Having fun with a game

>having fun with a game
>see Yea Forums shitting on it and calling it garbage
>feel awful and uninstall it out of shame
why am i like this

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Other urls found in this thread:


You're a gutless, spineless coward who only places value on things based on external factors as opposed to internal ones. Why are you even alive?

you must be a lonely sensitive faggot tr*nny judging by that pic

>having fun with a game
>see Yea Forums shitting on it and calling it garbage
>say I liked it and get all my (You)s
>continue having fun with game

Jesus Christ what a pathetic faggot.

Why not oppose the people shitting on the game by stating why you think it's good?

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it's natural to feel bad when people shit all over something you liked

What game?

nice excuse to make up for the fact youre a disgrace to your great grandfather

trying to argue against 10 anons is pointless and you'd just get called a shill anyway
dark souls 2

>not interested in a game
>Yea Forums says the game is bad for some dumb reason
>play it and like it
Why am I so badass?

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Yea Forums isn't one person, tell people what you enjoyed about it and you'll see you're not alone

uninstalling a game you enjoy because someone told you it's bad isn't "natural"

stand up for yourself retard

>caring what this shithole of one-upsmanship in contrarianism and forced memes, done to desperately try to validate their innability to actually say anything of value and project their insecurities, thinks of something you enjoyed

what game was it

imagine being a contrarian tranny
I bet you're the one making all those DS2 threads

Nigger who cares? Just get it off your chest, this place is meant for discussion of video games after all.

No it isn't. At worst you should feel indignant and want to refute them. If someone talks shit about your family do you just feel bad about it or do you tell them to shut the fuck up? That's not even the nature response but it's better than just getting upset.
The correct response is pity. Pity the man who couldn't find the joy you could. Pity the man who is angry and must take that anger out on something you love. Let that pity elevate your pleasure.

But Yea Forums are the contrarians

Yea Forums so contrarian central, you mongaloid. Games like DS2 are simply the exception to the rule.

>Having fun with a game
>Remember Yea Forums making fun of it and calling it bad
>Laugh at their salt and continue playing the fun game
Why aren't you like this?

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Dude it's just Dark souls 2.
A lot more people probably enjoyed it then actually hated it.

How does it feel to get cucked from your enjoyment of things by some faceless underaged anons who just parrot each others opinions to fit in?

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but i am. for every user that likes it there are 20 that hate it and shit on it
finding joy in what's considered garbage isn't a virtue
if everyone shits on something and call it garbage then it is garbage. and if you enjoy garbage you're garbage too. that is my line of reasoning at least.

stop being lead by other people's opinions man. If you genuinely enjoy something do it regardless of how other people think. also, dark souls 2 is better than dark souls 3

Because this is your closest exposure to having likeminded peers. You're probably a shut-in, or an introvert, and you have yet to develop your own personality and preferences. You take the elitism here as something sincere, when it isn't. The majority of people here don't know much at all about good game design, and even then it doesn't matter because your own taste trumps that of somebody else when it comes to what you should enjoy.
Yea Forums is not what it was 6-8 years ago. Shit, it's not even close to what itt was 4 years ago with the opinions here. I'm not saying it was ever an example of great taste, but it's just fucking abysmal now. Just play what you enjoy and avoid reading shit about it from here until you're done.

Are you a sheep?
You sound like a blizzard fanboy.

oooh look mr adult over there judging us, how old are you 16? ur still a kid

I hope this a joke, because that's the most spineless shit I've ever read.

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>if everyone shits on something and call it garbage then it is garbage

Imagine actually living your life like this.

I love playing fallout 76 and almost everyone on Yea Forums who shit talks it has no idea what they're even talking about, fuck Yea Forums nobody here even plays videogames anymore, they just whine about them and beat off to gay porn.

Just deal with it.
I was called a troll on Yea Forums when I stated that Dune prequels were better then the original book. Didnt change my view, same with matrix reloaded being better then the first movie.

