
Garleans on the Source: bullied into Northern Ilsabard for being Aether retarded, discovered allagan technology and flourished into an empire with Emet-Selch's help
Garleans on the first: bullied into the norvrant equivalent of Northern Ilsabard for being aether retarded, no allagan tech to discover so they can't flourish, and even if they survived they would have been wiped out by the flood
Elemental Blade is the best looking one
>joke fight
O1S and O2S certainly were (as was O6S) but O3S most certainly.was not a joke fight.
>Start watching video
>Oh this fight seems really easy
>Notice that video is nineteen minutes long
God damn that's rough. Are all the Ultimates like this?
don't you mean Larboard and Starboard Landslide?
It's shit mate. Terrible genre and terrible transition.
She resets several times? I thought it was once a day. I do have enough mats, but it's only for refined natron or cunning syrup.
Yes. It's the hardest content in the game for the people who have done everything.
Just finished the main SB campaign. Not gonna lie but I cried
fuck you
she'll reset at the same time tomorrow, and she may not take the items you made before hand after the reset
jesus christ. you're japanese not, you weeb
I don't think you'd use larboard and starboard for an ATV.
Hydaelyns doesn't control who does and doesn't get magic. It's genetics.
you SAM looks like he really doesn't want to be there
Is Yea Forums where all the audio engineers hang out?
>Rock is bad
Go to bed zoom zoom
It's be Front and Back axel to confuse people further probably
>crying at the end of a grade school play where the kids all come and sing the national anthem
I guess you haven't done Shiva
we're too good for employment
t.audio engineer
your music taste is shit btw
If she resets at the same time tomorrow then there's zero problems and I don't see why she wouldn't take those items.
Really? It only took us like two hours to clear it dude. And by us I mean a shitty of group. Heck two of the dps weren't even current bis and the tank had to take a bunch of breaks because baby.
It's likely if Garleans existed on The First, they were wiped out by The Flood, like countless other races and nations. It's also possible Garleans are unique to the Source, just like how The First has fae but so far the Source doesn't, or at least not as prevelant as Il Mheg
I debated taking a screenshot and timed it poorly. That's why the words are black because the screen was getting ready to fade out. Not sure why my character had that expression on his face, guess he wanted to look serious.
jrock is bad yes. Rock is good.
Something about the blade coming out of a dragon's mouth irks me.
I... I kind of agree. I didn't like it too much at first, but then I remembered this.
It's normal rock, retard it just happens to have a jap vocalist, if you got an English vocalist any criticism would dissappear
poo sword
What's a fun melee DPS?
I'm a Bard rn
Looks like she enrages at 13, not 11.
What's your top 3 katanas user?
none of them. stay a bard
Nah its still shit. It ruined the first phase theme with its terribly low quality audio.
The moogles are Fae
Have sex
Do you like taking it easy?: DRG, SAM
Do you like feeling like you're doing something?: MNK
Do you want to have an APM of 90+ even though it's not any better than the above: NIN
You are stupid and I pity you.
still the greatest
>it just happens to have a jap vocalist
And that horrid jrock tinny guitar sound because they don’t know how to compensate for the distortion cutting the mids
Kek, whats the story behind this?
go back and get another degree to fix your shit taste retard
There are moogles in the 1st though?
We're sick of this craphole castle