Best girl? I just started and I love her so much

Best girl? I just started and I love her so much.

Attached: Edelgarde.jpg (1199x1200, 133K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody tell him

>hating girl Char Aznable

Char had a cool mask.
He also did nothing wrong apart from wanting to give Amuro the D.

Oh man

But (You) are best girl.

i'm so sorry user

enjoy your psycho bitch lol

Best girl is Bernie

She has a black boyfriend

Edelgard will save mankind from Crests' gravitational pull.

>Char had a cool mask
And she didn't?

No, flames aren't cool

Literally built for public use

Don't forget to play female Byleth when you romance her, so you can conquer the world with yuri

I'm not sure who to s rank most of the girls are nice but no one has gripped me yet.

>Slightly brown streaks left in her hair
But Lysi went completely white

>Best girl is not Manuela or Dorothea
Literally perish

She only gets better user. Do her route.

>wears red
>speed is average
Not Char. Also Char was right, fuck Feddies.

Who is your top and deadweight character so far?

>Top: Dorothea
>Deadweight: Petra

Petra doubles literally everything, what the fuck are you doing?

I planned to aim for tittymonsters before the game came out, but this scared creature is swaying my jeart.

Attached: 1564395863582m.jpg (630x1024, 58K)

>Petra keeps losing sword tournaments
Maybe I should swerve into pegasus knight for her

>doubles everything for ~7 damage
>never crits
At least she can avoid stuff but i should have never given her a sword.

>I just started
Gee I wonder if this topic is bait or not

That's what I'm doing.

You can get a killing edge pretty early on. She's great for cleanup.
And yes, moving her to peg knight is good.

Do you even need crits in this game right now(maybe when lunatic is released)? I'm finding that just having the AS advantage with training+ weapons is all you need for hard.

Crits were made so that you can't ROFLstomp bosses.
Remember the first Death Knight mission ?
He has something around 80% crits.

You don't NEED it, but it is pretty nice. Her speed also pretty much guarantees her to hit evasive foes. SPD is one of the most important stats in FE.

>he doesnt know
enjoy getting cucked, loser

I've heard that she cucks you but I've been infatuated with this bitch since her design was revealed so I'm still gonna go with her house and see this through.

She doesn't cuck you.

She doesn’t actually cuck you it’s just fags coping and projecting their shitty fetish


It's literally one autist.

>this meme again

>see time-skip portraits
Yikes, even in anime women hit the wall hard.

She doesn't cuck you. All she does is turn into a giant bat monster and then rape your love interest in front of you.

Attached: Femto.png (350x436, 311K)

Both did nothing wrong.

Her time skip portrait/skin is good, the fuck are you on ?

>paired ending with Byleth is outright platonic.
>her paired endings with other males is much more blatantly romatic.
Yeah, whatever you say.

Do people seriously think Griffith did nothing wrong?

Berserk isn't as deep as complex as people are making it out to be. I still like it though.

Did we play the same game ?

i liked her route

*burns down village*
*sends bandits to kidnap students*
*burns down church*
*invades Liecester and Fearghus*
*kills indiscriminately*
*blames others for her problems*

she killed millions... to save trillions...

Sacrifices must be made.

Attached: Griffith.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

I'm not going to look at this thread but I just want to state my supicion and look at the replies to this post when I get there storywise

She's the Flame Emperor, isn't she?


Im assuming based on this thread and how Edelgard at one point looked at the camera and said "boy professor, if you hadn't supported me in that tomb, I might have completely lost my mind" that the route I'm on is slightly different than the others


Attached: Deduesc.png (289x269, 59K)

It doesn't change depending on the route? Because I'm on Golden Deer and they always mention how Claude isn't around when Flaming Homo is. Guess it was a red herring.

>that theme that plays when you fight both edelgard and dimitri in the lategame

Attached: almond.jpg (680x461, 48K)

Why do people keep on posting this literal negro in response to Edelgard? Some forced meme about him BLACKING her or something?

Because she has the mental capacity of a berserk ape.

The funny thing is that she always goes nuts, just to varying degrees

Attached: Edelgards entire character arc.jpg (540x205, 15K)

Why is killing your classmates so fucking KINO
I remembeer talking to bernadetta everytime I passed by her room so fighting hr to the death was fucking hype

Because Edlegard getting BLACKED by Dedue’s spear Is the best ending in the game

>he didn't save as many BEagles as possible from the Gorilla
Should have grown those flowers like Dedue wanted you to

>thinking eh it's gonna be like chapter 5 in Fates; they'll just retreat.
>no you outright kill them.
KT really did most of the work in this game huh? No way modern IS would have allowed that.

Attached: 1563550892827.png (112x108, 25K)

Edelgard kills Dimitri. The nigger literally stalks you and guts you to avenge his lord.

If they back Edelgard they deserve death

they made their choice
now they can suffer the consequences

>kills Edelgard in broad daylight and gets away with it


Attached: Dedue.png (1200x1200, 735K)

>cant play on pc
whats the point?

Computers are not for video games, I don't wanna sit at a desk during my free time

Go with who had the biggest tits.

Make sure to A rank her and Ferdinand.

I see what you're up to

I'm curious now so I will

Characters get paired endings with the first character they reach A support with. (unless Byleth S supports them later).

Professor, listen up. This mission is of paramount importance. I need you to FUCK my sister, professor. I need you to fucking ravage her.

Attached: Seteth_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 732K)

B-but she only likes fish wtf am i supposed to do

But Flayn is the one who ravages Byleth.

It's Flayn's responsibility to ravage Byleth since she is older

>edelgard goes full edgelord
>dimitri loses himself to revenge
>claude stays the same determiner but chill cool guy
Imagine picking ANY other house then the golden deers

I love Bernie!!!

Attached: download (3).jpg (172x293, 11K)

My condolences

Blue Lions is the only one that doesn't make me want to abandon all the students to die

Stinky hikki

Does she really cuck the player or is it just a meme? If so I'm going with we wuz deerz n shit.

Maybe rng fucking him.

My blyat got 19def and 16res at lvl 40 and dies really fast if i am not careful

>dimitri just follows edelgard and dies like a bitch

Fuck I'm gonna use that

It's a meme, but Edelgard's paired ending with Byleth is pretty weak when compared to some of her own paired endings or Byleth's other paired endings.

How do I get good at the actual battles?