>if everyone shits on something and call it garbage then it is garbage

Your reasoning is garbage
Everyone in this thread is calling you garbage for not enjoying your game because others told you not to

Now you have to stop doing that because we told you it's garbage behavior


that's how it works. only egoists who thinks their opinion matters more than the opinions of hundreds of thousands of people disagree with this.

>egoists who thinks their opinion matters more

you mean successful people?

>Having the mental fortitude not to have your enjoyment soured by what other people think isn't a virtue
You're not only pathetic but you're now trying to shit on people who are quantifiably better at life than you to cope with how pathetic you are. How about you spend some of the energy you waste attention seeking with shitty threads like this and doing Olympic standard mental gymnastics into developing a fucking backbone. Fact: whatever you enjoy there will be a sizeable number of people who think it's garbage and are willing to be vocal on the subject. If you don't want to enjoy what people consider garbage then enjoy nothing and just end your life right here and now, it'll be better than what lies ahead.

I suppose that makes sense for dumb people but not for intellectuals like yours truly who know better.

>thread unironically arguing over whether you're allowed to like something that you like
>because some circlejerking losers said so of all reasons

i would if i could. seeing people shit on a game subconsciously makes me enjoy it less at the very least.
big difference between 1% of people considering something garbage and 99% of people considering something garbage. the majority opinion decides what's good and what's not.

The majority of this thread thinks you're worthless so why are you still alive? Fucking egotistical piece of shit. You better believe in God and like Taylor Swift too.


>if everyone shits on something and call it garbage then it is garbage. and if you enjoy garbage you're garbage too
Well that's a very destructive mentality to have.

this thread is 21 people. that's not the majority of anything
doesn't mean it's wrong. i'd take a destructive truth over a constructive lie any day of the week.

>The majority is always right
You are the dumbest person alive.

i don't like it either, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the game let alone feeling shame. that's just weird man

>enjoy game
>majority of literal whos and neets on Yea Forums hate it
>continue enjoying game
having good taste is a burden that i must carry, but i do it alone

The only time Yea Forums ever caused me to stop enjoying something is when 10 years ago i was in a thread about TV shows, and i mentioned that i watched a lot of Xena: Warrior Princess.
Someone told me something along the lines of
>that show is gay as shit and you're a faggot for watching it
And from that day i never watched it again.
I have no clue why that specific comment affected me so much, in all these years.

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on subjective matters, yes.

Why not focus on pursuing a constructive truth?

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You fucking brainlet. A majority is simply the largest number of consenting voices within any group. A fucking group of three people can have a majority. There are substantially more people in this thread who think you should die than think you should live. That is the definition of a majority and by your own retarded views that makes them right by default so get to ropecraft.

it's a consensus not a truth

I unironically love games Yea Forums shit over all year long

The majority think that the Jenners are more important than any scientific organisation on the planet. Are they right?

>Have fun with a game
>See Yea Forums shitting on it
>Shrug and continue playing the game

>Have fun with a game
>Anons on Yea Forums like it and have threads about it
>Join in the discussion about the game

It's not hard.

i know. that doesn't make it a relevant majority. if anything is a majority i could just consider myself to be the majority in my room and thus my opinion would be the only one that matters but that's not how that works.

based niggerhand poster

>having fun with a game
>see Yea Forums shitting on it and calling it garbage
>ignore any discussion related to it and keep playing

You absolute brainlet. Opinions do not have a right/wrong unless they try to contest objective factors with their subjective views. Something can be designed poorly OBJECTIVELY, but this does not mean it can't be enjoyed by others. Those people enjoying it are not wrong for doing so, they just have different tastes and probably lower standards for what entertains them.

yes they are. if your opinion goes against the majority, it's wrong.

