Friendly reminder that your local library (or library network may have dozens of video games available for you to check...

Friendly reminder that your local library (or library network may have dozens of video games available for you to check out for free!

Support your local libraries user!

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dewey decimal system is artificial difficulty

some shitty console games that I would never play probably. That said, I used the shit out of my library in the early 2000s. Checked out tons of VHS and DVD movies. Libraries are max comfy.

A lot of libraries have Switch/PS4 games user

Idk what country you live in but I haven't seen libraries having games in either Austria or Germany.

My library has xbox one titles. Mostly madden and rejects but some are pretty good.

Must be US or Anglo-Saxon thing. No games in Poland either.

I found sperm in a book I borrowed from my local library. Never again.

Congrats on your double digit IQ.

I'll check her out instead

I remember my school's library having some here in Switzerland.

All the games in my local library are AAA western trash or shovelware.

UScuck here

Pretty sure we have 'em in Finland, or at least used to in my home city, I haven't been to a library in ages

No thanks I dont go to commie indoctrination centers

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My library even has a Touhou Switch game (don't remember which one) and a bunch of Vita games including a Miku one.

Nice, user

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I'd fuck her desu

This is true.

>live in NYC
>mom works for the library over 20 years
>in high school they added Xbox360 and PS3 games
>used to bring me home pretty much all the games early before they got to the shelves
>NYC so faggots started stealing and not returning the games
>eventually get rid of the program altogether

It's always the few that ruins it for the rest. All you had to do was return it and as long as there wasn't a hold on it you could literally check it out right then and there, or just wait a week or two and play something else...but faggots will be faggots I suppose. I remember playing Bioshock 1 for the first time because of the library. I wish they'd bring it back but sadly there's just too many poor sacks of shit and pieces of shit here for us to ever have anything good.

how do they ensure that no one steals the controllers? when I went to the library as a kid there was a ps2 and it was protected in a case and the controllers had a hole punched through them to connect a chain which was also connected to the case so that kids wouldn't tug them out a steal them

That shit sucks. Library near me used to loan out games to anyone in the network but because of out of towners stealing the games they restrict it to only people with an address in that town

They won't let me borrow it, I can only play in the library. :-(

Exactly, dipshits always manage to fucking ruin it. I imagine that majority of the people stealing the shit didn't even have a console and were probably just selling the games for drugs or some shit. I fucking hate human beings.

We have two playable PS4s in the library, which recently replaced two Wiis. I don't think the controllers are secured with anything and I've never heard of them being stolen.

Same shit happens in pawn shops which is why they have so much security

just stop checking out biology books if the pictures scare you

it's all those sexy lizards man, can't help but bust a nut

I love library's. Pro tip. Go in an aisle that lines up with the tables where girls are reading. Stoop down to check out the books on the bottom shelf. Look towards that table. See vagina.

Our library used to have this but all of the games were stolen by niggers. They would steal 2 and get banned then some other nog would do this. A BASED librarian had a melt down while we were smoking a joint behind the building and went full /pol/ about how niggers should be banned from the library because they don't understand the concept of returning shit they borrow.

why would i check out shitty games if i can check out timeless classic books?

What if I'm gay
Just go on Project Gutenberg nibba

then you keep looking at that vagina until all the gay just washes away

>Project Gutenberg
I thought that was just an archive of Police Academy movies

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>Project Redditor
ahem... sweaty...

What are you getting on about user

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>every time I do this i have one or more retards telling me I spelled sweety wrong
>they call me a newfag when i tell them to lurk moar
I wish I could physically shoot this shit website up.