This game has a good selection of Waifus

Fuck yeah he's not dead! I'm doing Blue Lions and leveled the fuck out of Dedude and was really disappointed when I was told he died.
Glad my gardening bro is alive.

What's Claude and Byleth's paired ending like? I dunno who I'm going to romance first playthrough but since I decided on Golden Deers and f!Byleth I figured may as well. I just want something romantic.

Its not a meme

Those who claimed otherwise are delusional Edeltards

Her endings are all across Jewtube and on /feg/, its platonic as fuck and not as romantic compared to the other endings

How can you not be gud at actual battles is more the question?

My little tryant can't possibly be this cute!

Im disappointed that you cant corrupt her with sensei dick. What a shitty support.

>its platonic as fuck and not as romantic compared to the other endings
Thats not what cucking means tho

You still get cucked because she ends up with a romantic relationship with the other dudes

If you do S-rank her you're an afterthought

Not good. Claude essentially fucks off and comes back because Byleth sucks as a ruler. Dimitri seems to have the best paired ending with Byleth out of all the lords.

Weird. You'd think the lords as the posterchildren for the game would have some of the best endings with Byleth. Looks like you're better off pairing everyone with the side characters.

Shamir, Ingrid, or Catherine?

I have a thing for knight girls and Shamir is just something else.

>Edelgarde is fine with the idea of banging Dorothea


Thats not the case if you do it right and again, its still not being cucked.
Stop using words you dont understand.

yes, but I really want to see how her B and A support with Hubert play out.

I think that FE:3H is the only game that have a lesbian main character and is not a SJW garbage

Us the nintenbros won again

Attached: 41CB4020-55E1-4238-A807-182384D0423F.jpg (448x401, 20K)

>Should have grown those flowers like Dedue wanted you to

Shamir has the best supports and ending of all three

Ingrid is the shittiest and Catherine is just a Flavia clone

I killed Bernadetta in early battles. she is relevant in timeskip?



at least catherine is hot unlike flavia and has a prf
don't forget that shamir is 30 and catherine 32
their best years are behind them

Her banging her or you banging her?

Lysithea is the cutest girl in the game, why would you pick anyone else. She even gets it best in the timeskip.

Attached: 120.g1t.00.png (1916x1271, 2.04M)

Them being together.

isn't she close to death?

The negative reaction to Edelgard on Yea Forums is hilarious because I guarantee she would be called based if she were a straight male.

Hope you like Clannad: After Story because that's what Byleth is gonna get if you S rank her.

If she swapped places with Dimitri everyone would say she's a pathetic emotional woman standing in the way of progress.

Griffith exists, and no one calls him based, so...

Attached: Berserk ripped off Dark Souls.png (537x749, 176K)

Byleth's dick can fix that. They have kids and live a long happy life together.

I have 2 announcements to make people. After the timeskip, everything in your inventory get repaired even the relics. As well as there is a shocking 69+ chapters in total if you play all 4 routes

>no one calls him based,
Why do you lie and think no one will call you out on it?

>guard tells me about a rumor about making a wish at a tower with someone you're close to.
>figured it was just a pointless question and picked Lysithea.
>got a scene with her at the tower later on.
Wasn't expecting that.

So S-ranks are basically 'pick someone' at the very end?



Top: cute nuke
Deadweight: Lorenz and Ignatz

Are there any downsides to selecting the Golden Deers or Blue Lions?
I've read you can only get a fourth path with Edelgard.

the tower scene happens before the timeskip, you can still S-rank someone else later

Not really, all Red Conquerers never won because they were all retarded and all of them have been male.

I don't know, I'm utter shit at strategy games, I've only played Awakening prior to this on Hard

blue lions are cuck

That's not Mercedes.

Lions have best boys.
Deers have best girls.

Other than the inability to grind forever I don't think 3h is that much harder than Awakening on hard
And if you really can't cut it just drop to normal and grind

But Arvis won. He's still retarded for letting Loptous cult destroy everything he built up.

Both Eagles paths are trash, Deers are even worse, Lions are pretty good

What I thought, I prefer Dimitri but I find the students of Golden Deer better.
Black Eagles are pretty bland, I guess.

What path gives me the most bloodshed and less power of friendship?
Claude seems like the "Hey let's stop fighting guys" type.

He is. It's just his route is pretty irrelevant since it focuses on the lore and the perpetrators behind why Fodlan is fucked

Edelgard is the path to go if you want bloodshed.
Dimitri is all about trying to prevent her mental retardation and he actually manages to prevent the most losses out of the routes.
And for Claude you are spot on.

>What path gives me the most bloodshed and less power of friendship?
Eagles if you side with the empire

>and the perpetrators behind why Fodlan is fucked
>bunch of retards who are an afterthought every other route
It's funny they needed to literally make up a final boss for him because how irrelevant his house is.

Alright, my choice will be between Dimitri and Edelgard then.
Can you recruit students from other houses? I'd like a few of them.

Yea Forums seems to love Blue Lions when everyone else seems to love Black Eagles and Golden Deers more. Is this just contrarianism or am I missing something about the Blue Lions?

Attached: 1564389729749m.jpg (1024x387, 49K)

>he isn't going with /ourguy/ claude
your loss


>Can you recruit students from other houses?
Yes. Make sure to recruit Bernadetta/Dorothea and Ferdinand from Black Eagles and Lysithea and Marianne from Golden Deers

The marketing literally baited people into playing Black Eagles first, while portraying Blue Lions as the crazy people, when they're the "hero" storyline.

Does this mean Dimitri is /ourlord/ now?

BL is simply the classic heroic storyline with the best story stuff to it.
Waifufags are retards so that's not new.

If you look at the online rankings in-game Eagles are the most popular followed by Deer and Lions.
Yea Forums is contrarian above all else

Isn't that also the plot of Split?

Claude seems fun but I have zero interest in a too friendly path

good to know

I'll go with Dimitri then

yeah well Edelgard fucking shit up for a better world is supposed to be a big surprise, so they obviously tried to hide that.

Most used isn't most popular.
If everyone starts with eagles because it's the obligatory first route shilled to hell and back doesn't mean people will like it more.

Ferdinand seems like a fun retard
Are you suggesting this for gameplay or character reasons?
Lysithea was the one I wanted from GD

Pay your taxes space Thomas Jefferson
>Implying char wouldn't own slaves

>fucking shit up for a better world
>issues easily solved with none of the bloodshed
>but crests REEEEEEEE

smelly unmarriagable girl

Claude's route is more backstory and lore than "let's be friends." He doesn't really seem to care that much about the Dimitri/Edelgard conflict.