So you have the common sense to understand a majority means nothing but as soon as it hits some arbitrary number like people posting on Yea Forums total which is maybe a couple of thousand, suddenly it's an irrefutable truth? I'm tired of eve talking to you, you don't deserve to enjoy games or anything else. Let me know your favorite genres of game so I can shitpost about them and know that I'll be ruining them for some pathetic fuck sat alone reading my threads.

>breaking the one rule

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>having fun with game
>it's multiplayer
>start having less fun once the fact I'm playing a multiplayer game alone kicks in
>playing with randoms is basically being alone in a crowd

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Perhaps Reddit would be more your pace in that case.

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because you let yours thoughts being controlled by weaponized autists

Is this where you double down on your initially genuine stupidity to try and come across as a troll and pretend it was all a ruse? The damage is already done, the majority think you're a complete fucking retard.

So answer my fucking question, do you think the Kardashians are the absolute pinnacle of human endeavor? Because the majority does and if you don't you're objectively wrong. The majority also think video games are a waste of time so why are you playing them in the first place? Fucking uninstall them hypocrite.

I bought $60 worth of cosmetics on Bfv for xbox1

Why does this image make me irrationally angry?

>if everyone shits on something and call it garbage then it is garbage.
does that work vice versa? if everyone likes a game it's a masterpiece? I guess skyrim is the best rpg ever made.

Caving under peer pressure is normal, it's how societies work.

>Stealth DS2 appreciation thread

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For a weak ass bitch maybe

no? that's literally how opinions work. your opinion isn't magically worth more than the opinions of hundreds of thousands of people.
do you have any sources to back that up? otherwise you're just pulling shit out of your ass

You probably thought they were right.. i cave in to popular opinions only when i believe they're right.

Shit it makes me mad but you are absolutely right. Society wouldn't be able to function if everyone could think on his own

Once you realize a majority of people in life are brain dead retards you will start doing the exact opposite.

You're doing the right call; Yea Forums has patrician taste in games so if they're shitting on a game it's pretty deserved.

Which of these does Yea Forums dislike?

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That's why i dont listen to the masses

I ain't too keen on Diablo 3

>he thinks he's any smarter
I got bad news for you buddy.


because you can't form your own opinion on things
how are you still alive?

I pity you, OP. I really do

Talk about double standards.

The majority say video games are all or mostly a waste of time according to the latest opinion polls. So they're objectively a waste of time by your own fucking rules. Are you going to mental gymnastics around this, ignore it or are you going to not be a fucking hypocrite and uninstall your games and leave this video games board like you should do by the will of the majority?

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You are one easy to manipulate sheep. Come to /r9k/ and become a slave to a tranny.

You favorite video game fucking sucks ass and the sequel is much better.

You don't belong here faggot.
If being contrarian and having your favorite game hated , don't boost your love for it try moving to one of those echo chamber like reddit .

I used to be like you OP, but then I realised most people who act like hot shit are still retards.

Don't let the philistines stop you from building your own taste.

OP here.
Disregard everything I said before, I suck cocks.

>video games bad
Good point, general public. You might be onto somethi-
>TV good

When it comes to what you enjoy, it sure fucking is. The only time this isn't true is when you're doing at the expense of others. If 800 of 1000 people dislike a game, a movie, the fillings in a specific sandwich, they aren't any more right than the 200 that disagree. This is the fundementals of opinions. Any of those things may be objectively flawed, which in turn has resulted in those 800 disliking it, but it still doesn't make it WRONG to like it. Opinions do not have a right or wrong when dealing in subjectivity.
You're aware you're showing symptoms of autism by not quite understanding how opinions generally work, right? Are you genuinely autistic?


I think more like OP's issue is that you can't discuss certain video games here that fits Yea Forums's current agenda because it will be shitposted to death. Especially when trying to bring up really niche games and everyone accuses you of being a shill

As someone who loves Bioshock Infinite, you just gotta learn to accept that Yea Forums isn't one entity and we naturally give more credence to negative opinions than positive opinions. Be willing to accept criticism, God knows no game is perfect, but you love what you love so just roll with it.

