Queen of Yea Forums

Queen of Yea Forums

Attached: Screenshot_20190729-140625~2.png (1080x1485, 604K)

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I love her so much it hurts bros...

Attached: 1556407398945.jpg (530x520, 93K)

>female kojima

Ohnonononono she's starting to speak like Kojima

Attached: Screenshot_20190729-141126.png (1670x2048, 2.4M)

Sounds pretty based

I want to lewd Ikumi!!

Attached: 1545326477084.png (500x500, 206K)

Attached: 1560138389351.jpg (763x782, 138K)

stop infantilizing asian women you race fetishists.

Attached: 1562290306822.png (960x1378, 626K)

kojima is based and so is she


>t. straight white male and nothing you can do about it

Attached: 1543473059062.jpg (2048x1025, 123K)

Is there more to this pic? Asking for a friend with the same name as me.

confirmed to be absolutely based

I want to know more about her game, I feel like it was announced early as an excuse to get her on stage to distract people from the fallout 76 damage control.

Go back where exactly?

Chuj w dupe klerom
Chuj w dupe PiS


>actually gives a shit about vidya
>passionate about what she does
>has good taste in vidya to boot
Why is she so perfect


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Looks like that 3DS swapnote girl

Unironically the first time i've seen a girl saying that Stalker is one of her favorite games


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