Both really. Ferdinand is a legit good guy and he's got good growths. Dorothea is more for gameplay since she can class into a mage and you need as many mages as you can get with Blue Lions since a lot of them are bad at magic and Annette/Mercedes can only carry you so far.

Is that why he's upside down on the box?

Attached: Fire Emblem Three Houses.jpg (556x900, 146K)

When did Dracula get a sex change?

Attached: DracSymph.jpg (1200x1600, 751K)

Don't listen to Do NOT add Ferdichad to your party
He is guaranteed to steal away all the girls and make them his

Attached: Ferdinand_Portrait (1).png (1200x1200, 822K)

I like Lys. Should I play dub or sub?

Hell, maybe even a straight woman. Waifufags went off the fucking deep end when she was confirmed to be bisexual.

>Most used isn't most popular.
Yes it is. Are you going to tell me Marvel movies aren't popular even though they're constantly at the top of the sales charts?

Lost Items:
Bag of Tea Leaves
Description: A small bag containing a mixed variety of *tea leaves*. It probably belongs to someone who is *interested in tea.*

TEA, red roses, art, worthy women, anything that befits the nobility

So why is this asshole not accepting the fucking tea leaves?

Attached: 1560287975768.jpg (720x719, 41K)

Other people like tea too, mutt.

thanks for keeping me away from NTR path user

I'll go with Dimitri I guess, seems like a bro
I'm playing on difficult and classic so we'll see how it goes

It belongs to the guy who gives you the tea set.

there's one obvious lost item, and one bait lost item that you'll only know who it goes to if you talk to them every single month and get B rank support and read their bio.

>He is guaranteed to steal away all the girls and make them his
He doesn't even have supports with Annette or Ingrid or Catherine or Shamir or Leonie or Lysithea


>from NTR path user
Don't actually listen to that guy Ferdinand only get paired endings with people he A Ranks like everyone else. He doesn't have supports with Ingrid or Annette

which faction is the opposite of this

Yea Forums hates female protagonists that they can't insert their waifushit desires onto.


>killing the few for the benefit of many GOOD

fuck you, you killed my dad

>Lysithea most recruited besides the guy that FMC gets for free
Are we going to start hating her now?

Attached: Most recruited characters.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

no because she's literally perfect

now someone explain Ignatz at #8, what the fuck

So What was that thing that broke off fByleth heart after you kill that dragon

I want pic related with Caspar wiping his face with Dorothea's panties.

Attached: 1340137217667.jpg (300x300, 27K)

>femleth gets Sylvain for free
That's funny because I always refer to him as 'otome bait man' i in my head

>rng hate my hilda with a passion
Fucking kill me

Attached: 1563793148793.jpg (650x614, 46K)

>Aside from Sylvain and Ignatz they are all girls
They don't understand Dedue is literally the wall

Sylvain is based though. The skirtchaser man breaks free of the Sain archetype.

It's not hard to meet his requirements, he's pretty much a free recruit.
I recruited him on accident by mashing the A button when he wouldn't shut up.

Imagine destroying a religion that benefits the continent at large just because you want some pussy from the empress

Attached: doggg.jpg (960x960, 161K)

you can't recruit Da Dude

You can't recruit Dedue, he is too loyal.

Dedue can't be poached, so he'll never show up there, nor will hubert
Also i think it's how it works, but for other characters it's FIrst to A rank who get paired endings, right? I'm asking since i'm matching Bernie with Raphael but they got the 2 level of A going so i dunno if i need them to get both A conversation first

I've heard somewhere that you can skip recruitment stats if you get the character's support up to B. Can anyone confirm that?

Yes. Or at least it reduces them so much you almost auto get them. Get those teatimes/meal going

Hubert, Dorothea, and Lysithea are all monsters
Bernadetta is my worst right now. Does negative damage most of the time. Shame since shes kinda cute.

no, you still need at least a D in the skill and 15 in the stat, which are both pretty easy to get.

You can recruit him in the Golden Deer route.

How the fuck do you guys keep all your motivation up?
I'm getting to the point where I have wasted instruction sessions cause too many people were unmotivated.

Attached: 1507136420841.jpg (555x547, 54K)

You can't recruit Dedue. As far as I can tell, each Lord has a right-hand man that can't be recruited.

I'm in Golden Deers and I've never once seen the recruit option.

>Murder good, ally subterfuge good, "ends justify the means" good, would have straight up degenerated into pure evil in another timeline good, disingenuousness good, bad-faith motives good


Eat, sing, have them get MVP, give them gifts, or do support conversations.

make Blyat the MVP
have them get MVP
grow flowers and shove them down their throats
other gifts
return lost items
tea time


Nobody could hate them

Attached: best girls.jpg (3791x1849, 1.68M)

Can someone please tell me why everyone shits in Ignatz, he's an actual da vinci and the BEST ARCHER IN THE GAME LOOK AT THAT PERSONAL SKILL HOLY FUCK THAT IS BROKEN what is wrong with people

who is like the best Pegasus knight to recruit? feels like no one in the eagles is really good it at. Already got Leoni for horse duties and now I need a flyer chick. Was first thinking ingrid but I hear bad stuff about her

Attached: 1561993670777.png (480x320, 26K)

He is an ugly nerd

Blyat MVP giving EVERYONE motivation is so fucking dumb because there are maps with hawk beasts out the ass that are two-shottable with archery so there's no way he's getting the most kills then no matter what sword he's using

Ingrid is susceptible to bad RNG like Eliwood but ultimately she's good as a Falcon Knight since she scales off of her Res, Speed etc...

he's a gay little nerd boy that Lysithea dunks on so hard it just feels wrong taking him off the bench, and Hit Chance really isn't that good

>Hit chance isnt that good

I'm sorry i'm having a hard time hearing you from 7 spaces away

give him a bow, then

You guys are making Lysithea into a cute little mortal savant, right?

Lysithea does the same damn thing with her relic and doesn't have to wield a bow with her noodle arms like Ignatz does

>He went for the cuck route

jesus imagine eating an entire damn lasagna for one meal

Someone please tell me I can fuck rhea

>give up position as empress to be with you
yeah right

Literally a generic as fuck animeslut youve seen at least a million times already in some other cheap kusoge. I have absolutely no idea why the fuck anyone would choose her house just because of her. Especially in a game that literally panders to waifufags I would expect better taste.