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Uhm what?
It's the general consensus. You said it: popular opinions are the right ones. If the majority of people say TV is good, then it's good.

Unironically, this is true, though. Peer pressure exists for a reason. Because people are susceptible to it.

did you even read the poll? do you not know what some and most mean?

>As someone who loves Bioshock Infinite
Do you also love eating shit?

>No game is perfect
>Implying Streets of Rage 2 isn't perfect
I'll fucking fight you

that's only your shitty interpretation. and it is wrong to like something the majority dislikes.
how come a lot of games have overwhelmingly positive opinions then?

Do you? It's mental gymnastics then. The majority of those polled thought that at least 51% of all video games were a waste of time. Fucking read the categories and tell me how I'm wrong.

OP that's what /vg/ is for.
Lets say you enjoy a particular mobile game made by chinks.
Considering how much Yea Forums hates chinks and mobile games in general, posting about it here will be fruitless so you're better off seeking that specific community that tolerates it.
If you want to post a video game you first need to learn what Yea Forums hates and don't listen to this guy here/v/ may not be one entity, but shit like general consensus exists. Post a game you like that happens to be made by leftists and let's see how long your thread lasts.

>Someone is shitting on a game
>Their gameplay gripes are literally in any video game ever made "WAHHH THE CHARACTER MODEL PUSHES OTHER MODELS DURING ACTION SEQUENCES" "CANNED ANIMATIONS" "T-THE MODEL CLIPS WHEN YOU DO A SPECIAL MOVE AND PAUSE IT AND MOVE THE CAMERA" "T-t-this out of context dialogue will surely prove this game is shit"
>Tell him these things are in some of the greatest video games ever made and they're more like smudges on a painting than they are shitty line work
That's another thing that irks me, a bunch of wannabe oldfags (Le wrong generation zoomers) will cocksuck the shit out of a 15 year old game and hide behind it's age when any flaws come to light, and immediately slam any new games that have the same fundamental flaws because apparently a game can only be fun and shitty if it's old

No, that is the objective concept of opinions and how they function. This is a universal understanding of everybody over the age of 3, right up until they lose their mind or die. The people thst fail to understand this typically have learning or social difficulties, like autism.
Just hurry up and pull the "i was just pretending guys" comment so we can all get on with other shitposting.

Some people just can't appreciate the game's deep thought-provoking puzzles that you need a sufficiently high IQ to even have a CHANCE at solving.

the categories are MOST games and SOME games. nowhere does it say ALL games.

Stop this, you're destroying your life

>having fun with a game
>see Yea Forums shitting on it and calling it garbage
>realize that most of those "people" are probably weeb
>fee superior
>enjoy the game even more

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a thread on /vg/ dies extremely fast for anything but the most popular games.
source: dude trust me

My personnel rule is to never take what Yea Forums says as truth, I see a game here I'll go check it out myself.
People here are beyond retarded and want to shitpost everything to Oblivion.

Why care?
Nobody here enjoys games anyway.

what game?

>See people shitting on it
>Wasting their time trying to prove people that game is shit.
>Play game

It's that easy.

Yeah the amount of pedantics you see these days ripping on games for the most (relatively) minor shit as astonishing. You can see they are either nostalgiafags with extreme bias, autists who play video games with technical checklists, or zoomers trying hard to larp as video game experts expecting games to spoonfeed them the most highly polished entertainment.

>a thread on /vg/ dies extremely fast for anything but the most popular games.
Doesn't make a difference on Yea Forums. It either hits the page 10 without a reply, get told "fuck off shill", "this shit looks soulless", or simply is out bumped by a Smash roster prediction thread.

For this very reason, it's simply better to go with the flow and "like" whatever mainstream thing Yea Forums is liking right now if you want to have any discussion at all, because otherwise you're just pointlessly screaming at the crowd.

