Fallout New Vegas is my favorite game, and I have never once played 1, 2, or 3

Fallout New Vegas is my favorite game, and I have never once played 1, 2, or 3.

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i'm happy for you
just letting you know, i'm smiling for you

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i'll smile when you die

It shows zoomer.

What are the least reddit games of all time?
>hardmode: no anime games

Guess Yea Forums is reddit since you guys fellate Dark Souls and Stalker endlessly


It's okay.
I've played all Fallout games, including Tactics, and NV is still my favourite along with F2. And there's nothing Bethniggers can do about it.

not even telling facts it seems

you get to meet Marcus and the NCR in Fallout 2 which is pretty cool, you should consider playing them

Maybe it's just me, but i got the game on pc when it first came out.
>Loved it
But i got to a certain mission for Caesars legion and the game decided to go into an infinite loading screen of the roulette wheel
tried relaoding, fucking with game files, looking for fixes. Figured my save was fucked, tried starting over and happened again.
>Gave up on game for awhile
>Find it at discount store for PS3 for $5
Surely the console edition won't have the same bug as pc did.
After several hours pf playing
>Roulette wheel of death

start a new game and load the save from there, there's also a mod that makes the game only use manual saves, thus fixing it.
Just as a precaution you should never use the "continue" option

>Just fix it with mods bro

Sure i could buy or pirate it again on pc and get mods. But my ps3 copy is just worthless because of this??
>Can't even blame this on Todd Howard



they havent actually played it so fuck them

>that level of denial

Lonesome Road is my favorite DLC! Ulysses is my bear AND bull!

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redditors actually woke up seething today didn't? 3 threads so far

what stupid mentality possesses you not to check out the other games in the series that your "favorite game" is in. Fag.

Well Lonesome Road is the only actually good DLC, so duh.
>Lonesome Road
>Honest Hearts
>Sierra Madre
>Old World Blues

People do this all the time. My brother's favorite game is one of the Personas, but he hasn't even played the first two.

You have the worst taste.

Everybody who is not an absolute fucknut knows that there is a huge overlap in the userbase.

NV's DLCs are all pretty shitty and I want to gtfo of them and go back to New Vegas at a certain point. At least you can opt out of Lonesome Road at any time.

Fallout 1 will always be the best by miles, and I like everything up to NV

Fallout 1 has nocontent

I can forgive Lonesome Road at the top, but placing HH over DM is just revealing how much of a casual scrub you are.


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DM > OWB > LR > HH
You can try to debate me, but deep down you know I am right.

I don't care what you fags say. The DLCs just pale in comparison to the base game, but they're more disappointing than anything. I'm not saying they're bad, I'm just saying that base game is a 9.5 whereas the DLCs rank in together at about a 7.

I unironically like Lonesome Road. Butchering all those marked men is fun, and Ulysses actually feels like somewhat of an equal to the Courier, despite being autistic.

What it has is 10/10 though, and it's still big enough to get immersed in for a long time. Maybe I'm just burned out on massive shallow sandboxes these days

This is bait retards
The PS3 version is an outsourced port dumpster fire. Why didn't you do 2 seconds of research before wasting $5 and a few hours of your time?

The funny thing is reddit used to defend to the death fallout 3 and throw shit at new vegas, how times changes, specially when we have immigrants from that shithole.

>Just did a 40 hour playthrough with no mods
I still prefer mods, since most are just quality of life elements, but why do so many faggots say that this is unplayable without mods? It's the same game.
Regardless, I'm not gonna touch this again for at LEAST 5 years. I've overplayed it in the two years I've owned it, and I don't wanna start disliking it just from overexposure.

Because it is $5, i pay more than that on a six pack of beer.
Also i figured the console edition would've been patched by now.

I hope you never spread your high time preference genes.

What are some other games where I can wear cool armor like that in?

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Got a achievement run fucked because House didn't gave me the Platinum Chip back and had to add it to the inventory via console to progress further. Thanks I guess.

Just save immediately, quit, and reload. Using the console only bars you from achievement for that play session, not the entire save file.

>being this leddit
he was mocking you you fucking autist

nice cope, telling people to fix everything with mods

>reddit copies Yea Forums again
Colour me surprised.

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