>Ken-sama class
No way

>gives up empire to fuck Blyat 24/7
>successor fucks everything up and empire falls to more crest autism and rebellions
well done Edgegard

Where do you get a wood carving book?

Lysithea has a relic?

yeah but it gets a little weird

>get to timeskip on BEagles route
>find out that Felix killed his dad
I regret recruiting this edgelord, he's just so mean to everyone even poor Bernadetta

technically it's Lorenz's but it's basically made for Lys

Cute boy!

>Generic anime slut
I hate Eldegard more than most but she aint generic. Shes more of an Anime Hitler

Attached: Edelgard.von.Hrsvelgr.jpg (640x904, 542K)

He gets his comeuppance when you let him battle with Sylvain

Felix: ...

Sylvain: Well? Are you gonna just stand there, don't act like you didn't expect this to happen.

Felix: I chose my own path and I will slay all in my way.

Sylvain: That's all it with you isn't it? You and your sword, not even a shred of care for the people you left behind.

Sylvain: Oh yeah good job with killing Rodigue, by the way really nice job job slaying your own flesh and blood. I wonder how Glenn would react to this one.

Felix: ...

more like Napoleon desu, she's even a womanlet

Napoleon was tall you retarded britbong


Oh fuck I missed my chance

She's alright. Would be a shame when she becomes Emperor everything goes down into Flames. A real shame. But hopefully things don't get Unmasked too soon.
I connected the dots already. Happened when it called the Death Knight away.

look at the era you absolute retard
do you know what the average was back then

What, that she's best girl who did nothing wrong and solved the continent's biggest problems for a few measly sacrifices?

Edelgard is like 5'3" after the timeskip, even Lysi is taller
>my genocidal emperor can't be this cute

I glad that faggot get BTFO
And Edelgard is 157cm.

Hot weird or weird weird?

Play the game loser. You become her secret lover until she has a successor, then you get to spend the rest of your days hanging and banging

Depends on how you view incest

depends on how much you like really convoluted incest

Google says Lorenz's relic is an axe

Am i being fucking ruse cruise'd

My boy is in there.

Attached: 2019072823235500-0DC6ECE91CF3F6F02BAFC002E3FFBAAD.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

>other people solve them without making sacrifices because they are all about talking to each other and research
>but not Edelgard, she must go fullretard and start a crusade against people who aren't to blame and slay countless lives

>And Edelgard is 157cm.

Usually I give a big shit about spoilers but damn my dick just got ten times harder. Thanks anons.

Gloucester has two relics, the cheating fucks

she needs Blyat to be her tardwrangler, otherwise she just goes off the deep end and ruins the entire continent

It's because Yea Forums is filled with pedoera trannies that can't stand authoritarian leaders or militantism since they chopped their balls off.

>Can only thing of chestnuts covered in some sort of glucose

Would this perhaps taste good

Thank you UK! Very cool!

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-29 Fire Emblem Three Houses sells twice as much as previous games in UK (644x743, 383K)

But he doesn't work as her tardwrangler, she's just slightly less psychotic.
And we know he works fine as one thanks to Dimitri.

>No PvP in this one

Aww what the fuck, that shit was fun as hell in Fates

You can, but I think you can lock yourself out of her supports. I got a message saying I missed the chance to deepen her bond.

you play the game faggot she doesn't marry you or give you kids but she does immediately with ferdinand lmao you fucking retard

>wants to destroy the church and their grip on the crests
>ends up ruling the continent and having a monopoly on the new artificial crests
Edelgard is literally the same shit as Rhea

well that's a weird take considering Dimitri is a king

Enjoy your ultimate edition with pvp at full price in six months.

>Implying they get close to solving all the issues
Oh boy can't wait for the endless cycle to repeat again.
Edelgard ends the cycle at the cost of many

>best chapters is when you fight the two other houses
>only happens twice
>and on the same map

I'm unironically glad FE is getting the blowup i always dreamed of as a child

>But he doesn't work as her tardwrangler,
>Edelgard for fucks sake don't kill all your classmates

If they add it in as DLC that would be fine, i already got the fuckin pass anyway

>ends the cycle
>creates new crests in a move that will totally not blow up in her face
>church reform
>fixing the caste system
>treating crest aids
All without her retardations.

Pros and cons of each house?

>Fire Emblem thrashing Wolfenstein

What a strange, strange timeline...

>hanneman and manuela support rank A
>Hanneman: "W-we could make a great couple together ahah"
What a cuck


>Rhea is your grandmother, because Rhea create your mother
>Rhea is your aunt, because your mother is a homunculus made by her mother's blood and is thus genetically like Rhea's sister
>Rhea is your sister, because she implanted her mother's soul to your mother and your mother who had her mother’s blood at that time gave birth to you
>Rhea is your great-grandmother, because Rhea created your mother as a human clone of her mother
>Rhea is your daughter because she implanted her mother's soul to you which eventually fuses with you completely
>Rhea is your wife because you can romance her and marry her
>Rhea is your daughter-in-law, because Rhea is married to you, and in certain perspective Rhea is also your daughter
>Rhea is your sister-in-law, because Rhea is married to you, and in certain perspective Rhea is also your sister
>Rhea is your aunt-in-law, because Rhea is married to you, and in certain perspective Rhea is also your aunt
>Rhea is your grandmother-in-law, because Rhea is married to you, and in certain perspective Rhea is also your grandmother
>Rhea is your great- grandmother-in-law, because Rhea is married to you, and in certain perspective Rhea is also your great-grandmother

Attached: 1563910663812.png (1595x1053, 1.84M)

anyone else started black eagles as a insufferable waifufag but ended up being more about sieg zeon and conquering shit?

I'm unsatisfied, bros. I need to conquer more.

Attached: 1563579811008.png (1024x683, 597K)

>Bernadetta finally left her room during exploration to put flowers on Jeralt's grave.
She's alright.

Attached: 1559955504379.jpg (436x436, 31K)

Beagles get a fairly dull cast and a psycho leader, good story otherwise.
Lions get a great male cast and probably the best and most emotional story.
Deers have great girls, but the route is wasted on lore.
Church is the same as above, but replace great girls with layers of incest.

the first skrimish and Eagle and Lion are different maps, though

Uk market is weird, most of the year it's FIFA, GTA or CoD on top, but recently even Persona 5 got #1

>letting students die
Why must you fail at everything you do in life user?

cute shut-in wife

>even Lysi is taller

What was her problem??