>Lego city
Why is that there?

Me when a Hollow Knight thread pops up these days

Your fault for shitting on Bloodstained.

what game

This is how I know you can't fucking read. Here's a breakdown since you're clearly fucking retarded:
True for most = 51% to 100%
True for some but not others = unquantifiable but given the other categories we can determine it to be 50%
So that leaves us with a value of 50 to 100% of games being marked as a waste of time by 59% of people. You can even just forego the abstainers and mark the some but not all as "unsure" votes and discount them and you still end up with the majority thinking most games are a waste of time.
It's even more fucking damning because on the other side you can only say they think 49 to 0% of games are a waste of time so many of those could feasibly think a lot of games are a waste of time. Do you want to concede yet?

I'll list a few.
The canned animations/enemy being moved by player action pertains to TW3.
I remember RE2make getting slammed for a while for "Muh enemy variation" even though the way zombies were handled makes the way in which you handle them insanely versatile with being able to delimb them and random headshot crits to balance risk/reward, despite none of that being in the original game and the original game just being "Use handgun on zombies/dogs" "Use shotgun/nade launcher on lickers/boss" and 0 variance outside of that unless you wanted to aim up and headshot point blank with the shotgun on regular zombies.
People also have a tendency to post webms of some glitch in the game and proclaim the entire game plays this way, and just that no one piped up about enemies getting stuck on terrain or a boss going still during a boss fight and eating damage til he died

Do you inhale male or female penises? Very important distinction.

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Low t

post yfw you're not as pathetic as OP

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>wake up one bright sunny day
>make some eggs for breakfast
>decide to take a walk outside
>come across some vegans protesting how eggs are inhumane
>vomit out your entire breakfast out of shame
I mean really come on now

Not everyone can make their onw decisions in life OP.
You are part of the unintelligent mass.

All kinds I'm not cockcist

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again, nowhere does it say ALL games are a waste of time.

Please uninstall yourlife.exe, we all hate that too.

>I remember RE2make getting slammed
Doesn't matter. It was obvious the people shitting on RE2 were a minority. Yea Forums praised RE2R to the high heavens on release.
Try talking about a game that Yea Forums actually hates.

funny you mention that. i became a vegan because i got too tired of my sisters shitting on me and calling a murderer.

Was still hilarious how the proclaimed the game would flop and switching narratives between how it needed to either be exactly like RE2 or it needed to be RE4 and both narratives got cockstomped when the sales and polls released

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Why does it have to? If more games are a waste of time than aren't then the entire hobby is condemned by the majority and you shouldn't be doing it. Why are you claiming to know better than the majority? Fuck off egoist.

>everyone is so accustomed to being angry and vitriolic that the vast majority of Yea Forums is just spouting abrasive opinions they don't actually have while not actually wanting others to take those opinions seriously, just to keep up the status quo of being bitter and frustrated all the time because no one feels comfortable being happy or excited anymore

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Big difference. Unless you identify with vegans, you don't care about their opinions.
With Yea Forums, it's supposed to be because you value and identify with the kind of people in this board. I mean why else would you waste your time here?

>Not only a pussy who can't enjoy games but a vegan who can't enjoy food

I can only hope that you're lying on a Mongolian cave painting online website.

most doesn't mean entire. is english not your first language?

If you are a girl I can help ya out.

Not even fond of /pol/ buzzwords and antics, but god damn, this does sound like the work of (((them))). Producing a moderate amount of dopamine and having healthy levels of serotonin will soon be a crime.