Is anna worth it in this FE?

Attached: 1547000211346.jpg (660x1020, 513K)

weeabooism has gained a fuckton of traction in Europe recently

She's pretty much three hottest girl in that house, so

So how do you not kill your students in edgelord route?

Does the deployment limit ever go past 10? I already benched ignatz for Cyril but I’m struggling right now on who to bench for dancer dorthea.

>I killed her with no hesitation despite that
it felt werdly good

>edelgard is too ashamed to marry byleth cause he's a commoner
>byleth has to wait for her to leave the throne
>she never ends up marrying byleth or giving him children
>this is byleth's fucking s rank ending

>in ferdinand's a rank ending she officially marries him and pumps out his babies
>nonstop fucking and impregnation



>Edelfags whining about sexism
So much your "based empress", huh?

Attached: edelne.jpg (1600x1600, 222K)

after the timeskip I mean

I want to recruit Felix and he gave me a sortie mission. If I clear it will he join the Deer, or is it unrelated?

At what point can you choose the church over the three houses?

>Can't fuck her when she is 15

I can 100% this is a result of NoA making "recomendations" to the devs to "respect (((western))) sensibilities".

>3 annoying lines that get spammed to all hell


Lysithea is a fucking bitch, Ignatz doesn't deserve the disrespect.

>UK opening up to Japanese games
What timeline is this?

>Fucking your students

I think Japan even sees that as wrong

Edelcucks btfo holy shit

What was her problem?!?!?


>mortal savant
what does this offer aside from being able to use swords and magic


I dunno but I think we just found FIFA's weakness.

I knew going with Dimitri was the right choice.

Ignatz is garbage s a character and as a unit

The Golden Deers exist

you can't fuck any of your students while they're students, even the ones that are over 18 like Mercedes.

Edelbros I don't feel so good.................

Lysi is best girl, she nukes literally everything and has the best ending with Blyat, also despite going through the same shit as Edelgard she isn't an absolute lunatic

Bonus dmg in both swords and magic. Master class stats. Not much else

Ignatz is the only one who can't take the bantz, he doesn't belong in the Golden Chads

She doesnt cuck you, her ending just doesnt mention children because she can romance both MCs, and they wanted them to have the exact same text. Her mentioning she wants to pass the throne to a worthy successor has nothing to do about not wanting children with you, it is just that her ideology is about merit instead of birthright. She doesnt want her kid to become the leader by default.

I'm gonna make Ignatz hatefuck Lysithea just to spite you all.

Is this game worth it if I'm not a waifunigger?
Is this real? Even if I was getting this I'd likely go for the blonde bro but christ.

you're only cheating yourself

Do it yourself you lazy motherfucker

Ignatz is a great character though, what's the problem

Yes surely there won't be more warring, and surely the church won't fall apart again
Retard. Best to wipe the slate clean and try anew

Golden Deers? More like Golden Bantz

She's not recruitable bro

Sorry, Marianne is the only one for me.


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When do students start ditching their house for me? The default rosters all kinda suck and I'm pumping up my stats so I can ditch some of my loser assholes.

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Nah, the numbers are still fairly low.

I don't like this bitch

Lysithea is for bullying. Like telling her you heard a ghost, or giving her chocolate laxitaves.

>Best to wipe the slate clean and try anew
Yes, you aren't talking like an insane person at all.
And surely Edelgard's empire won't go to shit as hard as the original did, nope, won't happen and all that bloodshed won't have been spilled in vain, nope.

>concentrations all crest power to the ruler of a single empire
>surely this will work out so that Fodlan is a fair and meritocratic society instead of a brutal regime beating down on everyone that doesn't submit with artificial crests

Yo don't be so hard on my man Ferdinand. He's genuinely a good guy

You can ask them to make it go faster if you think your stats are high enough

Preach it. If Dimitri was a girl she would be called R63!LinkingPark!Ephraim and would be hated. FEfags that always complain about waifufaggotry while idolatring male characters because they have dicks are and will always be literal FAGGOTS.

What is more satisfying?
Recruiting other students to cuck the other houses?
Or slaughtering them on the battlefield?

Remember to let Lysithea die.

>bullying someone with keyAIDS
Worse than Hitler.

you guys can thank the dykes for by the way

Depends on how hard you try to recruit someone. If their stats align with bylethe and you actively make an effort to support them and shit I wouldn’t be surprised if you recruit them by month 3. I had Bernie join my group the month you get the creator sword but I only had an e+ ranking in bow, I’m sure if I tried hard I could’ve gotten Caspar earlier since I’m actively boosting the stats he wanted.

rank them to B and they join your house no matter the stats

If Dimitri was a girl she'd be the best FE female lord in the franchise.

Recruiting, and then having them kill their original housemates

it's good for her because of soulblade yes?

Killing them for sure. I'll be honest, stealing chars from other houses just seems so silly/out of character to me. You get enough from whatever house you choose.

>gold deer seems like the most likely to be down to party
>have bad luck with ranged units

>black eagle is a bunch of trust fund babies with some of the dumbest looking guys and one good waifu

>blue lions are all plainer than cardboard

I kinda don't like any house

I have a new shitposting picture

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>implying waifufags wouldn't be salivating at the thought of healing PTSD-ridden sensei-obsessed femDimitri

>go black eagles to fuck edelgard
>get to the timeskip
>timeskip dorothea gets me dick way harder than edelgard could ever hope to accomplish

bros help this isn't what was supposed to happen

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it's real man

>Byleth x Edelgard
>S0 and Edelgard ended the tyranny of a\ngodlike being. S0 was wounded and lost\nthe power of the progenitor god, but it mattered not,\nas >EK00heEL00sheEM00 and Edelgard had each other. To ensure lasting\npeace, the two fought against those who slither in the\ndark, and to ensure a society where people can rise and\nfall by their own merits, they spent their lives reforming\nthe antiquated class system. >They achieved much in their\ntime together, and it is said that they were sometimes\nspotted leaving the palace to privately enjoy the world\nthey had created. How they spent those precious\nmoments, none but the two of them will ever know.

>Edelgard x Ferdinand
>As the Adrestian emperor, Edelgard appointed Ferdinand\nas her prime minister, and the two devoted themselves to\nruling Fódlan. Their sharply contrasting views made for\nfrequent and lively debate, but with each enhancing the\nperspective of the other, >Fódlan was better for it. As they\nworked tirelessly to create a better future, they were soon\nbound together by marriage as well. Their children,\nborn to those who had torn down the old social hierarchy,\nwere encouraged to choose their own paths.

it's not just edelgard lmao the fucking madman impregnates dorothea and mercedes too. if you notice the pattern they're byleth's dyke pandering romances. male byleth got cucked cause the japs wrote a generic ending to satisfy the dykes hahaha

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I’m getting to to the point where I have almost everyone from black eagles. I like to imagine Edelgard sitting there in the beagles room alone while Hubert assures her it’s not her fault everyone ditched her.

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Anyone else really like seeing the DaS-style bloodstains on the maps? Started Sothis' paralogue last night and turn 1 got a massive EXP boost to Byleth because apparently someone just let him die in his starting spot. It's funny figuring out what stupid shit people did to get units killed.

>If Dimitri was a girl
Best female lord to have ever been conceived in Fire Emblem. Same with Claude

>art was actually commissioned by the VA for Claude
what a lad

Yes, it's real. ISIS is so incompetent that rather than just write a different ending for male and female they make it so that Byleth and Edelgard just don't have kids. Though to be honest, it's probably just as well since Edelgard is so retarded that any of her spawn would be doomed from the start.

>Hilda make others do her job
>Her shtick doesn't work because Marianne is too clumsy to do the job herself


tfw I never actively went after Catherine but one day I accidently hit recruit on her and she joined right away



>telling her you're a ghost in the tower meeting

Attached: sunglasses tiger.jpg (782x455, 153K)

Killing them is god tier

>Am I so out of touch?
>No, it's Sensei who's in the wrong

That's what happens in church route, most likely
>don't worry m'empress, it's not that you are an unlikable psychopath, not at all

Doesn't denote the fact Ferdinand is actually a good dude who wants to do right for the empire

Enjoy mastrubating

Should I give Felix the Aegis Shield? I don't really know how he has a fuckton of strength right now but I don't know how strength interacts with weapon weight atm, if it does at all. I don't wanna give it to him if it's gonna weigh him down.

>english VAs

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I like this image a lot

Has she never betrayed anyone in her life?

>people called Zephiel retarded
>people called Walmart retarded
>people laughed at Hardin getting cucked so hard that he turned full evil emperor
>people called everything in Fates retarded
But no, you're right, Edelgard being a girl is the only reason people laugh at her for being a no-brain gorilla incapable of thinking anything through.

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Made his slut sister into a dancer so she can twerk on my dick.

Go with blue lions, steal whoever you want (mages mostly).
Behind their plain designs, you have a really solid cast with good interactions because half of them are childhood friends.

They did a good job in this game

Worked for Rome for 500 years, creating a society far superior to the Republic which was constantly at war and riddled with corruption

that happens in Raphael's support with her too, she's going to teach him to make a necklace but just does it herself because he's too retarded

Use it on Dimitri or Sylvain

I don,t believe it does. The only things that do interfere are Heavy armor ability giving a -3 weight, and Fortress knight have a -5 passive

Am I missing something? Wasn't he literally the second least popular character in the game after Lorenz pre-launch?

>completely destroyed itself and ended up for nothing dooming the regions to some of the worst shit in human history
But yeah, it worked fine!

Catherine and Shamir are easy to get, they just need level 15

>get the best end
lmao you can keep your filthy separatists, godcucks and useless nobles

I don't get it, in everyone else's route they learn to curb their worst traits with the help of Blyat and mature as people, but Edelgard learns precisely jack shit and requires the MC standing over her shoulder at all times telling her not to murder her former friends. To the very end, she's convinced herself she is totally and utterly in the right and everyone else are scum.

any good porn out yet?

Claude and Dimitri both sound good in English and in Japanese do I ain't about to complain that my two favourite Three Houses lords get good voices

Yeah I didn't even have support with her

>Republic which was constantly at war and riddled with corruption
you know literally nothing about Rome, do you?

But she has TRAUMAAAAAAS dude.

It's called conviction.

He's not retarded, he's just making a necklace with MANLY things like bear claws and wood pieces he fucking wrung with his hands, while Hilda want him to make a girly necklace with flowers and bobbles in their B. I haven't got the A yet, sinc ei need Raph to get to A with Bernadetta first

>Dimitri sound good in English
Not for long

He is very easy to recruit so it's likely people accidentally recruited him while smashing next

Maybe he is REALLY easy to recruit? I haven,t played Golden Deer so i don't know his requirements

it's called zealotry. Having doubts is healthy because it allows you to adapt your worldview and be flexible instead of a rigid autist that breaks at the slightest disagreement.

>i'm tearing down the old order
>but they wouldn't like it if i married a commoner
>i can't marry you byleth

Conviction of being a remorseless psychopath?

> Imagine making that shit to try and piss off people
At least people who played her route know.

Attached: really now.png (750x750, 354K)

>In other routes, Edelgard's problems get solved by minor characters offscreen
>meanwhile in her route the ONLY WAY is to kill everyone in an attempt to unite the continent
The only way this could possibly be dumber is if she slaughtered her way through other nations in order to put someone she knew was a villain on the throne in order to prove they were a villain.

>her Japanese voice

Yeah way better than places like France that have fallen apart every 50 fucking years or so for centuries!
To imply the Roman Empire wasn't one of the Golden achievements of mankind is a joke

So she's pretty much a warmongering fedora version of Celica?

I think Edelgard is shit but that user is utterly retarded. She's willing to give up the only thing she cares about (the Empire) for Byleth.

Edelgard is broken beyond repair, it's actually kinda neat that the power of friendship can't cure her madness

hmm? Chris Hackney did a good job

At war within itself.
The Roman republic had nigh endless civil war. The Roman empire solved this for a large amount of time

Well, she puts a flat out villain (Dimitri's step mom) in the throne in order to kill the hero of his people and raze an otherwise peaceful country to the ground.
That's our Edelgard.

Because Edelgard is right and simply trying to reform the church and make peace treaties will just lead to conflict.