>MHW before release
>MHW during release
>MHW iceborne

Don't you know user being excited about something means the companies have jewed you!
Here's my "Get excited and consume product" picture so you know that if ANYTHING comes out that you may like that you better not say anything good about it or you're just a corporate shill.
Jealous poorfags are the worst, the extreme amount of asshurt they produce just poisons the site and honestly I'm tired of reading posts from people that can't afford the hobby and make it everyone's business to know it's not their fault.
Pirate if you want, discuss all you want, but if the goal of your post is to try to influences the flow of money in the industry you are JUST AS BAD AS ANY SHILL YOU FUCKING FAGGOT KILL YOURSELF

I don't know but I guess I have to thank Yea Forums for thinking of a game's negatives by instinct and not letting the positives cloud my judgment. I don't want to sound biased just because I might have "fun".

The only way I can relate is if I show music to friends IRL and they are uninterested or make criticism, I can’t listen to it again without thinking about that moment and ruins it for me.

>a game that Yea Forums actually hates.
Like what?

Dark Souls 2, Nioh, The Last of Us, Mass Effect 3, Metal Gear Solid V

It clearly isn't yours. Why are you so vehemently arguing this point when it's long lost? Are you so fucking dense you need something to be 100% bad before you write it off? If a film is only 51% shit is it still a good enough film for you to watch? If you played a game that was shit for the MOST of the playtime would you say it's not a shit game because it wasn't shit for literally 100% of the time you played it? I know this black and white all or nothing thinking is an autistic trait but even then that wouldn't explain you not grasping this simple concept, and then to turn around and call someone EsL when your grammar and punctuation is non-existent? It's incredible how confident you are dying alone on this hill for someone trying to garner sympathy as the poor downtrodden user who is having his enjoyment ruined by mean old Yea Forums. You're either knowingly disingenuous or you're genuinely brain damaged.

>Metal Gear Solid V
I will defend that game on the merit that it was still a really good fucking game and just because it didn't give meat to the story doesn't mean shit.
It was a fucking prequel and people were buttmad it didn't have their fanservicey ass ideas where Big Boss assembles FoxHound with Micheal Bay tier explosions in every mission, mechanically the game is fucking solid and ANYBODY with the balls to complain it "drug on" is a fucking brainlet, you had infinite fucking options, USE THEM

Witcher 3
Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls PVP in General
The mere mention of the word roguelite

Need I go on?

Nah, MGSV still has some place in this board due to memes while Nioh gets some decent threads from time to time as most people actually acknowledge its gameplay faults.

The rest sure are impossible though, especially if its a western game.

we're not talking about a single thing here but a collection of things. you can watch only the good movies but you can't only watch the good parts of a movie. and again nowhere does it say the majority of people think ALL games are trash. no, most doesn't mean all. no, you don't have to play the ones that are considered

Yea Forums loves all of those except Skyrim

Pokemon Sword and Shield

Everything Yea Forums likes has a huge fanbase
Everything Yea Forums dislikes has a prominent group of haters
Yea Forums is normalfag central, contrarians are extremely rare. Contrarians who actually believe what they say and aren't just baiting for (You)s are almost extinct

Your judgement might not be clouded by "fun" but it sure as hell seems to be clouded by pessimism.

>having fun with a game
>see Yea Forums shitting on it and calling it garbage
>go to corner and enjoy my game

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MGSV is justified hate. Games a mess and is only saved by the meme gameplay it can produce. Sure I got my 60 dollars out of it and continue to play it, but I would never fucking recommended somebody buy above 10 bucks. Wasted potential all over it
t.current FOB player since 2015

Just play it and make a "games Yea Forums told you was bad but was actually good" thread later.

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Based and Venompilled. TPP was a good game and the real post-game fun was in FOBs but most of the players never gave it a fair shot because mgs players are sp-babbies at heart.


was charlie a boy or a girl


>real post-game fun was in FOBs
I fucking loved it until I didn't
>Invade FOB
>Set C4 in secluded spots and advance
>Player spawns in when I'm on second strut, plated like 3 on the first
>Blow the C4 every 30 seconds to fuck with the guy and alert his dudes on the first strut
>Waltz into the control room whilst he's investigating where I was 4 minutes ago
And then
>Someone invading
>Guy has an automatic rocketlauncher shaped like an AR
>Kills everybody and just farms the shit out of me
I fucking hate the PC community for this shit, so many spoiled babies that feel the need to cheat when someone is better than them, and then the faggot stopped playing a day after he raided me so I ransacked his FOB and took everything

Thanks for a fucking meme answer right out of the redditor vocabulary instead of just answering the question normally like an adult.

Shit, what was this from?

You seem quite irritable. Is everything okay user?

Charlie and Lola

>ummm who hurt you sweaty?
>duurrrrrr you must be fun at parties
>ohhhh pffthpphh my sweet summer child
Reddit right down to a t. Including your shit response.

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calm down retard

Why did you think your self portrait was relevant

You know, you don't need to hide behind a layer of irony all the time. You can let out your secrets here.

>be reading Yea Forums
>see this thread
>feel great that my shitposting is having an impact

I had to check what board I was on and then realized I was on nu-redd- sorry I mean Yea Forums.

Fucking autistic fucks get the fuck off my fucking board fucking hell I'm sick of you faggots infesting my threads

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It's alright man let it out. I sincerely hope you find clarity and grow as an individual.

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Do you always draw the facial expression you make while typing?

Oh no! Reaction images! The reddit brigade have got me!!!

go back to r/politics or whereever you tranny fucks infest like the zerg from stargraph 2 fucking retards

edit: lol as I was typiong responded no faggot im not even mad but clearly you're butthurt enough like a RETARD to give me replies you stupid mornic fatshit

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DS3 was just a rehash of the original.
DS PVP is autism fueled
Roguelite vs Roguelike derail any thread because reasons

just so you faggots know i have the mountain song from rdr2 playing youtube.com/watch?v=DA4VNTdRjNM this one for the link and im ready to fucking argue with you cucks all night

fucking reddit fucks

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>stargraph 2
Fuck off my board newfag zoomer. Try lurking for a month before posting again.

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>Like Game OST
>Go Youtube Comment Section to see what people think about it
>That one comment chain of people writing entire thesis essays and their philosophical takes on certain subjects using every once of the english dictionary to expliently describe their arguments for months on end.

This shit fascinates me to no end.

How am I a newfag retard I've been here since 2013 fucking normie in case you cant count thats 6 years?

do you call your retard carer new even though they've been helping u with ur disability for 10 years? retard

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my opinion matters to me internally more than the opinion of the rest of the god damn world, I'm enjoying my life, you're not, so fuck you.

>letting a bunch of troglodytes who never actually play games dictate what you should or shouldn't play


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I just want to say that I pity OP immensely and I'm afraid he will never be happy.

Stop caring what other people think, user. What you like is what you like.

You need to improve your shitposting skills, user. It's just too obvious. 4/10.

You are weak. You have no spine. Go to ocean and be jellyfish.

>Having fun with a game
>Yea Forums says it's shit
>Have even more fun
>Yea Forums now gets triggered by that game
>Game enters my top 5 games of all time list

Breath of the Wild is the game of the generation

Exactly as I said, newfag. Back to gaia or whatever hole you crawled out of, you weren't wanted then and you aren't wa ted now.

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This is the kind of schizo insanity I still visit this shithole for

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>anime poster is a complete fucking retard who can't stand up for himself anonymously
Color me suprised

lmao u fell for my troll bro i was actually joking this whole time about the reddit thing and being from 2013 im actually from 2006

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If I listened to Yea Forums I would’ve never played destiny 2 but it’s easily my favourite game now

just to add to this post trolling actually came from Yea Forums so thats how i know what it is

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To be fair D2 has a fucked up history last year and it took Bungie cutting ties off with Activision to finally fix the game not to mention their engine being so shit they could not patch or fix the game fast enough. Let's not even mention the cash shop items they had. But it's a good game now

>shit game becomes good
I live this stuff desu

What did they actually do to fix it?