>she won't fucking marry him
>she won't fucking give him children
>she will with ferdinand
fuck you faggot

Hey cuckrage user, what is your opinion of these two characters from FFXIV Shadowbringers?

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fucking retarded Romeaboo. The Empire was basically stuck in a perpetual civil war for a century until Diocletian showed up because it turns out militaristic authoritarian regimes don't work out too well without a proper strong Emperor to keep the power-hungry rogue elements in check. Even if Edelgard could do that, her successors would inevitably fuck up, and the crests would be back in the hands of brutal warlords.

And instead you just kill everyone?
That's supposed to be a right answer?

I played the game and completed the route user. You could say whatever, it doesn't matter. Try this on people who did not.
I wish we could have changed her ways a bit but it's very good to have someone who you just either go along with or kill.

She thinks tactically
A bastard child would dirty her name and the authority of her lineage.

No Dimitri's stepmom died ages ago but Cornelia the complete bitch encites rebellions all across Faerghus so Edelgard has it easier when conquering it. Despite that, Dimitri still halts her path.

i cucked Yshtola by fucking Runar in front of her


>encites rebellions all across Faerghus so Edelgard has it easier when conquering it
I'm pretty sure it's a full on coup with her as the new leader of the country thanks to Edelgard.

Everyone that would eventually lead to war? Yes
As long as she teaches her children / successors the right path it would inevitably lead to a much longer lasting peace than reformation and pitiful peace treaties ever would

>What is the Crisis of the Third Century
>What is the Tetrarchy
>What is the Year of the Four Emperors
>What is the East-West Split
Roman Republic on the other hand was very cohesive until the senators started seriously fucking up and people like Sulla seized power

he brings back the girly materials in the B support, and the flowers have wilted because he went all the way back to Leicester to get them, and Hilda's like "fine, I'll make it myself because it'll take too long otherwise"

facts are facts you fucking retards if she doesn't give a shit about anything besides merit why the fuck wouldn't she marry a commoner lmao you fucking retarded cunts
>i played the route you're lying
you're the liar it doesn't change the facts you stupid lying bitch she won't marry byleth she won't have his kids but she will with ferdinand pull up your shit justifications you dumb cunts nothing will change that

>Everyone that would eventually lead to war? Yes
So you just kill the shit out of Edelgard and the empire and literally solve the problem? Good to know.
They are the only ones going to war after all and her shit country is the one doing crest experiments!

>As long as she teaches her children / successors the right path it would inevitably lead to a much longer lasting peace than reformation and pitiful peace treaties ever would
sounds good in theory, if it worked we'd all still live under absolute monarchies

War now or war later.
That's basically the choice here.
Better it be now and everything is united than just wait for several conflicts to brew over and over then explode in an even worse war.

She actually half-asses it, since humans are left alive at the end of her route. Imagine being not only a worse villain than Zephiel (who himself is an infinitely worse version of Medeus), but also dumber and not even as strong in her convictions.

Attached: madness.png (962x642, 99K)

fucking lying faggot fucking coping retard lmao dispute the facts you cunt

Same thing

Keep using those crests, good goyim. See we fixed the crest sickness and uhh reformed the church, don't worry goyim nothing bad will happen again with these crests, they're perfect! Now go back to giving us your shekels for Rh*a

You fuckers kept saying Armors are useless but Hilda has saved my ass so many times by being able to inflict Seal Speed without being at risk of dying to monsters.

Nah he is best boy. Also there are tons of girls in the golden deer. Or should I say the golden D! Aha amirite? Or amirite?

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>War now or war later.
>I'm going to start a continental war to save the world from war.
Dimitri and Claude agreed with her that the church had too much power for fuck's sake.

recruit some, have them kill the ones they left behind.

it's almost like she's a hypocrite

But Edelgard's route implies wars later too, because trying to force people who hate you and your country guts to try and comply to your rule is a basic recipe for disaster.
Her country won't go like 50 years without a civil war, realistically.

Every system collapses eventually. The US is basically one of the longest lasting republics out there without major systematic reform or restructuring to a totally new system, and just look at the divide now, it's right on the bring of full on civil war or tyranny of the majority

Edelgard is what Roy would be if he swapped places with Zephiel (basically Rudolf but shit)

When do the ICBMs show up?

Playing Lions. Pleasantly surprised that my archer (Ash) seems to actually be useful in this game thanks to Curved Shot Close Counter and Bow Range +1, and the way that paired up attacks work in this game

Instead use our crests 2.0 we have total control over and it's totally not going to fuck us over in the future, at all. Now go back to to submitting to your gorilla empress.

Shit wrong pic aha guess I belong in the golden deer.

You don't need to use the class/skill to use their radical ability. Just teach Ignatz/Hilda a couple weeks on their talent and proceed to snipe people into absolute 0 STR

>systematic reform
yes user, reform. Instead of reform, Edelgard's solution would be to burn the entire US to the fucking ground and install a one-party dictatorship with her and her sycophants in charge
The French Revolution was awful for literally everyone until Napoleon came around and mediated a compromise that kept some church influence, some noble influence and increased rights for the plebs.

Is this worth a switch for? This and Mario are pretty much the only things I'm interested in for the switch. Otherwise I don't care if I have to wait on a emulator.

>Dragging timeskip!Dimitri away from his brooding spot where he sulks away from the army camp!
>Silencing his self-loathing and sad rants by french kissing him and dominating him with your tongue!
>Shoving him into his tent and onto the floor!
>Using his fluffy cloak as a blanket after you strip his armor off him!
>Calling him cute! Handsome! A good boy! As you kiss and caress his battle hardened, scarred up body!
>Gently pulling off his eyepatch, giving him a chance to refuse if he really wants to!
>Cupping his face and turning him towards you when he instinctively shies away from making eye contact with you!
>Telling him he's just as stunning as ever before leaving feather-light kisses along each of his brows!
>Wiping away his tears as all his anguish, pain and despair bubble up to the surface and he can't hold it in anymore because he's finally feeling loved again!
>Telling him you'll make it all better!
>Taking his hands, placing one on your hip and one on your breast!
>Riding him gently first, coaxing him out of his shell and getting him to stifle moans!
>Pinning his hands above his head as you begin to use his now rock-hard cock to pleasure yourself!
>Wringing out 5 years of pent up sexual desire and frustration!
>Making sure he moans loud enough for the whole camp to hear!
>Leaning down to leave hickies and bite marks on him while you keep slamming down on him!
>Gently laying down atop him when he finally shoots his last load deep inside you!
>Hugging him close and telling him he'll always be your good boy!

Attached: 64915766_2376571905894429_1159289010393947480_n.jpg (640x640, 70K)

yuri niggers are fucking cancer

Marius fucked things up more than Sulla

as soon as you join the Deers

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Look at this faggot trying to rationalize being cucked out of continuing your bloodline.

if there aren't at least five games you're interested in, a console isn't worth it

Reminder that Divine Pulse has been used in in-game cutscenes, meaning that it is a legitimate mechanic you should use and you should not feel guilty for using it.

Reminder Dimitri canonically "goes up to your room" after tea time.
True chad of the game.

Cope, casual

He simultaneously fixed and ruined the military. The organization and logistics of the Marian legions solidified Rome as a superpower but shifting focus form the middle-class citizen soldiers loyal to Rome to eternal poorfag welfare queen legionaries that constantly engaged in civil war for for gibs and land and served whichever general offered the most.

It should be illegal for a nuke to be this cute.

Now I understand why people want romance out of FE.

Attached: intriguing.gif (400x300, 1.64M)

True enough. I emulated botw and got bored of it, and neither xenoblade, pokemon or smash interest me at all. Waiting on the emulator it is then.

my glass cannon wife is the most beautiful girl in the world.

Jesus this made me pop out a boner. You fujoshits really should calm down

If the real you were sent to the abbey
In which house would you best fit in?
Who do you think you could befriend?

Hubert definitely fucked Edelgard over the timeskip.

He's no longer the scrawny white knight nerd in part 1.

He's an absolute handsome CHAD in part 2

Golden Deers
I'd probably spend most of my time jerking it to mommy Rhea though

Edelgard you can tell at a glance she's a psycho and Claude looks untrustworthy.

Black Eagle.
Gotta be the voice of reason in the House.

good fucking luck
at least Dorothea might put out for you

Why the fuck do accessories auto equip if they're in somebody's inventory? I've been keeping the Aegis Shield in Felix's inventory to use if he can't double something, but the game keeps fucking re equipping it at some point.


Mario Odyssey or Mario Maker?
Mario Maker can hold up on its own if you're creative enough and participate with a Maker community
I still wouldn't if I were you. FE is a cool diversion, but no way it's going to carry a console.

Why wouldn't you want to double?

I thought she was just looking for a husband that could take care of her?

To recruit someone does the skill required have to be on Byleth or can it be anyone?

The easiest way is to just B support the ones you want so you can play your class but still snatch people.


I use it when he can't double something, so I can at least mitigate any damage he'll be taking


How do i keep dedue from dying in the timeskip?

Regarding the dancer competition thing, will I have time to recruit someone or is it YOU MUST PICK NOW? I ask because I want to hold off on poaching the person as long as possible so they keep scaling until they’re needed.

either or, but the point still stands

pick Blue Lions

>Top: Probably Felix
Dedue and Dimitri are close seconds
>Deadweight: Sylvain
Not exactly deadweight but he just seems like a jack of all trades, master of none type, which makes it hard for me to confidently pick a solid class for him

you need to pick them before the event marked on your calendar. I can't remember if you have one or two Sundays to do it.


Don't engage dude, the guy is on a autistic crusade. Its like interacting with a wall, the posts just endlessly repeat in content.

When do they join? I b rank mercedes so im waiting right now as the month just started.

Who do you pick usually for that role ?

Best boy.

Attached: best lord.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Ok thanks

I had Petra at B and she asked to join at the end of the month

zoom zoom

Attached: Zoomzoom.gif (652x562, 626K)

damn straight

Attached: 1530575144814.jpg (728x1147, 283K)

Oh you need to ask her.
I also recruited Mercedes at around week 5-6.
I got her to B, invited her, she said yes, now got her to A but it's time locked.
A lot of supports do that.
You can basically do that with everyone you're interested in to bypass their requirements.

Top: Mercedes
Bottom: Ingrid

Thanks, the waiting game begins.

Ok this is Epic.
Will play Blue Lion next play through and do the same. Thanks user.

>best girls route has worst maps

I seriously wanted to side with her but apparently Claude is the only one with good maps

Make Bernie your private onahole, she was raised properly for the exact purpose

Are those cultist mage dudes that retreat in BL's final chapter expanded upon in Edel's route?

Lysithea doesn't have a route, user

He'll hate you for life, it's hilarious just for that.

I did but i beat the game without him, was there a paralouge?

You get skill points from faculty training right?

I got baited the other way. The marketing made it look like punished Dimitri was going to level the fucking continent as revenge and I was pumped.

that and seminars

Haven't purchased the game yet. Which girl should I romance for this feel?

Attached: camilla3.png (400x480, 304K)

keep playing

Rhea, crazier than Camilla too.

Am I missing out if I make Byleth specialize in something other than a sword? I really want to make him a Brawler.

I got rejected when i asked her. So should i wait like the other user said?

>go into Japanese dub
>Into the Black Eagles
>Berndetta speaks and breaks my eardrums
>Turn it back into English and it's perfectly fine
Whoever okay'd that voice should get fired. Ayumi Tsuji is usually good in her roles but that direction with the voice is grating and I hate it

Chris drama REEEEE

Maybe yes.
It's RNG at this point. I asked and she said yes.
Now I'll recruit the mini nuke and hopefully do it before the end of school.

Byleths special class is sword, faith, brawl, and authority, so no.

What's a good house order to play and is it worth playing all of them?


>Boey and Dimitri have the same voice actor
>Both have no sense of taste

Attached: 1564426210103.jpg (1200x1600, 350K)

Shit canned

Attached: 7rsboo338vsz.jpg (1141x479, 26K)

No. Only downside is you’ll have some difficulty getting brigand for optimal punching shit since you need axes but gauntlets are very good and bylethe even learns them faster. The snowflake sword isn’t that good honestly and you can still use it in every class anyways.

Yea Forums hates Griffith, and she's just him but a girl.

Kirbopher (Chris Niosi) got sacked because of NDA

Rhea by a goddamn mile

Lion and Eagles are basically different sides of the same plot so you can cut one. Claude and Church are different, but similar enough that you can get by only playing one.

Oof he's about to get Vic's out of Voice Acting

More importantly, who's the best husbando?

not gonna lie, Monika is pretty hot. She reminds me of that one persona girl

